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牛津译林版英语 9A Unit2 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习

牛津译林版英语 9A Unit2 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习
牛津译林版英语 9A Unit2 Period3(ReadingⅡ)同步练习

9A Unit2 Colours



1.感到疲劳__________________ 2.被漆成蓝色__________________ 3.智慧的颜色________________ 4.采取行动____________________ 5.代表新生命________________ 6.需要体力____________________ 7.改变我的情绪______________ 8.创造一种暖和的舒适感________ 二、词汇检测

1.Warm colours can_________(创造)a warm and comfortable feeling.

2.The sun gives us light an__________(热).

3.Green can give you energy,____________(因为)it is the colour of nature.4.—Most girls __________pink to blue.

一Sorrv,I don’t think so.

5.一What colour do some people pick when they hope for_________?



1. People_______ (prefer) meat to vegetables in the past.

2. Orange_______ (represent) joy. It is the colour of the sun.

3.Colours can affect our_______ (mood).

4. Some colours can make us feel_______ (energy).

5. Music creates a_______ (feel) of happiness sometimes.

6. Blue is a special colour that can represent both calm and_______ (sad).

7. He is a man of great of_______ (wise).

8. If you need_______ (strong) in either body or mind, the colour red can help you.


( )1.-Bob, what about going out for a picnic?

-Sorry, I prefer_______.

A. to stay at home

B. stayed at home

C. stay at home

D. to staying at home

( )2. Hearing the songs always me of the happy time a winter evening.

A. thinks; on

B. dreams; in

C. reminds; on

D. makes; in ( )3. Amy has some_______ the Maths problems last night.

A. difficulty to work out

B. difficulties to work out

C. difficulty working out

D. difficult working out

( )4. -Would you like to have some tea or coffee?

-_______ is OK.

A. Either

B. Neither

C. Some

D. Both

( )5.I felt_______ yesterday evening, and then I fell_______ quickly.

A. sleeping; asleep

B. asleep; sleepy

C. sleepy; asleep

D. asleep; sleepy


I sat with my friend in a well-known coffee shop. As we enjoyed our coffee, a man entered and sat down beside us. He called the waiter and ordered, "Two cups of coffee, 1 of them there on the wall." We heard this with great 2 and saw that he was served with one cup of coffee but he paid for two. As soon as he left, the waiter 3 put a piece of paper on the wall saying "A Cup of Coffee". While we were still there, two other men had two cups of coffee but paid for three. 4 , the waiter did the same thing. It seemed that this was usual at this place. However, it was something strange for us. Since we had nothing to do with the 5 , we finished our coffee, paid and left.

After a few days, we again had a 6 to go to this coffee shop. While we were enjoying our coffee, a man entered. The way this man was dressed did not match the 7 of this coffee shop. As he seated himself, he looked at the wall and said, "One cup of coffee from the wall." The waiter served coffee to this man with the same 8 . The man had his coffee and left without paying. The waiter took off a piece of paper from the 9 and threw it in the dust bin. Now there was no 10 for us. The great kindness for the people in need shown by the people of this town filled up our eyes with tears.

1. A. both B. neither C. one D. none

2. A.joy B.interest C.effort D.fear

3. A. quickly B. suddenly C. wisely D. properly

4. A.Instead B.Again C.Indeed D.Anyway

5. A. shop B. waiter C. matter D. men

6. A. hurry B. time C. wish D. chance

7. A. style B. standard C. furniture D. colour

8. A.respect B.courage C.result D.custom

9. A. board B. table C. bill D. wall

10. A. choice B. clue C. doubt D. hope


Free Birds is an American 3D comedy film. Originally titled Turkeys and scheduled for 2014. Here is a good news, the movie will be released in 2013.

As we all know, turkeys are traditional food on Thanksgiving Day. But

have we ever thought of how those little turkeys feel? Are they really willing

to be eaten by us? Well, maybe the answer is "No". In the coming movie

Free Birds, two brave turkeys are trying not to be on plates any more.

