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当前位置:文档库 › 2019年秋七年级英语上册Unit6Foodandlifestyle单元综合检测A卷无答案新版牛津版20180228185



Unit6 单元检测A卷


1. —Can I have______ milk?

—Sorry, I don’t have ______ milk here.

A. some; any

B. a; any

C. some;some

D. any; some

2. Liu Tao looks quite fit now because he playsbasketball to keep ______.

A. healthy

B. health

C. good

D. well

3. —______ does Lucy like to eat?



B. Where

C. What

D. Why

4.—What would you like to drink?

—Some______, please.


B. lemon

C. carrots

D. juice

5. Eating veget ables is good ______ us.

A. at


C. for

D. to

6. —There is______ salt at home. Please buy some on your way home.

—All right.

A. much

B. many

C. little

D. few

7.—How about ______ a rest?

—Good idea!

A. to have



D. have

8. —Whatdo wehave ______ dinner?

—There ______ some milk and bread in the fridge.

A. for; are

B.in; is

C.of; is

D. for; is

9. In our school, the boys seldomplay badminton ______ thegirls often play it.


B. so

C. but

D. because

10.Sunshine Shopping Mall is a good place ______ friends.


B. to meet


D. meets

11.—My eyesight is becoming worse.

—Youneed to exercise ______and watch ______ TV.

A. more;l ess

B. much; little

C. less;more

D. little; much

12.I don’tlike this kind of drink becausethere’s ______ sugar in it.

A.too many

B. much too

C.many too

D. too much

13. —What would you like to order, Madam?

—I’d like ______.

A.two bottles of oranges

B.two bottles of orange juice

C.two bottle of orange juice

D. two baskets of orange

14.—How often do you goto the shopping mall?


A.Twice a week.

B.Three to five times.

C.In the afternoon.

D. More than four hours.

15.—How about going out and having a pizza?


A. No, thanks.

B.Yes, please.


D. That sounds good.



Ihave a good friend. His name is Tom. Heis a nice boy, but he eats too (1) and doesn’t like sports.

Hehas a big (2) everymorning. He has four eggs, (3) of bread, some icecream and (4) big glassof milk. (5) luncht ime,he eats two hamburgers, a lot of chips (6)

chicken. He drinks alot of cola or soda too. For dinner, he likes beef and salad. He also

(7) eats chicken, hamburgers and eggs. He has ice cream, cola and soda (8) .

Too much food is not (9) for health. So Tom is very (10) and it is easy for himto

get tired. I think he must change his lifestyle to keep fit.























































Harry Potter

Place: Sunshine Cinema

Time: 6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday

Price: ¥15 (Adults)

¥6 (Children)

Note: Children under 10 years old cannot come in.

(1)The name of the film is ______.

A. Red Star

B. Harry Potter

C. Sunshine

D. Saturday

(2)You canwatch the film at ______.

A. Guangming Cinema

B. Dongjin Cinema

C. Sunshine Cinema

D. Dafang Cinema

(3)The film begins ______.

A. at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday

B. at 6:30 p.m.on Monday

C. at 6:30

p.m. on Saturday D. at6:30 a.m. on Friday

(4)Mr andMrs Read have two sons. They are both12. If they four want to see the film,how

much should they pay?

A. Thirty-two yuan.

B. Forty-two yuan.

C. Thirty-six yuan.

D. Forty-six yuan.

(5)Kate is nine years old, Jim is eleven and Simon istwelve. Who can’t go to see the film?

A. Jim.

B. Kate.

C. Simon.

D. Allofthem.



Different people have different skin (皮肤) colours. Some are black, some are yellow,

andsome are white. Once there was a woman in Alaska. Her skin colour was orange.It was

like the colour of orange juice.

Howdid she become orange? She ate lots of tomatoes, carrots and pumpkins. She atetoo many

orange things. That was why she turned orange.

Thewoman didn’t want to be orange. She went to the doctor. The doctor said, “Stopeating

orange things. Eat some green things.” The woman did so, and she wasn’torange any more.

(1)What is this story about?

A. A woman in Alaska with orange skin.

B. Eating different vegetables.

C. A doctor

with greenskin. D. People with different skin colours.

(2)The woman in this story had ______.

A. orange eyes and hair

B. yellow skin

C. green skin

D. orange skin

(3)The woman was orangebecause ______.

A. she liked eating oranges very much

B. she drank toomuch orange juice

C. she

wanted to be orange D. she had too much orange food

(4)Why did the woman go to the doctor?

A. Because she didn’twant to eat oranges.

B. Because she needed some green things.

C. Because she was not feeling good.

D. Because she d idn’tlike her skin colour.

(5)What did the doctor tell her to do?

