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A Metafunctional Analysis of

Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream

Chapter I Introduction

This thesis makes a detailed analysis of the great speech I Have a Dream, delivered by Martin Luther King Jr., from systemic functional perspective. it aims to investigate how the author successfully develops it, strengthens the theme and reaches the ideal effects.

Such a powerful English political public speech has long been repeatedly studied and excerpted ever since it was first delivered in Washington. Many scholars have also analyzed either the oral or the written speech text from different aspects. However, few of them have ever tried to apply Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) to analyze it. As SFG will become the backbone theoretic support in this paper, it is important to start with the following brief introduction of the history of systemic functional grammar.

For their own research purposes, linguists present different methods for analyzing discourses. Here are some examples: Schiffrin in Approaches to Discourse introduces 6 methods for discourse analysis: speech act theory, international sociolinguistics, the ethnography of communication, pragmatics, conventional analysis, variation analysis, socio-cultural analysis, critical analysis and comprehensive analysis. They can be roughly categorized as Structuralism and Functionalism according to their theoretic bases. At the turn of the twentieth century, historical and general linguistics were well established as academic disciplines.

With the development of linguistics, some linguists begin to do some research on language from functional prospective. These linguists stress the social attribute of language, emphasize the information transmitting function of lingual forms and interpret lingual phenomena with reference to their contexts. SFG is the representative theory of Functionalism. SFG, mainly developed by M.A.K. Halliday in the 1960s, is “a theory of meaning as choice, by which a language, or any other semiotic system, is

interpreted as networks of interlocking options.”

And SFG is more suitable for discourse analysis than other theories because it is a theory of high manipulation and practicability. Some successful studies of separate discourses with this theory have been done.

Martin Luther King Jr. became a famous leader of Civil Rights Movements in America in the 1960s, and he was also a powerful speaker. He delivered this greatest speech on the hot afternoon of August 28, 1963. Almost 250,000 people marched on Washington to witness this historic moment of the United States. His speech was the symbol of the demonstration for the civil rights as Washington that was also the turning point and the milestone of the Civil Rights Movement.

Now it still has immeasurable influence on American civil right legislation, black people?s struggle for freedom and democracy and the global struggle of anti-racial segregation and discrimination. It is also one of the well-known speeches in the world which has been translated into many languages, read and studied as a speech model by people for the purpose of appreciating its artistry of literature and improving their writing or speaking competence. Although many studies have offered many insights into the speech, it is still worthy of studying the speech from the prospective because that may offer us new insights into it.

This thesis attempts to extend its analysis to different aspects of lexico-grammatical layer of the speech in order to practice and testify that SFG is of notable power of application and manipulation; so it can be effective method of analyzing discourses. It also provides its readers a better understanding and fuller appreciation of the speech.

Chapter II Relevant Theories

2.1 The Definition of Discourse/ Text in SFG

This thesis is mainly about discourse analysis with SFG; so it is of great value to elaborate the definition of discourse/ text in SFG. The present author will treat the two terms as the same with both referring to any language in use, including written ones and spoken ones.

Structural linguistics considers text as a grammatical unit that is larger than a sentence but is related to a sentence in the same way that a sentence is related to a clause. While Halliday believes it is misleading for he holds the view that a text is some kind of super-sentence, “something that is larger than sentence but of the same nature” (Halliday, 2001:135). In terms of the size of text, functional grammar claims that text is “not defined by its size”and it is used in linguistics to refer to “any passage, spoken or written, of whatever length, that does form a unified whole”(Halliday & Hasan, 2001:1).

While Halliday and Hasan make the interpretation of a text into a broader sense. From functional prospective, “a text is a unit of language in use”, which breaks the limit of the structural interpretation of text being grammatically larger than sentence that treats text and sentence as the same nature.

2.2 Discourse Analysis

The term Discourse Analysis originated from Z. Harris? paper Discourse Analysis published in 1952 which is considered as the beginning of modern discourse analysis. But some linguists define discourse analysis the linguistic analysis of spontaneous and coherent spoken or written discourse. And others think it as research or how sentences are used in communications to perform social behaviors, emphasizing the communicational functions of discourses.

So a discourse provides many characteristics for analyzing from different perspectives. And these characteristics can not be dealt within a single analysis, so any single analysis cannot cover all of them or cannot be elaborate. What is to be analyzed should be decided by the register of the discourse and the purpose of analysis.

2.3 Three Metafunctions

All the more specific functions can be assigned to one or more functions, and hence we refer to these broad functions as metafunctions. The first is the experiential; the second is the interpersonal; and the third is the textual.

Ideational function comprises a set of resources for constructing people?s theories of experience, and the ways in which people construct reality that seem natural to

them. It is used to understand the environment.

Interpersonal function has something to do to with a speaker/writer?s resources for interacting in dialogue and for expressing hid/ her opinions and attitudes. It is used to “act on the others in it”.

The third function is the textural function, having to do with the problem of organizing what a speaker/writer has to say with respect to what they?ve said and what they?re going to say, and making what they?ve said relevant to the context in which they are speaking. So it is a kind of management function which is supposed that a speaker/writer encode into interpersonal and ideational meaning.

Chapter III Metafunctional Analysis of I Have a Dream

3.1 The Experiential Function

3.1.1 Transitivity

As we know that the life of human being is full of varied and colorful experiences, which are composed of the content of “goings-on”—happening, doing, sensing, meaning, and being and becoming. Human beings use language to build a mental picture of reality, to make sense of these experiences and sort out these “goings-on” in the grammar clause. The grammatical system by which achieved is transitivity. The transitivity system construes the world of experience into a set of process types in which the processes consist, in principle, of three components: (i) the process itself; (ii) participants in the process; (iii) circumstances associated with the process, which change their specific terms with the different types of process.

In the transitivity system, there are three main kinds of processes: material, mental and relational processes. The processes of doing are those of material processes; and the processes of consciousness are those of mental processes; the processes of classifying and identifying are those of relational processes. (Halliday, 2000: 106-7).

