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新世纪版初中六下 伴你成长(unit1 lesson2) 电子版

新世纪版初中六下 伴你成长(unit1 lesson2)  电子版
新世纪版初中六下 伴你成长(unit1 lesson2)  电子版

Unit One Recreation and Sports

Lesson 2 Films and Television




1.programme n. 节目,节目单(也作:program)

辨析:performance programme

performance 是“表演,表现”,常指舞台上的演出。programme 主要是指电台或电视节目或电脑程序等。

e.g. I like to watch TV programmes after supper. 我喜欢晚饭后看电视节目。

We put on English performances at the English Evening.


2.cartoon n. 卡通,动画片;漫画

习惯用语:cartoon strip/strip cartoon=comic strip 连环漫画

cartoon characters 卡通人物animated cartoons 动画片

e.g. Mickey Mouse is my favorite cartoon character.米老鼠是我最喜欢的卡通人物。

3.quiz n. 测验,考查[复]quizzes

背景知识:quiz可以指课堂上的“测验”、“小考”等,比test(测验)还要小些;也可指广播、电视节目等中的“智力测验”、“一般知识测验”等。如Follow Me(《跟我学》,BBC 的电视教学节目)中的“London Quiz”(伦敦知识测验)。

据说“quiz”一词是18世纪末爱尔兰共和国首都都柏林一家剧院的经理James Daly创造的。一天,他和别人打赌说他可以在一夜之间造出一个新的、毫无意义的、却又不能为人们接受的词来。他花钱雇了一些顽童,连夜在首都都柏林城中的每一面墙壁上用粉笔写上“quiz”的字样。第二天一早,人们发现了这个词,但谁也不知道它的含义是什么,于是这个毫无意义的“quiz”不久就有了“智力测验”、“恶作剧”等词义。

习惯用语:have a quiz (进行)小测验quiz show (电视,电台的)智力竞赛节目

quiz kid 极聪明的孩子quiz master (答问比赛节目中的)提问者

4. play n. 喜剧;剧本(pl. plays)

e.g. We enjoyed the new play at the theatre. 我们欣赏了剧院心上演的戏。

vi. 玩,做(游戏)(常与with连用)(play, playing)

e.g. The children are playing in the garden.孩子们在花园里做游戏。

The children are playing with a ball.孩子们在玩球。

vt. 打(球等);演奏(乐器)

习惯用语:a short play 短剧

play football/basketball/volleyball 踢足球/打篮球/打排球

play the piano/violin/drum 弹钢琴/拉小提琴/打鼓

play an important role 扮演重要角色,其重要作用

fair play 公平的比赛play a part/role 扮演一个角色辨析:play, sport, game



e.g. Play is as necessity as work.. 游戏同工作一样必要。

sport 指“各种形式的体育活动”,特指“室外体育活动”。

e.g. Fishing is my favorite sport. 垂钓是我喜欢的运动。

Game 指“按一定规则决定胜负的比赛,可以是体力的或脑力的”。

e.g. Football is a popular game. 足球是一种人们喜欢的运动。

5.anything pron. 任何事(复合不定代词)

辨析:something, anything, nothing


something 某事,某物用于肯定句

e.g. There is something interesting on TV tonight. 今晚有有趣的电视节目。

anything 任何事用于否定句和疑问句

e.g. Is there anything new in today’s newspaper? 今天的报纸上有新鲜的事吗?

I didn’t do anything special last weekend. 上周末我没做任何特别的事。

nothing 没有什么事用于否定句

e.g. I felt nothing interesting about this film.我觉得这部电影一点趣味都没有。

6.special a. 特别的;特殊的;专门的

e.g. He has a special car because he cannot walk. 他有一辆专车,因为他不能走路。

This is a special day in the history of our country.


派生词:specially ad. 特别地;专门地speciality n. 特长,专长;特色菜specialist n. 专家

e.g. The mushroom is a speciality here. 蘑菇是这里的特色菜。

I made this specially for your birthday. 这是我特意为你生日而做的。

7.during the weekend 在周末期间、

同义词:during=over 在······期间

8.really ad.真正地;当真=truly, in fact

e.g. It’s really cold today. 今天可真冷。

“I collect rare coins.”“really?”“我收集罕见的硬币。”“真的吗?”

派生词:real a. 真的(同义词:true)

e.g. That is a real dog, not a toy. 那是一只真狗,不是玩具狗。

辨析:real, true

real 意为“真的”,“真实的”,“名副其实的”,指的是客观存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与“无”相对而言的。

e.g. I’m learning to skate on real ice. 我正在真正的冰上学滑冰。(非人造冰)

true 意为“真正的”,“真实的”,强调与事实和实际情况相符。它是与“假”相对而言的。

e.g. The news is true. 这消息是真的。(不是假消息)

He told us a true story. 他给我们讲了一个真实的故事。(故事不是假的)另外,true还可以表示“正确的”,real没有这种用法。

e.g. What he said is true. 他说的话是对的。

9.stay vi.& n.逗留;暂住(过去式stayed 现在分词staying)

e.g. He was staying at the Ritz (Hotel). 他住在里兹旅馆。

习惯用语:stay in 呆在家里=stay at home= stay home

stay here/there 呆在这/那stay adj. 保持

stay up 不睡,熬夜stay behind 留下来

during one’s stay…呆在…...期间stay tuned 锁定频道

e.g. An apple a day helps you stay healthy. 一天一个苹果会让你保持健康。

I am going to stay up late to finish my paper. 为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。

辨析:stay, live

stay意为“短期逗留”。live 意为“长期居住”,“家住某处”。


1.sound n.声音



e.g. They have got home safe and sound. 他们已平安到家。(sound 为形容词) Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音的速度快。

That sounds like a lot of fun. 它听起来好像很有趣。

The music sounds wonderful. 这首曲子听起来很精彩。

辨析:sound, noise, voice

noise 指各种“噪音”或“吵闹、嘈杂声”。

e.g. The noise of traffic kept him awake. 车马喧闹使他睡也睡不着。


e.g. I heard a strange sound outside. 我听到外面有一种奇怪的声音。

2.exam. n. (=examination=test)考试,检查

习惯用语:take/sit an exam 参加考试 past/fail an exam 考试合格/考试不合格 study for an exam 准备考试

e.g. I have an exam tomorrow. I have to study for it.


3.diary n. 日记=journal(pl. diaries)

习惯用语:keep/write a diary 写日记=write in a diary

4.channel n. 频道;途径;海峡

习惯用语:on Channel 5 在5频道 the English Channel 英吉利海峡

change channels 换频道 channel for sth. .....的渠道

e.g. What’s on Channel 8 now? 现在8频道播什么节目?

Internet has become an important channel for communication.


5.exchange vt.& n. 交换;调换;兑换

习惯用语:exchange Christmas gifts 交换圣诞节礼物

exchange greetings 互相问候

exchange ideas 交流想法 exchange program 交流项目、

exchange student 交换生,交流学生

exchange rate 兑换率

exchange sth.for sth. 把···换成···

exchange foreign money for RMB 把外币兑换成人民币

e.g. May I exchange seats with you? 我和你调一个座位好吗?

