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Module 1 Travel Unit 1 The fight was late 第一模块 、 旅游、第一单元、飞机晚点了。 Lingling: Welcome back , everyone! 欢迎大家回来! Betty: Hi Lingling! How was your holiday? 嗨,玲玲!你的假期过得怎么样? Lingling: Not bad! I went to Henan Province. 不错,我去了河南省, But the trip back was very long. 但是归程非常漫长, The train was full of people, and I had to stand for over six hours. 火车上挤满了人,我不得不站了六个多小时。 Betty: Bad luck , Where's Tony? 真倒霉,托尼在哪里? Daming: He's staying with his family in the UK , and flying back tomorrow. 他和家人正在英国,明天飞回来, The flights were late today, 今天的航班晚点了。 Betty: Why is travel so difficult in winter? 为什么在冬天旅行这么困难? Lingling: Well , it's the busiest season in China because of Spring Festival. 嗯,因为春节的缘故,冬季成了中国最繁忙的季节, Where did you go, Daming? 你去了哪里,大明? Daming : We flew to Hong Kong-- and the flight was late! 我们坐飞机去了香港、航班晚点了, But we took the boat to Landau Island and went to Disneyland. 但是们乘船去了大屿岛,还去了迪斯尼乐园。 Lingling: How about you, Betty? 你呢,贝蒂? Betty : We had quite a gook time in Beijing, 我们在北京玩得很高兴, We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. 我们乘公交车、出租车观光游, And last weekend, we took a tour by coach to the Summer Palsce and went for a long walk. 上个周末,我们乘大巴去了颐和园,并且逛了很长时间。 Daming: And now, better get back to work ... 那现在,我们最好回到学习上来 We've got exams at the end of the term. 学期末我们还要考试呢。 Betty : Yes , but there are plenty of fun things to do this term... the school trip ... 是的,但是本学期我们有很多有趣的事情要做、学校的旅游。 Lingling : ... and the school leavers's party ... .. 学校的毕业生典礼。 Daming: ... the visit to the English-speaking theatre in Beijing ... . 参观北京的英语歌剧院 ... Lingling :And our trip to Los Angeles! we'll have a great time! 还有我们去洛杉矶的旅行!我们会很开心的! Module 1 Travel Unit 2 You're sitting in my seat 第一模块 、旅游、第二单元、你坐着我的座位。 Excuse me. You're sitting in my seat. 对不起,你坐着我的座位。 The train to Beijing! 去北京的火车! Lin often dreamed about the train, and about going to the capital. 林经常梦见火车,梦见去首都, Now it was in front of him , to set off soon, He looked at his brother. 现在它、(火车)就在他的面前,并且马上就要出发,他看着他的哥哥。 "Don't forget where you come from, little brother,"Jin “别忘了你来自哪里,弟弟。” 金说, and watch your bags carefully." Lin nodded, unable to speak. “要仔细照看

你的行李。” 林点点头,说不出话来。 This was his first long trip by train at the start of his new life, 这是他第一次乘火车长途旅行,开始他的新生活, Leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years. 离开他生活了16 年的村庄和家。 He held Jin in his arms. With tears in his eyes, 他紧紧拥抱着金,眼中噙满了泪水, Jin pushed Lin way. "Go, Brother Write to us as soon as you get there, OK?" 金把林推开,“走吧,弟弟,一到那里就给我们写信,好吗?” Lin jumped onto the train. There were people and bags everywhere . 林跳上了火车,火车上到处都是乘客和行李, He pushed past them towards his seat. 他穿过拥挤的人群来到他的座位。 A young man was sitting in Lin's seat. 一个年轻人坐在林的座位上, He was wearing jians and a very smart jacket, and was smoking a cigarette, 他穿着牛仔裤和一件非常时尚的夹克,正在吸一支烟。 What should he do? 他应该怎么办? Six pairs of eyes looked at Lin, while the man looked out of the window. 六双眼睛看着林,然而那个人却朝窗外启动看去。 "Sir, You're sitting in my seat,"Lin said, with a nervous smile. “先生,你坐着我的座位,”林带着紧张的笑容说, The other people watched with interest. 其他人都饶有兴味地看着他。 The man didn't turn to look at Lin, but just looked out of the window ! 那个人没有回头看林,而且看着窗外。 "Excuse me. I have a ticket with the number of the seat you're sitting in ! “对不起,我有你坐的这个座位的票!” "Lin said in a stronger voice. 林提高了声音说道。 "I also have a ticket with that number- though it is in another car. “我也有一张这个号的票,尽管它在另外一个车箱, Besides, I was here first," said the man without moving his head. 而且,是我先来的,”这个人头也没动地说道。 Though he was sitting, he looked very tall and strong. 他虽然坐着,但他看上去很高、很壮。 Lin looked at the other passengers for help ."But ... " he started to say. " 林看着其他乘客寻求帮助。“但是 ... ”他开始说话。 But what?"The man turned and looked at Lin. "I'm not moving." “但是什么?”那个人回过头看着林说,“我是不会走的。” Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. 最后,一个戴着眼镜的男人大声说道, "This young man has the right ticked for that seat. You should move.。” “这个年轻人有这个座位的票,你应该让开。” Ling felt brave. "See ? Please move. I've got a long way to go." 林觉得勇气倍增。“你看?请让开,我要坐很长时间的火车呢。” "How long?" the young man ased. "To the last stop, Beijing." “到终点站、北京。” "I'm getting off before you. Then you can have my seat." “我在你之前下车,然后你可以坐我的座位。” "Where is that?" asked Lin

. "Hangzhou." “在哪里?”林问道,”杭州。” Lin thought Hangzhou was far away. 林认为杭州很远。 "It's seven hours away from here," the man with glasses said. “离这大约七个小时的路程。”那个戴眼镜的人说道 "Even if it's only 10 minutes, you should move." ,“就算只有十分钟,你也应该让开。” Slowly the young man stood up, dropped his cigarette on the floor, and disappeared down the train. 慢慢地那个年轻人站了起来,把烟头扔在地上,然后消失在火车另一端。 Module 2 Education Unit 1 It was great to see her again 第2 模块,教育,第一单元, 又见到她,太棒了。 Betty : Hey ,Tony! How was th UK ? 托尼,英国之行怎么样? Tony: Guess what! I saw Sally in London. 你猜怎么着?我在伦敦看到了萨利。 Lingling: My pen friend Sally? 我的笔友萨利? Tony : Yes Sally, the girl who visited us last year and played in the orchestra. 是萨利,就是去年来看过我们并且在管弦乐队演奏的那个女孩。 Lingling:Oh, that's fantastic! How is she? 太不可思议了,她怎么样? Tony: She's fine, It was great to see her again. I really like her. 她很好,再见到她真是太好了,我真的很喜欢她。 Betty: Did you do anything intersting while you were there? 你在那里做了哪些有趣的事? Did you visit her school? 你参观了她的学校吗? Tony: Yes, I did, She took me there herself. What's it like? 是的,我去了,她亲自带我去的,学校是什么样子的? Tony: Here you are! These are some photos of Park School. I took them myself. 给你! 这有一些帕克学校的照片,我自己拍的。 Lingling: Let's have a look. 让我们看一看, Tony: It isn't as big as ours. 她的学校没有我们的大, It's only got about 700 pupils. 学校仅仅有700 名左右的学生。 Lingling: And how many pupils are there in a class? Tony: Thirty. 那一个班有多少学生?30 人。 Lingling: Wow. Most classes have got a computer and Internet. 大多数班级都有计算机和互联网。 And there are a few science Laboratories , and a large library. 学校里有一些科学实验室和一个大型的图书馆, And there's a swimming pool and a huge sports ground. 还有一个游泳池和一个非常大的体育场。 Lingling: But Sally likes music. 但是萨利喜欢音乐。 Tony: Well, there's a music room,too. And they are a hall for concerts. 对,那也有一个音乐教室,他们还有一个音乐厅。 Lingling: Which school is better, our school or Park School? 哪个学校更好些,我们学校或还是帕克学校? 两个学校都很好, And neither school has anything the other hasn't got. 并且没有一个学校拥有另一个学校没有的东西。... But... : But what... but I prefer our school! 但是,但是什么...但是我更喜欢我们的学校! Daming: I bet we're even better than Park Dchool at English! 我打赌在英语方

