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(1) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Cars (automobile)

have had a greater effect on society than airplanes do.

(2) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Printed books have

greater effects on society than TV does.

(3) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology

designed to make our life simpler actually makes our life more complicated.

(4) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government should

spend money helping more people access the Internet instead of

improving public transportation.

(5) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Famous

entertainers and sports stars deserve more privacy than they do now. (6) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The best way to

reduce air pollution is for governments to raise the cost of fuel (petrol). (7) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people

should take several different kinds of jobs before they decide which career to take in the long term.

(8) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Universities should

spend money on improving facilities rather than hiring famous teachers? (9) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who try to

acquire more than one skill are more likely to become successful than people who just focus on one skill.

(10) If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do?

1. Interrupt your teacher right away

2. Keep silent

3. Correct your teacher

after class

(11) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Renewable

sources of energy, such as sun, wind and water will soon replace the fossil energy such as gas, oil and coal.

(12) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The

environmental issue is too complex to be handled by individuals.

(13) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playing sports

teaches people lessons about life.

(14) In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government

reduce its spending?

1. Education

2. Health Care

3.support for the unemployed.

(15) Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to

regulate in order to improve your health:

1. the kind of food you eat

2. the amount of exercise

3. the amount of

stress in your life

(16) When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important

one for you?

1.Living in an area not expensive,

2. Living close to relatives

3. Living in an

area with manyshops and restaurants.

(17) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People care

more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.

(18) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Technology

has made children less creative than children were in the past.

(19) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should

give money to their children for their high marks at school.

(20) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: University

students accomplish a project by teamwork, and the members share the same mark.

(21) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most

important characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility for their mistakes.

(22) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Taking a

low-paid but a secure job is better than taking a job with a high salary but easy to lose.

(23) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: At present,

people spend too much time doing things for their enjoyment rather than do the things they should do.

(24) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Nowadays,

people are much emphasized on appearance and fashion.

(25) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Young people

enjoy life much better than older people do.

(26) Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Nowadays it is not

important for people to have regularly family meals together.

(27) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a

good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because of the loss of old social connection.

(28) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is necessary

for high school students to do household work after school because this can give them a sense of responsibility.



托福(TOEFL)考试阅读模拟试题(4) Questions 11-20 Philosophy in the second half of the 19th century was based more on biology and history than on mathematics and physics. Revolutionary thought drifted away from metaphysics and epistemology and shifted more towards ideologies in science, politics, and sociology. Pragmatism became the most vigorous school of thought in American philosophy during this time, and it continued the empiricist tradition of grounding knowledge on experience and stressing the inductive procedures of experimental science. The three most important pragmatists of this period were the American philosophers Charles Peirce (1839-1914), considered to be the first of the American pragmatists, William James (1842-1910), the first great American psychologist, and John Dewey (1859-1952), who further developed the pragmatic principles of Peirce and James into a comprehensive system of thought that he called “experimental naturalism”, or “instrumentalism”. Pragmatism was generally critical of traditional western philosophy, especially the notion that there are absolute truths and absolute values. In contrast, Josiah Royce (1855-1916), was a leading American exponent of idealism at this time, who believed in an absolute truth and held that human thought and the external world were unified. Pragmatism called for ideas and theories to be tested in practice, assessing whether they produced desirable or undesirable results. Although pragmatism was popular for a time in Europe, most agree that it epitomized the American faith in know-how and practicality, and the equally American distrust of abstract theories and ideologies. Pragmatism is best understood in its historical and cultural context. It arose during a period of rapid scientific advancement, industrialization, and material progress; a time when the theory of evolution suggested to many thinkers that humanity and society are in a perpetual state of progress. This period also saw a decline in traditional religious beliefs and values. As a result, it became necessary to rethink fundamental ideas about values, religion, science, community, and individuality. Pragmatists regarded all theories and institutions as tentative hypotheses and solutions.

【2018-2019】托福真题预测-范文模板 (2页)

【2018-2019】托福真题预测-范文模板 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 托福真题预测 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who keep their rooms neat and organized will be more likely to succeed than students who do not. Do you agree or disagree with the follow statement: No one can learn to be a leader. You are either a born leader or you are not. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better for your friend to ask you for help (supposing you are good at the subject) than to turn to a tutor when he finds it hard to pass an examination. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Cars have had a great effect on the society than the airplanes. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should give students more group assignments because students work more efficiently in groups. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The young people today are facing more personal and work-related challenges than their parents did fifty years ago. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The rapid growth of cities can be seen as a positive development of society.

