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当前位置:文档库 › 2019年公共英语一级练习试题:单项选择(3)




1. _____the children to bed, she began to correct the students' exercises.

A. Sending

B. Being sent

C. sent

D. Having sent

2. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _____.

A. be put up

B. give in

C. be turned on

D. go out

3. Why do you want a new job_____ you've got such a good one already?

A. that

B. where

C. which

D. when

4. He insisted that his brother ____ the window. It was clear that someone else broke the window.

A. should not break

B. should not have broken

C. hadn't broken

D. would not break

5. ----- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?

----- I'm afraid _____day is possible.

A. either

B. neither

C. some

D. any

6. ----- Don't forget to come to my birthday party, Mr. Wang. ----- _____.

A. No, I don't

B. Yes, I can't

C. No, I won't

D. Yes, I'm sure

7. Tom's father, as well as his mother, _____in New York for a few more days.

A. suggest him to stay

B. suggested him that he should stay

C. suggest him staying

D. suggests he stay



云南省2016年上半年口腔修复学:全口义齿靠什么固位(口 腔执业医师)试题 本卷共分为2大题40小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 一、单项选择题(在每个小题列出的四个选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题干后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。) 1、不属于Spee曲线特点的是 A.为下颌牙列的纵(作图)曲线B.形成一条向下凹的曲线C.连接下颌切牙嵴、尖牙牙尖及前磨牙、磨牙的颊尖D.在切牙段较平E.自尖牙起向后逐渐降低,到第二磨牙远中颊尖处最低 2、在釉质结构中,抗龋能力较强的一层是 A.表层0.1~0.2mm B.表层0.25~0.3mm C.表层0.3mm以上D.表层下E.各层抗龋能力一致 3、大面积静脉渗血或瘢痕组织渗血,宜采用哪种止血方法____ A.温热盐水纱布压迫止血B.骨蜡填充压迫止血C.荷包式缝合D.邻近组织覆盖加压止血E.碘仿纱条填充压迫止血 4、选择纵向或横向褥式缝合的根据是 A.创口区皮纹方向B.创缘血供方向C.创口内翻倾向的严重程度D.创口周围是否有重要解剖结构E.术者习惯 5、患者,男,56岁,急性广泛前壁心肌梗死,人院后6小时,首选下列哪项治疗措施 A.口服美托洛尔B.链激酶溶栓治疗C.静脉注射毛花苷丙D.口服卡托普利E.静脉滴注低分子右旋糖酐 6、主要致龋菌不包括 A.口腔变形链球菌B.口腔螺旋杆菌C.口腔粘性放线菌D.口腔内氏放线菌E.口腔乳酸杆菌 7、对于牙尉的保护,下列做法不恰当的是 A.清洁甩干后将牙刷头向上放入漱口杯中B.定期用专用清洁剂对牙刷进行消毒C.将牙刷清洗甩干后放入密闭的牙刷盒内D.使用后用清水冲洗干净并甩干刷毛上的水分E.将牙刷插入过氧化氢液浸泡数分钟后再用清水洗净甩干 8、下列为急性化脓性颌骨骨髓炎的临床症状,除了 A.多个牙松动B.下唇麻木C.张口受限D.患部剧烈疼痛E.骨性包块 9、关于釉梭,正确的说法是 A.是起始于釉质牙本质界,伸向牙本质的纺锤状结构B.在牙颈部及窝沟处较多见C.是起始于釉质表面,伸向釉质的纺锤状结构D.在牙尖及切缘部位较多见E.是釉质形成早期,成釉细胞的末端膨大所遗留的空隙10、复合树脂充填不能使用的基底料是: A.丁香油水门汀B.磷酸锌水门汀C.聚羧酸锌水门汀D.氢氧化钙制剂


