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1. 词性:看该词后面修饰的是什么词,副词修饰形容词、动词,形容词修饰名词;如果是


a. 名词与形容词

e.g. 1. Fuel is any substance or material that reacts chemically with another substance or

material to produce hot (改为heat). (p85.27)

2. The world’s water balance is regulated by the constant circulation of water in liquid

and vapor form among the oceans, the atmospheric (改为atmosphere) , and the land.


b. 形容词与副词

e.g. At the National Archives, a repository for records of the United States government,

visitors can view the originally (改为original) Declaration of Independence. (p99.36)

c. 名词与动词

e.g. Four different types of remembering are ordinarily distinguished by psychologists:

recollection, recall, recognize (改为recognization), and relearning. (p59.29)

d. 形容词与动词

e.g. The aim of the decorative arts is to beautiful (改为beautify) our surroundings.


2. 时态:句子中要注意时态一致,注意时间副词

a. 过去的事情一定用过去时;

e.g. The Spanish claiming (改为claimed) title to all of North America and established the

oldest city in the United States, St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565. (p58.17)

b. 在过去某一个时间点已经完成的用过去完成时;

e.g. By 1899 Ransom Olds had establish (改为established) in Detroit, Michigan, the first

factory in the United States for the manufacture of automobiles. (p84.16)

c. 现在仍持续中的用现在完成时;

e.g. The care of children during their years of relative helplessness appears to have being

(改为been) the chief incentive for the evolution of family structures. (p178.26)

d. 表示一般性的陈述和客观规律的用一般现在时。

3. 语态:注意主动还是被动,如果是被动,要用be+动词过去分词,be的时态要与整个句


e.g. 1. Cameras of one type or another have been using (改为used) for more than a hundred

years. (p98.29)

2. Gold can combined (改为can be combined) with silver in any proportion, but alloys

with 50 to 60 percent silver are the strongest. (p111.20)

3. Since prehistoric times, artists have been (去掉been) arranged colors on surfaces in

ways that express their ideas about people, the world, and religion. (p153.30)

4. 动词原形:


e.g. 1. Fog and mist, like clouds, can formed (改为can form) only in the presence of dust

particles. (p57.16)

2. Some claim that vegetarian diets may to be (去掉to) more healthful than a diet that

includes meat, since they generally contain less fat and more fiber. (p98.33) 动词不定式to +动词原形

e.g. 1. The Medicare program was established in 1965 to helping (改为help) elderly United

States citizens pay the increasing cost of health care. (p58.21)

2. In films, optical printing can be combined with blue-screen photography for (改为to)

produce such special effects as characters seeming to fly through the air. (p98.26)

5. 形容词修饰名词要放在名词前

e.g. 1. In the eighteenth century, the Pawnees, descendants of the Nebraska culture, lived in

villages sizeable (改为sizeable villages) on the Loup and Platte rivers in central

Nebraska. (p179.31)

2. Buses were developed at the beginning of the twentieth century to compete with

streetcars by providing flexibility greater (改为greater flexibility) in routes. (p191.19)

6. 代词代词所有格“谁谁的”与物主代词“谁谁的东西”

e.g. 1. Many museums have been founded by private benefactors, and a few have received

endowments that help to support theirs (改为their) routine operations. (p72.26)

2. In 1899 Mary Elizabeth Brown donated hers (改为her) collection of over 200 musical

instruments to the Metropolitan Museum of art. (p58.28)

3. Norman Rockwell was a meticulous artist who (改为whose) paintings portrayed

family incidents and well-defined characters with a wealth of supporting details.


4. The Crow, Blackfoot, and Sioux tribes traditionally adorned they (改为their) dwellings

and costumes with colorful and highly valued beaded decorations. (p153.39)

7. 介词by/ in/ of/ for/after+名词/动名词(动词的ing形式)

e.g. 1. Cement is produced commercially by to heat (改为heating)a mixture of limestone and

clay in a large, slowly rotating cylindrical furnace. (p71.17)

2. In the period between 1918 and 1939, various political, economic, and geographic

factors combined in determine (改为determining) the extent to which a country

developed civil aviation. (p98.24)

3. Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that attempts to eliminate conflict by alter (改为

altering) the personality in a positive way. (p165.5)

4. Some seeds are viable, or capable of growing into healthy plants, for only a few days

after fall (改为falling) from the parent tree. (p206.30)

8. 句子之间用连词连接,如and, but, while等

e.g. The oldest public edifice in Washington D.C., the White House was originally

constructed in the 1790’s also (改为and) has been rebuilt or extensively remodeled

three times since. (p112.36)

介词如by, during, of, for等后面不加完整的句子,只加名词结构

e.g. 1. Many species of birds that breed in temperate latitudes often show particular patterns

of migration while (改为during) the year. (p71.22)

2. Saturn takes almost 30 Earth years to make one trip around the Sun, during (改为while)

Jupiter takes about twelve Earth years to complete one solar revolution. (p47.40)

9. 定语从句:

a. 修饰事物用that/which,修饰人用who, 修饰谁的用whose,修饰时间用when

e.g. 1. Stone tools began to be replaced around 6,000 years ago by metal tools, who (改为

which)were used to build instruments and simple machines. (p191.17)

2. Glint was a favored material of prehistoric humans, which (改为who) used it to

make tools and weapons, because it would chip into shapes with sharp edges.