What do they do? Thanks to a time machine, they get to the first

Thanks giving and try to remove turkeys out of Thanksgiving forever. When

they are busy changing history, the turkey team also has to put aside their

differences and work closely together.

Do they succeed in the end? We won't get the answer until the movie hits the big screen on November 1 in the USA.


教学内容3A Unit 6 第( 1 )课时 教学目标 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green,orange 2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your…,并且能用It’s来回答。 3.进一步巩固Look at the/my/your…和表达赞扬的话 4.培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力 教学重点 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green,orange 2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your…,并且能用It’s来回答。 教学难点 1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词red, yellow, green,orange 2.能初步听懂What colour is the/my/your…,并且能用It’s来回答。 教学疑点 如何在这节课中把各种颜色的单词串联在整个教学过程中,怎么处理Story time这一部分,如果有色盲怎么处理这一课? 教学准备挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程 Step 1 Greeting 1.Greeting T: Good morning/afternoon, class. How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. 2.Say rhymes T: I like English. Do you like English? S: Yes I do. T:Let’s say some rhymes to begin our class. 通过这两首小诗让学生进入课堂学习气氛中。如果学生已经忘记了可以适当的提醒或者是跟老师一起说。 Step 2 Warm up and prensention 1.Free talk T: Hello, class. How are you? S: I’m fine(well/good),thank you. T:I like spring. Do you like winter? S: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like… T: I like spring. Because it’s green. 2.教授单词green,并且导题 a.教师出示春天的图片,并出示单词green 教读单词green,注意渗透ee的读音/i:/ b.导题 T:I like spring. I like green. There are many colours in different seasons. I love these colours. Let’s learn them. Today we’ll learn Unit 6 Colours. 教师出示课题Unit 6 Colours

九年级英语下册 教学计划 牛津译林版

初三英语教学计划 本学期我担任初三的英语教学工作,针对学生现状和本学期的教学任务,制定如下教学计划。 指导思想 遵循教学大纲要求,不增加学生过多负担;贯彻素质教育精神,在课堂上培养学生听、说、读、写各项素质;此外,充分利用课堂对学生进行升学教育和其他方面的思想教育。 学生情况分析 本班共有学生55人,特点是班里尖子生很少,中间生占也不多,差生面大。当然大部分学生课堂学习积极性较高,回答问题较积极,能做到自觉完成作业、自觉背诵课文。有部分学生受学习态度、风气的影响,刻苦学习之风渐渐稀薄,轻浮之风开始产生,很多学生上课不认真,课后死记硬背,当然绝大部分还是劳逸结合,掌握了科学的学习方法。从学生成绩来看,存在明显不平衡,虽然上学期有所进步,但和平行班比较,还有很大的差距。 教材分析 本教材共4单元,按要求,从开学到三月中旬要结束新课。此外,本学期增加了口语与听力训练的比重,以便于教好的完成人机对话和听说读写的全面训练。其内容主要反映了学生的日常学习和生活。课本设计题材范围更广,反映了学生对未来生活的想象,如移居火星、拥有机器人生活方式、学习世界上著名伟人的事迹以及著名景点的介绍等。教学内容渗透了思想品德的因素,寓思想教育于语言教学中。并且教材配备了练习册、听力练习、听力训练录音带、教学挂图、教学录相带及中英文教参等必不可少的教学辅助工具。 教学重点、难点 每一节课的教学内容大体有三部分:复习前面已教的语言材料;教学新的词汇、语音、语法;开展各种形式的听、说、读、写训练活动。课堂教学五般采取以下五个步骤:复习、介绍、操练、练习和巩固。在每一步骤中,教师的任务也稍有改变:复习-强化记忆者,介绍-示范表演者、操练-组织者/指挥,练习-裁判员/监督员/监听者,巩固-帮手。组织课堂教学的方法可用教师提问,学生逐个回答,全班学生集体回答或齐声重复教师的话,或分小组朗读对话等。 教学措施和要求 1、认真钻研教材教法,把握教材并把“新课程标准”的理念贯彻到我们当然英语教学过程中每让学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作、交流和探究等方式,学习并使用英语,并激发


