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话剧《最后的晚餐》The last supper


时间Time:公元33年33 ad逾越节(Passover)



第一幕The first act:祭司长(The chief priests)、士兵Soldier、旁白Narrator

第二幕The second act:耶稣( Jesus )、犹大(Judas )、安德烈(Andreas )、腓力(Philippus)、彼得(Petrus)、西蒙(simon)、旁白、士兵(客串Guest appearances)


Chief priests sent to arrest Jesus


(In the Church, the priest, holding a book in his

hand, reading the Bible loudly, sitting on chair

seriously, and suddenly, a rapid knock broke the silence in

the Hall. )


The Chief priests, I have already followed your commands, and

tracked him to his door secretly, it was

just what you had expected, Jesus was really against with you for the profit, and he intends to recruit, to fight with you desperately. (Pause) you can use his apprentice jewish.


What? Well it appears that he is impatient to live

anymore. Now I command you to find his apprentice, Jewish, I would like to talk to him personally.




Chief priests, are you looking for me?


Jewish, tell me ,was your boss,Jesus, going to against me?Tell me the turth, I could save you from death, and give you rise in the offcial world.


。Yes, Chief priest,my boss, Jesus was going to have this idea

教主:啊! 明白了,行,你下去领赏去吧!(30块银币)

Ah! See, OK, go down and take the reward (30 pieces ofsilver)


Yes, thank you


Thus, Judas and the Chief priest agree on it that: the one

he kissed is Jesus.


(Jewish leave, chief priest whisper with the soldier, Because a plot is on the way)

第二幕晚餐上,耶稣最后的训话Supper, Jesus ' final lecture


jesus and his 12 Apostles sit at the kitchen

table, having celebratedr last night's meal in Passove. 13 people around the table, this was their

last meal . He stood up on the seat, took off his

coat, took a towel and a basin , began to wash his disciples ' feet

耶稣:知道自己即将离开门徒,他要跟门徒交代最重要的话,就离开位子,站起来,拿水倒在盆子里,把手巾搭在肩上,开始为每一个门徒洗脚并用手巾擦干。Knowing he'd be leaving disciples, he wants to tell his

disciples some important words, while leaving

the seat, got up and poured water into

the basin, towel draped over his shoulder, started washing his disciples ' feet and drying by towel



A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime. You are our

teacher, you can't do it.


Hey, it was really stinky enough, remember to foot -washing more often, or next time I'll bring mask in case of

infecting .You call me teacher,and I still do this contemptible thing for you, only because I should be an example for

you in the future.gradually ,you also should wash feet for each other 众门徒:是,遵命,(大家纷纷应声道。)

It is, as you wish


Jesus and the disciples continued to eat dinner,then Jesus predicted that one of the disciples will betray him


You know I made a couple of sneezes for no reason today, from

that someone would betray me.


After listening , all the disciples are sad, surprised, and asked him,众门徒:“什么,老大,是我吗?是我吗"What, my bosst,

it is me? Absolutely not me "



You know my heart, you know that I will never betray you, I love you


Who is it? who had enough support with nothing to do. Would sell

our boss.


Let me know


who is it? ”


don't make any noise,adult犹大:(犹大靠在耶稣身上,并轻声问到)“啊,是我吗?”

"Oh, it is me? ”


you go to buy some ketchup 犹大:是!(不安的走了出去。走时回头望向众人)Yes


Judah, remember to go back soon, I'll miss you.


Assures that i will not go away


Oh, oh what a awaful world, someone even want to betray his repectable teacher约翰:还行,习惯就好.

OK, just get used to it.


(Judas went away and Jesus continue his lessons with the

rest of the disciples)


Jesus prayed to the god: "know you are

the only true God, and Jesus you have sent, this is life eternaity.耶稣:我交代你们一条新命令,就是要你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样彼此相爱;当别人看见你们相亲相爱时,就可以认出你们是我的徒弟了。

I tzold you a new commandment, that you love one each

other as I have loved you guys, you guys love each other and

when others see you can know that you are my disciples.


yes, follow it forever.


Judah knocked on, and came


Boss, ketchup, you want


Well, put it here


I grieve for someone betraying you


Judah, bent down and kissed him, at the same time ,soldiers broke into, and takeJesus away forcely


I love you,my Apprentice


we love you too and forever, bye


Curtain call, all thank the audience.


