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部编版小学语文一年级上册 一课一练 随堂练习i u ü y w

部编版小学语文一年级上册 一课一练 随堂练习i u ü y w
部编版小学语文一年级上册 一课一练 随堂练习i u ü y w

i u ü











Henry was an office worker in a big city. Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyedtraveling in hisholidays. He usually went to the seaside, but one year he saw anadvertisement in a newspaper.“Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West HillFarm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding.Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting.” “This sounds a good idea,” he thought. “I?ll spend a month at West Hill Farm.Ithink I canenjoy horse riding, walking and fishing. They?llmake a change from sittingby the seaside andswimming.” He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that hewould like to spend all of Julythere. Then on the first of July, he left for West HillFarm. But four days later, he returned home. “What was wrong with West Hill Farm?” his best friend, Ed, asked him.“Didn?tyou enjoycountry life?” “Country life was very good,” Henry said. “But there was another problem.”“Oh. What?” “Well,” he said, “the first day I was there a sheep died, and wehad roast muttonfor dinner.”“What's wrong with that?” Ed asked. “Fresh meat is the best.” “I know, but on the second day a cow died, and we had roast beef for dinner.”“Lucky you!” “You don't understand,” Henry said. “On the t hird day a pigdied and we hadroast pork fordinner.” “Let me finish,” Henry said. “On the fourth day the farmer died, and I didn'tdare (敢)stay fordinner!” 1.How did Henry find out about the farm? A. He saw it in a newspaper advertisement. B. His best friend told him.


写作训练应走进学生生活 作者:暂无 来源:《语文教学与研究·上旬刊》 2015年第8期 王书月 从教近30年,我一直在想:写作教学的目的到底是什么?写作教学的价值体现在何处?近日研读《洪氏语文》中几则写作教学案例,猛然想起王栋生老师说过的一句话,“最有价值的 是对写作的爱,至少要能有对写作的敬重”,于我心有戚戚焉。 洪先生的这些教学案例之所以成为经典,我想一是都和学生当时的生活密切相关,二是他 好像没有过多地去空谈策略和技巧,而是润物无声地把“人”这个字在写作过程中渐渐“立” 起来,这正应是写作教学的起点,也直指写作教学的终极目的。 一,激发联想,恢复生活和知识的必然联系 英国教育家怀特海说过一句话,“学校里教授的知识都是二手货,甚至是三手货。一切学 问都是从生活中来的,是从对自然和社会的观察中归纳出来的”。但是在目前社会,谁能质疑 这些二手货甚至若干手货的知识,或者质疑这些知识的运用效率?知识一旦成为死的东西,无 论检测它的技术或者考试制度多么高明,我认为,一切都会归于无用。 原因是什么?因为关键是这些知识怎么得到高人性化的运用。我们的教学过程基本不提人性,更谈不到人性化了。何谓“高人性化”?一句话,就是学会陪学生玩,会“玩”才是知识 人性化的最高境界,洪先生就是会陪学生“玩”的高手。 洪先生的高明之处在于恢复了知识和生活的“必然联系”。他在指导初一学生“人物速写”训练时并没有让学生直接写,而是在学习《一面》并提取出人物速写要领的基础上引写,这就 使得读和写产生了联系,有利于学生找到写的着力点。这么多年来我们谈写作,知识灌输得不少,但写作状况却不如人意。原因何在?在于我们切断了读写之间的联系。 洪先生的高明之处还在于珍惜身边的真实元素。写人物速写我们可以写生活中的各色人等,但洪先生“舍远求近”,让学生写自己的身边人。陪学生玩,就要蹲下身去,和学生处于同一 个视界,才能发现生活的真相。比如学生写自己的同学缺门牙这个细节,课堂里响起了窃窃的 笑声,如果老师批评一下,笑声没有了,生活的真实也就没有了,学生在今后的写作中就有可 能会陷入为文造情、胡思乱想的怪圈。 诺贝尔文学奖获得者莎拉马戈说:“如果你能看,你就要看见。如果你能看见,就要仔细 观察。”这句话说到三个概念:“看”、“看见”、“观察”,初看差不多,实则区别很大,“看”主要是生物学意义上的视觉表达,“看见”则已经进入社会学领域,是人已经用心灵去 感应外面的世界,而“观察”可以说才是文学、教育学应当涉及到的,看事物之间的联系,看 事物的细节如何衷达事物的本质等等,某种意义上讲,观察是阅读和写作都必然需要的一个环节,是实现读写共生的核心。回到上面提到的问题,其原因就在于一般人写的是他看到的,而 没有写出生活中与此联系的一切,因此才会让人感觉是虚假的。 在《你看他像谁——给本班一位同学画像》的课堂中,姚逊同学朗读刚刚写好的短文后, 洪先生没有停留在肯定他写得像不像,也没有被写缺门牙是否有损同学形象的争议打乱思维的 过程,而是请出“豹头环眼”的张飞,又请出“瘦得教人担心”的鲁迅,讨论人家为何这样写 之后,顺势话锋一转问:“姚逊笔下的人物,外形有哪些特征?”洪先生接着问出了那要紧的 一句:“写张飞的‘豹头环眼’,写鲁迅先生的‘瘦得教人担心’,写同学的‘缺颗门牙’,


