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Continuing rising trend in oesophageal adenocarcinoma

Continuing rising trend in oesophageal adenocarcinoma
Continuing rising trend in oesophageal adenocarcinoma


Jean P OWELL2*,Chris C.M C C ONKEY3,E.Walford G ILLISON1and Robert T.S PYCHAL1

1Department of Surgery,City Hospital,Birmingham,United Kingdom

2Department of Surgery,University of Birmingham,Birmingham,United Kingdom

3Cancer Research UK Trials Unit,Institute for Cancer Studies,University of Birmingham,Birmingham,United Kingdom

Our study provides an update of the incidence of oesoph-ageal cancer in the West Midland region of England and Wales from1992–96.A total of2,671cases of oesophageal cancer were identi?ed during the5-year study period,with an age-standardised annual incidence(ASR)of 5.24per 100,000(95%CI:5.02,5.45).Similar numbers of adenocarci-noma and squamous cell carcinoma were found.Only152 (5.6%)had no histology.There was a5-fold difference in age-standardised annual incidence rates between males and females for adenocarcinoma of oesophagus,but no gender difference for squamous cell carcinoma.The parallel but higher ASR in males compared to females for adenocarci-noma of both oesophagus and cardia merits further investi-gation.The similarities in the patterns of age-and sex-spe-ci?c rates and in the socioeconomic pro?les could indicate a common aetiology for adenocarcinoma of oesophagus and gastric cardia.Quality control in Cancer Registries needs to focus on the accuracy and consistency of subsite classi?cation to ensure that trends in incidence are identi?ed.In the ab-sence of accurate subsite classi?cation of stomach cancers, the proportions of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carci-noma of oesophagus(or the absolute rate of adenocarcinoma of oesophagus)may provide a useful tool in indicating whether adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia is likely to be increasing in incidence.


Key words:oesophageal cancer;oesophageal squamous cell carci-noma;oesophageal adenocarcinoma;gastric cardia adenocarcinoma; cancer incidence

The reported incidence of carcinoma of the oesophagus has been rising steeply in the UK since around1970,particularly in males.1–3There have also been reports of rises in other parts of Europe including Denmark4,5and Norway6as well as in the United States7and Australia.8Our study provides a reliable update of oesophageal cancer incidence in the West Midlands region of England up to1996.It also compares squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus,adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus and gastric cardia with respect to incidence and socioeconomic deprivation.


The West Midlands region of England and Wales is broadly representative of the country as a whole,with a mix of rural communities and urban conurbations.The population has in-creased from4.76million in1961,5.11in1971and1981to5.30 million in1991.The external boundary has remained the same but as a result of immigration,there has been a change in the ethnic make-up of the region.In the1991census,which was the?rst to include a question on ethnic group,the proportion of nonwhite residents was8%,of these37%were Indian,24%were black,23% were Pakistani and10%were of other Asian origin.9

For the5-year period1992–96,a retrospective audit was under-taken of all patients with a reported diagnosis of cancer of oesoph-agus or gastric cardia.10Patients with diagnoses ICD-O C15, C16.0,D00.1and D00.2were identi?ed from hospital discharge coding or by local Medical Records Departments throughout the region and by the West Midlands Cancer Intelligence Unit(WM-CIU),previously the Birmingham Regional Cancer Registry.

One clinician(EWG)reviewed all copies of histology reports for oesophagus and cardia identi?ed by the Pathology Departments in each hospital.Wherever possible the original full hospital notes were reviewed,but where these were not available the WMCIU records were used.EWG reviewed all the case notes,whether from hospitals or the WMCIU,so there was consistent coding of both subsite and histologic type,although identifying the cases de-pended on the initial diagnostic coding.In hospitals this coding was carried out by medical records personnel and in the WMCIU by trained clerks but with no nursing background.

The results were compared to our previous study covering 1962–86from the same region,in which all the information was obtained from the records in the cancer registry.11At that time the ef?ciency of registration was believed to be more than95% complete12and data abstraction was by nurses or their equivalent after a6-month in-house training.That data had also been sub-jected to further extensive validity checks as part of studies on the incidence,treatment and survival of both oesophageal and stomach cancers.13,14

It was not possible to carry out the same degree of quality assurance for the period1987–91as changes in the method of data abstraction in the WMCIU had resulted in an increase in the percentage of cases of unspeci?ed site in both oesophagus and stomach.Results for the West Midlands Region published in successive volumes(VI and VII)of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents15,16show that for the period1983–86,the ASR for oesophagus site unspeci?ed or multiple,were1.4for males and0.7 for females but in1988–92they had increased to8.7and3.9.The ASR for multiple or unspeci?ed stomach sites were7.9(males) and 3.5(females)in1983–86,increasing to15.3and 6.2in 1988–92.Clearly,these changes would invalidate any compari-sons of subsite distribution and hence data for1987–91could not be included.

Where standardised incidence rates are given,the rate has been standardised by age to the World Standard population using the direct method.17Linear regression was used to describe trends in log of ASR.

Socioeconomic deprivation was measured using the Townsend Index,which is a composite score based on the following measures of deprivation in the patient’s local area of residence:18

Grant sponsor:West Midlands Regional Outpost.

*Correspondence to:Room48E,Nuf?eld House,Department of Sur-gery,University of Birmingham,Birmingham B152TT,UK.



Received2April2002;Revised13August2002;Accepted23August 2002




Publication of the International Union Against Cancer

?%economically active residents aged 16–64(59for women)who are unemployed

?%private households without a car

?%private households not owner occupied

?%private households with more than 1person per room.High Townsend scores imply a high level of deprivation.The Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon tests were used to compare groups with respect to Townsend scores since there was a degree of nonnormality.


For the period 1992–96,a total of 4,239case-records were reviewed,of which 579(13.7%)were excluded (Table I).Of the cases included,79.6%were from public hospital notes,2.2%from private hospitals and 18.2%from records in the WMCIU.

The distributions by histology are given in Table II and as in previous studies the unusual types of cancer were also excluded,21from oesophagus and 29from stomach.

There was a 5-fold difference in age-standardised annual inci-dence rate (ASR)between males and females for adenocarcinoma of oesophagus,but no gender difference for squamous cell carci-noma (Table III).

Combining the results of our study with those of the previous study 11gives 5-yearly rates over a 30-year period,with (for rea-sons given in Material and Methods)the observation for 1987–91missing (Table IV).With this caveat,there is a clear upward trend of log-incidence in adenocarcinoma of oesophagus (p ?0.001),rising by about 10%per year.There is a much slower trend for squamous cell carcinoma (p ?0.003),which rises at a rate of 1%per year.Figure 1shows how this has developed over 30years to the extent that the standardised rate of adenocarcinoma in the most recent period is now almost the same as squamous cell carcinoma.This is partly because the adenocarcinoma patients are younger;the actual number of cases of squamous cell carcinoma being still 8%higher.The number with no histology is clearly lower in the latest period and the gastric cardia rate shows an apparent slight downturn in 1992–96.

