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Dave: Welcome to InfoKing. I'm Dave. Looks like you've 1) inherited Bob's 2) cubicle.


Zina: I'm Zina Romero. Sales. Who was Bob?


Dave: Bob was a totally 3) studly 4) programmer.


Zina: Studly?


Dave: You know. Big brain.


Zina: His stuff is still 5) tacked up on the walls. Did he leave in a hurry?


Dave: The pressure got to him. Plus he wanted to get paid.

A: Sitting in a cubicle all day.


B: What do you hate most about working in an office?


【get to 影响,左右】

get to在对话中是指“影响,左右”,多半是指负面的情况

A:The pressure has been really getting to me lately.


B:Maybe you should take a vacation.


get to的另一个常见用法是“抵达”,这个短语在问路时很好用,相信大家也都不陌生:A:How can I get to the train station?


B:It's around the corner and to the left.


get to还有一个常见用法,意思是“得以,才能够”:

A:How did you get to be a politician?


B:Many years of hard work.


1) inherit (v.) 继承

2) cubicle (n.) (办公室)隔间

3) studly 健壮帅气的,“猛男”是stud。

4) programmer (n.) 程序设计师

5) tack (v.) (用大头针)钉上

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 2:此话怎讲?

SCENE①B 加州的资讯王达康办公室

Zina: What do you mean? If he was a good programmer, he should have been 1) raking it in.


Dave: The boss wanted to pay Bob with 2) stock options. But Bob didn't want to play that game again.


Zina: Again?


Dave: At his last 3) start-up, Bob worked for stock and no salary. They 4) folded and he made 5) zip.


Zina: Ouch.


Dave: Now he only works 6) freelance. Hundred 7) bucks an hour.


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-01/120128.html

A: Their business folded last week.


B: No, I can't believe it! That was my favorite bookshop.


【What do you mean?这话怎讲?】

这是谈话时较随便的讲法,照说应该是What do you mean by that? 另一个类似句型是What does the word mean?"这个字作何解释?"mean 在这两个句型的“意思、意表”解。

mean 也作“打算”解,须要注意的是后面只能接不定词,不可接-ing式,例如:

Paul means to go to Taipei next week.


A: What do you mean by saying"Judy is leaving the country."?


B: Well, she means to accept a job offer in Singapore.


1) rake in 发财,大捞一笔

2) stock option 股票选择权,认股权

3) start-up (n.) 开始(创业,工作,动工等)

4) fold (v.) 关店,倒闭

5) zip (n.) 零,乌有

6) freelance (a.) 无约、自由工作的

7) buck美元

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 3:你是怎么算薪水的?


Zina: How do you get paid? 1) If you don't mind my asking.


Dave: Not cash. But if our 2) launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time.


Zina: And in the meantime, how do you pay the rent?



Zina: What? In your cubicle?


Dave: Right here. Me and my PC. Home sweet home.


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-01/120129.html

A: We're launched a new website.


B: That's great. What's the address?


【big time 超级,非常】

big time是在口语中常常可以听到的短语,用来强调句中程度的高,意即“超级,非常”,可以当做副词用:

A:I need to go to the bathroom, big time!


B:There's a toilet over there. Why don't you go?



A:She is a big-time movie producer!


B:Really? Why haven't I heard of her before then?


1) If you don't mind my asking. 若你不介意我问起的话。这是客气的询问句。要注意的是,mind 的后面要接动名词;而若提到是谁问的,则要用所有格。

2) launch (n., v.) 事业登场,投入市场

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-01/120129_2.html

Lesson 4:我会让你发财?

SCENE②A 隔周,吉娜到老板的隔间去看他


Zina: Hi, boss. You wanted to see me?


Vince: Zina. Look, I know when I 1) hired you, I told you I'd pay you a salary. But I just can't.


Zina: Excuse me? I hope I didn't just hear what I think I just heard.


Vince: I know it's 2) awkward, but you're going to be thanking me later. I'm going to make you rich.


Zina: You're going to make me rich by not paying me?


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-01/120130.html

A: How many people did the company hire this year?


B: Over two hundred.




A:Look, I'll give you ten dollars if you sweep the room for me.


B:Sounds reasonable.


1) hire (v.) 雇用

2) awkward (a.) 令人尴尬的的,感到尴尬的

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-01/120130_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 5:我要提供你认股权

SCENE②B 隔周,吉娜到老板的隔间去看他


Vince: I want to 1) offer you more InfoKing stock options.


Zina: When you hired me, you knew you were going to be low on cash, didn't you?


Vince: Let me explain. To get more cash, I'll have to borrow more from Vikam, the 2) venture 3) capitalists.