编辑: Becky
I have a rabbit habit. I like to crunch and chew On celery logs and carrot sticks, And apple wedges, too. I have a rabbit habit. I like to chomp and munch On crispy greens and juicy grapes. Mmm…rabbit food for lunch! 1. What is a rabbit habit? _____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. List four action verbs in this poem. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________
The King of the Jungle
The lion is the king of the jungle. They are big and strong. Lions weigh 400 pounds and stand 4 feet tall. If you feel the hair on its face, it is soft. You can find a lion in Africa. They can live for 15 years in the wild. They like to sleep in the grass at night. Lions eat meat, such as zebras, giraffe, and buffalo. Lions live in groups, called “prides”, with about 15 other lions. Would you like to have a lion as a pet? 1. The lion is the King of the _______________. A) Jump Rope B) Africa C) Jungle D) Forest 2. Lions are big and strong. They weight _______ pounds. A) 4 B) 40 C) 400 D) 4000 3. Lions can live for _________ years in the wild. A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20 4. Lions eat meat, such as ___________________________. A) Pork Chops B) Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Chicken C) Plants D) Zebras, Giraffe, and Buffalo 5. Lions live in groups called ___________. A) Herds B) Prides C) Groups D) A Gaggle
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ao ou ui 一、读一读,抄一抄。 ao ou iu 二、请你帮助小兔把音节完整的写下来。 二、你能读懂下面的句子吗?试试吧! 1. hu ā er z ǎo z ǎo de k āi le 。 2. ni ú ni ú p āi p í qi ú。 3. b ǎo b ǎo z ài h ē shu ǐ。 三、读读这首古诗,然后,背一背,做一做。 长cháng 歌gē行xíng 百bǎi 川chuān 东dōng 到dào 海hǎi ,何hé时shí复fù西xī归guī 。 少shào 壮zhuàng 不bù努nǔ力lì,老lǎo 大dà徒tú伤shāng 悲bēi 。 找出学过的复韵母,用红笔圈出来。 ie üe er ao b m z 看准再读,注 意声调啊!

一、你能根据下面的图画写出复韵母吗? 二、请你把下面音节补充完整, 三、你能连一连帮助音节和词语交朋友吗? f ēi j ī x úe xi ào xi ǎo h é yu è er 月儿 小河 飞机 学校 四、你能读出下面的句子吗?快来试一试。 1. w ǒ men y ī q ǐ du ī xu ě r én 。 2. ti ě l ù sh àng p ǎo hu ǒ ch ē。 4. x ǐ qu è z ài sh ù sh àng ch àng g ē 五、读一读,背一背。 ie ie ie ,ie ie ie , 妈mā妈mā桌zhuō旁páng 把bǎ瓜guā切qiē,大dà的de 一yí块kuài 给gěi 爷yé爷yé。 üe üe üe ,üe üe üe , 高gāo 高gāo 天tiān 上shàng 挂guà明míng 月yuè,小xiǎo 动dòng 物wù们men 听tīng 音yīn 乐yuè üe j q x ( ) ( ) ( ) ie j q x ( ) ( ) ( )