He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one. 我把那件黑夹克换成了蓝色的。

6.send vt.&vi. 寄=post, mail 发送;派人

e.g. Parents must send their children to school. 父母必须送小孩到学校去。

He sent letters to all his friends. 他发信给所有的朋友。

习惯用语:send for 派人去请,派人去拿

send sb. sth.=send sth.to sb. 寄某物给某人

send a message 发短信 send e-mails 发邮件

e.g. He send me a card(=He sent a card to me). 他寄给我一张卡。

Shall I send for a doctor? 要我去给您请医生吗?


e.g. 他每天送他儿子上学。

误:He sends his son to school every day.

正:He takes his son to school every day.


误:I’ll send the book to your house myself this afternoon.

正:I’ll bring the book to your house myself this afternoon.

7.exciting a.令人兴奋的,使人激动的

派生词:excited a. 兴奋的 excite v. 刺激,使···兴奋,激励

excitedly ad. 激动地,兴奋地

e.g. The good news excited everybody.


People were talking excitedly.人们在兴奋地交谈着。

辨析:exciting, excited


e.g. I have got some very exciting news for you. 我有好消息要告诉你。

The kids are really excited about our trip to Australia.


但是也有-ing形式和人连用,-ed 形式和物连用的现象。

e.g. The exciting news 激动人心的消息 the excited look 激动的表情

an amusing girl 一个讨人喜欢的女孩

a puzzled expression一种迷惑不解的表情

She said in a frightened voice.




1.on a Monday morning 在一个星期一的上午



e. g. on Friday, on Wednesday afternoon/evening, on February 23,on Children’s,

On the morning of January 1,on a winter night 在一个冬天的夜晚

in 用在上午、下午或晚上前,还用于“年、月、季节”前。

e.g.in the morning/afternoon/evening,in 1990,

in May,in summer/spring/autumn/winter


e.g. at six,at half past two

2.Li Jin and Linda are talking about how they spent their weekend.


spend 在本句中表示“度过” spend one’s holiday 度假

3.How was your weekend? 周末过得如何?

该句也可以表达为:How did you spend your weekend? 或 What did you think of your weekend? How did you like your weekend?

4.I went to a movie with my mum and dad.我和我的父母去看电影。

go to a movie 去看电影=go to the cinema, go to see a film

5.What movie did you see? 你看了什么电影?

see a movie/film 看电影


watch 观看 watch TV,watch a football match

read 阅读 read a book,read newspaper,read a letter

look 看 look at the blackboard clearly.

6.How did you like it? 你认为它怎样?(用来征询别人的意见)

同义句:How was/were...?

What did you think of it?

e.g.How did you like this film?

=What did you think of this film?

=How was this film?

应答:It was wonderful/interesting/great/terrible...

I liked/enjoyed it very much.

I enjoyed every minute of it.


1.I made two new friends there.One is from America,and the other is from Britain. 在那交了两个新朋友。一个是美国人,另一个是英国人。

(1)make friends(with sb.)和······交朋友

e.g. I like to make friends with different people. 我喜欢和不同的人交朋友。

(2)one...the other... 一个……另一个……(用于两者之间)

e.g. I have two aunts, one lives in Tokyo and the other in Osaka.


I don’t like this one, show me the other.


(3)One is from America.=One is Americam

and the other is from Britain=and the other is British.

2.I visited my grandparents. 我看望了我的爷爷奶奶。

visit(1)看望某人=see,call on (2)参观某地=call at

e.g. visit Shanghai 参观上海

3.After the movie show, we went bowling together. I was really a lot of fun.


(1)movie show 电影节目

类似短语:quiz show, talk show, game show 游戏竞赛节目

radio show 广播节目 variety show 综艺节目

(2)a lot of=lots of 许多(既能修饰可数名词,又能修饰不可数名词)

区别:a lot 和a lot of

a lot 非常,多,后面不能加名词。 read a lot, sing a lot, eat a lot

a lot of 许多,后加名词。 a lot of people, a lot of food

Lesson 2 Films and Television

Exercise 1

词汇专项(part I)

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the proper words according to the phonetic transcriptions.(看音标写单词)

1.We always watch______/kɑ:'tu:nz/ on Saturday mornings.

2.We have a history ______/'kwiz/ every Monday.

3.________ /'dju?ri?/ the summer we spend a lot more time out of doors.

4.I saw two_____/pleiz/ at Shanghai Grand Theatre last month.

5.Are you doing anything______/'spe??l/ for Christmas?

6.What’s your favourite television_______/'pr?ugr?m/?

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1.There will be two in-class______ and a final exam next week. (quiz)

2.Linda enjoyed________ over the weekend. (she)

3.It was cold______ last night. (real)

4.He began computer_______ at the age of 10. (program)

5.What’s the ______ of this restaurant? (special)

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1.They ______ (enjoy) themselves last Sunday.

2.Would you like______(have) a glass of water.

3.I must come back now because my parents_____(wait) for me.

4.He _______(begin) to live in the seaside in 1989.

5.My mother_____(study) Japanese five years ago.

6.—__________Peter_________(go) to the movies with you last night?


7.John________(not get) up early yeaterday, so he _______(be) late for school.

Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks with “something, anything, nothing”. (用something, anything, nothing 填空)

1.Doctober,I don’t feel very well today. I’m afraid_______ is wrong with me.

2.Can you see ______ in the bottle? No,_______.

3.Yesterday mother bought me______ for my birthday present. I was very happy.

4.He didn’t do_______ interesting last Sunday. He just stayed at home and watched


5.______is wrong with the radio. It’s all right.

6.—I want a chicken leg and a large potato chips.

—And ______ to drink?

—No, thanks.

7.Look! There is ______ like a big bird in the sky. But it isn’t a bird at all.

8.You mustn’t waste_______. You must finish off the chicken nuggets.

9.You can see______ in the box.. It’s empty.

10.I am very hungry. Can you get me_____ to eat?

Exercise 2

词汇专项(part Ⅱ)

Ⅰ. Choose the right phonetic symbol of the underlined letter in each word.(选用划线字母的音标,用A、B、C或D表示,填入括号内)

( ) 1.jog A./ ?u/ B./? / C./ ?i/ D./ ?/

( ) 2.break A./ei/ B./e/ C./i:/ D./e?/

( ) 3.primary A./e/ B./?/ C./ai/ D./ ?/

( ) 4.bowl A. / ?u/ B./ au/ C./ ?:/ D./ ?:/

( ) 5.news A./u:/ B./ei/ C./ju:/ D./u/

( ) 6.titanic A./ ?/ B./ei/ C./e/ D./a:/

( ) 7.science A./i?/ B./ ai?/ C./ ?:/ D./au/

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1.His parents were watching TV in the_______ room. (sit)

2.Read my _______, and you’ll know more about me. (diary)

3.We ________ phone number, but I don’t think I’ll call him. (change)

4.I’ve got some very______ news for you. (excite)

5.I bought the film ticket______ for you. (special)

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in their proper forms. (用所给单词的适当形式填空)

1.I spent one hour_______ (read) yesterday evening.