Zina: I know how it works. You don't want to give away any more of your future 4) profits than you have to. 吉娜:我知道这种运作方式。除非万不得已,你不会想把更多未来的利润拱手让人。

Vince: Exactly. Instead of 5) increasing their 6) position, I want to increase yours.


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-01/120131.html

A: I'm going to offer you a position in our sales department.


B: Thank you.


【I know how it works. 我知道规矩。】


A:I am afraid we are going to have to fire you.


B:It's OK, I know how it works. You just don't like me.


【give away 送掉】

give away 这个短语看起来很简单,不过有许多常用的意思,对话中所用到的give away 是指“赠送”。

A: Why did you give your bicycle away?


B: It's too old. I want to get a new one anyway.


1) offer (v.) 提供

2) venture (n.) 具冒险性的事业

3) capitalist (n.) 出资者,金主,capital 是“资金”。

4) profit (n.) 利润

5) increase (v.) 增加

6) position (n.) 地位,此指“股权”。

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 6:我可不便宜?

SCENE②C 隔周,吉娜到老板的隔间去看他


Zina: I'm not cheap.


Vince: I'm prepared to increase your 1) stake to three percent.


Zina: I've sold more 2) subscriptions to InfoKing in one week than you 3) expected me to sell in a month. 吉娜:我一星期内所卖出资讯王的订阅数,就比你期望的月业绩要高了。

Vince: I know you're good, Zina. You know how much three percent could be 4) worth, don't you?


Zina: Vince, I'm better than good. I'm the best. I want four percent.


Vince: Three-and-a-half.


Zina: Done.


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120241.html

A: I expect you to follow all the rules.


B: Yes, ma'am!


【subscription to 订阅

subscription 或其动词subscribe 后面都要用介系词to才等于中文的订阅,例如:

I renew my subscription to Time Express.


A:Many of my friends subscribe to the evening newspaper.




A:Only because they want the free Teddy Bear.


1) stake (n.) 股份

2) subscription (n.) 订阅

3) expect (v.) 期待

4) worth (a.) 值得的

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120241_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 7:我开了一整晚夜车?

SCENE③A 吉娜一早进公司

Zina: Dave, 1) wake up.

Dave: Whaah? Zina? What time is it?


Zina: It's seven-thirty. I want to know who left this note on my desk.


Dave: What note? I can't see. I just 2) pulled an all-nighter.


Zina: It's a little green 3) post-it note, 4) stuck right in the middle of my computer screen 吉娜:是小张的绿色便利贴,就粘在我电脑屏幕的中间。

Dave: And? What does it say? Isn't there a name?


Zina: It says, "Zina, I like how you 5) rhumba. An 6) admirer."


A: Where should I put this picture of Fiona?


B: Just stick it on your front door.


【It's seven-thirty. 七点半。】



It's very hot today.


It's about 400 kilometers from Taipei to Kenting.


A:How far is it from here to Hualien?


B:It's about 150 kilometers.


A:How is the weather like down there?


B:It's raining at the moment.


1) wake up 醒来;awake是“醒着的”。

2) pull an all-nighter 开夜车,熬夜

3) post-it note 可贴的便条纸,系3M公司出品的办公用具,现已成为同类产品的代名词。

4) stick (v.) 粘贴

5) rhumba (n.) 伦巴舞

6) admirer (n.) 仰慕者,secret admirer 是“暗恋者”。

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120242_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 8:我受不了电脑怪胎?

SCENE③B 吉娜一早进公司


Dave: Whoa. Now I'm awake! Zina has a secret admirer.


Zina: I really do not have time to deal with some 1) lovesick computer 2) geek.

Dave: I know what you mean. I can't stand computer geeks.


Zina: Sorry, Dave, I didn't mean you. I am just not 3) in the mood for this. I have work to do.


Dave: Who do you think it is?


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120243.html

A: Your friend seems to be in a better mood.


B: I gave her a pep talk.


【I can't stand... 我无法忍受……】

stand这个字大家一定都知道,但它除了“站”这个意思之外,最常用的就是指“忍受”,可以用在人身上:A: Allison is my best friend.


B: I can't stand her. She is so fake!



A: It must be 45 degrees in here.


B: I can't stand it anymore. It's too hot!



A: Let's go have a beer at Tom's.


B: I can't stand to go there. It reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.


1) lovesick (a.) 因爱而分神迷乱的

2) geek (n.) 怪胎

3) be in the mood for有心情去...

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120243_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 9:你今天早来了

SCENE④A 文斯顺道来吉娜的隔间看他


Vince: Hey, Zina. You're here early today.


Zina Yeah, I'm going to be making phone calls all day. What a 1) blast.


Vince: I just wanted to say thanks for putting us on the map so fast. I 2) appreciate it.


Zina: Save it, Vince. After I put my first million in the bank, I'll say you're welcome.


