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1.The curtain have _____ because of the strong sunlight.

A. faded

B. dulled

C. fainted

D. weakened

2. We need an umbrella on the beach to give us some ______ at midday.

A shed

B shade

C shadow

D darkness

3. Business picked up in the stores during December, but ______ again after Christmas.

A dropped out

B dropped on

C dropped upon

D dropped off

4. He’s suffered from cancer for many years; it is so strange that he has _____ to the present day.

A deprived

B survived

C derived

D revived

5. The company has the ______ right to print Mr. Dare’s books.

A virtual

B exclusive

C overall

D flexible

6. Since the matter was extremely ______, we dealt with it immediately.

A tough

B tense

C urgent

D instant

7. Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still ______.

A bare

B vacant

C blank

D hollow

8. It took the man several months to ______ the wide horse.

A tend

B cultivate

C tame

D breed

9. The ratio of the work done by the machine ______ the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.

A against

B with

C to

D for

10. The young man doesn’t know what to ______ at the university; he can’t make up his mind about his future.

A take over

B take after

C take in

D take up

11. Tom looked very much _____ when he was caught cheating in the exam on the spot.

A encouraged

B embarrassed

C disappointed

D excited

12. It is impossible to ______ the number of people in China who have acquired an adequate knowledge of


A estimate

B judge

C check

D decide

13. If you _____ your children well, you will be proud of them.

A grow up

B bring up

C get up

D take up

14. I love boiled beef and potatoes; it’s my ______ meal.

A fond

B popular

C favorite

D private

15 Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _____ sickness.

A normal

B ordinary

C average

D regular

16. I know you think I’m talking nonsense, but _____ you will realize I am right.

A at one time

B in time

C at times

D on time

17. Here are comments about the behavior that people in Japan usually expect on various _____.

A occasions

B cases

C times

D circumstances

18. We didn’t catch the train on account of the traffic jam.

A basis

B charge

C account

D behalf

19. The flight was postponed because of technical problems and was finally cancelled last week when a ______

was discovered.

A defect

B defeat

C defender

D defence

20. The government is to send a delegation to _____ the matter.

A look into

B look forward to

C look down

D look in

21. They don’t want to be told that certain jobs or offices are _____ to them just because they are woman.

A opened

B open

C closed

D close

22. ______ a fire, hotel guests will be asked to remain calm.

A As a result of

B In the event of

C In the honor of

D By means of

23. The price of beer _____ from 50cents to $4 per liter during the summer season.

A altered

B separated

C ranged

D differed

24. The manager asked if it was possible for him to ______ the investment plan within a week.

A work out

B put out

C make out

D set out

25. I’m very sorry to have ______ you with so many questions on such an occasion.

A interfered

B impressed

C offended

D bothered

26. From the passage we can _____ that this kind of disease can be cured.

A insult

B inspire

C refuse

D infer

27. It is believed that ______ spending will certainly lead to the bankrupt.

A natural

B mysterious

C public

D excessive

28. The team ______ twenty young people who were carefully chose for the work.

A faces up to

B get across

C gives rise to

D consists of

29. I can _____ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand loud noise.

A come up with

B catch up with

C put up with

D keep up with

30. Accord ing to the ______ of the contract, employees must give six months’ notice if they intend to leave.

A laws

B rules

C terms

D details

31. I don’t believe that ridiculous scheme is ______ of our serious consideration.

A worthless

B worthwhile

C worthy

D worth

32. This article ______ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning.

A calls of

B calls up

C calls in

D calls for

33. Our family can’t afford to buy a piano, ______ the piano lessons.

A let alone

B let in

C let on

D let off

34. When she was busy tiding the room, her little kid is always _____.

A under way

B on the way

C in the way

D by the way

35. His failure to pay the debts ______ the suspicion that he was not to be trusted.

A concerns

B confesses

C confuses

D confirms

36. What was their _____ to the proposal that a dam be built at the foot of the mountain.

A. remark B reaction C comment D opinion

37. If a scene is likely to be offensive to the average person, then you may shorten or ______ that scene.

A decrease

B delete

C repay

D darken

38. I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed that I was running after something I wanted, but it was always beyond my _______.