3.1.2 Transitivity Analysis of I Have a Dream

Every complete discourse shall have consisted of more than one functional component realized through different processes which combine together to express a speaker/ writer?s thought for different purposes. The combination of different processes in an English political discourse such as the above-mentioned speech serves

various functions: to state the truth, to express feelings, to describe happenings, to explain power relationships, to call for actions, and so on.

The transitivity analysis of I Have a Dream is as follows:

This speech is given on the day in memory of the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation at the step before Abraham Lincoln?s memorial. Through this speech, he wants to make the following points clear:

1.American blacks? equal civil rights, liberty and freedom are legitimate, so their struggle for these civil rights is legitimate.

2. At current, American black people can not enjoy their legitimate civil rights as American whites do because of racial injustice, discrimination and segregation.

3. Peaceful struggle is the right way for American blacks to obtain heir legitimate civil rights and they should keep on struggling until their goal is realized.

We know that many processes have two participants. And this speech involves passive voice, subjunctive mood and various tenses. All these prove that King illustrates his points from different angles to make his arguments touching and convincing.

Look at the extract from I Have a Dream:

(1)In a sense we have come [Material] to our nation?s capital to cash [Material] a

check. When the architects of our republic wrote [Material] the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing [Material] a promissory note to which every American was to fall [Relational] heir.

This note was [Relational] a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed[Material] the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

In (1), 5 out of 7 processes are material processes, others are relational processes. These five material processes here state firmly the truth about American blacks? civil rights that they are bestowed to American blacks as to the rest of American people since the foundation of the Untied States of America.

Relational processes describe the relationship of people and things in a discourse. In English political speeches, the relational processes are often used in explaining

some abstract political concepts, elaborating the relationship between political powers or between other entities. In this speech, the relationship processes take up one quarter of all the processes and many serve to state the imbalance of power relationship, or civil rights, between American whites and American blacks and their hope to change the current imbalance of power between them and their faith in their final victory.

3.1.3 Lexical Density of I Have a Dream

Lexical density is closely related to nominalization through which processes and properties are reworded metaphorically as nouns; they function as thing in the nominal group.

The style of public political speeches is more formal than that of daily spoken discourses, which makes a public political speech contain characteristics of both spoken discourse and written discourse.

As a public political speech made at such a solemn moment, this speech needs characteristics of written discourses to maintain its seriousness. Its characteristics of written discourse are displayed more in the adoption of many figurations such as “a great beacon lights”, “a bad check”and “tranquillizing drug of gradualism”, its repetition of phrases and words, its clausal parallel structures which all add sublimity to its tone, momentum and vividness to the speech as a whole.

3.2 Interpersonal Function

It is the way in which the communication between speaker/writer and audience/reader is established.

3.2.1 The Mood System

The mood system of mood and modality is the main ways put forward by Halliday to realize the interpersonal function of a discourse. “Mood expresses the speech function”(Halliday, 2000:363). “Modality refers to the areas of meaning that lies between yes and no—the intermediate ground between positive and negative polarity”. Analysis of the Mood System of I Have a Dream

Interpersonal function of a discourse is mainly realized through the choice of the mood of it. Halliday points out: “the general principle behind the expression of mood

in the clause is as follows. The grammatical category that is characteristically used to exchange information is the indicative; the characteristic expression of a statement is the declarative that of a question is the interrogative.” King uses two modal operators as in (13) and (14).

(13) …to which every American was to [obligation] fall heir.

(14)…that all men, yes, black men and white men, would [obligation] be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

It first presents what American blacks deserve and what they actually have now. King describes the real and terrible situations at present in which American blacks are. All these are facts that have happened and cannot be changed.

3.3 Textual Function

As we know mentioned that a text is a semantic unit, but to be exact, a text should also be a semantically coherent unit. A text of this kind has “texture” which integrates different and related parts of the text so that it expresses meaning as a whole. It is “texture” that ensures a text?s coherence, and thus it is a meaningful text. The concept of texture is entirely appropriate to express the property of …being a text?. A text has texture, which is what distinguishes it from something that is not a text. It derives this texture from the fact that it functions as a unity with respect to the enviro nment”(Halliday & Hasan, 2001:2). In a text, texture is the semantic relation of the information relationship expressed by the elements of the text.

3.3.1 Non-structural Cohesion

It can be further divided into componential and organic relations. Cohesion of componential relations refers to the semantic relation between information components, i.e. language elements in cohesive ties are not the holistic information, but the components of information. Cohesion of organic relations means the semantic relation of the holistic information, not that of the components of information.

After the brief introduction to the non-structural cohesive devices, we shall analyse some typical ones in this speech. Grammatical Cohesive Devices

Grammatical cohesive devices can be divided into two groups: reference including

pronominals, demonstratives, definite articles and comparative, and substitution and ellipsis including nominal substitution/ellipsis, verbal substitution /ellipsis and clausal substitution/ ellipsis.

In this speech, exdophoric reference is greatly employed. “We” appears 31 times; “us”, 4 times; “our”, 16 times. They are all together 51 times. These pronominals refer to participants of the communication, the speaker, King and his audience. Of the demonstrative “this” in that speech, there are 5 elements referring to the participants, the place, the time and the political conditions of the speech as in the discourse, “...(16)...this nation...(18)...this hallowed spot...(25) this sweltering summer (50)

this situation…(54) this nation…”. “Here” refers to the place of the speech appears 3 times.

The great number of “we (us, our)” used in the speech shorten the distance between King and other American blacks and that between American blacks and American whites and imply the fact that all Americans, black people and white people, are the citizens of the USA. “We” can include the speaker and the listener at the same time in English, so the use of “we” mean the speaker and the listener hole the position, so the listener will feel the intimacy between them and would like to support the speaker without any doubt. This would lead them to make the conclusion that they are equal, and thus American blacks deserve the civil rights as American whites do.

The words “here”and “this”make the relationship between the speech and its context of situation closer, and also strengthen its audience?s feeling of being on-the-spot and attract their attention more. Lexical Cohesive Devices

Co-reference, co-classification and co-extension are realized through different cohesive devices whose realization is language elements of a discourse. These language elements form different cohesive ties of three or more language elements which are also called, as Halliday puts it, cohesive chains, or referential chains. The reason is that language elements forming the chains can be “anything that can have a participant role in a transitivity structure…circumstantial elements, the process itself…” (Halliday,2000:337).

