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summary of Unit 1

summary of  Unit 1

A summary of the hidden side of happiness

In our normal life, we all encounter more or less unhappy accidents. We all want to be happy, but things don’t go this way. Life is full of adversity and pain. However, what doesn’t kill you can actually make you stronger.

People who get into great adversity, such as diseases, are shown a great spirit to struggle for surviving. Through these struggles, they are aware that happiness is not all in human life. Some people even feel that what they used to believe is useless, such as time, money, self-image, perception. To be happy and to nurture other life is all we need to do.

Although some guys are not lucky enough to walk out of the disasters, many of the poor people find a better life. The hidden side of happiness teaches them how to live a better life. This is the circle: self-loss, confusion, and finally a new sense of mastery. For parents, having a baby is one of the life’s biggest challenges. Not good for the beginning, but they will love to live with their child in the end.

So, it’s possible to live an extraordinary rewarding life even within the constraints and struggles we face.


与其他不少考研热门专业一样,英语专业研究生招生的研究方向设置非常细,不同学校的方向设置类别不一,名称也各异。 比如上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业下设有语言方向、文学方向、教学法方向、翻译学方向、口译学方向、英语国家文化方向、跨文化交际方向7个方向。而同样是外语类专业院校,北京外国语大学该专业设置的研究方向明显不同,广东外语外贸大学该专业设置的8个研究方向更与前两所学校无一相同。 在这种情况下,不少备考英语专业的同学对“如何选择研究方向”这样的问题一头雾水,也就不足为怪了。 就英语专业考研而言,外国语言文学下设置的二级学科很多,包括英语语言文学、俄语语言文学、法语语言文学、德语语言文学、日语语言文学、印度语言文学、阿拉伯语语言文学、欧洲语言文学、亚非语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学11个学科。其中,涉及英语专业的二级学科主要有3个:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言学、翻译学。 一般院校的英语专业多设置英语语言文学和外国语言学及应用语言学两个专业,所以,英语专业考研的专业设置其实比较简单,一般就是两大专业。不过,这两个专业被不同学校细化研究方向以后,就变得复杂了。如前面说到的上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业下设有7个方向,这7个方向进一步细分,小的研究方向达37个之多。 英语专业的研究方向虽名目众多,却也并非杂乱无章,其设置仍是遵循一定规律的。粗略分析,这些研究方向可分为传统研究方向和新兴研究方向两大类。 传统研究方向 传统研究方向,顾名思义,指的是设置多年的老牌研究方向,这些研究方向一般学校都有开设。 1. 文学方向 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2007年的招生统计,仅有17所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设文学方向。 研究内容:主要研究英美文学研究领域中的重大问题,目的在于提高文学素养、理论水平和研究能力。 就业方向:此方向开设学校多,招生人数较多,就业范围非常广泛,一般为教师、研究人员。所学课程:西方文论、美国经典文学、美国现当代文学、英国经典文学、文学批评、英国文学选读、美国文学选读、17~19世纪英国文学研究、希腊戏剧研究、英国长篇小说选读、美国长篇小说选读、英国诗歌选读、美国诗歌选读、英美散文鉴赏、王尔德戏剧欣赏、英国短篇小说欣赏、美国短篇小说鉴赏、英美戏剧鉴赏、中国文学史、中国古典文学选读等。 2. 语言学 开设学校:全国绝大部分招收英语专业研究生的学校。据2007年的招生统计,仅有9所招收英语专业研究生的学校没有开设语言学方向。 研究内容:语言学是我国高校近年来普遍设置的一个综合性的语言研究学科。主要学习语言学理论及语言在各种学科中的应用,不同学校侧重点有所不同。 通过大量阅读有关文献、论文和最新的研究成果报告,使学生对于语言学的形成和发展有进一步的了解,并了解现代语言学的最新动向和最新发展。语言学特别强调和重视研究生的广泛阅读,包括专业的外语期刊和近几年的语言学相关论文。 就业方向:该专业理论性较强,主要面向大中专教师及研究人员。 所学课程:语言学概论、语用学与话语分析、应用语言学、现代语法学、语义学、语用学、英语语体学与文体学、语篇分析等。 3. 英美文化研究 开设学校:南京大学、上海外国语大学、天津师范大学等。

