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上海市位育中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案

上海市位育中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案
上海市位育中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案




I. Listening Comprehension (15%)

Section A 5%

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speak e rs. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. 16. B. 10. C. 8. D. 6.

2. A. At a restaurant. B. At a bank. C. At a hotel. D. At a grocery.

3. A. Mother and child. B. Manager and customer.

C. Nurse and child.

D. Boss and clerk.

4. A. Trying to draw a map. B. Painting the dining room.

C. Discussing a house plan.

D. Cleaning the kitchen.

5. A. She is tired of the food in the canteen. B. She often eats in a French restaurant.

C. She usually takes a snack in the KFC.

D. She is fond of a snack in the KFC.

6. A. Talking loudly on the telephone. B. Preparing for as oral examination.

C. Listening to some loud music.

D. Practising for a speech contest.

7. A. The man has left a good impression on her family.

B. The man can dress casually for the occasion.

C. The man should buy himself a new suit.

D. The man's jeans and T-shirts are stylish.

8. A. Fashionable pants in bright colors. B. Grey pants made from pure cotton.

C. 100% cotton pants in dark blue.

D. Something to match her brown pants.

9. A. Travel overseas. B. Look for a new job. C. Take a photo. D. Adopt a child.

10. A. It is a routine offer. B. It is new on the menu.

C. It is quite healthy.

D. It is a good bargain.

Section B 6%

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. Near the entrance of a park. B. In his building's parking lot.

C. At a parking meter.

D. At a street corner.

12. A. It had been taken by the police. B. It had been moved to the next block.

C. It had been parked at a wrong place.

D. It had been stolen by someone.

13. A. In a city garage. B. At a public parking lot.

C. In a neighboring town.

D. At the Greenville center.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. Famous creative individuals. B. The mysteriousness of creativity.

C. A major scientific discovery.

D. Creativity as shown in arts.

15. A. It is something people all engage in. B. It helps people acquire knowledge.

C. It starts soon after we are born.

D. It is the source of all artistic work.

16. A. Natural curiosity. B. Logical reasoning

C. Creative imagination.

D. Critical thinking.

Section C 4%

Directions:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.

II. Grammar(8%)

Directions:Read the following two passages. Fill in each blank with one proper word or the proper form of the given word to make the passage coherent. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.

The 2104 Nobel Prize for Literature went to the French novelist Patrick Modiano “for the art of memory” with which he has “uncovered the life-world of the occupation”.

____21____ the 69-year-old writer is a very popular literary figure in France, he is little known elsewhere. So who is this Patrick Modiano, why does his memory have such an influence ____22____ him, and what exactly has he uncovered?

Modiano was born in a suburb of Paris right after World War II ended in Europe in July 1945. His father was a Jewish-Italian businessman ____23____ met his Belgian actress mother during the Nazi occupation of Paris. Modiano’s life has been affected by Nazi Germany’s occupation during the war, and his family’s connections to it. According to New York-based newspaper Forward, his father survived the war dishonorably. When Paris Jews____24____ (bring) together for deportation (遣送) to concentration camps, the businessman did not join them but spent the time ____25____ (make) money from deals with Nazis on the black market.

His most ____26____ (admire) novel , Missing Person, is a good example of his three dozen novels with the same themes: Jewishness, the Nazi occupation, and loss of identity. It’s a story about a detective who has lost his memory. He tries to find out ____27____ he really is by following his own steps through history.

Although Modiano’s win is a surprise outside France, people are celebrating in his home country. Modiano is the 15th French literature winner. After Le Clezio’s 2008 win, it seemed

unlikely____28____ there would be another so soon.

III. Vocabulary (10%)

Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Human beings are so smart that we are capable of handling emergencies, reading people’s feelings and becoming close friends with each other. But are we as smart as we think?

It seems that people are gradually losing their smartness as smart phones become increasingly important ____29____ in their lives. As we rely too much on technology instead of our brains, many people have lost three basic abilities.

So, are you also a ____30____ of smart phone’s intelligence? The first skill many people have lost is remembering phone numbers. Because phone numbers are stored in smart phone ____31____, there’s now no need to dial a number or look at it again. This is fine until you need to call someone for help, only to find your phone is not around.