2.We ________(enjoy) ourselves at the party last weekend.

3.Look! Some children ______(play) ball gaems over there. They _____(play) happily.

4.Light ______(travel) much faster than sound.

5.Tom, together with his classmates, often ______(go) fishing on Sunday.

6.—What _______you________(do) now?

—I_______ (look) for my pen. I ________(put) it here a moment ago but I can’t_____

(find) it now.

7.—How often_______ they_______(hold) a sports meeting?

—They_______(use) to hold a sports meeting once a year.

Ⅳ. Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断下列句子,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表


Judy works in a sports shop. She loves all kinds of sports. She can swim and skate very well. She often plays basketball and volleyball. These days, she is talking her tennis leaaons at a tennis club. She goes to the club at weekends. There she met Kate and Joan. The three of them became good friends. Kate and Joan started their tennis lessons earlier than Judy, but Judy learns the fastest. Now she plays the best of the three.

“You must take part in the tennis match in our town next year,” Kate said to Judy.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Judy answered.

( )1. Judy works at a tennis club.

( )2. Judy is Kate’s new friend.

( )3. Judy starts her tennis lessons earliest of the three.

( )4. Judy can play tennis better than Kate and Joan.

( )5.Judy is going to take part in the tennis match next year.

Exercise 3

语法专项(Discovering language)

Ⅰ.Write out the past forms of the following verbs. (写出下列动词的过去式)

1. spend__________

2. go________

3. see_________

4. think_______

5. get__________

6. make________

7. buy__________ 8. come________

9. teach_________ 10.take________

11.drink_________ 12.will________

13.can__________ 14.bring_______

15.visit_________ 16.wash________

17.have_________ 18.do_________

19.stay_________ 20.sound_______

Ⅱ.Make dialogues, using the cues in the box. (用方框里所给的词仿照例句造句)

A: Did you go shopping yesterday afternoon?

B: Yes, I did. I got home at 3:10.


B:_________________________________________________________________________ 2.A:_________________________________________________________________________

B:_________________________________________________________________________ 3.A:________________________________________________________________________

B: ________________________________________________________________________ 4.A:_________________________________________________________________________

B:_________________________________________________________________________ 5.A:_________________________________________________________________________

B:_________________________________________________________________________ Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms. (用所给动词的适当形式填空)

1.Look! The old lady_________ (stand) beside the river. It’s dangerous.

2.—_________ your father_______(tell) you stories everyday.

—Yes. He________ me an interesting story yesterday evening.

3.How_______ his mother_________(go) to the movies last night?

4.—Who _________Jack________ (play) chess with a moment ago?

—His cousin ________.

5.There_______(be) a football match between China and Japan tomorrow.

Let’s______(watch) it together.

6._____________she __________(take) a No. 20 bus every day?

7.Jack,_________ (not talk) ! The children ______(sleep) now.

8.—When_________ you______(go) to the bed last night?

—I________(go) to bed at nine.

9.We _______ (see) a new film last Friday. It_______ (be) very interesting.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8a3835719.html,st week Mary ________(buy) a pair of gloves for her mother as birthday present.

Ⅳ.Fill in the blanks. (选用适当的答案,使上、下句意义完整连贯)

1.—_________ ________is the fruit? (How much, How long)

—30 yuan..

2. —________ you go ________ last weekend? (Did...bowling, Do...bowled)

—Yes,I did.

3.—_________ your father a teacher before?

—Yes, he__________(Is... is,Was...was)

4.—_______ ________ favoutitefood? (What’s your,Which you)


5.—________ ________ does Tom read English every morning? (How long, What time)

—About half an hour.

6.—______ did Alice_______to bed last night? (What time...got, When... go)

—At 9:30.

7.—________did you ________ the film? (What...think of, How... think)

—It was wonderful.

8.—________your parents at home yesterday? (Were,Was)

—No, they weren’t.

9.—________Mary enjoy________basketball?(Do...play, Does...playing)

—Yes,she does.

10.—________ you enjoy________ at the party?(Do... yourself, Did... yourselves)

—Yes.We enjoyed every minute of it.

Exercise 4


Ⅰ. Put the following phrases into English, (将下列短语译成英文)

1. 在一个星期一的上午___________________

2. 度过周末______________________

3. 访谈节目_____________________________

4. 智力竞赛节目__________________

5. 电视剧_______________________________

6. 看卡通片______________________

7. 在周末期间___________________________ 8. 不出门,呆在家________________

9. 去看电影_____________________________ 10.一些特别的事_________________

11.看电视_______________________________ 12.事实上不是____________________

13.体育节目_____________________________ 14.你认为······怎么样?_________ Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. (选择适当的词填空)

1.Tom enjoys _____________. (to jog, jogging)

2.Jenny spent an hour ________(talking, to talk) in English with her students yesterday.

3.The children had a wonderful day _________ (on, in) Children’s Day.

4.My family are looking forward to ________ (watching, seeing) the new film.

5.How did you _______ Music TV? (like, think of)

6.I didn’t do ________ (special anything, anything special) over the weekend.

Ⅲ. Rewrite the sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)

1.I saw Titanic last Thursday . (用what movie 提问)


2. Dick did something special over the weekend. (改为一般疑问句)


3. I watched some sports and variety shows last night. (用what programmes 提问)


4. The talk show was great. (用think of 提问)


5. I just stayed in and watched TV last weekend. (用how 提问)

_______________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ. Complete the following dialogues. (完成下列对话)


1. A:_________ did you ___________ yesterday afternoon?

B:I went to the cinema.

2. A:_________ did you ____________your last weekend?

B:I just stayed in and watched TV.

3. A:_________ did you go bowling _________ this morning?

B: I went with my cousins.

4. A:_________ did you___________ your PE class?

B: We had our PE class this morning.

5. A:_________ did you visit this morning?

B: I visited Shanghai Grant Theatre.


1.A: Were this twins at the party last night?

B: _____________________________________________________________________

2. A: Was uncle Wang at work or away yesterday?


3.A: How many people were at the meeting?


4.A: Why was Liz not here last week?


5.A: Were you late this morning?


6.A: What did you have for breakfast?

B:_____________________________________________________________________ Ⅴ. Choose the best answers.( 选择最恰当的答案)

()1.—Did you enjoy yourselves at the party?

—Yes, we_______.

A. enjoy it very much

B. had a good time

C. have a wonderful time

D. spent a good evening

( ) 2.— I am good at ball game, I am________ the school volleyball team. A. in B. with C. on D. at

( ) 3.___________, I met a friend of mine.

A. On the way to home

B. On my way to school

C. In the way home

D. By the way to school

( ) 4.Do you like________ films?

A. watching

B. watch

C. see

D. seeing

( ) 5.They are leaving London_________ the morning of May 5.

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. during

( ) 6. We are going to see a film. Would you like to join______ ?

A. we

B. us

C. our

D. ourselves

( ) 7. Adam usually __________ books in the morning, but this evening he _______ TV now.

