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当前位置:文档库 › 人教版英语八年级上册第六单元测试试卷







1. 长大

2. 确信、对….有把握

3. 确保、查明

4. …..的含义

5. 不同种类的


7. 在…..开始8. 记下

9. 与……有关系10. 开始做、占据

11. 几乎不12. 完成做某事

13. 向某人做出承诺14. 上表演课

15. 把….送到16. 听起来像

17. 能够做某事18. 一直做某事

19. 打算做某事20. 组建足球队



1.The c______in this restaurant are very good.They can make lots of delicious food.

2.—Who bought this dictionary for you,Tommy?

—No one.I bought it with my o______money.

3.I can't________(许诺),but I'll do my best.

4.—Why do you decide to join the English club,Mary?

—Because I want to________(提高) my English.

5.Kelly hopes to learn a________(外国的) language next year.


6.There are lots of famous________(university) in our country.

7.Li Yundi and Lang Lang are famous________(piano).

8.—Do you know the________(mean) of these words?

—No.I need to look them up in the dictionary.

9.My grandpa cares more about his________(person) health.He exercises every morning.

10.I have quite a good________(relation) with my sister.


1.There ____ a talk show on CCTV-3 at 8 this evening.

A.is going to have

B.is going to be

C.will have

D.are going to be

2.What’s she going to be when she _______?

A.grow up


C.grows up

D.is going to grow up

3.Those boys wants to ___ pilots when they are older.





4.John found a job in New York,so his family are going to move ___the city next week. A.from




5.I am going to learn ____foreign language next year.



C.the other


6.---How will you spend your summer vacation?

---My mother _____to take me to Mount Huang three days ago.





7.The boy ______ a new car. Look!That is ______ new car.

A.owner;his own B.owns;his own

C.owns;own his D.owner;own his

8.Going online takes ____ his most of studying time.





9.The math problem is so hard.I really don’t know _______.

A.how to do it

B.how to do

C.what to do it

D.where to do it

10.---What are you reading?

--- The Old Man and the Sea ______Hemingwei.





11.My brother wants to be an ____,so he is going to study math hard.





12.He is going to practice ______ basketball every day.


B.to play



13.---I am going to learn the piano when I grow up.

---That sounds_________a good idea.





14.There are different____resolutions .Some of them_____self-improvement.

A.kinds of ,have to do with

B.kind of ,have to do with

C.kinds, have do with

D.kinds, have nothing to do with

15.I ____my resolutions and I make sure I will ___ keep them.

A.am sure ,try my best

B.sure about ,try my best to

C.am sure about ,try my best

D.am sure about ,try my best to

16.I am sorry I can’t go with you.I’m going to take piano______ .


B.a lesson


D.the lessons

17.Gina studied hard last term and she ___good grades in the final exam.





18.My New Year’s resolution is _____hard and ____good grades.

A.to study ,get

B.studying, to get

C.to study, getting


19.Beijing is_____from other cities.The biggest ____is that it’s the capital of China.

A.different, different

B.difference ,difference

C.different, defference

D.difference, different

20.A student may have ___more time ______.

A.to find, to study

B.to find, study

C.find, to study

D.find, study

21.I'm going to write articles and ______ them ______ magazines and newspapers.

A.take;to B.send;to

C.bring;to D.get;to

22.When he grows up,he's going to do ______.

A.what he wants to do B.what does he want to do

C.what he want to do D.what will he want to do

23.Do you think your resolution is too difficult ______?

A.keep it B.to keep it

C.to keep D.keep

24.There are many clouds coming.It ______ rain soon.

A.will B.is going to

C.looks like D.likes

25.What is the _______ of what you said ?

A. mean B means C. meaning D. meanings


New Year's Day is coming.I believe that most of you have __26__ own New Year's resolutions.But what kind of resolutions should you make?

First,your New Year's resolutions should be __27__ for you.Be sure that they can __28__ your studies or make you healthier.“Going to bed late” isn't a good __29__.It's not good for your health.You should make resolutions like “drinking milk for __30__ every morning.” The

resolution “_31__ eating junk food” is also a good one.Studying harder and spending __32__ time watching TV are good ones.