Furthermore, some people have lost their sense of direction because navigation apps, which can find the shortest routes for you to avoid traffic jams, may ____32____ people anywhere they want. People get so ____33____ on them that they get lost and anxious if their smart phones are not ____34____.

The worst lost skills may be social ones. People often bury themselves in their smart phones so that we are too ____35____ by what’s happening in the virtual world. As a result, for lack of face-to-face ____36____, conversational skills are lost.

Luckily, people still have a chance to get these abilities back. We need to keep parent s’numbers in mind for ____37____. In addition, more attention should be paid to street signs and stores, which will help to ____38____ a mind map and prevent people from getting lost.

We are social creatures and need device-free time. Therefore, the easiest solution to social skill loss is to take a break from electronic devices.

IV. Reading Comprehension (35%)

Section A 15%

Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and children keep healthy while playing with others. However, playing sports can have 39 effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports,40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these,18,000,000 say they have been 40 at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad 41 of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive.

Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main 42 of too much aggression in children’s sports.They believe children 43 aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that 44 is everything. Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout 45 at other players or cheer when their child behaves 46 .As well, children are even taught that hurting other players is 47 or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. 48 , the media makes violence

seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

We really need to 49 this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches 50 should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better 51 . They should not just cheer when children win or act aggressively. They should teach children to 52 themselves whether they win or not. Besides, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. If adults allow children to play when injured, this gives the message that 53 is not as important as winning.

39. A. restrictive B. negative C. active D. instructive

40. A. knocked B. glanced C. smiled D. shouted

41. A. impression B. concept C. taste D. expectation

42. A. resource B. cause C. course D. consequence

43. A. question B. understand C. copy D. neglect

44. A. winning B. practising C. fun D. sport

45. A. praises B. tricks C. remarks D. insults

46. A. proudly B. ambitiously C. aggressively D. bravely

47. A. acceptable B. impolite C. possible D. accessible

48. A. By contrast B. In addition C. As a result D. After all

49. A. look up to B. face up to C. make up for D. come up with

50. A. in particular B. in all C. in return D. in advance

51. A. techniques B. means C. values D. directions

52. A. respect B. relax C. forgive D. enjoy

53. A. body B. fame C. health D. spirit

Section B 12 %

Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Work your brain!

Between 2 and 3 pounds of wonder, it controls everything we say, do or think, who we are and what we care about, the way we walk or laugh or figure out things, what we like and the talents we possess, how we see and talk and run and jump and process our food.

The brain uses 20 percent of our body's oxygen and 20 percent of its blood. Somewhere within its protein, fat, 100,000 miles of blood vessels and 100 billion nerve cells, it helps us remember where we put our gym shoes. Change our temperature so we don't die because of the heat or cold. Speed us up or slow us down. Help us choose between orange juice or orange-flavored drinks.

Its complexity is stunning, far beyond anything most of us can imagine. To keep this work of art as polished as possible we need to eat right, exercise and keep mentally stimulated.

Good nutrition helps brain cells communicate with each other. Exercise stimulates a hormone in our brain that improves memory. Mental stimulation keeps you sharp even as you age.

“It's very important that we tell people to be physically active and mentally active,” said neurologist Malcolm Stewart.

“People cannot stop aging, but you're able to reduce the damage; you're able to keep the function up.”

Following are Dr.Stewart's advice for improving brain health:


Avoid fast food. Follow the old adage(格言): For breakfast, eat like a king; for lunch, like a

queen; for supper, like a beggar.


Do a combination of stretching aerobic and muscle-strengthening every day.

●Mental games

Try to have a sense of hope about the future. Do puzzles. Listen to music. Reach out to others to make their lives better.

54. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to ______.

A. inform us how the brain works

B. give us advice on how to keep the brain healthy

C. tell us that the brain plays an important role in our lives

D. show how special the brain is to us

55. The word “stunning” in Paragraph 5 means ______.

A. interesting

B. strange

C. significant

D. amazing

56. According to the text,more exercise ______.

A. keeps our mind sharp

B. helps improve our memory

C. gives our brain a rest

D. is good for brain cells communicating with each other

57. In order to keep brain healthy,we should avoid ______.

A. eating a good lunch

B. doing puzzles

C. eating a large supper

D. taking aerobic exercise


Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about: space. Every person feels himself have a sort of invisible protection surrounding his physical body. When someone comes too close, he feels uncomfortable. When he bumps onto someone, he feels obliged to apologize. But the size of a person’s “comfort zone”depends on his cultural ethnic origin. For example, in casual conversation, many Americans stand about four feet apart. In other words, they like to keep each other “at an arm’s length”. People in Latin or Arab cultures, in contrast, stand very close to each other and touch each other often. If someone from one of those cultures stands too close to an American while in conversation, the Americans may feel uncomfortable and back away.