Figure 2shows these changes over time broken down by sex and site.In squamous cell carcinoma,the pattern of incidence by age is virtually identical in males and females,but in adenocarcinoma of both oesophagus and cardia there is a marked separation with higher rates in males at every age.Figure 3shows the age-speci ?c incidence rates for the same subdivisions.The same pattern occurs again,with similar squamous rates in males and females but higher rates for males in adenocarcinoma of both oesophagus and gastric cardia at every age group.

In 164of 905(18%)cases that had had a surgical resection,the site of tumour (either oesophagus or gastric cardia)was changed from the preoperative classi ?cation.The largest change occurred in presumed oesophageal cases,with 150of 713(21%)being reclassi ?ed as gastric cardia tumours.

Comparing Townsend scores (Table V),there are statistical differences in deprivation between the 3groups (p ?0.001),whether or not the scores are assumed to be from a normal distribution (t -test and Kruskal-Wallis test).Squamous cell carci-noma of the oesophagus is associated with a signi ?cantly higher level of deprivation than adenocarcinoma of oesophagus (p ?0.001)and the least deprivation is seen in cardia patients.The pattern is illustrated in Figure 4.


Our study shows a continuing rise in incidence of adenocarci-noma of the oesophagus and identi ?es differences in incidence between the sexes that are dependent on histologic type.The rates for adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia for 1992–96have not shown a similar increase.It seems likely that this is a re ?ection of the marked increase,in the West Midlands,of cases of stomach with no speci ?ed subsite.

For 1962–86,there was a uniform method of data collection and validation but,as described in Material and Methods,no reliable data was available for 1987–91.In 1992–96,there were problems in identifying all the cases,particularly of cardia since it was not possible to undertake the same degree of quality assurance as for 1962–86and the hospital notes were only available for review by EWG if the case had been speci ?ed as cardia on either the discharge summary or on the WMCIU database.In the ?rst se-ries,14which used cancer registry data,the proportion of cases diagnosed as stomach unspeci ?ed (C16.9)decreased from more than half in 1962–66to one-third in 1982–86.In 1988–92,the proportion with site unspeci ?ed in the WMCIU database was more than 80%.16No breakdown is available for hospital discharge coding.

Table VI utilizes data (for males only)from 2tables in Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (Vol.VII)14for European and North American countrywide registries with populations similar to the West Midlands and more than 400cases of stomach cancer per year.The data is mainly for the period 1988–92.The fourth column gives the proportion of unspeci ?ed subsite to all stomach and illustrates the 3-fold variation (from 25.3–74.8)between coun-tries in cases with no speci ?ed subsite.

Other reasons for uncertainty about the true rate of adenocarci-noma of cardia relate to a lack of agreement and inconsistency of approach by pathologists and clinicians on the de ?nition of the gastric cardia.In a recent Swedish study,the authors concluded,


Reason for exclusion

No.of patients

Not diagnosed in 1992–96

105Resident outside West Midlands 75Barrett ’s or benign oesophagus

46Primary cancer of stomach other than cardia 128Primary cancer of other site 79Other benign conditions

21Inadequate information in notes

74No notes available in hospital or WMCIU 51


Oesophagus Cardia



n %


1,24846.4161 1.7Adenocarcinoma

1,15542.991194.1Anaplastic or small cell cancer 91 3.419 2.0Adenosquamous or other carcinoma


0.9Sarcoma,melanoma,lymphoma 2110.8410.4No histology 152 5.690.9Total






Excluded from remainder of analysis.


INCIDENCE PER 100,000(95%CI)FOR 1992–96



Males 2.50(2.28,2.72) 4.16(3.87,4.45)Females 2.38(2.18,2.58)


M/F ratio 1.05


Persons 2.44(2.29,2.59) 2.34(2.19,2.48)



“The observed increase in adenocarcinoma of the cardia may have been in ?ated by misclassi ?cation,possibly fueled by an increase in diagnostic awareness.”19From a clinical standpoint,there may be little practical differentiation between a patient with adenocarci-noma of the lower oesophagus and cardia.The dif ?culty in know-ing where a large gastric or oesophageal tumour actually arose from blurs the distinction even further.

There are a number of epidemiologic factors that suggest a similar aetiology for adenocarcinoma of oesophagus and cardia.Firstly,a number of studies have shown increasing incidence rates over time in both sites.1,3,4,7Secondly,in the West Midlands,when incidence rates are analysed by sex,adenocarcinoma of oesopha-gus and cardia show a very similar pattern with a marked separa-tion between the sexes,unlike that observed in squamous cell carcinoma of oesophagus (Fig.2).Thirdly,this similarity of be-haviour between the 2subdivisions and the contrast with squa-mous cell carcinoma is further re ?ected in the age-speci ?c rates for the 3subdivisions (Fig.3).Fourthly,when the effects of socio-economic deprivation are examined (Table V and Fig.4),squa-mous cell carcinoma of oesophagus is associated with a signi ?-cantly higher level of deprivation than adenocarcinoma of oesophagus and cardia,which show a quite different pattern.In our earlier study,11for males only,the social class distribu-tions (based on occupation)were compared to those for all male cancers of any site.There was a marked similarity between the trend in social class distributions for adenocarcinoma of oesoph-agus and cardia,with both having proportionally higher rates in social class 1(professional)and lower rates in social class 5(manual).Opposite social class gradients were observed in squa-mous cell carcinoma of oesophagus and stomach other than cardia.

A recent study in Scotland 20described a striking increase of adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus and possibly also of cardia and found a signi ?cant association between deprivation and squamous cell carcinoma of oesophagus and noncardia sites of stomach,but no evidence of an association with adenocarcinoma of oesophagus or cardia.

