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writing homework

writing homework
writing homework

Intermediate Writing


Do Well on Final Exam

There are several steps can help us do well on the final exam. First of all, we should read the textbook carefully. And then we will find many important knowledge points and useful details in the textbook. Besides, we should review the teaching materials which represent the summary of the whole textbook. In my opinion, they give us the topics in the book and can help us learn easily. What’s more, we should do more exercises, because they can help us remember the knowledge points. Exercises can also improve our ability to use the diversity of the knowledge points and make it easier for us to solve the similar problems. Last but not least, exchanging learning experiences with our classmates is benefit for us to choose our own learning methods which are more suitable for us. From my point of view, we will definitely do well on final exam by following these steps.

Intermediate Writing


Advantages of Owning a Small Car

Owning a small car has many advantages in our daily life. Firstly, I think a small car is very convenient and flexible. In addition, we can drive it to anywhere we want easily and freely. Secondly, a small car can save much energy, so it is not only beneficial for us, the car owners, but also friendly to the environment. Besides, emissions of the vehicle exhaust in a small car is much less than a big car as we all know. What’s more, a small car can help us save lots of money, and to some extent decline the budget. In contrast, a big car will cost us lots of money in energy and maintenance. In sum, it’s very helpful for us to own a small car.

Intermediate Writing


My Ideal Room

My ideal room is really wonderful. You can see the pink walls when you open the door. On your right hand, there is a desk with some books and a computer on it, and there is a trash can next to the desk. In front of the desk, there is a comfortable chair. In the corner of the room, there is a big wardrobe. It’s my favorite place in this room, for there are lots of pretty clothes in it. On your left hand, you can see a soft bed covered with a cartoon sheet. On the wall, there is a beautiful poster. Next to the bed, there is a bright window on the wall. When you stay in the room, you can smell the fragrance of the jasmine. In a word, I’m sure that you will be blissfully happy in this room.

I have neither given nor unauthorized aid in completing this work, nor have I presented someone else’s work as my own.

Zhiru Su

Intermediate Writing


The Differences between Swimming in a Pool and Swimming at the Beach There are several differences between swimming in a pool and swimming at the beach. Firstly, the space when you are swimming at the beach is so big that you cannot see the boundary of the sea. However, the space of the swimming pool is much smaller. Besides, you can feel the sea breeze, see the beautiful blue waters, and enjoy the sunshine when you are swimming at the beach. In contrast, you only can see the sterilized water and smells really terrible. What’s more, you can see a various kinds of aquatic animals at the beach, but you cannot see them in the swimming pool. Except that, you can play the sand at the beach, while you can play the recreational facilities in the pool. Sometimes the sea waves may be dangerous for people who is not good at swimming when he or she is swimming at the beach. In a word, swimming in a pool and swimming at the beach both have their own cons and pros.

I have neither given nor unauthorized aid in completing this work, nor have I presented someone else’s work as my own.

Zhiru Su

Intermediate Writing


A folktale

There is a folktale from Chinese culture. It is about a clever seven-year-old boy named Guang Sima. One day, he was playing hide-and-seek with his friends when he finished his lunch. There was a big jar in the backyard of his home, and it was full of water. Suddenly, one of his little friends fell into the jar carelessly. The child was drowned in the water, for he was too short and unable to swim. As other children saw the situation, they were scared and all ran away. However, Guang Sima kept calm and he got a stone and used it to break the jar from outside. The jar broke up and the water flowed out, so the child was saved. This story tells the little Guang Sima was calm and smart when he met the accident.

Intermediate Writing


The Causes of Car Accident

There are many causes of car accident. One of the most common reasons is tired driving. Some people, although with less sleep, still drive their cars on the road, which is really dangerous. Another reason is infraction procession. Some people don’t obey the traffic rules and just ignore the traffic signals, for they want to find an easy way to get out of the traffic jam. The third reason is that sometimes the car tires can be punctured in accident. Many people don’t protect their tires when they are using cars. The tires have been used for a long time, and the owners do n’t maintain their cars properly. Therefore, accident occurs to cars easily. No matter because of which reason, people should pay more attention to their own physical status and car’s reliability when they are driving a car.