When Americans are talking, they expect others to respond to what they are saying. To Americans, polite conversationalists understand by showing expressions of excitement or dislike, shock or sadness. People with a “poker face”, whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan(无表情的)expression, are looked upon with suspicion. Americans also show their attentiveness in a conversation by raising their eyebrows, nodding, smiling politely and maintaining good eye contact. However, some cultures view direct eye contact as impolite or threatening. Americans see it as a sign of genuineness and honesty. If a person doesn’t look you in the eye, American might say: you should question his motives---or suppose that he doesn’t like you. Yet with all the concern for eye contact, Americans still consider staring---especially at strangers---to be rude.

58. What the author discussed in the previous section is most probably about _______.

A. classification of nonverbal communication

B. the reasons why people should think about space

C. the relationship between communication and space

D. some other cultural aspects of nonverbal communication

59. How far people keep to each other while talking is closely associated with their _______.

A. race

B. culture

C. custom

D. nationality

60. When a person from Latin America talks to an Arabian on informal occasions, _______.

A. he stands about four feet away

B. “comfort zone” does not exist

C. keeping close enough is preferred

D. communication barriers(障碍) may appear


2019-2020学年位育中学高二上英语10月月考试卷 I. Listening Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the sentences or passages below, fill in the blanks to make the sentences or passages coherent and grammatically correct. Fries are often seen as an unhealthy accompaniment(附加物)to our favorite foods. But (21) _______ father and son in Belgium won’t hear a word said (22) _______ the humble chip -- they’ve created the world’s first museum dedicated to fries. The friet-museum in Bruges offers chip lovers an educational insight into one of Belgium’s national specialties. it introduces the history of the potato, (23) _______ originated in Peru, and the Belgian production of fries. The museum, opened by Eddy van Belle and his son Cidric, is located in the oldest building in Bruges. “Over the years, fries (24) _______ (know) worldwide and enjoyed by adults and children in almost all countries,” Eddy said. “We are so proud that they actually originate from Belgium. This is (25) _______ it is absolutely necessary that the first museum for fries should be opened in Belgium.” Potatoes, chips and the various condiments(佐料)which can (26) _______ (enjoy) with them are celebrated in the museum. The building is spread over two floors. All of the rooms are painted a nice chip-colored yellow and the museum shows off a range of exhibits including ancient potato cutters and a video which shows the process of (27) _______ (make) potato chips. And there are various kinds of chips on the menu in the museum’s restaurant. The van Belies are not the only food enthusiasts in the world (28) _______ (pay) respect to their favorite food by opening up a museum. A Florida man, Harry Sperl, turned his home (29) _______ a museum dedicated to hamburgers. “Hamburger Harry” (30) _______ (fill) his home with 1,000 souvenirs based on his favorite food that took around 23 years to collect. Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be