关于朋友的英语句子大全 社会生活的信息化和经济活动的全球化使外语,特别是英语,已经成为我国对外开放和与国际交往的重要工具。小编分享关于朋友的英语句子,仅供参考! 最新的关于朋友的英语句子1、The best mirror is an old friend. 最好的镜子是老朋友。 2、Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。 3、A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 4、The friendship of a gentleman is insipid as water. 君子之交淡如水。 5、Set great store by friendship. 情意重千斤。 6、Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。 7、Your forever friend gets you through the hard times,the sad times,and the confused times.

你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 8、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 9、Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇,老友情深。 10、Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship. 烈火试真金,苦难试友情。 11、Friendship cannot stand always on one side. 友谊是双方的事。 12、A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。 13、Friendship is like wine---the older the better. 友谊像美酒,越陈越醇厚。 14、Friends are like wine; the older, the better. 朋友象酒,越久越淳。 15、There is no friend so faithful as a good book. 最忠实的朋友莫过于一本好书 16、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 17、True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊恒久不变。 18、He who mistrusts most should be trusted least.


关于慢生活的演讲稿 首先呢,我问大家一个问题。“你们认为阻碍成功,现在最可怕的拦路虎是什么呢?” 我今天要演讲的题目是:掌握自己的人生。 拖延症之所以在最近成为时髦词儿,跟人类生存状态的改变有很大的关系。试想上溯到我们八辈儿祖宗那儿,他老人家的日常生活很可能如下安排:天亮起床,早饭,种地,午饭,种地,晚饭,愣神儿,天一黑就睡觉了。这种农业社会的主流生活模式简朴自然。人们不必为水电煤气手机上网之缴费发愁,不必为电脑杀毒重装特意找人上门服务,几个月洗次澡,更完全没有洗车瑜伽接送孩子上下学这类琐事儿。这正是如今提倡的所谓“慢生活”,想必大多数时候,拖延都不是一个问题。只是到了现代社会,社会化分工与竞争加剧,随性自然倒成了一种病症。乃至于“慵懒”成了一个奢侈的名词儿。 于是科学工作者开始关注“拖延症”的起因,并发现拖延与注意力涣散有着千丝万缕的联系。其实这一点并不新鲜,因为拖延与注意力涣散自古有之,下面看看拖延或者注意力障碍是怎么影响达芬奇的。 李奥纳多·达·芬奇是最多被作为拖延症患者提及的伟人。这位天才是史上最极品的博学者,同时涉足建筑、解剖、艺术、工程、数学等多个领域。他一生写了大量笔记。据估算,传世的6000多页手稿只是全部的三分之一。在这些笔记里面,达芬奇成为西方第一个人形机器人的设计者,第一个绘制宫中胎儿和阑尾构造的人,绘画创

作方案更是不计其数。这个事实侧面反映了达·芬奇的一生中注意力是相当分散的。也是由于这种分散,使之不能把精力完全花费在具体的目标上。于是,由于追求完美和不断有新的灵感到来,众所周知的蒙娜丽莎画了四年,最后的晚餐画了三年,并且都严重影响了客户关系。最终达芬奇传世画作不超过20幅,并且其中有五六幅到他去世还压在手里没能交付。直到他去世200年后,有关绘画的手稿才被后人成书,而更多科学方面的实践至今仍隐藏在那些草稿图中,成为天才的遗憾。达·芬奇本人亦为此苦恼,在一则笔记中他写道:"Dimmi,dimmisemaifufattocosaalcuna."(告诉我,告诉我,有哪样事情到底是完成了的?)这种挫败感,与我们当今饱受拖延困扰的后世人类所体验到的别无二致。 年轻人最容易染上的可怕习惯,就是遇事明明已经计划好、考虑过、甚至已经做出决定了,却仍然畏首畏尾、瞻前顾后、不敢采取行动。对自己越来越没有信心,不敢决断,而陷入失败的境地。 自然的,我们都不想失败。所以有的人喜欢写计划,在周密、工整的计划中获得部分满足。然若不能变为行动,便只能是一张纸,仅此而已。 那么,成功的秘诀是什么呢?很简单,四个字,立即行动!形成这样的好习惯,才会站在时代潮流的前列。而另一些人的习惯是一直拖延,直到时代超越了他们,结果就被甩到后面去。 当然我们也经常听到这样的话语“今天情绪不好,这件事就等以后再说吧。”或者是说今天状态不好,条件不好,这样那样不好,