Vince: Fair enough. 3) Keep up the good work.


: Here are those tools you wanted to borrow.


B: Thanks a million. I really appreciate it.


【Save it. 你省省吧。】

save是“存,省下”的意思,而Save it.在对话中用做短句,意思是“省省吧。”,告诉对方多说无益。而save it for的句型也很常用,意思是“替……预留”,请看以下的实际例子:

A:I wasn't drinking, officer; I just didn't see the red light.


B:Save it for the judge.


A:I love this movie! I want to watch it, too.


B:OK. I'll save it for tonight when you get home from work.


1) blast (n.) 尽兴,玩得愉快

2) appreciate (v.) 感激

3) Keep up the good work. 再接再励

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120244_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 10:万一他就是你那伦巴男孩呢?

SCENE⑤A 戴夫由上方探头,进吉娜的隔间


Dave: Hey, Zina. You shouldn't act so tough with Vince. 1) What if he's your rhumba boy?


Zina: Please. He's only nice to me because I'm making him a ton of money.


Dave: He was definitely happy. You must be making a lot of sales.


Zina: It isn't hard. All the 2) online businesses need a way to 3) keep track of the 4) traffic to their 5) sites.


Dave: That's InfoKing. Tracks every visitor. Or at least it will, if we can get it to work.


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120245.html

: I can't get online.


B: There must be too many other people using the Internet.


【act tough with... 故作强硬】

tough 这个字,指的是“强悍的”,若要说“对……很强悍、强硬”就是be tough with...,对话中用了act这个字,act tough with听来的感觉倾向于“故意装得很强硬”。

A: I'm so angry. I could hit you in the face.



【get it to work 让它运作】

get...to work这个句型,若是用在事物身上,是指“让……能够运作”,可能是指草创的新东西,或是某个窒碍难行的制度,也可以单纯指东西坏了:

A: My car broke down again.


B: I bet I can get it to work. Where is it?


1) what if... 万一,要是……

2) online (a.) 连上电脑网路的,线上的

3) keep track of... 随时掌握……

4) traffic (n.) 此指“网站的流量”

5) site (n.)“网站”,即website

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-02/120245_2.html

场社交英语口语对话Lesson 11:你要知道动机何在吗?

SCENE⑤B 戴夫由上方探头,进吉娜的隔间


Zina: Do you want to know what really 1) motivates Vince to be nice to me?


Dave: OK. What?


Zina: It isn't 2) gratitude. It's fear. Vince is afraid I'll 3) jump to a 4) competitor.


Dave: You wouldn't do that. Would you?


Zina: I might. Vince knows he needs to keep me happy.


Dave: What about your 5) accounts?


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-03/120349.html

A: Man, that guy was a really good boxer.


B: You fought a good fight. But your next competitor will be even tougher.


【nice to me 对我好】

nice to 后面接“人”时,表示“友善、随和”的意思,例如:

Grandma was nice to me when I visited her.



【I might. 我可能会】

在英文中谈论"可能"的情态助动词(modals)有好几个,包括might, could, may, must。大致上,might表示的"可能"是最低,而must 最高。

Tina might be sick.(少于50%可能)

Tina could be sick.(约50%可能)

Tina may be sick. (约50%可能)

Tina must be sick. (约90%可能)

1) motivate (v.) 给……动机

2) gratitude (n.) 感激

3) jump to... 换(公司),尤指违反合约的情况。

4) competitor (n.)竞争者

5) account (n.) 客户,尤指生意上往来的客户。

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-03/120349_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 12:这是生意经

SCENE⑤C 戴夫由上方探头,进吉娜的隔间


Zina: My accounts go where I go. Vince knows that.


Dave: Wow. You are a real snake.


Zina: It's business, Dave.

Dave: I know, I know. Kill, or die, right?


Zina: Right. The 1) faint of heart should not 2) apply.


Dave: I really feel sorry for that rhumba boy if he ever 3) identifies himself.


Zina: So do I.


A: She applied so much make-up to her face that I don't recognize her anymore.


B: I thought she was wearing a mask.


【So do I. 我也是。】

谈话中对方提到某种想法或动作,而你要表示同感时常会用到这个句型,要注意助动词do要置于主词I 之前。类似的句型还有So am I.也表示“我也是”。

使用So do I 或So am I 取决于对方是否使用be动词,使用be 动词则用So am I,其他动词则用So do I. 。

A: I want to find out where John is.


B: So do I.


A: I'm anxious to know if I'm admitted to the college.



1) faint of heart 心生畏惧

2) apply (v.) 适用,运用

3) identify oneself 表明身分

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 13:另一张绿色便条纸


Zina: Dave! Look at this!


Dave: You don't have to yell, Zina. I'm just one 1) cubicle away.