江苏译林牛津小学的所有英语单词 (3A –6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒(4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯(4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯(4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量(5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副……)(4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫(5A3) about 大约;关于(4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席(5B2) accordion 手风琴(3B10) address 地址(6B7) Africa 非洲(6B6) after 在……以后;在……后面(5A7) after school 放学后(5A7) afternoon 下午,午后(4A7) again 又,再(4A8) ago 以前(6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀(4A2) airport 机场(4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并 以此召唤神怪按其吩咐 行事的少年)(6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿(3B3) all 所有的;全部(5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错(3A4, 4A1) along 沿着(6B3) also 也,还(6A6) always 总是(6A1) America 美国(5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的(5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还(3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物(5A4) answer 回答,答复(3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁(5B8) any 任何的;一些(5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物)(4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗?(4B7) apple 苹果(3A3; 4B4) April 四月(6A2) arm 手臂(5B6) art 艺术;美术(5A9) as 作为,当做(6A2) as …as 和……一样(6B1) ask 问(6A1) at 在(4A7) at home 在家(5A6) at once 立刻, 马上(5B1) at school 在学校;在上课(5A1) at the back of 在……后部;在……后面(6A7) August 八月(6A2) aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨(3B3; 5B3) Australia 澳大利亚(5B9) Australian 澳大利亚人(5B9) autumn 秋季(6A5) away (离)开(6A1) B b back 回(原处)(5A1) backache 背痛(5B2) bad 坏的;严重的(3A5; 5B2) bag 包;袋(3B1) ball 球(4B6) ball game 球类运动(3B10) ball pen 圆珠笔(3A5; 4A1) balloon 气球(4A4) banana 香蕉(3A3; 4B4) bar 块;条(3B8) baseball 棒球运动;棒球(3B10) basket 篮;筐(3A9) basketball 篮球运动;篮球(3B10; 4B7) bathroom 浴室,盥洗室(3B7; 5A2) be 是;成为;变成(4A8; 4B3) am (3A11) are (3A5; 4A1) aren’t = are not (4B3) is (3A2;4A1) isn’t = is not (4A2) be good at 善于(6B2) be late for 迟到(4B2) beach 海滩(6A6) bear 熊(4A2) beautiful 美丽的,漂亮的(5B3) beautifully 美地(5B4) because 因为(4B1; 6B5) bed 床(3A4; 3B7) bedroom 卧室,寝室(3B7 ;5A2) bee 蜜蜂(5B 8)


3A Unit 1 1.三会单词: Miss 小姐class同学们Hi 你好Hello 你好 I 我Mike麦克Bobby波比Sam山姆 2.四会单词字母:Aa Bb Cc Dd ( 四会) 3.句型: 1.---Hi I'm Mike. 你好,我是麦克。I'm==I am ---Hi,I'm Sam. 你好,我是山姆。 2.---Hello. 你好! ---Hello,Mike. 你好!迈克。 3.---Good morning Bobby . 早上好,波比。 ---Good morning Sam. 早上好,山姆。 4.---Good afternoon class . 下午好同学们。 ---Good afternoonMiss Li. 下午好李老师。 5.How many stars can you get ? 你能得到几颗星? 6. 3A Unit 2 1.三会单词: I 我you 你are 是am 是Goodbye 再见yes 是;对Yang Ling杨玲John约翰no 不;不是;没有not 不;没有 2.四会字母:Ee Ff Gg 3.句型: 1.---Hi, Mike. 你好,迈克。 ---Hi. Are you Su Hai? 你好,你是苏海? ---Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 是的,我是。/ 不,我不是。 2.Are you John ? 你是约翰吗? No .I'm Sam. 不,我是山姆。/Yes , you're right.是的。you're=you are 3,Goodbye YangLing ! 再见杨玲 Goodbye! 再见 3A Unit 3 1.三会单词: my 我的friend(s)朋友(们) she 她he 他Tina 缇娜too 也this 这;这个is 是sisiter 姐姐;妹妹 2.四会单词字母:Hh Ii Jj Kk ( 四会) 3.句型: 1. ---Goodbye. 再见。 ---Goodbye. 再见。 2. She’s Yang Ling. 她是杨玲。she’s = she is She’s my friend. 她是我的朋友。 3. He’s Mike. 他是迈克。he’s = he is He’s my friend too. 他也是我的朋友。 4.This is Tina. 这是缇娜. She's my sister.他是我的妹妹。 3A Unit 4 1.三会单词: family 家;家庭father 父亲;爸爸mother 母亲;妈妈brother 哥哥;弟弟me 我grandpa 祖父;外祖父Grandma祖母,外祖母Tim 提姆 2.四会单词字母:Ll Mm Nn ( 四会) 3.句型: 1.This is Helen. 这是海伦。 This is my family/mother. 这是我的家庭/妈妈... 2,She’s my mother . /He’s my father. 她/他是我的妈妈/爸爸。