面我们比帕克学校甚至更好! Lingling: Well, any way, we're all going to get top grades for English! 是呀、不管怎么样、我们都将在英语上取得高分! Module 2 Education Unit 2 What's the best thing about school? 第2 模块、教育、第二单元、学校什么最好? My school life 我的学校生活 My name is Sally Maxwell, and I'm 15. 我的名字是萨利、马克斯韦尔,今年15 岁。 I've been at Park School, London since I was 11. 从我11 岁起,我就在伦敦的帕克学校读书。 If I pass my exams next year, I'll stay here mutil I'm 18. 如果我明年通过了考试,我将在这里待到18 岁。 Park School is a secondary school, about 20 minutes by bike away from home . 帕克学校是一所中学,从我家骑自行车到学校大约要20 分钟。 Before I came here, I went to primary school, near my home. 我来这里之前,我在我家附近的小学上学。 I started primary school when I was five and stayed there for six years. 我5 岁开始上的小学,在那里待了六年。 The schoolday is from 8:45 am to 3: 15 pm. 上学的时间是上午8 点45 至下午3 点15。 We spend the first 10 minutes in our classroom while our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. 在刚开始的10 分钟里我们待在教室,让老师检查学生的出勤情况。 Then everyone goes to the main hall. 然后,所有人都去大厅, There our head teacher makes a speech and tells us any news about the school. 在那里,校长发表演讲,并告诉我们学校的一些新闻。 Lessons begin at 9:05 and last for an hour. 9:05 开始上课,一节课一个小时。 We have a break at 11:05 until 11:20, then another lesson, then lunch for an hour. 在11:05 至11:20 期间我们休息,然后再上一节课,接着是一个小时的午饭时间。 We have two more lessons before school finishes. 在放学之前我们还要上两节课。 This year I have 11 subjects: maths , biology. chemistry. French, History. geography, music and IT, PHSE,ADT and PE 今年,我有11 门课程:数学、生物、化学、法语、历史、地理、音乐和IT, PHSE,ADT and PE。 (these stand for Information Technology;Personal Health and Safety Education: Art Desing and Technology and Physical Education). (这些分别代表信息技术;个人健康;和安全教育;艺术、设计与技术、体育等课程的简称)。 Fortunately, we don't have exams in every subject. 幸运的是,我们并不是每门功课都要考试。 PHSE 个人健康和安全教育讲的是毒品和吸烟的危害性,以及其他一些内容。 In ADT we also do things like learning to cool as well as drawing and design, 在艺术、设计与技术这门课中我们学习绘画与设计,也学习烹饪。 Some people can do Italian and Spanish instead of French, but no one is learning Chinese ... yet! 有一些学生不会做法国菜,会做意大利菜和西班牙菜,但是还没有人学

做中国菜。 PE involves physical exercise, basketball, trainging in the gym and swimming— 体育课包括体育锻炼,篮球以及在体育馆的训练和游泳。 we're really lucky to have a swimming pool. 我们真的很幸运能有一个游泳池。 I took exams when I was 7,10 and 14 years old. 我在7 岁、10 岁和14 岁的时候参加过考试。 Next year I take my exams in eight subjects, 明年我得参加八门课程的考试, and then I can do between three and five subjects for the wxams in my final year. 然后我可以在最后一年参加三至五门课程的考试。 We have a large sports ground where we play football, tennis and do athletics both during and after school hours. 我们有一个大的运动场,上学期间或放学之后,我们可以在那里踢足球、打网球和进行体育 锻炼。 Afterschool activities,such as sports clubs and language societies are popular, too. 课外活动像体育俱乐部和语言社团也都很受欢迎。 During the school year there are usually visits to museums and galleries, and to camps for activities, such as climbing and cycling in the country. 在每个学年中,通常会去博物馆和艺术画廊参观,以及像爬山和在乡间骑自行车这样的野营 活动。 There are parties and discos and a sports day, 还有一些聚会、迪斯科和运动日, and the school play is a really important event. 学校的演出也是一件十分重要的事件。 Once a term, there is a parents' meeting. 每个学期都有一次家长会, S o our parents and teachers can talk about our progress. 父母和老师可以谈谈我们的进步。 What's the best thing about school? English, history, music ... and my friends. 学校里最好的事情是什么?英语、历史、音乐....... 和我的朋友们。 What's the worst thing? Homework ... and exams! 