最新部编版 一年级语文上册 汉语拼音i u ü 精品教案

(人教新课标)一年级语文教案《汉语拼音i u ü》 教学目的 1.学会iuü三个单韵母,要求读准音,认清形,正确书写。 2.学会读iuü三个单韵母的四声,要求准确熟练地读带调韵母。 教学时间2课时 教学重点 1.学会iuü的音、形,能正确书写。 2.掌握iuü的四声。 教学难点 i在标调时头上去点,ü在标调时头上有点。 教学准备 1.本课的教学挂图 2.拼音卡片 教学过程 第一课时 教师谈话:同学们,我们已经学会了a o e三个单韵母和它们的四声,今天我们接着来学习新的字母I u ü。(教师在黑板上板书I u ü,并用清晰、洪亮的声调读出字母的音。) 一、学习字母 (一)出示图1学习字母的音 问:图上画的什么?(借衣的音学习i) 讲:衣服的“衣”的发音与字母i相同。发音时,把嘴轻轻地张开一点,嘴唇不圆。 教师范读i 学生学读i (教师注意要多叫几位学生单独读,发现问题及时纠正。) (二)观察挂图学习字母的形 问:字母i与图上的什么地方很相像? (学生应答出,衣服中间的一条花边和边顶上的一枚扣子,形状与i相似。) 教儿歌:一竖占中格,一点在上边。 (三)指导书写 讲:i的笔顺是先在中格写小竖要占满格,然后在竖的头上离开二线的地方写小点。 (书写时要注意,圆点不要点得又大又黑否则作业显得又脏又乱。) 二、学习字母u (一)出示图2学习字母的音。 问:图上画的什么?(借乌鸦的“乌”,学习u)讲:乌鸦的“乌”的发音与字母u相同,发音时把嘴唇收成圆形,使中间留一个小孔。 教师范读u 学生学读u (齐读,个人读,分行读等) (二)观察挂图学习字母的形 问:字母u与图上的什么地方很相像? (学生应答出,图上乌鸦的窝的样子与u相似。)讲:从字形上看u有些像喝水的杯子。 教儿歌:u像一个茶杯子。 (三)指导书写 讲:u的笔顺是先写“”,再写“”,要写在中格。课中休息:方法同第一课。