A. To eat more orange things.

B. To drink more orange juice.

C. Not to buy any orange food.

D. To have some green food.



Doyou often eat fruits and vegetables? What is the difference between a fruit and a

vegetable? Well, we know that all fruits have seeds (种子).Think of an apple or an orange.

They have seeds inside. How about vegetables? Do they have seeds too? For example, does a

potat o haveseeds? Of course it doesn’t. However, tomatoeshave seeds in them. Are they

fruits? In a scientific (科学的) way, they are. However, you wouldn’t like to eat them

fordessert (甜点). And people like to have apples, strawberries, pears andoranges as

dessert. We don’t call tomatoes fruit, because they are not sweet,even th ough, scientifically, they are fruit.

(1)This story is mainly about ______.

A. the seeds of fruits andvegetables

B. the difference between a fruit and a vegetable

C. why we call some foodvegetables

D. why we call some foodfruits

(2)Scientifically, a fruit ______.

A. is the same as a vegetable

B. has seeds

C. shouldn’t be used for

dessert D. is a seed

(3)For dessert,people would like to eat ______.

A. something that looksgood

B. something sweet

C. something

that has seeds D. something healthy

(4)Scientifically, examples of fruits are______.

A. apples andtomatoes

B. tomatoes and potatoes

C. cabbages and

oranges D. strawberries and carrots

(5)Why don’t peoplethink tomatoes is a kind of fruit?

A. Because they don’t have seeds.

B. Because they have seeds.

C. Because they are sweet.

D. Because they are not sweet.


1. Can yougive me some ______ (汉堡包) to eat? I’m too hungry.

2. Everybody knows that rabbits like to eat ______ (胡萝卜).

3. Don’t eat too much ______ (肉) or you will get fatter and fatter.

4. I don’t want to eat any snacksbecause t here is too much ______ (糖) in them.

5. Would you liketo ______ (点) your meal now?


1. Daniel plans______ (spend) less time on computer games.

2. Doing more exercise will help us keep ______(health).

3. Can you buy two kilos of ______(tomato) for us, Jane?

4. Timmy, you are solazy! You need to exercise ______ (much).

5. My brother often goes to school without ______ (have) breakfas t.


1. We need to buy some tomatoes. (对画线部分提问)

____________ you need to buy?

2. There isa sheep in the garden. (改为复数句)

There______ some ______ in the garden.

3. Daniellikes eating hamburgers. (改为否定句)

Daniel______ ______ eating hamburgers.

4. Shewatches an hour of TV on Friday evening. (改为同义句)

She watchesTV ______ ______ ______ on Friday evening.

5. I sometimes have noodles forlunch. (对画线部分提问)

____________ do you have noodles for lunch?


1. 他晚餐吃肉和蔬菜。

He______ meat and vegetables ______ ______.

2. 这顿饭为我整个下午提供能量。

This meal ______ ______ ______ for the ______afternoon.

3. 一周我吃豌豆不少于三次。

Ieat beans ______ ______ ______ ______ a week.

4. 在冰箱里有四片面包。

There are ______ ______ ______ ______ inthe fridge.

5. 在两餐之间他有时会感到饿。

Hesometimes ______ ______ ______ ______.




There are different kinds offood in the world. Some people like the Chinese food. Firstly, theChinese food has a lot of fruits and green vegetables. It is low in sugar and fat. Secondly, theChinese food is very delicious and hasmany dishes. So Chinese people can keep fit and have white teeth.

However, some people enjoy the Westernfood. Nowadays, a lot of people, especially the white-collar (白领) workers in companies, are too busy to cooktheir own lunch or enjoy a

meal in a Chinese restaurant, and the Western foodmeets their needs because it can save time and tastes quite good. There aredifferent styles of Western food and it is a great pleasure to try them.

I like the Chinese foodbetter than the Western food. I’m a Chinese and I am used to (习惯于) Chinese food, which can keep us healthy. Onthe other hand, the Western food is high in fat, sugar and salt. If you eat toomuch Western food and don’t take enough exercise, you’ll get fat easily.Moreover, the Western food is also too expensive for me to buy.


Chinese food

(1) ______ food

About the food

There are lots of (2) ______ and green vegetables in it.

There isn’t too much (3) ______ and fat.

It is fast and tastes good.

It is very (4) ______.

There are many different kinds of Chinese food.

It has some different

(5) ______.

It is healthy to the body and keep

(6) ______ white.

It is popular with white-collar

(7) ______ at lunchtime.

The writer’s ideas

The writer (8) ______ it very much.

He thinks it can keep him healthy.