Halliday and Hasan categorize lexical cohesion into 2 groups: reiteration and collocation. Reiteration means that a certain word reappears in a discourse through the repetition of itself, or the use of its synonym, superordinate, hyponymy, general word, and other forms to make the discourse?s sentences cohesive. In terms of the repetition role in the coherence of a discourse, Hoey says: “…repetition serves to show the relatedness of sentences in much the same way that a bibliographical reference shows the relatedness of academic papers.” Collocation means lexical items? co-occurrence tendency. In a discourse centering on a certain subject, some words will appear at the same time and others will have little or no possibility to appear because of “field of discourse”. The semantic relations of collocation are antonym and complementary, etc.

First, we will take paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 of the speech as an example to analyze the cohesive chain in I Have a Dream.

The second and the third paragraphs focus on the fact that American blacks have not received their civil rights, on the contrary, they are still suffering from the segregation and the discrimination from the American racialists even 100 years after they were entitled to protection under the laws such as the Emancipation Proclamation. So the three cohesive chains are “five score years ago”, “we” and “Negro” which make these two paragraphs a semantically coherent local part of that speech.

There are three cohesive chains running through I Have a Dream as follows:

Chain one:

(1)our...(2) we...(9) we...(11) our...(15)we...(16) we...(17) we...(18) we (22)

our...(29) our...(31) our/we...(32) us/our...(33) we...(34) we/our (35)

we (36)

us/our/our/our….(37)we…(38)we/we/we…(39)we…(41)we…(42)we/our…(43 )we…(44) we/we…(51) we…(54) we…(62) our…

Chain two:

(1)nation...(8) American society...(10) nation...(11) republic...(13) America (14)

America...(16) nation...(18) America...(22) nation...(24) nation (27)

nation...(28) America...(29) nation...(54) nation...(57) nation...(65) nation (67)


Chain three:

(1)freedom...(3)injustice....(4) captivity...(5) free...(12) liberty...(15) justice (17)

freedom/justice...(20)democracy...(21)justice...(22)injustice/brotherhood (23)

justice…(25)freedom/equality…(29)justice…(32)freedom…(36)freedom/freedo m…(77)freedom/freedom/free/free…

Chain one is a referential chain formed by the exophoric of “we/our/us” discussed in section This chain, as stated above, integrates his speech and its context of situation, stresses the equality between King and his audience and creates the atmosphere of their liking and sympathizing with each other, thus strengthens their solidarity.

Chain two is formed by words of repetition, synonym. We treat “American society” as the synonym of “nation”. Chain three is combined by words of repetition, synonym, and antonym. We treat “democracy”as the synonym of “freedom/ equality” and “sisters and brothers/ brotherhood”.

Chain one, two and three all begin at the first sentence of I Have a Dream and end at the last sentence of it. From he beginning to the end, there are many lexical items of chain one, two and three which appear in the same sentence. Words like “we/our/us”, “nation/country/America”and “freedom/justice/equality”are the central tokens that refer to the cohesive items interacting with other cohesive chains. The interaction of cohesive chains usually indicates the topic of a discourse. So does in his speech.

The interaction of chain one, two, and three shows that the aim of this speech is to call for all Americans, both American blacks and American whites, to fight for the realization of freedom and equality for all the American people. Another thing is the lexical items of chain two and chain three are all words expressing meanings of seriousness and grandness and thus they make this speech more formal and adequate for its context of situation.

3.3.2 Parallelism

Parallelism refers to a linguistic structure appears in a discourse more than one time.

These sentences or phrases with the same or similar structures are closely correlated in contents and meanings. They sound rhythmically and sonorously when read aloud, so they can express the speaker/writer?s strong feelings and become cohesive device helping to make a discourse a coherent one. In this speech, from sentence 55 to 61, “I have a dream” appears nine times at the beginning of the sentences which coheres with “I still have a dream” in sentence 52 to 53. “it is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream”. Besides, it is also the same as the title of the speech. They together advance gradually the speaker?s argument.

We can find out that many other parallel structures in the speech I Have a Dream, such as, “Now is the time to…” in sentence 20, 21,22 and 23; “we can never be satisfied as long as…” in sentence 41, 42 and 43; “let freedom ring…”in the last paragraph. All the parallel structures consist of a great part of a dream, so parallelism is an important cohesive device in it.

Chapter IV Conclusion

Systemic functional linguistic approach in discourse analysis is undoubtedly valuable and important. It provides discourse analysis with a scientific and practical standard. The association of the three strata (the three variables of context, the three metafunctions and the lexico-grammatical layer) tremendously enhances the power of evaluation and persuasion of analysis and makes it more scientific.

Discourse, or text, is the language that is functional in social context. It is a meaning unit that consists of ideational, interpersonal and textual components. In the theory of SFG, the three semantic components of discourse have a corresponding relationship upwards with the three parameters of context of situation: field, tenor and mode, and downwards with the lexico-grammatical structures: transitivity, lexical density, mood, modality, repetition, non-structural cohesion and structural cohesion, etc. Discourses are produced by the actualization of the meaning choices made from the meaning potentials offered by a register. Through the analysis of this speech?s lexico-grammatical layer, its register variables are summarized as follows:

Field: demonstration for civil rights.

Tenor: political leader and his followers. Reflecting the roles between the leader

and follower, King as American black and his audience as American blacks (both are victims of racial discrimination), American blacks and American whites, stressing the equality between all Americans.

Mode: well written before spoken delivery. Monologue. To urge devotees of civil rights to fight for equality and freedom for all American through nonviolent resistance. This is to say that the choice of its lexico-grammatical layer meets the requirements of the semantic system and the context of situation and that that dream deserves the honor as a worldwide famous public speech.

The analysis also shows that language resources realizing three metafunctions can be studied separately, but they interweave with each other in discourses, and one language element may realize different metafunctions at the same time. For example, the analysis shows the repetition can be used to interpret experiential function (increasing lexical density), interpersonal function (increasing emotional appeal) and textual function (increasing cohesion).

The analysis provides its readers a better understanding and a fuller appreciation of the speech. For example, its analysis of cohesive chains enables them to better understand how the parts are closely connected together to form this speech an integrated discourse.