趣味阅读 ( A ) Most cats like to catch mice and eat them. But this cat and this mouse got on well(相处得好). I will tell you why they were friends. One day, the cat ran into a net (网) and could not get out of it. He bit(咬)with his teeth, but it was no use. Then t he cat heard a little voice: “I will help you. But you must promise (答应)not to hurt me when you get out.” The cat looked round and saw a mouse. “Please help me,” said the cat. “I will not hurt you.” So the mouse bit at the net with her teeth and made a small hole, then the cat got out. “Thank you,” said the cat. “I will do you a good turn (回报你)one day.” Not long after this, the cat heard “Squeak(吱吱的叫声)! Squeak!” He looked about and saw the mouse in a corner. Her tail(尾巴)was in a trap(老鼠夹)and could not get out. The cat opened the trap and helped the mouse. After this, the cat and the mouse became good friends. 1. Which of the following sentence is true? A. Every cat likes to catch and eat mice. B. No cat likes to catch and eat mice. C. Most cats like to catch and eat mice. D. Cat and mouse are always good friends. 2. Who can make a hole on the net? A. The cat. B. The mouse. C. Both of them. D. No one. 3. Which part of the mouse was in a trap? A. Her leg. B. Her tail. C. Her hand. D. Her nose. 4. The cat and the mouse became good friends because __________. A. the cat didn’t like to eat mouse B. the mouse had helped the cat C. they helped each other(彼此) D. the cat had helped the mouse ( B ) A little boy didn’t say a word until he was three years old. His mother took him to every doctor, but there was no use. He was healthy and bright , so the doctors told his mother not to worry. One morning the boy suddenly knocked on the table and cried out, “These eggs are terrible!” The mother was ver y glad at hearing her son speak, and asked, “Why didn’t you say anything before?” “Well.” He answered, “up to now, the eggs have been very good.” 1. Why didn’t the little boy say a word? A. He didn’t want to say. B. He couldn’t say. C. He was ill. D. There was something wrong with his health. 2. The little boy didn’t say a word before he was ___________years old. A. one B. two C. three D. four 3. What made the boy say his first word? A. An apple. B. A banana. C. An egg. D. A pear. 4. The mother was very _________ after hearing her son speak. A. anxious B. worried C. angry D. glad 5. The boy was ________ after seeing every doctor. A. ill B. healthy and bright C. foolish D. surprising ( C ) One afternoon Mary and her little brother Tom were playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)in the street just outside the pose office. Mary had closed her eyes when Tom found that the door of the letterbox had been opened. The postman had just taken all the letters out and gone into the post office. Tom climbed into the letterbox and closed the door from the outside. When he knew he couldn’t get out, he became very afraid and began to cry. At the same time, Mary was looking for him everywhere, but she couldn’t find him. Then she came back to the letterbox, and heard her brother crying in it. She ran to tell the postman. With the help of the postman, Tom got out of the letterbox. “Next time if you want to play hide-and-seek, don’t hide in the letterbox.” 1. Mary and Tom were playing __________. A. near the post office B. at home C. in the court D. at school 2. When playing, Tom hid himself ___________. A. under a table B. in a room C. in a letterbox D. behind a tree 3. Tom cried in the letterbox because ___________. A. he was missing his mother B. he was hungry C. his leg was hurt D. he couldn’t get out of it 4. Who helped Tom get out of the letterbox? A. His mother. B. Mary. C. The postman. D. A neighbor. 5. Why the door of the letterbox was opened when Tom found it? A. The postman forgot to lock it. B. It was often opened. C. Tom opened it. D. The postman had no time to lock. ( D ) Long ago in a quite village, there was a place named the House of 1,000Mirrors. A happy little dog heard of this place and decided to visit it. When he arrived, he jumped up and down and looked everywhere. To his surprise, he found himself looking at 1,000 other happy little dogs. He smiled a great smile, and saw 1,000 little dogs smiling in the mirrors. As he left the house, he thought, “This is a wonderful place. I will come back often. Another little dog decided to visit the house. He was not as happy as the first one. He slowly walked into the house


《ai ei ui 》练习题 姓名: 一、根gēn 据jù图tú画huà写xiě韵yùn 母mǔ,相xiāng 信xìn 你nǐ能néng 行xíng 。 二、看 图 选 音yīn 节,写 下 来lái 。 m éi hu ā b ái c ài f ēi j ī n ǎi n ɑi c ì wei w ū ɡu ī 三、我会填。 复韵母ai 是由单韵母( )和( )组成的。 单韵母e 和i 可以组成复韵母( )。 单韵母u 和i 可组成复韵母( )。 四、照样子拼一拼,写一写。。 b —ai →( ) k —ai →( ) w —ei →( ) sh —ui →( )

zh —ui →( ) 五、下面音节是由哪些声母和韵母组成的?请写一写。 shui →( )—( ) hai →( )—( ) gui →( )—( ) mei →( )—( ) b —( )→( b ái ) zh —( )→( zhui ) 六、哪nǎ 两liǎnɡ 只zhī 鹿lù 是shì 好hǎo 朋pénɡ 友you ?连lián 一yì 连lián 七、读dú 一yì 读dú,哪nǎ 幅fú 图tú 符fú 合hé 句jù 意yì?在zài ( )里lǐ 画huà“”。 女nǚ 孩hái 洒sǎ 水shuǐ,他tā 培péi 土tǔ 。 ( ) ( ) 八、选择正确的读音,并在读音下面打“ ” 。 去 (qǜ qù) 皮 (pí qí ) 下(xià xà) 牙(yá iá) 足 (zhú zú) 多(tuō duō ) 日 (rí rì)左(zuǒ zǒ) 石(shí sí) 土(tǔ tù) 家长签名