1. 牙列缺失患者,上下牙槽嵴顶之间的距离称为: A. 垂直距离; B.颌间距离;C?颌间高度;D.间隙; 2. 全口义齿初戴后,说话时上下人工牙有撞击声,其原因是: A. 患者沿未适应该义齿; B. 关系前伸; C.因全部用瓷牙; D. 义齿因位不良; E.垂直距离过高。 3. 全口义齿的力主要集中在: A. 尖牙和双尖牙区; B.双尖牙区; C.磨牙区; D.第一磨牙区; E.第二双尖牙区和第一磨牙区。 4. 全口义齿修复制作托的目的是: A.便于排牙; B.确定垂直距离; C.颌位记录; D. 确定平面; E.恢复面部外形。 5. 全口义齿基托磨光面的处理要求有一定的斜度和外形,是为了: A. 不使食物附着在义齿基托上; B. 借助其斜面增加义齿的固位和稳定; C.使口腔周围肌肉运动不受影响; D.减少对软 组织的磨擦; E.便于食物排溢。 6. 全口义齿修复后出现咬腮现象,其主要原因是: A.后牙覆盖关系过小; B.后牙人工牙过大; C. 上颌结节区基托边缘过长; D.后牙基托边缘过厚; E. 下后牙人工牙过小。 7. 影响全口义齿固位的因素哪项是错误的: A.基托面积的大小; B.基托与粘膜的适合度; C. 唾液的粘稠度; D.基托边缘的封闭性; E.基托厚度和强度。8?上颌全口义齿后堤区应在: A.前颤动线之前; B.腭小凹前2mm ; C.腭小凹与翼上 颌切迹连线上; D.前后颤动线之间; E.前颤动线之上。 9. 按照无牙颌组织的结构特点,颧突属于: A.主承托区; B.副承托区; C.缓冲区; D.后堤区; E.边缘封闭区。 10. 制作全口义齿修复的印模要求达到: A.解剖式印模; B.功能性印模; C.加压式印模; D.减压式印模; E.组织受压均匀的印模。 11. 全口义齿“中立区”排牙的优点是: A.使人工牙排在牙槽嵴顶上; B.在功能性运动中增强义齿稳定性; C.为了美观,与肌肉协调; D.为了有更好的支持作用; E.为了发音清楚。 12. 有利于全口义齿固位的条件,哪一项是错误的: A.牙槽脊高而宽; B.腭高拱; C.系带离牙槽脊顶较远; D.粘膜厚且弹性大; E.颌间距离大小适中 1. 制作全口义齿修复的印模要求达到:


2019年公共英语三级考试作文试题 Direetions: Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use you own words. The Princess of Cambridge has finally been revealed to the world as Charlotte Elizabeth Dianain a touching nod to her grandfather, her grandmother and her great-grandmother. The name has long tradition which can be traced hack to the royal background. Charlotte, derived from French name, pays tribute to her grandfather, prince of Wales. And Charlotte is also Kate's sister, Pippa Middleton's middle name. Kensington Palace revealed the royal baby's full name yesterday after days of speculation and close friends of Princess Diana immediately said the choice means the spirit of Prince William's beloved mother 'lives on'. William was, however, clear that his baby girl should not have Diana as a first name. "It would have been a millstone around her neck," said one of the princess' s longtime friends. Within minutes of the name being announced this afternoon, Diana's closest friend Rosa Monckton said: "Diana's spirit lives on in her sons, and now her name lives on in her granddaughter 'Charlotte Elizabeth Diana'. "Diana was the godmother of Mrs. Monckton's daughter Dominica The British citizens show their satisfaction with this name via Intemet. They said it is the perfect name for their lovely princess.