6月25日托福独立写作预测 大神干货

6月25日托福独立写作预测 | 大神干货 我们的托福写作大神曲凯琨老师又来预测了!下面开始。 针对6月25日的托福考试,我们为童鞋们推荐以下题目进行考前准备: 1价值观 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for. 其他类似题目: 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic for a political or business leader is the ability to accept the responsibility for their mistakes. 2、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic to a successful politician or leader is good communication skills. 3、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? An effective leader will make others feel like they are a part of making decisions. 4、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When leading a group and most people talk, best leaders always spend more time listening to others’ideas. 5、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A leader should have strong opinions and not change his/her opinions Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising today is less honest than it was in the past. For that reason, it is less useful for people to choose what they want to buy. 类似相关题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to read or watch news presented by different people in different views than by similar views. 2教育类 1、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Younger school children should be required to study art and music in addition to math, language, science and history.


2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why? 2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose? 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better? 2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success 1.many business opportunities 2.well rounded medical care system 3.a developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? 2017年02月26日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose? 1 video the famous building 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paper


关于托福真题,你知道多少相信很多同学备考托福的时候,一定会用到真题。那么关于托福真题,你知道多少呢?今天文都国际教育小编就为大家分享托福真题知识,一起来看看吧。 一.什么是托福真题 所谓“托福真题”,指的是托福真实考题。它有别于其它托福备考资料,托福真题主要有两大优势: 真实性,不论是出题思路,还是难度系数,都和现在的考试保持一致,更重要的是,托福真题体现托福考试的最新趋势,比如题型,话题,英音的出现,还有新加试; 可重复性,因为托福考试是题库类考试,目前为止,ETS托福题库里有300多套托福试题,ETS会根据地域和时间的差别对这300多套试题进行重组分配,也就是我们所说的“拼盘”。因为托福试题数量有限,也因为ETS出新题的费用太高(80万美金一套),所以托福考试重复使用老题几乎成为必然。也就是说,使用托福真题进行备考,是有一定重复遇到的可能性,而其它材料是没有任何可能性的。 二.TPO是伪真题 TPO,全称是TOEFL Practice Online,中文叫“托福在线练习”,是ETS在官网提供的一项在线收费项目。但因为某种历史原因和特殊的中国环境,TPO在中国被迫全部免费了,而且关于TPO的APP,软件,和解析也是应有尽有,所以,从这个意义上来说, 中国的托福考生其实是相当幸福的,要知道,日本的托福考生至今还停留在考前主要复习OG(官方指南)的时代。

可是,各位有没有想过一个问题,TPO在中国如此普及,数量如此之大(目前已有48套),ETS不担心考试的公平性吗?请相信,作为掌管TOEFL和GRE全球两大最难最权威考试的机构,它一点都不傻,所以,答案很简单,ETS根本不担心。原因如下: TPO叫“托福在线练习”,并不是“托福真题”,所以没有可重复性,也就是说,考生平时做的TPO试题,在真实考试中是绝不可能遇见的,所以我们把TPO称为“废弃的托福真题”,而且我们猜测,ETS之所以废弃这些试题,是因为经过测试之后验证了这些真题的质量相对不高; TPO来自于托福题库,但都非常老旧,TPO前30套主要来自于2005-2008年的试题,所以文章思路简单,逻辑层次简单,题目干扰性不强,这就是为什么考生的托福实际考试成绩会比TPO模考低5-10分左右。 TPO既然在一个区域普及了,所以也就相当于公平了。ETS根据一个区域的考生的实际情况,进行人为的加减分,已不是什么秘密。 所以,请相信ETS不担心,请相信ETS的集体智商远远高于99%的个体考生。 三.机经的时代早已结束 自从新托福考试时代开始以来,11年大陆托福考生在备考资料选择上经历了如下几个阶段: 老托福打基础+ OG强化备考 老托+ OG + Longman/Delta/Barron模考

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测 雷哥托福

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测|雷哥托福 在托福考试前夕,同学们的心情都会比较紧张。为了帮助大家缓解紧张的氛围,雷哥托福小托君为大家带来了考前机经,希望通过这些内容的整理和学习,能够帮助大家做好考前冲刺!2018年9月8日和9月9日托福考试写作机经,希望考生在得到很好的命中率之余,能够多掌握托福考试写作真题的答题方法。 1. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently. 2. Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one’s own family 3. A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is considering two plans: 1) Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school. 2) Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. 4. Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? 5. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?


