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11 阅读理解

11 阅读理解
11 阅读理解

BEIJING — They may not kick like Bruce Lee, or even act like Jackie Chan, but for the 18 teenage boys living at the Heng Xing Ying Shi Kung Fu Acting School, becoming a kung fu star is their dream.

Their families sent the boys to this expensive school run by Guo Shao Heng. They hope that the teacher —a prize-winning fighter in his teens who has been kicking and fighting his way through movie sets for 12 years as a movie-fight choreographer (编导) — can help them improve their fighting and acting skills enough to break into kung fu films.

“Kung fu fighters have less acting skills, and we want to create a school where they can learn not only to fight, but also act,” explains Mr. Guo, whose year-old program has placed a few students in movies and TV series.

These families sent their sons to Beijing and paid up to $1,000 a year for a strict three-year program of early morning and afternoon training six days a week.

Li Xiang paid a visit to the school — a 13-hour train ride from his village — because, he says, “I want to be a movie star.”

Though Beijing is the host of next year?s Summer Olympics, kung fu has so far failed to become an Olympic sport. Guo?s students are unconcerned: They?re looking for the riches of the silver screen, not Olympic gold.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Kung fu master Guo Shao Heng.

B. A school for future kung fu film stars.

C. Kung fu stars are popular with students.

D. Students dream of acting in films.

2. Why do the boys learn kung fu in Guo?s school?

A. To make their bodies stronger.

B. To earn money for their poor families.

C. To become movie stars.

D. To win Olympic gold medals.

3. Which of the following is TRUE about Guo?s kung fu school?

A. The aim of the school is to spread traditional Chinese kung fu skills.

B. The school is producing a Hollywood-style film.

C. The school is preparing for the 2008 Summer Olympics.

D. The school teaches both fighting and acting skills.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Some students of the school have acted in films and TV series.

B. The students train all day long.

C. Kung fu will become an Olympic sport in time.

D. Kung fu fighters are skilled in film acting.

When I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England by car. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation (住所). I suggested that they should stay at ‘bed and breakfast’houses, because this kind of accommodation gives a foreign visitor a good chance to speak English with the family. My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.

“We didn?t stay at bed and breakfast houses,” they said, “because we found that most families were away o n holiday.”

I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friends spoke little English, and they thought …V ACANCIES? meant …holidays?, because the Spanish word for …holidays” is …vacaciones?. So they did not go to house where t he sign outside said …V ACANCLES?, which in English means there are free rooms. Then my friends went to house where the sign said …NO V ACANCLES?, because they thought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But they found that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!

We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made in reading other signs. In Spanish, the word …DIVERSION? means fun. In English, it means that workmen are repairing the road, and tha t you must take a different road. When my friends saw the word …DIVERSION? on a road sign, they thought they were going to have fun. Instead, the road ended in a large hold.

English people have problems too when they learn foreign languages. Once in Paris. when someone offered me some more. coffee, I said …Thank you? in French. I meant that I would like some more, However , to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away! Later I found out that …Thank you? in French means …Mo, thank you.?

1. My Spanish friends wanted advice about ______.

A. learning English

B. finding places to stay in England

C. driving their car on English roads

D. going to England by car

2. I suggested that they stay at bed and breakfast houses because ______.

A. they would be able to practise their English

B. it would be much cheaper than staying in hotels

C. it would be convenient for them to have dinner

D. there would be no problem about finding accommodation there

3. “NO V ACANCIES” in Engli sh means ______.