The thorough review of this thesis suggests a need for further exploration and study of this speech. Concerning time and the length of the thesis, this thesis narrows its attention on some selective analysis approaches. As a result, the broader and deeper analysis can be done through including more analysis approaches. The following are two suggestions for further analysis.

1. To analysis I Have a Dream’s key and information structure as oral speech. This may lead to more findings to explain how King uses his voice to make his speech more acceptable for his audience and help raining speakers to influence their audience with their voices.

2. To analyze this speech from the approach of appraisal theory. This may lead to more findings on how it realizes interpersonal function with language resources besides mood and modality.


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本科生课程论文 论文题目:Care for Bilingual Children 课程名称:Introducing Sociolinguistics 任课教师:刘承宇 专业:英语 班级:2012级英语1班 学号:222012310032017 姓名:魏宗琴 2015 年11 月17 日

Care for Bilingual Children Abstract:Nowadays, raising bilingual children is more and more appealing to many families, but obviously it is not a easy course.This paper is to present some social linguistic phenomenons concerning some children raised in bilingual families and appeal to care for them. Key Words:individual bilingualism, language interference, language accommodation,bilingual language-planning I. Introduction Having more than one language at children’s fingers provides them more accessibilities to another world; therefore, the idea of raising bilingual children is appealing to more and more parents. These parents believe that bilingual kids have the advantage of knowing two cultures, of being able to communicate with a wider variety of people and of possible higher economic status in the future. Nevertheless, in the planning for children’s bilingual language development, parents should take some social linguistic factors into consideration as well as children’s self identity, self esteem,and schooling options etc. .


母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响及解决办法 廖银玲 (长沙理工大学外国语学院, 湖南长沙 11113021066) 摘要:母语迁移在第二语言习得研究领域占据重要位置。迁移有正负之分,正迁移是指母语与目标语结构相同或相似,对目标语的学习有促进作用;负迁移则是指母语与目标语结构不同,对目标语的学习产生干扰。翻译涉及双语信息转换的过程,尤其会受到母语负迁移的影响。本文首先分析母语负迁移在汉英翻译中的表现形式及其产生的原因,并就此探讨克服此现象的对策。 关键词:负迁移;翻译;表现形式;原因;对策 Abstract: Language transfer has been a central issue in second language acquisition.It is widely accepted that language transfer can be mainly classified as positive transfer and negative transfer.Positive transfer is the facilitation of the first language through its similarities with the target language;while negative transfer is the negative influence of the first language,resulting from the dissimilarities between the first language and the target language.As a process involving the shift of bilingual information,translation is particularly constrained by the negative transfer of the first language.This study is an effort to explore the manifestation and causes of negative transfer in Chinese-English translation, and then provide some solutions. Key words: negative transfer;translation; manifestation;causes ; solutions 随着我国社会、经济的发展.与世界的交流越来越频繁。而英语作为运用最广泛的语言。作为人类社会交际的重要工具,其重要性更是不言而喻。近些年来,越来越多的人开始学习英语.可是往往事倍功半。造成这种现象的有各方面的因素.母语负迁移便是其中一个重要因素。 1、定义及相关理论背景 迁移作为一个心理学术语,是指已有的知识被运用到新知识的环境中的过


语言学方向论文选题 1.浅谈英汉句子结构差异 2.诗意的美和喜剧性幽默 3.英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对比研究 4.英汉数字习语的对比研究 5.词义演变的原因与方式 6.名词化的语篇功能 7.诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响 8.浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能 9.隐喻与一词多义的关系 10.英汉被动句对比研究 11.英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因 12.英汉动词非谓语用法比较研究 13.英汉否定问句的答句对比研究 14.英汉合成词构词对比研究 15.英汉名词短语修饰模式比较 16.英汉拟声词异同探讨 17.英汉人称代词运用对比研究 18.英语复合词的语义分析及其类型 19.英语委婉语的使用原则与策略 20.语境对词义的制约作用 21.汉英色彩词汇的对比研究及其象征意义 22.中英恭维语对比研究 23.委婉语的礼貌原则研究及策略 24.汉英“山丘”对比研究 25.英汉颜色词跨域对比分析—以RED和红为例 26.英语道歉方式的策略及研究 27.英语拒绝言语行为研究 28.英语委婉语的寒暄功能 29.英语请求言语的策略研究

30.英语课堂教师提问的策略研究 31.会话得体:会话者的立场语境运用研究 32.英语课堂学生提问的策略研究 33.英语课堂的焦虑现象及策略研究 34.广告口号语的语言特点 35.从礼貌原则看短信语言 36.从合作原则看课堂师生互动 37.浅析中英言语行为中的礼貌原则 38.中英政治新闻报道中的模糊语言研究 39.言语错误分析理论在教学中的应用 40.英汉颜色词的引申义的文化差别 41.外语学习中应该重视中介语的作用 42.浅谈英汉句子结构差异 43.副词EVER的句法环境和语义特征 44.论文化差异与英语教学中的文化导入 45.学习者的动机因素对外语学习的影响 46.浅谈词汇搭配错误分析及其应对策略 47.浅析英语语言中的性别歧视现象 48.礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的应用 49.中英文性别歧视习语的对比研究 50.称谓语使用中的性别差异 51.从认知角度看隐喻在经济语篇中的应用 52.浅析广告语言的特点 53.浅谈英语新词的产生、构成及翻译 54.浅谈网络英语中的缩略语。 55.论中英文化对隐喻的影响 56.礼貌原则在商务谈判中的作用 57.浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源 58.英诗中的常用修辞研究 59.英语词汇中的外来语单词