He thinks it has too much fat, sugar and (9) ______

It can make people get (10) ______ easily.

It costs too much.





Thefood that British people eat is different from our Chinese food. They eat a lotof potatoes and almost eat (1) t______ every day. Theyeat bread for (2) b______ and usually for one other meal. They eat their bread (3)w______ butter (黄油), cheese or jam (果酱). Cheese and butter are made from milk. Wedon’t eat them often in (4) C______.

(5) B______ people drink a lot of milk. They are alsothe world’s biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese (6) t______. But they (7) d______mostly strong black tea from India. They don’t eat(8) m______rice. (9) F______ their main mealsthey like meat or fish with potatoes and oneor two vegetables. They cook all thes e together. After the main meal,

they(10) a______ have some desserts. They don’t eat dumplings in Britain.


1.请根据内容要点,以My lifestyle为题写一篇短文。要点如下:

(1) 我是Tom,今年15岁,在阳光中学学习;

(2) 我是校篮球队的一名队员,每天要花两小时练习打篮球;

(3) 早餐通常在家喝杯牛奶,吃一个鸡蛋和一些面包,这些帮我为一天做好准备;

(4) 中午12点,我在学校吃午饭,午饭有米饭、肉和蔬菜,午饭为整个下午提供能量;

(5) 我通常和家人一起吃晚饭。我每天吃水果,但是很少吃零食,因为它们对健康不利


(1) 语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

(2) 词数80左右,题目已给出。

My lifestyle

__________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________


2013--2014年七年级英语上册期末试卷及答案(人教新目标版) 本试卷分第I卷(选择题) 和第II卷(非选择题) 两部分。第I卷1至6页;第II卷7至10页。共120分,考试时间100分钟。请考生们掌握好时间,答题时要做到自信、沉着、认真思考。 第I 卷(选择题共60分) 注意事项:请将代表选择题答案的字母代号填入第II卷中的答题表格中。 一、听力测试(共20小题,计20分) (一) 听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。 请看第一组的四幅图片,听三个句子,完成第1至第3小题。 A B C D 1. 2. 3. 请看第二组的四幅图片,听三个句子,完成第4至第6小题。

A B C D 4. 5. 6. (二) 听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。对话和问题都读两遍。 7. A. Chinese. B. Math. C. English. 8. A. To watch TV. B. To go to a movie. C. To play ping-pong. 9. A. They are boring. B. They are difficult. C. They are scary. 10. A. On the dresser. B. On the table. C. In the drawer. 11. A. January fifth. B. January fifteenth. C. January fourteenth. 12. A. action movies B. thrillers C. comedies 13.A. seven dollars B. ten dollars C. nine dollars 14. A. 8796335 B. 8697335 C. 8796553 15. A. Yes, he like B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t. (三) 听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你们有20秒钟的时间阅读下列句子。 16. Peter is 11 years old.


Unit 3. Is this your pencil ? 语法专项 一.含有be动词的一般疑问句 教材典句: 1.Is that your schoolbag ? 那是你的书包吗?No, it isn’t . 不,它不是。 2.Is this your pencil ? 这是你的铅笔吗?Yes, it is . 是的,它是。 3.Are these your books ? 这些是你的书吗?No, they aren’t . 不,它们不是。 以上三个句子都是含有be动词的一般疑问句及其肯定或否定回答。 语法全解 1.定义 一般疑问句是用来询问事情或某种情况是否属实,并需要对方用yes或no作出肯定或否定回答的问句。 ①. 一般疑问句中主语为this/ that 时,答语中主语用it。 Is this/ that your pen ? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t . 这/那是你的钢笔吗?是的,它是。/不,它不是。 ②. 一般疑问句中主语为these/those 时,答语中主语用they. Are these/ those his books ? 这些/那些是他的书吗? Yes,they are. / No, they aren’t . 是的,它们是。/不,它们不是。 3.一般疑问句的朗读: 语调:朗读一般疑问句用升调,其简略答语用降调。 Is that a baseball ? 升调那是一个棒球吗? Yes, it is . 降调/ No, it isn’t . 不,它不是。 4.将含有be动词(am, is, are)的陈述句转换为一般疑问句的规则: 将be动词(am, is, are)提至句首(首字母要大写),句末用问号。将陈述句中的主语I 改为you, 遇到形容词性物主代词my时将my改为your, 其他的通常不变。 I am Zhang Yang . 我是张阳。==》Are you Zhang Yang? 你是张阳吗? That is my bike . 那是我的自行车。==》Is that your bike ? 那是你的自行车吗?助记: 含有be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句 说明:“一调”即把be动词调至句首;“二改”即把be动词首字母大写,再把原句首字母小写(人名、地名等专有名词除外),将人称代词I 改为you, 将形容词性物主代词my改为your;“三问号”即在句末加上问号。 练一练: Is this his ruler ? ________, It’s my ruler . A.Yes B. No C. Not D. Don’t