A. no free rooms

B. free rooms

C. not away on holiday

D. holidays

4. If you see a road sign that says …Diversion?, you will ______.

A. fall into a hole

B. have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself

C. find that the road is blocked by crowds of people

D. have to take a different road

5. When someone offered me more coffee and I said …Thank you? in French, I ______.

A didn?t really want any more coffee B. wanted them to take the coffee pot away

C. really wanted some more coffee

D. wanted to express my politeness

6. I was surprised when the coffee pot was taken away because I ______.

A. hadn?t finished drinking my coffee

B. was expecting another cup of coffee

C. meant that I didn?t wan t any more

D. was never misunderstood

1. According to the chart, we can know that the land area is about _____ percent of the total area of the UK.

A. 98.7

B. 1.3

C. 74.8

D. 60

2. The weather in the UK is mostly _____.

A. sunny

B. stormy

C. rainy

D. cloudy

3. From the chart, we can know that _____.

A. about 76.57 percent of land is arable in the UK

B. the lowest point, Ben Nevis, is 4 meters below sea level

C. the UK doesn?t include Rockall and Shetland Islands

D. the land of the UK is mostly hilly and mountainous

4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the chart?

A. Natural disasters and resources.

B. Location and geography.

C. Environment and population.

D. Elevation and coastline.


人教版一年级语文下册课内阅读专项练习题 1. 读一读,回答问题。 静悄悄的夜,有小小的虫在合奏。 星星和月儿喜欢听,都跑出来了。 找出整体认读音节。 2. 阅读课文片段,回答问题。 午后一点左右,从远处传来隆隆的响声,好像闷雷滚动。顿时人声鼎沸(feì fù),有人告诉我们,潮来了!我们踮着脚往东望去,江面还是风平浪静,看不出有什么变化,过了一会儿,响声越来越大,只见东边水天相接的地方出现了一条白线,人群又(沸腾欢腾)起来。 那条白线很快地向我们移来,逐(zúzhú)渐拉长,变粗,(横卧横贯)江面。再近些,只见白浪翻滚,形成一堵两丈多高的水墙。浪潮越来越近,犹如千万匹白色战马齐头并(bìng bìn)进,浩浩荡荡地飞奔(bēn bèn)而来;那声音如同山崩地裂,好像大地都被震得颤(tàn chàn)动起来。 (1)我会在文段括号内选出合适的拼音和词语。 (2)从文中找出下列词语的近义词。 渐渐______ 抖动______ 好像______ 飞跑______ (3)照样子写词语。 浩浩荡荡(AABB):______、______、______ 越来越近(ABAC):______、______、______ (4)以上两段文字,是作者通过由______而______地观察,描写的是(潮来之前潮来之时潮头过后)______的景象。 (5)短文第一段话既写了潮来时的声音好像______,又写了潮来时的形状像______。从第一段话中的“______”“______”两个词可以看出观潮人群的热情之高。 (6)文中画横线的句子是一个______句,它具体形象地描述了近看钱塘江大潮______。(只填序号) ①所看到的景象。 ②所听到的声音。 ③所看到的景象和所听到的声音。 3. 读一读,回答问题。 慢慢蹦,轻轻跳,小兔进屋静悄悄,为啥呀? 花猫姐姐上夜班,让她好好睡午觉。 因为花猫姐姐在______,所以小兔进屋______。(写拼音)