最坏的事情呢? 家庭作业...... 和考试。 Module 3 Now and then,Unit 1 People are healthier today 第3 模块,偶而,第一单元,现在的人更健康。 Betty's mum: It's getting late, Betty. 很晚了,贝蒂。 Betty: Nearly finished! I'm doing a composition: Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago? 快完成了!我正在写作文呢,今天的生活比起五十年前是变好了还是变糟了? Bettu's mum: And what do you think? 那你是怎么认为的? Betty: I think it's better. The most important dif 我认为变好了,最重要的区别是今 天的人们更加健康, and they live longer than they did in the past. 并且比过去长寿。 Betty's mum: That's true. The advantage is that we know more about medicine today We're better at preventing illness. 那是事实,优势是今天我们了解了更多的医疗知识,我们更擅长预防疾病了。 But people don't eat as well as in the past, and don't take as much exercise as they did. 但是食品不如以前健康,人们的运动量也不如原来大。 .Betty; I suppose that's because publ

ic transport is much better today. 我认为那是今天的公共运输变好了的缘故。 Betty's mum: Yes, I agree, People walk or use their bikes less. and they're lazier. 是的,我也有同感,人们更少步行或者骑自行车,他们变得比以前懒了。 faster transport also makes more pollution. 迅捷的交通也带来了更多的污染, and that makes life more dangerous and less healthy. 那使得生活变得更危险、更不健康了。 Betty; What about work? People don't have to work as hard as they worked 50 years ago. 那工作怎么样呢?人们不必像五十年前那样费力地工作了。 Yes, but no one ever says they have too much free time! 是啊,但是从没有人说他们的空闲时间多! I also think schoolchildren today work harder than we ever did. 我也认为今天的学生比我们那时候幸苦。 Betty: Yes. but I really want to do my best. 是的,但是我真的想尽自己最大努力。 Why don't you ask Mrs Li downstairs? 你为什么不问问楼下的李太太呢? She's seen how life has changed. 她目睹了生活的变化。 Betty: That's a good idea. Talking of free time, don't forget I'm going on the school trip next month . and the theatre visit. 好主意,谈到空闲时间,别忘了下个月我将参加学校组织的旅游和去剧院参观。 " Good! You'll be more relaxed and less nervous before your exams. 好,你将在考试前感觉更轻松,更无压力。 Module 3 Now and then(没有录音文件)Unit 2 We weren't very rich,but we were happy 第3 模块,偶而,第二单元,我们不是很富有,但我们很快乐。 Life in the past 过去的生活 Mrs Li is over 70 years old , and has lived in Beijing all her life. 李太太已经七十多岁了,她一辈子都居住在北京 I asked her about life today and in the past 我向了她有关过去和今天的生活情况。 Tell me about your parents. brothers and sisters。 给我讲讲您的父母、兄弟姐妹。 My parents, my sister and three brothers lived in a small house beside a restaurant. 我父母、我姐姐和我的三个弟弟住在一家餐馆旁边的小房子里。 We weren't very rich, but we were happy. 我们不是很富裕,但我们很开心。。 My sister was the elsest child and she left school 我姐姐是家中最大的孩子,在她年 仅十二岁时、就辍学在家帮助妈妈。 Families have changed a lot since I was young. 从我小时候开始,家庭成员就一直发生着变化。 They were much bigger in those days. 在那时候家庭比较大, Most of my friends had lots of brothers and sisters. 我的大多数朋友都有很多兄弟姐妹。 Today most people only have one child! 今天,大多数人只有一个孩子。 Did your parents have jobs? 您的父母都有工作吗? My father went out to work. He was a factory worker,and he oftern worked 12 hours a day. 我爸爸出去工作,他是一家工厂的工人,经常每天工作12 个