2019年7月托福真题回忆 学习是一个长期坚持的过程,对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,日积月累,考试就会更容易一点点。无忧考网搜集整理了2019年7月托福真题回忆,希望对大家有所帮助。2019年7月举行了4场考试,考试时间为7月6日、7月7日、7月13日、7月28日。以下内容仅供参考。 7月6日托福阅读真题回忆: Passage1、白垩纪的物种 Passage2、cichild 的繁殖交配 Passage3、 The Reason of the Explosion of Starfish Passage4、 The Origins of Food Production Passage5、Newspaper development in Europe Passage6、松鼠储藏红果子和白果子的原因 Passage7、 marsupial 和其他哺乳动物的区别 Passage8、 The Medieval Agricultural Revolution Passage9、 Bird Colonies Passage10、 Successful Invaders Passage11、 Sensing Airflow Passage12 、地球氧气产生 词汇题 1.undoubtedly = certainly 2.accomplished = achieved 3.intermediate = in-between 4.reinforce = strengthen

5.exercised = applied 6.emergence = rise 7.tactic = strategy 8.thus = consequently 9.isolated = widely separated 10.distinct = clear 11.mutual = shared 12.vicinity =region 13.contribute to = add to 14.exhaust = use up 15.on balance = overall 16.prolifically = abundantly 17.readily = easily 18.prior to = before 19.intended = desired 20.in principle = theoretically 21.constraints = limitations 22.surely = certainly 7月6日托福口语真题回忆: Q1 : Should students choose their own courses, or should the professors assign the courses to them? Q2:阅读:学校要在官网提供视觉校园导览 听力:Agree


2013年5月托福写作机经题目预测 新东方王子睿1.Which one of the following ways do you think is the best for students to make friends? Joining a sport team Attending community activities Travelling 2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A job with a high salary is better than a job with a low salary, even if it is easier to lose it. 3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for people today to keep healthy than those in the past. 4.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development. 5.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is impossible to be completely honest to your friends. 6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for schools to fund their students’social activities than to improve student’meals. 7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Working at home by using telephones and computers is better than working in the office. 8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than in the past. 9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? We can learn about a person from the books and movies that the person likes. 10.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole society today expect young people to follow are too strict. 11.Do you agree or disagree with following statement? In the past people depended on their parents for making decisions, but today, young people are much better able to make decisions on their own. 12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people should try different kinds of jobs before they take a career in the long term. 13.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers’performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers. 14.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people nowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past. 15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should buy things made by their own countries, even if things from other countries are more cost-effective.


2016年1月24日托福考试独立写作预测 本周日,也就是1月24日的托福考试马上就要带来,不知道同学们是否做好准备了呢?在今天的文章中,天道留学小编将与参加此次考试的考生们,分享2016年1月24日的托福独立写作预测(大范围),还请同学们能够注意!预祝大家能够在托福写作考试中取得一个优秀的成绩! 本次天道小编要和大家分享的是2016年1月14日托福考试独立写作部分的大范围预测,希望可以帮助给各位考生的托福写作备考带来一定程度上的帮助! 2016年1月24日托福独立写作大范围预测如下: 1、考题出现时间:2014-10-11NA 题目: Do you agree disagree with the statement that cooperative ability is more important than leadership. 2、考题出现时间:2013-12-20NA 题目: Should government spend money on the construction of public parks or build a sport field for students? 3、考题出现时间:2015-12-12CN 题目: Many companies sell products or services but at the same time cause environmental damage. Someone said it can be stop by ask them to pay penalty, such as a higher Tex when they cause the environmental damage. Others said there are better ways to stop them from harming environment. 4、考题出现时间:2014-1-11NA 题目: Some people think that athletes and entertainers should become politicians, while other people think that athletes and entertainers should not be involved in politics. Which do you prefer and why? 5、考题出现时间:2013-12-14NA,2015-11-15CN 题目: Agree or disagree: the more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity. Someone says that money is what makes the world go round. Whether people who have more money ought to give more to charity has become a heated topic. In my opinion, it is not a responsibility for the rich to donate their wealth. 6、考题出现时间: 2013-8-10NA,2014-11-29CN