I have neither given nor unauthorized aid in completing this work, nor have I presented someone else’s work as my own.

Zhiru Su

Intermediate Writing


A Relaxing place

Xinghai park was a good place for me to enjoy my vacation with my friends. Xinghai park, located in Dalian which is a city of China, was a comfortable place to relax myself. There were warm sunshine, blue sea water, golden sand, and some enthusiastic facilities. Meanwhile there were also some shops where we can buy some commodities made by some shells and some sea food. As the Haizi, a poet of China, said facing the sea, spring flowers blossom. Near the beach, we can saw some marine organism in the ocean. When you stand at the beach, you can feel the sea wind, hear the laughter, and see blue water. How wonderful trip it was.

There were 3 different venues like aquarium, polar region embassy, and coralarium. First, I went to the aquarium where it had dolphin show and tamer performance, for the performance just have once a day. The dolphins can jump up and shake hand with the keeper, and they can dance with the music. The tamer can play with the dolphins. That was amazing. Then we visited the aquarium, polar region embassy, and coralarium. There were lots of animals such as different kind of tropical fish, arctic fox,penguin, and different kind of corals.

After visited the venues, we went to the beach. We laid on the warm sand, and we felt the beautiful sunshine. That was very comfortable and leisurely. Then we draw some pictures or write some words by sand. It was an interesting thing in my memory. We played in the seaside. We felt the power of the wave, and we saw some marine organism. At the same time, we saw

some people surfing in the sea. That looked very cool and exciting. We also took lots of photos to retain the wonderful time.

Before we left, we look around the shops where they have many interesting things. There were trinkets made by shells which were beautiful. Of course, we bought some trinkets. We also bought some seafood for our families. Meanwhile there were many snacks near the shops. We ate many delicious snacks.

We were very happy, for we played all day. We felt the magic of the sea. It was beautiful and mysterious. It breed many creatures to make the ocean world amazing. That was a wonderful day. Xinghai park made me relax myself.

I have neither given nor unauthorized aid in completing this work, nor have I presented someone else’s work as my own.

Zhiru Su


同济大学土木工程学院大楼调研 ●建筑概况 同济大学土木工程学院大楼占地面积为2484平方米,建 筑面积为14920平方米。该楼地上8层,地下1层。主设计 师:钱峰。(右图为总平面图) ●平面主要功能 一层平面主要是一个展览大厅,一个报告厅,以及一些 办公室;二层平面与一层平面相类似,有一个室内平台供研 究生交流与学习,其余都是一些班级与办公室。从三层以上, 平面面积减小,主要是教师办公用地以及实验室。而在六楼的走道内,有摆设了较多的展板以供大家学习。四层以上都设置了过道,使得主楼与副楼之间的联系更加紧密。地下一 层则有些模型展示以及办公室。一层楼架空,其下是一个停车场。 逃生楼梯东西两侧各一个,中间也设置了个较大的逃生楼梯。(以下三张分别是一层、二层与四层平面图) ●结构体系 木土工程学院大楼设计中采用了钢框架与混凝土体墙体相结合的结构体系。它具有承载强度高、抗震性能好等优点。 钢结构的采用往往与它所相关的一系列技术紧密结合它是一项综合性要求高,集钢结构,建筑节能、保温、建筑防火、建筑隔声、新型建筑、设施施工于一体的集成化技术。该楼采用了暴露框架与金属波形外墙挂扳组合的方法,例如在处理钢框架与外墙的关系上,暴露的钢结构框架很好地将结构体系展示出来,体现出现代建筑的高效、简练和工业化的特征 。而金属波形外墙挂扳由于可以由厂家负责加工切制完成,到现场安装,因此大大减低了施工难度,加快了施工进度,同时使外立面增强了一种材质肌理的变化,在阳光的照射下 显得更加生动。此外土木工程学院大楼的钢结构构件与节点除了起到结构体系的作用之外,还直接地作为室内装饰的元素展现在大家面前,例如入口大厅内顶棚的钢结构、钢柱以及一些钢结构联系构件与结点都与室内装饰紧密地结合在一起,很好地诠释了钢结构体系的特征。就钢结构框架简化该楼结构体系,其结构类似于。横 向和纵向梁与柱之间均做成刚性连接,组成一空间刚架, 即横向和纵向都是刚架。其中纵向柱距比横向柱距(跨度) 小, 楼层垂直荷载主要传给横向刚架。这样横向刚架承受垂直 荷载和纵向水平荷载,而纵向刚架则仅承受较小的垂直荷 载和纵向水平荷载。这样使得刚架中刚度较小的横向刚架 得到加强。刚架中的梁主要是受弯构件,轴力较小;柱则 是压力和弯矩都很大的压弯构件。(有图为结构示意图)