七年级英语上册选择题专项练习题 ( ) 1. I want to a teacher when I grow up. A. be B. do C. am D. / ( ) 2. That’s football. I like playing football very much. A. a the B. a / C. a a D. the / ( ) 3. How do you ______ this in English? A. speak B. tell C talk D. say ( ) 4. He enjoys the radio. A. to listen B. to listen to C. listening D. listening to ( ) 5. I often talk with my friends the phone. A. on B. in C. by D. / ( ) 6. Do you know the teacher long hair B. have C. with D. having ( ) 7. When you go to bed ,your parents can say to you. A. goodbye B. good evening C. good night D. hello ( ) 8. It’s time . A. for bed B. to bed C. to go to bed D. A and C ( ) 9. Do you want to English with me?

A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say ( ) 10. Millie and Simon are talking the news. A. with B. to C. at D. about ( ) 11. I would like bed. A. go to B. to go to C. to go D. go ( ) 12. Andy is my brother. often takes dog for a walk. A. He, his B. She, her C. He, her D. She, his ( ) 13. Your mum says we shouldn’t watch TV. A. too much B. much too C. too many D. many too ( ) 14. Do you watch football matches TV? A. in B. to C. at D. on ( ) 15. Simon and Daniel play computer games together? A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are ( ) 16. Lily playing badminton because she is not good at it. A. like B. loves C. dislike D. dislikes ( ) 17. We have assembly Monday. A. every B. on every C. every on D. in every

部编七年级英语上册第一单元练习题 2

七年级上学期英语周清作业二 一、单项选择(20分) ( )1. Would you like ____ hot soup? A. little B. much C. some D. any ( )2. I would like ___ in my noodles. A. tomatoes and mutton B. tomatoes and muttons C. tomato and mutton D. tomato and muttons ( )3. They would like ____ noodles. A. tomatoes and mutton B. tomatoes and muttons C. tomato and mutton D. tomato and muttons ( )4. -- Bob, would you like to come to the party? -- ________. A. Yes, I would. B. Yes, I’d love t o. C. No, I wouldn’t. D. No, I don’t. ( )5. -- Would you like something to drink? - _______. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, thanks. C. No, just a little. D. It is not good. ( )6. Don’t eat hamburgers ____ drink tea in your bed room! A. and B. or C. with D. / ( )7. Mario likes ____ cold hot dogs. A. eat B. eating C. ate D. is eating ( )8. We would like _____ small hamburgers. A. eating B. eat C. to eat D. ate ( )9. -- What size pizza would you like? -- I’d like _____ pizza. A. large B. a large cup of C. a large D. large size ( )10. There are ________ tomatoes on the table. A. many B. much C. a little D. any


七年级英语试题 本试卷分卷I和卷II两部分:卷I为选择题,卷II为非选择题。 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。 卷I(选择题,共80分) 注意事项:1. 答卷I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号等相关信息填写在试卷左侧密封线以内。 2. 请将卷I的所有试题答案A、B、C或D写在每一题前面的括号里,答案写在 横线上或是画对勾均为无效。 I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,计20分) 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将答案写在题前的括号里。 ( ) 1. —What’s t his in English? —It’s ________ orange. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 2. I have a cat. ________ name is Mimi. A. It B. It’s C. Its D. It is ( ) 3. —Who is the girl ________ red? —She is my cousin. A. on B. in C. with D. for ( ) 4. There is some________ on the table. A. tomato B. eggs C. chicken D. banana ( ) 5. —Are these Chinese books? —Yes, ________. A. they are B. they aren’t C. they’re D. those are ( ) 6. The shoes are too small, so I want a pair. A. long B. short C. big D. small ( ) 7. —________ is your football? —It’s under the bed. A. Where B. What C. Who D. When ( ) 8. This is a picture of ________ family. A. Jenny B. Jenny’s C. Jennys’ D. Jennys ( ) 9. I don’t have a soccer ball ________ my brother has one. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( ) 10. The man over there ________ young. A. look B. looks C. looks at D. looks like ( ) 11. Hey, Frank. Here ________ two apples for you and your friend. A. is B. be C. are D. am ( ) 12. My mother wants ________ to the supermarket to buy some fruit. A. go B. to go C. goes D. going


Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 语法专项:形容词性物主代词 教材典句 1.W hat’s his name ? 他叫什么名字? —His name’s Eric . 他的名字叫埃里克。 2.What’s her name ? 她叫什么名字? —She’s Mary . 她叫玛丽。 3.What’s your telephone number , Li Xin ? 李欣,你的电话号码是什么? 以上句子中分别含有形容词性物主代词his,her, your,今天我们就来学习一下形容词性物主代词的用法。 语法全解 物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,是人称代词的属格形式。它分第一人称、第二人称和第三人称,每个人称又分单数和复数。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。本单元主要涉及形容词性物主代词。 第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数 形容词性物主代词my 我的 our 我们的 your 你的 your 你们的 his 他的 her 她的 its 它 的 their 他/她/ 它们的 形容词性物主代词的用法与形容词的用法相似,可以修饰名词,一般放在被修饰的名词之前,不能单独使用。如果名词前面还有其他的定语,物主代词要放在其他定语的前面。 my pen 我的钢笔my red pen 我的红色钢笔 your name 你的名字his mother 他的母亲 练一练: ①. Please send ________ best wishes to Mary . A.I B. me C. my D. mine ②. __ Does Miss White like sports ? __ Yes, _________ favorite sport is tennis . A.he B. she C. his D. her ③. This is ________ pen . A.red my B. he red C. red his D. her red ④. __ I’m Linda. What’s your name ? _________ name is Lucy . A.I B. Me C. My D. Mine 4. 介绍自己: (1)My name’s+名字我的名字叫...... (2)I’m+名字我是...... 5. 询问姓名 (1)What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? ----Alan.艾伦。/ My name’s Alan.我的名字叫艾伦。/ I’m Alan. 我叫艾伦。 What’s = What is name’s = name is I’m = I am (2)What’s his name? 他叫什么名字?


人教版七年级英语上册选择题专练及答案 ()1.His name is Alan Robert Smith . His family name is ______. A. Alan B. Robert C. Alan Robert D. Smith ( ) 2._____ name is Mike and _____ name is Lisa . A. His , his B. Her, her C. His , her D. Her, his ( ) 3. Please call Jenny ____ 87536428.A. in B. to C. on D. at ( ) 4.This is _____apple . It’s ___ red apple . A. a, a B. a, an . an, a D. an, an ( ) 5.Kate is _____ English . She is _____ English student. A. an, an B. /,/ C. an,/ D. /, an ( ) 6.I think ____ is a good girl . A. she B. her C. his D. it ( ) 7._____ everyone here today ? Yes, _____. A. Does, he is B. Do , she is C. Are, we are D. Is , we are ( ) 8. This is _____ friend . A. Lucy and Lily B. Jim and Tom C. Jim and T om’s D. Lucy’s and Lily’s ( ) 9.They are ___ good friends . Please look after(照看) _______. A. I, their B. my, them C. me, they D. I, she ( )10. Let’s _____the map on the wall . A. look at B. see C. watch D. look ( )11. I can _____ many things on the table. A. look at B. see C. watch D. look ( )12.Kate gives(給) ____ some books , but I must give ____ back (归


2021年部编版英语七年级上册Unit1Myname’sGina. 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分 一、单项选择题。(每小题2分,共20分) 评卷人得分 ()1. —What’s your phone number? —_________. A. She’s 510-1325 B. It’s 510-1325 C. Her’s 510-1325 D. It 510-1325A.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 A BCD ()2. His truck(卡车) number is 53659. It reads (读作) _________. A. five three six five nine B. five four six five eight C. five two seven five ten D. five three eight five sixA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 ABCD ()3. —Are you Tim? —Yes, _________. A. I’m B. you are C. I am D. I’m notA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 ABCD ()4. One and six _________ seven. A. is

B. are C. am D. beA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 ABCD ()5. Her name is Lily King. Her _________ name is Lily. A. family B. last C. first D. secondA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 ABCD ()6.Let’s ________ the blackboard(黑板). A. look B. look at C. look to D. seeA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 ABCD ()7.________ name is Franklin and ________ name is Gina. A. His,his B. Her,her C. His,her D. Her,hisA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特 ABCD ()8.“Sit down,please. ”“ ________ .” A. Fine B. Thank you C. Thanks you D. YesA.牛顿 B.帕斯卡 C.焦耳 D.瓦特