全口义齿试题 一、多选题 (B) 1.制作全口义齿修复的印模要求达到:——中 A.解剖式印模; B.功能性印模; C.加压式印模; D.减压式印模; E.组织受压均匀的印模。 (C) 2.按照无牙颌组织的结构特点,颧突属于:——易 A.主承托区; B.副承托区; C.缓冲区; D.后堤区; E.边缘封闭区。 (E) 3.全口义齿的力主要集中在:——中 A.尖牙和双尖牙区; B. 双尖牙区; C. 磨牙区; D.第一磨牙区; E.第二双尖牙区和第一磨牙区。 (D) 4.上颌全口义齿后堤区应在:——中 A.前颤动线之前; B.腭小凹前 2mm; C.腭小凹与翼上颌切迹连线上; D.前后颤动线之间; E.前颤动线之上。 (B) 5.全口义齿基托磨光面的处理要求有一定的斜度和外形,是为了:——难 A.不使食物附着在义齿基托上; B.借助其斜面增加义齿的固位和稳定; C.使口腔周围肌肉运动不受影响; D.减少对软组织的磨擦; E.便于食物排溢。 (A) 6.全口义齿修复后出现咬腮现象,其主要原因是:——? A.后牙覆盖关系过小; B.后牙人工牙过大; C.上颌结节区基托边缘过长; D.后牙基托边缘过厚; E.下后牙人工牙过小。 (E) 7.影响全口义齿固位的因素哪项是错误的:——? A.基托面积的大小; B. 基托与粘膜的适合度; C. 唾液的粘稠度; D.基托边缘的封闭性; E. 基托厚度和强度。 (C) 8.全口义齿修复制作托的目的是:——中 A.便于排牙; B.确定垂直距离; C.颌位记录; D.确定平面; E.恢复面部外形。 (A) 9.定位平面斜度是指:——难 A.上中切牙近中切角到 7│7 近中颊尖所连的平面与水平面的交角; B.上中切牙近中切角到 7│7 远中颊尖所连的平面与平面的交角; C.上中切牙近中切角到 7│7 远中颊尖所连的平面与水平面的交角; D.上中切牙近中切角到 7│7 近中颊尖所连的平面与平面的交角; E.上中切牙近中切角到 6│6 近中颊尖所连的平面与水平面的交角。 (B) 10.牙列缺失患者,上下牙槽嵴顶之间的距离称为:————中 A.垂直距离; B.颌间距离; C.颌间高度; D.间隙; E.以上都不是。 (C) 11.全口义齿修复,印模完成后,在灌模时,在将石膏包过印模边缘, 其目的是:——中 A.避免印模损坏; B.保护印模边缘有一定的形状; C.使基托边缘有一定形状; D.防止模型断裂; E.保持印模边缘的清晰度。 (E) 12.全口义齿初戴后,说话时上下人工牙有撞击声,其原因是:——中 A.患者沿还未适应该义齿; B. 关系前伸; C.因全部用瓷牙; D.义齿因位不良; E.垂直距离过高。 (E) 13.使用面弓的目的是:——中 A.固定和转移上颌牙托到架上; B.将下颌对上颌的关系转移到架上; C.将的髁道斜度转移以架上; D.记录上下托的关系; E.转移上颌对颞下颌关系的三维位置关系 (D) 14.全口义齿修复在肌力闭合道终点建确定水平颌位关系的方法中下列哪一项不是的?——难 A.反复做自然开闭动作,在肌力闭合道终点建; B.利用吞咽法建; C.利用卷舌法建; D.用哥特式弓法建; E.用肌电图仪建。 (B) 15.下颌人工尖牙的排列位置,下列哪一项是错误的?:——中 近中邻面与2 2 B.牙尖与平面接触;


2019年下半年公共英语三级试题一及答案 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Google, the Internet search-engine(收索引擎的) company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives. Aleem Walji works for https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8a18080937.html, -- the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious (传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8a18080937.html, will work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8a18080937.html,’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance (小额信贷) is generally small, short-


公共英语三级考试模拟题及答案(1)SectionⅠListening Comprehension (25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand. Now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test is started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Example: You will hear: W: Could you please tell me if the Beijing flight will be arriving on time? M: Yes, Madam. It should be arriving about ten minutes. You will read: Who do you think the woman is talking to? [A]a bus conductor [B]a clerk at the airport [C]a taxi driver [D]a clerk at the station From the dialogue, we know that only a clerk at the airport is most likely to know the arrival time of a flight, so you should choose answer [B]and mark it in your test booklet. Sample Answer: [A][B][C][D] Now look at question 1 Part A 1. Where is the woman from? [A]Sweden [B]Italy [C]Sylvia [D]Wales 2. Which one does the woman want to buy?