哈姆雷特经典台词对白爱情电影英文独白赏析经典台词一 To be, or not to be:that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and thousand natural shocks The flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep; perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must guve pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, 经典台词二


《哈姆雷特》第三幕第一场 To be, or not to be: that is the question: 活着还是死去:这是一个问题。 Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer 要做到高贵,究竟该忍气吞声 The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, 来容受狂暴的命运矢石交攻呢, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, 还是该挺身反抗无边的苦恼, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; 扫它个干净?死,就是睡眠—— No more; and by a sleep to say we end 就这样;而如果睡眠就等于了结了 The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks 心痛以及千百种身体要担受的 That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation 皮痛肉痛,那该是天大的好事, Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; 正求之不得啊!死,就是睡眠; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; 睡眠:也许要做梦:唉,这就麻烦了!

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come 我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, 在死的睡眠里还会做些什么梦, Must give us pause: there's the respect 一想到就不能不踌躇。这一点顾虑 That makes calamity of so long life; 正好使灾难变成了长期的折磨。 For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, 谁甘心忍受人世的鞭挞和嘲弄, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely 忍受压迫者虐待,傲慢者凌辱, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, 忍受失恋的痛苦,法庭的拖延, The insolence of office and the spurns 衙门的横暴,做埋头苦干的天才、 That patient merit of the unworthy takes, 受作威作福的小人一脚踢出去, When he himself might his quietus make 如果他只消自己来使一下尖刀 With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, 就可以得到解脱啊?谁甘心挑担子,


[经典语录]伤感的英文句子 伤感的英文句子 1、Loveislikesentencespellalwaysletpeoplewillinglyaddictions 爱情像句咒语总让人甘心沉迷 2、Forallthethingsyoudo,andisnotworth,whoalsodon’tunderstand.为你做的一切,值得不值得,谁也不懂。 3、 Iwasthelove,onlyinterpretsthesupportingroleoftragedyofthatperson 我是这场爱情的配角,唯一诠释了悲剧的那个人 4、 Thebravestthingintheworld,issmilingtohearyousayyouandherlove世界上最勇敢的事情,是微笑着听你说你和她的爱情 5、Howlong,Icangototheendoftheworld.还有多久,我才可以走到世界的尽头。 6、Iusememoriesunderanendtoendtheironbetweenusthestory.我用回忆烫下一个句号来结束我们之间的故事。 7、Givenotyouwanthappiness,friendorloverandcare.给不了你想要的幸福,朋友或情人俄不在乎。 8、谁也不会明白这个世界的是是非非。 9、 Ireallyloveyou,perhapsinyoureyesjusttalk,butmyheartisfull,butyou.我真的爱上了你,或许在你眼里只是说说而已,但我的心,却是满满的都是你。 10、Fireworksrainlane,whosekiteisbrokenline,whoreallyinjured.烟花雨巷,谁的风筝断了线,谁的真心受了伤。 11、orapersoncontinuetolonelydown,don’tneedanyoneLifrets.还是一个人继续孤单下去,不需要任何人怜唳。 12、’smakingthedayscount. 13、ThewordsIloveyou,lostintheunease.那句我爱你,遗失在流年里。



教学准备教具准备:PPT课件 学具准备:艺术教科书 教学过程一览 教学过程教师学生设计构思 新课导入 播放视频【名画版 禁烟公益广告】,提问: 刚才的视频中都是一 些我们熟悉的什么作 品?你们知道哪些? 有没有我们上节课学 习过的? 展示蒙娜丽莎画 作和广告版对比,引导 学生回忆上节课学习 的美术鉴赏知识。 提问:还记得蒙娜 丽莎的作者吗? 简单介绍达芬奇 那我们今天就来 看看达芬奇的另一幅 画《最后的晚餐》 世界名画;《向日 葵》、《梵高自画 像》;《蒙娜丽莎》 达芬奇 新授一、《最后的晚餐》故 事背景 可以看到老师给 这一课加了一个小标 题“瞬间的艺术”,为 什么叫“瞬间”呢?同 学们你们知道动画和 漫画的区别吗? 如果我分别要用 动画和漫画来表现跑 步这个动作,如果用动 画,我是不是可以的用 动画是冻起来的 一张张画、漫画 是单独一张画。

