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当前位置:文档库 › 海拔高度对白肋烟品种农艺性状及品质的影响


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8510019721.html,




摘要:在湖北省恩施市不同海拔区域(高度分别是800、1 160、1 500 m)对鄂烟1号、

鄂烟6号、鄂烟209 3个白肋烟品种的农艺性状及内在质量进行了比较。结果表明,随海拔高度的增加,3个品种的农艺性状指标均呈现出先升高、后降低的变化趋势;在海拔800 m区域鄂烟6号长势最弱,而在海拔1 160、1 500 m区域鄂烟1号长势最弱;调制后烟叶中的烟碱含量与海拔高度呈负相关,总糖和还原糖含量与海拔高度呈正相关;同一品种评吸质量均以生长于海拔1 160 m区域的烟叶最好、海拔1 500 m的最差;在海拔1 160 m区域鄂烟1号表现最好,而在1 500 m区域鄂烟6号优势突出。总之,恩施市烟区在海拔1 160 m区域是3个白肋烟品种最适宜种植的区域,海拔800 m区域适合栽培鄂烟1号、鄂烟209,海拔1 500 m区域较适合鄂烟6号的种植。


中图分类号:S572;Q948.114;S502.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2015)06-1378-05


Abstact: Field experiment was conducted in Enshi city of Hubei province to study the agronomic traits and quality of burley tobacco E-yan 1, E-yan 6, E-yan 209 planted at altitudes of 800 m,1160 m,1 500 m. The results showed that agronomic traits of the three burley tobacco varieties increased firstly, then decreased with the increase of altitude. The growth vigor of E-yan 6 was the weakest at 800 m. The growth vigor of E-yan 1 was the weakest at 1 160 m and 1 500 m. There was negative correlation between content of nicotine and content of altitude, but positive correlation existed between the content of total sugar, reducing sugar and altitude. Smoking quality of a same tobacco variety was the best at 1 160 m and the worst at 1 500 m. E-yan 1 had the best performance at 1 160 m. E-yan 6 was excellent above 1 500 m. 1 160 m in Enshi was the most suitable altitude for cultivating of the three tobacco varieties. Altitude of 800 m was more suitable for E-yan 1, followed by E-yan 209. 1 500 m was more suitable for E-yan 6.

Key words: burley tobacco; altitude; varieties; agronomic performance; quality