3. Lumber production was the main industry in Michigan until the early 1900’s, which

(改为when) the automobile industry was established in Detroit. (p111.22)

b. which/that后不再加it/they之类的代词,先行词已经在上一个分句中了。

e.g. Air, which it is (去掉it) a mixture of elements oxygen and nitrogen and compounds

water and carbon dioxide, also contains small quantities of many other substances.


c. 用定语从句则不能再加连词,否则为并列句。

e.g. The male cicada sound is made by specialized structures on the abdomen and which

apparently (which改为it) severs to attract females. (p177.16)

10. 宾语从句;believe/insist/indicate/demonstrate/discover + that…

e.g. 1. Most geologists believe that petroleum was formed from the remains of tiny marine

plants and animals that died millions of years ago. (p43.1)

2. In 1974 the space probe Mariner 10 discovered that the planet Mercury’s surface is

cratered by meteorite impacts. (p57.11)

11. 分词:分词常用来做定语起修饰作用

a. 主动动作用现在分词

e.g. Paleoanthropologists examine fossil remains of extinct primates, while physical

anthropologists concern (改为concerning) with ethology study the behavior of primates in their natural settings. (p205.28)

b. 被动用过去分词

e.g. Lake trout, fish usually finding (改为found) in deep, cool lakes, are greenish gray and are

covered with pale spots. (p111.16)

12. 单复数

a. 根据主语确定谓语是否是单数第三人称形式

e.g. 1. The migration of African Americans from the rural South to the industrial North in the

early 1900’s were (改为was) the biggest migration in American history. (p72.36)

2. The rapid growth of the world’s population over the past 100 years have (改为has) led

to a great increase in the acreage of land under cultivation. (p179.30)

b. 名词的数:注意单复数,可以通过前后的冠词、动词及其它提示看出是否单复数用错了。

e.g. 1. Also known as a movie or a film, the motion picture is one of the most popular form (改

为forms) of art and entertainment throughout the world. (p59.34)

2. Many folk songs were originated to accompany manual work or to mark a specific

ceremonies (改为ceremony). (p72.33)

c. 代词

e.g. By 1900 several prominent technical institutions, including the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, fashioned its (改为their) own educational offerings to meet the industrial needs of the United States. (p166.35)

13. 句子成分的一致性

e.g. 1. When precipitation occurs, some of it evaporates, some runs off the surface it strikes,

and some sinking (改为sinks) into the ground. (p138.19) 动词单三

2. The feathers of birds not only protect their skin from injury and conserve body heat,

but also function in flight, courtship, camouflage, and sensory perceptive (改为

perception). (p139.33) 名词

3. The right side of the brain is mostly concerned with pictorial, intuitive, musically (改

为musical) and spatial abilities. (p45.22) 形容词

4. Photography disseminates information about humanity and nature, records the visible

world, and extension (改为extends) human knowledge into areas the eye cannot

penetrate. (p152.23) 动词

5. Meteorologists can program their computes to scan for a specific set of weather

criteria, such as falling barometric pressure, increase (改为increasing) cloud cover,

and rising humidity. (p153.32) 动名词

14. 否定词至于句首引起倒装not until…/not only…but also/hardly/rarely…

e.g. 1. Not until the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did ecology emerge as a

unified science. (p44.9)

2. Not until the 1850’s did a few public-spirited citizens and state legislatures seek to

rescue historic buildings in the United States from destruction or alteration. (p164.14)

15. 比较:

a. 比较级加er或more,但注意二者不能都用

e.g. Basalt, which composes most of the ocean floor, is a dark-grey rock rich (改为richer)

in iron and magnesium than most surface rocks. (p127.40)

b. 最高级前面加the 限定,加了est就不能再用most。

e.g. 1. Quebec, the most oldest (去掉most) city in Canada, lies on the north bank of the St.

Lawrence River. (p71.23)

2. The Executive Mansion, constructed in the 1790’s and now popularly called the

White House, is oldest (改为is the oldest) public edifice in Washington, D.C.


16. 元音字母开头的名词前,冠词a改为an

e.g. One of the most famous structures in the world, the Statue of Liberty is widely

considered a (改为an) inspiring symbol of hope and freedom. (p191.18)

17. other与another

e.g. 1. Magnesium has little structural strength and must be alloyed with another (改为other)

metals such as aluminum and zinc when it is to be subjected to stress. (p112.34)

2. Bacteria are one of the most abundant life forms on Earth, growing on and inside

another (改为other) living things, in every type of environment. (p178.18)

18. 固定搭配:

a. between…and

e.g. Between 1871 until (改为and) 1891, the population of Toronto more than tripled,

increasing from 56,000 to 181,000. (p126.33)

b. although/though不和but同用

e.g. Although all sedimentary rocks contain iron, but the deposits (删掉but) that are richest

in iron consist predominantly of minerals such as iron oxides, carbonates, silicates,

and sulfides. (p72.30)

c. neither…nor/ either…or

e.g. 1. Virtually no disease exists today for which there is no drug that can be given, neither

(改为either) to cure the disease or to alleviate its symptoms. (p152.25)

2. For the purposes of the fine and decorative arts, metals have been used either in their

simple state and (改为or) on uncomplicated alloys. (p166.40)

d. both…and…

e.g. Researchers have found subtle neurological differences between the brains of men and

women either (改为both) in physical structure and in the way they function. (p58.22)

e. so…that…

e.g. Fluorine is a greenish gas too (改为so) active that even water and glass burn in it.