Ⅱ. Grammar and V ocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper from of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. A Movie Review: The Wandering Earth In the near future, the sun is dying, leaving the freezing planet on the edge of destruction. __21__ is left of humanity is huddled in underground cities created with an eye-catching combination of steam-punk(蒸汽朋克), brutalist(野兽派的), and futurist influences by the production designer. The United Earth ?Government, __22__ is never seen and represented only by a French voice, has decided the only solution is to propel the planet to another galaxy 4.2 light years away. __23__ depends on 10,000 giant rocket thrusters being kept alight for the 2,500 - year journey. Liu Peiqiang, a widowed astronaut played with appropriate solemnity by “Wolf Warrior” series superstar Wu Jing, is sent to a space station and tasked with navigating Earth’s path through the solar system, leaving behind young so Liu Qi and father - in - law Han Zi’ang. Seventeen years later, Liu’s still in orbit, while Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao) has become an angry young man and self-proclaimed genius who blames his mother’s early death __24__ his absent father. On the very day when his dad is due to finish stint and return home, Liu Qi and adopted teenage sister Duoduo sneak away to see the frozen surface for the first time. As they __25__ (take) in the spectacular sights of ice-covered Beijing, a major rocket thruster malfunction sends Earth into the gravitational pull of Jupiter. __26__ a miracle occurs in the next 37 hours, it will be Goodbye Earth. ...... ‘The Wandering Earth’ Chinese commercial cinema reaches a significant landmark with its first-ever sci-fi megahit. Director Frant Gwo’s adaptation of the 2000 novella by Liu Cixin is no genre classic, but its furious pace, spectacular visuals, and fanciful plot deliver decent escapist entertainment. After accumulating an astronomical $640 million - plus domestically - plus a tidy $5 million on limited North American screens - since Feb. 5, this display of capability from China’s commercial film sector was snapped up by Netflix for future release on the streaming giant’s platform. A hyperactive mixture of doomsday films ranging from ‘50s classic. “When Worlds Collide” to Micheal Bay’s bombastic “Armageddon” and, ___27___ (notably), lshiro Honda’s 1962


2016学年第一学初三年级英语阶段测试一 考试时间100分钟满分150分日期2016.2.19 Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分)

Ⅲ. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次) (共8分) many are. ____46____, it’s also true that many Olympic athletes had to overcome illnesses early in their lives. One excellent example is Wilma Rudolph. She competed in track-and-field events in the 1960 Olympics. She didn’t win just one gold medal. She won three. At the time, people called her ―the fastest woman in the world. As a young child, Wilma could not take part in sports. She had a series of serious illnesses, and then, at the age of 4, she got the doctor said she would never walk again. The people in Wilma’s family did everything they could to help her walk again. Wilma and her mother often traveled 100 miles to get treatments for her leg. Her brothers and sisters took turns giving her leg a daily massage. Four times a day, they ____47____ her do special exercises for her leg. ____48____, by the time Wilma was 9 years old, she was able to walk again. Before long, she started playing basketball and running. In high school, she was a track star and then she went to the Olympics. Wilma stopped being a runner when she was 22 years old. She then became a teacher and track coach. Her story ____49____ many people to work hard and to overcome difficulties. Staying young and beautiful is an important factor in many of our lives. There are many more things you can do to improve your health and fitness. If you follow these good steps, it will be a good start and will make a huge ________ to your life and future. My secret of staying young is quite simple: devote your attention to the part of you, that’s young and growing your brain. Keep your mind awake and you will stay young all over. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a________ of learning one new thing everyday. No matter how old you are, it’s not too ________ to make your life more interesting. I know a housewife without knowledge in the past who made herself into an excellent industrial designer. I know an old electrical engineer who has become a highly paid artist. Get over the idea that you are too ________ to get back to school. I know a man who entered a medical college at 70. He got his degree with honours and became a famous doctor. Another man went to a law school at 71 and now is an active lawyer. No matter how old people are, staying young is easy for those who live in the future. You


2018 高一新生分班考试英语试题(1) I. 单项填空(共20 小题;每小题1分,满分20 分) 1.She is worried her son’s eyesight because he often plays online games. A.about B. for C. with D. of 2.— Got any information about buying the Olympics Opening Ceremony tickets online? ----Well, I was trying to, but found . A.some B. none C. nothing D. no one 3.When I can’t understand , I always raise my hand to ask. A.what the teacher says B. how the teacher says C. what does the teacher say D. how does the teacher say 4.— Who writes in your class? — Kate does, of course. A.more carefully B. the most careful C. the most carefully D. more careful 5.— Two Yangtze Evening Paper, please! — Only one copy left. Would you like to have , sir? A.one B. it C. this D. them 1


上海市徐汇区位育中学2017-2018学年高二上学期期中考试 数学试卷 1.已知a =(x ,3),b =(3,1),且a ∥ b ,则x =_______. 【答案】9 【解析】 ∵(,3)a x =,(3,1)b =,a ∥b ∴133x ?=? ∴9x = 故答案为9 2.行列式4 2-3 5 4-11-2 k 中,第2行第1列得元素的代数余子式的值为10,则实数k =_______. 【答案】6 【解析】 由题意得()3 212? 1| |2211012 k M k =-=?+?=- ∴6k = 故答案 6 3.增广矩阵为3?110m n -?? ???的二元一次方程组的实数解是1 2 x y =?? =?,则m +n =__________. 【答案】-4 【解析】 ∵增广矩阵3110m n -?? ??? 的二元一次方程组的实数解是1{2x y ==