中考记叙文阅读汇编(答案) 一、答案:(黑龙江绥化2017)《低到尘埃的愿》,回答1-4题(8分)1.作者由民工打牌时满足和愉悦的状态顿悟到幸福其实很简单。 评分说明:(2分)概括事件1分,精神状态1分。 2.结构上的作用:承上启下或者过渡作用。 内容上的作用:承接上文简单而美好的愿望引出了下文生活中许多渺小的愿望。 评分说明:(2分)从结构和内容两个方面来答题,各1分。 3.“不祝愿我飞得有多高,只祝愿我飞得不那么累”,饱含着朋友对“我”的关爱;生命是一个不断前行向上的过程,在“行走”的过程中要更多地收获快乐,而不仅仅是疲惫追逐。 评分说明:(2分)从情感角度和含义理解两方面来答题,意思相近言之有理即可。 4.提示:来自学校、家庭、自然或社会的幸福账单。 评分说明:(2分)写出一份账单不得分,写出两份账单得1分,写出三份账单方可得2分。 二、答案:(2017湖北荆州)阅读《新年礼物》(侯发山) (1)本题考查情节结构作用的分析.文章在首段写越来越浓的年味,在内容上主要是交代故事发生的时间,表明春节将至;也正因为春节将至,才有了李娟买礼物的情节,所以在结构上,还起到引出下文情节的作用.(2)本题考查段落作用的分析.解答此题关键要掌握特殊段落在文中的一般作用.首段的作用一般是:引出下文,开篇点明,点明中心等;中间段的作用一般是承上启下的过渡;末段的作用一般是总结全文,篇末点题,点明主旨,深化主旨,升华主题等.文章第六段,在内容上,承接上文买礼物的情节,引出下文母亲反而为自己买礼物,从而表达出母亲对自己的思念;在结构上,很明显是起到了承上启下的过渡作用,由买礼物的情节过渡到收礼物. (3)本题考查文中关键词语含义的理解.解答此题可在理解词语本义的基础上,结合语境分析其深层内涵.


高考英语阅读理解训练十一 Passage 1 Societies all over the world name places in similar ways. Quite often there is no official naming ceremony but places tend to be called names as points of reference by people. Then an organized body steps in and gives the place a name. Frequently it happens that a place has two names: One is named by the people and the other by the government. As in many areas, old habits died hard , and the place continues to be called by its unofficial name long after the meaning is lost. Many roads and places in Singapore (新加坡)are named in order that the pioneers will be remembered by future generations. Thus we have names such as Stamford Road and Raffles Place. This is in keeping with traditions in many countries—in both the West and the East. Another way of naming places is naming them after other places. Perhaps they were named to promote friendships between the two places or it could be that the people who used to live there were originally from the places that the roads were named after. The mystery is clearer when we see some of the roads named in former British bases. If you step into Selector Airbase you will see Piccadilly Circus—obviously named by some homesick Royal Air Force personnel. Some places were named after the activities that used to go on at those places. Bras Basah Road is an interesting example. “Bras Basah” means “wet rice” in Malay (马来语). Now why would anyone want to name a road “Wet Rice Road”? The reason is simple. During the pioneering days, wet rice was laid out to dry along this road. A few roads in Singapore are named by their shapes. There is “Circular Road” for one. Other roads may have part of their names to describe their shapes, like “Paya Lebar Crescent”. This road is called a crescent (月牙)because it begins on the main road, makes a crescent and comes back to join the main road again. 1. We learn from Paragraph 1 that ______. A. the government is usually the first to name a place


最新高考必刷题英语阅读理解(人生百味)题及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解人生百味类 1.阅读理解 Atop almost every Tokyo visitor's must-see list, Harajuku is one of the city's most named-checked neighborhoods. Here's a quick look at some of the highlights every Harajuku visitor should experience. Takeshita Street The first thing you're going to want to do is get sucked into the vortex of Takeshita Street, the best place to try purikuru photo booths and observe the latest cosplay trends - from Cothic Lolita to cyberpunk. WEGO is a popular fashion chain offering the latest trends and a section for vintage clothes. Tutuanna is where you can find interesting socks that will add an ample dose of kawaii to your outfit. Cat Street Cat Street is more relaxing place to stroll and shop, with stores focusing on higher-end brands. RAGTAG is the best place to find second-hand items. Harajuku Chicago boasts a wide variety of vintage clothes, including baseball team happi coats and traditional kimonos. Omotesando Avenue Another famous shopping street Omotesando Avenue is a large, tree-lined thoroughfare that cuts through Harajuku and is filled with hundreds of shops and restaurants. Sukajyan Dept, a tiny souvenir jacket store, is packed with the works of Ken Kakinuma. TOKYU Plaza Omotesando Harajuku is where you'll find that famous mirrored entranceway that so many travelers share on the internet. (1)If you want to buy vintage clothing, where should you go? A.WEGO & Tutuanna. B.Sukajyan Dept & RAGTAG. C.WEGO & Harajuku Chicago. D.RAGTAG & Harajuku Chicago. (2)When visiting Omotesando Avenue, you may . A.buy interesting socks. B.take a relaxing walk. C.try purikura photo booths. D.post the mirrored entranceway online. (3)Which section of the website may the text be chosen from? A.Travel. B.Business. C.Entertainment. D.Fashion. 【答案】(1)C (2)D