成绩 大连外国语大学应用语言学基础学期论文 任课教师 研究方向英语词汇记忆策略 年级专业 姓名 学号 完成日期

非英语专业研究生英语词汇记忆策略的实证研究 摘要 在二语习得中,词汇对于语言学习者有着异乎寻常的重要性,词汇是一切语言技能的基础。探索并总结积极有效的词汇记忆策略,是减轻学生负担、培养学生英语学习兴趣、提高英语学习成绩的有效途径。过去 20 年里,许多专家和学者做了大量的研究工作,在他们的共同努力下,英语词汇学习策略的研究有了显著的进步,也取得了很大的成绩。大量事实已证明:掌握数量可观、记忆牢固的词汇是英语学习成功的关键。一些学者对优秀学生的词汇学习策略进行了研究;另一些学者研究了一定群体学习者的词汇学习策略;还有的学者研究了不同性别的学习者的词汇学习策略的使用情况。然而,以非英语专业研究生的英语词汇学习策略为研究对象的却不多。这篇文章在回顾了国内外词汇学习策略的研究现状之后,主要以大连外国语大学非英语专业一年级的研究生为研究对象,探索了他们英语词汇记忆策略使用情况,旨在了解非英语专业研究生使用英语词汇记忆策略的情况,证明词汇学习策略训练对高一学生的英语词汇学习有积极的促进作用。本文通过问卷调查和教学实验,试图回答以下问题: 1)学生目前的英语词汇记忆策略使用现状如何? 2)词汇策略训练能否提高学生词汇水平?是否有促进作用? 研究结果表明:有效的词汇记忆策略能改善学生的英语学习状况,并提高其英语成绩。非英语专业研究生常用的英语词汇学策略有很多,如构词记忆法;拼读策略;词汇表策略;语境策略;查字典策略;分类记忆策略;元认知策略等,并且使用多种词汇记忆策略的效果明显优于少量策略,掌握越多的策略越容易扩大学生的词汇记忆量。 关键词:词汇记忆策略,非英语专业研究生, Abstract In the Second Language Acquisition, vocabulary is of great importance to language learners and also it is the basis of other language skills. Concluding effective memory strategies is the effective way to reduce the burden of English learners and to improve the education quality. In the last 20 years, a number of researchers and experts have made an effort to study the English vocabulary memory strategies, which gains great


郑州大学现代远程教育《社会语言学》课程考核要 求 说明:本课程考核形式为提交作业,完成后请保存为WORD 2003格式的文档,登陆学习平台提交,并检查和确认提交成功(能够下载,并且内容无误即为提交成功)。 1. 作业要求 1. 认真学习课程,广泛查阅文献资料,高质量完成课程作 业。 2. 必须由自己独立完成,不得抄袭或请人代写,雷同作业按照零分 处理。 2.作业内容 论述题 (1) 中国社会语言学发展的三个阶段(25分) 答:一)初创阶段(1979-1987):从自发到自觉 一般认为,中国的社会语言学是舶来品,源于20世纪60年代的美国。中国最早提出社会语言学的学者之一陈原则指出,社会语言学发源比较早。自古以来,中外语文学家都曾讨论过古语与今语、文语与口语、标准语与方言在社会功能上的差别。欧洲19世纪初的方言学家对于自己民族语言内部各种变体的调查,其实即是进行社会语言学的工作。事实上,社会语言学的诞生和有没有社会语言学的研究是两回事。进行某一方面的研究并不等于建立了某一个学科。当然,一个学科的出现决不是突然从天上掉下来的。它一定是长时间学科积累的结果。现代中国历史上的许多语言运动,如20世纪初期的国语运动、20年代的白话文运动、30年代的大众语讨论以及北方拉丁化运动,50年代的推广普通话、现代汉语规范化等等,都可以算是社会语言学的工作。但是这些运动或工作可以说是自发的,而不是自觉的。70年代后期,随着“社会语言学”这个术语的出现,人们对社会语言学的研究从自发走向自觉[7]。 这一阶段,中国社会语言学的成果主要表现在通论性的著作和理论的译

介方面。前者除上述陈原的两本著作外,还有陈松岑的《社会语言学导论》(北京大学出版社,1985)、游汝杰、周振鹤的《方言与中国文化》(上海人民出版社,1986)。许国璋早在70年代末开始引进社会语言学,有关论文后来收入《许国璋论语言》(外语教学与研究出版社,1991)。1980年到1982年,英国语言学家特鲁基尔的《社会语言学导论》由林书武等翻译,在《国外语言学》连载。1987年北京大学出版社出版了祝畹瑾编的《社会语言学译文集》和前苏联什维策尔的《现代社会语言学》(卫志强译)。此外,《国际社会科学杂志》1985年第5期(中文版)以 “语言与交往:社会语言学研究个案与应用”的专刊形式,发表了一大批社会语言学的论文,很有指导意义。可惜因为发行上的原因,许多人没有看到。 这一时期有两大缺点:一是结合中国社会实际不够,二是对社会语言学的对象和范围的认识还相当模糊。例如有的学者把语言与思维的关系之类问题也列入社会语言学,这显然是不妥的。此外,受国外的影响,也有热衷于无谓的名份之争的现象。 迅速发展阶段(1987-1993):从引进走向结合中国实际 1987年12月1日至5日,中国社科院语言文字应用研究所在北京举办了首届社会语言学讨论会。会议展示了70年代以来中国社会语言学的研究现状和水平,它标志着中国社会语言进入了一个火热的阶段,对推动我国的社会语言学研究具有重要意义。1988年8月,深圳教育学院深港语言研究所主办了首次“双语·双方言”讨论会。1990年11月,中国社会科学院语言文字应用研究所和苏州大学在苏州召开了首届应用语言学讨论会,其中有不少的论文也是关于社会语言学的。 这一时期出现了许多社会语言学的专题研究。著作有张清常的《胡同及其他——社会语言学的探索》(北京语言学院出版社,1990)、高天如的《中国现代语言计划的理论和实践》(复旦大学出版社,1993)等。论文数量很多,结集出版的有《双语双方言》(1-4集)(分别由中山大学出版社等出版)、《语言·社会·文化——首届社会语言学学术讨论会论文集》(语文出版社,1991)等等。 这个阶段,继续出版了一批关于社会语言学的译介、概论性著作和教材。在译介国外社会语言学研究成果方面,除了《国外语言学》等杂志连续刊登译介文章(例如Lesley Milroy的《语言和社会网络》等)外,还出版了佐伊基的《社会语言学演讲录》(刘明霞等译,北京语言学院出版社,1989)、郝德森的《社会语言学》(丁信善译,中国社会