A very useful innovation in Vol.VII of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents 16is the provision of tables giving the distribution of histologic types for selected sites.Corley and Buf ?er,21using cumulative incidence rates (age 0–74)from 33countries,suggest that different risk factors may be associated with adenocarcinoma of oesophagus and with cardia.However,the populations they included clearly have widely differing lifestyles and also consid-erable variation in the number of stomach cancers with unspeci ?ed site.There could also be some doubt about using rates up to age 74to compare sites that typically have median ages of around 70.In Table 6,ASR and the proportion histologically veri ?ed are used to calculate the proportions by subsite and histology for stomach and oesophagus,respectively.This demonstrates a differ-ent pattern of oesophageal cancer in Sweden compared to the other registries,with 70%of the cases being squamous.In stomach,the proportion without a speci ?ed site is high,so although the propor-tion of reported cardia (18%)is similar to that of England and Wales,this relatively low proportion may be due either to under-reporting or to a lower incidence because of different aetiologic factors.Denmark,one of the ?rst countries to report an increase in both oesophagus and cardia,4has a pattern much closer to other countries reporting an increase in gastric cardia.Thirty percent of all stomach cases are in the cardia,whilst in the oesophagus,less than 50%are squamous cell carcinoma.An earlier retrospective analysis of data from the Swedish Cancer Registry 22showed a higher incidence in southern Sweden (i.e.,those counties nearest Denmark)compared to more northern counties.Data for other Scandinavian countries would provide useful comparisons since Norway and Finland have world ASR for stomach of 13.6and 16.6,respectively,but unfortunately a breakdown by subsite and histology is not available for these countries.16

Another interesting comparison is between the UK and North American registries.SEER white has the lowest proportion of site unspeci ?ed and the highest proportion of gastric cardia cases,but with a low overall rate for stomach (7.5),the incidence of cardia is only 2.9.In England,Wales and Scotland,this pattern is reversed,with the highest proportions for site unspeci ?ed and lowest for cardia,whilst they have the highest incidence rates for stomach cancer.Hence the observed incidence rates for cardia (2.9and 3.7)are equal to or greater than that seen in SEER whites.For oesoph-agus,the British registries and SEER all have high proportions of adenocarcinoma (nearly half),suggesting common aetiologic fac-tors at least for this site.If SEER,which has all the hallmarks of an ef ?cient registration system,gives an indication of the true proportion of cardia in a white population from a developed country,and if the aetiologic factors for adenocarcinoma of


F IGURE 1–Age-standardised incidence of oesophageal carcinoma,5-yearly rates (log scale).


Average age-standardised annual incidence rates per 100,000(95%CI)








Adenocarcinoma M 1.17- 4.16(3.87,4.45)F,0.93)Squamous cell carcinoma M 2.29 2.08 2.33 2.32 2.54- 2.50(2.28,2.72)F 1.51 1.62 1.76 1.90 2.42 2.38(2.18,2.58)Other or no histology M 1.95 1.77 1.70 1.78 1.56-0.64(0.53,0.75)F 0.860.780.780.990.700.33(0.26,0.39)All oesophagus M 4.44 4.11 4.58 5.09 5.27-7.30(6.93,7.68)F 2.45 2.49 2.71 3.13 3.46 3.52(3.29,3.76)Cardia

M 1.22 2.05 2.46 3.29 4.69-

3.60(3.34,3.87)F 0.280.440.570.72 1.24


*1987–1991?gures unavailable.



F IGURE2–Age-standardised incidence of oesophageal carcinoma by sex(log scale).

F IGURE3–Incidence rates by age for males and females(1992–96).

sophagus and cardia are similar,the true rate of carcinoma of the cardia in the UK could be much greater than that observed in our study,i.e.,nearer 40%of all stomach cancers rather than 20%.Brewster 23emphasised the essential element of cancer registra-tion in cancer control and the paramount importance of data quality.Adenocarcinoma of oesophagus is likely to be


F IGURE 4–Deprivation score (Townsend index)distribution (1992–96)with Kernal estimate.




Mean Townsend score


Oesophageal squamous

1,246?0.300.63(0.45,0.81)Oesophageal adenocarcinoma 1,1510.750.19(0.0,0.38)Cardia adenocarcinoma

9370.1?0.11(?0.32,0.10)Oesophageal other or no histology 2680.60.48(0.22,0.98)

In 8cases,it was not possible to trace the Townsend score.





%of total ASR ASR

%of hist veri ?ed



Other speci ?ed

Unspeci ?ed



USA SEER white 38.736.025.37.549.244.3 4.5Denmark 4.8Netherlands 27.342.829.915.445.150.0 5.2Canada 23.632.144.310.637.754.1 4.1Scotland 20.913.066.117.748.143.39.4E &W 18.016.865.

17.87.474.810.721.870.7 3.1


Data from Volume VII of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents.16



recorded because there are very few cases with no histologic speci?cation and oesophagus is a three-digit site,but this is not true for cardia.The discrepancies that we have highlighted indicate the pressing need to improve the accuracy of subsite coding(i.e., 4-digit classi?cation)if the impact of adenocarcinoma of gastric cardia is to be accurately monitored.


The authors thank many clinicians,pathologists,medical records and audit staff in the West Midlands,together with staff of the Regional Cancer Intelligence Unit.The huge amount of data collected was a region-wide effort.


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让多媒体技术为小学英语教学插上翅膀 摘要:随着科学技术的发展,多媒体技术应用的领域越来越广,在小学英语课堂中的应用给课堂带来了新的面貌,它以生动形象的画面、鲜明多姿的色彩、直观清楚的演示在教育领域逐渐取代传统教学方式,与传统教学方式相比较,多媒体教学有着无法比拟的优势。 关键词:多媒体技术小学英语课堂 正文: 科技日新月异,伴随着科技的进步,多媒体技术也日趋成熟,逐渐地应用到了教育领域,多媒体技术的使用,使得教育领域发生了巨大的变化。多媒体技术贯穿了现代教育中的各个方面,各个学科,新教学手段(媒介)取代旧的就学手段这是教育发展的必然要求,多媒体运用到课堂,使得教育更具时代色彩,这也是事物发展的客观规律。 多媒体技术运用到小学英语教学中,对此我有切身感受,它颠覆了我们传统的教学方式,使得过去单一的教学模式因注入科技成果的运用而发生质的飞跃,如今的英语课堂用“高效优质”、“多姿多彩”、“有声有色”、“精彩纷呈”等这样的词语来形容并不为过。 一、利用多媒体充分调动学生学习积极性 多媒体技术就是利用电脑把文字、图形、影象、动画、声音及视频等媒体信息都数位化,并将其整合在一定的交互式界面上,使电脑具有交互展示不同媒体形态的能力,多媒体技术具有声形俱全与图文并茂的特点,能使一些枯燥抽象的概念、复杂的变化过程、现象各异的运动形式直观而形象地显现在学生面前。。传统的教学手段只有简单的板书和口述,新课标要求教师的角色转换,传统教学中教师是主导,而新课标要求学生的主体地位,教师应该是课堂的组织者。而多媒体技术在英语课堂中的应用就是组织者教师与主体学生联系的一个纽带。而这个纽带不像传统教学的填鸭式教育手段,而是多姿多彩,有声有色的多媒体教学,这样的教学方式,能引起了学生们极大的学习兴趣,而兴趣是最好的老师,有了兴趣他们就愿意用心学,花时间去学,甚至自觉地学,这样久儿久之,就能将