Second,your New Year's resolutions shouldn't be very __33__ to keep.Be sure that you can keep your resolutions.Don't make your resolutions too __34__.Flying to the moon is a difficult resolution for anyone.You should keep your resolutions small and simple,__35__ you can keep them.

After you make some good and realistic(现实的) resolutions,don't forget to make a plan.Write down what you need to do every day,and then do it.

()26.A.their B.your C.our D.one's

()27.A.necessary B.important C.interesting D.good

()28.A.change B.finish C.improve D.care

()29.A.way B.plan C.problem D.resolution

()30.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.dinner

()31.A.stopping B.beginning C.trying D.enjoying

()32.A.much B.more C.less D.little

()33.A.easy B.difficult C.nice D.fun

()34.A.early B.late C.high D.low

()35.A.but B.so C.or D.and



Like many other young boys,I didn't know what I wanted to be when I was a middle school student.My mother advised(建议) me to be a teacher like her,but it seemed that I was not interested in it.My father wanted me to be a pianist.However,I couldn't stand spending all of my time in front of a piano.

I got my goal(目标) after I went to high school.I got a part-time job at the school radio station and I found it was interesting.I loved to discuss school life and my favorite music with my schoolmates on the radio.I kept doing this job during the next six years.When I left the university,I got a full-time job at our local(当地的) radio station.My career(事业) began.My program is successful and I have a lot of fans.I enjoy my job and my life now.

()36.What did the writer's mother do?

A.A teacher. B.A pianist.

C.A doctor. D.A scientist.

()37.When did the writer start working at a radio station?

A.When he was ten years old.

B.When he was a high school student.

C.When he studied at university.

D.After he left the university.

()38.What did the writer talk about on the radio in the beginning?

A.School news. B.Famous films.

C.School life. D.Famous people.

()39.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer was interested in teaching.

B.The writer couldn't play the piano.

C.The writer often interviews(采访) stars.

D.The writer's program is very popular now.

()40.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Never listen to your parents

B.Study hard to make your dream come true

C.No job is easy to get

D.The part-time job helped me find my career


Here are some students' New Year's resolutions of 2015.

Hi,my name is Selina.I'm going to do my best at school.I'm going to finish my homework on time.If I need some help with a subject,I'm going to ask my teacher for help.

My name is Dave.I'm going to eat fruit and vegetables every day.I'm going to drink more water and milk.I'm also going to brush my teeth after meals every day and wash my hands after

going to the bathroom (卫生间).

My name is Tina.I'm going to meet more people and make more friends this year.I'm also going to be nice to other kids in my class.I'm going to be friendly to kids who need friends—like someone who is shy or new.

I'm Tony.I'll never give out personal information such as my name,home address,school name and telephone number on the Internet.Also,I'll never send a picture of myself to someone or talk with someone online without(没有)my parents' permission(允许).

()41.How many students made their New Year's resolutions here?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.

()42.Who made New Year's resolutions about studying?

A.Selina. B.Dave. C.Tina. D.Tony.

()43.What isn't Dave going to do to keep healthy?

A.Eat fruit and vegetables every day.

B.Drink less water and milk.

C.Brush teeth after meals every day.

D.Wash hands after going to the bathroom.

()44.What is Tina going to do?

A.She is going to finish homework on time.

B.She is going to drink more water and milk.

C.She is going to be friendly to other kids.

D.She is going to talk with someone online.

()45.What do you think of Tony?

A.He loves studying. B.He isn't healthy.

C.He is shy. D.He loves using the Internet.



Dear Bob,

How is it going these days?

I make some new plans for myself.

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any new plans?