华 中 师 范 大 学 本 科 生 课 程 论 文 论文题目 The Study of Speech Sound in Language 完成时间 2012.12 课程名称 现代语言学概论 专 业 辅修第二学位英语专业 年 级 2010英语第二学位辅修本科生 成 绩 评卷人 姓 名 学 号

The Study of Speech Sounds in Language I. Introduction Knowledge of a language includes that of the different components of the language: the morphemes,words,phrases,and sentences. It also includes knowing what sounds are in the language and how these sounds are put together to form meaningful units. Different terms can be found in describing the sound system of language. Traditional terminology puts phonetics and phonology at a paralleled level. In this terminology, phonetics is the study of separate speech sounds, while phonology is concerned with the system of combination of sounds. According to the terminology in some books, however, the study of speech sounds in a general way is termed as phonology. It is concerned with all the aspects of the speech sounds and sound systems of a language. Its subdivisions are phonemics. Phonetics deals with speech sounds in isolation, and phonemics studies the systems of speech sounds. To avoid confusion, the traditional terminology is adopted in this book. II. Analysis on ---- 2.1. Analysis of speech sounds The study of phonic medium of language in isolation is the level of phonetics, attempting to describes all the sounds that occur in human language. It’s mainly concerned with the production, transmission, and perception of the speech sounds. Analysis of speech sounds can be approached from the following 4 levels Level 1: anatomy and physiology----refers to speech organs and their functions Level 2: articulatory phonetics----studies how to produce speech sounds. Level 3: auditory phonetics---studies how the sounds are perceived by the hearer. Level4: acoustic phonetics----studies the way speech sounds are transmitted in the air(using spectrographs, analyze sound waves). 2. 2. Process of speech production and perception 2.2.1. Articulatory phonetics studies the sounds from the speaker’s point of view,how a speaker manipulates his speech organs to produce speech sounds. This branch is the longest established and the most highly developed. 2.2.2. Auditory phonetics studies the way listeners perceive the speech


Viewing the Movie My Fair Lady from Sociolinguistic Perspective by 寇佳艳 School of Tourism Xi'an International Studies University Xi’an, China 2010

Viewing the Movie My Fair Lady from Sociolinguistic Perspective Abstract My Fair Lady is a classic movie, which has already been appreciated too much from the viewpoint of literature and translation, but few analysis are from linguistic viewpoint. It is also acknowledged that this movie is a good example of sociolinguistics. This paper is to analysis their dialogue in the film from sociolinguistic perspective. To be specific, this paper will discuss several sociolinguistic aspects by analyzing their dialogue and these aspects are language and social class, language and gender and language planning. 摘要 《窈窕淑女》是一部经典电影,许多学者已经从文学和翻译学角度对这部电影做了赏析,但很少有评析是以社会语言学角度出发的。这部电影也是有关社会语言学一个很好的教材。这篇文章将从社会语言学角度分析电影中的语言和对话。具体来讲,这篇文章将分析这几个有关社会语言学的方面在电影中的映射,这几个方面分别是:语言和社会阶层,语言和性别,语言规划。 Key W ords My Fair Lady, language and social class, language and gender, languange planning 关键词 《窈窕淑女》,语言和社会阶层,语言和性别,语言规划 My Fair Lady is a classic movie, which was adapted from Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion in 1964. My Fair Lady tells how the poor flower girl Eliza Doolittle becomes a lady with the help of the famous phonetic linguist Professor Higgins. The great change was achieved mainly by changing her rude low class level language into standard upper class level language because Henry Higgins, this arrogant and irascible linguist believes that the way people speak determines a person's prospects in society. This movie has already been appreciated too much from the viewpoint of literature and translation, but few analysis are


从社会语言学角度分析美国俚语 一.Definitions of slangs 二.Characteristics of American slangs 三.Social analysis of slangs from the perspective of gender, age, occupation and social settings to use slang 四.Social functions of slang 五.Social reasons for the use of slang 1.Introduction To study slang scientifically,we can take the anthropological tradition of cultural relativism.“According to Bryjak and Soroka(1994:57),‘cultural relativism is the belief that there is no universal standard of good and bad or right and wrong and that an aspect of any given culture can be judged only within its own context.’Cultural relativists appear to suggest that all cultures or institutions are equally valid or fitting and tend to assume that the mere presence of a cultural trait warrants our valuing it”(Lin Dajing,1997). 俚语作为语言的一种,引起特殊性发挥着自己独特的作用,然而很多人并未对俚语有正确的认识,很多人把俚语作为地俗语对待,笔者认为,语言作为一种社会现象,尤其存在的合理性,从社会语言学的角度讲,任何语言种类都是平等的,没有层级之分。本文将从社会语言学的角度对俚语这一语言特殊现象做一粗浅分


英语语言学论文题目 13论国际商务谈判中的语言交际技巧 33成人世界的童话——从文体学角度解析现今童话再度流行的现象49论文化差异与英汉商标互译 55浅谈英汉句子结构差异 59诗意的美和喜剧性幽默 62试论广告英语的语言特点 65统觉团对英语初学者词汇学习的影响 67外语学习中应该重视中介语的作用 69新闻报道中的转述动词研究 73英汉禁忌语、委婉语的对比研究 74英汉数字习语的对比研究 76英译汉中词序的变动 78英语广告的语言特征 80英语双关语汉译的可译性限度 101词义演变的原因与方式 137从汉语中英语借词的翻译看文化交流 138从价值观转换看斯佳丽的角色特征 142从礼貌准则看中英文化的异同 146从习语看英汉民族的文化差异 149从英语人名中看性别歧视

157动词过程类型的选择和话语隐性态度的表达161对母语在英语写作中词汇负迁移现象的思考162对严复译作中“信”的质疑 167法律英语用词特征分析 168法律语言翻译与法律文体 177副词EVER的句法环境和语义特征 180功能语法视角下的英语报纸新闻标题的功能183广告口号语的语言特点 189国际商务文化之对比研究 204汉语中双关语的翻译 213基于概念隐喻的诗歌解读 228论广告英语中的幽默 265论广告英语的语言特点 268论汉英谚语的语言特征 280论清教理念与美国西进运动 282论莎士比亚十四行诗中的时间 300论英语广告中几种常用修辞格及其汉译310论尤金?奥尼尔的表现主义手法 324名词化的语篇功能 330诺曼时期法语对英语词汇的影响 339浅谈英语虚拟语气的语用功能