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


2013.9.14托福考试真题回忆 阅读 1.Forms of locomotion. Terrestrial的比在水中和空中消耗的能量最多,有三种原因:肌肉、忘了、acceleration and deceleration,最后一种最主要(有题)。空中的虽然密度小,但是要克服lift的drag,所以比水中多。水中的submerged的比露一半在水面的能量小,比如鸭子(有题),boat design的都知道这个道理(有题)。 2.荷马史诗。那个时候的Oral poem多是long narrative写hero的(有题)。词汇题culmination,选的是high point。Writing的出来之后oral就少了之类的。有两个人做了发现很多oral表演者不是每次表演都一样的,说明是继承了老的故事,自己加了改编和合成的(有题)。对于writing出现时间上有很多争议,现在普遍接受的是在荷马时期附近(有题)。有的人认为荷马是文盲illiterate,只能口述,不会写。这里有个插入句子。有一种职业是专门记录然后成稿的。还有一种忘了= = 3.Jupiter的两个卫星C和G。C是离Jupiter最远的(有题,好像是EXCEPT题),由于受Jupiter重力影响比G小(有题),像月球那样的表面crater多,整个就是很icy又很稳定基本像死了一样,但是ice和地球上会融化的冰川不一样,和rock差不多坚硬(有题)。G表面没那么多crater,是一个differentiate world,发现了有磁场还有个什么的,断定内核是rock (有题)。最后一题是二者的比较。 听力 1.女学生全程很生气在抱怨快交paper了,可是8个printer都坏了。男的校工之类的吧,说本来是有engineering school的学生负责的(有题),但是他们今天都消失了,可能是有big exam吧。女的说President of school在以前这种情况的时候,发了email通知全校学生的,今天为什么没有。男的说上次是他个人行为,也不经常这样做的(有题)(这两句不是很确定),还提到了budget。男的订了一批新的,下个月才能送到,shame但是这就是买东西的过程啊(有重听题),如果有ink没了的printer我可以帮忙修(有题)。 2.Botany. 叶子会有很多颜色。先讲一个你们可能都知道的(重听题),叶绿素是绿色的原因,blabla讲了一下过程。但是这只是叶子变色的部分原因(有题),有些变红的就不能用叶绿素解释了,是因为M物质。M会在秋天叶子掉了的时候产生,但是为什么都要掉了还要产生这种东西呢,不是像给快报废的车重新喷漆一样浪费吗(有题)?其实M是有很多function 的,predator insect这种theory我不想多说,因为还会带来新的问题(有题)。只讲一种理论,M都出现在最上面,可以prevent一个process from sunlight(有题),因为对阳光很敏感。 3.Physics. 先比较了sound wave和radio wave(有题,区别在是否有传播媒介)。不记得......最后讲两个interesting的声音whistlers和tweets。 4.男学生重感冒,缺课了,来找professor要个什么东西。教授一直打岔,说让他组织的一个活动的各种安排(有题问说了哪两件事) 5.Children’s literature. 普遍都认为儿童文学除了哄孩子没别的价值,今天就说说。一个教授高度赞扬,夸了好多内容的儿童作家,写的书一开始teachers是不愿意放到课堂上研究的,因为觉得不proper(有题)。后来获得了一个committee的认证,有题问为什么提到这个奖。又讲了一个作家,跟上一个有联系的(有题,但没听到)。有一本写cat和fish的书,结尾太棒了,给孩子留下自己思考的空间。 6.想不起来。。。 7.经典加试:鸟类迁徙论文。大王花。Ragtime music。


2019年7月9日托福真题预测 No.1 Recruitment: Insects release signals to inform other insects to come and cooperate. For example, there is a type of ant called the fire ant that live in nests in South America. Some ants have a special job which is to leave the nests to find food. When one ant finds a piece of fruit too big for it to carry back, it will walk back to recruit more ants while releasing a chemical that forms a trail on the way. When it arrives, other ants can then follow the trail and find the fruit and then carry it back together. NO.2 Definition: Environment impact assessment, ""The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the environmental impacts when deciding whether or not to proceed with a project." Example: The professor gives an example of a construction company. The company was going to build a shopping center on a large land. Before the construction, they did a study and found the land was wetland. Their original plan was to fill solid soil into this land. But the environment impact assessment said that the wetland was very important for the environment. It could prevent flooding because it could hold

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