abandon vt.丢弃;放一个变态的弃,抛弃记忆方法:?(一个)(笨蛋)笨蛋当然会被女朋友丢弃 abide vt.遵守vt.忍受记忆方法:a、d、c、d、e--只要把c变成I就成本单词但是要i遵守c,i是不会忍受的 absurd a.不合理的,荒唐的记忆方法:【谐音】爱不死的--热恋中的人得出荒谬的结论 abnormal a.不正常的;变态的记忆方法:ab (不) normal(正常的)一个不正常的--不正常的, abundant a.丰富的;大量的记忆方法:a + bund + ant bund 谐音"磅"一磅的蚂蚁--大量的、丰富的 abuse vt./n.滥用,妄用;虐待,凌辱记忆方法:?一、a 爱 b 不use 使用爱不能滥用;爱是不能被虐待二、ab--above超过过量的用--滥用、虐待academy n.研究院;学会记忆方法:academy是地名,雅典市郊一花园名,因为哲学家柏拉图在那里讲学并创办了一所著名学院取名为academy后被泛指学校,研究院等 academic a.学院的;学术的记忆方法:ic:形容词后缀,可想象成I see ass n.驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人记忆方法:as--象......一样s--死人ass--笨得象死人--驴;傻瓜,蠢笨的人 assassinate vt.暗杀,行刺;中伤记忆方法:ass + ass + in + ate 两头毛驴,在里面把人咬死(暗杀) access n.接近;入口记忆方法:access 有头驴接近入口 accommodate n.供应;给提供住宿记忆方法:a cco mmo date把cco mmo 看成一对情侣,date:约会一对情侣约会,给他们提供住宿真是太好了accommodation n.招待设备;预定铺位记忆方法:accommodate的名词形式accompany vt.陪伴、伴随;为......伴奏记忆方法:company:公司accompany 一个公司伴随着你 accord vi.一致的;符合的记忆方法:观察--a、b、c、or d 把上面的b换成c 就与accord一致的、符合的了 accordance n.一致,和谐;符合记忆方法:accord + dance accord 跳个舞就变成了名词 account n.叙述;解释;帐目记忆方法:1、a(c) 表示一个人count: 数一个人数帐目2、尔康的解释和叙述,紫薇都不满意 accuracy n.准确(性);准确度记忆方法:爱扣若细--不放过细小的东西--准确性accurate a.准确的,正确无误的记忆方法:ate为形容词后缀,表示"具有......


托福词汇记忆的六大绝招 托福词汇记忆的六大绝招 掌握托福单词是成功学习TOEFL的基础,没有了单词这个基础,接下来的会话、文法、阅读、写作都将无法顺利进行,因此在托福的复习中,“如何背单词”是绝不可忽略的首要之务。 第一法:基本功 准备一本字汇书(或一本笔记),这本书(或笔记)的结构应该是:英文在最左边的位置,中文在最右边;中间则要空下来写“提示”,提示这个字“怎么背”。背单字的方法依每个字汇的不同,可能是依据字根、谐音、形状、例句等…完成工具的准备后,就可以开始背单字的工程。 imp小魔鬼 Vfelonfelon felon念起来像“坏人”所以是重罪犯。重罪犯 首先看到第一个字imp,在脑中我们可先自行加以判断:这个字“背”或“不背”,如果“不背”就跳过去,也不用做任何记号。再看到第二个字“重罪犯”:如果觉得很好背就背,不想背就跳过去,这一点很重要。 背单字三秘诀:好背的才背、想背的才背、有时间才背。“重罪犯”怎么背felon的谐音听起来是不是很像“坏人” 掌握了背这个字的诀窍后,这个字就被归于“好背”的部份;背起来了,就在旁边打个勾勾、做个记号。 一本托福词汇书(笔记),就用这种轻松的心情简简单单背过去,想背的做记号、不想背的略过;用这种方法,你一定可以看完这本书,而不会像被施了咀咒似的,买来的字汇书、自己整理的笔记都永远停留在前几页,连翻到后面的机会都没有。 绝招二:废物时间法 大部分的人,在一天当中有许多时间是被当作废物来处理的;例如学生不专心上课、上班族摸鱼聊天、通勤族坐在车上发呆…等,这些被浪费掉的零碎时间若能善加利用,背单字的'成效会很惊人,尤其是等车时间,更是最值得被利用的“废物时间”。该如何利用这些时间你需要两个诀窍来配合学习: 1.卡片:一张卡片上只写一个单字,而且字体要“斗大”。卡片越大越好,正面写英文单字,反面写中文意思,以不能直接瞄到答案为原则。 2.少量多餐:时间少、单字少、多复习。背单字最忌“常立志,发宏愿”,愿太大不仅自己没办法负荷,还会打击信心;反而是应该“立志长”,维持背单字的信念,持续不断地背下去。 绝招三:四面楚歌法 面对“有若无,实若虚”,明明背过好几次却完全想不起来的托福词汇,你会需要用到“四面楚歌”之法。在每个看得到的地方都放一个背不起来的难字,字体要大。单字务必配合情境场合。例如厕所就不适合放Yummy(美味)这个单字。 让单字出现在绝对有时间、绝对看得到的地方。例如:学生对于不喜欢上的课,可以在教室黑板两侧各列五个单字;经常使用计算机的上班族,可以下载自动换桌布的程序,把单字设成桌面,一次一个单字,绝对不怕你看不到! 第二法:细部功夫 绝招四:Concentration(专注力) 托福词汇记忆靠的不是记忆力,而是专注力,专注力不够,记忆力就不会强。因此背单字的首要之务是练习专注力,可利用“静坐”、“数息法”等帮助心静下来,心静方能摄物。当你的心静下来后,就可以开始修练这个方法-“观字法门”。