H A P P Y E N G L I S H H A P P Y T I M E 一年级上册 一、 Look, my dad.看,这是我的爸爸。 dad爸 mum 妈 grandma祖母 grandpa祖父 [d?d][m?m][′gr?ndma:][′gr?ndpa:] 二、 A banana for you, Grandma. 奶奶,请吃一个香蕉。 peach 桃子 banana 香蕉 watermelon 西瓜 orange橘子 apple苹果[pi:t?] [b?′nɑ:n?] [′w?:t?mel?n] [′?rin d?] [′?pl] 三、 My apple is red. 我的苹果是红色的。 red红色的 yellow 黄色的 green绿色的 pink粉色的 orange 橙色的 [red] [′jel?u] [ɡri:n] [pi?k] [′?rin d?] dark黑色的 blue 蓝色的 white白色的 gray灰色的 [dɑ:k] [blu:] [hwait] [ɡrei] 四、Give me a marker, please.请给我一块橡皮。 pencil铅笔 bag书包 eraser橡皮 ruler尺子 marker彩笔 [′pens?l] [b?ɡ] [i′reiz?] [′ru:l?] [′mɑ:k?] pencil-box文具盒 knife 小刀 pen钢笔 book书 [b?ks][naif] [pen] [buk] 五、 I want a puppy. 我想要一只小狗。 bird 鸟 puppy 小狗 fish鱼 chick小鸡 kitten小猫 [b?:d] [′p?pi] [fi?] [t?ik] [′kitn] monkey猴子 pig 猪 rabbit兔子 [′m??ki] [piɡ] [′r?bit] 六、 How many puppies? 有多少只小狗? one一 two 二 three 三 four四 five五 [w?n] [tu:] [θri:] [f?:] [faiv]


《花脸》教案 一、谈话导入,揭示课题。 1、上学期我们学习了课文《唱脸谱》,学到了许多关于京剧脸谱的知识,你还记得吗?那老师来考考大家。(幻灯片)2,同学们表现真棒,为了表扬同学们的出众表现,老师特意为你们带来了一些礼物,你们想看吗?那我们一起来看。(播放幻灯片)这些都是(脸谱),我们把这些色彩鲜艳,代表鲜明个性的脸谱统称为——(花脸)4、今天我们就来继续学习冯骥才先生的一篇回忆散文《花脸》。板书课题。请同学们伸出手与我一起写课题,齐读课题两遍。这里的花脸指的是作者小时候的(玩具) 二、复习旧课: 1、上节课我们理请了课文的叙述顺序。请同学们回忆一下,围绕“花脸”作者写了那几件事?(板书:买花脸、演花脸、闯祸、受罚) 三、细细研读- (一)学习买花脸、演花脸 引入:通过上节课的读文,我们还知道了作者小时候特别的喜欢花脸。这么喜欢花脸肯定是要买来戴一戴了。所以一年的年根,跟随舅舅到年货集市上,终于看到最喜爱的花脸。 1、提问:翻开课本56 页,自读课文第三自然段,画出这是一张怎么样的花脸?这花脸有什么与众不同?(学生回答) 1)指名回答问题一。这张花脸的特点可以概括为(大)(特别),你能再

通过生动的朗读把这张特别的花脸展现在我们面前吗?谁还愿意试一试? (2)指名回答问题二。不够特别,再读读!读者打动听众的最好方式就是用心读,谁愿意打动我们在座的老师。 2、一起都来大声读读这段句话,看看从这两句对花脸外形的细致描写你体会到了文中的“我”什么样的心情?(这句话写出了作者看见这花脸时又惊又喜的心情。板书:又惊又喜) 3、刚看见这个独特的花脸,“我”又惊又喜。同学们,你们有自己特别喜欢的东西吗?得到他之后心情怎么样?你们想知道文中的“我”在得到花脸之后心情怎么样吗?那我们走进课文看看“我”在买下花脸之后,戴着花脸心里又发生了怎样的变化?自读课文5——9 自然段找出相关的句子,并做批注。 (1)注意读书姿势:身正、肩平、脚并拢。(2)读完之后同桌之间相互交流 4、汇报交流相关的句子并谈谈作者当时的心情。(板书快乐得意) 5、老师也从课文中找到了关键的几句话并把他们出示在了投影上(投影出示),我们一起来齐读这些句子。 (1)女生读第一句,男生读第二句我没听出快乐,再来试试。 (2)到家,人人夸我时()大年初一,客人来拜年时() 当我表演完,客人们哄堂大笑时() 师小结:作者看到这花脸后先是惊喜,买下后快活之极,戴上它更是兴奋不已一、得意洋洋。这些细节描写处处都看出作者对这个花脸十分的喜欢。

英语选修六课文翻译Unit5 The power of nature An exciting job的课文原文和翻译

AN EXCITING JOB I have the greatest job in the world. I travel to unusual places and work alongside people from all over the world. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in an office, sometimes using scientific equipment and sometimes meeting local people and tourists, I am never bored. Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I don't mind because danger excites me and makes me feel alive. However, the most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth - the volcano. I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian V olcano Observatory (HVO) twenty years ago. My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii. Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses. Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground. When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine. This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall. The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it