全口义齿复习题 二、填空题 1.义齿的表面有组织面,咬合面,磨光面。 2.牙合架的种类_全可调合架,平均值合架,半可调合架,简单合架。 3.平衡牙合分为正中平衡牙合,前伸平衡牙合,侧方平衡牙合。 磨光每步都要合理使用相应的工具和材料进行,遵循由_粗__到_细_,先_平__后_光_____的原则,不能急于求成。 2.全口义齿的装盒采用_反装法_,即将模型包埋固定于__下半型盒内__,__人工牙__、__基托__完全暴露,翻到上半盒内。 3.牙合托由_基托__与_牙合堤_组成。 三、名词解释(16分): 1.颌位记录是指用合托来确定并记录在患者面部下1/3的适宜高度和两侧髁突在下颌关节凹生理位置时的上下颌位置关系,以便在这个上下颌骨的位置关系上,用全口义齿来重建无牙颌患者的正中合关系。 义齿间隙是在口腔内容纳义齿的潜在空间,是天然牙列所占据的空间,又称其为中性区,指义齿和周围软组织处于平衡的区域。 牙合架是一种固定上下合托和模型的仪器。 解剖式人工牙其合面形态模仿未经磨耗的天然牙。有明显的牙尖和斜面。在正中合上下颌牙尖窝交错关系,其牙尖斜度约30度。 1.副承托区是指上下颌槽脊的唇颊和舌腭侧(不包括硬区)。 2.全口义齿是为牙列缺失患者制作的修复体。 3.转移颌位关系是将临床上记录的患者上和对于颞下颌关节的位置关系在在于合架之上一边在合架上能很好的模仿人体的下颌运动制作出符合患者口腔内生理环境的全口义齿。 4.中性区1933年Wilfresh提出了“中性区”的概念,天然牙在萌出过程中受到唇颊肌向内的压力和舌肌向外的推力,使天然牙在完全萌出的后的位置恰好位于向内和向外的平衡区域内。四、简答题(24分) 简述全口义齿的工艺流程。 答:1.详细了解, 检查牙列缺失情况,作出初步诊断和修复治疗计划2.获得精确的口腔组织形态的模型3.垂直距离与正中关系位的确定,做好颌位关系记录4.上颌架并转移颌位关系5.人工牙的选择与排列,调整平衡合6.在患者口腔中试戴义齿蜡型,进一步调整咬合7.义齿制作完成8.初戴义齿,选磨调合并作戴牙指导 2.简述排牙前的模型准备? 答:①画基托边缘线②画牙槽嵴顶线③后堤区检查准备 3.全口义齿出盒的方法是什么? 答:①出盒时卸除螺丝钉等设施,去掉型盒盖,分开上下层型盒。②用木锤敲击型盒底板,将石膏脱出。③用工作刀、石膏剪等工具将义齿从石膏块中分离出来。 简述咬合平衡的排牙原则? 答:在侧方运动时,工作侧上下颌后牙同尖相对,非工作侧(平衡侧)下颌磨牙颊尖的舌斜面和上颌磨牙舌尖的颊斜面相接触,在前伸运动时,上颌各人


2016年9月公共英语三级考试真题 SECTION I Listening ( 25 minutes) Directions: This section is designed to lest your ability to understand spoken English.You will hear a se-lection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them.There are two parts in this section,Part A and Part B. Remember,while you are doing the test,you should first put down your answers in your test booklet.At the end of the listening section,you will have 3 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to your ANSWER SHEET. If you have any questions,you may raise your hand no was you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at PartAin your test booklet. Part A Directions: You wll hear 10 short dialogues.For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.Choose the correct answer—A,B,CorD,and mark it in your test booklet You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you wil hear each dialogue only once. 1.Where is George now? [A] In America. [B] Here. [C] In France [D] At home. 2.Where does this conversation probably take place? [A] At a laundry. [B] At a supermarket. [C] At a cafeteria. [D] At a movie theatre. 3.What does the man say about Tom?


公共英语三级考试习题及答案 1.-How about the book you are reading ? -Good , indeed . It ________many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers 2. Id like to take my picture ________stands a high tower. A. where B. which C. that D. there 3. Id like to buy a house, modern and comfortable, and __________, in a quiet place. A. afar all B. above all C. in all D. for all 4. -Youve got a good result in your research, havent you? -Yes , but much ________ . A. remains to do B. is remains to do C. remains to be done D. has remained to do it 5. -I must be leaving now. Itll be 3 hours drive to get there. -__________. A. Good-bye B. Take care C. Take it easy D. What can I do for you 6. Nobody could have guessed , in those days , the place in history that Martin Luther King, Jr____. A. was having B. was to have C. had had D. had 7. The queen will visit the town in May , ________ she will open the new hospital. A. when B. then C. while D. but 8. Ill come , ________ I dont expect to enjoy myself. A. if B. since C. as D. though 9. You _________in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left. A. dont have to do it B. neednt have done it C. wouldnt do it D. mustnt have done it 10. _____________is one of the five working language at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of. A. The Chinese, the Chinese B. Chinese language, Chinese C. Chinese, the Chinese D. Chinese language, the Chinese 11. -Whats your problem ? - I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them ________ in front of me a moment ago. A. were walking B. to have walker C. walk D. walking 12. Children are tired of learning often because they are __________to do more than they can. A. expected B. suggested C. hoped D. wished 13. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school. A. Some other ten B. Another ten C. Other ten D. Ten others 14. The door burst open and ________ , shouting with anger. A. in rushed the crowd B. rushed in the crowd C. the crowd tin rushed D. in the crowd rushed 15. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers ____ for the nation. A. did B. were doing C. had don e D. have been doingKeys:


1、rest of RPD____ 2、CAD-CAM修复体___CAD-CAM(计算机辅助设计与计算机辅助制作)(1分)是在牙体预备后,由光电探测系统采集光学印模(1分),经计算机信息处理,并指挥自动铣床制作的陶瓷或金属修复体(1分)。 3、interridge distance____颌间距离;无牙颌患者下颌处于正中牙合时,上下颌牙槽嵴顶之间的距离称颌间距离。(1.5分)这一距离与牙槽嵴的吸收程度有关,与人工牙的排列颌全口义齿的固位关系密切。(1.5分) 4、compensating curve____补偿曲线。(1分)为全口义齿上颌3-7的颊尖所连成的凸向下的曲线。(2分) 5、导线:即观测线,分析杆沿牙冠轴面最突点画出的连线,不同的观测角度画出的观测线不同。 二、填空题(每空1分,共30分)1、全口义齿的基托范围在上颌后缘中央止于腭小凹后2-4mm ,两侧翼上颌切迹。下颌基托后缘止于磨牙后垫的1/3~1/2 。2、全口义齿初戴后,工作侧上下牙的颊尖有早接触,平衡侧无接触,应选磨上颌牙颊尖。3、全口义齿初戴后,正中牙合时一侧下颌牙颊尖与上颌牙中央窝有早接触,该侧作为工作侧时上下牙的颊尖有早接触,作为平衡侧时没有早接触,应选磨选磨磨改上颌牙中央窝或边缘嵴。

4、RPI卡环组由近中牙合支托、远中邻面板、颊侧I型杆式卡环三部分组成。 5、造成牙列缺损的病因是龋病、牙周病、外伤、颌骨疾病、发育畸形等。 6、在桩核冠修复过程中,应保证根尖区不少于___4mm_____的根尖封闭。 7、根据嵌体覆盖牙面的不同,可分为____单面嵌体____、__双面嵌体_____和___多面__嵌体。 8、种植义齿在组成上分为牙种植体和上部结构。 9、种植义齿上部结构与基台的连接方式有粘固固定连接、螺丝固定连接 和附着体式连接。10、固定义齿选择基牙时,应 从基牙的支持作用,基牙的固位作用以及基牙的 共同就位道来考虑。11、在固定义齿中,固位体 的固位力的构成包括约束力、摩擦力、粘接力。12、全口义齿人工牙常规排列时,上颌后牙 中所有牙尖均与牙合平面接触的牙是上颌第二前 磨牙。13、在蜡型的铸道上制作储金球的主要目 的是补偿铸金收缩三、单项选择题 CDAAC DBEEE DDBCC CEDDA ACCAC CACCB 四、问答题 1. 试述肯氏一类牙列缺损的特点及设计要点。(6分)答:双侧后牙游离缺失,由于义齿受力不稳定现象发生(下沉、翘起、摆动、旋转),义