Da Ming


八年级上册英语期末试卷分析 一.试卷特点 本次八年级英语试卷分为A卷和B卷两部分,满分150分。试卷较全面地考查了学生英语知识的基本技能。通过运用各种题型综合考查学生对语言知识的理解,掌握及运用能力,如语言知识题,在语境中考查学生运用词汇及语法的能力。内容丰富,难易适中,知识与技能并重,较好地体现了新课程倡导的评价体系。 二、基本情况 八年级参考人数共个学生,年级平均分是分,90分以上有人,年级最高分是分,年级最低分分,整体看学生处于20分—50分段的人数居多,高分率低,学生测试结果较差。 三、得失分情况和原因 1. 本次单项选择的10个小题注重核心基础知识的考察,许多题都在平时的练习中做到过,通过分析两个班学生此部分的得分情况,大多数学生都可以拿到6分的及格分,4分段的居多。其中,3,5,8,9题错误率较高。 2. 学生在完形填空和阅读这两块失分也多。第一,学生阅读习惯需要进一步培养,很多学生不会去认真反复地看文章,缺乏耐心。第二,部分学生没有掌握阅读技巧,只是对照题目单纯去找答案,尤其体现在B篇.

3.词汇训练是这次考试中,学生失分最严重的地方,其中有个别题是教材的内容。从试卷分析来看,发现学生对基础知识掌握不牢固,甚至有部分学生弄不清题意。 4.书面表达部分,卷面书写不够工整,很多学生英语书写不过关。能够做到条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺的学生不多。还有很多学生不注意审题,出现语法错误,部分学生不写。 四、学生答卷中反映出的问题 1、学生的基础知识不够牢固,运用不够准确,灵活性较差。这在词汇题中体现了出来。 2、词汇、语法等基础知识掌握不够准确,基本语法概念模糊。在单项选择、完形填空题上中体现了这一点。。 3、英语阅读理解能力不强。在阅读理解题中,学生对文意不懂,不深入理解,答题过程,如履薄冰,有瞎猜、乱蒙的现象。 4、书面表达能力较弱,写作水平偏低。书面表达最能反映学生英语综合运用能力。从本次作文题的答卷情况看,学生驾驭英语语言的能力很弱,大部分学生不能正确、流利地用英语写作。 5、学生的知识面狭窄,句子的基本结构把握不好,语言的综合运用能力不强。 五、不足及改进措施 1、从试卷分析中我们可以看出,基础知识是我们教学的重点,也是学生的弱点,在各种考试中,基础知识都是考查的重点。我们对词汇、短语、句型和语法等基础知识的教学不能仅仅停留在让学生机械记忆阶段,单词、短语的听写和背诵固然必不可少,但更应注重把词汇教学融入特定的语言环境中,强调对基础知识的理解和运用。 2、要重视词汇教学。单词是初中教学的重点,只有打好了词汇的基础,才有可能在阅读、写作等方面驾驭自如。但在词汇量较大时,


八年级上学期英语期末考试卷考试时间:100分钟 第Ⅰ卷听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分) 1.A.sleep B.asleep C.sleeping 2.A.Indians B.Africans C.Asians 3.A.went B.been C.gone 4.A.five-year-old B.nine-year-old C.twelve-year-old 5.A.He is good at English. B.He is interested in English. C.He likes Chinese very much. 二、听对话及问题,选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图片(每小题1分,共5分) 6.A. B.C. 7.A. B. C. 8.A. B. C. 9. A. B. C.

……………订※请※※※※内※……………订 10.A. B. C. 三、听对话,根据对话内容判断正(T )误(F )(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11小题 11.Maria can go to the party on Tuesday.( ) 听第二段对话,回答第12、13小题 12.Jane likes pandas because they're cute.( ) 13.The elephant is across from the pandas.( ) 听第三段对话,回答第14、15小题 14.Ted's math teacher said he was lazy.( ) 15.Ted thinks that English is very hard.( ) 四、听短文,选择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分) 16.When did the boy go to the science museum in Shanghai? A .Last June. B .Last July. C .Last August. 17.What did the robot look like? A .He had one hand and one eye. B .He had one hand and two eyes. C .He had two hands and two eyes. 18.How long could the robot work a day? A .Twelve hours. B .Twenty hours. C .Twenty-four hours. 19.What could the robot do? A .Talk with people. B .Show people around. C .Know people's health problems. 20.What does the boy hope to do? A .Make a robot. B .Have a robot. C .Be a doctor. 第Ⅱ卷 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 21.Who runs________in your class? A .the fastest B .faster C .the fast D .most fast 22.—________ does your father play tennis after work? —Every Tuesday and Thursday. A .How often B .How soon C .Where D .Why 23.Don't waste water.Water is very important and no one can live________it. A .without B .with C .expect D .besides 24.—You look sad.What has happened? —Everyone ________ us to win the match ,but we lost. A .expects B .expected C .hopes D .hoped 25.________a light when necessary.You will bring light to other people and yourself. A .Try on B .Get on C .Turn on D .Put on 26. We enjoyed________ the cakes in the restaurant. A .make B .to make C .making D .made 27.Where's Tom? His mother ________ him now.