340浅谈英语虚拟语气及其语用功能 345浅析二十世纪计算机英语词汇的构成特点346浅析汉英动物谚语中的文化 348浅析英汉语言中的性别歧视现象及其根源349浅析英语禁忌语及其发展 352浅析英语无标志被动句 356浅议译者能力 359认知语言学角度下“within” 的空间隐喻意义365商标英语汉译的原则和方法 384体育新闻英语文体研究 375社会语言学视野中的网络语言 418新闻英语中的语法特点研究 423颜色词在英汉互译中的不对应性 425移就的审美价值和生成基础 426以认知为基础的颜色隐喻研究 428隐喻认知功能研究的新视角 429隐喻与一词多义的关系 438英汉被动句对比研究 439英汉宾语类型差异的认知原因 440英汉动词非谓语用法之比较研究 442英汉否定问句的答句对比研究


语言学论文选题小范围 1.题目要具有可操作性,也就是可行性。这样就要求根据自己的实际情况,包括以往的知识积累、可以占有的材料等等。比如《某某县方言音系调查与研究》,题目很好,但是,如果作者在方言调查以及辩音、记音方面没有受过正规的训练的话,这样的题目是没有办法做的。再比如,笔者曾经指导的一个本科生的创新支持项目,几个同学打算做这样一个题目《大学生使用新词语的调查与研究》。该计划中包括对全国各大城市的代表高校大学生的调查,这对于几位在校大学生来说,是无法进行的,所以笔者就让他们改成《曲阜师范大学文科大学生使用新词语的调查与研究》,这样,题目就具有了可操作性,完成项目就不那么困难了。 2.题目要具有一定的新意。这就是说,要尽量避开那些热点、大家讨论较多的问题,除非自己确实有不同于以往研究的理论、方法或材料,否则还是选择冷门为好。有一年笔者指导了一批自考生和函授生的毕业论文,其中不少学生写了“四大名著中的佛道描写”之类的题目,这当然不是语言类的,是文学类的题目,但是由于写类似文章的太多,许多文章都给人一个似曾相识的感觉很难写出新意的。那么,怎么保证选题有新意呢?那就是尽量避开热门问题,比如选择研究对象的时候,尽量选择别人不太关注的。例如,关于《红楼梦》的语言大家研究的比较多,你可以选择《儒林外史》或《儿女英雄传》等。

3.选题宁小毋大。不少同学喜欢选择大的题目,比如《论汉语新词语的产生与社会发展的关系》《现代汉语语法方向》《古汉语“俗”字研究》等题目,这些是08级毕业生的论文选题,这三个题目都是太大,让人感觉是“老虎吃天,无处下口”。第一个题目《论汉语新词语的产生与社会发展的关系》,题目中的新词语指的是哪个时代的新词语?如果不限制时代,所有的汉语词汇都曾经是新词语。再说“社会的发展”也是一个很宏观的概念,社会哪个方面的发展,政治的、经济的、文化的,物质方面的还是精神方面的?这样宏观的题目,根本没有办法去进行研究。第二个题目《现代汉语语法方向》,这是研究现代汉语语法学研究的方向还是研究现代汉语语法发展的方向?无论是哪种意思,都是语法学家们也不敢进行的研究,我们的本科生选择这样的题目,只能暴露对语法研究的无知。第三个题目《古汉语“俗”字研究》,古汉语有那么漫长的历史,指的是哪个时期的俗字?历代文献中都有大量俗字,每一个领域都有一些学者进行研究,比如,有的专门研究碑刻的俗字,当然里面又分汉魏碑刻、唐宋碑刻等。有的研究敦煌俗字,有的研究近写作本的俗字等等,选择这样的题目,也暴露了学生对“俗字”研究领域的陌生。 有的同学选择了这样的题目,相比以上题目就要好的多:《<红楼梦>中的骂语研究》,《安丘方言语音特点及音变研究》。这些题目都比较“小”,有明确的研究对象,有明确的研究范围,如果这些题


社会语言学教学大纲 课程名称:社会语言学 课程类别:专业选修课编号:学时:54 编者姓名:单位:人类学系职称:讲师 主审姓名:单位:人类学系职称:教授 授课对象:本科生专业:人类学年级:三年级 编写日期: 2007年1月 一、课程目的与教学基本要求 介绍社会语言学的理论、方法及应用。主要内容有:语言变异、言语交际、语言接触、双语以及语文规划等等。让学生掌握一定的社会语言学理论,并能结合社会语言现状(如我国的双语双言现象、语文规划政策等)思考、探讨社会中的语言现象。 二、课程主要内容及时间安排 一、社会语言学的兴起、研究范围、对象、途径、目标计2学时。 二、应用社会语言学的若干方面,语言与经济、政治、双语教学、语言与法律事务计4学时。 三、语言变体,语言与方言;地域方言和社会方言;标准变体和非标准变体;语体和语域计4学时。 四、言语共同体,交际能力计2学时。 五、语言变异,阶级、阶层与语言差异,性别与语言差异计4学时。 六、社会网络与语言差异计2学时。 七、言语交际,对称呼的研究计4学时。 语言区域与文化区域 八、对礼貌的研究,会话分析计2学时。 九、语言接触,双语和多语现象计4学时。 十、语码转换和语码混合,语言干扰计2学时。 十一、洋泾浜语和克里奥耳语计4学时。 十二、语言的扩散和海外体英语计2学时。 十三、语文规划,语文规划的特点和意义,语文规划的类别、步骤计4学时。