让多媒体走进小学英语课堂 多媒体技术整合于英语学科教学,主动适应课程的发展,并与其和谐自然融为一体。作为课程改革不可或缺的条件,多媒体技术在教学中的飞速发展,必将使教师更新教学观念,营造学习环境,完善教学模式,变革评价方法,促进科学与人文统一,让课堂更精彩。那么,多媒体技术在小学英语教学过程中到底有什么作用呢?笔者认为主要表现在以下几个方面: 一、运用多媒体,激发学习兴趣 托尔斯泰说:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生兴趣。”培养学生学习英语的兴趣无疑是小学英语教学的关键所在。学生只有对自己感兴趣的东西才会开动脑筋、积极思考,外国学者在研究可靠学习发生的条件时指出:学生只能学到那些他们有兴趣的东西,在缺乏适当的环境﹑背景和铺垫的时候,学习不能发生。因此,在教学中要重视培养和引导学生学习英语的兴趣爱好。现代信息技术具有形象性﹑直观性﹑色彩鲜艳﹑图像逼真等特点,能将抽象的教学内容变成具体的视听形象,激发情趣,调动学生多种感官同时参与,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生从多角度轻松舒畅地接受知识,并使其记忆长久。 二、运用多媒体,突破教学难点 小学生的思维正处在由具体形象向抽象思维过渡的时期,而有些教学内容之所以成为学生学习的难点就是因为缺乏语境而显得不具体。如果仅凭教师的描述和讲解,往往是教师花了很大精力,教学效果却事倍功半。而运用多媒体演示就能够突破时空限制,化静为动,使抽象的概念具体化、形象化,不仅突破了教材的难点,还可以加深学生对教学内容的理解和掌握,从而提高教学效率,达到事半功倍的效果。 例如:在教学“in、on、behind、under、near”这几个表示空间关系的方位介词时,我利用多媒体设计了这样的动画:通过点按鼠标,一只小猫一会儿跳到书桌上,一会儿藏在桌子里,一会儿蹦到书桌下,一会儿躲到桌子后,一会儿又窜到桌子旁。随着小猫的位置移动,电脑会问:Where is the cat?这样连续演示几次,学生通过观察、思考,就能快速地回答:It’s on the desk\in the desk\under the desk……,动画刺激了学生的感官,诱发了思维,难点不仅易于突出,更易于突破。 三、运用多媒体,提高创新能力 创新能力是未来人才的重要素质,是一个民族兴旺发达的灵魂。因此发挥每个学生潜在的创造因素,培养学生的创新能力,是当前教育工作者研究的重要课题。要想培养创新能力,就要力求使学生处于动眼、动手、动口的主体激活状态。多媒体技术对文本、图形、声音、动画和视频等信息具有集成处理的能力,使教学手段趋于全方位、多层次,它能加速学生感知过程,促进认识深化、加深理解、


小学英语二年级(下册) 对新课标理解: 现在的社会是向着全球化,社会化发展的,将来的地球不管是哪一个角落都是一我们地球林的一个村民,那么语言就成了一个统一交流的媒介,尤其是英语的重要性在这一进程中日益突出。本次对于课程标准的重新更定是一次符合社会发展进程和基础教育进程的改革。重点是要改革英语课程的教学,过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养倾向,强调课程应从学生的学习兴趣、生活体验和认知水平出,倡导学生体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的必学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。做到这些要求,首先需要的就是学生浓厚的对英语学习的兴趣,那怎么样培养学生学习兴趣就成了一个基础话题,这一问题要面向全体学生,特别是要关注学生的个别差异引起的情感问题。帮助学生建立成就感和自信心。在教学中注意创设能引导学生主动参与的教学环境,激发学生的学习积极性。使每个学生都能得到充分的发展。在这一过程中教学模式的转变起到了一定的作用,一定要从以老师为中心的教学模式身以学生为中心的教学模式转变。强调学生的参与和体验,强调采用多种形式的教学活动。比如可以利用我们学校已有的良好电教资源,听原版录音带习发音,也可以利用网络找一些贴近课堂学习的情境对话或小动画,以更直接的方式引导学生学习英语,对英语产生浓厚的兴趣。利用听、说促进学生写单词,写短语,写句子,写对话,不能反其道而行,又造成以往我们说的“哑吧英语”总的来说,新课标对发展学生自我主观能动性起到了很积极的作用。素质教育在其中深有体现。并且由升学教育向终身教育的转变等等都是很好的突破。在这一新课标的指导下,希望在英语教学中可以达到更好的效果。 Teaching contents: 本册书共六个单元,其中五个单元是精读课文,一个复习单元。这册书在编排时很注意学生兴趣的培养,尤其在单词字母学习这一环节,教材把手写字母相同的单词进行了归类,并且安排了大量的听、说、读、写等多项练习,利用图片教授学习是培养学生学习英语兴趣的主要途径。除此之外还有多首英文歌曲的学习,书后有分类清晰的词汇表,更有利学教师的教和学生的学。 Teaching Aims: 知识技能: 1、Listening: 充分利用学校的电教资源,在发展学生自主学习的基调上,让学生可以接触到更多、更直观的学习方式,比如听录音,看小动画等等。掌握部分日常用语,如:能听懂询问名子的问回答,或问是谁的语句。辨别词中的字母的不同读法。 2、Speaking: 根据本册书的教学要求,作为基本的主导方向,指导学生在教师为学生设计的教学情境中,能够正确运用问这是什么,有多少个,什么颜色等等的语句,并能对所提问的句子做出适当的回答。 3、Reading: 正确,流利的朗读和使用课文对话,正确读出与课文或练习中相关的单词,认读字母和带有此字母的单词。 4、Writing: 以听、说、读的基础上,培养学生写的能力。正确描、写英语中的字母,能够摹仿老师的板书写简单的字母、单词和句子。 过程方法:


23 京剧趣谈 【教学目标】 1.能正确、流利地朗读课文,根据课文描述,展开联想和想象,理解课文。 2.阅读课文,了解京剧艺术特色,感受中国民族文化艺术的精彩。 【教学重点】展开联想和想象,理解课文。 【教学难点】了解京剧艺术特色,感受中国民族文化艺术的精彩。 【教学课时】1课时 【教具准备】课件(朗读音视频建议使用小学课件) 【教学过程】 第一课时

板书设计 实在道具:马鞭省略马匹,表演自由 道具有继承 京剧趣谈虚拟道具:可感觉可使用有发展 静态亮相武艺高强必胜信心独特 动作高妙 动态亮相英雄气概 课后反思 这篇略读课文介绍的是我国京剧道具和动作这两个方面,突出了京剧独有的艺术特色。 在教学中,我首先播放京剧《唱脸谱》,让学生对京剧有个大概的影响,调动学生学习的积极性,果然看了视频,孩子们很开心,很幸福,这为学习这篇文章开了好头。接着我从整体入手,让学生在充分熟读课文的基础上,让学生说一说这篇课文从哪些方面介绍京剧的,这个问题不难,孩子们大部分都能回答上。另外这篇文章结构很明显分为两部分。然后分段学习,重点抓住两部分的关键语段,带领学生阅读,联想,使学生感受到京剧的独特魅力整堂课下来,我觉得整体上的不错,能够激发学生学习的兴趣,对京剧也有了进一步的了解,同时在课外延伸这个环境,让感兴趣的学生下课后去查阅相关的资料和视频,以便更进一步的了解和学生,从而达到了弘扬我国传统艺术的目的。