2-3秒来画出这完整的运动过程,那如果是漫画呢? 是的,我们只能截取瞬间的一帧。艺术家的绘画,也是由他们的生活经历和自身主观选择而挑选出“一瞬间”来作画。 比如说米开朗基罗的《创造亚当》截取的是耶稣和亚当食指相碰的一瞬间;莫奈的《撑阳伞的女人》截取的是微风吹过,裙子和草地飘动的一瞬间。那我们来看这幅《最后的晚餐》,它描绘了怎样的一瞬间? 总结概括《最后的晚餐》及其前后故事。画其中一个动作 吃晚饭、耶稣说完“你们当中有一个人出卖了我”后的一瞬间。 二、《最后的晚餐》构图 ①独特“一字型”构图 那我们来看看这个故事中,我们能找出三个关键词吗? 犹大、耶稣、晚餐 这幅画中最重要的场景是不是这个“晚餐”? 展示学校食堂照片,提问:同学们刚吃完饭吧?你们平时吃饭的时候座位是怎么坐的呢?你会像达芬犹大、耶稣、晚餐 是;面对面坐、围圆桌坐……;


经典英文友情句子 1.In time of prosperity, friends will be plenty; In time of adversity, not one amongst twenty. 2.选书如择友。 3.富在深山有远亲,穷在闹市无人 4.Familiar paths and old friends are the best. 5.We can live without a brother, but not without a friend. 6.遇困难时,让我们互相扶持! 7.Friendship the older it grows the stronger it is. 8.朋友的要求不要拖。 9.虽然我和你各奔东西,但是我和你的友情不会就此消失。 10.Friendship is love with understanding. 11.友谊是爱加上谅解。 12.天下无不散之筵席。 13.你是那位可以听到我心里深处的朋友! 14.患难见真友。 15.Friendship ---- one soul in two bodies. 16.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 17.没有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。 18.不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。 19.To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 20.A friend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.


最后的晚餐解说词 1、欣赏达·芬奇经典美术作品《最后的晚餐》在构图、色彩、人物动态及面部表情丰富传神的美感、绘画技法上的审美特点,感受达·芬奇在这幅画里用现实主义的手法讴歌真理与正义,鞭挞了叛徒行为与邪-恶 势力的情感。以此了解和感受艺术大师辉煌的绘画艺术成就及在科学方面对人类的贡献,培养崇敬大师和珍爱世界经典艺术的情感。 2、体会文章说明与描写相结合的作用,文画对照,赏析画中人物的神态和心理。 说明: 《最后的晚餐》是达·芬奇为米兰圣玛丽亚修道院食堂而作的壁画,取材于《圣经》中耶稣被他的门徒犹大出卖的故事。在这幅作品中,达·芬奇精彩地刻画了当耶稣在晚餐上说出“你们中间有一个人出卖了我”这句话后,他的12个门徒瞬间的表情。透过每个人不同的神态表情,我们可以洞察到他们每人的性格和复杂心态。画面布局突出耶稣,门徒左右呼应。坐在中央的耶稣庄严肃穆,背景借明亮的窗户衬托出他的光明磊落。叛徒犹大处于画面最阴暗处,神色惊慌,喻示他心地龌龊丑恶,与耶稣形成鲜明对照。因此,在教学中,应让学生明白大师在构图上的特点,能结合文中神态和心理描写,看图讲述这幅画所展示的故事,领会大师讴

歌正义鞭挞邪-恶的思想感情。 教学重点与难点 1、重点:通过图文了解大师如何生动地展开人物心理冲突和故事的戏剧性,从人物的活动、性格、情感和心理反应等特征上深化故事的寓意。 2、难点:图文对照,赏析表现耶稣和犹大两人神态与心理的语句,把握作品正义与邪-恶对立的主旨。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动预设学生活动预设设计意图 导入新课同学们,你对达.芬奇的艺术、科学成就知道哪些,你知道达·芬奇的哪些经典作品?你能给我们介绍一下大师的某作品吗?你对大师的艺术成就有什么感受和体会?达·芬奇,意大利文艺复兴时期画家,科学家,人类智慧的象征。是意大利文艺复兴时期最负盛名的艺术大师。他不但是个大画家,同样还是一位未来学家、建筑师、数学家、音乐家、发明家、解剖学家、雕塑家、 物理学家和机械工程师。他因自己高超的绘画技巧而闻名于世。 《最后的晚餐》是世界最著名的宗教画,《蒙娜丽莎》则为世界上最著名、最伟大的肖像画。这两件誉满全球的作品使达·芬奇的名字永垂青史。达·芬奇独特的艺术语言是运用明暗法创造平面形象的立体感。他曾


