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【摘要】随着对外交流的发展和扩大,电影已成为人类文化的重要载体和主要的文化交流方式。由于语言障碍,影视翻译显得尤为重要,它使目的语观众更好地欣赏影视剧并了解文化差异。该文将具有代表性奥斯卡最佳影片作为研究素材,试图通过近十年最佳影片的翻译来探讨影视字幕的翻译策略,并最终归纳了减译,增译,归化以及异化等几类常用的字幕翻译策略,从而使译文不但流畅通顺,简洁明了,而且更容易被目的语观众理解和接受,以此很好地实现交际和交流的目的。%With the development and expansion of foreign exchange, the movie has become an important carrier of human cul?ture and cultural exchange. Due to the language barrier, the film translation is particularly important, since it facilitates the appreci?ation of movies and understanding of the cultural differences for the audiences of the target language. Employing a representative of Best Pictures in the recent decade, this essay aims to research caption translation strategies from the translation of the ten mov?ies. And some strategies are ultimately generalized, such as omission, amplification, domestication, foreignization, etc, so that the translation is not only smooth and concise, but easier to understand for the audience of target language. Therefore, exchange is fulfilled to a larger extent.