人教版小学语文二年级下册课内阅读 1.找春天 春天来了!春天来了! 我们几个孩子,()掉棉袄,()出家门,()向田野,去()春天。 春天像个害羞的小姑娘,遮遮掩掩,躲躲藏藏。我们仔细地找啊,找啊。 春天来了!我们()到了她,我们()到了她,我们()到了她,我们()到了她。她在柳枝上荡秋千,在风筝尾巴上摇啊摇;她在喜鹊、杜鹃嘴里叫,在桃花、杏花枝头笑…… 1.按课文内容填空。 2.用“———”划出文中的比喻句。 3. 为什么说春天像个害羞的小姑娘? 。 2古诗两首。 1.下面的诗句分别描写了四个季节的景象,请用直线把它们连起来。 停车坐爱枫林晚春 草色遥看近却无夏 映日荷花别样红秋 北风吹雁雪纷纷冬 2.读诗意写诗句。 (1)野火是不能把原野上的小草烧尽的,因为春风一吹,小草又会蓬勃生长。 (2)一个小孩奔跑着追逐翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,这蝴蝶飞入金黄色的菜花丛中,怎么也找不到了。 3.<<草>>的作者是朝诗人。 3笋芽儿 笋芽儿终于钻出了地面。她睁开眼睛一看,啊,多么明亮、多么美丽的世界啊!桃花笑红了脸,柳树摇着绿色是长辫子,小燕子唧唧喳喳地叫着…… 1.辨别这是谁发的声音。 沙沙沙,沙沙沙雷公公 轰隆隆,轰隆隆小燕子 叽叽喳喳春雨姑娘

2.笋芽儿钻出地面看到了什么?请用“”标出来。 3.想一想,写一写。 笋芽儿钻出地面。 桃花红着脸对她说:“。” 柳树摇着长辫子说:“。” 小燕子叽叽喳喳地说:“。” 4.小鹿的玫瑰花 1.选择合适的内容填空。 玫瑰()抽出枝条,长出了嫩绿的叶子。 小鹿只能()的躺在床上养病。 花骨朵()长大了。 2.鹿弟弟认为玫瑰花白栽了是因为: 后来小鹿弟弟又认为玫瑰花没有白栽是因为:() A:小鹿弟弟看到了玫瑰花。 B:美丽的玫瑰花给森林中的小伙伴带来了快乐。 5泉水 泉水流进山腰的水池,山里的姐姐提着瓦罐来打水。泉水说:“来吧,来吧!我的水,山上有一座。” 泉水流过山间的平地,火红的杜鹃花照见了自己美丽的身影。泉水说:“照吧,照吧!我的水,像一面。” 泉水流到山坡的果园里,果树大口大口地喝水。泉水说:“喝吧,喝吧!我的水,喝饱了,你们能结出。” 泉水穿过静静的山谷,画眉鸟在尽情地歌唱。泉水说:“唱吧,唱吧!我的琴声,正好为你清脆的歌声。” 1.按原文内容填空。 2.泉水都流过什么地方? 3. 杜鹃花镜子 果子歌声 4.仿写。 泉水看到,泉水说:


“挖了那么多…坑?的考题究竟能不能很好地测出学生的阅读能力?”你肯定也曾产生过这样的怀疑:一边做着语文试卷上的阅读理解题,一边想,作者真是这样想的吗?不 仅学生有这样的疑问,作者也有。近些年,屡屡见到有文章被选入语文试卷的作者,以玩笑的口吻说,自己去答,也只能拿到一半左右的分数。而文章经常被选入语文试 卷的知名作家周国平,最近更是专门出了一本书——《试卷中的周国平:对标准答案说不》。(5月21日《新京报》) 阅读理解是语文试卷上必不可少的内容,良好的阅读理解能力也是每一个学生甚至每一个受过一定教育的人都必须具备的技能,否则,不仅在考试中考不出好成绩,在工 作生活中也会处处碰壁、受困,带来意想不到的损失。 作者自己都答不出自己的“原意”,这让很多阅读理解题蒙上了一层荒诞的色彩,也屡屡落人口实,成为人们嘲讽的对象。那么,作者做不好自己作品的阅读理解题,真的 有那么荒诞吗? 其实,从解读文学作品的角度来看,作者自己的理解并不重要,甚至作者理解不对“作者原意”的现象也没什么好奇怪的。因为,文学作品一旦完成,就具有了它自己的生 命力,很多时候,连作者本人都无法再对其施加影响。而且,文学作品的活力就在于 它能够在不同的读者那里获得共鸣,而由于读者知识背景各异、理解角度各异,对作 品的理解也就很容易产生截然不同的结果。 所以,读者从中读出什么样的信息,是一个“仁者见仁、智者见智”的问题,很多解读 完全出乎作者本人的意料之外也属正常。而且,如果某件文学作品只能从作者“原意”的角度解读,或者除了“原意”之外再也挖掘不出其他的“内涵”,往往说明这类作品是死的,是没有生命力的,是注定会在流传的过程中被淘汰的。 从这个角度来看,作者本人对于做不对针对自己作品的阅读理解题应该感到开心才对,因为这至少从一个侧面说明其作品已经具有了一定的普遍意义,可以在不同的读者那里获得不一样的共鸣。 鲁迅先生在谈到国人对《红楼梦》的阅读体验时说,“单是命意,就因读者的眼光而 有种种:经学家看见《易》,道学家看见淫, 才子看见缠绵,革命家看见排满,流言 家看见宫闱秘事……”这里的“命意”之不同,说的就是阅读理解问题。这些不同之间,并无对错之分,也无高低上下之别,有的只是“眼光”和角度的差别而已。

第十一组 1阅读理解+1阅读七选五+1完形填空

第十一组1阅读理解+1阅读七选五+1完形填空 (限时:30分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2019·金丽衢十二校联考)Cortana.Alexa.Siri.These are names of robotic voices that are often programmed on electronic tablets.They also become default(默认) identities for people with speech disorders who rely on technology to communicate.Now some speech scientists are developing personalized voices to reflect the broader diversity of the people who use them.To do it,they are tapping into a vast network of volunteers who are donating their voices to share with people who cannot speak. The effort to build an international “Human V oicebank” has attracted more than 17,000 volunteers from 110 countries,including Priyanka Pandya,a 16-year-old from Columbia,Md.,who plans to spend her winter vacation recording a string of sentences into her computer.“To be able to give somebody the gift of voice,I think that’s really,really powerful,” she said. “Everyone has a voice,” said Rupal Patel,founder of V ocaliD,the company that started the voicebank.“Even people who are unable to speak have soun ds that are unique to them.” Her company designs personalized voices by recording the unique sounds of the user,and then mixing them with 6 to 10 hours of recordings from a voice donor,matched by age,gender and region.The company is developing voices now for its first 100 customers. Also,people’s voices change.The company is looking for donors who are willing to record their voices,and then record them again a few years later,as they get older.But some of the first customers say they are happy with the results. John A.Gregoire was one of the first customers to receive a personalized voice from V ocaliD last December.The voice came eight years after he developed ALS (肌萎缩侧索硬化症)and more than six years since his voice became unintelligible to everyone except his wife and youngest son.“Having a distinctive voice is like getting