关于闺蜜的句子简短英文:闺蜜友情句子唯美简短 闺蜜是一辈子的情人,虽不能时时见面,不能及时分享彼此的开心与悲伤,可如果有一天,我们再遇见,亲爱的,一切都不会变!小编精心收集了关于闺蜜的简短英文句子,供大家欣赏学习! 关于闺蜜的简短英文句子精选 1、no person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won’t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得你流泪的人是不会让你哭的。 2、often by those i ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious. 往往被我忽视的那些,只有在失去了才知道那是最珍贵的。 3、it happens to everyone. 这种事谁都会遇到。 4、your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful. 你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 5、only want to pull your fingertip, circles earth last! 我只想牵你的指尖,绕地球最后一圈! 6、don\’t part with your illusions. when they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. 不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。 7、If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 8、we all live in the past. we take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone. 我们每个人都生活在各自的过去中,人们会用一分钟的时间去认识一个人,用一小时的时间去喜欢一个人,再用一天的时间去爱上一个人,到最后呢,却要用一辈子的时间去忘记一个人。 9、life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by the claims of love. 生命从世界得到资产,爱情使它得到价值。 10、dream of action is the starting line, knowledge is our forward accelerator, adhere to is that we do not stop the pace, the wisdom of our success is a magic weapon. 梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。 11、i dropped a tear in the ocean, and when i find it thats the day i will stop loving you. 我的一颗眼泪掉进了海洋,当我找到它的那一天就是我停止爱你的那一天。 12、neither time nor distance parts our sight. we meet each other in missings each night. 无论是时间的距离,还是空间的距离,都无法隔断我们的视线,每天晚上,我们不是都在思念中相见吗? 13、misfortunes never come alone/single. 14、learning proficiency for officialdom, one 学而时习之,不亦说乎? 15、it hurts to love someone and not be loved in return,but what is the most painful is to love someone and never finding the courage to let the person know how you feel.


To be, or not to be—— that is the question; 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题; Whether‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? 默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难, 通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵? To die——to sleep—— No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. 死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。

To die, to sleep—— To sleep——perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil Must give us pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; 死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。人们甘心久困于患难之中,也就是为了这个缘故; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make