A reach

B excess

C control

D favor

39. It is not that I mean to find _____ with you, but that you’ve really made a serious mistake.

A weakness

B mistake

C error

D fault

40. So _______ is the weather in England that by lunchtime there could be thunder and lighting.

A various

B varies

C variable

D variation

41. “ Sorry , there are no tickets _____ for tomorrow’s performance.” the ticket officer said.

A preferable

B considerable

C favorable

D available

42. A lot of people were ready to work long hours because high unemployment meant that they could easily be


A separated

B appointed

C transferred

D replaced

43.Researchers are discovering that music can help healing sorrows in a ______of ways.

A variety

B wonder

C type

D thousand

44. Did you notice the _______on the man’s face when he heard that Kino had found the pearl of the world.

A appearance

B expression

C description

D outlook

45. Those who support the nature side of the conflict believe that our ____ and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors.

A . personalities B. characteristics C. abilities D. qualifications

46. The pupils are told that they can ______ success if they work really hard.

A get

B achieve

C gain

D acquire

47. Last night, the electric lamps went out so we had to _____ candles to light the room.

A lead to

B contribute to

C amount to

D resort to

48. He knows nothing about the car accident; it happened ______ to his arrival.

A cautious

B curious

C previous

D conscious

49. You did not say that you were present, but words ______ that you were.

A applied

B implied

C replied

D complied

50. Internet marketing activities have _____ strategies to pull customers into sites.

A figured out

B let alone

C approved of

D focused on

51. He’s something bad-tempered, but he’s a good fellow _____ .

A in heart

B out of heart

C at heart

D by heart

52. People were not satisfied with the airport because the plane arrived one hour behind _____.

A time

B plan

C date

D schedule

53. The government completed the programs _____ great expense.

A in

B at

C of

D with

54. A written word is a sign of a certain sound and that sound is _____ the sign of an idea.

A in turn

B in detail

C in case

D in particular

55. After years of hard work, researchers have discovered a new ____ to cancer treatment.

A approach

B method

C channel

D route

56. The actual cost of the building was much higher than our original _____.

A consideration

B judgement

C estimate

D decision

57. When we think of communication, we ______ think of using words, talking face to face, writing messages and so on.

A shortly

B namely

C vainly

D normally

58. Let’s ______ the minor issues for the time being and concentrate on the important ones.

A neglect

B ignore

C finish

D eliminate

59. He can always _____ excellent proposal to help the company make profit.

A come up with

B come upon

C come up to

D come out

60. If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which ____ learners to practice these skills independently.

A enable

B stimulate

C advocate

D repeat

61. Mobile phones have proved to ______ with flight instruments and have a negative effect on flight safety.

A interfere

B disturb

C interrupt

D trouble

62. In fact, the desire to improve one’s material life is an absolutely necess ary key to _____ and social


学位英语考试词汇语法选择练习题及答案 1._____ you were busy, I wouldn’t have bothered you with my questions. A. If I realized B. Had I realized C. Did I have realized that D. As I realized 答案解析:B 【句意】如果知道你忙,我就不会问问题打扰你了。 【解析】此题为省略if的虚拟条件状语从句,其结构为had+主语+过去分词+句子其它,主句结构为:主语+ would had done. 2.Tom said that he wouldn’t mind _____. A. to wait for us B. waiting for us C. wait for us D. for waiting us 答案解析:B 【句意】汤姆说他不介意等我们。 【解析】mind,avoid,admit,enjoy,escape,finish,can’t help,postpone,practise,risk,suggest等动词后要求用动名词doing做宾语。 3.They do not have to pay for expensive seats at the theater, the

cinema or the opera, _____, perhaps, that show is disappointing. A. only to discover B. only discovering C. only so as to discover D. only for discovering Best Answer: A 详解:应选A项。only to do sth意为“结果只是……”,其逻辑主语是they. 4.For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____ psychologically really for the new idea. A. would be B. were C. be D. is Best Answer: C 详解:应选C项。require要求从句的谓语省略should +动词原形。 5.The current political _____ of our country is favorable for foreign investments. A. climate B. weather C. temperature D. state


