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Unit6 Keep the city clean




2.clean表示动词含义为“清扫”,例如:clean the classroom ,表示形容词含义为“干净的”,同义词tidy,反义词dirty

3.What makes our city dirty ? 这句话要注意:首先what后面的make应该用三单,第二点make表示含义为“使....”make后面加动词为原型,即:make+do+sth ;后面加形容词为“make sb +adj 意为:使某人怎么样

4.smoke 作为动词表示“吸烟”,No smoking! ;表示名词意为“烟雾”,为不可数名词,不可数名词或可数名词单数的be动词都用is或was,实意动词用三单。

5.Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.这儿makes用三单形式,是因为smoke是不可数名词,跟cars无关,因为使空气变脏的是车子排出烟雾,而不是车子。


7.Rubbish 意为垃圾,为不可数名词,垃圾桶为“dustbin”

8.Messy意为混乱的,为形容词,它的名词形式为“mess“,常用词组“in a mess”.

9.dead为形容词,意为“死亡的”,例如:a dead bird .动词形式为:die; 名词形式为“death”

10.What can we do to keep our city clean? 中文意思为“我们能做什么去使我们的城市干净?”这儿在do 与keep之间加了个to,表示目的,这儿注意“to”不能省略。

11.Walk to school 走路去学校walk home 走路回家,home前不能用介词to,但是可以用其他介词,比如说:at home

12.Move....away 把.....移走keep.....away 使.....远离


14.Plant trees 植树,在这儿plant 为动词,种植的意思,plant 作为名词含义为“植物”

15.Well done。干的不错。常用于鼓励,支持,赞扬别人的话语。


17.On the first floor 在第几层楼,用介词“on”, 序数词从1-10的变化:first ,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth

18.on the ground 在地面上,这里要注意在英美两个国家,楼层的层数有区别

19.Be late for 迟到lately 近来....

20.go to hospital 去医院in hospital 住院in the hospital 在医院里

23.To keep the city clean ,we can plant more trees.这儿用“to”,表示目的,在句首,用to do sth ,表示目的,意为“为了....”


1. these picture of our city我们的城市的这些图

2. Smoke from cars 汽车排出的烟

3. make the air dirty 使空气变脏

4. black smoke from factories 来自工厂的黑烟

5. messy and dirty 又乱又脏

6. in the water 在水里

7. the fish are dead 鱼死了8. keep our city clean 保持我们的城市干净

9. take the bus and the metro 乘公交车和地铁

10. walk to school 步行去上学

11.move some factories away from our city 把一些工厂移出我们的城市

12.put rubbish in the bin 把垃圾放到垃圾箱里

13. plant trees 植树14. after school 放学后

15.clean and beautiful 又干净又漂亮16. throw a banana skin 扔香蕉皮

17.on the ground 在地面上18. pick it up 把它捡起

19.make the street messy 使街道变乱20.too late 太迟

21.slip on the banana skin 在香蕉皮上滑倒22.go to hospital 去医院


1. A: What makes …dirty/messy? …使…变脏乱?B: … makes/make …dirty/messy.

2. A: What can we do to …? 我们怎样做能…?B: We can…. 我们能…

3. A: What makes the air dirty?什么使空气变脏?B: Smoke makes the air dirty.烟使空气变脏。

4. A: What makes the city messy?什么使城市变乱?

B: Rubbish makes the city dirty.垃圾使城市变乱。

5. A: What can we do to keep our city clean? 我们怎么做才能使我们的城市变干净?

B: We can put the rubbish in the bin. 我们可以将垃圾放入垃圾桶里。



could (现在式)carefully(形容词)dry(反义词)any(同义词)go(过去式)there(反义词) study(现在分词)clean(反义词)


1 I like eating bananas. (对划线部分提问)

2 Bobby throws a banana skin on the ground. (一般疑问句)

3 Is the city clean? (陈述句)

4 Move some factories away from our city. (否定句)

5 We can take the bus and the metro to school. (一般疑问句)

6 It means the floor is wet.(对划线部分提问)

7 They are eating some noodles in a restaurant. (一般疑问句)

8 Is someone smoking? (陈述句)

9 Smoke here. (否定句)

10 I can smell it. (一般疑问句)


1 dirty what the makes air (? )

2 bus we school take can the and metro the to (. )

3 bin I my put in rubbish the (. )

4 cinemas there many are shops museums and (, )(. )


1. L o o k a t t h e s e p i c t u r e o f o u r c i t y.

2. W h a t m a k e o u r c i t y d i r t y?

3. S m o k e f r o m c a r s m a k e t h e a i r d i r t y.

4. B l a c k s m o k e f r o m f a c t o r y s m a k e s t h e a i r d i r t y t o o.

5. R u b b i s h m a k e s t h e s t r e e t s m s e s y a n d d i r t y.

6. T h e r e i s a r u b b i s h i n t h e w a t e r a n d t h e f i s h a r e d e a d.

7. W h a t c a n w e d o k e e p o u r c i t y c l e a n?

8. W e c a n t a k e t h e b u s a n d t h e m e t r o g o t o s c h o o l.

9. W e c a n w a l k t o s c h o o l,t o o.

10. W e c a n m o v e s o m e f a c t o r i e s w a y f r o m o u r c i t y.

11.W e c a n p u t r u b b i s h t o t h e b i n.

12.W e c a n p l a n t m o r e t r e e.

13.Y o u r i d e a a r e g r e a t.W e l l d o n e,c l a s s!