A. reads; is watching

B. is read; is watching

C. reads; watches

D. is reads; is watching

( ) 8.—I’m sorry, I’m late.

—__________ .

A. That’s all right

B. You’re welcome

C. All right

D. You’re right

( ) 9. _______ milk is there in the bottle?

A. How long

B. What

C. How many

D. How much

( ) 10. Peter can ________ very much.

A. swim

B. go swimming

C. go swim

D. swimming

( ) 11. Mother ________ dinner at home last night.

A. doesn’t have

B. hasn’t

C. hadn’t

D. didn’t have ( ) 12. Titanic is the name of the______.

A. film

B. TV serial

C. talk show

D. science

Exercise 5

技能训练专项(Developing Skills)

Ⅰ. Put the following phrases into English, (将下列短语译成英文)


2. 去人民公园英语角____________________





7.相互保持联系___________________ 8.在5频道_____________________________

9.上海大剧院_____________________ 10.交换电话号码_______________________

11.上海体育馆____________________ 12.发邮件给朋友_______________________

13.呆在家里______________________ 14.和妈妈一起浏览因特网_______________ Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. (选择适当的词填空)

1.The English song sounds_________(wonderful,wonderfully).

2.Betty is good at singing and her________ (sound,voice) is sweet.

3.David doesn’t spend much time studying, so he is ______(poor,good) at his studies.

4.My aunt __________(had,born) a baby last month.

5.________(Where, What) did you wisit last month.

6.Tomorrow is Teachers’Day. I want to buy some presents_______(for,to)them.

7.On her way_________(home, to home),she saw a wallet on the ground.

8.I played tennis with Linda ________(in, for) an hour.

Ⅲ. Put the following sentences into English. (将下列句子译成英文)

1.My parents_____________(给我买了一台电脑) last Saturday.

2.A: Did you have a good time_____________(在周末期间)?

B: I didn’t _____________(做任何特别的事).

3.Peter likes___________ (看电影).

4.Our class_____________(参观了上海大剧院) last week.

5.The students of Class Two had a picnic in Century Park_____________(在一个星期天


6.Li Hua ________________(结交了一些新朋友) at the English Corner last week.

7.Alice _________________ (给自己买了一些炸薯条) for lunch.

Ⅳ. Complete the following dialogues. (完成下列对话)


A: What are you talking a_________?

B: We are talking about v_________ shows.

A: Which programme do you like to watch in the evening?

B: I often watch the sports programmes on C___________.

C: Me,too. Sometimes I watch TV music.

A: What did you t________ of TV music yesterday evening?

C: I e________ every minute of it.


1. A: What are your___________ sports?

B: I like_________ basketball and I often ________roller-skating. _______ you?

A: I like jogging. I often went________ with my parents in winter.

2. A: Shall we________ Shanghai Museum this week?

B: Yes, that’s a good________.

3.A:________ _________ are these pears and apples?

B: Twenty yuan__________.

Ⅴ. Choose the best answers.( 选择最恰当的答案)

( )1. We had _________ wonderful time yesterday.





( )2. My sister was_________ the school volleyball team before.




D.from ( )3. Your mother is an English teacher._________you speak English very well.

A. No problem


C.No wonder

D.Nor only. ( )4. __________ was your weekend?



C.What about

D.Why ( )5. The Zhangs_________bowling last weekend?

A. are going



D.went ( )6. Mary swims with________ cousins every summer.

A. she

B. her

C. he

D. his ( )7. The students went jogging, but they________ badminton yesterday.


B.didn’t play


D.don’t play ( )8.—Did your father like shrimp before?


A.Yes, he liked

B. No, he like it

C.Yes, he did

D.No, my father didn’t

( )9._________ a Monday afternoon, we played basketball with our teacher.




D.During ( )10._________ do you think of talk show?




D.Who ( )11. We enjoyed every_________ of music TV

A. minutes

B. minute

C. hours

D.days ( )12. He spent half an hour_________TV.




D.watches ( )13. I want to watch the TV seria. Please _______ the TV.

A.turn on

B. turn off

C. turn up

D. turn down ( )14. —Have a good time.

—________. The same to you.



C.All right

D.Thank you


冀教版初中英语复习资料 期中考试就要到来了,那么同学们应该怎样进行英语复习呢?要准备哪些复习资料呢?下面是由的冀教版初中英语复习资料,希望对您有帮助。 1 北,南,东和西 This is north. 这是北。 North points up on a map. 在地图上北指向上方。 This is east. 这是东。 East points right. 东指向右。

This is west. 这是西。 West points left. 西指向左。 This is south. 这是南。 South points down. 南指向下。 Look at the map, Wang Mei. 看看这张地图,王眉。 We can see all the countries around the world.

我们能看到世界上所有的国家。 Yes. 是的。 I can see China. 我能看到中国。 It's red on the map. 在地图上它是红色的。 But where is New Zealand? 但是新西兰在哪儿? My grandparents will go there during the Spring Festival. 我的祖父母将在今年春节去那。

Well,And New Zealand is southeast of Australia. 好的,新西兰在澳大利亚的东南方。 can you see Australia? 你能看到澳大利亚吗? ? It's southeast of China. 它是中国的东南方。 And New Zealand is southeast of Australia.新西兰在澳大利亚的东南方。 Yes, I see it. 是的,我看看。 And where is Canada?

新世纪小学英语3A教案 Unit 1 Now we are in P3

新世纪小学英语3A教案 Unit 1 Now we are in P3 新世纪小学英语3A 新世纪小学英语》(NewwelcometoEnglish)这套教材图文并茂,选材幽默,趣味性强,有利于激发和保持学生的学习兴趣。这套教材共分六级,每级又分A和B两册。 教材每个单元主要包括以下内容: ‘Talkingaboutthepicture’是让学生‘Funreading’中出现的生词进行预习。 ‘Learnthesesentences’展现本单元最主要的语法现象。 ‘Funreading’是在一种有趣的情景下复现所学的生词和语法结构。同时,它引导学生通过运用熟悉的看漫画的方式来培养阅读英语的习惯,这是让学生提高阅读能力的第一阶段,并为今后的学习打好基础. ‘Dialogues’让学生练习交际对话,即通过提供个人简单信息的回答方式达到交流目的。‘Rhymes’充分体现了此套教材寓教于乐的特色。 ‘Finishthesentences’(完成句子)让学生将所缺单词写出来,完成句子。 ‘Tasks’(任务)鼓励学生根据已经学过的语言做练习,无需做更多的准备。

学生情况分析及改进措施 通过二年的英语浸入式学习,学生认知于人际能力伴随语言一起发展,从而充分调动了学生的主动性,学生的英语兴趣不断提高,使英语语言的发展成为课堂中隐性的自然的习得过程。在两年的浸入式英语学习过程中,班里许多学生可以用英语思维去学习语言,由于教师在课堂上不用母语,因此儿童的英语听力理解发展的很快,并且认读能力也有相应的提高。并且一些学生在全国及全省英语比赛中取得了优异的成绩,部分学生语言表达能力有了较大提高,在三年级的教学中,我将尽最大努力提高两个班学生的英语会话水平,提高学生整体水平。 在三年级的学习过程中,为了给学生提供更为广阔丰富的语言环境,使孩子听、说能力不断提高,读、写能力随之跟上。教师应给孩子创设更为轻松的语言习得环境,设计更为丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生自然的交流。 由于三年级英语学习对读写能力有了一定的要求,为了促进学生的学习兴趣,我将制定初较为完善的评价体系,通过评价体系不仅可以把握学生对基本内容和要求的达到情况,而且可以把学生的情况及时反馈给家长,相信学生可以取得最大的进步,我也会不断改进,对一些教育教学措施加以完善。 总体教学目标