宏观经济学思考题及参考答案(1) 第四章 基本概念:潜在GDP,总供给,总需求,AS曲线,AD曲线。 思考题 1、宏观经济学的主要目标是什么?写出每个主要目标的简短定义。请详细解释 为什么每一个目标都十分重要。 答:宏观经济学目标主要有四个:充分就业、物价稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡。 (1)充分就业的本义是指所有资源得到充分利用,目前主要用人力资源作为充分就业的标准;充分就业本不是指百分之百的就业,一般地说充分就业允许的失业范畴为4%。只有经济实现了充分就业,一国经济才能生产出潜在的GDP,从而使一国拥有更多的收入用于提高一国的福利水平。 (2)物价稳定,即把通胀率维持在低而稳定的水平上。物价稳定是指一般物价水平(即总物价水平)的稳定;物价稳定并不是指通货膨胀率为零的状态,而是维持一种能为社会所接受的低而稳定的通货膨胀率的经济状态,一般指通货膨胀率为百分之十以下。物价稳定可以防止经济的剧烈波动,防止各种扭曲对经济造成负面影响。 (3)经济增长是指保持合意的经济增长率。经济增长是指单纯的生产增长,经济增长率并不是越高越好,经济增长的同时必须带来经济发展;经济增长率一般是用实际国民生产总值的年平均增长率来衡量的。只有经济不断的增长,才能满足人类无限的欲望。 (4)国际收支平衡是指国际收支既无赤字又无盈余的状态。国际收支平衡是一国对外经济目标,必须注意和国内目标的配合使用;正确处理国内目标与国际目标的矛盾。在开放经济下,一国与他国来往日益密切,保持国际收支的基本平衡,才能使一国避免受到他国经济波动带来的负面影响。 3,题略 答:a.石油价格大幅度上涨,作为一种不利的供给冲击,将会使增加企业的生产成本,从而使总供给减少,总供给曲线AS将向左上方移动。 b.一项削减国防开支的裁军协议,而与此同时,政府没有采取减税或者增加政府支出的政策,则将减少一国的总需求水平,从而使总需求曲线AD向左下方移动。 c.潜在产出水平的增加,将有效提高一国所能生产出的商品和劳务水平,从而使总供给曲线AS向右下方移动。 d.放松银根使得利率降低,这将有效刺激经济中的投资需求等,从而使总需求增加,总需求曲线AD向右上方移动。 第五章 基本概念:GDP,名义GDP,实际GDP,NDP,DI,CPI,PPI。 思考题: 5.为什么下列各项不被计入美国的GDP之中? a优秀的厨师在自己家里烹制膳食; b购买一块土地; c购买一幅伦勃朗的绘画真品; d某人在2009年播放一张2005年录制的CD所获得的价值; e电力公司排放的污染物对房屋和庄稼的损害;


一、选择题 1.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for 2.People often make a wish before candles when they celebrate birthday. A.bringing out B.laying out C.finding out D.blowing out 3.—The fire was finally____ in Jilin on June 3. Unfortunately, 119 people lost their lives. —I hope the accident like this won’t happen again. A.put down B.put away C.put out D.put up 4.He drove at such a high speed at the turning that the car almost went ______the road. A.on B.along C.from D.off 5.--All right. I’ll take it. But I tell you, it is the last time I will ______ this kind of work. ---Come on, buddy! Don’t be so serious. A.take out B.take up C.take on D.take off 6.-What do you think of this story? -It's interesting, but Miss Lin asked us to __________ a story by ourselves, not to find one on the Internet. A.make up B.look up C.listen to D.take away 7.As the road to the airport is under repair, we will have to _______ early to get there in time. A.turn off B.take off C.put off D.set off 8.—What are you doing? —I’m looking ________ the Internet for some information for my article. A.for B.at C.up D.through 9.High technology is used in EURO 2016 to the matches are fair enough in France. A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come over 10.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A.too much;too many B.too many;too much C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 11.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 12.---___________ is it from here to his home? ---Not far. You can arrive on foot ______________.