Zina: Somebody left another green post-it note.


Dave: Was it your "humba boy" again?


Zina: It says, "You look so 2) frail, / but I know you're tough like a nail. / To me, you are more beautiful than free e-mail." 吉娜:上面写着:“你看来娇柔,但我知道你如钢铁般强韧。对我来说,你比免费的伊妹儿还要讨人喜欢。”Dave: Wow. He really likes you, doesn't he?


A: Brian went off in class and yelled at the teacher.


B: That guy is totally out of control.

【doesn't he? 不是吗?】


A: This is the book that you want,isn't it?


B: Yes, it is.


A: You don't like coffee, do you?


B: No, I don't.


1)cubicle (n.) (办公室) 隔间

2) frail (a.) 柔弱的

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-03/120351_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 14:有谁一早就在这里了

SCENE①B 加州的资讯王办公室


Zina: Who has been here already this morning?


Dave: Well, Vince dropped off some sales reports for you. Said you signed a big deal with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,.


Zina: They're 1) small fry. Tonight I'm going to LA to 2) negotiate with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,. That'll be big.


Dave: You're right. All the 3) entertainment web sites follow https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,.


Zina: Who else has been here?


Dave: Elvin stopped by to see me.


Zina: Elvin? Which one is he?


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-03/120352.html A: Did you sign a contract before agreeing to work for him?


B: He told me we would do it later.


【stop by 顺道拜访】

stop by是指你在要去一个地方的途中,因为顺路而到某人家拜访:

A:I was going to the store and thought I would stop by.


B:I'm so glad you did!


stop by也可以用来表达“稍作停留,不会久留”的意思:

A: I just stopped by to see if you needed anything.


B: I need some more cough medicine.


1) small fry 微不足道的事

2) negotiate (v.) 协商,协调

3) entertainment (n.) 娱乐

From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-03/120352_2.html

职场社交英语口语对话Lesson 15:集怪胎与朋克于一身

SCENE①C 加州的资讯王办公室


Dave: You don't know Elvin? 1) Studly programmer 2) numero uno? With the 3) ponytail and nose ring? 戴夫:你不认识艾文?那个头好壮壮,叫我第一名的程序设计师?绑马尾穿鼻环的那个?Zina: Great. A 4) geek and a 5) punk all rolled into one. Just my type.


Dave: You think he's the one?


Zina: Could be. He sounds like a 6) prime suspect.


Dave: What about your 7) assistant? She was here looking for you just now.


Zina: Mary? Please, Dave. Anyway, I know it couldn't be her. She has a boyfriend.


Dave: Yeah, but I bet he's nothing like you.


From: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/816786548.html,/oralenglish/zhichang/2010-09-03/120353.html


B: I'm an assistant professor of chemistry.


【be nothing like... 可不像……】

be nothing like...这个句型可以用来比较两个人的不同:

A: Your sister is nothing like you.


B: I know, she's much more independent than I am.


除了比较人以外,你也可以用这个句型来对事物或是地方做比较,可以是好,可以是坏:A: This job is nothing like the one I used to have.


B: Hang in there. Maybe it will get better.


1) studly (a.) (俚) 健壮帅气的

2) numero uno(意,西)即number one “第一名,头号人物”。

3) ponytail (n.)(发饰)马尾

4) geek (n.) 怪胎

5) punk (n.) 朋克,指发型服饰怪异新潮的族群,指源于美国70年代因摇滚乐兴起的运动。

6) prime suspect 头号嫌疑犯

7) assistant (n.) 助手


英语口语比赛演讲稿 参加英语口语演讲比赛不仅能提高口语能力,还能锻炼胆量,做到大声说,不退缩。下面是整理的英语口语比赛演讲稿。 英语口语比赛演讲稿篇一 I'm studying in a city famous for its walls. All visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. With old, cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city. Our ancestors liked to build walls. They built walls in Beijing, Xi'an, Nanjing and many other cities, and they built the Great Wall, which snakes through half of our country. They built walls to ward off enemies and evil spirits. This tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public. I grew up at the foot of the city walls, and I've loved them since my childhood. For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world. My perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the Eastern Suburbs, a scenic area of my city. My classmates and I were walking with


职场英语口语100句经典 1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation? 我还要再确认吗? 2 Is there any earlier one?还有更早一点的吗? 3 Could you tell me my reservation1 number,please?请你告诉我我的预订号码好吗? 4 Can I get a seat for todays 7:00 a.m. train? 我可以买到今天上午7点的火车座位吗? 5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? 请你更改一下从伦敦到东京的班机日期好吗? 6 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass? 火车通行证有折扣吗? 7 May I reconfirm my flight? 我可以确认我的班机吗? 8 Are they all non-reserved seats? 他们全部不预订的吗? 9 Do I have to reserve a seat? 我一定要预订座位吗? 10 May I see a timetable?我可以看时刻表吗? 11 How long will I have to wait? 我要等多久呢? 12 Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat? 你喜欢哪种,吸烟座还是禁烟座呢? 13 Do you have any other flights? 14 When would you like to leave?


