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Unit 1 Task 2 M: Come in, please. W: Good morning, sir. I’m Karen Yang. M: Good morning, Miss Yang. I’m Kevin Carter, the Administration Manager. Take a seat, please. W: Oh, is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is so beautiful. M: Thank you. Ah… Miss Yang, I’ve gone through your resume. I’d like to ask you some questions now, if you don’t mind. W: Of course not. please go ahead. M: Well, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us? W: I really like this kind of work, and having been a doctor for three years, I want to apply for this position for a change. M: Don’t you think it’s a pity for you to leave your present job? W: To some extent, it is. I have learned a lot in the hospital. But I would like to try a different kind of life. W: By the way, could you tell me how much the new job pays? M: Sure. There is a five-month probationary period and you can only get RMB2,000 for each month. After that, we’ll determine your salary according to your performance. W: Oh, I see. Then, what about the paid holidays, insurance, and things like that? M: Every employee in our company enjoys life insurance and unemployment insurance. In addition, they enjoy two-week paid holidays. W: That sounds fine. How much time will it take for me to be promoted here? M: I’m not sure. It depends on your ability and performance. Maybe we’ll send you to one of our branches, if you like. W: No problem. I hate staying at one place all the time. But in which cities do you have your branches? And, where is your company based? M: Our company is based in New York, with branches in many cities, such as Philadelphia, Beijing and London. Follow-up practice Cai: May I come in? Ms. Smith: Yes, please. Cai: Good morning, Madam. My name is Cai Ning. I am coming to your company for an interview, as requested. Ms. Smith: Fine, thank you for coming, Miss Cai. Please sit down. I am Anne Smith, Assistant Manager for the Personnel Department. Cai: Nice to see you, Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith: Nice to meet you, too. Would you like to have a cup of coffee or tea? Cai: Tea is fine. Thank you. Ms. Smith: I’ve read your CV. It looks good. Now, I wonder if you can tell me more



This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 4, Listening Test I. Part One. Questions 1 to 8. For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. Here is an example: Who is Emily going to write to? [pause] Man: Emily, that supplier we use has become very unreliable, and we've decided to look for another one. Woman: Seems a good idea.

Man: We don't need to inform our clients, but could you send a note round to all our departments when we've decided who to replace the supplier with? Woman: Yes, of course. [pause] The answer is A. Now we are ready to start. After you bare listened once, replay each recording. [pause] One: What is the quotation for one thousand brochures with colour photos? [pause] Man: How much can you quote for our brochure order?


史上最全剑桥商务英语BEC考试资料下载 史上最全剑桥商务英语BEC考试资料下载2010-02-11 09:17 |(分类:-BEC & BULATS) 2009最新BEC考试资料汇总(包含08年以前资料) 注意:论坛要下注册一下,才能下载资料 人邮版bec真题第3辑_高级 人邮版bec真题集第2辑_高级. 求-BEC高级-人邮版“模拟试题册”听力 人邮版bec中级真题第三辑 人邮版bec中级真题第二辑 剑桥BEC真题第三辑(初级)听力--人邮版 人邮版BEC高级真题(第二辑)听力MP3 人邮版BEC高级真题(第三辑)听力MP3 BEC教材 新编剑桥商务英语初级【学生用书?教师用书?同步辅导】三册全集 新编剑桥商务英语同步辅导高级 新编剑桥商务英语学生用书高级2版.rar 新编剑桥商务英语教师用书高级2版 新编剑桥商务英语学生用书中级:2版 新编剑桥商务英语同步辅导(经科版)中级.pdf 新编剑桥商务英语教师用书初级.pdf 新编剑桥商务英语初级mp3(华夏版) 新编剑桥商务英语(高级)-学生用书-经济科学出版社mp3全集(下) 《新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书》(BEC2)经济科学出版社[MP3] 新编剑桥商务英语(高级)-学生用书-经济科学出版社mp3全集(上) 新编剑桥商务英语(中级)-学生用书-经济科学出版社 新编剑桥商务英语自测练习与解答