1专业学位硕士研究生英语教程 -翻译答案合计-Unit2-Unit5

Unit 2 Translation Put the following paragraphs into Chinese. When a woman is stressed she instinctively feels a need to talk about her feelings and all the possible problems that are associated with her feelings. When she begins talking she does not prioritize the significance of any problem. If she is upset, then she is upset about it all, (no mater it is) big and small. She is not immediately concerned with finding solutions to her problems but rather seeks relief by expressing herself and being understood. By randomly talking about her problems, she becomes less upset. 参考译文:女人有压力时,会直觉地需要找人谈自己的感受以及所有可能与之相关的问题。她一旦开始谈论,就不会顾虑到问题的优先顺序。而她一难过,不论大大小小的事都让她沮丧不已。她并不急于马上寻求解答,而宁可通过倾诉自我,获得理解来取得纾解。通过随意倾诉自己的问题,她会感觉好受一点。 Exercise Turn the following sentences into Chinese. 1. The improbable (pregnant) pregnancy was (some/ a pieces of) big news for the woman's family. 2. In reality, I am a great (admire) admirer of Maya. 3. Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past single-storied homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn. 4. The fact that she was able to send a message was a hint. But I had to be cautious. 5. That day he was up before sunrise (sunrise: n./ vi.<-> sunset: n./ vi.). 参考译文: 1. 她竟然能怀孕,对她的家庭来说可是一条特大消息。 2. 事实上我对玛雅人佩服得五体投地。 3. 卡列斯尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色的大桥,爬下山岗又爬了上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经过一些平房,然后突然冲着一大片绿色草地中止了。 4. 她能够给我带个信儿这件事就是一个暗示。但是我必须小心谨慎。 5. 那天他在日出以前就起来了Unit 3 Part II Translation Put the following paragraphs into Chinese. Paris is enrolled in a "dual immersion" program at the Glenwood Elementary School here in which the pupils-half native Chinese, half English speakers—do their lessons in two languages. The program is indicative of one of the fastest-growing curriculum trends in U.S. schools: the study of Chinese. "Americans are used to hearing about people in other countries learning English. Now we're seeing the opposite trend," said Michael Levine, executive director of the Asia Society, which promotes international content in U.S. schools. "Parents and students are deciding that, since more people speak Mandarin than any other language, it might be a useful skill to have." 参考译文: 帕里斯参加了格兰乌德小学的“双语浸入式”项目,这个项目里的学生有一半的母语是汉语,有一半是英语,他们用两种语言上课。从这个项目可以看出美国学校里发展最迅速的一门课程:汉语学习。 “美国人习惯听到西他国家的人学习英语,现在我们看到了相反的趋势。”亚洲协会的执行会长迈克尔. 莱温说,该组织在美国学校里推行国际教学内容,“父母和学生们认为既然说汉语的人比任何其它语言多,那掌握汉语可能是一项有用的技能。” Exercise Turn the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Robin Hood (罗宾汉) often looted (robbed) the rich and helped the poor. 2. Ice (->icy) is not as dense (密度高的) as water and it therefore floats. 3. They have not done so well (idea->ideology->) ideologically (意识形态方面, 缺少新意), however, as (organ-> organize-> organization-> organizational) organizationally (组织方面). 4. It was a clear and unemotional (objective<->subjective) (expose->be exposed to sth.接触)exposition (说明) of the President's reasons for willing (愿意) to begin a


Unit Nine Parenting Word Bank (academy->Police Academy) academic: adj. of a school, especially of higher learning; of scholarly (scholarship奖学金,助学金) performance学校的,学院的,学术的 affirm: v. to assert; confirm断言,证实,承认 (aggress->aggressor =invader) aggression (aggressive): n. the act of initiating (hostile->) hostilities or invasion侵犯,侵略,挑衅 (anthropology->) anthropologist: n. the scholar who studies the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of human beings人类学家complement: v. to make sth. Complete补充,补足 complementary: adj. completing; supplying mutual needs补充的,补足的 consequence: n. effect; the result to its cause结果,因果关系的 deprive (sb. of sth.): v. to take sth. away from拿走,抢夺 directive: adj. straightforward; serving to direct (->director导演)直接的,指导的(obey->obedient->obedience<->disobey->disobedient) disobedience: n. refusal or failure to obey不服从,不顺从,违抗 distinct: different; clear不同的,明显的 (diverse->) diversity: n. (vary->) variety or multiformity 变化,多样性 enforce(->reinforce): to compel obedience to强制服从或遵守 (exploit->) exploitation: n. the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage 开发,开采,剥削 (expose to->) exposure: n. the act of exposing; influence暴露,受影响 facilitate (=help->facility设备设施): v. to make easy or easier使容易,使便利groom: v. to care for the appearance of; to make neat (tidy)and trim(vt./adj.)使整洁,打扮 hygiene: n. (=sanity) the promotion and preservation of health 卫生 interaction: n. the act or process of interacting相互作用 (intimate->) intimacy: n. the condition of being close in relation亲密 (muscle肌肉->masculine男性的->) masculinity: n. the quality and characteristic of a male男子气,阳刚气 modify: v. to change; to alter变更,修改 monster: n. an imaginary or legendary creature怪物 nurture: v. to nourish, to feed; to educate, to train给…营养,喂养,培养 (object->objective<->subjective) objectivity: n. the state of being objective 客观,客观性 (orient东方的) oriented: adj. directed导向性的 predatory: adj. living by preying on other organisms掠夺的,肉食的 (relate A to B->relation->) relational: adj. of kinship亲属关系的 roughhouse: v. to engage in rowdy behavior or play打闹,殴斗 sheer: adj. complete; absolute; pure 绝对的,完全的,纯粹的 sternly: adv. harshly; severely严厉地,严格地 (sym-=same; pathy=feeling)sympathy(sympathize with sb.): n. sharing the