5.1理论形成的社会历史条件 1、和平与发展成为时代主题是理论形成的时代背景 2、社会主义建设的经验教训是理论形成的历史根据 3、改革开放和现代化建设的实践是理论形成的现实依据 5.2如何把握理论的主要容 1、解放思想、实事的思想路线 2、社会主义初级阶段理论 3、党的基本路线 4、社会主义根本任务的理论 5、三步走战略 6、改革开放理论 7、社会主义市场经济理论 8、“两手抓,两手都要硬”: 物质文明和精神文明建设都要抓是我国社会主义现代化建设的基本方针 9、一国两制 10、中国问题的关键在于党 5.3如何认识理论的历史地位 1、马克思列宁主义、思想继承和发展 2、中国特色社会主义理论体系的开篇之作 3、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的科学指南 8.1如何理解我国社会主要矛盾发生的变化 对社会主义矛盾的科学判断,是制定党的路线方针的基本依据。党对我国社会主要矛盾认识根据社会发展变化而不断调整和深化。 1、1956年社会主义改造基本完成后,党的八大指“出我国的主要矛盾已经是人民对于经济文化迅速发展的需求同当前经济不能满足人民需要的状况之间的矛盾” 2、1981年十一届六中全会通过《历史决议》对我国社会主

要矛盾作了科学表述“我国需要解决的矛盾,已经是人民日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会之间产生的矛盾” 3、党的十九大明确指出,我国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要同不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾。主要依据有下面三个方面: ①经改革开放四十年的发展,我国社会生产水平总体上显著提高,很多方面进入世界前列。 ②人民的生活水平显著提高,对美好生活的向往更加强烈。 ③影响满足人们美好生活需要的因素很多,但主要是发展不平衡不充分的问题。 8.2如何认识中国特色社会主义进入新时代 1、新时代的涵: ○1新时代是承前启后、继往开来,在新的历史条件下继续夺取中国特色注意伟大胜利的时代。 ○2新时代是决胜全面建成小康社会、进而全面建设社会主义文化强国的时代。 ○3新时代是全国各族人民团结奋斗、不断创造美好生活、逐步实现全体人民共同富裕的时代。 ○4新时代是全体中华儿女戮力同心、奋力实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的时代。 ○5新时代是我国日益走近世界舞台中央、不断为人类作出更大贡献的时代。 2、新时代的意义 ○1从中华民族伟大复兴的历史进程来看,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,意味着中华民族迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃,迎来了实现中华民族伟大复兴的光明前景。○2从科学社会主义发展进程来看,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,在社会上高高举起了中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜。○3从人类文明进程来看,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,拓展了发展中国家走向现代化的途径,为解决人类问题贡献了中国智慧和中国方案。


词汇测试100题 I. 单项选择 1. With the _______of Mary, all the girl students are eager to go to the party. A. exhibition B. exception C. except D. reception 2. Although the traffic is not busy, he likes to drive at a _______ speed. A. spare B. fast C. moderate D. moral 3. All the memories of his childhood had _______ from his mind by the time he was 65. A. faded B. illustrated C. confined D. concerned 4. This river is so big that it is impossible to build a _______ under it without modern technology. A. canal B. tunnel C. channel D. cable 5. The _______ is nearly dead , so I can not start the car again. A. bean B. beam C. bake D. battery 6. When making modern cameras , people began to _______ plastics for metal. A. surround B. substance C. stretch D. substitute 7. With the help of the government, a large number of people ---_______ after the flood in 1991. A. survived B. suspended C. suffered D. subjected 8. He always has a lot of _______ ideas in his mind , and sometimes we do not even know what he is thinking about. A. novel B. spoil C. acceptable D. additional 9. Please be serious. I am not _______. You should consider it carefully A. sorting B. joking C. counting D. comparing 10. We do not have a _______ school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S. . A. continue B. bay C. assistance D. graduate 11. In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the ________ government, not by each state. A. federal B. figure C. scientific D. service 12. He works in our university as a visiting _______, not as a formal faculty member. A. traditional B. scholar C. nurse D. pilot 13. When you fill in the application form, please use your _______ address so that we can contact you easily later. A. policy B. plain C. permanent D. principal 14. John _______ to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude. A. pretends B. assures C. affords D. melts 15. We can not trust him any more because he often ________ his duty. A. owes B. spoils C. deserts D. neglects 16. In order to increase our output, we need to import more production _______. A. facilities B. hens C. votes D. artists 17. When a spacecraft travels, on e of the major problems is reentry into the Earth’s _______. A. surface B. atmosphere C. attitude D. bent 18. This river forms a natural _______ between China and Korea. A. boundary B. string C. spot D. zone 19. She is already 16 years old. But she _______as if she were still a little girl.