初级 BEC初级精华(MP3+视频+讲义) NO-BOOK口语初级版(含文本) 剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)30天突破mp3--初级 按课程自己汇总的BEC初级、中级词汇 [下载]新编剑桥商务英语初级【学生用书?教师用书?同步辅导】三册全集石化出版社BEC初级习题集MP3[60M] [下载]新编剑桥商务英语教师用书初级.pdf [下载]新编剑桥商务英语初级mp3(华夏版) [下载]剑桥商务英语证书初级试题及听力MP3集萃[更新] [商务英语BEC][初级写作]新东方-初级商务英语flash-写作-刘军 [商务英语BEC][初级口语]新东方-初级商务英语flash-口语-李淼 [商务英语BEC][口语]初级商务英语口语讲义 BEC初级 BEC初级1998-1999真题.doc 考生必看:商务英语BEC初级模拟试题大汇总.doc 中级 BEC中级技巧试题词汇一本通 BEC中级短文听力训练技巧 人邮版bec中级真题第三辑 人邮版bec中级真题第二辑 BEC中级词汇与MBA联考英语词汇 BEC中级商务英语真题下载 人邮版bec中级真题第二辑 BEC中级技巧试题词汇一本通 BEC中级模拟试题3套附答案和其他中级资料 初级商务英语口语(BEC中级) BEC中级2008考试核心词汇(精彩例句版) [下载]2008BEC中级口语讲座课件(网络完全版) BEC中级阅读全真 独家发布:《BEC中级技巧试题词汇一本通》全套MP3(B已修复) [下载]新东方bec中级写作flash课件 [下载]BEC中级大礼包【口语听力阅读写作】 bec中级阅读_新东方耿耿 bec中级写作_新东方孙能武 bec中级听力_新东方高媛媛 [下载]BEC中级口语新东方谢娇岳


商务英语考试听力的常见短语汇总 BEC即剑桥商务英语证书考试,是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)设立的。很多人误认为BEC考试针对是那些学与商务有关的专业人员的,其实不然。因为无论你学的专业是什么,都要在某个特定的商务环境中运用,BEC考查的正是这种普遍存在的商务环境中应具备的通识与能力。剑桥大学考试委员会设立BEC考试的目的是在全球范围内建立一个测试商界雇员英语水平的统一标准,使BEC证书被跨国公司和非英语国家的大公司用作商务英语测试标准,以评估在真实商务环境下雇员的英语水平,使人力资源部门能准确评估雇员商务英语的运用技能。 因此,与我国的四、六级考试相比较,BEC考试更侧重对英语实际运用能力的考查。换句话说,BEC中的考查内容都是可以马上拿到实际工作中去的,不会出现所谓高分低能现象。 1. fill a prescription 按处方抓药 Would you please fill this prescription for me? 2. fill in for 代替; 同义:fill one s place(position.shoes); take the place of; take over Dave. can you fill in for me tonight at therestaurant? I d like to go out of town. 3.food for thought 令人思考的东西;同义:thought-provoking There is a lot food for thought in what he had tosay. 4.for nothing 免费 To pay to see that movie would be foolish. when you can see it on TV for nothing. 5.from top to bottom 从上到下 A: Maybe you lost your wallet in this room.

剑桥商务英语课文辅导Business Correspondence

Business Correspondence 学习重点 1.Homework Review 2.Letter Writing Terminology 3.Reading ---Arranging a company visit 4.Vocabulary consolidation 5.Oral Practice ---free time, company information 6.Homework I. Homework Review Study 2b (2) (3) 介词填空 an overview of bring sth. up place sth. at one’s disposal no point in doing sth. the key to (4) (5) (6) 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词有: advice work information news progress luggage experience knowledge