三年级上册语文课内阅读练习题 1、《给予树》一文中“我们有这么多人,已经能得到许多礼物了,而那个小女孩却什么也没有。”这里可以看出()。 买完礼物后哥哥姐姐和金吉姬完全相反的神态,哥哥姐姐们兴致很高,非常高兴,但金吉娅却沉默不语,这是因为 ()。 妈妈看到金基亚买了一些棒棒糖,感到很( )和(),后来听了金基亚的讲述后,感到很()。 课文赞扬了金基亚的()()()()的品质。 2、《好汉查理》一文主要是通过()来表现人物的心理活动的。 查理是一个()()()的孩子。杰西是一个()()的孩子。 3、《一次成功试验》中试验的成功的原因主要体现在三个方面:(),(),还有()。文章可分为()、()、()三个部分。“不假思索”在文中的意思是()。“这位教育家激动地抱起女孩,好久才放下。”这句话说明 _____________________________________________. 4、《掌声》一文中英子开始是一个() ( ) ( ) ( ) 的孩子,后来变成了一个( ),( ),( ) 的孩子。本课让我们知道人与人之间都要(),()懂得要(),也要()。 课文中的两次掌声有什么不同?第一次是体现大家对英子的 ()。第二次除了对英资的( ) ,还有( ) 。 4《狮子和鹿》这个故事是按_________________________顺序写的。故事告诉我们: ____________________________________________________________________。 5、《陶罐和铁罐》主要通过陶罐和铁罐()、()、()的描写来表现铁罐()()和陶罐的()()()。“奚落”在本课指____________________________________. “想提并论”指___________________________________________. “和睦相处”指____________________________________________. 6、《科利亚的木匣》这是一篇叙事性课文,按照()──()──()的顺序记叙。从这件事中感悟到 ()的道理。 7、《矛和盾的集合》中矛的作用是(),盾的作用()。二者的优点集于一身发明坦克说()。 8、《美丽的小兴安岭》作者是围绕()的特点来写的。概括全文主要内容的句子是 _____________________________________________________________________ _____ 。 “有的侧着脑袋,欣赏自己映在水里的影子。”“侧着脑袋”,写出了小鹿的()。 “葱葱茏茏”是讲树木长得非常茂盛;“葱葱茏茏”“密密层层”写出了夏天树木()。


英语-阅读理解(十一) (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、Reading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00) 二、Passage 1(总题数:1,分数:20.00) In department stores and closets all over the world, they are walking. Their outward appearance seems rather appealing because they come in a variety of styles, textures, and colors. But they are ultimately the biggest deception that exists in the fashion industry today. What are they? They are high heels—a woman's worst enemy (whether she knows it or not). High heel shoes are the downfall of modern society. Fashion myths have led women to believe that they are more beautiful or sophisticated for wearing heels, but in reality, heels succeed in posing short as well as long term hardships. Women should fight the high heel industry by refusing to use or purchase them in order to save the world from unnecessary physical and psychological suffering. For the sake of fairness, it must be noted that there is a positive side to high heels. First, heels are excellent for aerating (使通气) lawns. Anyone who has ever worn heels on grass knows what I am talking about. A simple trip around the yard in a pair of those babies eliminates all need to call for a lawn care specialist, and provides the perfect-sized holes to give any lawn oxygen without all those messy chunks of dirt lying around. Second, heels are quite functional for defense against oncoming enemies, who can easily be seared away by threatening them with a pair of these sharp, deadly fashion accessories. Regardless of such practical uses for heels, the fact remains that wearing high heels is harmful to one's physical health. Talk to any podiatrist (足病医生), and you will hear that the majority of their business comes from high-heel-wearing women. High heels are known to cause problems such as deformed feet and torn toe-nails. The risk of severe back problems and twisted or broken ankles is three times higher for a high heel wearer than for a flat shoe wearer. Wearing heels also creates the threat of getting a heel caught in a sidewalk crack or a sewer-grate (阴沟栅) and being thrown to the ground—possibly breaking a nose, back, or neck. And of course, after wearing heels for a day, any woman knows she can look forward to a night of pain as she tries to comfort her swollen, aching feet. (分数:20.00) (1).What makes women blind to the deceptive nature of high heels? A. The multi-functional use of high heels. B. Their attempt to show off their status. C. The rich variety of high heel styles. D. Their wish to improve their appearance.(分数:4.00) A. B. C. D. √ 解析:[解析] A、B两项都极易被排除:A显然是作者对高跟鞋的戏谑,而非妇女穿高跟鞋的理由;B项意为“她们想炫耀自己的身份”,文章中找不到这样的意思。C项有一定迷惑性,因为它与文章第二句话吻合。虽然C项本身是正确的陈述,也与文章内容相符,但它不能作为所问问题的答案。根据第一段第七句话(Fashion myths have led women...)可知D项正确。 (2).The author's presentation of the positive side of high heels is meant ______. A. to be ironic B. to poke fun at women C. to be fair to the fashion industry D. to make his point convincing(分数:4.00)