口腔科三基试题及答案 一、选择题(每题1分,共40分) (A型题) 1.口腔颌面部局部麻醉的并发症有 ( ) A.牙根折断 B.颌骨骨折 C晕厥、过敏、中毒 D.上颌窦损伤 E.牙龈撕裂 2.急性牙髓炎最有效的治疗方法是 ( ) A.拔除患牙 B,开髓引流 C.相应牙龈处分开引流 D.去腐蚀 E,消炎止痛 3.正中咬合时,上颌第一磨牙的近中颊尖咬于下颌第一磨牙与下颌第二磨牙之间,称为( ) A.近中错殆 B.远中错殆 C锁殆 D.正中殆位 E.深覆殆4.桩冠的冠桩长度要求 ( ) A.根长的1/2 B.牙根全长 C.相当于该牙冠的长度 D.相当于该牙冠1/2长度 E.根长的1/3 5.15岁患者,前牙拥挤,牙周情况良好,准备采用拔牙减数矫治,一般应拔除哪个牙( ) A 尖牙 B.切牙 C第一前磨牙 D.第二前磨牙 E.第一磨牙 6.牙列缺失时,其牙槽骨吸收的速度与哪种因素无关 ( ) A.缺牙时间 B.缺牙原因 C.骨质致密度 D全身健康状况 E 温度 7.引起楔状缺损的主要原因是 ( )

A.牙体材料疲劳 B.牙周病 C.牙颈部的结构 D.酸的作用 E 刷牙 8.猛性龋与下列因素有关,除外 ( ) A.接受头颈部放射治疗后 B.Sjogren综合征患者 C.唾液中变异链球菌计数高 D 口腔卫生良好 E.唾液缓冲能力差 9.口腔中的主要致龋菌是 ( ) A.韦荣菌 B 丙酸杆菌 C放线菌 D血链球菌 E.变异链球菌 10.牙髓病最主要的致病因素是 ( ) A.物理性创伤 B.细菌 C化学刺激 D.特发性因素 E.机械、电流刺激 11.急性化脓性根尖周炎症状最严重的阶段是 ( ) A.根尖肿脓阶段 B.骨膜下脓肿阶段 C.黏膜下肿脓阶 D.皮下脓肿阶段 E 形成窦道阶段 12.复发性口疮目前认为原因是 ( ) A.细菌感染 B,病毒感染 C.营养不良 D.多种因素 E.局部刺激 13.我国内地口腔黏膜下纤维性变多见于 ( ) A 广西 B 湖南 C湖北 D,四川 E,以上都不是 14.从牙体剖面观察,以下哪一项不是牙体的组成部分 ( ) A.牙釉质 B.牙骨质 C牙本质 D 牙髓腔 E.牙髓 15.舌后1/3的味觉由下列哪条神经支配 ( )


模考吧网提供最优质的模拟试题,最全的历年真题,最精准的预测押题! 公共英语三级考试试题(二十五) 一、Section Ⅱ Use of English (共20小题,共20.0分)Read the following text . Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, Cot Don ANSWER SHEET 1. 第1题 An elderly woman died yesterday after being knocked down by a motorist. The driver had (1) no attempt to brake (刹车). When a policeman asked him, a man of 69, to read the number plate of a car parked on the (2) side of the road, the man said this was (3) , because it was foggy. In fact, it was a sunny day. (4) several attempts, even from (5) distance of two meters, the man (6) failed to read the number-plate (7) . He said he had never needed glasses, though he had been (8) in a similar accident the day before. The question (9) fitness to drive comes up every time some medical condition (10) to an accident like this. Last week traffic accidents (11) the death of two motorists, one of (12) died as a result of blackouts (眩晕) while driving. The (13) , a man whose car hit a tree, had (14) from blackouts gone for years. The second died (15) his sports car crashed at 60 m.p.h. He had a brain disease which caused him to (16) consciousness when he had a headache. With such cases (17) mind, it is not surprising that (18) prevention organizations are trying to (19) the government to introduce stricter (20) over drivers. A perfectly B definitely C correctly D exactly 【正确答案】:C 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】


1-79单项选择题 1.全口义齿修复应在拔牙多长时间后进行 A 一周 B 三周 C 一个月 D 三个月 E 六个月 2.无牙颌组织结构特点,磨牙后垫属于A主承托区 B副承托区 C边缘封闭区 D缓冲区 E后堤区 3.以下关于主承托区的描述中错误的是 A 位于上下颌牙槽嵴顶 B 表面有高度角化的复层鳞状上皮 C 上皮下有致密的粘膜下层 D 位于上下颌后部牙槽嵴顶 E 能承受咀嚼压力 4.后堤区的作用 A 基托后缘定位