掌握5个小方法让你轻松搞定托福词汇记忆 很多考生都不知道如何去记忆托福词汇,这样使得考生的托福词汇量达不到标准,那么托福词汇应该如何去记忆呢?有哪些方法可以帮助我们很好的记住托福词汇。今天小编为大家推荐5个小方法,让你轻松搞定托福词汇记忆。 在托福考试备考过程中,词汇的积累是到头重要的,但是却有很多考生却是“屡记屡忘”,这时考生就可以去想一想,为什么我们能记住you,are,clever这些词呢?原因很简单,是我们看的次数多了,所以就记住了。那么考生已经证了一天背多了单词也是记不住的,那么我们记忆单词就可以找种方法去记,我们可以花很多天去记忆,每天都去看很多遍,这样我们不就记住了吗?下面我们一起来看看小编在这里整理的5个小技巧: 技巧一、在背单词的过程中,我们不要反复的去写单词。很多考生从小受到教育是“好记忆不如烂笔头”的观念,所以在记单词的时候,不停的写,在记单词的过程中,也就是一个反复抄写的过程。但实际上这不是一个非常高效的记单词的方法,甚至可以说是一种搞笑的一种记忆方式。原因是:大多数的单词对我们来说是能够阅读就可以的了,当然作文中出现的单词就是另外一个层面的问题了。 技巧二、复习词汇远比背单词重要。在现实生活中,不仅仅是单词,任何一个可以出口成章的诗句,哪一个不是靠背了好多遍,好多天才能实现的。要记住罗马不是一天建成的,那么谁告诉我们单词必须今天要记住的呢?其实这是一个通理,我们要靠多天的不断积累和复习,才能让自己很好的记住,所以复习词汇远比背单词重要,在备考过程中,我们要不断的进行复习。 技巧三、在背单词的时候,我们只记住单词一个中文解释。在英文单词中,往往一个单词和意思不止一个,而且有很多的单词有些意思是一样的,所以这样我们记忆起来有可能会被混淆。所以我们背单词的时候,我们只需要记住单词的一个意思就OK啦。因为我们最难的就是把单词和相应的中文意思给对应起来,反而后面的词汇扩展就容易多了。 技巧四、记单词时用朗读单词来带动自己来背。这样做有好向个好处,一就可以解决自己不会读的问题,二能解决考生背单词心里很疲惫的问题。在托福考试词汇备考过程中,有些词汇我们并不一定会读,那么,我们记单词的时候,除了知道它的意思之外,我们还要知道它的读音是什么,这样我们记忆词汇起来会更加的轻松了。再有就是背单词是一个枯燥的过程,如果记的过程中可以用朗读来减少这种枯燥又何尝不是一件好事呢。 技巧五、养成习惯最重要。在托福备考中,词汇的备考会花费考生很多的时间和精力,所以考生在记忆托福词汇的过程中,养成一个好的记忆单词习惯对于大家提升记单词的质量和效果都是非常有帮助的。在记忆单词过程,我们可以给自己设定一个专门用来背单词的时间段,只要这个时间一到,那么你就要放下手头其它的事情,专心来记忆单词。如果按照这样的记忆单词的方式,只要2周

托福词汇词根加联想记忆法(乱序版)【绿宝书】Word List 4

Word List 4 expertise blend fungus elasticity moisture gravity stout assent bizarre conceit husbandry abysmal scorn tranquil swoop punch mingle interim laudable incur pretext replica siege lunge basement crude gibe community speckle beaver pollutant sardonic practical circular disappoint nomadic soft talent confer incessantly

stadium budget dominate intelligence ultimatum personality decrease milieu satiric alchemist untamed diffusion stream clipper equivalent fray prolific revolution crab inhabit tissue precede mushroom listless stretch recharge groom dim quantify equitable appreciate neuron glare marsh foul eclipse incentive command puncture corrosive picky raven durable approve


Word List 8 communal fragile agile competence lettuce vacant apportion emotional juvenile status promote academic rigor complex X-ray franchise item grip ridiculous mode cactus silica willful refraction fortuitous insight discard concept swift noted release propensity fable diplomat mutual odd confidant bureaucracy abate dignify feign melodious

disastrous complaint negligent frail blaze cherish snide empiricism falter mismanage lust stampede overnight torpor shed hierarchy aluminum deplete pattern shirk dormant quasar humorous bolster cite offensive emerge tactic awareness distract rehabilitate blizzard mold ease roe fin mythology drastic healing blush melodic cubism magnet pensive


word list 1 accomplishment acronym acute improve interest investigate juvenile load unearth varnish wipe legitimate literacy locomotion longitude lower word list 2 ability adhere aggression artistic log accord marked modulate monarch motto manage maritime mat additive affection alike awareness balance brochure careless chimpanzee collective conductivity congestion convince council obstruct overcharge partly alternately behaviorism biological budget mutual overall overlook parallel paramount participant pendent planet pollen predominant prevalent protagonist radiation rehabilitate renovate sapphire scatter sensual shellfish shuttle calender coil colleague composer composition dairy crevice plausible plot crossing curriculum debate deadline deal precipitate radiate remnant removal renaissance retire deficiency devotion discharge dispute deceive distant dramatic erosion explosive forestall fume sodium solo diverse rod doctrine endless enforce essentially expire spice salon stretch strive scar igneous immutable impetus indicate industry intelligence interpret intriguing justify shipwright sloth stylistic surplus sweep solitary specialize specimen spectator spill fare flat syllable temporary tendency term forward foul glow state gym tow stem honest trial legislative string