∴321 { 20 m n +=-+= ∴2,2m n =-=- ∴m n 4+=- 故答案为4- 4.已知矩阵A =1234?? ???,矩阵B =4231?? ??? ,计算:AB = . 【答案】1042410?? ??? 【解析】 试题分析:AB =1234?? ???4231?? ???=1042410?? ??? 。 考点:矩阵的乘法运算。 点评:直接考查矩阵的乘法运算:当A 矩阵列数与B 矩阵的行数相等时,二者可以进行乘法运算,否则是错误的。 5.已知直线上两点A (2,3),B =(-1,5),则直线AB 的点方向式方程是____________. 【答案】2 3 -y 3-2-=x 【解析】 ∵(2,3)A ,(1,5)B - ∴()3,2AB =- ∴经过两点(2,3)A ,(1,5)B -的直线AB 的点方向式方程是23 32 x y --=- 故答案为23 32 x y --=- 6.直线l 的一个方向向量d =(1,2),则l 与直线-20x y +=的夹角为______________(结果用反三角函数值表示).


1 2019-2020年位育中学高一上10月月考数学卷 一. 填空题 1. 已知集合{|22}A x x =-<<,{|1}B x x =≥-,则A B =I 2. 事件“对任意实数x 与y ,都有222x y xy +≥成立”的否定形式为 3. 已知U =R ,{|3}A x x =≤,{0,1,2,3,4,5}B =,则 图中阴影部分所表示的集合为 4. 已知集合2{|20}A x x x =-->,{|40}B x x p =+<, 且B A ?,则p 的取值范围是 5. 已知全集{1,2,3,4,5,6}U =,{2,3}M =,{1,4}N =,则集合{5,6}用含,,U M N 的集合运算式可以表示为 6. 已知U =R ,{|30}A x mx =->,若1U A ∈e,则实数m 的取值范围是 7. 不等式20ax bx c ++>的解集是1 (,3)2 -,则不等式20cx bx a ++<的解集为 8. 若不等式210ax ax --<的解集为R ,则实数a 的取值范围是 9. 已知集合2{|45}A x x x =+>,2{|0}B x x ax b =++≤,若A B =?I ,(1,6]A B =-U , 则a b += 10. 运动会时,高一某班共有28名同学参加比赛,每人至多报两个项目,15人参加游泳,

2 8人参加田径,14人参加球类,同时参加游泳和田径的有3人,同时参加游泳和球类的有3人,则只参加一个项目的有 人 11. 若x A ∈,则2x A -∈,就称A 是“对偶关系”集合,若集合{,4,2,0,2,4,6,7}a --的所有非空子集中是“对偶关系”的集合一共15个,则实数a 的取值集合为 12. 已知关于x 的不等式22232x kx k x -≤+≤-有唯一解,则实数k 的取值集合为 二. 选择题 13.“2m <”是“1m <”的( )条件 A. 充分非必要 B. 必要非充分 C. 充要 D. 既非充分也非必要 14. 下列选项是真命题的是( ) A. 若a b <,则22ac bc < B. 若a b <,c d <,则a c b d -<- C. 若0a b >>,0c d <<,则ac bd > D. 若0b a <<,则11a b < 15. 已知命题“若0a b c ++≥,则a 、b 、c 中至少有一个非负数”,则该命题的逆命题、否命题、逆否命题3个命题中为真命题的个数是( ) A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 16. 定义{}x 为不小于x 的最小整数(例如:{5.5}6=,{4}4-=-),则不等式 2{}5{}60x x -+≤的解集为( ) A. [2,3] B. [2,4) C. (1,3] D. (1,4]