龙源期刊网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8a3835719.html, 《关于适应新时代要求大力发现培养选拔优秀年轻干部的意见》审议 作者: 来源:《办公室业务》2018年第07期 《关于适应新时代要求大力发现培养选拔优秀年轻干部的意见》审议 中共中央政治局6月29日召开会议,审议《关于适应新时代要求大力发现培养选拔优秀年轻干部的意见》。会议强调,要着眼“两个一百年”奋斗目标,着眼推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,着眼党的事业后继有人、兴旺发达,努力建设一支忠实贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、全心全意为人民服务,适应新使命新任务新要求、经得起风浪考验,数量充足、充满活力的高素质专业化年轻干部队伍。会议指出,大力发现培养选拔优秀年轻干部,要全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,紧紧围绕统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局和协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,落实好干部标准,遵循干部成长规律,按照拓宽来源、优化结构、改进方式、提高质量的要求,进一步创新理念、创新思路、创新模式,以大力发现培养为基础,以强化实践锻炼为重点,以确保选准用好为根本,以从严管理监督为保障,健全完善年轻干部选拔、培育、管理、使用环环相扣又统筹推进的全链条机制,形成优秀年轻干部不断涌现的生动局面,把各方面各领域优秀领导人才聚集到执政骨干队伍中来,为决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供充足干部储备和人才保证。会议要求,各级党委(党组)要增强大局意识和全局观念,把年轻干部工作摆上重要议事日程,切实抓紧抓好。要建立以党委(党组)主要负责同志为第一责任人的工作责任制,一级抓一级,一级带一级,逐级负责,层层抓落实,把发现培养选拔年轻干部工作实效作为党建工作考核的重要内容。 《中共中央国务院关于全面加强生态环境保护坚决打好污染防治攻坚战的意见》公布 近日,国务院公布《中共中央国务院关于全面加强生态环境保护坚决打好污染防治攻坚 战的意见》。《意见》提出必须加大力度、加快治理、加紧攻坚,打好标志性的重大战役,为人民创造良好生产生活环境。《意见》明确污染防治攻坚战的总体目标为:到2020年,生态环境质量总体改善,主要污染物排放总量大幅减少,环境风险得到有效管控,生态环境保护水平同全面建成小康社会目标相适应。通过加快构建生态文明体系,确保到2035年节约资源和保护生态环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式总体形成,生态环境质量实现根本好转,美丽中国目标基本实现。到本世纪中叶,生态文明全面提升,实现生态环境领域国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。据悉,在全国生态环境保护大会上,国家领导人强调,要自觉把经济社会发展同生态文明建设统筹起来,加大力度推进生态文明建设、解决生态环境问题,坚决打好污染防治攻坚战,推动我国生态文明建设迈上新台阶。此次《意见》的公布,深刻回答了为什么建设生态文明、建设什么样的生态文明、怎样建设生态文明等重大理论和实践问题,系统形成了习近平生态文明思想。


优秀年轻干部培养、选拔、使用问题研究 大力培养和选拔优秀年轻干部,是实现领导班子更替有序、保证党的事业后继有人的重要保证。准确把握年轻干部成长规律,做好年轻干部培养、选拔和使用工作,是当前加强领导班子建设和干部队伍建设的一项紧迫任务。近日,合作对全市年轻干部现状和存在的问题进行了调研,并提出了对策建议。 一、主要做法 近年来,xxx紧紧围绕加强领导班子、干部队伍建设和促进经济社会发展的需要,把培养选拔优秀年轻干部提到了重要议事日程,不断推动培养选拔优秀年轻干部工作。 (一)加大力度培养年轻干部 一是加强理论素养和理论水平的培训。坚持把理论培训作为年轻干部培养的首要任务来抓,不断加强年轻干部教育培训工作,特别注重加强政治理论培训,提高年轻干部的政策理论素质、政策运用能力、解决复杂问题的能力。今年来,我们投入培训经费60余万元,分5期举办青年、党外、妇女干部培训班,共培训干部265人;投入培训经费5万元,举办基层党组织书记培训班4期,培训390人次;选派10名干部到浙江大学培训,5名副县级后备干部参加中青年干部培训班,7名青年干部参加优秀年轻干部培训班;召开选

调生座谈会1次,培训选调生14人;选派2名医务人员参加“陇原之光”人才培训,99名基层年轻干部参加藏汉“双语”培训班。通过有针对性的培训,使年轻干部真正打牢思想根基,补足精神之“钙”。二是突出多岗位锻炼。对有发展潜力的年轻干部采取“选、送、派”等方式,多渠道搭建年轻干部锻炼成长的平台,共选派38名年轻干部到农牧村挂职,1名省管“80后”后备干部到天津挂职,2名科级干部到州直单位挂职,引导年轻干部真正沉下去、真心融进去,在艰苦环境和不同岗位增长才干,锤炼意志,积累经验,提高了年轻干部驾驭经济工作能力和处理复杂问题的能力。三是在扶贫攻坚第一线培养年轻干部。把“1236”扶贫攻坚行动的作为培养锻炼干部的主阵地,在16个重点贫困村选派37名年轻干部驻村帮扶,全面参与贫困村扶贫脱贫各项工作,帮助群众解决最直接、最现实、最迫切的困难和问题,以扶贫攻坚的成效检验年轻干部的工作实绩。 (二)扩大视野发现年轻干部 为了准确掌握全市年轻干部队伍现状,我们于2015年10月对全市35岁以下、大专以上学历、转正定级满2年的干部进行了全面摸底,对符合条件的1038名年轻干部登记造册。在此基础上,经请示市委同意,制定了《xxx补充副科级后备干部工作方案》,在各乡、街道和市直各部门集中补充了138名副科级后备干部。在推荐、考察、审核过程中,


上海新世纪版2020年中考英语试卷(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、完形填空 (共1题;共15分) 1. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My kids and I decided to go to the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, we saw a man holding a piece of paper that said, " 1 my job. Family to feed." At this store, a 2 like this was not normal. My 10-year-old kid noticed him and said it must be awful to have to stand 3 in the cold wind. In the store, I asked each of my kids to4 something they thought our "friend" there would appreciate(感激). They got 5 , a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old kid suggested giving him a 6 . All the other kids and I thought it was a good idea. When we handed him the bag of 7 , he lit up and thanked us with watery 8. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for9his family might need, he burst into tears. This has been a wonderful 10 for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can 11 ! Things would have played out so 12 if I had simply said, "No, we really don't have 13 to give more. "Stepping out not only helped a father in 14 , it also gave my kids the15 taste of helping others. It'll go a long way with them. (1) A . Lost B . Changed C . Found D . Finished (2) A . condition B . place C . sight D . show (3) A . outside B . proudly C . straight D . angrily