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 2014-2015学年第一学期期终学业水平调研测试 九年级英语答案 听力原文 A.听对话,选择正确答案。 1. W: You look so tired. Why? M: I watched a football match on TV last night and didn’t go to bed until 11:30. 2. W: You can’t take photos here. Look at the sign on the wall! M: I’m sorry. 3. W: What bad weather it is! We can’t go out. M: But we can go out with an umbrella. 4. M: Do you know anything about the suspect? W: Yes. It’s said that he is a short, thin young man with glasses. And he was seen flying to the United States last night. 5. W: Why do you go home so early? M: My parents ask me to get home before 6 o’clock. 6. W: Excuse me. I bought a pen here yesterday. But it doesn’t work. Would you mind giving me another one? M: Sure. Here you are. 7. W: Did you watch the film called Action? M: Yes, I did. John Smith played the lead role really well. 8. M: Mum, I’ve got a full mark in the English exam! W: Well done. I hope you will keep on studying hard 9. W: Would you like some more bread or cakes? M: No, thanks. I’ve had enough. But could you get me something to drink? 10. W: This shirt sells for four dollars each, but two only cost you seven. M: I’ll take four, please. B. 听对话或独白,选择正确答案。 听下面一段对话,完成11-12题。 W: Where did you have the charity show? M: In the Sunshine Park. W: Who was the host of the show? M: Mr Wang from the TV station. W: How long did the show last? M: About two and a half hours. W: Was the show a success? M: Yes. Many people donated money. 听下面一篇短文,完成13-15题。 Today more and more people like to go hiking. Why is hiking becoming popular? Firstly, hiking is not only a healthy but also a relaxing activity. It’s good exercise that doesn’t hurt your body. Secondly, it’s simple and cheap to go hiking. All you need to do is to wear a pair of hiking


3A Unit 1—2 练习卷 姓名________ 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词 ()1 A hi B hello C class ()2 A Mike B Su Hai C Yang Ling ()3 A hi B you C hello ()4 A am B is C no ()5 A John B Liu Tao C Sam ()6 A good B Miss Li C are ()7 A I’m B I am C I ()8 A no B not C good ()9 A Miss Li B Miss Liu C Miss Lu ()10 A Good morning B Good afternoon C Good evening 二、根据所听问题选择正确的答句。 ()1 A. Good morning, Miss Li. B. Good afternoon, Miss Li. ()2 A. Goodbye, Sam. B. Good, Sam. ()3 A. Yes, I am. B. I’m Wang Bing. ()4 A. Hi, I’m Bobby. B. Hi, Bobby. ()5 A. No, I’m not. B. No, I’m Yang Ling. 三、听录音,选出正确的译文。 ()1 A. 你好。 B. 早上好。 ()2 A. 你是刘涛吗? B. 我是刘涛。 ()3 A. 你好,杨玲。 B. 你好,我是杨玲。 ()4 A. 晚安。 B. 再见。 ()5 A. 我是苏海。 B. 我不是苏海。