Unit 6单元测试题 Ⅴ. 单项选择从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )21. Mr. Green is a kind man. He always tries his best to help ______ weak. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填 ( )22. We have different opinions ______ the matter. A. about B. of C. in D. at ( )23. We won’t put off having the sports meeting ______ it rains. A. if B. unless C. as soon as D. so that ( )24. —Mom, I want to drive to my grandpar ents’ home. —Don’t be ______. You are too young to drive. A. silly B. noisy C. nervous D. sad ( )25. Susan, come on! Keep ______. You will be the winner! A. to run B. to running C. run D. running ( )26. The letter was personal, so he ______ it in the drawer. A. used B. shared C. hid D. swung ( )27. —The math problem is too difficult. —Don’t worry! Let’s find a good way ______ it. A. to solve B. solve C. solving D. to solving ( )28. I’ll visit her as soon as she ______ to her city. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. will return ( )29. My grandmother’s ______ is my gra ndfather. A. brother B. uncle C. husband D. father ( )30. Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer. A. visited B. visiting C. to visit D. visits ( )31. Alex is ill, so I volunteer to water the trees ______ him. A. instead of B. instead C. because D. because of ( )32. Dale, please remind me ______ the windows after school. A. to closing B. closing C. close D. to close ( )33. The popular TV program ______ five years ago. A. hung out B. went out C. came out D. ran out ( )34. I don’t think it’s fair to make such a little kid ______ so many after-school classes. A. take B. to take C. taking D. to taking ( )35. —______?—I think it’s boring. A. Do you have a storybook B. What did you learn from the story C. Did you hear about the story D. What do you think about the story Ⅵ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Long long ago, the Jade Emperor (玉皇大帝) organized an animal race. The first 12 animals to win could get a 36 in the Chinese Zodiac (十二生肖), and have a year named after them. The cat and the mouse both 37 the ox (公牛) to wake them early on the day of the race. That day, the ox 38 to wake them, but without success. So the kind ox carried them on 39 back and started running when the race began. The


人教新目标版九年级英语Unit1检测试题班级姓名 欧阳家百(2021.03.07) 一.根据句意和所给单词或字母完成句子(10分) 1.This term I began to enjoy ________ English movies. (watch) 2.A car runs ________ than a bus. (fast) 3.I don’t do well in English reading. I read very ________. (slow) 4.I didn’t understand Vera because she didn’t ________ some words clearly. (pronunciation) 5.I won’t tell you,it’s a s .6.It’s really difficult for me to m ________ all these new words. 7.If we do more speaking practice, we’ll improve our s ________ English.. 8.They are different. They do things d_____. 9.The teacher says I have to learn grammar again because I always make m ________ in grammar. 10..Please read the text a_____, so all of us can hear you. 二.单项选择(共20分) 1.--How do you study for an English test? --___________ 欧阳家百创编