教师,我无悔的选择 各位领导,各位老师: 大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:《教师,我无悔的选择》。 有一首诗里这么写道:我是一个老师,我把手中的红烛高高举起,只要我的鸽群能翱翔蓝天,只要我的雏鹰能鹏程万里,只要我的信念能坚如磐石,只要我的理想能永远年轻,我情愿燃烧我的每一寸躯体,让我的青春乃至整个的生命,在跳动的烛火中升华,在血液的鲜红中奔腾…… 我无悔的选择来自对理想的追求。我来自一个教师家庭,我的父母都是教师,在他们的熏陶下,我打小便确立了自己的理想——做一名光荣的人民教师!七年前,怀揣着美丽的梦想,我走上了教师岗位。刚参加工作的时候,我满腔热情地投入到教学当中,融入到学生当中,恨不得一下子把全部的知识都交给学生。清晨,当黎明的曙光洒进教室,我在三尺讲台旁聆听孩子们琅琅的读书声,那是天底下最动听的乐章,我仿佛在享受人间最美的旋律;黄昏,踏着最后一抹夕阳,我目送他们离校的背影;夜晚灯光下,看着孩子们那稚嫩的笔迹,在我严格的要求下逐渐成长,我深深感到:这就是我人生最高的追求,最大的安慰! 我无悔的选择来自对师爱的坚守。工作的道路并非一帆风顺,美丽的梦想也会偶尔搁浅,当我看到学生对再三讲过的知识还不明白、对再三纠正过的错误一犯再犯时,我着急了;当我看到一些学生淘气、调皮、不求上进、学习成绩一落千丈、自暴自弃的学生使人头疼万分,不知所措时,我连放弃的念头都有了。慢慢地,我发现,我的父母,还有身边的老教师,他们总能不急不躁地面对一切,用老师的温和引发出学生最善良的心,用表扬和鼓励培养班级积极向上的精神。他们的言行感动了我。望着他们呕心沥血几十年依旧孜孜不倦,看着他们青丝变白发依旧兢兢业业,我深刻地理解人们为什么总是这样描写教师:“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”,“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干”。于是,我下定决心:绝不放弃!每一颗草都有泛绿的时候,每一朵花都有盛开的理由,用爱去呵护他们,宽容他们,鼓励他们,为他们的每一次小小的进步而高兴。孩子是天使,我们就是为天使装点翅膀的人!至诚的师爱又唤回了我工作的激情,重新点燃了我美丽的梦想。