第2章思考题及习题2参考答案 一、填空 1. 在AT89S51单片机中,如果采用6MHz晶振,一个机器周期为。答:2μs 2. AT89S51单片机的机器周期等于个时钟振荡周期。答:12 3. 内部RAM中,位地址为40H、88H的位,该位所在字节的字节地址分别为 和。答:28H,88H 4. 片内字节地址为2AH单元最低位的位地址是;片内字节地址为A8H单元的最低位的位地址为。答:50H,A8H 5. 若A中的内容为63H,那么,P标志位的值为。答:0 6. AT89S51单片机复位后,R4所对应的存储单元的地址为,因上电时PSW= 。这时当前的工作寄存器区是组工作寄存器区。答:04H,00H,0。 7. 内部RAM中,可作为工作寄存器区的单元地址为 H~ H。答:00H,1FH 8. 通过堆栈操作实现子程序调用时,首先要把的内容入栈,以进行断点保护。调用子程序返回指令时,再进行出栈保护,把保护的断点送回到,先弹出的是原来中的内容。答:PC, PC,PCH 9. AT89S51单片机程序存储器的寻址范围是由程序计数器PC的位数所决定的,因为AT89S51单片机的PC是16位的,因此其寻址的范围为 KB。答:64 10. AT89S51单片机复位时,P0~P3口的各引脚为电平。答:高 11. AT89S51单片机使用片外振荡器作为时钟信号时,引脚XTAL1接,引脚XTAL2的接法是。答:片外振荡器的输出信号,悬空 12. AT89S51单片机复位时,堆栈指针SP中的内容为,程序指针PC中的内容为 。答:07H,0000H 二、单选 1. 程序在运行中,当前PC的值是。 A.当前正在执行指令的前一条指令的地址 B.当前正在执行指令的地址。 C.当前正在执行指令的下一条指令的首地址 D.控制器中指令寄存器的地址。 答:C 2. 判断下列哪一种说法是正确的?


(B卷) Vocabulary(15 points) Direction:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part .For each sentence there are four choices marked A) B) C) D) .Choose the one best completes the sentence. 1. The opening speeches sounded more like ________ of war than offering of peace. A) announce B) demand C) declaration D) demonstration 2. Their marriage was already ________ even before his wife went abroad. A) fade away B) fall apart C) get away D) go down 3. I’m pleased to hear of your job offer-----all that hard work at school has obviously ____. A) paid off B)taken its off C) made a difference D) shown up 4. A rich old lady _______ dead at home for two weeks---and nobody knew anything about it. A. lived B. stayed C. lay D. kept 5. Smart cars ________which can monitor one’s driving and the driving conditions nearby. A) have built B) have been built C) are building D) are going to build 6. Now that we’ve got a loan from the bank, our project is financially _____.



生化练习题 一、填空题: 1、加入高浓度的中性盐,当达到一定的盐饱和度时,可使蛋白质的溶解度__________并__________,这种现象称为 __________。 2、核酸的基本结构单位是_____________。 3、____RNA 分子指导蛋白质合成,_____RNA 分子用作蛋白质合成中活化氨基酸的载体。 4、根据维生素的溶解性质,可将维生素分为两类,即 ____________和____________。 5、___________是碳水化合物在植物体内运输的主要方式。 6、糖酵解在细胞的_____________中进行 7、糖类除了作为能源之外,它还与生物大分子间识别有关,也是合成__________,___________,_____________等的碳骨架的共体。 8、脂肪是动物和许多植物主要的能源贮存形式,是由甘油与3分子_____________酯化而成的。 9、基因有两条链,作为模板指导转录的那条链称 _____________链。 10、以RNA 为模板合成DNA 称_____________。 二、名词解释 1、蛋白质的一级结构: 2、糖的有氧氧化: 3、必需脂肪酸: 4、半保留复制: 三、问答题 1、蛋白质有哪些重要功能?