2017高考英语阅读理解解析版汇编(48) 阅读理解。 An idea that started in Seattle's public library has spread throughout America and beyond. The concept is simple: help to build a sense of community in a city by getting everyone to read the same book at the same tome. In addition to encouraging reading as a pursuit (追求) to be enjoyed by all, the program allows strangers to communicate by discussing the book on the bus, as well as promoting reading as an experience to be shared in families and schools. The idea came from Seattle librarian Nancy Pearl who launched (发起)the "If All of Seattle Read the Same Book " project in 1998. Her original program used author visits, study guides and book discussion groups to bring people together with a book, but the idea has since expanded to many other American cities, and even to Hong Kong. In Chicago, the mayor(市长)appeared on television to announce the choice of To Kill a Mockingbird as the first book in the "One Book, One Chicago" program. As a result, reading clubs and neighbourhood groups sprang up around the city. Across the US, stories emerged of parents and children reading to each other at night and strangers chatting away on the bus about plot and character. The only problem arose in New York, where local readers could not decide on one book to represent the huge and diverse population. This may show that the idea works best in medium-sized cities or large towns, where a greater sense of unity(一致)can be achieved .Or it may show that New Yorkers rather missed the point ,putting all their energy And passion into the choice of the book rather than discussion about a book itself. Ultinatel was Nancy points out, the level of success is not measured by how many people read a book, but by how many people are enriched by the process. or have enjoyed speaking to someone with whom they would not otherwise have shared a word. ( ) 1. What is the purpose of the project launched by Nancy? A. To invite authors to guide readers.


小学二年级上册语文课内阅读习题大全(带答案) 阅读《小蝌蚪找妈妈》片段,回答问题。 不知什么时候,小青蛙的尾巴不见了。他们跟着妈妈,天天去捉害虫。 1.这段话一共有_______句。 2.选择题 (1)小蝌蚪的妈妈是()。 A.青蛙 B.朱莉娅·罗伯茨 C.还珠格格 (2)小蝌蚪在找妈妈的过程中充分体现了它们()的精神。 A.有爱心 B.合作精神 C.努力实现自己的愿望 (3)小蝌蚪的妈妈唱歌的声音是()。 A.呱呱呱 B.哈哈哈 C.嘻嘻嘻 (4)小蝌蚪妈妈的肚皮像()一样白。 A.地豆 B.雪 C.天空 3.根据课文内容,把下列动物按照小蝌蚪找妈妈的先后次序排列起来。 大鱼鸭子乌龟大白鹅 4.青蛙是对人类有益的动物,从文中哪一句中能够看出来?用______线画下来。 参考答案 一、1.解析:数一数就知道。答案:两