time furniture 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类。在使用不可数名词时中国学生常用又常会出错的五个不可数名词是information, advice, furniture, equipment 以及feedback. information [uncountable] 信息 I need more information.我需要更多的信息。 The book contains information about a wide variety of subjects. 这本书中囊括的话题范围广泛。 For further information, call the number below. 如果需要更多信息,请打下面的电话联系。 I've one or two useful pieces of information to pass on to you. 我有一两条有用的信息要传达给你。 advice noun [uncountable] 建议 There's lots of advice in the book on baby care. 这本书中有许多关于育婴的建议。 I followed my father's advice and sold the car. 我听从我父亲的建议,把车卖了。 Take my advice and study something practical. 听我的建议,学些有实际应用的知识吧。 a piece/word of advice Let me give you a piece of advice. Wear a blue or grey suit to the interview. 让我给你提条建议吧。去面试时穿件蓝色或灰色的西服。 furniture noun [uncountable] 家具 I helped him choose the furniture for his house. 我帮助他挑选房子的家具。


剑桥商务英语(BEC)听力和口语之备考技巧 BEC考试是剑桥商务英语证书考试,是由教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的考试。该系列考试是一项语言水平考试,根据公务或商务工作的实际需要,对考生在一般工作环境下和商务活动中使用英语的能力从听、说、读、写4个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。本文主要给大家商务英语听力、口语的学习及备考方法,希望对你们有用。 一、听力LISTENING Part 1(Questions 1-12) 第一部分大多情况下是电话对话。答题纸上分为3个部分,以表格、发票、日程安排、留言条等形式出现,每部分有4个空格,要求考生听录音填空(听两遍)。该部分的电话对话内容一般是:客户抱怨、道歉、询价、订座、订货、安排、计划等。 考生拿到试卷后应抓紧时间将题目看一遍,根据文字信息,揣测填充题中可能要填什么词。一般来说,这部分要填的内容是:公司名称、人名、号码(电话号码、定单号码等)、日期等,这一题主要是考考生的辨别词汇的能力。在听第一遍时,考生要尽可能的记下有关的名称、地点、号码等内容,听第二遍时检查所填内容,填上漏掉的内容。 Part 2(Questions 13-22) 该部分分为两个部分,一般为两段独白。考生必须抓紧时间弄懂供选择的单词的意思。这些单词一般是有关职业、身份的,如:“hotel manager, salesman, technician, travel agent, engineer, cook, tourist guide, money changer”等。另外,这部分单词也可以表示功能、行为等,如:“refusing, agreeing, making excuses, boring work, an uncomfortable office, low pay, to order a meal, to book a room ”等。所以,考生在听录音前,先快速阅读供选择的单词的意思,然后,在听录音时要特别抓住key words,辩明独白所要表白的主要意思,再作出选择。需要当心的是:有些单词听上去似乎是答案,但别忙着确定,一定要等听完该段独白的全部录音才能最后定答案。 Part 3(Questions 23-30) 该部分通常是两个人或更多人之间的对话,如:开会讨论、面试、一般业务会谈等;另外也可能不是对话,而是独白,如:业务报告、产品演示会的讲话,工作汇报等。考生做这一题时首先仍然是先快速阅读选择题,从而了解录音中对话或独白的背景、大意,以便听录音时有一个大致的方向。 考生听录音时要认真将主要内容抓住,决不能因为某一个问题没听懂就停下来,听录音的过程中可以针对每一个问题做些快速记录,记下录音中人的身份、讨论的问题,以及不同的观点;如果是独白,对独白的主题,涉及到的人或物等则要尽可能弄清楚。 二、口语SPEAKING BEC口语考试总时间约为12-16分钟(一组两个考生)。 Part 1 这部分是主考官与考生的对话,考官问的问题一般有:姓名、职业、所学专业,对所从事的工作或所学专业是否喜欢,为什么喜欢或不喜欢等等。另外,考官会就某一方面问考生,如有关就业就可能问:“What would your ideal job be? Do you think all companies ought