B 边缘封闭 C 支持 D 排列后牙的标志 E 缓冲作用 5.全口义齿属于缓冲区的部位是 A 切牙乳突区 B 磨牙后垫区 C 后堤区 D 牙槽嵴顶区 E 颊棚区 6-9题共用备选答案 A上颌前部牙槽嵴顶 B磨牙后垫 C切牙乳突 D腭小凹 E上颌后部牙槽嵴顶 6.属于主承托区 7.属于副承托区 8.属于缓冲区 9.属于边缘封闭区 10.全口义齿合适的磨光面形态A应是光滑的平面

B应是光滑的突面 C应是光滑的凹面 D应是光滑的斜面 E应是以上C和D 11.与全口义齿稳定性有关的因素下列那一项是错误的 A人工牙的排列 B人工牙的咬合 C理想的磨光面形态 D前伸牙合时后牙有接触 E颌骨的解剖形态 12.与全口义齿稳定性最密切的表面是 A 牙合平面 B 磨光面 C 咬合面 D组织面 E 印模面 13.全口义齿吸附力的大小与哪种因素关系最密切 A 基托组织面与粘膜的密合程度 B 唾液的质和量 C 是否用软衬材料

D 是否戴过旧义齿 E 基托的厚度 14.对全口义齿的固位有利的唾液情况是 A 粘稠而量多 B 粘稠而量少 C 稀而量多 D 稀而量少 E 以上均可 15.全口义齿的印模哪种说法是错误的A组织要均匀受压 B应用二次印模法取印模 C取功能性印模 D取压力性印模 E取印模要用个别托盘 16.在下列无牙颌解剖标志中哪一个不需要缓冲 A下颌隆突 B颧突 C颊棚区 D切牙乳头 E上颌结节的颊侧


全口义齿工艺技术试题及答案 80-83题共用备选答案 A正中关系错 B义齿不美观 C咀嚼时义齿易脱位 D下颌隆突处压痛 E说话及大开口时义齿脱落 80.基托组织面需局部缓冲的是 81.需重新制作义齿的是 82.基托边缘需缓冲的是 83.义齿需调整平衡牙合的是 84-85题共用题干 女,75岁,戴用全口义齿一月,复查是自述戴牙后一直感觉就咀嚼无力,面部酸痛。检查发现,牙合关系正常,息止颌间隙6mm。 84.原因可能为 A年龄大不适应 B人工牙为塑料牙 C垂直距离过低 D关节功能紊乱 E 牙合关系有误 85.最好的处理方法是 A重衬 B加高咬合 C嘱患者慢慢适应 D加深牙合面沟窝 E调整咬合 86-89共用题干 患者女65岁,初戴总义齿时发现上颌总义齿左右翘动加力时患者有疼痛感86.可能引起翘动的原因中不包括 A 印模不准

B 基托伸展过长 C 进入倒凹区基托未缓冲 D 基托变形 E 与硬区相应的基托组织面未缓冲 87.在下述引起翘动的原因中首先考虑的是 A 基托伸展过长 B 印模不准 C 模型不准 D基托变形 E 与基托组织面相对硬区未缓冲 88.当检查出首要原因后正确的处理方法是 A 磨短过长基托 B 重做义齿 C 重衬 D 调牙合 E 缓冲压痛硬区的基托组织面 89.如果仍有翘动考虑其原因为 A 牙合不平衡 B 有早接触 C 基托变形 D 唇颊系带缓冲不足 E 以上原因均可 90-91共用题干 男,56岁,带全口义齿两周复查主诉咬颊90.分析引起咬颊的原因 A 基托磨光面形态不好 B 后牙覆盖过小 C 后牙覆盖过大 D 基托过厚 E 基托组织面与粘膜不密合


公共英语三级历年考试真题及答案(听力理解)2017 下半年全国英语等级考试时间为9 月10-11 日举行,其中周六 上午举办全国英语等级考试笔试科目,当天下午及次日举办口语考试, 请考生参照准考证上面的考试时间,合理安排好考试作息时间。公共英 语三级的听力题型是:第三级的题型为对话和短文理解,共25 个题, 形式为四选一,所占分数权重为30。 SECTION I Listening Comprehension Part A 1、听音频: 回答1-10 题。 Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test book-let. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible an-swers. Choose the correct answer- A, B, C or