初中英语期中考试试卷分析 目前我市使用了两个版本的初中英语教材:仁爱英语和新目标英语。仁爱英语命题的目的是了解学情;新目标英语命题的目的是进行教学质量调查。两者命题有一个共同点:实现新课程要求的三维目标,传道(情感、态度、价值观)、授业(引导学生掌握知识和技能)、解惑(引起主动学习,学会学习方法)。 一、试卷特点: 1.试卷注重基础,体现灵活运用,难度和区分度恰当无偏题、怪题出现。 试题注重考查学生在一定语境下对语言基础知识的掌握情况和综合运用英语的能力。语言基础知识的考查重点突出、覆盖面广;情景设置合理,避免了纯知识性的死记硬背题;词汇和语法的测试充分注意了语言的真实性、趣味性和实践性;注重语感,灵活性强,突出语言形式向语言意义的转化。 2.试题从知识立意逐渐向能力立意转变。 加大了能力考查的比重。试题突出了语言的交际性,强调在特定的语境中英语知识的灵活运用。适当增加了测试词汇量,加强能力检测。如阅读理解考查的内容注重了对学生在语境中运用语言能力的考查。加大了对语言的熟练程度和深层次能力考查的力度。如“阅读理解”部分注重了对归纳,推断和猜测整个句子等深层次能力的考查。阅读材料贴近生活,同时题材广泛,体裁多样、生动有趣,并富有思想性。淡化语法,强调能力。语法知识的测试充分注意了语言的真实性和实践性。纯知识性的试题的比例减少到最低限度,命题者通过设置不同的语境,把对语言知识的考查中心放到了根据上下文中和一定的语境中,让语法测试试题具有更积极和更现实的意义,能更多地体现语言的交际功能。 3.书面表达难度控制合理。 书面表达给学生留有充分发挥能力的空间,加大了考查学生综合运用语言能力的力度,使试卷更具现实性。书面表达题对初中英语教学有着良好的导向作用,要求学生要充分运用所学语言记录自己的真实情感,进一步体现了英语学科的交际性和工具性。 二、七年级英语试卷分析及教学建议 本次期中考试,七年级英语试卷题量适度、难易适宜,试题大部分都是基础题。从总体上说,试题出题范围很合适,适合七年级学情。对学生来说,只要细心,就会得高分。 第一题听力部分 本题满分为20分,得分率为60%,是本次考试失分最多的一道题,如听力IV,听对话,选答案,共5道小题,大部分学生只能做对一、两道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、考试经验不足所致。 第二题单项选择 本题共15分,得分率为86%。本题为基本题型,学生失分较少,不过,学生因语法知识欠缺,导致的问题还是显而易见的。如3. I am from Canada. ____ from the U.S.A. 学生知道应该填I am not,但试卷没有该选项,而是巧妙地提供了I’m not这个选项,学生不知道am和not没有缩写形式,大多选了B这个错误选项。5题中different后应跟名词复数这一点大部分学生也不知道。类似的语法点教师以后应该强调到。 第三题句型转换 本题共5分,学生平均只得了3分。问题多出在助动词do和does没有掌握好。 第四题补全对话 本题共10分,得分率在95%左右。这道题老师指导的不错,学生答的也不错。


最新人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案全套Units 1~2综合检测卷 时间:120分钟满分:120分 听力部分(共25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确的答语。听两遍。(5分) ( )1.A.It was wonderful. B.I went to the beach. C.By train. ( )2.A.Yes,they did. B.On Monday. C.His father. ( )3.A.It's an umbrella. B.I was very hungry. C.It was very delicious. ( )4.A.She went shopping. B.She was bored. C.It was beautiful. ( )5.A.Take photos. B.Last month. C.Very tired. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) ( )6.Where did the girl go during her vacation? A. B. C. ( )7.What kind of junk food does Peter love to eat? A. B. C. ( )8.What does Ann often do on weekends? A. B. C. ( )9.How was the weather yesterday? A. B. C. ( )10.What did Alice buy for himself in Beijing?

A. B. C. Ⅲ.听两段对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。 ( )11.How long did Susan stay in Australia? A.For half a month. B.For a month. C.For two months. ( )12.What did Susan buy for Mark? A.A pen. B.A book. C.A T-shirt. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至15小题。 ( )13.Does the girl often exercise? A.No,she doesn't. B.Yes,she does. C.We don't know. ( )14.How often does the girl exercise? A.Sometimes. B.Every day. C.Twice a week. ( )15.Where does the girl usually go for vacation? A.She usually goes to the beach. B.She usually goes to the mountains. C.She usually goes to Beijing. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确的答案。听两遍。(10分) ( )16.Where does Cindy come from? A.China. B.The US. C.The UK. ( )17.What time does Cindy get up every morning? A.At 6:00. B.At 6:30. C.At 7:30. ( )18.How often does Cindy play tennis with her friends? A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Once a month. ( )19.What's Cindy's favorite junk food? A.Ice-cream. B.Cake. C.Hamburger. ( )20.How long does Cindy usually sleep every night? A.For eight hours. B.For nine hours. C.For ten hours. 笔试部分(共95分) Ⅴ.单项选择。(15分) ( )21.—I ______ what the TV play Agni Cantabile《烈火如歌》 is about.Can you tell me? —OK. A.enjoy B.decide C.try D.wonder ( )22.—I can't find my CDs. —______ you put them in that bag. A.Only B.However C.Maybe D.Still ( )23.—Did you go shopping in Hong Kong?