【篇一】关于职场常用英语口语对话 AIt's very nice of you to invite me. 你真是太好了,请我来做客。 BI'm very glad you could come, Mr. Liu. Will you take a seat at the head of the table? It's an informal dinner, please don't stand on ceremony... Mr. Liu, would you like to have some chicken? 刘先生,您能来我很高兴,请上坐。这是一次家常便饭,请大家别客气。刘先生,要吃点鸡肉吗? AThank you. This is my first time to come to a Chinese restaurant. Could you tell me the different features of Chinese food? 谳谢,这是我第一次来中餐馆,请给我讲讲中国菜的不同特色好吗? BGenerally speaking, Cantonese food is a bit light; Shanghai food is rather oily; and Hunan dishes are very spicy, having a strong and hot taste. 一般来讲,广东菜清淡一些;上海菜比较油腻:湖南菜香味浓,辣味很重。 AChinese dishes are exquisitely prepared, delicious, and very palatable. They are very good in colour,flavour,and taste. 中国菜做得很精细,色、香、味俱全。 BMr. liu, would you care for another helping? 刘先生,再来一点吧? ANo more, thank you. I'm quite full. 不啦,谢谢。我已经够饱了。 BDid you enjoy the meal? 您吃得怎么样? AIt's the most delicious dinner I've had for a long time. It's such a rich dinner.


Hello,everyone!on the past few days,ham and sausage are the most famous words.Beacse WHO said that Processed meat is on the top of the list which may cause cancer.In the same level ,there are the cigarettes and arsenic .What is arsenic?In China,we call it 砒霜.It is terrible to us.And they also said eating just 50 gram of processed meat one day increases the risk of cancer by 18 percent. So what does 50g look like?It’s maybe two slices of smoked ham or half a hot dog.A famous expert suggest the public to avoid processed meat when possible and to have a vegetable salad for lunch rather than a sandwich.And they also said that We have known the probable link between processed meat and cancer, which is supported by massive evidence. It maybe a bad news for hot dog lovers.But this doesn't mean we need to stop eating any processed meat. if someone eat lots of it and he may need to think carefully about whether he should cut it down.In fact,there are a lot of choices for us. We could try having fish for our dinner instead of sausages, or choosing to have a fruit salad for lunch. And someone may say:”W hy is processed meat so bad?”Processed meat is which has been salted, cured, smoked, or any other natural or chemical processes to make them delicious or improve preservation.So processed meat may contain sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate, which are salts added to the meat to preserve it.In the body, they can form the compounds that can damage DNA. Nowdays,many person may do something which is harmful to their health,as they think cancer are far away from them,this words only usesd on newspaper or television.in my opinion,this idea is highly irresponsible.If something bad happen,the total home will be destroy by you. So please ,take care of yourself,not only for you,but also for your family.


职场演讲英语口语展示P P T时常用的英语衔接 口语 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

职场演讲英语口语:展示PPT时常用的英语衔接口语 上班开会的时候,常常需要用到PPT来展示自己的成果。在展示PPT的同时, 你的语言表达如何体现出你的逻辑思维是每个职场人都要学会的软技能。其 实,在PPT演讲时,是有一定的思路及套路的。在本篇文章中,安格英语老师 就将会教给大家英语PPT演讲时的一些“套话”,它们可以帮助你良好地衔接 起来你的演讲过程。 Opening Statements? 开场白? First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming here today. 首先,我要感谢大家今天来到这里。 My name is X and I am the (your position) at (your company). 我的名字是某某某,在(公司)担任(职位)。 Try to make eye contact with everyone you are speaking to if possible. You can also smile at individual members of the audience to put them at their ease. 要注意跟在场的每位听众保持眼神交流,你也可以保持微笑,这样观众才不会 感到局促不安。 I'd briefly like to take you through today's presentation. 我想给大家简单介绍下今天要讲的内容。 First, we're going to... 首先,我们要…… After that, we'll be taking a look at... 之后,我们会看一下…… Once we've identified our challenges we will be able to... 一旦我们确认了我们所要面临的问题我们将会…… Finally, I'll outline what... 最后,我会概述一下……