专业学位硕士研究生英语 English for Master Degree Candidates 课程简介 《专业学位硕士研究生英语》课程是硕士阶段研究生一门必修的基础课程,是研究生教育过程中的一个重要组成部分。硕士研究生英语以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,教学目标以培养研究生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力为主,强调培养研究生的英语口语、书面表达能力,为他们今后从事科研工作打下坚实的语言功底,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流对研究生英语水平的要求。 本课程重在学生参与、教师指导,使学生在语言实践过程中自然获取语言知识并掌握。 As an important educational component to Masters, English for Master is a required course in Capital Medical University. It aims to convey English language and applied language skills, learning strategies and cross-cultural communication to the masters. Its objective is to develop the Masters’ability to apply English, especially their ability in listening and speaking. The course focuses on the training of the masters’spoken and written capacity, thus laying a solid language foundation for the master candidates in their future work. 教学大纲 一、课程名称:专业学位硕士研究生英语 二、总学时数:72学时3学分 理论课72学时 实验课0学时 三、授课对象: 专业学位研究生。 预修完本科阶段的大学英语课程。 四、教学目的: 本课程的教学目的是以培养研究生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力为主,强调培养研究生的英语口语、书面表达能力,为他们今后从事科研工作打下坚实的语言功底,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流对研究生英语水平的要求。 五、理论课程内容: 《医学院校硕士研究生英语读与写》中的内容 Unit 1 The Hippocratic Oath


. . word. . Unit 1 Text A II. Language points 1. How successful you’ll be in making transitions among careers can at least be partially attributed to the amount of career planning and preparation you’ve done.(Para. 1) If you are well-prepared in making plans for your future career, the chances are that you might as well succeed in changing your career because how successfully you change your career may in part result from what preparations you’ve done in career planning. 2. Think of career planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career; without the bridge, you may easily stumble or lose your way, but with the bridge there is safety and directions. (Para. 2) You should regard making plans for your career as building bridges which are the transitions from your current job/career to your next job/career and may help you find the right door to the future. 3. And while career planning and career decision-making is an important aspect of your life, do not put so much pressure on yourself that it paralyzes you from making any real choices, decisions, or plans. (Para. 5)… don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make real choices, decisions, or plans. 4. To help you with your career planning, consider using the following exercises to their fullest potential. (Para. 6) … consider using the following exercises to their fullest degree/ as much as possible. 5. Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged — and see if you can develop a common profile of these situations. (Para. 9) Consider the times and situations in which you feel most excited, most vigorous, most engrossed—and try to generalize the features these situations have in common. 6. Remember those papers you had to write as a kid about what you wanted to be when you grew up? (Para. 13) Do you still remember when you were little you were asked to write about what you would like to be in the future? 7. Take the time to revert back to those idyllic times and brainstorm about your current dream job; be sure not to let any negative thoughts cloud your thinking. (Para. 13) Spend some time in returning back to these simple, peaceful and pleasant times and trying to think more about your current ideal job to make sure that no negative thoughts could make your thinking obscure /unclear. 8. Look for ideas internally, but also make the effort to explore/research other careers/ occupations that interest you. (Para. 13) You should not only look for ideas inside yourself/ at the bottom of your heart, but also explore/research other careers/occupations you are interested in from the outside. 9. Pinpoint the qualifications you need to move to the next step in your career or to make the move to a new career path. (Para. 18) Mark clearly the qualifications that are needed in career changing. 10. If you’re not sure, search job postings and job ads, conduct informational interviews, research job descriptions. (Para. 18) If you’re not sure about the qualifications required in the new career, you should search job postings and job advertisements for those qualifications, take part in interviews in