第6课漂亮是美术鉴赏的标准吗——艺术美和形式美 一、导入: 上课,同学们好!请坐! 最近几年,“女神”这个词经常被我们提到,那么大家能不能告诉我,你心目中的女神应该是什么样的?好,如果用一个词语来概括,能不能说女神一定是漂亮的呢? 接下来我们来认识一位女神···额,大家的表情很复杂,的确,这个女孩以我们传统的审美来看并不漂亮,但是我们继续来看一段视频!···好,相信大家一定和我一样,都感受到了她在T台上的自信和从容,这个时候的她魅力四射!这个女孩叫吕燕,她被法国人誉为最美的东方女神!因此我们可以得出一个结论,生活中,美并不一定是漂亮的! 那么在美术作品中,漂亮是美术鉴赏的标准吗?带着这个问题,我们来学习今天的内容——艺术美和形式美! 首先,大家来看下我们本节课的学习目标! 二、新知探究: 环节一: 接下来我们欣赏一个雕塑作品——罗丹的《欧米艾尔》,看的过程中思考两个问题:好,大家小组间开始讨论!···**你来说一下这两个问题,好,请坐!**你来补充下,恩,很好!请坐!正如大家所说的那样,这个作品给我们展示了一个风烛残年、畸形丑陋的女人形象,但是却给我们带来了一种凄美、震撼的视觉感受! 以上环节,学生完成目标1 因此,在美术作品中,艺术美同样不一定是漂亮的!那么到底什么是艺术美,他在美术作品中是如何体现的? 大家欣赏席里柯的作品《艾普色姆的赛马》,这个作品又描绘了一个怎样的画面?好,**同学,你来说下!恩,很好,那么有没有同学发现了画面中一个不太对劲的地方?好,你来说!对,画面的中的这些马的奔跑动作不真实!的确,通过和摄影照片对比发现,席里柯的作品不真实,但是我们却更能感受到这些选手们正策马扬鞭、使尽全身的洪荒之力往前飞奔,给我们营造出了紧张压抑的比赛气氛! 因此,通过分析这些美术作品,我们可以得知,艺术美不一定要漂亮、真实,我们来尝试给艺术美下个定义!··· 恩,很好!这里的创造是经过了作者的主观处理——抽离、概括、夸张、重组等,而此时的美术形象已经是有别于客观现实的“第二自然”,但是不管一个作品是漂亮还是丑陋,夸张还是写实,能引发观看者的情绪反应和情感共鸣,激发观看者的思考、联想,那么这个作品就具有艺术美! 以上环节,学生完成目标2 环节二: 接下来我们回顾下第二课所学的美术作品的艺术语言,接下来,大家思考一个问题,如果忽略艺术形象,单靠艺术语言,能否传递给我们美感?能否表达作者的情感和思想? 能?不能?好,接下来,大家都拿出一片白纸,我们来进行一个小尝试:有声音的线条!大家用不同类型的线条表现依次画出你听到的声音给你带来的感受,好,有没有同学愿意到黑板上画给大家呢?好,**同学,你来!好,大家注意听咯!···好,我们来看下这位同学的作品,他分别用了折线、曲线和杂乱无章的线画出了雷声、轻音乐和神曲《忐忑》,老师觉得他画的非常好,大家也都用了不同类型的线条画出了自己的感受,其实我们每个人天生都是艺术家,都有用艺术的语言来表达我们情感的本能,只是


哈姆雷特英文读后感 第一篇:《哈姆雷特》英文读后感 shakspere created hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .in order to revenge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented to be mad and suffered a series of misery. on the contrary, we can also say that hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think twice before his revenge . if a country has no king, how can a country keep alive so, every thing has two sides, the bright side and adumbral side. every time we make a decision we have to think twice. ment: be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. too many uncessary mistakes. it is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of hamlet. thats quite objective and convincing. 第二篇:哈姆雷特的英文读后感 读后感 as one of four of shakespeare's most famous tragedies, in my view of hamlet is one of the most classic one. he was there all the tragic prince who had assembled at the poor. father was his uncle killed, mother remarry, was still married under a horizontal bar in front of carriage for armrest of his father's enemy, unfortunately died after lover crazy, finally together with his friends, mothers in this tragedy, was pletely engulfed. this series is derived from the desire of the tragedy and hatred. uncle's greed and desire made him contrary to justice these cults undertake irrational things, also attracted its own nephews could not be devoid of hatred, but also unable to avoid the curse of the seeds of their own destiny, until finally breaking up. but what about the little prince, in deep sorrow because of father's death, because of his father's ghost and the initiation of thoughts of revenge. so step by step plan, wants revenge for the father to their own, but tried again protection of his mother, but never thought about the accident continues, mothers, lovers, friends, they will be lost. shakespeare seems to use this text as the world reveal terrible hatred, it is a double-edged sword, a very sharp, also full of


1.A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 2.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 3.To preserve a friend three things are required: to honor him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。 4.When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 朋友的要求不要拖。 5.A bosom friend afar brings distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

6.Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。 7.A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us. 一本好书,莫逆之交。 8.Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。 9.Friendship cannot stand always on one side. 来而不往非礼也。 10.Friendship is love with understanding. 友谊是爱加上谅解。