南天教育阅读写作训练试题(一) ?把下面搭配不当的词语改正过来(4分) 热爱公物() 开发宝贝() 改进错误() 决定胜赢() 讨论强烈() 光线激烈() 街道繁荣() 描写细微() 选词填空(4分) 打扮装扮装饰 1 ?张红生活俭朴,从不喜欢()自己。 2 .节日的人民公园()得格外美丽。 或者……或者……既……又…… 1 ?他今天没来学校,()病了,()有些什么事。 2 .星期天,我()上青山烧烤,()去南湖公园看花。 三.扩写下列句子(4分) ].穆老师有一双眼睛。 2 .祖国在前进。 四、阅读理解(阅读童话趣味故事) 狐狸和火鸡 为了对狐狸的进攻进行有效的抵御,火鸡把自己qbd()的树当成了一座城堡。这y∣n XTan

Xiedai ()的狐狸已经绕树转了好几圈,3瞧见每只火鸡都在放哨警戒,不敢懈怠。它恨恨地喊着: "怎么啦,这些躲在树上的家伙居然敢跟我作对,它们以为这样就能免于一死!不,决不!我对天发誓,我决不会轻饶它们的!"狐狸还真兑现了自己的诺言。 这天晚上月光皎洁,好像专门与狐狸作对,这对火鸡当然是再好不过的了。当然狐狸在围城进攻敌手方面也毫不h3n hU(),它诡计多端,一肚子坏水,忽而装作佯攻向上爬,忽而又踮起身子向上移,接着装死!尚下,—会儿又爬起来,就是意大利喜剧人物阿尔勒甘也不可能扮出这么多的不同角色。狐狸竖起了肥大的尾巴,使它油亮闪烁,还ShUa ()了各种各样骗人的把戏。在这段时间里,没有一只火鸡敢放松警惕打一个盹,敌情使它们两眼圆睁,紧张地注视着前方的风吹草动。时间一长,这些可怜的火鸡都头晕目眩,不断地从树上栽下来,几乎有一半的火鸡掉了下来。狐狸把掉下来的火鸡逮住,全都拴在了一起,并把它们全宰掉放进了自己的食品橱。 要知道,越是到了危急关头,神经越是不能太紧张,否则,乱了自己的方寸,就会像火鸡一样, 来个倒栽葱。 1、按课文内容判断,对的打“V”错的打“X” (1)本文中狐狸因为聪明抓到了火鸡。() (2 )月色皎洁,对火鸡当然是再好不过了。() (3 )有的火鸡被狐狸抓住是因为它们放松了警惕。() (4 )这天晚上,狐狸把所有的火鸡都宰了。() 2、看文中的括号,写出词语。 3、看课文填空。 ⑴抵御()兑现()放松()扮演() (2)有效的()()的月色油亮闪烁的() (3)风()草()()晕()眩()多端


A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill, he was very worried. He telephoned the vet. “What’s the problem?” The vet asked him when he arrived. “My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what's the matter with her. She’s lying down and won’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.” The vet looked over the cow. "She’s certainly ill," he said, "and she needs to take some very strong medicine." He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, "Give her these. The pills should make her better." “How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked. The vet gave him a tube and said, "Put this tube in her mouth, then put the pills in the tube and blow. That’ll make it." The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried. “How’s your cow?” the vet asked. “No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.” “Oh?” the vet said, "Why?" “I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.” “And?” the vet asked. “The cow blew first,” the farmer said. 1. In the story, the vet must be _________. A. the farmer's friend B. a milk factory C. a hospital for cows D. a doctor for animals 2.The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow _______ A. couldn't lie down B. didn't eat the pills C. couldn't make any noise D. was ill 3.What medicine did the vet give the farmer? A. Bottle of pills. B. A long tube. C. Two pills. D. A small box. 4.The vet taught the farmer how _________. A. to blow the tube B. to make the cow take the pills C. to take the medicine D. to put the tube in his mouth 5.Which of the following is true? A. The farmer ate the pills himself. B. The cow got better after taking the medicine. C. The vet came to help the farmer change the cow the next day. D. The farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day.