Simon考官范文-IELTS Writing Task 2: independence(独立) question

题目: Some people think that in the modern world we are more dependent on each other, while others think that people have become more independent.? Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 翻译: People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others nowadays. In my view, modern life forces us to be more independent than people were in the past. There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more dependent on each other now. Firstly, life is more complex and difficult, especially because the cost of living has increased so dramatically. For example, young adults tend to rely on their parents for help when buying a house. Property prices are higher than ever, and without help it would be impossible for many people to pay a deposit and a mortgage. Secondly, people seem to be more ambitious nowadays, and they want a better quality of life for their families. This means that both parents usually need to work full-time, and they depend on support from grandparents and babysitters for child care. However, I would agree with those who believe that people are more independent these days. In most countries, families are becoming smaller and more dispersed, which means that people cannot count on relatives as much as they used to. We also have more freedom to travel and live far away from our home towns. For example, many students choose to study abroad instead of going to their local university, and this experience makes them more independent as they learn to live alone. Another factor in this growing independence is technology, which allows us to work alone and from any part of the world. In conclusion, while there are some reasons to believe that people now depend on each other more, my own view is that we are more independent than ever. Note: As usual, try to analyse this essay in terms of task response (does it fully answer the question?), organisation, 'band 7-9' vocabulary, and grammar.


小学教师演讲稿--无悔的选择无尽的追 求 我曾听过这样的感叹,我生不逢时,没赶上英雄时代,要不我也会扬名天下!我也听过类似的抱怨,我时运不佳,没摊上个好岗位,否则咱也不想当孩子王。但我却要说,选择教师,我今生无悔,也是我毕生的追求。 96年的盛夏,带着对明天的憧憬,走上了三尽讲台,实现了我的梦想。虽是偏远,落后的杨溪村小,我却异常满足。一天到晚和孩子们打交道,我觉得很有意思,很有乐趣。天真活泼,心地善良的孩子们,在我的教育下,一天比一天懂事,一天比一天成熟。我看到了教育的力量,也深深地爱上了自己的事业。 爱岗敬业,诲人不倦,是对每位教育工作者最基本的要求,初涉教坛时,我深知在学校所学的知识远远不够。提高自身业务素质,异常重要。于是我的书桌上就多了些教育专著,教育教学杂志,读读、摘摘,博采他山石,琢为自家玉。平时,常向有经验的老师请教,听课,听讲座,学写论文,取他人之长,补已之短。 爱学生是教师的天职,没有爱就没有教育。我把爱镶在举手投足间,嵌在我的一颦一笑中,让学生时刻感受到了信任与鼓舞。我总是把学生看成自己的弟妹,不失时机地为贫

困的学生送一句安慰,为自卑的孩子送一份自信,为偏激的学生送一份冷静,让学生时刻生活在温暖中。 寒来暑往,风雨八年,我不曾为我的早出晚归而后悔,也不曾为我的挑灯夜战而遗憾。因为在我的学生身上,我看到了我的付出所开的花,所结的果。我从教虽短短八年,但在这八年里,凭着对事业的真诚迷恋,对学生的无比热爱,所教的每届学生都在进步,都在成才。我想,这与我的不懈追求是分不开的。 “衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴”,在事业默默的耕耘中,我体验到了人生最大的幸福,每个教师节一封封热情洋溢的信,一张张饱含谢意的精致卡片,雪片似的从四面八方飞到我的身边。我的心里总是缀满了骄傲与自豪。我在心底里默默发誓,不为别的就为这些天真无邪的学生,我也要把工作干好,不求轰轰烈烈,但求踏踏实实;不求涓滴相报,但求今生无悔。 扩展阅读:怎样做一个受人敬仰的优秀教师 一、要有强烈的责任感。 衡量一个教师是否合格,最重要的一点就是看其有没有强烈的社会责任感。因为教育工作的根本意义在于通过培养合格的社会公民去优化和推动社会的发展。如果一个教师不


雅思8分作文解决方案 A Solution to Score 8 in IELTS Writing 孙肇春著 全真雅思试题(2002各城市A、G类写作真题及范文) 准确试题预测(2002-2003年雅思写作准确评估和预测) @2002 Copyright reserved 版权所有翻印必究