23* 京剧趣谈 【教学目标】 1.有感情地朗读课文,了解京剧有哪些艺术特色。 2.学习课文,了解京剧更多的奥秘,激发学生对传统文化艺术的热爱,培养鉴赏京剧艺术的能力。 【教学重难点】 1.有感情地朗读课文,了解京剧有哪些奥秘及艺术特色。体会课文表达的条理性。 2.激发学生对传统文化艺术的热爱,培养鉴赏京剧艺术的能力。 【教学课时】 1课时 【教学过程】 一、谈话导入,作者简介 在课前,大家已经搜集了一些关于京剧的资料,你了解到了哪些?你认为京剧有哪些艺术和奥秘?谈谈你的认识和体会。(学生畅谈,教师指导。课件出示作者简介。) 二、检查预习 1.指名读。 注意以下词语的读音,并反复认读: 驰骋尴尬彻底虚拟绱鞋底仆人凸显戛然而止 2.小组交流,理解词语的意思。 3.教师抽学生汇报,全班交流。 三、初读课文,整体感知 1.师:请同学们自主阅读《京剧趣谈》这篇课文。阅读结束后,请简要说一说作者为我们介绍了京剧哪些方面的艺术。(指名答)


一、多媒体的设计要符合学生认知规律多媒体的设计应依据学生学习的需求来分析,并采用解决问题的最佳方案,使教学效果达到最优化。 多媒体教学的手段能化被动为主动,化生硬为生动,化抽象为直观,化理论为实践。 根据小学生的认知规律,他们缺乏坚实的理论基础,但直观的操作演示可以弥补这项弱点,可以帮助他们更好地理解和掌握。 对此,学者们已渐有共识这种直观生动的教学形式极大地激发了学生的学习兴趣,也引发了学生丰富的想象力和创造力。 在教学设计过程中,一方面,要运用多媒体的功能优势,将课本中抽象原理形象化,从而激发学生学习的兴趣,提高学习效果;另一方面必须让教学过程符合学生的认知规律,要多为学生创设动手操作的机会。 例如,在教学?一课时,我利用多媒体设计了一次动物聚会,森林里有很多小动物,有些通过图片来呈现,有些通过动画来呈现。 我带领学生边欣赏多媒体演示边复习了小动物的单词,然后引导学生猜每种小动物都来了几个,通过猜测的方式,强调复数的用法。 这里我使用了链接的方式,让学生像在欣赏魔术表演一样,使其出于好奇而变得主动。 通过设计符合学生知识基础和认知能力的多媒体教学内容,不仅能够激发学生学习的积极性和主动性,而且能够促进学生对知识的自我建构和内化。 此外,考虑到学生的年龄特点,在每节课的教学过程中我还格外重视评价的作用,而多媒体技术在这方面也表现出独特的优势。

不论是学习单词、句型,还是与电脑进行互动交流,每个知识点 都有图案背景,并提供过程性评价,随之出现的评价语言和动画无不让学生兴奋异常。 这种符合学生认知规律和个性化特征的内容设计与反馈,不仅使学生们感受到获得成功的喜悦,更达到了快乐交互学习的目的。 二、多媒体的应用要适时、适度和适量信息技术整合于课程不是 简单地将信息技术应用于教学,而是高层次地融合与主动适应。 必须改变传统的单一辅助教学的观点,创造数字化的学习环境,创设主动学习情景,创设条件让学生最大限度地接触信息技术,让信息技术成为学生强大的认知工具,最终达到改善学习的目的。 为保证多媒体与英语教学有效的融合,充分发挥多媒体技术应用的效果,在利用多媒体进行教学设计过程中,要遵循适时、适度和适量的原则,即在恰当的时间选择合适的媒体,适量地呈现教学内容。 在设计多媒体的过程中,要把握教学时机,不同的教学内容和教学环节,决定了多媒体运用的最佳时机也不同,精心策划才能妙笔生花,不能为使用多媒体而使用,不要一味追求手段的先进性、豪华性,而造成课堂教学过程中的画蛇添足。 这就要求教师熟悉多媒体的功能和常用多媒体的种类、特点,以便在教学设计和应用过程中将多媒体与课程学习进行有效地融合,最终提高课堂教学效果。 例如,在学习?这一知识点时,传统的英语课常常是借助钟表或模型来解释某一时刻,讲解整点、几点几分、差几分几点。


小学二年级英语单词 Unit 1 she is my aunt 她是我的阿姨 单词-----中英文对照 Uncle 叔叔cousin 表妹aunt 阿姨tall 高short 矮句子-----中英文对照 This is my cousin . she’s cute. 这是我的表妹。她很可爱。 Is this your uncle ? Yes. 这是你叔叔吗?是的。 Is this your mum ? No she’s my aunt . 这是你妈妈吗?不是,她是我阿姨。 This is my mum . hello ,Mrs wang . 这是我妈妈。你好王女士。 Unit 2 I have a rabbit 我有一只兔子 单词-----中英文对照 a rabbit 一只兔子 a dog 一只狗 a hamster 一只仓鼠 a cat 一只猫big 大的small 小的 句子-----中英文对照 I have a rabbit . It’s white . It’s small. 我有一只兔子。它是白色的。它很小。 I have a dog . It’s brown. It’s big . 我有一只狗。它是棕色的。它很大。 I have a hamster. It’s white . It’s big too. A big hamster? 我有一只仓鼠。它是白色的。它也很大。一只大仓鼠?

I have a cat ,It’s brown . It’s big . 我有一只猫。它是棕色的。它很大。 I have a dog . It’s white. It’s small . 我有一只狗。它是白色的。它很小。 Unit 3 It have a short tail 它有一只短尾巴 单词-----中英文对照 a bear 一只熊 a giraffe 一只长颈鹿 a monkey 一只猴子a tig 一只老虎long 长的short 短的 句子-----中英文对照 Look at the bear . oh . it has a short tail . 看熊。哦,它有一只短尾巴。 Look at the giraffe. Wow! It has a long neck ! 看长颈鹿。哇,它有一个长脖子! Look at the monkey! It has a long tail . 看猴子!它有一只长尾巴。 Unit 4 autumn 秋天 单词-----中英文对照 apple 苹果pears 梨oranges 桔子pumpkins 南瓜potatoes 土豆 句子-----中英文对照 It ‘s cool . Yes it ‘s autumn.