小时。 My mom wanted to work. She was a teacher before she met my father. 我的妈妈想去工作,她在遇到我父亲之前是一名教师。 Looking after us was a full-time job, so she stayed at home. 照顾我们成了她的全职工作,因此她待在家里。 Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was less common in the past. 今天已婚妇女出去工作是很正常的,但在过去这是少见的。 My father had the same job the whole of his working life. 我爸爸一生都做同一个工作, These days people change their jobs much more often. 今天,人们更频繁地更换他们的工作。 What was life like at home 家里的生活是怎么样的呢? Well, I remember the family meals, three times a day. 我记得全家吃饭的情景,每天三顿饭, My mother was always cooking for us. 妈妈总是给我们做饭吃。 We weren't rich but we ate enough. 我们不富裕,但是我们能吃饱。 And the food was always freshly cooked- 食物总是现做的— -my mother never bought ready-made food as people do today, so it was much better for us. 我妈妈从不像今天的人那样买些已做好的食物,因此,那对我们来说更有益。 And of course we didn't have television, so we played games together and read a lot. 当然,那时我们没有电视,因此,我们一起做游戏,一起读书, I helped my younger brother with his homework in the evenings. 晚上我帮助弟弟做作业。 where did you meet your husband? 您是在什么地方认识您丈夫的? I first met him 60 years ago. 我第一次见到他是在六十年前, I was carrying some heavy bags on my bike and I fell off! 那时我正骑着车驮着一些沉重的袋子,然后摔了下来。 He stopped and picked up my bags . 他停下来帮我捡起那些袋子, My parents liked him,.and thought he came from a good family 我的父母都喜欢他,认为他来自一个良好的家庭, so we got married a year later, I was only 19. 因此一年后我们就结婚了,那时我才19 岁。 These days most couples meet at work,and they Just hope their parents will be happy f 现在,很多夫妇相识在工作中,他们只希望他们的父母为他们的结合感到高兴。 Has Beijing changed? 北京有什么变化吗? Yes, there are lots more buildings and so much more traffic! 有啊,有那么多的建筑物,有那么多的交通工具。 I can't believe the number of cars on the streets. 我不敢相信街道上有那么多的汽车。 But I suppose it's the same everywhere. 但是我认为到处都是一样的, And I walk less these days and take the bus more. 现在我很少步行了,更多地乘公交车了。 And do you think life is better today? 那么你认为今天的生活变得更好了吗? Well, I think so.I'm healthier than I've ever been. 是的,我是这样认为的,我比以前更健康了, We live longer and we eat better. 我们活得更长,吃得更

好了, One day I'll be talking to your own grandchildren! 将来有一天、我还会给你的孙子们讲这些呢! Module 4 The way you look Unit 1 I really like these shoes 你对事物的看法,第一单元 我真的很喜欢这些鞋 I'm really looking forward to the Shakespeare play. 我真的期盼着看到莎士比亚的戏剧。 Me too! And the school trip to the Great Wall. 我也是!还有学校组织的去长城的旅行。 Yes,but I need a thick jacket, and some warm gloves and socks. 是的,但我需要一件厚夹克衫、一些保暖的手套和袜子。 In may? 现在是5 月份啊 I get really cold. 我真的觉得很冷。 OK. Let's go shopping! 好吧,我们去购物吧! How about that new shopping centre in Wangfujing? 去王府井的那家新购物中心怎么样? You know, turn left and go along Wangfujing , and it's no the right. 你看,向左拐沿着王府井大街一直走,它就在右边。 Sure , We'll go by bus, OK? 对,我们乘公交车去,好吗? And have you decided what to wear to the school leavers' party? 你已经决定在学校的毕业典礼上穿什么衣服了吗? I've got a really nice long dress. What about you? 我有一条很漂亮的长裙,你呢? I'll probably wear a dress, too, but I need some shoes. 我很可能也穿裙子,但我需要买双鞋, OK,I'll meet you in from of school at two o'clock this afternoon. 好吧,今天下午两点我在学校门口等你。 How about this jacket? 这件夹克怎么样? It's the right size but it's a bit bright. 这件大小合适,但是颜色有点艳。 Let's see if they have one in blue. Where's the shop assistant? 让我们看看他们是否有蓝色的,售货员在哪呢? It's that girl with long hair over there. 是那边那个留着长发的女孩,! Shop assistant: Excuse me!Can I help you? 对不起,打扰一下,需要帮忙吗? Yes, do you have this jacket in blue? 是的,这种夹克你有蓝色的吗? No, I don't think so. But we've got some overcoats over here Come this way. No she doesn't want an overcoat. 不了,她不想要大衣。 Hey, I really like these shoes! 嗨,我真的喜欢这些鞋子! Oh, take a look at that amazing skirt!

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