英语口语大全职场口语篇:同事关系 1.我和同事相处得很好。 I'm on good terms with my colleagues. 2.我和我的搭档很合得来。 I'm compatible with my partner. 3.我们同心协力把工作做完了. We cooperated well to get the work done. 4.我和她在合作中存有一些问题。 I have some problems working together with her. 5.她总是不搭理我。 She always gives me the cold shoulder. 6.他总是把我们共同工作的功劳占为己有。 He always takes credit for the work we've done together. 7.我不喜欢对我溜须拍马的人。 I don't like anybody who flatters me. 8.他就是个势利眼。 He is nothing but a snob. 9.他不太善于交际。 He isn't really sociable. 10.也许你应该像朋友那样跟他交流。

Maybe you should communicate with him like a friend.A: I can't stand the stupid guy any longer.It 's unbelieveable! B:Oh, my dear lady.Take it easy.You should forgive a green hand like him. A: He does everything so mindlessly that he is going to drive me crazy. B:I suggest you talk with him and teach him how to deal with the problems. A: I have told him how to do it several times,but he's never listened to me. B:Maybe you shoulde communicate with him like a friend and not a boss. A: Oh,I always have difficulity in getting along with the staff. B: Just take them for your good friends and have a talk with them as we do,make sure you don't lose your temper. A: I think that's a bad idea. I'd hate anyone here to think of me as a friend.How would they ever respect me as they can do whatever they want? B:I disagree. All you have to do is respect the staff and their opinions.


英语口语1分钟演讲稿 英语演讲不同于纯粹的口语表达,更正式化、富于技巧性,我们所说的口语是口头表述。下面是小编为你整理的几篇英语口语1分钟演讲稿,希望能帮到你哟。 英语口语1分钟演讲稿篇一 here is a wisdom called to let go, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a successful selection and composition of 500 15 choice and successful composition 500 words article 15. Some give up, choose more suitable for their goals, may success closer. Materials thinkers in stork say; "The ability of survival needs more than one! Rabbit cannot learn swimming in school make hole, squirrel learn swimming in school to climb trees!" I think this is right. The swimming may really not suitable for a rabbit if give up swimming, choose to make hole maybe it could be a hole experts; Pine swim, climb a tree, I believe it will do very well.


英语口语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:初中英语口语演讲稿 我的梦想(my dream) students, guests , teachers and honorable judges good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher… as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don’t expect complete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life. i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction. i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that’s the real communication of heart to heart. i have the belief that my dreams should come true. i am looking forward to some day coming when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue


英语口语大全职场口语篇:邀请同事 1.我能够跟你说句话吗? May I have a word with you? 2. 你今天下午有空吗? Are you free this afternoon? 3.我想知道你能不能来。 I was wonderring if you could come. 4.我希望你能来参加我的婚礼。 I was hoping you'd be able to attend my wedding. 5.我想请你参加我的生日聚会。 I'd like to invite you to my birthday party. 6.你想来参加我饿派对吗? Would you like to come to my party? 7.你能来和我的家人一起吃晚饭吗? Could you come over and have dinner with my family? 8.如果明天你没事就过来玩。 Drop by tomorrow if you'v nothing to do. 9.如果你能来,我们将非常高兴。 We could be very please if you could come. 10.我想邀请几个同事去看表演。

I want to invite several colleagues to the show.A:Good morning,Mary! B:Good morning,John! A:I want to have a few friends over for a dinner party to celebrate my birthday. Would you be able to come the next weekend on Saturday? B:I'd be delighted to,John. Saturday did you say? A:Yes, if that's all right for you. B:I'm pretty sure I'll be all right. In facdt, I'd be delighted to come over and celebrate your birthday with you.What time are you planning to start? A:Oh,good. If you could come around six thirty or seven o'clock ,that would give us some time to chat a whit over a glass of wine before dinner. B:That sounds fine. I'll be there aroud seven.


1. You're in the pink! 要想说人气色好,"You look fine!"当然不错,可如果你说"You're in the pink!"就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,巧妙使用一些表示颜色的词能使得句子非常形象生动。 2. He is bouncy. "他精力充沛"美国人通常说:"He is bouncy.",而不说"He is energetic",牢记一些日常对话中的句式是你生活中一把必备的钥匙。如:久仰,"I get mind of you"比"I heard a lot about you."轻松得多。 3. Did you get lost? 有人开会迟到了,你若对他说"You are late.",听起来像是废话。若说"Did you get lost?",则更能让他感到歉疚,可千万别说成"Get lost!",那可是让人滚蛋的意思。 4. Do you have the time? 别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要是说"You can do that."就有点土了,用一句"Do you have the time?"就好多了。实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:"May I have your name?"要比"What's your name?"礼貌得多,不过警察例外。 5. I would rather not say. 别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用"It's my secret, don't ask such a personal question."回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方觉得你气短。你可以说"I would rather not say."(还是别说了吧)。 6. It's on the tip of my tongue. 有时候,你想说什么,可是想不起来,你可以说"Well…"、"Let me see."、"Just a moment."或"It's on the tip of my tongue."等。相比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。 7. While I remember… 交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说"By the way",实际上,"To change the subject"、"Before I forget"、"While I remember"、"Mind you"都是既地道又受欢迎的表达。8. I got it. 遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,"I know"可能是被中国人用得最多,而最不被美国人接受的一句话。当一个美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍"I know",我敢保证,他不会再跟你说什么了。用"I got it."就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说"I'm not clear about it."。不过如果你会说"It's past my understanding."或"It's beyond me.",你的教师一定会惊讶不已的。 9. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet. 会议原定两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。 10. Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢? 11. I'm supposed to go on a diet/get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。