《ai ei ui》练习题姓名: 一、,。 二、,。 méi huā bái cài fēi jī nǎi nɑi cì wei wūɡuī 三、我会填。 复韵母ai是由单韵母()和()组成的。 单韵母e和i可以组成复韵母()。 单韵母u和i可组成复韵母()。 四、照样子拼一拼,写一写。。 b—ai→() k—ai→() w—ei→() sh—ui→() zh—ui→() 五、下面音节是由哪些声母和韵母组成的?请写一写。 shui→()—()hai→()—() gui→()—()mei→()—() b—()→( bái) zh—()→( zhui)

六、? 七、,?( )“”。 ,。 () ( ) 八、选择正确的读音,并在读音下面打“”。 去(qǜ qù)皮(pí qí)下(xià xà)牙(yá iá)足(zhú zú)多(tuō duō )日(rí rì)左(zuǒ zǒ)石(shí sí)土(tǔ tù) 九、请看图片,把音节补充完整。 b c b t w g m h sh g 十、。 例:wǒài zǔ guó。

1.yé ye ài。 2.ài 十一、。 ,,,, ,,。 ?“ ”。 《ao ou iu》练习题一、。 ɑo ou iu 二、,。 āo óu ái òu ǎo 三、。 四、。 ai i zhi u

优选精品文档 欢迎下载选用 ei shi wu ou o iu yi a 单韵母 复韵母 整体认读音节 五、,?() 小爱吃 鱼小爱吃 小牛爱吃我爱吃 六、,。 ɑ,ɑo e 。 i u 。 孩子完成情况: 您的意见和建议: 家长签字:


找夏天 夏天到了,老师带我们去找夏天。田野间,我看到了一片绿油油的稻(dào)田。果园里,我看到了红红的桃子。湖边,我看见游(yóu)人在划(huá)船,一位老爷爷坐在树下钓(diào)鱼,还有一群淘(táo)气的小孩在粘(zhān)知(zhī)了(liǎo)…… 夏天多美啊! 1、用“横线”在文中画出表示颜色的词。 2、“我”看到了什么用“波浪线”在文中画出来。 3、你找到夏天了吗? 我看 见 ,知道夏天来了。 4、这篇短(duǎn)文共有个自然段。 送伞 有位老奶奶,等(děnɡ)车雨里站。 东东看见了,赶(ɡǎn)紧(jǐn)跑上前。 踮(diǎn)起小脚尖,送上小雨伞。 奶奶乐坏(huài)了,亲他胖脸(liǎn)蛋(dàn)。 1、东东是怎么做的,用“------------”画出表示东东动作的词。

2、下雨了,东东看见(),就 ()。 3、写句子。 (),我看见(),就 ( 小明生病了,直叫肚子疼。妈妈带他去医院看病。 医生问小明吃了脏东西没有,小明摇摇头。医生看了看他的手,发现他的手很脏,指甲也很长,说:“用脏手拿东西吃会生病的。” 小明记住医生的话,做到经常洗手、剪指甲,成了一个讲卫生的孩子。 1.短文有_____个小节,第一节有_____句话。 2.小明__________________,妈妈带他去________________________。 3.小明生病的原因是什么请你用“____________”画出来。 太山公公的胡(hu)子 那是山中的瀑(pù)布吗不,那是大山公公的胡子。 这胡子呀,很长很长。你瞧(qiáo),它从山上一直拖(tuō)到山下。 拖到山下还不够(ɡòu),这胡子又伸(shēn)到山脚的小溪里,又伸到远处的小河里,又伸到更远的大江里……一直通(tōnɡ)到大海里。 1、这篇课文有()个自然段。