1、蛋白质的一级结构:指蛋白质多肽链中氨基酸的排列顺序,以及二硫键的位置。 2、糖的有氧氧化:糖的有氧氧化指葡萄糖或糖原在有氧条件下氧化成水和二氧化碳的过程。是糖氧化的主要方式。 3、必需脂肪酸:为人体生长所必需但有不能自身合成,必须从事物中摄取的脂肪酸。在脂肪中有三种脂肪酸是人体所必需的,即亚油酸,亚麻酸,花生四烯酸。 4、半保留复制:双链DNA 的复制方式,其中亲代链分离,每一子代DNA 分子由一条亲代链和一条新合成的链组成。 三、问答题 2、DNA 分子二级结构有哪些特点? 答:按Watson-Crick 模型,DNA 的结构特点有:两条反相平行的多核苷酸链围绕同一中心轴互绕;碱基位于结构的内侧,而亲水的糖磷酸主链位于螺旋的外侧,通过磷酸二酯键相连,形成核酸的骨架;碱基平面与轴垂直,糖环平面则与轴平行。两条链皆为右手螺旋;双螺旋的直径为2nm,碱基堆积距离为0.34nm,两核酸之间的夹角是36°,每对螺旋由10 对碱基组成;碱基按A=T,G=C 配对互补,彼此以氢键相连系。维持DNA 结构稳定的力量主要是碱基堆积力;双螺旋结构表面有两条螺形凹沟,一大一小。 3、怎样证明酶是蛋白质? 答:(1)酶能被酸、碱及蛋白酶水解,水解的最终产物都是氨基酸,证明酶是由氨基酸组成的。 (2)酶具有蛋白质所具有的颜色反应,如双缩脲反应、茚三酮反应、米伦反应、乙醛酸反应。 (3)一切能使蛋白质变性的因素,如热、酸碱、紫外线等,同样可以使酶变性失活。


It was already midnight. At one end of the big house, on a sort of a raised platform, Major was already sitting in comfort on his bed of straw. He was twelve years old and had __1__ grown rather fat, but he was still a majestic-looking (威武的) pig, with a wise and kind appearance. Before long the other animals began to arrive and make themselves __2_ _ after their different fashions. First came the three dogs, Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher, and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the platform. The hens rested themselves beside the window. The pigeons flew up to the rafters(房梁). The sheep and cows lay down behind the pigs. The two cart-horses, Boxer and Clover, came in together, walking very slowly and setting down their vast hairy hoofs (马蹄) with great care in case there should be some small animal __3_ in the straw. Clover was a motherly horse ___4___ middle life, who had never quite got her figure back after her fourth baby. Boxer was an enormous beast, nearly eighteen hands high, and as strong as any two ordinary horses ___5____ __ together. A white stripe down his nose gave him a somewhat stupid appearance, and in fact he was not of first-rate ___6__ __, but he was ___7__ __ respected for his steadiness of character and ___8___ powers of work. After the horses came Muriel, the white goat, and Benjamin, the donkey. Benjamin was the oldest animal on the farm, and the worst ___9___ __. He seldom talked, and when he did, it was usually to make some ironical __10__ _----for instance, he would say that God had given him a tail to keep the flies off, but that he would rather have had no tail and no flies. Alone among the animals on the farm he never laughed. If asked why, he would say that he saw nothing to laugh at. BJGHEKCDAI When Minnesota Bank and Trust opened in 2008, CEO Kate Kelly was determined to make it a place people wanted to work. So she __1__ three volunteers to the employee event committee and waited to see what would happen. Soon, there was lawn bowling, miniature golf, blue-jean Fridays and a(n) __2__ _ holiday trip to Wal-mart where each worker got $ 10 to buy a Secret Santa gift. ‘It is nice every once in a while to just laugh,’ Kelly said. ‘There is a(n) ___3__ _ difference in the mood here after an event. Everyone is chatting and laughing. You d on’t have to spend a lot of money.’ Yet the __4_ __ is significant: people want to work there. And that’s important, according to a report __5__ __ by the Society of Human Resources Management. If employers don’t want their best talent to slip out the door for good, they need to develop the programs aimed at keeping their employees. Some executives say they are determined to keep their best talent and to spend the time and money necessary to __6 __ that all workers have a fun, engaging workplace where they feel ___7_ _. Kelly said her bank grew from 20 employees to 33 in four years. At the same time, she’s lost just three workers since 2008. It takes 12 to 18 months of training to replace a person who leaves. So her ___8_ __ in fun makes a lot of sense. Jessica Pecoraro is a member of the Women President Organisation. Every leader in that group ‘is looking for _9__ methods other than salary to motivate people, one, so they perform and two, so th ey stay.’ Beyond money, they look for ways to have fun. Other _10__ on investments come in all sizes of smiles and in all manner of nuttiness(疯狂) that often have little to do with the job at hand.