瑞星杀毒软件网络版主要功能与技术特点 多种安装方式: 瑞星杀毒软件网络版具有多种安装方式,包括:智能安装、远程安装、 WEB 安装以及脚本登录安装等,通过这些多样化的安装方式,网络管理员可以十分轻松地在最短的时间内完成整个系统的安装。 网络安全管理: 瑞星杀毒软件网络版有丰富的网络管理功能,能够实现全面集中分级分组管理、全网查杀毒、全网远程设置、远程杀毒、远程报警、移动式管理、集中式授权管理、全面监控主流邮件服务器、全面监控邮件客户端、统一的管理界面、直接监视和操纵服务器端 / 客户端、支持大型网络统一管理的多级中心系统等多种复杂的管理功能。 多种升级方式: 瑞星杀毒软件网络版提供了多种升级方式以及自动分发的功能,而且支持多种网络连接方式,具有升级方便、更新及时的特点,网络管理员可以十分轻松地按照预先设定的升级方式实现全网内的统一升级,并且采用均衡流量的策略,尽快将新版本部署到全部计算机上,保证瑞星杀毒软件网络版时刻都是最新的,而且版本一致,完全杜绝了由于版本不一致而可能造成的安全漏洞和安全隐患。 国际领先的杀毒技术 瑞星杀毒软件网络版采用了瑞星新一代病毒扫描引擎技术,继承并发扬瑞星公司十余年的反病毒经验,可全面处理各种系统病毒、蠕虫病毒、木马病毒、宏病毒、网络病毒和邮件病毒等。

立体反病毒体系为企业提供整体的解决文案 近年来网络病毒泛滥成灾,特别是一些利用操作系统漏洞的网络病毒往往会在短时间内爆发,使企业网络在瞬间遭到沉重打击,严重影响了企业的正常工作,而“截获-应急处理-升级查杀”这一传统反病毒模式已难以解决企业网络面临的新的安全问题,在这种情况下,需要一种全新的病毒防御体系来替代旧的病毒防御体系,为此,在瑞星杀毒软件网络版中引入了全新的立体防毒的概念,在防毒体系、终端应用两个层面上实现了立体防毒,为整个企业网络注入了全新的安全动力。 精细化的管理策略使企业网络更安全 通过“分级、分组、权限管理”三种分布式安全策略,瑞星杀毒软件网络版将整体的管理策略分解成面向管理员、计算机职能、终端用户的分布策略,使安全策略更精细,企业网络更安全。分级管理是基于责权结合、权限分离的原则组建的面向管理员的管理策略,使不同级别的管理员拥有不同的权限,承担不同的责任;分组管理是基于网络的物理结构和逻辑结构组建的面向计算机职能的一种管理策略,按组进行病毒防护,使防毒更加精细化;权限管理是面向终端用户的一种管理策略,使不拥有修改权限的用户无法修改杀毒软件的配置,达到安全最优化。 智能化的管理模式使企业防毒更轻松 瑞星独有的智能应用模式,能轻松实现远程自动安装、远程集中控管、远程病毒报警、远程卸载、远程配置、智能升级、全网查杀、日志管理、病毒溯源等复杂的网络功能,为用户提供人性化的应用与安全的网络防护功能,为国内企业网络注入强大的安全动力。智能应用模式使整个安装、配置、控管、使用过程完全智能化,大大降低了企业用户的使用难度 ; 网络版的远程应用模式使企业网管在自己的计算机中就可完成远程的病毒查杀、病毒报警、远程升级、远程卸载等复杂功能;而日志管理、病毒溯源功能


小学二年级英语单词大全以及常用短语 Words: 1. chopstick 筷子 2.difficult 困难的 3. city 城市 4 . answer 回答 5. finish 完成 6. start 开始 7. ans wer 回答 8. better 较好的 9. end 结束 10. alone 单独的 11.CD-ROM 电脑光盘 12. bamboo 竹子 13.copy 模仿 14.child 孩子 15. awake 醒的 16. animal 动物 17.sleep 睡觉 18.snake 蛇 19.fantasti c 美好的 20. tidy 整理 21. often 经常 22. messy 杂乱的 23.bookshelf 书架 24. choose 选择 25. together 一起 26. week 星期 27. suck 吮 吸 28. thumb 大拇指 29. UN 联合国 30. important 重要的 31.peace 和 平 32. world 世界 33. country 国家 34. inside 里面 35. kangaroo 袋鼠 36. parrot 鹦鹉 37. aunt 姨、姑 38.picnic 野餐 39.hungry 饿 的 40. thirsty 渴的 41. bring 拿来 42. way 方式 43. line 排、列 44. drink 喝、饮料 45. forget 忘记 46. clean 干净的 47. thousand 千 48. kilometre 千米 / 公里 49 place 地方 50. visit 拜访 51. building 楼房 52. museum 博物馆 53. surprise 惊喜 54. everywhere 到处 55. restaurant 饭 馆 56. dancing 舞蹈


一、读一读,选出一个和其他两个不同类的单词,将序号填入题前括号内。 1、()A、face B、eye C、dress 2、()A、doctor B、teacher C、you 3、()A、thin B、red C、fat 4、()A、seven B、twelve C、tree 5、()A、short B、grandfather C、mother 二、读一读,在序号上圈出正确的句子。 1、当你的朋友口渴时,你要说:( ) A、Eat some jelly. B、Drink some juice. 2、当你介绍你的妈妈给小伙伴认识时,你要说:( ) A、Hi, this is my sister. B、Hi, this is my mother. 3、当你让爸爸睁开眼睛看礼物时,你要说:( ) A、Open your eyes. B、Open your present. 4、当你让小伙伴看小鸟时,你要说:( ) A、Look at the bird. B、I like the bird. 5、当你想知道有多少只风筝呀,你应该说:( ) A、Seven kites. B、How many kites? 三、根据情境选择正确的答句。10分 1、新年的时候拜访亲戚朋友,你要说:A、Happy New Year.B、Happy christmas. 2、介绍周末活动:A、I like football.B、I play football at the wee kend. 3、介绍冬天的天气情况:A、Its winter.B、Its cold in winter. 4、向别人询问时间:A、What do you do at the weekend?B、Whats th e time,please? 5、询问别人喜欢吃什么吗?A、Do you like meat?B、I like meat. 四、完成对话,选出正确的答句。 1、Do you like meat?A、Yes, I do.B、Yes, she does. 2、Whats the time, please?A、Its nine oclock.B、Its a clock. 3、What do you do at the weekend? A、I like basketball.B、I play basketball at the weekend. 4 Happy New Year.A、Thank you B、Happy New Year. 5 Does he like fish? A、Yes, I do B、No, he doesnt.