四、听录音,给下列句子排列顺序。 ()1. Hello, I’m Yang Ling. ()2. Good morning. Mike. ()3. Are you Liu Tao. ()4. Good afternoon, Liu Tao. ()5. Good morning, Miss Li. 五、听录音,填入所缺的单词,完成对话。 A: _____, are _____ Mike? B: No, I’m _____. I’m Wang Bing. A: _____ _____, Wang Bing. B: Good morning. 笔试部分 一、找出下列不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ()1. A. Mike B. Su Hai C. Yang Ling. ()2. A. Liu Tao B. Miss Li C. Wang Bing ()3. A. morning B. afternoon C. good ()4. A. is B. are C. no ()5. A. yes B. you C. I 二、根据所给情景,在方框内选择合适的句子表达,写序号。 A. Hello, I am Mike. B. Are you Su Hai ? C. Good afternoon, class. m Liu Tao. E. Good morning, Miss LI. D. No, I’m not. I’ ()1. 早上你在学校门口看见李老师,你可以说: ()2. 李老师下午上课,走进教室,可以对同学们说: ()3. 别人误会你是王兵,你可以对他解释说: ()4. 迈克向大家自我介绍,可以说: ()5. 放学路上你想确认前面的女孩是不是苏海,你可以问:


牛津译林九年级下册阅读练习 完形填空 During this winter vacation, I went to work in Four Seasons Hotel so that I could increase my social experience. Although it took only two (1) I made many friends there. During my first night, I found there were so many people in the hotel. At the beginning, I just felt I was a little (2) because I did not know what to do. Other waiters all look very (3) and were busy working with smiling faces. At that time, a strong boy came up to me and showed me (4) to work. During supper, the boy who (5) me sat by my side and said to me, “My name is Paul. This afternoon you didn’t do those carefully enough, and I think you should call me ‘teacher’.”I said, “Thank you for (6) me, and I think we can be friends, do you think so?” The first day ended, I was so tired that I fell (7) as soon as I lay down on the bed. As the days went by, I was used to the life there. One day, I made a (8) while working. The boss got so angry with me that I felt very sorry. This time, a little boy named Eric walked up to me and said, “Don’t be scared! Just be more (9) next time!”“Thank you very much,”I said. After that, we also became friends. Two weeks flew by, and I must (10) there, for I had to go back to school. So my friends all came to say goodbye to me. I would remember everyone’s (11) , John, Eric, Paul and so on. At that moment, I felt so excited that I almost (12) I learned much and got some (13) of working in the restaurant. My friends brought wonderful and colorful (14) to my life. Wherever I am, I will be (15) of them, for they are my good friends. ( )1 A. days B. months C. weeks D. years ( )2 A. careless B. helpless C. hopeless D. homeless ( )3 A. happy B. fine C. funny D. strange ( )4 A. where B. how C. when D. why ( )5 A. warned B. trained C. thanked D. helped


牛津小学英语3A教案——Unit 1 Hello 盐城市实验小学韩利利 Introduction 一、教学内容 对英语这门学科有个大体了解及英语课堂常规 二、教学目标 ⒈学生能在教师的带领下进行上课问候。并会用hello 打招呼;会说 sta nd up ,sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。 ⒉学生能够听懂教师在课堂上的一般英语发令方式,如class begins, ha nds up, class is over等。 ⒊学生能够了解英语在国际事务中的地位以及以英语为母语的国家。 4.学生可以在操练游戏中产生对英语学习的兴趣。 三、教学重点、难点 会用Hello打招呼,并作自我介绍;会说 stand up ,sit down ,同时作出相应的动作。 四、课前准备 句子卡片、介绍英语国家的短片 五、教学过程 1.Teach the way to address the teacher. T:Hello. My First name is Han, so you can call me Miss Han. T: So hello, everyone. 教师应引导学生说Hello, Miss Han. S: Hello, Miss Han. T: Hello, *** S: Hello, Miss Han.(操练五到六组) 2. 介绍英语及英语课本