剑桥商务英语测试BEC听力备考 BEC的听力,是很多考生头痛的考项,在ESOL中心每年的统计报告中,中国考区的听力部分得分最低,究其原因,大致可分为以下几种: 1. BEC的听力以英音居多,占了整个音频的70%,这对当今美剧流行的校园学生族和学习BEC的白领们,是一个听觉冲击; 2. 听力的第二部分和第三部分,虽然给考生朗读两遍,但是由于涉及了明显的工作场景和商务管理技能,给同学在理解方面造成巨大障碍; 3. 听力中的同义解释很多,但是大部分都是同学们没有接触过的,解释的方式本身,就很商务,绕圈子,需要很强的理解能力和瞬间分析能力。 我们就同学觉得比较难的中级听力第二部分,给同学一些备考建议。真题选自人民邮电出版社 BEC真题第三辑Test One Listening Part II 首先,这道题目考生是可以有20秒钟以上的时间读题的,音频里本身给15秒,再加上朗读steps 的时间,超过20秒钟,考生要变被动为主动,快速跳读右边方框里的

选项,划出核心名词和动词。 然后在听原文的时候,适时地抓住听力原文中的目标词汇,这段听力原文如下: No matter what kind of business situation I’m in, it’s always important to know exactly who the individual is I’m communicating with. The worst mistake you can make is to fail to find out what drives them -- money, status or whatever. Once you’ve worked that out, you’ll be able to ensure you communicate what’s in it for them personally. This should essentially govern the way you respond to people, enabling you to stay in control of the situation and achieve the desired outcome. 能够对答案产生影响的结构:it is always important to......这样的结构后面一定跟随积极的信息,对后面信息的跟踪理解:什么很重要,确切了解与我沟通的每一个人,很重要;worst mistake表面看来是个负面信息,但是后面又跟了fail to ....what drives them, fail to 我们知道这是个暗含否定意义的动词,与前面的worst 结合在一起,产生肯定概念,可见这个管理者认为了解人的需求,发现员工工作的驱动力,在管理中是很重要的。因为这样可以使你掌控全局,实现既定目标。


2019年剑桥商务英语BEC初级听力考试预测试题 Questions 1- 8 For Questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter ( A, B or C) for the correct answer. Example:Who is Emily going to write to? A the staff B the supplier C the clients The answer is A. After you have listened once, replay each recording. 1 What does Alison order? A Fish B Steak C Chicken 2 How will Oliver dispatch the order? 3 What is the message for Mr Carter? 4 What is Peter's job title? A Sales Executive B Marketing Manager C Managing Director 5 Where are they going to take the visitors? 6 What will be ordered? 7 Which electronic game do most people like? 8 What does the man think should be sold for developing new markets? PART TWO Questions 9-15 · Look a t the notes below. ·Some information is missing. You will hear an interview between Anna Marsh, who works for a business magazine, and Jim Davenport, who works in the publicity department of a company, Gold Express. For each question (9-15), fill.in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers, or letters. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Look at the table below. Some information is missing. You will hear a telephone conversation. For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. After you have listened once, replay the recording.


剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)听力试题(2) PART TWO Questions 13-22 ·You will hear five different people talking about a special training programme for their company. ·For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. For ask Two, choose the opinion that each person expresses from the list A-H. · You will hear the recording twice. TASK ONE - PERSON ·For questions 13 - 17, match the extracts with the people, listed A - H. · For each extract, choose the person who is speaking. · Write one letter A - H next to the number of the extract. A the sales director B the managing director C a secretary D a new junior manager E the advertising manager F the finance director G the catering manager H the information technology manager 13______ 14______.. 15______.. 16______. 17______.. TWO - OPINION · For questions 18 - 22, match the extracts with what the people say, listed A - H.