思考题与习题 1 1- 1 回答以下问题: ( 1)半导体材料具有哪些主要特性? (2) 分析杂质半导体中多数载流子和少数载流子的来源; (3) P 型半导体中空穴的数量远多于自由电子, N 型半 导体中自由电子的数量远多于空穴, 为什么它们对外却都呈电中性? (4) 已知温度为15C 时,PN 结的反向饱和电流 I s 10 A 。当温度为35 C 时,该PN 结 的反向饱和 电流I s 大约为多大? ( 5)试比较二极管在 Q 点处直流电阻和交流电阻的大小。 解: ( 1)半导体的导电能力会随着温度、光照的变化或掺入杂质浓度的多少而发生显着改变, 即半导体具 有热敏特性、光敏特性和掺杂特性。 ( 2)杂质半导体中的多数载流子是由杂质原子提供的,例如 供一个自由电子,P 型半导体中一个杂质原子提供一个空穴, 浓度;少数载流子则是由热激发产生的。 (3) 尽管P 型半导体中空穴浓度远大于自由电子浓度,但 P 型半导体中,掺杂的杂质原子因获得一个价电子而变成带负电的杂 质离子(但不能移动),价 电子离开后的空位变成了空穴,两者的电量相互抵消,杂质半导体从总体上来说仍是电中性的。 同理, N 型半导体中虽然自由电子浓度远大于空穴浓度,但 N 型半导体也是电中性的。 (4) 由于温度每升高10 C ,PN 结的反向饱和电流约增大 1倍,因此温度为 35C 时,反向 饱和电流为 (5) 二极管在 Q 点处的直流电阻为 交流电阻为 式中U D 为二极管两端的直流电压, U D U on ,I D 为二极管上流过的直流电流, U T 为温度的 电压当量,常温下 U T 26mV ,可见 r d R D 。 1- 2 理想二极管组成的电路如题 1- 2图所示。试判断图中二极管是导通还是截止,并确定 各电路的输 出电压。 解 理想二极管导通时的正向压降为零, 截止时的反向电流为零。 本题应首先判断二极管的工 作状 态,再进一步求解输出电压。二极管工作状态的一般判断方法是:断开二极管, 求解其端口 电压;若该电压使二极管正偏, 则导通; 若反偏, 则截止。 当电路中有两只或两只以上二极管时, 可分别应用该方法判断每只二极管的工作状态。 需要注意的是, 当多只二极管的阳极相连 (共阳 极接法)时,阴极电位最低的管子将优先导通;同理,当多只二极管的阴极相连(共阴极接法) 时,阳极电位最高的管子将优先导通。 (a) 断开二极管 D ,阳极电位为12V ,阴极电位为6V ,故导通。输岀电压 U O 12V 。 (b) 断开二极管 D 1、D 2, D 1、D 2为共阴极接法,其阴极电位均为 6V ,而D 1的阳极电位 为9V , D 2的阳极电位为5V ,故D 1优先导通,将 D 2的阴极电位钳制在 7.5V ,D 2因反向偏置而 截止。输岀电压 U O 7.5V 。 N 型半导体中一个杂质原子提 因此 多子浓度约等于所掺入的杂质 P 型半导体本身不带电。因为在