Section A (2a—3c) 练习Ⅰ. 将方框中的名词按照可数名词和不可数名词分类。 可数名词:____________________________________________________________ 不可数名词:________________________________________________________ Ⅱ. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. We usually have d at 7:00 in the evening. 2. A w has seven days. 3. Bread is my favorite f . 4. My favorite f is oranges. 5. Don’t always eat meat (肉). Eat some v . Ⅲ. 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. Lisa likes hamburgers. (改为否定句) Lisa ________ ________ hamburgers. 2. The girl likes rice. (改为复数句) The ________ like ________. 3. He has an apple every day. (改为复数句) They ________ ________ every day. 4. Do you like chicken? (作肯定回答) ________, I ________. 5. We love strawberries and pears. (对划线部分提问) ________ do ________ love? Ⅳ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。 A: Hi, Jack. Is your birthday next week? B: (1)____________ A: Do you want to have a birthday party (聚会)? B: (2)____________ Oh, Cindy, help me to think about the food. A: OK. (3)____________ B: Sounds good. (4)____________


外研版七年级上册知识点练习及答案 Module 1 重点短语 1来自...... 2. ......岁 3. .. ......怎么样? 4.在七年级十班 5 ...... 的首都/省会6名 7.姓 8.英文名字9中文名字 重点句子 1.我是中国人, 我来自中国(I’m Chinese, and I come from China.) 2.他们来自什么哪里? (=Where do they come from?) 他们来自美国. (=They come from America.) 3.那位男子多少岁了? 他44岁 4. 这些学生在七年级五班 5.汤姆和玲玲在一班。=Tom with Lingling is in Class One. =Tom and Lingling are in Class One. 6.你呢?/你怎么样? 7.欢迎到七年级六班。 8.北京是中国的首都。 9 很高兴见到你。 10.我是Tony Smith,Tony是我的名,Smith是我的姓。

Module2 重点短语 1.一张Tony 的家庭的照片 2.在......的左边 3紧挨着.....; 紧靠...... 4在......前面(外面) 在......前部(内部) 5.Tony的父母 6.照片上, 在照片中 7在公共车站 8在警察局 9.一位剧院负责人 =a theater manager 10.一位宾馆经理 =a hotel manager 11.在同一家医院 12一位公共汽车司机 13.一位农场工人 14.一名店员 15.一位英语教师 16.一位男/女司机 复数:men/women drivers 重点句子 1.这是Tony的一张全家福。 2.多大的一个家庭啊! 3.我母亲的父母在右边 4紧挨着我的这位女子是我父亲的妹妹。 5.这是你的家庭吗? 6.这(些)是你的祖父母吗? 7.我的母亲是剧院负责人。 8.我父亲在警察局工作。 9.他的父母是商店工作人员。


人教部编版七年级英语上册单词汇总(含音标) Starter Unit1 good /gud/ adj. 好的 morning /'m?:ni?/ n. 早晨;上午 Good morning! 早上好! hi /hai/ interj. (用于打招呼)嗨;喂 hello /h?'l?u/ interj. 你好;喂 afternoon /,a:ft?'nu:n/ n. 下午 Good afternoon! 下午好! evening /'i:vni?/ n. 晚上;傍晚 Good evening! 晚上好! how /hau/ adv. 怎样;如何 are /a:/ v. 是 you /ju:/ pron. 你;你们 How are you? 你好吗? I /ai/ pron. 我 am /?m/ v. 是 fine /fain/ adj. 健康的;美好的 thanks /θ??ks/ interj.&n. 感谢;谢谢 OK /?u'kei/ interj.& adv. 好;可以

Starter Unit2 what /w?t/ pron.&adj. 什么 is /iz/ v. 是 this /eis/ pron. 这;这个 in /in/ prep. (表示使用语言、材料等)用;以English /'i?gli?/ n. 英语adj. 英格兰的;英语的in English 用英语 map /m?p/ n. 地图 cup /k?p/ n. 杯子 ruler /'ru:l?/ n. 尺;直尺 pen /pen/ n. 笔;钢笔 orange /'?rind?/ n. 橙子 jacket /'d??kit/ n. 夹克衫;短上衣 key /ki:/ n. 钥匙 quilt /kwilt/ n. 被子;床罩 it /it/ pron. 它 a /?/ art. (用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物) that /e?t/ pron. 那;那个 spell /spel/ v. 用字母拼;拼写 please /pli:z/ interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请Starter Unit3 color /'k?l?/ n. (=colour) 颜色