混合法记忆托福词汇 背词汇 首先可以从背高考词汇开始,然后是4级的单词,进而逐渐过渡到托福。这对于小伙伴们的记忆力和毅力是一种考验。因为很多人只要一说到背单词,就会找借口,说自己现在记忆力不行了,说自己小学初中记忆力如何好。不过这些都不能成为理由,不背单词,无从谈备战托福。所以,请想要备战托福的考生注意了,无论你记忆力好坏,请从今天开始,每天记10个单词!一定要咬咬牙坚持下去。 做习题加深记忆 学习英语这么多年的经验告诉我们,光靠背单词作用是有限的,因为单纯的死记硬背单词遗忘速度很快,这里wtt给大家一个建议:就是把记单词这个步骤与习题结合在一起。因为需要完成了大量的阅读习题,这个过程一来熟悉了题型,二来又增加了词汇量。还要补充的一点是,背诵英语文章对于刚刚接触托福或是仍有较多准备时间的考生同样也有很大的帮助,还很锻炼记忆能力呢,有兴趣的朋友可以试试的! 用耳朵听词汇 这与看懂单词相比难度上是一个较大的跨越,因为在快语速的托福听力中,要想听出某些特定词汇也不是一朝一夕的功夫。wtt建议各位考生要多做Conversation与Lecture的分类练习,

使得自己逐渐习惯美语中单词的发音以及各种语音现象,比如连读。 另外,现在网上的听力练习材料有很多,这就需要我们学会有选择性的去听。比如说,托福中不考涉及新闻政治类的内容,它不会考巴以冲突目前如何、朝核问题怎么解决,即使涉及到政治,那也是考作为大学里的一门学科的政治学,比如一个国家的政治体系的形成。所以呢,比如CCTV或是ICS的新闻就可以不作为重点来听,而像国家地理或是Discovery倒是要多关注一下,因为这个就涉及到了托福中必考的学术类内容。 当然,理论上这些方法说起来很简单,真正去练习了会发现还是很难的。在此,wtt建议大家还是要加强练习和实践,不要急于求成。踏实走好每一步,一定会有所收获的。

托福词汇词根加联想记忆法(乱序版)【绿宝书】Word List 7

Word List 7 rhinoceros herald affirm modem compensate wax psychoanalysis least differentiate cardinal organism refund herb federal conceal otherwise steady ignore originate aerial lipid interactive charisma affable disconcert induct wedge cohesive rape animate predation gloss adjoin shear triumph query incredulous puritanical anonymous savage cider barn

uneven awake stingy bargain exceed forestall concave acknowledge boast distribute turnout reinforce jolt spiral perspective mask hitherto comet sociology vault efficiency mime stratigraphy advance estimate impetus attend solar lodge commentary instruct gorilla logical incubate monster intriguing participate resemble nationalism heading unpredictable preoccupation


托福词汇分类记忆九 托福的词汇量很大,有什么好的方法去记忆它呢?分类去记忆可以让我们更加系统的掌握一个类别的词汇,在特定话题写作的时候很有用呢,快背诵起来吧! 托福词汇之机构场所 department of information 新闻司 publishing/production department 出版部 circulation department 发行部 subscription department订阅部 editorial department 编辑部 liaison office 联络处 press section/information service 新闻处 press box 记者席 legation 公使馆 commercial council or office 商务处 organizer 承办方 steering committee 指导委员会 subcommittee 小组委员会 executive meeting 常务会议 preliminary meeting 预备会议 items on the agenda 议程项目 enlarged meeting 扩大会议 panel meeting 小组会议 conference hall 会场,会议厅 venue 会议地点 rostrum 讲坛 banquet hall 宴会厅 reception room 接待室 auditorium 礼堂 托福词汇之状态品质

quaint 古怪有趣的,精巧的 recreative 消遣的,优养的 refined 精致的,优雅的 respective 分别的,各自的 time-consuming 消耗时间的,旷日持久的 energy-consuming 耗精力的 all consuming 又耗时间,又耗精力的 fascinating 令人着迷的,醉人的 fashionable 时髦的,流行的 vivid 生动的颜色鲜艳的 artistic 艺术的,有美感的 possess 拥有,支配 possession 拥有物 prevail流行 prevailing 占优势的,主要的 primarily 主要的 proclivity 倾向,癖好 quest 寻求 recreation 娱乐,消遣 reveal 展现,暴露 scarce 稀少的,不足的 fanatical 狂热的 托福词汇之天文学词汇 A. Astronomy Vs Cosmology 考到有关于天文学的话题,请大家首先搞清楚astronomy和cosmology两词的区别。天文学(astronomy)指的是研究宇宙空间天体、宇宙的结构和发展的学科,内容包括天体的构造、性质和运动规律。而宇宙学(cosmology)指的是从整体的角度来研究宇宙的结构和演化的天文学分支学科。因此,天文学的概念更加广泛,宇宙学则只是天文学的一个分支学科。