2019-2020年位育中学高一上10月月考数学卷 一. 填空题 1. 已知集合,,则 {|22}A x x =-<<{|1}B x x =≥-A B =I 2. 事件“对任意实数与,都有成立”的否定形式为 x y 222x y xy +≥3. 已知,,,则 U =R {|3}A x x =≤{0,1,2,3,4,5}B = 图中阴影部分所表示的集合为 4. 已知集合,, 2{|20}A x x x =-->{|40}B x x p =+<且,则的取值范围是 B A ?p 5. 已知全集,,,则集合用含的集合{1,2,3,4,5,6}U ={2,3}M ={1,4}N ={5,6},,U M N 运算式可以表示为 6. 已知,,若,则实数的取值范围是 U =R {|30}A x mx =->1U A ∈em 7. 不等式的解集是,则不等式的解集为 20ax bx c ++>1 (,3)2 -20cx bx a ++<8. 若不等式的解集为,则实数的取值范围是 210ax ax --2{|0}B x x ax b =++≤A B =?I ,则 (1,6]A B =-U a b +=10. 运动会时,高一某班共有28名同学参加比赛,每人至多报两个项目,15人参加游泳,8人参加田径,14人参加球类,同时参加游泳和田径的有3人,同时参加游泳和球类的有3人,则只参加一个项目的有 人 11. 若,则,就称是“对偶关系”集合,若集合的x A ∈2x A -∈A {,4,2,0,2,4,6,7}a --所有非空子集中是“对偶关系”的集合一共15个,则实数的取值集合为 a 12. 已知关于的不等式有唯一解,则实数的取值集合为 x 22232x kx k x -≤+≤-k 二. 选择题 13.“”是“”的( )条件2m <1m >0c d <0b a <<11a b <15. 已知命题“若,则、、中至少有一个非负数”,则该命题的逆命题、0a b c ++≥a b c 否命题、逆否命题3个命题中为真命题的个数是( )A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

上海市上海中学2017-2018学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年上海中学高二第一学期开学测试 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the other answer that best completes the sentence. 25.Excuse me,would you please tell me . A.when the sports meet is taken place B.when is the sports meet going to be held C.when is the sports meet to begin D.when the sports meet is to take place 26.Time flies like an arrow,and time lost . A.never has returned B.never returned C.never returns D.is never returning 27.If the factory the river,there will be no fish in it soon. A.left polluting B.leaving polluting C.is left polluting D.leaves to pollute 28.What really flatters a man is you think him worth flattering. A.that B.whether C.what D.how 29.Time tries friends fire tries gold. A.when B.as C.like D.what 30.I have pleasure in introducing to you the man without generosity your club would cease to exist. A.whose B.that C.which D.this 31.Learning is a natural pleasure,inborn and instinctive, of the essential pleasures of the human race. A.which B.one C.each D.any 32.In the past decade ,geologists have come loser than ever to the age of the earth. A.calculate B.calculating C.be calculating D.have calculated 33.He insisted on Dr.Turner instead of Mr.Turner. A.his being called B.him to be called C.his calling D.him to call 34.There something wrong with the engine of the car,we had to go to the park by taxi. A.having been B.being C.is D.was 35.A person who begins a job that he isn?t going to like it or is sure that he is going to fail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hold back his success. A.convinces B.convince C.convinced D.convincing 36.Optimism and pessimism are both powerful forces ,and each of us must choose we want to shape our outlook and our expectations. A.what B.which C.that D.when 37.There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home all the greatest virtues of human society are created,strengthened, and maintained. A.that B.where C.which D.with 38.As we go into the new century,we need to be ready to go with the winds of trust,conscience and intuition, we are open to the unexpected and are alert and are adaptable,life will become a wonderful journey.