商务英语 BEC初级听力(超详细讲义)

BEC初级听力 第一课时 听力考试介绍 40 分钟(30+10) 4个部分 30个题 两种题型:选择、填空(14,23) 听力来源:真实、没有偏见,都与商务有关 包括访谈、打电话、面对面的交谈、记录片 目的:测试听力技巧和策略 四个部分: 1部分:8段很短的谈话或独白(15-30秒) 2部分:一段简短谈话或独白(90秒) 3部分:一段独白(2分钟以内) 4部分:一篇较长的正文(3分钟) 1部分: 选择题 8个 3选项:文字、图片、图表、示意图

测试重点:测试学生 1 理解口语 2 获取事实性信息:名字、时间、地点、图表趋势、地图上/房间中某处位置等2 部分 填空题 7个 试题:表格、统计表、图表、便条 测试重点:数字:日期、价格、百分比、数量、金额 3 部分 填空题 7个 试题:表格、记录 测试重点:单词 4 部分 选择题 8个 3选项:文字 内容:1. 一个人的独白;2. 两个人对话、访谈、谈话;3. 三个人讨论、会话测试重点:1. 理解主旨的能力 2. 获取具体、详细信息的能力 3. 了解说话人意见的能力 试听体验 Test 1 Part 1

1 Why does the woman want the job? A to reduce travel time B to learn about the computers C to earn more money 2 When is the trade fair 3 What is the purpose of today's meeting? A to discuss a merger plan B to obtain some advice C to sign a contract 4 Which chart shows this year's sales 5 How much will Emma's hotel bill be


BEC中级听力全真试题及答案 BEC中级听力全真试题(附参考答案) UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Examinations in English as a Foreign Language BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE Test of Listening PART ONE Questions 1-12 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. You will hear each recording twice. * Conversation one (Questions 1-4) Look at note below. You will hear a man phoning company about an order. Lewis & Thorn Printers Telephone Message Message for: Mark HansonOliver Martin rang from (1)_____________________________________. He hasn't received the (2)__________________________________ he ordered for a (3) _____________________________ later this month .Wants to change the quantity to (4) _______________________________ --- to be ready tomorrow. Will fax details if needed. * Conversation Two (Question 5-8) Look at the notes below. You will hear a conversation between two friends about a job vacancy. Job with Alba as (5)________________________________________ Responsible for (6) ________________________________________ Must have knowledge of (7)__________________________________________________ Apply by (8)______________________________________ * Conversation Three (Questions 9-12) Look at the notes below. You will hear a telephone conversation about arranging a meeting. FINANCE MEETING Need to discuss (9)__________________________________________.Aim to produce new (10) ______________________________________________.Check that the Sales Co-ordinator and the (11)_______________________________ can come.Arrange for a (12)


新编剑桥商务英语听力第三版01 1.1WORKING FROM HOME I: Ok, Michela. You work from home now. Can you tell me about a typical1 day? M: Sure, I always get up aroud 7 and the first thing i do is get the kids ready for school.I take them at eight thirty and then i always start work at 9. I: Do you ever have a day where you decide to have the morning off and start work at nine. M: No,you can't do that. It's important with home-working off and have a timetable and stick to it. If you end up watching TV or doing the cleaning then it isn't for you. SO I have lunch at 12 and finish work at 2:30 to get the children. I: Was that why you gave up your office job? M: Yes, I wanted to spend more time with the children. It gives me more flexibility2. Sometimes I need to work in the evening but usually it isn't a problem. I: So how long have you been doing this kind of work? M: For about five years. I've been with the same company since I left school but with the Internet and technology it's easy now to be at home. I: So your employer3 doesn't mind. M: No. It means4 the company saves money on office space and as long as I get the work done, they're happy.Sometimes I