英语口语演讲话题-英语演讲稿 my virtual uni versity me, my country, and the world man and the internet unity and diversity civilized behaviour: learning to act with a proper sense of honour and shame what can i do for my country my collage life ethics in education the greatest... innovation country innovation talents as the saying goes, money makes the mare go or money talks.... the quality of life is... self-education in our daily life... - a day in the life i am a student. i get up at half past six every morning. then i have breakfast. at about 7, i go to school on foot, because my home is near the school. the lesson begins at 7:30.

there are four lessons in the morning. at about 12, i go home and have lunch. then i have a break. at about 1:30, i go to school again. lessons begin at 2:00 in the afternoon. there are two lessons in the afternoon. then i can do some sports at about 4. i usually play basketball with my classmates, because basketball is my favourite sports. sometimes i will play football with my classmates. at about 5, i go home and have supper. after supper, i will wash the dishes and do my homework. i don’t go to bed until 10 in the evening. - flowers in full bloom in this, green graof early summer, we have ushered in a grand festival of children - june 1 international children’s day, i am very honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. on that occasion, i would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! soon to be here today in recognition of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals exprewarm congratulations! pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you are lucky enough to live in a state of concern


Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen, My name is **,coming from school of Modern Education and Technology.I am very glad to give my speech to you standing here,the topic of my speech is "Just Do It". "Just do it!"I think everybody is familiar to this sentense about Nike,a very famous company of shoes. In my opinion,it means that just do it if you want.Today I'm here,just want to do what I think should do, just have a try. Just do it if you want. In fact,we have many things to do in a day,in a year and in all our lives,it depends on your choices that what you want to do first,what then and what last.So today I come here because I want to meet so many English lovers and gain my own experience. Just do it if you like. I was attracted by English on my first sight in middle school.My English teacher had an excellent voice,


求职应聘英文面试经典,不看后悔! 在一般求职应聘中,英语面试是必不可少的,也是许多应聘者比较头疼的部分。除少数口语优秀的毕业生之外,虽然大部分毕业生即使过了四、六级,英语口语也不一定非常好。英语水平的提高需要一个长期积累的过程,不可能在短时间内快速提高的。然而,英语面试能力是可以在短时间内有效提高的,原因有以下几点。 ● 英文的面试问题类型有限:大部分问题可以预测。 ● 面谈时间不长:英语面试一般不会超过10分钟,求职者回答的时间有限。 ● 回答内容比较固定:大部分提问都对应较为稳妥的回答,求职者有充分的时间准备。 ● 招聘方的考查目的:对程序员的英语要求在于能读、能写、能交流。 本章列出一些常见的英文问题及参考回答,同时还提供了许多面试中常见的英语词汇供参考。 1 英文面试过程和技巧 自我介绍时应该记住“3P原则”:Positive(自信),Personal(个性),Pertinent (中肯)。 ● 谈吐自信,就是要积极地进行自我肯定,让面试官充分了解求职者的优点与潜能。 ● 突出个性,就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。 ● 语言中肯,就是要实事求是,不要言过其辞,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及与工作无关的事情。 自我介绍应简洁明了,给面试官留下思路清晰、反应快捷、逻辑性强的印象。自我介绍时间不宜太长,最好控制在五分钟之内,以免言多语失。 另外,在自我介绍时应避免过多地使用“I”(“我”),每个句子一开头就冒出一个“I”字,会给人留下自我标榜、以自我为中心的印象。灵活的应聘者往往会把以“I”开头的话,变成“You”字开头。 例如,面试官问:“Would you please say something about yourself?”(请你谈谈自己的情况好吗?)应聘者则说:“Do you want me to talk about my personal life or to say something about the job?”(你想让我谈谈我个人的生活呢,还是与这份工作有关的问题?)


职场常用英语口语句型1.日常口语 Pull yourself together. 打起精神来。 But I just made a big mistake. 不过我出了个很大的差错。 What's keeping you? Hurry up. 你怎么耽搁了,快点儿! Would you get to the point? 你能把要点说得再清楚点儿吗? All right, all right. 好的,好的。 What's the point? 什么是重点? Please hand the document in to me. 请把那份文件交给我。 What document are you talking about? 你说的是哪份文件? Are you working overtime tonight? 今晚你加班吗?