冀教版初中英语单词汇总(最新版)a art.一(个,件) a bit (of) 少量(的),一点a bottle of 一瓶… a few 一些,几个 a glass of 一(玻璃)杯… a kind of 一种;一类 a little 一点;少量 a lot of 许多;大量 a lot 很;非常 a moment ago 刚才 a moment later 片刻之后 a pair of 一对;一双 a piece of 一片(一张…)a place of interest 名胜 a shop assistant 售货员;店员 a TV set 一台电视机 a waste of time 浪费(白费) 时间 a.m. (缩)上午,午前 able adj.有能力的;能干的 about ad.大约 prep.关于;对 于 above prep. 在…上面 abroad adv.到国外,在国外 accident 事故;灾难 across prep.横穿;穿过 active adj.积极的 activity n.活动 ad =advertisement n.广告 address n.地址 aeroplane n.飞机 afford v.有足够的(钱、时间) 做某事 afraid adj. 害怕的 Africa n.非洲 after prep./ad.在...以后; 在...后面 after a while 过了一会儿 after class 背后 afternoon n.下午;午后 again adv. 又;再 again and again 再三地;反复 地;一再地 against prep.及…对抗;对着 age n.年龄 ago adv. 以前 agree v. 同意;赞成 agree with同意…意见(想法); 符合;一致 air n. 天空;空气 airport n. 飞机场 alive adj.活着的 all ad.都;完全 adj. 所有 的;整个 all pron. 全体;全部 all by oneself 独立;单独 all day 一整天;一天到晚 all kinds of 各种各样的 all over 遍及 1 / 40


Unit 1 Patriotism Teaching object: Master the key words and structures, and learn sth. about what a true patriot is. The students should not only know what patriotism really means, but learn from the heroic spirit of some famous Chinese patriots. Teaching Procedures: Lead in activity; study of the text; study of words and phrases; study of reading skills; study of practical reading; study of practical writing Vocabulary: arise; command; conquer, destroy; hand on; be bound to do sth. … Structure: in order that; as well as Skills: how to identify topic sentences for paragraphs. I. Lead in 1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs what they see in the pictures and what the pictures make them think of. They could make use of the words given under “ideas”. 2. The students should discuss in pairs why they are willing to sacrifice oneself for their motherland or for a great cause and note down their partner’s opinions to the class. 3. Ask the students to tell each other what they think a true patriot would be like before they read the text. After reading the text, they are asked to make a comparison between the patriot mentioned in the text with the one in their own mind. II. Background information: 1.patriotism/patriot 2.National flag, emblem. &. anthem of the people’s republic of China 3.topic-related words or phrases: a.the war of resistance against Japan


把握年轻干部健康成长规律 在创先争优活动中有位有为 近年来,对于年轻干部的选拔和使用,历来都是莫衷一是,赞成的认为年轻干部精力充沛,创新意识强,到新岗位敢打敢拼,能有效推进工作。反对的声音则认为年轻干部经验不足,阅历不丰, 思考问题不够全面。但是从干部培养和管理的角度来看,只有帮助年轻干部认真审视自己、了解自己,努力培养和提高干部的党性意识、服务意识、勤政意识和“创先争优”意识,才是促进其健康成长的前提和基础,才能让他们有位有为,成长为未来事业发展的接班人。 一、年轻干部成长中存在的问题和不足 目前,年轻干部成长中的最短板”主要在以下几个方面: 一是理论功底不够扎实,缺乏严格的党内政治生活锻炼,党性观念比较薄弱。还有一些年轻干部不注意实践锻炼和积累,解决实际问题的能力比较薄弱。 二是吃苦奉献精神不足,艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约的优良传统发扬不够。随着物质生活水平日益提高,工作环境逐步改善,年轻干部自觉奉献、勤俭办事的意识比较淡薄。 三是急功近利,心浮气躁,缺乏“创先争优”意识。一些年轻干部在工作上为急于出政绩、得荣誉,往往对扬名显能的事比较热衷,对眼前的、现实的成就比较看重,缺乏脚踏实地,从基本功练起的实干精神和克服困难的毅力。目前有相当一部分年轻干部是从学校到机关,然后逐渐走上领导岗位。在他们的成长历程中,考重点高中、考大学、考公务员,过五关斩六将,一次次获胜,似乎这些都是靠自我奋斗的结果,一些年轻干部不能正确把握组织上提供的实践锻炼的机会,只认为是提拔的前奏,宗旨意识不强,缺少踏实工作和服务群众的观念,没能有效把握实践机会,从中增长才干。 二、年轻干部成长有哪些规律 中组部部长李源潮指出,要遵循年轻干部的成长规律,不断提高培养选拔年轻干部工作水平。多年来,我们在工作中逐渐摸索,不断总结,归纳了一些年轻干部成长过程的规律。 1、年轻干部普遍接受过良好的教育,但还需进一步加强岗位知识积累。 从我区情况来看,35 岁以下领导干部和后备干部当中,具有大学以上学历的179 名,占总数的

上海新世纪版中考英语真题试卷(II )卷

上海新世纪版中考英语真题试卷(II )卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、阅读理解(共五篇短文,共25小题,计30分。其中A~D篇每小 (共5题;共65分) 1. (10分)阅读理解 One day, my mother said she wanted to buy me some new clothes. I was very happy and surprised because my family didn't have much money at that time. I bought three dresses a pink one, a blue one and a yellow and blue one. I liked that yellow and blue dress best, I often played and studied with my best friend, Sara, I was happy to show her my three new beautiful dresses. She loved them and was happy for me. But at the same time she felt sad because she could only get new clothes on her birthday. So I asked her to pick out one of the three dresses of mine. Then she picked my favorite one the yellow and blue one! I was not happy. You know, I was only a seven-year-old girl. She tried it on and felt very happy. I didn't want her to feel bad. So I told her it looked great on her. When I told my mother about it, she said, "Kelly, you're a good girl." I shared my dress with my best friend, and she shared her joy(快乐) with me. That's true friendship(友谊), And we are still best friends now. (1)Kelly bought new dresses. A . five B . two C . three D . four (2)Kelly liked the dress best. A . pink B . pink and blue C . blue D . yellow and blue (3)Kelly showed her dress to . A . her best friend B . her teacher C . her sister D . her cousin (4)When Sara put on Kelly 's favorite dress, . A . Kelly felt happy