托福词汇高效背诵方法 掌握好记单词的方法是提高学习英语效率的金钥匙,下面小编来告诉你怎么高效记单词吧,快学起来! 托福考生如何看待使用短期提升类词汇教材?高效背单词思路整理 托福词汇短期提升不符合学习规律 我首先要用20天把托福单词背完”,“我的计划是先用3周的时间来背单词”,“我现在一天背100个单词,40天就能背完托福单词”当一次次看到这样的学习规划的时候,总是感觉很痛苦。 因为这样的规划完全不符合人的学习规律,如果不是基础特别好的话,这样的学习规划只能导致一种结果,就是越来越绝望。因为这样的背单词的方式,完全不符合人类的记忆规律。 但是很多人真的是在采用类似的方式,总是期望在20-30天之内背下来所有的托福单词或者GRE单词。 托福词汇短期提升类教材不靠谱 本质来说,这都是一种幻觉。只要你稍微有思考能力就会发现。托福有本单词书叫做《21天搞定托福单词》,托福的单词量是多少?最多了1.2万。这本单词书多少单词?大约2700个单词需要用21天才能搞定。那么准备GRE的时候,有本单词书就做《17天搞定GRE单词》。GRE单词量是多少?少说2万。GRE的红宝也不会少于8000个单词。前面2700个单词,你用21天才能搞定,后面8000个GRE单词,你用17天就能搞定?稍微一想,就会发现逻辑有多么混乱。 如何理性提升托福词汇量背好单词? 当然并不是说单词不能背。而是说,背单词千万不要这么急功近利,一定要采取一种理性的方式!什么是理性的方式?简单来说就是“大量,多次”。 我们在背单词的时候,首先要知道,单词应该是在整个准备托福,或者SAT考试过程中一直要做的事情,而不是用短时间的冲刺就能解决问题的。换句话说,我们在背单词的时候应该把单词书等分为4份,并且把我们的学习时间,也等分为4份。在每一个时间段之内,我们就是要重复的背这一份的单词。说的有点抽象,举个例子。 比如说《21天搞定托福单词》是200页,那么我们要把这本书分为4部分,每个部分50页。然后假设你准备托福考试的时间为4个月。那么你要做的就是在第一个月里面


托福词汇记忆这七个技巧记住别撕字典 摘要:托福词汇记忆,你是抄单词、读单词、记拼写、写卡片,还是撕字典。很多考生说“背过了”,但是“没记住”。很多用功的同学的问题,不是不去背,最最让大家感到泄气的,也并不是成堆的单词,而是“记不住”。那么今天,首先给大家讲几个关于提高单词的方法。 记忆技巧一、错误的方法 在背单词的时候,很多同学受到传统教育的影响。在学校里,老师总是会在课前做dictation(默写单词):给大家一个中文,让大家默拼写。久而久之,我们同学就形成了一种习惯,即,背单词时,一边读一边开始用手抄写这些单词,然后才能记住。但是,这样的记忆方式,有两个明显的问题,不适用于托福阅读。第一,这样的记忆属于机械记忆,机械记忆最多形成短时记忆,要变成长时记忆,还需要一定量的重复,也就是说,这种记忆方式,造成了大部分同学的常见问题:“背过了,记不住”。关于具体的单词记忆方法,会在之后的文章里给大家一一解释。在这里,我们关注一下这种方法产生的第二个问题:“耗时耗力”。 记忆技巧二、只需识别 从阅读的角度来说,对于单词的理解,只需要大家停留在掌握一个单词的第一阶段。什么是单词认知的“第一阶段”呢?即,识别阶段。对于很多在语法上没有很大问题的同学来说,看不懂文章的主要原因就是眼前的一个一个字符的意义,没有办法在大脑中寻找到可以转化为可理解的符号,因为“语言=符号”。要准确地理解英文文章,大家肯定需要将其转化为中文,因此,对于单词的理解,只需要大家看到一个英文单词,马上转换成中文即可。因此,在记忆单词的时候,同学们可以忽略读音,忽略拼写,忽略例句,甚至忽略词性(一个句子中,各个单词的词性因其所在的位置已经有所限定,因此,语法基本过关的同学无须刻意记忆单词的词性。),而只需要记住中文意思,这样就节省了很多的时间和精力。而这些节省下来的时间,不是用来大家休息的哦,而是在阅读中复习单词。担任有一个前提,大家的中文够好,以至于不会对中文的理解有所偏差。 当然,我们必须关注到一点,一个英文单词的意义很多,所以,大家还需要具备对于一个单词常用的多种意思的掌握,那么,在面对一个单词的时候,我们能多重选择,让单词的意义放入原文中,上下文符合逻辑。 记忆技巧三、及时复习 首先,我们必须面对一个事实,我们是人,不是神!记住的东西是很容易忘记的。很多同学特别容易高估自己的记忆力,因此,最终期望太高,失望也就很大,非常的frustrated,一提到背单词,只有一个哀怨的眼神和一声叹息。了解过艾宾浩斯记忆曲线的同学一定会发现,这个曲线在最开端下降的最快,随后慢慢减缓。也就是说,人刚刚记住一件事情的时候,是最容易遗忘的,那么,要使得遗忘率最小化,希望大家能够在背过新单词的当天晚上和第二天一定要复习,在忙也要复习,不要等到一周以后,发现当时辛辛苦苦背的单词,怎么一半都记不住的时候,再后悔莫及。 记忆技巧四、多元重复 在记完单词时,大家还会有一个常见的问题,即在背单词书的时候,明明背的很熟练,可是,在文本中就人不出来了。这个原因很简单,大部分的单词书是按照字母顺序排列单词的,我们可以通过上下文进