八年级英语单元测试题 I. 词汇。(10分) A) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分) 1. She sees a film ________ (one) a month. 2. Tom was ________ (illness) yesterday, so he didn't go to school. 3. Doing exercise can help us stay ________ (health). 4. Li Hua had a ________ (quickly) breakfast and then went to work. 5. Don't ________ (worried) about your English. I can help you. B) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(5分) 6. They are waiting for you at the bus s______. 7. Beijing is in the n________ of China. 8. I often get up at h________ past six in the morning. 9. There are sixty m________ in an hour. 10. It's about two k________ from here to there. II. 选择填空。(10分) 1. Mr Wang is leaving ________ Guangzhou next week. A. to B. with C. in D. for 2. -________ is it from your home to school? -Three miles.


I. 单项选择(10分) ( )21. The bad news _______ that my English teacher said _______ I wasn’t good at speaking. A. was; which B. are; that C. is; that D. were; that ( )22. Last night I _______ a big fight _______ my parents. A. would; and B. was have; with C. have; with D. had; with ( )23. She lives in the apartment _______ mine. A. above B. in C. out D. across ( )24. —I’m afraid I can’t go with you. —Oh. _______ news. A. Disappointment B. Disappointed C. Disappointing D. Disappoints ( )25. Mary said she _______ to school the next Sunday. A. didn’t go B. isn’t go C. wouldn’t go D. won’t go ( )26. The students are _______ the stick now. A. passing on B. passing to C. pass on D. past to ( )27. We are supposed _______ the lost child at once. A. find B. to finding C. finding D. to find ( )28. In English, she’s _______ writing than listening. A. better in B. better at C. good at D. best in ( )29. —My English teacher said I was hard-working. —Really? You’re _______. A. luck B. lucky C. luckily D. lucks ( )30. I finished my _______ exams last week. A. end of year B. end of year’s C. end-of year’s D. end-of-year Ⅳ. 词汇(10分) A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 51. The mountain is too high. So the air is t____________ when you climb to the top of it. 52. There are hundreds of poor families in this a____________. Many of them can’t afford their children’s education(教育). 53. When the teacher asked Marcia to answer the question, she became n____________. 54. —Sorry, Ben isn’t here now. Can I take a m____________ for you? —Yes. Please ask him to call me when he comes back. 55. As a student, you mustn’t c____________ other’s’ homework. B) 根据句意,用括号内所给的词的适当形式填空。 56. The building is 200 ____________ (meter) high. 57. These women are waiting for their ____________ (husband) to come back from the war(战争). 58. Lucy made her ____________ (decide) to live with her mother. 59. Lana ____________ (eat) an apple and some bread this morning. 60. Many students don’t do their homework by(them). They always have their parents aside(在旁边). V. 句型转换,将直接引语变成间接引语。(5分) 61. The girl in Sam’s class said, “I love singing.” ___________________________________________________ 62. Lily’s best friend Judy said, “I’m buying a present for Lily.”