七上 Unit 1 Jenny 詹妮(女)Canada 加拿大 Danny 丹尼(男)thanks 谢谢 student 学生 four 四 five 五 over 在那边 Jones 琼斯(姓)homeroom 年级教室 Kate 凯特(女)classmate 同班同学 Jack 杰克(男)visiting 访问的 show 指示;带路around 到处classroom 教室 office 办公室 plan 计划 fun 有趣的事;玩笑lab 实验室 eraser 橡皮擦 guess 猜测 first 第一;首先wall 墙 may 可以 excuse 原谅 borrow 借 two 二 three 三 store 商店 later 后来 thing 东西;事情need 需要 list 名单;目录 ten 十 six 六 seven 七 one 一nine 九 eight 八 Unit 2 Smith 史密斯(姓)sure 当然 blouse 女衬衫 really 真正地 Kim 金(女) pink 粉色(的) paint 绘画;涂料 mix 混合 rainbow 彩虹 purple 紫色(的) out 在外面 sky 天空 Bob 鲍勃(男) scarf 围巾 glove 手套 maybe 也许 Lynn 琳(女) just 恰恰;刚刚 catch 抓住;染上(病)ready 准备好的dinosaur 恐龙 T-shirt 短袖汗衫 jacket 夹克 forget 忘记 hat (有边的)帽子pants 裤子 colourful 丰富多彩的 so 非常;那么bright 明亮的;耀眼的world 世界 report 报告 traditional 传统的 sari 莎丽(印度服装)India 印度 uniform 制服 pretty 漂亮的 centre 中心 Saturday 星期六


Unit One Why College? Lead in 1. Ask the students to look at the pictures on Page 1 in the textbook and discuss in pairs why some high school graduates go to college and why some do not, and then ask some pairs to tell their opinions to the whole class. 2. Ask the students to find out about the advantages and disadvantages of going to college and of finding a job or, of joining the army after high school, and then to tell the reasons to the whole class. Read In I. Background Information Education in the United States The national system of formal education in the United States took shape in the 19th century. It differed from educational systems of other Western countries in three fundamental respects. First, Americans were more inclined to regard education as a solution to various social problems. Second, because they had this confidence in the power of education Americans provided more years of schooling for a larger percentage of the population than other countries. Third, educational institutions were primarily run by local authorities rather than by federal ones. The most notable characteristic of the American educational system is the large number of people it serves. College and Universities Colleges and universities are degree granting institutions of higher education. In the original sense of the word, a college was a group of students who gathered to share academic and residential facilities. Each college was a component part of a corporate body called a university. Today, esp. in the United States a college may be affiliated with a university or be independent. The undergraduate program generally is four years, and each year is split into two or three semesters.


部健康成长规律 在创先争优活动中有位有为 近年来,对于年轻干部的选拔和使用,历来都是莫衷一是,赞成的认为年轻干部精力充沛,创新意识强,到新岗位敢打敢拼,能有效推进工作。 反对的声音则认为年轻干部经验不足,阅历不丰,思考问题不够全面。但是从干部培养和管理的角度来看,只有帮助年轻干部认真审视自己、了解自己,努力培养和提高干部的党性意识、服务意识、勤政意识和“创先争优”意识,才是促进其健康成长的前提和基础,才能让他们有位有为,成长为未来事业发展的接班人。 一、年轻干部成长中存在的问题和不足 目前,年轻干部成长中的“最短板”主要在以下几个方面: 一是理论功底不够扎实,缺乏严格的党内政治生活锻炼,党性观念比较薄弱。还有一些年轻干部不注意实践锻炼和积累,解决实际问题的能力比较薄弱。 二是吃苦奉献精神不足,艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约的优良传统发扬不够。 随着物质生活水平日益提高,工作环境逐步改善,年轻干部自觉奉献、勤俭办事的意识比较淡薄。 三是急功近利,心浮气躁,缺乏“创先争优”意识。一些年轻干部在工作上为急于出政绩、得荣誉,往往对扬名显能的事比较热衷,对眼前的、现实的成就比较看重,缺乏脚踏实地,从基本功练起的实干精神和克服困难的毅力。目前有相当一部分年轻干部是从学校到机关,然后逐渐走上领 导岗位。在他们的成长历程中,考重点高中、考大学、考公务员,过五关斩六将,一次次获胜,似乎这些都是靠自我奋斗的结果,一些年轻干部不能正确把握组织上提供的实践锻炼的机会,只认为是提拔的前奏,宗旨意识不强,缺少踏实工作和服务群众的观念,没能有效把握实践机会,从中增长才干。 二、年轻干部成长有哪些规律 中组部部长李源潮指出,“要遵循年轻干部的成长规律,不断提高培养选拔年轻干部工作水平。”多年来,我们在工作中逐渐摸索,不断总结,归纳了一些年轻干部成长过程的规律。


学科英语教材及其版本新世纪初中英语八年级第一学期课题For or Against Keeping Pets本课为第一课时教学设计者张岚 教学设计设计说明 (一)教学目标 知识和能力目标 ●Try utilizing the approach to method ‘PPP’ (Presentation, Practice, Production) 尝试使用‘PPP’教学法,即(输入、 练习、输出),发展学生综合语言运 用能力。二期课改的新课程标准倡导以学生为主的自主型学习模式,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现教学目标,获得成就感。在教学中教师应该鼓励学生发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能,提高人文素养,培养创新精神。 过程和方法目标 ●Train students to grasp the basic structures and techniques of a debate. 掌握英语辩论的基本结构和基本技 巧。通过对课文的学习,使学生掌握英语辩论的基本结构。如怎样有层次地阐述自己的观点;怎样礼貌地反驳对方观点以及如何设问、反问等基本辩论技巧。 情感和价值观目标 ●Arouse students’ Cross-cultural awareness. 通过导入新课时动物的象征意义在中西

培养学生的跨文化意识。 ●Help students to cooperate with each other and build up team spirit. 培养学生的团队合作精神。 ●Help students have a sense of responsibility for pets and the society. 激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任 感。方文化中的差异性比较,培养学生的跨文化意识,使他们体验到中西方文化的不同魅力。 在Practice(练习)环节中,通过让学生分组讨论,分享彼此的意见,取长补短并在辩论的过程中彼此提供帮助,将极大地培养学生的团队合作精神。 在学生不断感知、体验、实践的过程中,使学生逐步意识到人类行为的重要性,激发学生对动物乃至社会的责任感。 (二)教学过程1.导入新课 ●Match the animals with their meanings in Chinese culture, and then compare their meanings in Western culture. 动物的象征意义在中西文化中的差 异性比较。在学习英语的过程中,学生势必会注意到中西方文化的差异性,这是一个很有趣的课题。动物的象征意义虽然只是这个课题中的“冰山一角”,却极其生动有趣。如“龙”在中国象征着天子,代表着神圣、权威和智慧;而“龙”在西方却代表着邪恶,因此有“As wicked as a dragon”, “As ugly as a dragon”,尤其用“龙”来形容凶恶丑陋的妇女。又如“狗”在中国多为贬义,如“狐朋