T: 从今天开始我们就开始学一门全新的课程,英语。对!是English. 我们的课本叫… S: 牛津小学英语 T: 对,FUN WITH ENGLISH 里面有好多可爱的朋友,以后我们会和他们一一认识的。 3.介绍英语在国际事务中的地位及以英语为母语的国家。 4.英语课堂常规 a. T:大家都知道语文课开始前,老师要和大家打招呼,我们英语课同样也是的,不过可是用英语说的,下面老师就和大家一起练习。当我说Class begins 意思就是开始上课(生读:Class begins) b. T: Now Class begins.。Stand up. Read after me “S tand up”教师拿出stand up的卡片 c. T: Good, sit down, please.教师拿出sit down的卡片。 Read after me “sit down” T: Who is your monitor? Stand up! T: After I say class begins you say stand up. Then all of you stand up.教师在此处需要用中文再说一次。 So let’s try. Are you ready? Yes or no? S: Yes. 教师和学生在次演练上课时的打招呼方式,学生可能不能一次成功,教师可与学生进行多次练习。 d.T: Let’s do a game: Simon says (sit down and stand up) Follow me→listen and do→ body language and action e. T: Now class is over. 教师拿出写有class is over的卡片。 We will say Goodbye. Read after me” Goodbye” T: Goodbye, everyone. S: Goodbye, Miss Han.


江苏译林牛津小学3A-6B英语单词表(3A – 6B) Vocabulary A a a, an 一(个,件)(an 用于元音音素开头的词前) (3A1; 4A1, 3) a carton of 一(纸)盒 (4B9) a cup of 一(茶)杯 (4B7) a glass of 一(玻璃)杯 (4A9) a lot (of) 许多,大量 (5A1) a pair of 一双(条,副……) (4A6) aah (因惊奇或出乎意料而)发出“啊”的喊叫 (5A3) about 大约;关于 (4B3; 5A9) absent 缺席 (5B2) accordion 手风琴 (3B10) address 地址 (6B7) Africa 非洲 (6B6) after 在……以后;在……后面 (5A7) after school 放学后 (5A7) afternoon 下午,午后 (4A7) again 又,再 (4A8) ago 以前 (6A3) ah [表示惊恐、愉快、遗憾等] 啊;呀(4A2) airport 机场 (4B6) Aladdin 阿拉丁(神话《一千零一夜》中寻获神灯并以此召唤神怪按其吩咐 行事的少年) (6A2) album (用以粘贴照片、邮票等的)粘贴簿 (3B3) all 所有的;全部 (5A1, 8) all right 好;行;不错 (3A4, 4A1) along 沿着 (6B3) also 也,还 (6A6) always 总是 (6A1) America 美国 (5B9) American 美国人;美国的;美国人的(5B 9) and 然后;加;和;[用于句首] 还(3A1; 4A 7, 8, 6) animal 动物 (5A4) answer 回答,答复 (3B6; 6A7) ant 蚂蚁 (5B8) any 任何的;一些 (5A1) anything 什么事(物);任何事(物)(4B7) Anything else? 还要别的东西吗?(4B7) apple 苹果 (3A3; 4B4) April 四月 (6A2) arm 手臂 (5B6) art 艺术;美术 (5A9) as 作为,当做 (6A2) as … as 和……一样 (6B1) ask 问 (6A1) at 在 (4A7) at home 在家 (5A6) at once 立刻, 马上 (5B1) at school 在学校;在上课 (5A1) at the back of 在……后部;在……后面 (6A7) August 八月 (6A2) aunt 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 (3B3; 5B3) Australia 澳大利亚 (5B9) Australian 澳大利亚人 (5B9) autumn 秋季 (6A5) away (离)开 (6A1) B b back 回(原处) (5A1) backache 背痛 (5B2) bad 坏的;严重的 (3A5; 5B2) bag 包;袋 (3B1) ball 球 (4B6) ball game 球类运动 (3B10) ball pen 圆珠笔 (3A5; 4A1) balloon 气球 (4A4) banana 香蕉 (3A3; 4B4) bar 块;条 (3B8) baseball 棒球运动;棒球 (3B10) basket 篮;筐 (3A9) basketball 篮球运动;篮球 (3B10; 4B7) bathroom 浴室,盥洗室 (3B7; 5A2) be 是;成为;变成 (4A8; 4B3) am (3A11) are (3A5; 4A1)