八年级下册英语试卷分析 北坝中学:姚程 (一)试题分析(满分120分): 1. 注重双基考查,知识覆盖面广,难易度适中。 单项选择、完形填空、和听力部分知识点考查全面,分别涉及了各类词法知识、固定短语及重点句法知识。如:人称代词、不可数名词、形容词、介词短语、动词短语、疑问副词、情态动词及过去时,将来时,现在完成时及现在进行时。 2. 试题比较灵活、具有一定开放性。 1)书面表达: 以“捡金不昧”为题写一篇60词左右的短文 学生可以根据所题问题、上、文语境及写作要求,运用已学的语言知识进行认真思考,精心作答,适当发挥。 (二)试卷分析 一、客观题: 1.听力部分 情景反应主要考查学生根据所听力的对话内容选择相应的图片及最佳选项的听力及理解技能。 2.单项选择、 该题主要考查学生语言运用能力,相对其它部分来说,学生答题状况良好。 二、主观题: 任务性阅读 这部分学生反映出的问题主要是 1.词汇匮乏读不懂原文,答案和问题有时无关。 2.虽然能读懂文章,但阅读技能差,找不到主题句 基本功不扎实,表达不准确。 写作部分分析: 学生所出现的错误主要有:用词不当;时态结构错误;句型结构混乱;汉语式作文;摘抄考卷中个别句子和段落(不会变通);书写不规范,乱写乱涂;字数不够。 (三)各班学生的考试状况及存在的问题 本次考试共参考230人,其中及格38人,及格率21.8%,优生8人,优秀率4.6%;最高分99分存在的问题: 第一;两极分化严重,抽样数据显示37%的学生主观题为单位数,说明学生的基础知识和基本技能存在严重的问题,如不解决这一问题,势必影响整体教学质量。 第二;缺乏能力训练 第三;基本功差 多数学生书写不规范,部分学生不会用正确地道的语言进行交际和表达,汉语式英语表达严重。 (四)今后的教学措施。 通过以上对试题试卷的分析显示,我校英语教学状况不容乐观,有许多问题需要静下心来思考,梳理和反思。为了改进教法,整体提高学生的英语水平,在今后教学中争取做好以下工作:


。 八年级上册模拟试题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 班级 座号 姓名 成绩 一. 选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, hurry up. It ’s late! —Oh, I ’m so tired, we ’ve run for half hour. A 、a B 、an C 、the 2. This is iPhone. Yours is over there. A 、she B 、her C 、hers 3. —How far is your home from here? —It ’s about ten walk. A 、minutes B 、minute ’s C 、minutes ’ 4. —Longyan is a very beautiful city and there ’re many places of interest. —So it is. Why not stay here for two days? A 、another B 、others C 、the other 5. —Why weren ’t you at the meeting? —I for a call from my husband in Guangdong. A 、waited B 、had waited C 、was waiting 6. David, you drop litter everywhere. It ’s bad for the environment. A 、didn ’t B 、mustn ’t C 、needn ’t 7. —Helen here for almost 7 years and she has many friends. —That ’s true. She is friendly to everyone here. A 、came B 、has come C 、has been 8. —Have you got your school things ready? We in two minutes. —Sure. Everything is ready. A 、are leaving B 、left C 、have left 9. —What a great factory! I haven ’t seen it before. —Of course you haven ’t. It when you were abroad. A 、is built B 、built C 、was built 10.—There is a girl in front of our classroom. Do you know ? —She is an English teacher. A 、who is she B 、who she is C 、what she is 11. —Do you know Confucius. Mike? —Yes. He was a great thinker had many wise ideas about behavior. A 、who B 、whom C 、whose 12. Which of the following is NOT a traffic sign? 13. Beidou Satellite System was the rescue work in the Ya ’an earthquake. A 、used by B 、used to C 、used for 14. I ’ve never this place before, but it really attracts many visitors. A 、heard from B 、heard of C 、heard about 15. Only by everyone ’s efforts can our Chinese Dream . A 、come true B 、come about C 、come into being 二. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) Reading is important to children. It can influence the 16 children think. However, choosing the right book for a child maters much. 17 parents choose an easy book for their child, he or she needn ’t deal with a challenge, and he or she will make 18 progress in reading. If they choose a difficult book, the child can lose his or her 19 and even stop reading. The following