冀教版初中英语教学设计 Unit1 Lesson2 May I Invite Danny and Jenny? 一、教学理念: 根据新课标,教师应把握好教学设计的系统性、科学性、有效性;时间分配的合理性,知识传递的准确性,学生学习的高效性;培养学生发现问题、解决问题的能力,帮助学生养成独立思考、共同讨论、合作探究的习惯;同时培养学生综合运用语言的能力及互助创新能力,课后师生及时交流,教师反思。 二、教材分析 本课是本单元的中心课文,主要以“邀请”这个话题为主线,电话交际为辅线来展开教学活动。 本课涉及到本单元的重点内容有: 1、Talking about Distance e.g. Canada is far from China. 2、Asking for Permission. e.g. May I invite them, Mom? 3、Showing Intentions e.g. I want them to come on our trip to Beijing. 而本课的主要内容就是在讨论距离be far from请求许可.May I …? Yes,you may. No, you may not.表明意图I want to…中展开教学活动。 三、教学策略 教学设计力求活用教学方法,全方位、多角度、多层次调动学生的主动性、积极性、培养合作意识和探究能力,由点到面、循序渐进、环环相扣,让学生在轻松、活跃的气氛中得到听、说、读、写四

种技能的培养及能力的提高。 四、教学目标 1.帮助学生掌握语言目标知识,灵活运用本课的重点词汇、短语、句型 2.帮助学生掌握语言技能知识,熟练使用电话用语和邀请的日常交际用语。 3.帮助学生正确表达与本课有关的Distance 、Permission、Intentions内容 五、教学方法 个人阅读、小组讨论、师生互动 六、教学工具 Multimedia Recorder and Tape 七、教学重点难点 1. 词汇want ,come,hello,with,who,when,do,leave,for,arrive 2.短语leave for arrive in /at talk to /with 3.句型1. want somebody to do something 2. invite somebody to somewhere 3. Thanks for… 4. Oh, please, Mom? Please, please. 八、教学过程 Step1 Lead-in (1 minute) As we all see in the pictures, Beijing is preparing for the coming Olympic Games. Many visitors are hoping to Beijing.Do you want to go to Beijing?


新世纪小学英语3A 整体教材分析《新世纪小学英语》(NewWelcometoEnglish)这套教材图文并茂,选材幽默,趣味性强,有利于激发 和保持学生的学习兴趣。这套教材共分六级,每级又分 A和B两册。 教材每个单元主要包括以下内容: ‘Talkingaboutthepicture’(看图说话)是让学生 ‘Funreading’中出现的生词进行预习。 ‘Learnthesesentences’(学句子)展现本单元最主要的语法现象。 ‘Funreading’(趣味阅读)是在一种有趣的情景下复现 所学的生词和语法结构。同时,它引导学生通过运用熟悉的看漫画的方式来培养阅读英语的习惯,这是让学生提高阅读能力的第一阶段,并为今后的学习打好基础. ‘Dialogues’(对话)让学生练习交际对话,即通过提供 个人简单信息的回答方式达到交流目的。‘Rhymes’(歌谣)充分体现了此套教材寓教于乐的特色。 ‘Finishthesentences’(完成句子)让学生将所缺单词写出来,完成句子。 ‘Tasks’(任务)鼓励学生根据已经学过的语言做练习,无需做更多的准备。

学生情况分析及改进措施 通过二年的英语浸入式学习,学生认知于人际能力伴随语言一起发展,从而充分调动了学生的主动性,学生的英语兴趣不断提高,使英语语言的发展成为课堂中隐性的自然的习得过程。在两年的浸入式英语学习过程中,班里许多学生可以用英语思维去学习语言,由于教师在课堂上不用母语,因此儿童的英语听力理解发展的很快,并且认读能力也有相应的提高。并且一些学生在全国及全省英语比赛中取得了优异的成绩,部分学生语言表达能力有了较大提高,在三年级的教学中,我将尽最大努力提高两个班学生的英语会话水平,提高学生整体水平。 在三年级的学习过程中,为了给学生提供更为广阔丰富的语言环境,使孩子听、说能力不断提高,读、写能力随之跟上。教师应给孩子创设更为轻松的语言习得环境,设计更为丰富多彩的教学活动,让学生(在求知、感情和态度等方面)自然的交流。 由于三年级英语学习对读写能力有了一定的要求,为了促进学生的学习兴趣,我将制定初较为完善的评价体系,通过评价体系不仅可以把握学生对基本内容和要求的达到情况,而且可以把学生的情况及时反馈给家长,相信学生可以取得最大的进步,我也会不断改进,对一些教育教学措施加以完善。


新时代需要培养造就大批优秀年轻干部 市委党校程焰山邵爱军 年轻干部是党的各项事业不断向前发展的坚实基础和重要保障。培养选拔优秀年轻干部,是我们党不断发展壮大的一条基本经验,也是中央和省委着眼全局、面向未来提出的一项重大战略任务,更是我们鄂州实现科学发展、跨越发展的现实需要。 事实上,培养造就大批优秀年轻干部,历来是保证党的事业代代相传的根本大计,是我们党在革命、建设、改革的各个历史时期始终高度重视并常抓不懈的一项工作。革命战争年代,毛泽东同志就提出:“有计划地培养大批的新干部,就是我们的战斗任务。”十一届三中全会之后,邓小平同志针对干部队伍青黄不接、年龄结构严重老化的严峻形势,指出,抓紧培养选拔年轻干部,是决定我们党和国家命运的问题,做不好要犯历史性的大错误。十三届四中全会以后,江泽民同志也反复强调抓紧培养选拔年轻干部的极端重要性。胡锦涛总书记在建党九十周年的讲话中指出:人才是第一资源,是国家发展的战略资源。源源不断培养造就大批优秀年轻干部,是关系党和人民事业继往开来、薪火相传的根本大计。 一、培养新时期优秀年轻干部是应对复杂国际环境的必然要求 当前,世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈,世界力量对比和利益分配发生了

新的深刻变化。各国特别是大国之间的竞争,集中表现为包括经济实力、科技实力、国防实力、民族凝聚力在内的综合国力的较量与竞争,这种全球政治和经济发展的局势,在21世纪将持续很长一段时间。这样的形势下,各个国家、各个执政党都在积极寻求和培养合适的接班人,以趋利避害,实现本国和民族的发展。我国自然也不能例外,也需要大力培养优秀年轻干部,应对国际局势的发展和变化。 二、培养优秀年轻干部是新时期我国进一步深化改革的必然要求 十七大后,我国的经济和政治体制改革全面深化。首先,随着改革开放的不断深入和社会主义市场济体制的逐步建立,我国的社会经济成分、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和收入分配方式等越来越呈现出多样化的趋势。其次,在经济体制改革深化的过程中,社会经济生活中的一些深层次矛盾正进一步显露出来。再次,经济体制改革的深化,必然促进政治体制改革的深化。在这种新形势下,培养和造就一大批高素质的优秀年轻干部,是维护我国的改革、发展和稳定的大局,确保国家长治久安,保证社会主义事业顺利进行的必然要求。 三、培养优秀年轻干部是保证党的事业后继有人的战略要求。 在国际国内形势发生重大变化的大背景下,我们党所处的历史方位和党员队伍状况也发生了重大的变化。首先,我们党己经从领导人民为夺取全国政权而奋斗的党,成为领导人民掌握全国政权并长期执政的党;其次,我们党己经从受到外部封锁和实行计划经济条件下领导国家建设的党,成为对外开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下领导

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