Unit 4. Where’s my schoolbag ? 语法专项 一.Where引导的特殊疑问句 教材典句: 1. Where’s my pencil box ? 我的铅笔盒在哪里? It’s in your schoolbag . 它在你的书包里。 2.Where are my books ?我的书在哪里? They’re on the sofa . 它们在沙发上。 以上两组对话均涉及了疑问词where的用法。 语法全解: 1.用法:用来询问物品所在的位置。 2.结构: Where is/ Where’s +单数形式的主语? Where are +复数形式的主语? 3.答语:It’s / They’re+ 表示地点的介词短语,其中it, they要与问句中的主语的数保持一致,有时也可直接用表示地点的介词短语作答。 Where’s his ruler ? 他的尺子在哪里? It’s in his pencil box. 在他的铅笔盒里。 Where are my books?我的书在哪里? They’re on the desk . 它们在书桌上。 Where is her schoolbag ? 她的书包在哪里? On the chair . 在椅子上。 练一练: (2014.济南中考改编) 根据首字母填写单词。 Paul, w_______ is Sam? He is in the garden. He is chatting with Grandma . 二.方位介词in,on与under的用法 教材典句 1.Where’s my pencil box ? 我的铅笔盒在哪里? It’s in your schoolbag . 它在你的书包里。 2.Where are my books ? 我的书在哪里? They’re on the sofa . 它们在沙发上。 3.Where’s my computer game ? 我的电子游戏在哪里? It’s under your bed . 它在你的床下面。 以上几个句子分别涉及到了介词in,on与under的用法。 语法全解: 1.用法结构: 常用于名词或代词前构成介词短语,用以表示主语所处的位置、地点等,其结构通常为:方位介词(in/ on/ under)+定冠词the 或形容词性物主代词等+名词。 2.意义: ⑴. in表示“在....中;在....里”指在某个空间的内部。 in our class 在我们班里in my bag 在我的包里 ⑵. on 表示“在.....上”通常指一个人或物在另一个物体的上面,两者之间有接


人教版七年级英语上册练习题 Ⅰ. 字母书写 A) 默写字母A至H的大小写形式 B) 按字母顺序写出下列字母 1. F D E . b ac. H F G E. d cbe. F GD E C Ⅱ. 词汇 A) 根据提示选择正确的缩略词 1. 电视机A. CD 2. 硬黑笔B. BC 3. 英国广播电台 C. TV 4. 唱片 D. BBC 5. 公元前E. HB B) 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 6. —Good e______, Dale! —Good evening, Alice! 7. —H______, Grace! —Hello, Frank. 8. —H______ are you? —I?m fine, thanks. 9. My n______ is Helen. 10. —G______ afternoon, Mr Zhao. —Good afternoon, Bob!

Ⅲ. 单项选择 1. 英语中共有______个字母,其中______个是元音字母,其余______个是辅音字母。 A.6,1, B.6,,1 C.8,1, D.8,,1 2. 字母Cc和Ff是______。 A. 元音 B. 辅音 C. 元音字母 D. 辅音字母 3. 下列字母按其在字母表中的顺序排列,错误的是______。 A. DEF B. ABC C. ADH D. CFD 4. 下列字母与字母C含有相同音素的是______。 A. e B. f C. h D. l 5. 下列选项与字母F含有相同音素的是______。 A. a B. Helen C. d D. b 6. 大写字母A、E、F、H的笔划都是______笔。 A. B. C. D. 7. 字母Aa和字母______含有相同的读音。 A. Bb B. Cc C. Gg D. Hh 8. 表示铅笔笔芯“硬黑”的字母是“______”。 A. H B. BH C. IB D. HB 9. “Bob” is a ______. A. girl B. boy C. pen D. CD 10. 与单词sea同音的字母是______。

部编版七年级英语上册Uni1 单元测试卷(含答案)

部编版七年级上册Uni1 综合测试题 英语 Class ___________ Name ____________ Number ___________ Marks ___________ 【满分:100分时间:35分钟】 笔试部分,共七个大题 一、单项填空:(共10分,每小题1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. She is a girl. _______ name is Mary. A. His B. Her C. She D. He 2. Hello, I ____ Tom. _____ you Helen? -- Yes, I am. A. am, Am B. is, Are C. am, Are D. am, Is 3. I have a big brother. __________ name is Paul.(2019年北京中考) A. His B. Her C. Its D. Your 4. --_______.What’s your name? --Eric Brown. A. Oh B. Hi C. Sorry D. Excuse me 5. -- ________ is your telephone number? -- It’s 567-78 6. A. What B. How C. Which D. Who 6. The boy is Tom Robert White. _________ is his family name. A. Tom Robert B. Robert White C. White D. Tom 7. --How are you? --___________ A. Hello. B. Hi. C. How do you do? D. Fine, thank you. 8. Mr. Anderson________ my teacher. A. am B. is C. are D. were 9. --What’s your ______ name? --Angela Brown. A. first B. last C. family D. full