2.(1)解析:文中最终出现的就是小蝌蚪的妈妈。答案:A (2)解析:理解课文内容,从中体会到小蝌蚪的精神。答案:C (3)解析:从文中找一找,小蝌蚪的妈妈是怎样叫的就知道了。答案:A (4)解析:从文中找到那句话,就知道答案。答案:B 3.解析:读全文,按照课文中的顺序找一找就知道答案了。 答案:鸭子大鱼乌龟大白鹅 4.解析:读全文找一找他们每天做什么事就知道了答案了。答案:他们天天跟着妈妈去捉害虫。 阅读《我是什么》,回答问题。 我会变。太阳一晒,我就变成(气汽)。(生升)到天空,我又 变成无数极小极小的点儿,连成一片,在空中(飘漂)浮。有时(候后)我穿着白衣服,有时候我穿着黑衣服,早晨和傍晚我又把红袍披 在身上。人们管我叫"云"。 我在空中飘浮着,碰到冷风,就变成水珠()下来。人们就管我叫"雨"。有时候我变成小硬球()下来,人们就管我叫"雹子"。到了 冬天,我又变成小花朵()下来,人们又管我叫"雪"。 平常我在池子里(),在小溪里(),在江河里(),在海洋里(),(),()。 有时候我很温和,有时候我很暴躁。我做过很多好事,灌溉田地,发动机器,协助人们工作。我也做过很多坏事,淹没(méimò)庄稼, 冲毁房屋,给人们带来灾难。人们想出种种办法管住我,让我光做好事,不做坏事。 小朋友,你们猜猜,我是什么?


阅读理解训练题(十一) A Imagine a classroom missing the one thing that's long been considered a necessary part to reading and writing ? Paper. No notebooks, no textbooks, no test paper. Nor are there any pencils or pens, which always seem to run out of ink at the critical (关键的) moment. A "paperless classroom" is what more and more schools are trying to achieve. Students don't do any handwriting in this class. Instead, they use palm (手掌) size, or specially-designed computers. The teacher downloads texts from Internet libraries and sends them to every student's personal computer. Having computers also means that students can use the Web. They can look up information on any subject they're studying ? from maths to social science. High school teacher Judy Herrell in Florida, US, described how her class used the Web to learn about the war in Afganistan (阿富汗) over one year ago. "We could touch every side of the country through different sites ? from the forest to refugee camps (难民营)," she said. "Using a book that's three or four years old is impossible." And exams can go online too. At a high school in Tennessee, US, students take tests on their own computers. The teacher records the grades on the network for everyone to see and then copies them to his own electronic grade book. A paperless classroom is a big step towards reducing the waste of paper. High school teacher Stephanie Sorrell in Kentucky, US, said she used to give about 900 pieces of paper each week to each student. "Think about the money and trees we could save with the computers," she said. But, with all this technology, there's always the risk (危险) that the machines will break down. So, in case of a power failure or technical problems, paper textbooks are still widely available (可用的) for these hi-tech students. 56. What does the part of the last sentence in the first paragrap h, “run out of ink at the critical moment”, mean? A. Pens may not write well at the critical moment. B. Pens get lost easily, so you may not find them at the critical moment. C. Pens may have little or no ink at the critical moment. D. Pens use ink, while pencils don't. 57. In a paperless classroom, what is a must? A. Pens. B. Computers. C. Information. D. Texts. 58. The high school teacher, Judy Herrell, used the example of her class to show that _______. A. the Web could take them everywhere B. the Web taught them a lot C. the Web is a good tool for information D. the Web, better than the textbooks, can give the latest and comprehensive (全面的) information 59. The paperless classrooms will benefit _____ the most. A. students B. teachers C. trees D. computers 60. What does the phrase in the last paragraph, “break down”, mean? A. Break into pieces. B. Stop working. C. Fall down. D. Lose control. B Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary rewards sparks creativity in grade-school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