托福单词快速记忆方法 托福词汇的背诵积累,方法对于考生们来说至关重要。在备考的初期,大家首先 要找到适合自己的词汇积累方法。那么前提是了解到底有哪些词汇记忆方法?如何更好更快的来积累词汇内容?下面小编为大家整理了详细的内容,供大家参考! 托福单词快速记忆的五个方法 1.词根词缀记忆法 词根词缀法是记忆单词最科学、最快速的方法。词根是构成外语单词的核心,它 是表示该词最基本意义的重要词素。词根词缀记忆法德特点是充分利用单词的构词规律,通过掌握一组单词的共同词根或词缀,达到成串记忆单词的目的。比如pose这 个词,意思为“摆姿势”,它作为词根的意思是“put”(摆放)的意思。因此我们知道“oppose,propose,dispose,expose,impose,compose”等都和“put”(摆放)有关,这样记 忆这些单词就变得容易多了。类似的词根还有很多,同学们要学会运用相同的词根去 成串记忆变化前缀和后缀组合出的单词。 2.间隔反复记忆法 先规定自己一天背的词汇的数量,然后在一天中每隔一段时间把这些词汇通背一遍,相隔的时间不宜太短,以2-3个小时为宜,早上背一遍,中午背一遍,下午背一遍,晚上再背一遍或两遍。隔几天后再把这些背过一遍。如此循环下去,会受到很好 的记忆效果。这种方法适合于时间比较充沛,可以专门用一段时间来学英语的人。它 的特点是可以在短期内记到大量的单词,而且可以记得较牢,它的缺点就是非常枯燥,要有毅力的人才能坚持背下去。 3.语境记忆法 在阅读一些文章时,你常会遇到一些你不认识的单词。最好不要立即去查字典, 什么词不值得查。记住并不是每个单词都必须准确地拼写出来才能明白它的中文含义。有的单词你只须认识,而不需使用。因为即使以英语为母语的人也不能够全部地使用 他们所认识的所有词汇。有的词汇你每天都要用到,有的词汇可能终身也难得用上一次。 4.联想记忆法 看到某个单词,应该回想一下,有没有和自己以前记忆的单词在形或意思方面的 近似。譬如,遇到consult,就应该想到和外形差不多的单词,如result,insult等,

TOEFL托福词汇 词根+联想 记忆法_俞敏洪_词汇简表

TOEFL词汇词根+联想记忆法——词汇简表 A abandon abbreviate abnormal abolition abort abound abrasion abreast abrupt absence absolutely absorb abstract absurd abundant academy accelerate access accessible accessory acclaim accommodate accompany accomplish accomplished accord account accumulate accuracy accurate accuse accustom acid acknowledge acoustic acquaint acquire acting action activity acute adapt additional additive address adequate adhere adhesive adjacent adjunct adjust administer admire admission admit adobe adolescence adopt adorn advanced advent adventure adverse advertise advocate aerial aerobic aesthetic affection affirm afflict afford agency aggregate aggressive agreeable airborne alarm alchemist alert alga algebra alien alkali allay allegory allergy alleviate allocation alloy alphabet alter alternate alternative altitude aluminum alumnus amass amateur amid amino ammonia amnesia amount ample amplify amuse amusement analogy analysis analyze anatomy ancestor anchor ancient angle animation announce annoyed annual anthropology antibiotic anticipate antique apartment apparent appeal appetite applaud applicable applicant appointment appreciate apprentice approach appropriate approve approximate aquarium aquatic arbitrary archaeology architect arid arithmetic arrange array articulate artifact artificial artisan artistic ascending ascribe aspect assemble assert assign associate assume assure asteroid astronomy asymmetrical athlete atmosphere atomic attach attain attempt attendance attorney attract attractive attribute auction audience audio audit audition auditorium augment authority authorize automatic automobile available avalanche avenue avert aviation avoid aware awareness awful awkward axis B Babylonian backlighting bake balcony bald banner barb barbecue bare barge bark barn barrel barren barrier barter basin battery bead beak beam beat beaver behave behavior belt beneficial benefit benign besiege beverage bias bill bind biography bison blade bland blanket blast bleach blend blip blizzard block bloom blossom blur board boast bog bold bond bony boom boost botany boulder bounce bound boundary brand brass breakthrough breed breeze brief brighten brilliance brilliant brittle brochure bronze brush bubble buck buckle bud buddy budget buffalo bulb bulk bulletin bump bundle bureau burgeon