考研英语词汇练习题及答案(一) 1. This rock has to be _______ in order to build a road. A. blasted B.explored C.hired D.maintained 2. He did not go to the party last night, which _______ her feelings deeply. A. wounded B.injured C.hurt D.injury 3.When they returned to the river, they found that the boat had _______ away. A.framed B.frosted C.frowned D.floated 4.If you need further information, please _______ our office. A.constant B.construct C.contact D.contain 5.During the war, many soldiers were killed not by _______, but by disease. A.bulledts B.devil C.bible D.depth 6.We watched the ship until it became only a _______ in the distance. A. point B.jar C.stove D.dot 7.The English proverb ‘_______ the rod and spoil the child’means that if you deep from punishing the child, you will spoil its character. A. rule B.rug C.clap D.spare 8.The _______ was only sentenced to pay a fine of $10,000. A. worm B.trial C.tube D.criminal 9.Higher education in China is free but the _______ for entrance is strong. A. comparison B.consequence https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8615600749.html,petition D.crawl 10.The light is too _______ for me to read. I can not stand any more. A. rid B.ripe C.soup D.dim 11.The water _______ from the tap and damaged all the books in my study. A. sprayed B.puzzled C.inclined D.exported 12.In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _______ them. A. orders B.conquers C.executes D.hedges 13.She is too _______ to answer questions in the class. A. eagle B.cough C.eager D.couch 14.We enjoy seeing the glorious _______ of the rising sun. A. beams B.beans C.beef D.beer 15.In the _______ English reading course, the students have to read a lot. A. extensive B.mechanical C.mercury D.opera 16.He gave up his study in college in _______. A. bundle B.butcher C.ash D.despair 17.Several people _______ the car accident. A. witnessed B.proved C.swallowed D.drugged 18.They will _______ the project with the necessary funds. A. refer B.relate C.furnace D.furnish 19.I took it for _______ that you wouldn’t come here again. A. grand B.tame C.granted D.thumb 20.He was sent to London on a special _______. A. missing B.missile C.mission D.mistress


第三章思考题 刚体一般是由n (n 是一个很大得数目)个质点组成。为什么刚体的独立变量却不是3n 而是6或者更少 何谓物体的重心他和重心是不是 总是重合在一起的 试讨论图形的几何中心,质心和重心重合在一起的条件。 简化中心改变时,主矢和主矩是不是也随着改变如果要改变,会不会影响刚体的运动 已知一匀质棒,当它绕过其一端并垂直于棒的轴转动时,转动惯量为23 1 ml ,m 为棒的质量,l 为棒长。 问此棒绕通过离棒端为l 41且与上述轴线平行的另一轴线转动时,转动惯量是不是等于2 24131?? ? ??+l m ml 为什么 如果两条平行线中没有一条是通过质心的,那么平行轴定理式(3.5.12)能否应用如不能,可否加以修改后再用 在平面平行运动中,基点既然可以任意选择,你觉得选择那些特殊点作为基点比较好好处在哪里又在(3.7.1)及()两式中,哪些量与基点有关哪些量与基点无关 转动瞬心在无穷远处,意味着什么 刚体做平面平行运动时,能否对转动瞬心应用动量矩定理写出它的动力学方程为什么 当圆柱体以匀加速度自斜面滚下时,为什么用机械能守恒定律不能求出圆柱体和斜面之间的反作用力此时摩擦阻力所做的功为什么不列入是不是我们必须假定没有摩擦力没有摩擦力,圆柱体能不能滚 圆柱体沿斜面无滑动滚下时,它的线加速度与圆柱体的转动惯量有关,这是为什么但圆柱体沿斜面既滚且滑向下运动时,它的线加速度则与转动惯量无关这又是为什么 刚体做怎样的运动时,刚体内任一点的线速度才可以写为r ω?这时r 是不是等于该质点到转动轴的垂直距离为什么 刚体绕固定点转动时,r ω ?dt d 为什么叫转动加速度而不叫切向加速度又()r ωω??为什么叫向轴加速度而不叫向心加速度 在欧勒动力学方程中,既然坐标轴是固定在刚体上,随着刚体一起转动,为什么我们还可以用这种坐标系来研究刚体的运动 欧勒动力学方程中的第二项()21I I -y x ωω等是怎样产生的它的物理意义又是什么 第三章思考题解答 答:确定一质点在空间中得位置需要3个独立变量,只要确定了不共线三点的位置刚体的位置也就确定了,故须九个独立变量,但刚体不变形,此三点中人二点的连线长度不变,即有三个约束方程,所以

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