人教版八年级英语下册抽考测试题 姓名班级得分 I. 写出下列单词的适当形式(15分) 1. be(过去分词) 2. more than(同义词) 3. probably(同义词) 4. bring(过去式) 5. polite (反义词) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8e9686436.html, (形容词) 7.return(同义词)8.person(形容词)9.mouse(复数)10. pronunciation(名词)11.win(名词) 12.give(过去分词) 13.behave(名词)14.eat(过去式)15.much(最高级)II. 根据首字母或汉语意思完成句子,使句意完整.(5分) A. pla nts B. have bee n pla nting C. has bee n pla nting D. has bee n pla nted ( )7. Mr. Li _____ swim ming for 3 hours, and his son ____ an hour ago. A. has bee n; started B. have started; has started C. started; started D. has started; has started ( )8. —How long have you bee n there? — __________ . A. Once B. For two years C. Si nee two years D. Twice a year ( )9. I'd like __________ because it's in teresti ng. A. skati ng B. to skate C. skate D. skates 1. The skati ng maratho n has bee n going for five hours now, and s________ skaters are still skat ing. 2. Hele n likes to call me at ni ght. I can 's it. 3. Please keep your voice dow n in p places if possible. 4. People might feel (不舒服的)if you cut in line. 5. Mary has bee n liv ing here s 10 years ago. III. 选择填空。(20分) ( )1. There _____ a pair of sport shoes un der the bed. A. are B. is C. have D. has ( )2. If you _____ your homework, we 'lgo to the movies toni ght. A. will fin ish B. fin ish C. fin ishi ng D. fini shes ( )3. We ______ 1000 En glish words since we _____ to this school. A. lear n, come B. have lear ning, came C. have bee n lear ning, came D. have lear ned, come ( )4. We have run _______ rice, we will have to buy some this after noon. A. out B. of C. out of D. out to ( )5. He is in terested in _______ En glish son gs. A. to collect B. collect C. collect ing D. collected ( )6. The child _________ trees for the whole four hours with his pare nts. ()10. Have you ever ___________ the Great wall? A. bee n to B. gone to C. go to D. bee n ( )11. Zhang Li is always the last _________ home. A. get B. to get to C. leave D. to leave ( )12. I n Great Britai n it isn 'polite _________ from each other 's plate. A. eat B. to eat C. eati ng D. for eati ng ( )13. That bag isn 'm in e. It may be ___________ . A. somebody 's B. somebody else C. somebody 's else D. somebody else 's ( )14. They have bee n skati ng __________ . A. for three hours ago B. since three hours ago C. three hours ago D. since three hours ()15. __________ , what's your hobby? A. I n the way B. On the way C. To your way D. By the way


人教版九年级英语第六单元检测题 一、单项选择 1.I bought this watch price. A.at a low B.with a low C.at a cheap D.with a cheap 2.He met me in a busy street. A.by accident B.by mistake C.all of sudden D.without doubt 3.—Would you like some coffee,please? 4.—Why do you speak in a loud voice? —Because I want to make myself clearly. A.such,hear B.so, heard C.such,heard D.so, hear 5. Have you ever read books _________ by LUXUN? A. writing B. written C. are written D. writes 6.By accident,one of the world’s most popular drinks A. was invented. B. invented C. were invented D.to invent 7.—It’s too late. I have to go now. —Oh,it’s raining outside. Don’t leave it stops. A.since B.until C.while D.when 8.A year has four seasons and it twelve different star signs(星座). A.divided into B.is dividing into C.dividing into D.is divided into 9.Jessica’s parents always encourage her hard. A.study B.studying C.to study D.will study 10.Annie to the party. She had a wonderful time with us, A.invites B.is invited C.was invited D.has invited 11.Edison was a great . He over 1,000 during his life. A.invent, invented, inventions B.inventor,invented, invention C.inventor, invented, inventions D.inventor, invents, inventions 12.The number of books in the bookshop is about 10,000 and a number of them ________about science. A.is B.was C.were D.are 13. John failed,he didn’t give up. A.Although B.Because C.Whether D.unless (1) 14.The little boy the river. People nearby hurried to pull him out of it. A.fell to B.fell into C.fell off D.fell over 15.Pizza is ready now,and it nice. Would you like some? A.smells B.feels C.sounds D./ 16.Joe was made in front of the whole class. A.dance B.danced C.to dance D.dancing 17.Keys ________ used for ________ the doors.