Unit 1 Know Yourself 1)make sb do使某人做某事 2)feel good 感觉好feel well身体好 3)well organized 很有条理 4)people with different personalities 有不同品性的人 5)keep sth in good order 使...保持好的秩序 6)show off炫耀 7)patient enough足够耐心 8)repeat sth for sb 为某人重复.. 9)be curious about sth 对..充满好奇 10)come up with sth = think of sth想出... 11)get angry easily容易生气 12)12.a born artist一个天生的艺术家 13)make a good accountant = be a good accountant成为一个好的会计 14)impress sb with sth用..给某人留下印象 15)work without speaking all day long一整天不说话的工作 16)win high praise赢得高度表扬 17)give up sth/give up doing sth放弃某事/做某事 18)work for为..工作 19)day after day日复一日 20)make sb unhappy使某人不高兴 21)the general manger of ..的总经理 22)take the lead处于领先地位 23)fall behind 落后 24)take on new challenges 接受新的挑战 25)connect ...to/with 与..相连 26)afford to do负担的起.. 27)pay attention to sth/doing sth注意.. 28)work to high standards向着高标准工作 29)a pioneer heart surgeon 心外科带头人 30)can’t be too+形容词再..也不为过 31)work extra hours 额外工作 32)devote ...to sth /doing 致力于... 33)respect sb 尊敬某人 34)accept sb’s advice 接受某人的建议 35)neither...nor既不..也不 36)either...or或者..或者 37)not only...but also 不但..而且 38)Chinese lunar calendar中国农历



三年级英语期末检测样卷(教完三上后用) (检测时间:40分钟) 班级____姓名______得分__________ Listening time A) 听录音,选出你所听到的内容: ( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A. B. ( ) 4. A. B. ( ) 5. A. B. ( ) 6. A. B. 三英 - 2 -

B) 听录音,根据情景给下列图片编号: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三英 - 3 -

C) 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语: ( ) 1. A. It’s red. B. It’s nice! ( ) 2. A. It’s great. B. It’s a T-shirt. ( ) 3. A. How nice! B. Yes, please. ( ) 4. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Hi, Liu Tao. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I am. B. I’m Mike. D) 听录音,找出相应的中文句子,并按录音顺序 编号: ( ) 见到你很高兴,王兵。 ( ) 你的裙子是什么颜色的? ( ) 请把你们的书打开。 ( ) 这颗糖果是给蒂姆的。 ( ) 这是我的母亲。 ( ) 祝你新年快乐! ( ) 你想要块蛋糕吗? ( ) 请看我的新夹克。 Writing time A) 听录音,写出听到的字母组合: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 大写 三英 - 4 -

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 小 写 B) 写出英语字母中的元音字母(大小写): ________________________________________ _______________________________ C) 看图完成句子(每线填一个单词): s a toy ____________ . 1. -- What’s this? -- It’ 2. -- Look at my ____________ . -- How nice! 3. -- Are you Mike? -- Yes, ____________ ____________ . 4. -- Would you like an ____________ ? -- ____________ , thank you. 5. -- What colour is the panda(熊猫)? -- It’s ____________ and ____________ . Reading time A) 根据图意,找出与句子内容相符的图片: 三英 - 5 -


江苏省江阴高级中学2014-2015学年第一学期期中考试 初三英语试卷 命题人:周秦霞复核人:赵建芬 (满分120分,考试时间120分钟) Ⅰ.选择题 (共55分) 一、听力测试(本大题共20 分,每小题1分) 第一节(共10小题) 听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。 1. What is the baby doing? A. B. C. 2. What’s the boy’s favourite fruit? 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. B. C. 4. What’s the time now? 5. What would Tommy like to be when he grows up? A. A cook. B. A teacher. C. A doctor. 6. Who is Simon waiting for? A. His father. B. His mother. C. His uncle.