Unit 2 Men V.S. (against) Women男女有别 Word Bank (assist=help) assistance: n. aid帮助,协助; first aid急救 associate (~ A with B= relate A to B): 1) n.a companion (=company伙伴/ 公司; accompany sb. to somewhere); 1)n. a partner合伙人2)v. to connect in the mind or imagination联想; 3)a. 副~ professor副教授 disengage: v. to release (oneself) from an engagement, pledge, or obligation解脱,解放; be oblighed (#forced) to do sth.不得不做某事;be ~in sth.参与某事 (attract<->) distract (->distraction干扰): v. to cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest分散,转移 (move->motion/ motion picture=film/ movie) emotionally: adv. related to emotion情绪上地fade: v. to lose strength or vitality (energy)衰退 forgetful: adj. tending or likely (possible) to forget健忘; forgetable<->unforgetable (frict: vt.) friction: n. conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests矛盾 Ignore (->ignorant->ignorance): v. to refuse to pay attention to不理睬,忽视 (instinct: n.-> instinctive; a.->) instinctively: adv. relating to, or resulting from instinct本能地 Mars: n. the fourth planet from the sun火星;~ Square战神广场 (mall购物广场#) mull: v. to go over extensively in the mind思虑; (neglegence->neglegeble) neglect: v. to pay little or no attention to忽视,疏忽overwhelm (overcome/ defeat): v. to overpower the thoughts, emotions, or senses (=reason) of 制服,控制 preoccupy: v. to engross the thoughts or mind of使全神贯注,迷住; enable; encourage鼓励(at random=) randomly: adv. of no specific order or pattern随意,任意地 (resent: vt.) resentment: n. anger, bitterness怨恨,愤恨 (lose one’s temper发火->temporary) temporarily: adv. of a short period of time暂时,临时地(tense->) tension: n. a situation or condition of (host<->hstess->hostile->) hostility suspense, or [easy#ease: 1. n./ 2. vt. to ease the pain;make you at ~=make you at home; feel/ be at ease很自在/ 很舒服) uneasiness (unconfortableness/ nervousness)紧张局势 (response: n. respond: vi. ->responsive->) unresponsive: adj. exhibiting a lack of responsiveness迟钝的 [wind: 1. n.->windy; 2. vt. to ~ the clock; 3. vi. ~ road] unwind: v. to make or become relaxed 放松,释放 Venus: n. the second planet from the sun金星 withdraw:v. to retire or retreat撤离,撤退 Phrases and Expressions be associated with: to be connected with与…有关 cope with: to deal with妥善处理,有效地对付 fade into: to disappear into消失于… focus on: to concentrate on聚焦


全日制教育硕士(学科教学-英语)专业学位硕士研究生培养方案 (专业代码:045108) 一、培养目标 总体要求:将学生培养成为既具有扎实英语基本功,深厚的英语学科知识和教育教学理论,又具有教育实践能力、教育研究能力与专业发展能力,为我国基础教育服务的高素质的英语教师与未来教育家。 具体要求如下: 1.具有较高的思想素质、专业素质和人文素质,具有良好的公民道德意识和社会责任感,良好的心理素质、较强的适应能力以及善于合作的团队精神。善于吸收国外先进思想和文化,为祖国的基础教育事业服务。 2. 了解并掌握国内外最前沿的外语教育教学研究动态,具有前瞻性思维能力和国际化的视野。 3. 系统掌握英语学科的基础知识和基本技能,具有坚实的英语教学基础理论知识,具备用英语从事教学实践的能力。 4. 能够综合运用所学的理论知识和教育科学研究方法进行外语教学研究,具有发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 二、学制与学分 基本学制为二年,总学分不低于37学分。 三、培养方式 在硕士生培养过程中,合理安排课程学习、论文工作和实践活动等各个环节。 1. 英语学科教育硕士的培养,计划采用基于教学实践平台的一体化的培养模式。即实行全过程到中学的培养方式,采用“体验-理论提升-实践-反思”的教学方式,将实践体验和教学反思贯穿于教育硕士整个培养过程。 2. 实行大学和中学双导师制度,聘请优秀的中学英语教学名师为学生的教学