瑞星杀毒软件网络版企业防病毒解决方案技术白皮书亚洲沙滩运动会组委会 2011年9月北京·中国 目录 公司简介 (2 方案简介 (2 产品简介 (2 第一章瑞星杀毒软件网络版的系统结构 (3 1.1 分布式体系结构 (3 1.2 支持大型网络统一管理的多级中心系统 (4 第二章瑞星杀毒软件网络版的安装特点 (5 2.1 智能安装 (6 2.2 远程安装 (6 2.3 WEB安装 (6 2.4 脚本登录安装 (6 第三章瑞星杀毒软件网络版的安全管理 (7

3.1 远程控制与管理 (7 3.2 全网查杀毒 (7 3.3 防毒策略的定制与分发 (8 3.4 实时监控客户端防毒状况 (8 3.5 漏洞检测与自动安装漏洞补丁 (8 3.6 病毒与事件报警 (9 3.7 病毒日志查询与统计 (9 3.8分组管理 (9 3.9分级管理 (10 3.10 集中式授权管理 (10 3.11 全面监控主流邮件服务器 (10 3.12 全面监控邮件客户端 (11 3.13客户端搜索工具 (11 3.14集成对客户端防火墙的管理 (11 3.15支持Intel的AMT技术 (11 3.16第三方接口支持 (11 第四章瑞星杀毒软件网络版的升级管理 (12 4.1 多种升级方式 (12 第五章瑞星杀毒软件网络版客户端的技术特点 (13

主要特性与功能 (13 第六章瑞星杀毒软件网络版产品系列 (16 公司简介 北京瑞星科技股份有限公司成立于1998年4月,公司以研究、开发、生产及销售计算机反病毒产品、网络安全产品和“黑客”防治产品为主,是中国最早、也是中国最大的能够提供全系列产品的专业厂商,软件产品全部拥有自主知识产权,能够为个人、企业和政府机构提供全面的信息安全解决方案。 作为国内最大的反病毒专业企业,瑞星公司已经建成国内最具竞争力的研究、开发、营销、服务网络: 公司拥有国内最大、最具实力的反病毒研发队伍,这使得瑞星公司拥有全部自有知识产权的核心技术,拥有六项专利技术,并且进行着多项前沿研究项目。 通过与国家计算机病毒主管部门的紧密配合,同国内及国际知名企业间的密切协作,瑞星公司已为众多政府部门、企业级用户以及个人用户提供了全方位的计算机病毒防护解决方案,深得用户的信赖和大力支持。 从瑞星的信息安全网站、技术服务中心、呼叫中心到分布全国的分公司和办事处,以及3000余家瑞星授权服务站,瑞星已建立成庞大的销售服务体系。及完备的售后服务体系。 瑞星杀毒软件提供中文简体、繁体、英文、日文的多语言版本,已开始在香港、日本等地区进行销售,依托瑞星的技术实力积极开拓国际市场。 方案简介


八年级下学期全部长篇课文 Unit 1 3a P6 In ten years , I think I'll be a reporter . I'll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanfhai last year and fell in love with it. I think it's really a beautiful city . As a reporter, I think I will meet lots of interesting people. I think I'll live in an apartment with my best friends, because I don' like living alone. I'll have pets. I can't have an pets now because my mother hates them, and our apartment is too small . So in ten yers I'll have mny different pets. I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. During the week I'll look smart, and probably will wear a suit. On the weekend , I'll be able to dress more casully. I think I'll go to Hong Kong vacation , and one day I might even visit Australia. P8 Do you think you will have your own robot In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do most unpleasant jobs. Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. Scientist ae now trying to make robots look like people and do the same things as us. Janpanese companies have already made robts walk and dance. This kond of roots will also be fun to watch. But robot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be difficult fo a robot to do the same rhings as a person. For example, it's easy for a child to wake up and know where he or she is. Mr White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think thast robots will be able t walk to people in 25 to 50tars. Robots scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people . For example, there are already robots working in factories . These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such as jobs and would get bored. But robots will never bored. In the futhre, there will be more robots everwhere, and humans will have less work to do. New robots will have different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes. After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possibe now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed


小学英语运用多媒体教学案例 PEP 三年级上册 Unit 5 Where is my ruler? 案例片段描述:片段一: 在呈现本课重点句型“Where is …?”及其回答“It’s in / on / under …”时,我利用多媒体课件,将此句型形象生动地展现给学: T: Boys and girls, look at the screen,what is it? S: It’s a pencil. T: Wh ere is my pencil? Help to answer: It’s in the desk. 课件变化铅笔的位置,教师继续呈现本课重点: T:Look, where is my pencil now? Help to answer: It’s on the desk. It’s under the desk. 片段二: 在操练和巩固环节,我设计了一个“捉迷藏”的游戏。课件播放动画,本册书中的小松鼠Zip 是本段对话的中心人物。它不断地变换在森林里的位置,然后同学们和它一起捉迷藏,猜猜它在哪里。 ( 课件 ) Zip: Hello, boys and girls, I’m Zip. Can you guess where I am? 之后,画面变化,Zip 藏了起来。这时学生们开始猜测Zip的位置: S1: It’s under the tree. S2: It’s in the house. S3: It’s on the chair. 学生们争先恐后地猜着Zip 的位置,而且都能运用英语的方位词来表达。学生的感受:课后,我对学生在这堂课上的感受进行了一下调查,学生对本节课的方位词都掌握得很不错,还有的同学到下课了还用英语跟同学在玩刚刚zip捉迷藏的游戏。虽然已经下课了,但学生依然沉浸在刚刚课堂上轻松快乐的学习之中。可见多媒体调动学生开口说英语的积极性。


Module 1 Song 歌曲Jigsaw 拼图Bike 自行车Toy 玩具 Module 2 T-shirt T恤衫Mum 妈妈Dad 爸爸Too 太Small 小的 Shirt 衬衫 At 在 Party 聚会 Clothes 衣服 Trousers (常复)裤子 Shoe 鞋 Module 3 We 我们 Have 有 English 英语 New 新来的 Maths 数学 Music 音乐 Please 请 Play 演奏 PE 体育课 Science 科学 Chinese 汉语,语文 Art 美术 Module 4 O’clock 点钟 Film 电影 Time 时间 Run 跑 Train 火车 Hungry 饥饿的

Dinner 正餐,主餐Now 现在 All right 现在 Great 太好了Module 5 Get up 起床 Go to school 上学Have lunch 吃午餐Go home 回家 Then 然后 Go to bed 上床睡觉Half 半小时 Past 晚于 Late 迟的 Have breakfast 吃早餐Module 6 Watch tv 看电视Weekend 周末 Read 读 Come 来 With 和。。。。。。一起OK 好 Listen 听 Module 7 Park 公园 Too 也 Want 想 Us (we的宾格)我们Live 居住 City 城市 Module 8 How 怎样,如何

By (表示交通工具等)乘,坐 Walk 步行 Go to work 上班 On holiday 度假 Ship 船 China 中国 Plane 飞机 Love 爱 Modile 9 Winter 冬天 Spring 春天 Wear 穿 Jacket 夹克 Summer 夏天 Autumn 秋天 Sweater 毛线衫 Warm 暖和的 Cool 凉爽的 Cold 寒冷的 Module 10 New year 新年 Eat 吃 Hair 头发 Chrismas 圣诞节 England 英国 Sing 唱 [摘要]“操练”是对话教学中的重要环节之一,我们发现我们很多老师在对话教学设计上往往会偏重于“呈现”这一环节,而忽视“操练”这一环节,本文结合教学实践,论述了目