最新人教版六年级语文上册作文专项专题训练 1. 题目:______的味道 提示:“味道”在词典中的意思有:①气味;②味;③意味,趣味。哪一种意思引起了你的回忆?是一道美味的佳肴,是一段难忘的成长经历,还是一次深刻的阅读感悟……请把题目补充完整,写一篇语句通顺、内容具体、感情真挚的文章。 要求:书写规范、整洁,不少于400字,文中不要出现真实的校名和人名。既要学习又要思考。 2. 习作 题目:全家人为我而高兴 要求:要用具体事例说明全家人为你而高兴的原因,要注意细节描写,写出真情实感。450字左右。不要写出自己的真实姓名。 3. 习作与表达。 题目:美丽的______ 提示与要求:小朋友们,大自然是神奇的,一年四季各有各的美丽。你最喜欢哪个季节的景色呢?先想一想,在写一写。 注意:先把题目补充完整,在选择有代表性的一处或几处景色来表现这个季节的特点,请按一定的顺序写。 4. 我们的童年有太多太多值得自己回忆的事。想起这些事,你就感到高兴、幸福,还是后悔、难过呢?请你选择一件事生动具体地写下来,要把事情的经过写清楚,写出自己的真情实感,语句通顺,标点准确,书写工整。题目自拟。 5. 下面是一些同学的心里话,看后你肯定会想到与这些心里话有关的人或事。请选择其中一句,把你想到的写成一篇450字以上的作文。题目自拟,文中一律不能用真名。 ①与其嫉妒别人,不如用实际行动超越别人。 ②要是让我重来一次,我一定…… ③得到真情的关怀,是世界上最最幸福的事情。 ④困难像弹簧,看你强不强。你强它就弱,你弱它就强。 ⑤我多么希望爸妈能理解我啊,理解万岁! 6. 习作。 “达人”是指在某方面比较精通的高手。作文写得好是“写作达人”,游戏玩得好是“游戏达人”,菜做得好是“厨艺达人”,钢琴弹得好是“钢琴达人”……想一想你自己或身边的同学是哪方面的高手,是什么“达人”,动笔写一写吧!题目自拟,完成一篇不少于400字的习作。语句通顺连贯,事例具体,希望你笔下


西大街小学一年级5班拼音练习ao ou iu 姓名:家长批阅得分: 背诵标调歌。(见a别放过,没a找o、e, i、u并列标在后。) 一、给下列复韵母和音节标上四声声调。 ɑo wei ou you iu jiu 二、看图选韵母把音节补充完整,填一填。 āo óu ái òu ǎo 三、把气球还给适合的小动物。 四、分类选一选

ɑi i zhi u ei shi wu ou o iu yi ɑ单韵母 复韵母 整体认读音节

五、填一填,小动物们爱吃什么(不会的字用拼音代替) 小猫māo 爱吃 鱼 小狗gǒu 爱吃 小牛爱吃 我爱吃 六、给下面的音节标上第三声。 七、找出下列音节中的韵母,并写在 上。 h ǎ__l ǜ__m ái __c áo __li ū__ h óu __ 八、请把下列音节补充完整(正确答案见课本56页) 开头 k___t___ 石头s___t___ 回头h___t___ 木头 m___t___ 围脖 w___b___ 自由z__y__ 九、请默写所有声母。 熟读下列带调音节。 bào dāo nǎo ɡào hǎo yǎo dǒu tóu kòu chǒu yǒu zǒu niú diū qiú xiù jiǔ liǔ dào bāo cài chái ɡǒu hòu

jiǔniúkuízhuīnèi měi yóu ròu sōu lòu diūshuǐtiāo niǎo xiào piāo liáo jiào 熟读下列音节词。 jiǔ cài niǔ kòu bào zhǐchǎo nào lǎo shījiāo àoɡuò qiáo duō shǎo yāo qiúxiǎo cǎo tiào shuǐhǎi ōu