外研版七年级上册英语单选题(一)及答案分析学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 题号I总分 得分 I、单选题(本大题共342小题,共330.0分) 1.My favourite food______eggs. A.is B.Are C.am D.be 2.______ the weather like in Shanghai? A.What B.How C.What's 3.—What ______ the weather like today? —It's fine. A.is B.does C.do D.can 4.Lingling can play ______ basketball and play ______ piano. A./;/ B./;the C.the;/ 5.—What ______ is it today? —It's Sunday. A.colour B.day C.date 6.What's ______ favourite colour? A.she B.her C.hers 7.Let's ______ football. A.play the B.play C.plays the Good morning! I'm Bob. This is my house( ..Look at my sitting room( ..The blue sofa( .is very cool right? In my bedroom there is a PC( ..I often play computer games(电脑游戏.on it. Do you like it too? There is a book( .and a pencil case ( .on a desk. There is a flower near the sofa. On the wall(墙.you can see a picture(图画..It's blue. It's my favorite(最喜欢的.color. This is my house.What about your house?



Unit 1 My name’s Gina. 语法专项:形容词性物主代词 教材典句 1.W hat’s his name ? 他叫什么名字? —His name’s Eric . 他的名字叫埃里克。 2.What’s her name ? 她叫什么名字? —She’s Mary . 她叫玛丽。 3.What’s your telephone number , Li Xin ? 李欣,你的电话号码是什么? 以上句子中分别含有形容词性物主代词his,her, your,今天我们就来学习一下形容词性物主代词的用法。 语法全解 物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,是人称代词的属格形式。它分第一人称、第二人称和第三人称,每个人称又分单数和复数。物主代词可分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。本单元主要涉及形容词性物主代词。 第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数 形容词性物主代词my 我的 our 我们的 your 你的 your 你们的 his 他的 her 她的 its 它 的 their 他/她/ 它们的 形容词性物主代词的用法与形容词的用法相似,可以修饰名词,一般放在被修饰的名词之前,不能单独使用。如果名词前面还有其他的定语,物主代词要放在其他定语的前面。 my pen 我的钢笔my red pen 我的红色钢笔 your name 你的名字his mother 他的母亲 练一练: ①. Please send ________ best wishes to Mary . A.I B. me C. my D. mine


初一年级英语上册练习题(1) 初一年级英语上册练习题(1) (卷面总分:100.0) 学校___________________ 班级____________ 准考证号 ________________ 姓名___________ 得分_____ 一、单选:本大题共100小题,从第1小题到第100小题每题1.0分小计100.0分;共计100.0分。 1、---What's her name? ---__________Zhao Jun. A.His name is B.My name is C.Her name is 2、当别人问你是哪国人时,你应说: A.I am China.B.I live in china.C.I live in China. 3、---_______everyone here today? ---Yes,we are all here. A.Are B.Is C.Am 4、-Where is your eraser? -_________is in the pencil-box. A.My B.Your C .It D.That 5、-Is Alice a doctor? -No,__________. A.he isn’t B.she isn’t C.I am not D.she doesn’t

6、-Thanks a lot. -________. A.That's all right B.That is all C.That ’s right D.No thank 7、-What’s your name? -_________. A.Good morning B.I’m fine C.My name is Lucy 8、选择正确的译文: 她的盒子在哪里?在这里。 A.Where her box is? Here.B.Where is her box?It’s here. C.Her box is where?It’s here.D.Her box where is?Here. 9、-_______are those markers? -They are blue. A.What colour B.What C.Which 10、Every day we _________there _______our friends. A.walk to;and B.walk;with C.walk; by D.on foot;with 11、Do you like _________? A.vegetables B.vegetable C.eat vegetables D.green vegetable 12、-Is the shirt from ________? -Yes,it is.


部编人教版七年级英语上册知识点总结 初一上英语知识点总结篇一 句型: 1, What’s your name? My name’s Jenny. / I’m Jenny. / Jenny. May I have your name? Yes, my name’s Jenny. What’s his/her name? His/Her name’s Tony/Gina. 2, I’m Tony Brown. What’s your full name? My full name/ It is Tony Brown. My first name is Tony. My last name/family name is Brown. 3, What’s your/his/her telephone/phone number? It’s 555-3539.语法:1,形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his/her/its(他/她/它的) our(我们的) your(你们的)their(他们的) 后面需要接名词,修饰名词,做前置定语。在句中可作主语,宾语等成分。 My book is here. This is my book. 主格: I you he/she/ it we you they 在句中做主语,一般放句首,后面紧跟 am/is/are 及其他动词。 I’m a student. She looks great. 词汇:1. my pron. 我的形容词性物主代词还有his,her,your 2.由name构成的短语first name 名字 last name 姓氏 family name 姓氏 3.“电话号码”的表达方式: telephone number phone number

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