7. The boy has never been to Disneyland in Hong Kong, has he ? A. Yes, he has. B .No, he hasn’t.. C. We don’t know. 8. Where are the two speakers? A. At a cinema. B. At a library. C. At a restaurant. 9. How long has Mr. White had the watch? A. Two years. B. Three years. C. One year. 10. What is the girl going to buy for her father? A. Juice. B. Pears. C. Apples and oranges. 第二节(共10小题) 听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题6秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出6秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。 听第11段材料,回答第11、12题。 11. What’s wrong with the man? A. He is sick. B. He is hungry. C. He is tired. 12. Why is his wife so busy? A. Because she has started working on charity. B. Because she has to cook for her husband. C. Because she has lots of housework to do. 听第12段材料,回答第13至15题。 13. Where does the woman want to go? A. The bus stop. B. The supermarket. C. The bookshop. 14. How can she go there? A. By bus. B. By underground. C. On foot. 15. Where is the bus stop? A. It is near the bookshop. B. It is opposite the bookshop. C. It is at the end of the street. 听第13段材料,回答第16至20题。 16. What are we going to do first on Saturday afternoon? A. Ride bicycles. B. Do some exercise. C. Run 5 miles.. 17. Who will give us a talk? A. Lucy white. B. David Green. C. Kitty Brown. 18. What is the TV programme on Saturday evening about? A. Water sports. B. A runner. C. A basketball player. 19. When shall we go home on Sunday? A. At 1:00 p.m. B. At 4:00 p.m. C. At 3:30 p.m. 20. What’s the short passage (文章) about? A. Sports at the weekend. B. Watching water sports. C. How to play basketball. 二、单项填空在A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (本大题共15分,每小题1分) 21. He used to be ______ UNICEF worker, but now he is really excellent football player.


Unit1 Hello! 一、单词 hello你好hi你好Miss小姐class同学们 I我I’m=I am我是 二、词组 good morning早上好good afternoon下午好 三、句型 1.Good morning, Miss Li.早上好,李老师。 2.Hi/Hello,Mike.你好,麦克。 3.Good afternoon, class.下午好,同学们。 4.Hi, I’m Bobby.你好,我是波比。 四、知识点 1.Names:Helen海伦Mike麦克Tim蒂姆Sam萨姆Bobby波比2.morning和afternoon的区分。 Morning,morning.12点之前。 Afternoon,afternoon.12点之后。 3.Miss(小姐)的用法:用于未婚女子的姓氏或者姓名前。Mr(先生):用在男子的姓氏或者姓名前。 Mrs(夫人,太太):用在已婚女子的姓氏或者姓名前。 4.向别人介绍自己的句型:I’m+姓名,意为:“我是……” I’m=I am

Unit2I’m Liu Tao 一、单词 are是am是you你yes是no不not不goodbye再见 二、句型 1.Are you Su Hai? Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. 你是xx吗?是的,我是。/不,我不是。 2.You’re right.你答对了。 3.Goodbye.再见。 三、知识点 1. be动词:am, is, are 2.完整形式和缩略形式 I’m= Iam(我是)you’re = y ou are(你是)he’s= he is(他是)she’s= she is (她是)it’s = it is(它是)they are= they’re(他们是) what’s =what is(是什么)that’s= that is(那是) 3.当询问你是不是某人时可以问:Are you…? 回答用:Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Unit 3My friends 一、单词 my我的friend朋友too也 this这个is是sister姐;妹 she她he他she’s =she is她是h e’s=he is他是

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