趣味作文指导专题 知识点:了解三年级写人作文的基础知识,学会描写一个人 重难点:掌握描写人的方法及通过一件事写一个人的特征 知识点一:写作之前:学会观察周围的人物的外貌、语言和动作。 对于三年级的学生来说,作文刚刚入门的时候,首先要先把一些简单的生字连接起来,让学生能够很容易的连成一句话,这样,对于刚学作文的学生来说就不会感觉到无话可说,无字可写。所以,写作文前要先学会观察,然后再进行一个语言组织是很重要的。 学会观察是把作文写得生动形象的一个重要的前提,所以你从现在开始就要注意培养自己的观察能力,我们可以从学会观察周围的人物开始,要处处留心周围人的语言、动作和神态等,并用心感受。 首先:观察要仔细,找出人物的外貌、语言和动作不同于其他人的地方,也就是说外貌、语言、动作要符合人物的性格特点和身份特征。 然后:将这些外貌、动作、语言用适当的连贯词语有顺序的连起来。 最后:借用一些简单的修饰手法,这样会使人物形象更为传神。 【例文欣赏】: 知错就改 我没好气地说:“你怎么又来了?想挨打呀?”荣荣怯生生地说:“小蕾姐姐,幼儿园的阿姨说,好孩子有错就要改。上次我摘了你的茉莉花,今天我妈妈买了一盆,叫我拿来。我是来向你道歉的。”

观察上面的可爱的图片,试着说一说: 知识点二:人物外貌描写方法 (一)进行外貌描写时要有一定的顺序。 (二)抓住人物外貌的特点进行描写。 (三)进行外貌描写时要注意反映出人物的性格特点。 (四)描写外貌要注意反映人物的内心感情。 【优美外貌描写分享】 妹妹今年十岁,读小学三年级。她那红扑扑的脸蛋上,一双水灵灵的大眼睛适着聪明伶俐的神色。乌黑的头发下,两条弯弯的眉毛,像那月牙儿。她那一排雪白的牙齿当中,缺了颗门牙,一笑起来,就成了个豁牙巴,十分逗人喜欢。 小菊到今年已经十四岁了,但是她的身体长得不高,手臂依然那么细小,颧骨照旧凸出,十个指头像一束枯竹枝,仿佛一折就会折断似的;因为她十分消瘦,所以看起来她的身体轻飘飘的。 哈利·波特 哈利·波特真酷! 他的眉毛又黑又浓,眼镜大大的,显得炯炯有神。高高 的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜,镜片圆圆的。哈利·波特戴着它, 显得很有学问。他的嘴唇很薄,好像随时都会念出神奇的咒 语。 他身披黑色的斗篷,右手伸得笔直。手里的魔法棒闪着 神秘的光,仿佛已经明白了主人的意思,即将施展魔力,伸 张正义,向邪恶开战! 在金色背景的衬托下,哈利·波特简直帅极了。而且他 非常勇敢,不管面对的是多么可怕的敌人,他都会毫不犹豫 地冲上去,把邪恶的敌人消灭! 【精彩积累】 1.眼睛: 细密密的眼睛乌黑的大眼睛会说话的眼睛炯炯有神的眼睛大而亮的眼睛水灵灵的眼睛2.眉毛: 弯弯的眉毛浓浓的剑眉细长的黑眉稀疏的眉毛长长的剑眉弯弯的细眉月牙般的眉毛3.头发: 乌黑的头发深黑的头发美丽的金发稀稀拉拉的头发乌黑发亮的头发深黑的头发 4 鼻子: 高高的鼻梁扁扁的鼻子短而粗的鼻子翘翘的鼻子平平的鼻子 5.嘴巴: 樱桃小嘴秀美的嘴唇 6.脸面: 脸庞清秀的我脸色苍白满脸笑容满脸相迎