Unfortunately, yes. 很遗憾,要加班。 Are you working late tonight? 今天晚上你要工作到很晚吗? 2.会议英语 I’d like to call the meeting to order. 我宣布会议开始。 Today, we are going to discuss…… 今天我们要讨论… Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda? 我们接着实行议程的下一项。 Let’s turn to the second issue. 我们接着讨论第二个问题。 I’m sorry to cut you off. 对不起打断一下。 May I come in here? 我能够插句话吗? Have you got anything to say? 你有什么要说吗? 3.商务报盘 We're willing to make you a firm offer at this price.



英语演讲比赛前言 【篇一:英语演讲比赛策划方案】 英 语 角 英 语 演 讲 比 赛 策 划 书 主办单位:英语角社 承办单位:语言文学学院 一、前言 在21世纪的今天,英语在国际交流与对外活动中发挥着越来越大的作用,作 为新时代的大学生,学好英语,流畅口语是顺应社会发展所必备的素质。为了提高

在校大学生的口语水平,丰富同学们的业余生活, 展示学生的风采,增强学生学 习英语的兴趣同时增强校园英语学习的良好氛围,我社团决定在五月举行英语演讲比赛。 二、活动目的 〈1〉提高同学学习英语的积极性,特别是提高对英语口语训练的积极性。 〈2〉丰富学生的课余生活。 〈3〉为学生提供一个学习和交流英语学习的平台,共同进步。 〈4〉加深对英语口语的重要性的认识。 〈5〉通过举办该活动,为广大英语爱好者提供一个互相交流和学习的机会。 三、活动细则 1、活动名称:英语演讲比赛 2、活动主题:if you were the next confucius 3、活动时间:5月22日初赛,5月29日决赛 4、活动对象:语言文学学院全体学生 5、活动原则:公平 、公正、活泼、交流、自信 6、主办单位:英语角社团 7、承办单位:云南师范大学商学院语言文学学院 8、比赛邀请嘉宾:外教ben ,bryan

9、活动宣传:海报宣传,通过微博、短信、校园广播、qq等网络宣传,悬横 幅 10、报名方式:直接到英语角社团领表报名 11、报名时间:5月5日——5月15日截止 四、比赛内容及规则 比赛分初赛和决赛。 初赛: (1)已备演讲(prepared speech)限时:3分钟 (2)才艺展示(talent show)限时:1分钟 (3)现场问答(question answers)评委提问选手即兴回答。限时:2分钟 (4)评审团代表对此次比赛及选手表现做出简单点评。嘉宾介绍英语学习心得 决赛: 1、比赛环节 (1)已备演讲(prepared speech)限时:3分钟 (2)即兴演讲(impromptu speech) 限时: 1分钟 (2)现场问答(question answers)评委提问选手即兴回答。限时:2分钟 (3)评审团代表对此次比赛及选手表现做出简单点评。嘉宾介绍英语学习心得 2、评分规则:


Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to s tand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “Life”. I hope you will like it , Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing h ere is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for (= what will happen to) me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a true man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” You are not common, you are unique; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put m y personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kinsred, friendshipand love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe its a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life. 先生们女士们,大家下午好!我非常荣幸站在这里为你们带来一段小小的演讲,我今天所要讲的主题是“生命”,我希望你们喜欢。 人们的生活正在逐步的改善着。实际上,我站在这里就正在成长。如果一个人的生命必须面对许多各种各样的选择,那么,我会一边选择,一边成长。曾经我希望我能在将来在大学里学习,不管怎么样,我考过了,如你所见到的,我现在正站在这梦寐以求的大学里,可是现在,我更渴望知道我的未来会有什么等着我。 当我来到这所学校的时候,我告诉我自己。我的将来就从这里开始,接下来,我要学着去成为一个男人,一个真正的男人,并有一个健康的身体。能够胜任重任,能有独到的见解,能见识广泛,能思想深邃,能判断出对的和错的,能工作的非常出色。 我的老师曾经说过:“你不是普通的,你是独一无二的。永远不要忘记你所能展示给人们是你的思想,不是你的技术。”我将把我的人格和我的兴趣以及我的能力带到我的学习中去,在这个过程中,我将注重实践和理论的结合。如果我能实现我的这个梦想,我想,我那时就真正的长大了,那时我相信我的亲情,友情,爱情将会变的十分完美,十分幸福。 你对你的将来怎么看呢?可能那会是一个很美好的愿望。让我们坚定我们的目标,为之努力,并真正的享受我们的生命.

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