上海市位育中学高二下学期零次考试数学试卷 2016.02 一. 填空题 1. 过点(2,3)A 且垂直于直线250x y +-=的直线l 的一般式方程是 ; 2. 直线220x y +-=和10mx y -+=的夹角为4 π,则m 的值为 ; 3. 已知22 113x y k k +=+-()k R ∈表示焦点在x 轴上的椭圆,则k 的取值范围是 ; 4. 过点(4,3)M -作圆2225x y +=的切线,则切线方程为 ; 5. 不等式45124x x ≥-的解集为 ; 6. 某算法的程序框图如右图所示,若0.8P =, 则输出的变量n 为 ; 7. 若||8AB =u u u r ,||9AC =u u u r ,则||BC uuu r 的取值 范围是 ; 8. 边长为1的正方形ABCD 中,M 为BC 的 中点,E 在线段AB 上运动,则EC EM ?u u u r u u u u r 的 取值范围是 ; 9. 若曲线220y xy x k -++=通过点(,)M t t -()t R ∈,则k 的取值范围是 ; 10. 设P 是双曲线22 219 x y a -=上一点,双曲线的一条渐近线方程是320x y -=,1F 、2F 分 别是双曲线的左、右焦点,若1||3PF =,则2||PF = ; 11. 抛物线22y px =上一点(1,)Q m 到抛物线焦点的距离为5,则实数m = ; 12. 已知点O 为坐标原点,点M 是曲线2112 y x = +上的一个动点,且点M 为线段OP 的 中点,则动点P 的轨迹方程为 ; 13. 若圆22()()8x a y a -+-=,则实数a 的取值范围 是 ; 14. 设直线:220l x y +-=与椭圆2 2 14 y x +=的交点为A 、B ,点P 为椭圆上的动点,则 使△PAB 的面积为12的点P 的个数是 ; 二. 选择题


位育中学2015学年第一学期期终考试试卷 高 一 历 史 一、选择题(共30题,每小题2分,共60分,每题只有一个正确选项) 1、被古希腊人称为“美索不达米亚“的地方位于今天的 A.伊朗 B.伊拉克 C.印度 D.沙特阿拉伯 2. 世界上保存到今天最早的成文法典诞生于 A. 尼罗河流域 B. 印度河流域 C. 两河流域 D.印度、恒河流域 3.文学是西方文化的主要载体,其源头可追溯到古代世界,下列选项中,对西方文化产生重要影响的是 A .《大藏经》、《荷马史诗》 B .《旧约全书》、《古兰经》 C .《荷马史诗》、《旧约全书》 D .《古兰经》、《荷马史诗》 4. 右图为考古学家对一种古老文字的破译,这种古文字应是 A. 甲骨文 B. 象形文字 C. 拉丁文字 D. 希腊字母 5. 在早期人类文明的形成过程中,地理环境的作用不可小觑。以下地图中,哪张地图所反映的地理环境对人类早期民主政治的产生起到了重要影响 班级_____________ 姓名_________________ 考号_____________

6.公元前6世纪,释迦牟尼创立了佛教,佛教的诞生地在 A. 南亚次大陆 B.两河流域地区 C.小亚细亚 D.黄河流域地区 7.古代雅典民主制的开创者是: A .梭伦 B .克里斯提尼 C .希罗多德 D .伯里克利 8. “如果在夜里行窃的人被人当场杀死,则这种杀人的行为被认为是合法的。”“十二铜表法”中以上的规定反映的实质是 A. 鼓励同态复仇 B. 实行有罪推定 C. 宽恕暴力行径 D. 保护公民私产 9.标志着西欧古代历史终结的时间和事件是 A.公元前27年,罗马帝国的建立 B.公元395年,罗马帝国的分裂 C.公元476年,西罗马帝国的灭亡 D.公元1453年,东罗马帝国灭亡 10.西欧中世纪庄园中设有教堂、法庭等。对此,最合理的解释是 A.庄园是自给自足的经济实体 B.庄园是农村基本的经济组织 C.庄园是农村基本的社会组织 D.庄园是领主统治农奴的工具 11.自13世纪下半叶起,英.法相继出现了如下图所反映的新权力结构。这一结构当是: A .封建等级制 B .等级君主制 C .君主专制 D .君主立宪制 12. “任何伯爵或男爵……等直接领有采邑之人身故时,如已有达成年之继承者,于按照旧时数额缴纳继承税后,即可享有其遗产。”——1215年《自由大宪章》 教皇 国王 城市市民 教会 贵族 世俗贵族


上海市徐汇区位育中学2019-2020学年高一下学期6 月月考数学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、填空题 1. 和的等比中项是__________. 2. 在等差数列中,如果,,,那么________ 3. 若,,则________ 4. 方程,的解集为________(用反三角表示) 5. 已知的三边长分别为3,5,7,则该三角形的外接圆半径等于 _________. 6. 若,则________ 7. 函数的值域是______. 8. 关于的方程在上有两个不同解,则的取值范围是________ 9. “远望巍巍塔七层,红灯点点倍加增.共灯三百八十一,请问尖头几盏灯?”(选自《九章算法比类大全》诗中所述的尖头有________盏灯