实践指导教师,以师傅带徒弟的方式指导并训练学生的教学技能。大学导师参与学生的整个培养过程,侧重对学生教育思想、教学理论、教学反思和教学研究的指导。 3. 规范论文写作要求及评价标准,鼓励学生将教学体验和教学实践过程中发现的问题作为学位论文的选题,以调查研究或行动研究的方式进行实证研究。 4. 充分发挥文献阅读在夯实硕士生本学科基础知识和基本理论方面的作用,在确定硕士生录取名单后,尽早将其选择专业方向的必读经典文献目录发给录取的每位硕士生,提出阅读和考核要求,要求每位硕士生必须在开题报告之前做至少两次公开的读书报告,并上交两份书面文献阅读报告。 四、课程学习 1.课程设置 本培养方案设公共基础课(2学分)、教育理论课(6学分)、学科基础课(7学分)、学科教育课(8学分)、实践课(10学分)、选修课(4学分),课程总学分不低于37学分。 学科教学(英语)硕士研究生课程设置表


精品文档 重庆大学全日制专业硕士研究生 《英语》课程试卷(B 类) 2014~2015 学年 第 一 学期(秋) 开课学院:外国语学院 课程编号:G0401A 考试日期: 2015.01.10 考试方式: 考试时间: 120 分钟 硕士生B 类答题纸 英语班次:_______________ Answer Sheet Part I. Reading Comprehension ( 40 points, 1-10 20points; 11-20 20points) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ( ) 13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( ) 17. ( ) 18. ( ) 19. ( ) 20. ( ) Part II. Translation from English to Chinese ( 20 points) Part III. Translation from Chinese to English ( 20 points ) Part IV . Writing ( 20 points) (Please write your composition on the reverse side. 请写在背面) 重庆大学硕士研究生《英语 》课程试卷 2014~2015 学年 第 一 学期 硕士生B 类 Part I. Reading Comprehension (40 points ) Directions : Read the following passages carefully and then select the best answer from the four choices given to answer the questions or to complete the statements that follow each passage. Write your answer on your Answer Sheet. Passage One As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn ’t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe ’s new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, real-estate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the irresistible momentum of individualism over the last century. The communications revolution, the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on Europeans ’ private lives. Europe ’s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence. The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe ’s shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American style capitalism. Raised in an era of privatization and increased consumer choice, today ’s tech-savvy workers have embraced a free market in love as well as economics. Modern Europeans are rich enough to afford to live alone, and temperamentally independent enough to want to do so. Once upon a time, people who lived alone tended to be those on either side of marriage —twenty something professionals or widowed senior citizens. While pensioners, particularly elderly women, make up a large proportion of those living alone, the newest crop of singles are high earners in their 30s and 40s who increasingly view living alone as a lifestyle choice. Living alone was conceived to be negative —dark and cold, while being together suggested warmth and light. But then came along the idea of singles. They were young, beautiful, strong! Now, young people want to live alone. The booming economy means people are working harder than ever. And that doesn ’t leave much room for relationships. Pimpi Arroyo, a 35-year-old composer who lives alone in a house in Paris, says he hasn ’t got time to get lonely because has too much work. “I have deadlines which would make life with someone else fairly difficult ”. Only an Ideal Woman would make him change his lifestyle, he says. Kaufmann, author of a recent book called “The Single Woman and Prince Charming ”, thinks this fierce new individualism means that people expect more and more of mates, so relationships don ’t last long —if they start at all. Eppendorf, a blond Berliner with a deep tan, teaches grade school in the mornings. In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing. Just shy of 50, she says she ’d never have wanted to do what her mother did —give up a career to raise a family. Instead, “I ’ve always done what I wanted to do: live a self-determined life ”. 1. More and more young Europeans remain single because A. they are driven by an overwhelming sense of individualism. B. they have entered the workforce at a much earlier age. C. they have embraced a business culture of stability. D. they are pessimistic about their economic future. 2. What is said about European society in the passage? A. It has fostered the trend towards small families. B. It is getting closer to American-style capitalism. C. It has limited consumer choice despite a free market. D. It is being threatened by irresistible privatization. 3. According to Paragraph 3, the newest group of singles are A. warm and lighthearted. B. on either side of marriage. 命题(组题)人: 李 雁 审 题人: 黄萍 命 封 线 密

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