《最后的晚餐稿》 合:大家好!我们今天介绍的是最著名的宗教画《最后的晚餐》。 王羽辰:意大利伟大的艺术家列奥纳多·达·芬奇所创作,是所有以这个题材创作的作品中最著名的一幅。现藏于米兰圣玛利亚德尔格契修道院。 朱羽佳:此画无可争议地成为世界美术宝库中最完美的典范杰作。这幅画,是他直接画在米兰一座修道院的餐厅墙上的。沿着餐桌坐着十二个门徒,形成四组,耶稣坐在餐桌的中央。他在一种悲伤的姿势中摊开了双手,示意门徒中有人出卖了他。该画421X903厘米,画面利用透视原理,使观众感觉房间随画面作了自然延伸。为了构图使图做得比正常就餐的距离更近,并且分成四组,在耶稣周围形成波浪状的层次。越靠近耶稣的门徒越显得激动。耶稣坐在正中间,他摊开双手镇定自若,和周围紧张的门徒形成鲜明的对比。耶稣背后的门外是祥和的外景,明亮的天空在他头上仿佛一道光环。他的双眼注视画外,仿佛看穿了世间的一切炎凉。 王羽辰:画家描绘的弟子们的心理和情态,在现实生活中都可以找到相似的模特儿,可是叛变者的形象是很难画的。达芬奇为塑造犹大的形象已停笔几天,他常站在画前沉思。当时请达·芬奇作画是按时付酬金的,后几天不动笔使院长十分恼火,并打算扣芬奇的工资。院长将想法通过总管告诉达·芬奇,达·芬奇说了停笔的原因。总管虽能理解,但扣工资非他本意,而是承院长旨意。这时达·芬奇转首看看院长,立即表示可以很快完成犹大的形象,如果实在找不到犹大的模特儿,就把院长的头像画成犹大,总管会意地笑了。后来米兰大公来看芬奇已完成的画,一见坐在犹大位置上的是院长,他笑了,并说:我也收到修士们的指控,说他克扣修士们的薪金,他和犹大是一个样的,就让他永远地坐在这里吧。大公对芬奇说:“他对你不公平,你巧妙地报复了他。”达·芬奇之所以用院长作模特儿,并非完全是出于个人的报复,而是发现院长和犹大都很贪婪金钱,他们在本质上是一致的。所以犹大是作为贪财、


Summary of the Hamlet: This story is about prince of Denmark Hamlet revenge his uncle,who killed his father, with his own life being end. In the first part of the story, Hamlet was anger for unchastity of his mother. At latter, the ghost of the old Hamlet, father of Hamlet , told Hamlet that he was killed by Claudius, and asked Hamlet to revenge for him. The ghost is a significant character in this story because it let Hamlet know the truth of the death of his father, and then the whole story developed around Hamlet’s revenge. In the second part of the story, Hamlet pretended to be a madman. He arranged a drama which was similar with the truth of the death of his father to evaluate whether the words of the ghost is true. After affirming that his father was killed by Claudius, Hamlet decided to revenge for his father. When Claudius was ashamed of his evil behavior in the garden, Hamlet abandon to kill his uncle in this time. Then his mother called him to her palace. Polonius hided behind the curtain to eavesdrop on the talk between queen and Hamlet. But Hamlet was supposed he was king Claudius and stabbed him with sword.


表达友谊的英语句子 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、友谊是美丽无价的宝石,让人无限珍惜。 Friendship is a beautiful and priceless gemstone, which people cherish infinitely. 2、因为不知道永远,所以要珍惜现在。 Because we don't know forever, we should cherish the present. 3、是缘分将我们带到一起,是友情将我们紧紧地相连。 It is fate that brings us together. It is friendship that binds us together. 4、找到朋友的唯一办法是自己成为别人的朋友。 The only way to find a friend is to be someone else's friend. 5、有些人对你恭维不离口,可全都不是患难朋友。 Some people give you compliments, but none of them are friends in need. 6、友谊是心中不落的太阳,让人勇往直前。 Friendship is the sunset in the heart, let people go forward bravely. 7、用双手把握一个真心的朋友。

Grasp a true friend with both hands. 8、别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。 Friends are still with you when everyone else walks away. 9、竭诚相助亲密无间,乃友谊之最高境界。 Helping each other with all sincerity and intimacy is the highest realm of friendship. 10、夫大寒至,霜雪降,然后知松柏之茂也。 The doctor arrives in cold, frost and snow fall, and then knows the Mao of pine and cypress. 11、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。 Brothers may not be friends, but friends are often like brothers. 12、我只想把最好的和你分享,因为你是我的好朋友。 I just want to share the best with you, because you are my good friend. 13、人生交契无老少,论交何必先同调。 There is no agreement between the old and the young in life. Why do we have to be in harmony with each other first? 14、如果友谊一旦破坏了,连爱情也不能够再使它恢复。 If friendship is destroyed, even love cannot be restored. 15、人间岁月闲难得;天下知交老更亲。 Time and leisure are rare in the world.

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