LISTENING SCRIPTS Module 1 1.1 What does your job involve? Janet Good morning ,everyone .I’d like to welcome you all to this session about public speaking .My name’s Janet Coyte ,and I’ll be your trainer for today and tomorrow .I can see your names and the companies you work for on your badges ,but I’d like you to say something about your jobs and responsibilities .Katherine ,would you like to start? Katherine Certainly .Hi, I’m Katherine Alessi and I work for Marfil Solutions .I’m a management consultant. Marfil Solutions gives companies advice on their markets ,organization and processes .I interview clients ,identify problems and suggest solutions. Mark Morning .My name’s Mark Jenkins ,I’m a sales rep for Soap Heaven ,I visit customers and leave product samples .I look for new customers ,and I support my company’s customer service department. Kostas Hello ,I’m Kostas Hadavas .I’m the personal assistant to the managing director of a company called Athens Daily Menu ,which provides catering services .I arrange the MD’s travel and accommodation for business trips ,I organise his meetings, and I deal with correspondence. Suzanne Good morning .My name’s Suzanne Wilkes .I’m the chief financial officer of a company ,P&B Europe ,which designs gadgets and gifts .I’m responsible for the company’s accounts ,I advise the managing director on financial matters ,and I control the money that comes in and goes out. Carmen Hello ,I’m Carmen Selles ,I’m the quality manager in a company that produces car seats and interiors .I arrange and carry out tests of our products and I deal with customers’ complaints .Oh ,the name of the company is CarSpek. 1.2 What does your job involve? I Hello .May I introduce myself? My name’s Ian and I work in the Asia-Pacific division. H Nice to meet you ,Ian. .My name’s Henry and this is my colleague, Sarah. S Hello, Ian .Do you work in the Sydney office? I No, not at the moment .My boss is in Sydney .But I’m based in Singapore. H Look! There’s Michelle over there .She’s based somewhere in Asia .I can’t remember where exactly .Do you know her? I Yes, we’re on the same project this year .She’s in Singapore ,too . H Ah, lucky you .She’s really beautiful-and clever too. I Yes, I know .It’s a real pleasure to work with her. S Well, I think I’ll leave you boys to discuss….work. H Oh ,Sarah ,you’re not jealous ,are you? S No ,I’m not…Michelle ,how lovely it is to see you again. 1.3 What does your job involve?


剑桥商务英语听力考试题型解析 剑桥商务英语考试一直是职场商务人士必须通过的考试之一,在考试中,听力部分占了很大的比重,但是对于中国人来说,听力一直是困扰很多人的难点。 Part 1 (Questions 1-12) 第一部分大多情况下是电话对话。答题纸上分为3个部分,以表格、发票、日程安排、留言条等形式出现,每部分有4个空格,要求考生听录音填空(听两遍)。考生拿到试卷后应抓紧时间将题目看一遍,根据文字信息,揣测填充题中可能要填什么词。一般来说,这部分要填的内容是:公司名称、人名、号码(电话号码、定单号码等)、日期等,这一题主要是考考生的辨别词汇的能力。在听第一遍时,考生要尽可能的记下有关的名称、地点、号码等内容,听第二遍时检查所填内容,填上漏掉的内容。该部分的电话对话内容一般是:客户抱怨、道歉、询价、订座、订货、安排、计划等。 Part 2 (Questions 13-22) 该部分分为两个部分,一般为两段独白。考生必须抓紧时间弄懂供选择的单词的意思。这些单词一般是有关职业、身份的,如:hotel manager,salesman,technician,travel agent,engineer,cook,tourist guide,money changer等;另外,这部分单词也可以表示功能、行为等,如:refusing,agreeing,making excuses,boring work,an uncomfortable office,low pay,to order a meal,to book a room 等,所以,考生在听录音前,先快速阅读供选择的单词的意思,然后,在听录音时要特别抓住key words,辩明独白所要表白的主要意思,再做出选择。需要当心的是:有些单词听上去似乎是答案,但别忙着确定,一定要等听完该段独白的全部录音才能最后定答案。 Part 3 (Questions 23-30) 该部分通常是两个人或更多人之间的对话,如:开会讨论、面试、一般业务会谈等;另外也可能不是对话,而是独白,如:业务报告、产品演示会的讲话,工作汇报等。考生做这一题时首先仍然是先快速阅读选择题,从而了解录音中对话或独白的背景、大意,以便听录音时有一个大致的方向。 考生听录音时要认真将主要内容抓住,决不能因为某一个问题没听懂就停下来,听录音的过程中可以针对每一个问题做些快速记录,记下录音中人的身份、讨论的问题,以及不同的观点;如果是独白,对独白的主题,涉及到的人或物等则要尽可能弄清楚。

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