10. 设数列的前项和为,若,(),则 的通项公式为________ 11. 已知数列满足,则的最小值为_______ 12. 将函数的图像向左平移个单位,再向上平移1个单位, 得到函数的图像,区间(,且)满足:在 上至少含有100个零点,在所有满足上述条件的中,则的最小值为________ 二、单选题 13. 下列函数中既是奇函数又在上单调递增的是() A.B.C. D. 14. 设是公比为的等比数列,则“”是“为递增数列”的()A.充分而不必要条件B.必要而不充分条件 C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 15. 对于不等式,某同学用数学归纳法证明的过程如下: (1)当时,,不等式成立. (2)假设当时,不等式成立,当时, . 当时,不等式成立,则上述证法() A.过程全部正确 B.验得不正确 C.归纳假设不正确 D.从到的推理不正确


位育中学2020学年第二学期监控考试试卷 高 二 数 学 2020.3.18 一、填空题(每题3分,共42分) 1. 复数i m m m m z )65()43(2 2 --+--=为纯虚数,则实数m =_______4 2.i 43+的平方根为_______i +2或i --2 3.如果b a ,是异面直线,c b ,也是异面直线,则直线c a ,的位置关系是_______相交平行异面 4.计算:2013 321 111i i i i + +++ Λ所得的结果为_______i - 5.在复数范围内分解因式:x x x +-2 3 2=_______)4 71)(471(2i x i x x --+- 6.已知z 为虚数,且z z 4 + 为实数,则||z =_______2 7.若i z z 51||+=-,则z = _______i 512+ 8.由正方体各个面的对角线所确定的平面共有_______个 20 9.关于x 的方程04)3(2 =++++k x i k x (R k ∈)有实根的充要条件是_______4-=k 10.设1z 、2z 是非零复数,且满足02 2212 1=++z z z z ,则22 12 2211)()( z z z z z z +++= _______1- 11.在空间四边形ABCD 中,E 为边AB 的中点,F 为边CD 的中点,若6=AC ,10=BD ,且 BD AC ⊥,则线段EF 的长为_______34 12.在复平面内,三点C B A ,,分别对应复数C B A z z z ,,,若i z z z z A C A B 3 4 1+=--,则ABC ?的三边长 之比为_______5:4:3 13.在长方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,1==BC AB ,21= AA ,设AB 的中点为F ,则F A 1与 1DC 所成的角为_______3 3 arccos 14. 对于非零实数b a ,,下列四个命题都成立:(1)01 ≠+ a a ;(2) 若|||| b a =,则b a ±=;(3) 2222)(b ab a b a ++=+;(4)若ab a =2,则b a =,那么,对于非零复数b a ,,仍然成立的命题


1.able 用法:be able to do Note: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。 be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。 2.abroad 用法:表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。 Note: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。 3.admit 用法:表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。 Note: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。 4.advise 用法:advise sb. to do; advise doing Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。 5.afford 用法:通常与动词不定式搭配使用。 Note: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。 6.after 用法:表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。 Note: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o’clock; in 3 days. 7.agree 用法:与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。 Note: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。 8.alive 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury sb. alive. 9.allow 用法:allow doing; allow sb. to do Note: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in. 10.among 用法:用在三者或三者以上的群体中。 Note: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best. 11.and 用法:用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。 Note: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, and you’ll succeed sooner or later. 12.another 用法:表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。 Note: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:another 2 weeks. 13.answer 用法:及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词to搭配。 Note: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door. 14.anxious 用法:be anxious for/about/to do Note: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。 15.appear 用法:不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。 Note: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。 16.arrive 用法:arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。 Note: 引申含义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion. 17.ask 用法:ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for Note: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:ask that sb. (should) do的形式。 18.asleep 用法:表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。 Note: 通常与动词be及fall搭配;sound asleep表示熟睡。 19.attend 用法:表示参加,后面经常加上meeting, lecture, conference, class, school, wedding, funeral等词;也可以表示照顾,照料。 Note: attend to可以表示处理、照料等。 20.attention 用法:pay attention to; draw/catch sb’s attention Note: 写通知时的常用语:May I have your attention, please? 21.beat 用法:表示打败某人,或连续不断地击打某物。 Note: heartbeat表示心跳。

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