十四、我国语文规划的情况,汉语、汉文及少数民族语言和文字计2学时。 十五、语言变项的描写和研究,变项规则,定量研究计4学时。 十六、收集语料的方法和技术,语言变项的定义扩展计4学时。 十七、变项规则分析方法计2学时。 三、课程实习 拟于学期中安排一次。要求学生对家乡的语言构成、语言运用的特点,从多语、多言的角度进行观察,写成报告,并于课堂讨论。计入平时成绩。计2学时。 四、主要参考书目 1、社会语言学上海外教出版社 Spolsky 2000 2、社会语言学与语言教学上海外教出版社 Hornberger 2001 3、拉波夫语言自选集语言大学拉波夫 2001 4、社会语言学教程复旦大学游汝杰、邹嘉彦 2004 5、社会语言学概论湖南教育出版社祝畹瑾 1992 6、Hudson,R.A, Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990

英语专业社会语言学论文 socialinguistics

社会语言学论文 A Brief Analysis of Gender Differences in Language 姓名:何丽丽 学号:201110010107 院系:外国语学院 班级:英语1101 指导教师:邓林 二〇一四年五月二十三日

A Brief Analysis of Gender Differences in Language Abstract Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study that concentrates on the study of how language is used, and the effects of language use on society. It also studies how language varieties differ between groups separated by certain social variables, for instance, ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of education, etc. With regard to this paper, the emphasis will be put onto the differences in the actual speech of different gender. We can classify the gender differences in language into two categories. The first category is mainly about sexism in language, as for this category, we mainly focus on how speakers demonstrate their different cultural attitudes toward different genders. The second category is about the differences in the actual speech of men and women. In the first part, I will make a brief introduction about sociolinguistics and gender differences in language. In the second part, it will concern the categories of gender differences in language and previous study of gender differences in language. The third part concentrates on the approach of the analysis. The fourth is about the data collection and research methodology. The fifth part analyzes the differences of the speech between men and women from three perspectives— the purpose of the speech, the topic of the conversation and the mode of the speech. The final part comes to the conclusion about the gender differences in language. Key words: Gender differences, sociolinguistics, analysis


外国语学院 语言学导论 课程论文 课题名称:英文题目 Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms 中文题目 英汉习语中的语言文化差异 学生姓名:褚宏川 学号:10131140134 专业:英语 班级:2010级1班 授课教师:韩泽亭 2012年12月

Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Idioms Abstract: Language is the main carrier of culture. Idioms are the essence of a language, and also the quintessence of a nat ion’s culture and wisdom. English and Chinese idioms carry the different national cultural characteristics and cultural information. Among these idioms, a large number of them are connected with geography,customs, historical allusion, and religion.In order to understand these idioms clearly, this paper will analyze cultural differences from four aspects of geography, customs, historical allusion, and religion. 摘要:语言是文化的主要载体。习语是语言的本质,也是一个国家文化和智慧的精髓。 英汉习语携带不同的民族文化特色和文化信息。在这些习语中有很大一部分都与地 理、风俗、历史典故、和宗教有关。为了更加清晰的理解这些习语,本文将从地理、 风俗、历史典故、和宗教四个方面分析文化差异。 Key words:English and Chinese idioms,cultural comparison,cultural differences; 关键词:英汉习语;文化比较;文化差异


1、论文(设计)题目:近十年来网络流行语的语言学分析 2、选题目的和意义; 目前关于网络流行语的现象研究方兴未艾,已有不少专家学者对其进行了探讨。总体来看,研究者的定量研究多于定性分析;多从语言学,心理学,教育学和审美学的角度进行评析;对其产生的原因的认识比较全面;对其后果和影响的分析比较客观;提出的对策建议也比较理性和宽容。但也面临着一些问题和不足:对网络流行语的生成方式,使用情况等研究还不够深入和全面,有的网络流行语研究中缺少理论指导和方法论指导,还需要我们本着科学的态度进行认真、深入和细致的整理和研究。 选题目的:网络流行语作为流行语的一支,以独特的风格和迅猛地传播速度出现在人们的日常生活中,对它的研究也越来越受到关注。本文力求运用语言学的理论,对网络流行语进行归纳和总结,使网络流行语在规范中发展。 选题意义:希望通过研究,使我们对网络流行语有更加深刻的了解,同时针对网络流行语中出现的不规范问题提出一些建议,“取其精华,去其糟粕”,使网络流行语健康发展。逐步丰富和拓展网络流行语的研究领域,激发我们对网络流行语进一步的研究和探索。 3、与本课题相关的研究文献和理论观点综述: 1、研究文献: [1]曹起.网络流行语的语音变异分析[J] .辽宁工学院学报,2006,8;32. [2]陈建伟.网络流行语研究[D].广西:广西大学,2008. [3]陈一民.语言学层面的网络流行语解读[J] .中南林业科技大学学报,2008,11:96. [4]李润生.网络词汇的造词法探析[J] .江西教育学院学报,2003. [5]伍铁平.普通语言学概要[M].高等教育出版社,1993:180. [6]陈勇力.网络时代的新“语言”[D] .福建:福建师范大学,2003. [7]黄伯荣,廖序东.现代汉语[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2002;312. [8]叶蜚声,徐通锵.语言学纲要[M] .北京:北京大学出版社,1997:29. [9]邓文彬.网络语言的定位与规范问题[J] .西南民族大学学报,2009-01. 2、理论观点综述: 网络流行语的研究是现代汉语语言研究中的一个热门话题。它具有和其他领域的流行语一样的基本属性,又具有独特语言学领域的特色。 关于网络流行语的问题,目前学术界有不同的界定标准。比如有的学者所言,“网络流行语的产生和发展变化都不以个体的意志为转移, 是社会集体意志的产物”,这是从社会语言学的角度论述的;还有研究者从语言中的修辞角度进行解释,网络流行语的各级语言单位在修辞手段应用上呈现出许多独到的修辞特点:有的则是从审美观点出发,指出网络流行语适应时代发展,更加迫求文明、美感和高雅。综上所述,网络流行语作为一种新的语言形式,泛指在网络传播中所应用和触及到的一切语言,对人们的生活影响越来越大,同时也引起学者的重视。 本文主要是从网络流行语的概念和发展入手,借鉴先前研究学者的经验,在语言学的基础上更加全面的对网络流行语进行归纳和总结。 五.论文的进度安排: 1.2012年3月围绕选题收集材料。 2.2012年4月撰写初稿。 3.2012年5月修改完成。 主要研究内容: 一、网络流行语的概述 (一)网络流行语的概念