Word List 1 essence pastel cultivate recover substitute renaissance sweat underscore conform husk tide decade pluralism vagrant incline grievous saucy disproportionate withhold nosy stumble imaginative chaotic renown scroll embrace obliterate colonization affiliate rancorous subculture forum participant strain vary mediate sensitive exposition sphere discharge giant melt solicit leisure unravel

nail attain constitute unsubstantiated stylized intrepid nominee panic lure routine solution revere idealize flash secrete issue aria facilitate electricity progressive reef president feeble influx receptacle accent kernel secure electron segment nourish engulf bedrock due unprecedented expel verbal deadline tolerate identity seep patriarch engage constrain innocent

托福词汇词根加联想记忆法(乱序版)【绿宝书】Word List 5

Word List 5 deposit reunion lay occupy envelop storage proactive fantasy posit disguise psychology embellish weird diverge infuriate spear repress conquer thrust casualty incidental superb bestow adventitious dissipate resolute cranial lineage balk irritate consolidate intervening corrosion mental plump readily cooperative pave contamination shrink pretentious laser

identify barter cue tenant medal inscribe flake concert supreme encounter lease downward courteous evolve jeopardize detergent parking imprint degree bulk spontaneity mast inanimate exhale comply plantation request penetrate diversion endure reserve overload region absurd exemplary leftover conservationist suspect adhesive gravitational hydrogen celebrate


详解3个最有效的托福单词记忆法 单词!这是一个据说每个学习英语的人都头疼的事?甚至是我们学习英语很多年之后都要面对的一个难题。而在托福考试中这个问题依然存在。经常有同学一提到背单词就痛不欲生,开始的时候为了应对考试单词书买了好几本,看来看去一本书也就翻了那么几页。那究竟要怎样背单词才能既有速度又有质量呢,每一个单词要背到什么程度才算背会了呢,针对托福考试的托福单词又怎么办呢?下面就由tpo点课台老师对这个问题进行一个全面的介绍! 有针对性的记忆 在开始背单词之前我希望每位同学都能问自己一个问题。我为什么要背单词,我背单词要做什么?这个问题这么重要的原因在于,我们在花费大量时间和精力开始做一件事时,要学会”有的放矢”,如果你是针对某个考试而背单词,却拿本比枕头还厚的字典来背单词那肯定是不靠谱的。并且针对不同的目的,单词书的选择和记忆方法都会有很大的差别。比如说四、六级的单词不仅在题目中看到了要会,还必须得在写作中用出来,这才叫你彻底背会了四、六级单词。但如果是GRE的单词,你看到这个单词能迅速反应出这个单词的意思,那也可以说你已经背得不错了。那么,我们背托福单词的目的是什么呢?答案无庸置疑是为了考好托福,这就要求你做到在阅读中一定要认识这些单词,在听力中能听出来这些单词,最后在写作中尝试用出这些单词。 合理选择单词书籍 只有掌握了我们背单词的目的之后,紧接着就是选单词书了。现在市面上各种单词书都很多,就拿托福单词书来说,据我们了解,市面上有各种各样的单词书籍,那么到底该如何选择呢?Tpo点课台老师说,除了注意上一部分提到的”有的放矢”之外,同学们还应注意一下自身的词汇水平是怎样的。托福单词书中很大的差别就体现有词汇量上。《托福核心词汇21天突破》和《王玉梅TOEFL词汇》这两本单词书的单词量比起《TOEFL词汇10000》要少很多,前两本的单词量大概在2000到3000,而最后一本的词汇量则近一万。如果你的单词量已经很好了,你再背《TOEFL词汇10000》肯定会浪费一些时间,也会让你的自我感觉太好而不想去背单词。而如果你的单词量本身就不多,上大学以后也没好好记过几个单词那你买本《托福核心词汇21天突破》,你做题和考试的时候就会发现自己还有很多基础单词是不认识的,甚至是没见过的,那岂不更糟。所以,单词书一定要适合自己。有的同学会问,那我不知道现在自己的词汇量是多少怎么办?把自己认识的单词全部写下来,再数一数?当然,我们不会让你做这样的工作,你可以简单的给自己衡量一下,方法包括看看自己的四、六级成绩,如果成绩优秀,那么你4000到6000的单词量是问题不大的,你可以选择单词量较少的托福词汇书。但如果你没参加过这一类的考试,可能很多的同学还是高中生和初中生,那老师就比较建议你们买一本词汇量较多的托福词汇书。此外,我们还希望大家注意,单词书不要贪多,不要”激励”自己说,趁着这次考托福,我把所有的单词都背掉,这是不可能的,也很少能有同学真的做到。所以,希望大家记住一句话”珍爱生命,谨慎选择单词书”。 重复记忆法 关于重复记忆法,我们tpo点课台老师希望大家首先抛弃的就是每天花大量时间背单词的错误想法,因为每天早上当你从床上挣扎起来到自习室时,已经大半天过去了,坐下来开

托福词汇词根加联想记忆法(乱序版)【绿宝书】Word List 3 英文

Word List 3 dwarf classic muggy skyscraper compliment pest genius repute fauna healthful sympathetic mortality wanna predecessor scrub check dive rough stain multiple visual rationality tout stubborn outrage intrigue connote persistent secede disquiet bode folkway console overrun turmoil amenable interrelate nude redundant inverse revive insulin

explore cart pertinent mercy rebellious barrel transition lyric adorn questionnaire minority entitle renew consistent quotation so-called magnitude rectangle telescope lightning utensil kennel liquid remark principal hide spoil internship polish starch assimilation detest gigantic convention diagonal absenteeism bacon silversmith cell digression stake pesticide conflict accumulate

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