作者简介 孙肇春,1971年生于山东烟台,1999年毕业于广东外语外贸大学博士点(原广州外国语学院),文学硕士。研究方向句法学和理论语言学。兴趣爱好广泛,对词源学具有浓厚的兴趣和较深的研究,喜欢英美文学和欧洲文化史。2000年在暨南大学任教,曾担任口译、英美散文欣赏等课程。2001年辞职。现任深圳环球雅思学校校长,主讲雅思写作、阅读和词汇速记法。业余爱好:平民类运动项目。擅长篮球、乒乓球、羽毛球、健身等运动,。座右铭:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Preface Building upon my experience as an IELTS writing teacher and professional writer, I collected abundant writing materials authentic from test centers and other media. This book is the result of a combination of two years of teaching experience and the research of IELTS writing skills, built upon equally as many hours creating original writing samples to students preparing to take their IELTS test. This book has been developed to be used in the classroom and for self-study. The book covers both the General Training and Academic test. Using a step-by-step approach, a detailed explanation of how to approach writing in IELTS is given, with each unit concentrating on one particular aspect of the writing test. The exercises are designed to teach the required skills, focusing on practical application of knowledge. Model answers are also included for students to compare their own writing against, thereby gradually guiding students in wring articles that fully meet the requirements of the IELTS writing test in every aspect. The materials in this book are all authentic, keeping the original style and content. The book is very helpful for the students who are planning to take the IELTS test. The book also gives a prediction of the IELTS in 2003, covering any possible topics which are commonly seen in the test.


IELTS 7 Test 1 WRITING TASK 2 It is the generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. There are millions of people in this world, but only a handful of them could achieve distinguished accomplishments and become specialists in some domain. Personally, I regard it is the innate talent that makes them more outstanding and prevail over others more easily. In all walks of life, only a few individuals who were born with talent could become excellent celebrities, especially in some domain like sports, arts, science and so forth. This has been proved by numerous historical celebrities such as Mozart, Newton, etc. In other words, it is the nature talent rather than techniques that makes a person successful. If this were not true, everyone could be trained to be a high-level sports player, but only one of them could win gold medal. Namely, compared with nurture, nature plays a more essential and fundamental role in determine the winner. Take a musician as an instance. Some people singing well since they were born and they could be taught to be a musician if they practice frequently. However, a person who does not have a singing gift would never be a good singer no matter how scientific he gets trained. Undeniably, it is quite true that practice could improve a person's skill as well. Our education system is exactly based on the belief that every child could effectively taught to acquire different skills, including some singing and sports skills. But I have to emphasize here is that they could be adept in certain domain with practice but they could never become a specialist without inherited talent. Without talent, continuous training would be neither effective nor productive. However, even if an individual with innate talent, appropriate practice and proper training method is also essential in determining whether this person could achieve splendid achievement or not. Having considered all the arguments above, I hold the opinion that any child could be taught to acquire some skills in sports, music, etc. But it is the nature gift and appropriate practice that makes a person could attain distinguished achievement in these areas.


竞选校长演讲稿:无悔的选择尊敬的各位专家、各位评委: 大家好! 我来自中国枇杷之乡__xx县xx镇,我抽到的演讲题目是《无悔的选择》,下面是我简短的演讲: 茫茫宇宙,每颗星都有自己的位置;芸芸众生,每个人都有自己的追求。教师,太阳底下最光辉的职业,这就是我无悔的选择! 小时候,家里穷,寒冬腊月仍光着脚丫,一天,我小学班主任王淑君老师把我领到她的寝室,拿出一双布鞋送给我说:“穿上它,好好读书!你会有出息的!”顿时一股暖流流遍了全身。从此,我暗下誓言:长大了,我也要像王老师一样做一位好老师。这誓言真成了我今后的精神支柱。初中毕业那年,我义无反顾地在志愿栏填了“四川省井研师范学校”,我如愿以偿了。[] 书生意气,风华正茂的师范求学时期,我喜欢读一些与教育有关的课外书籍。读《武训传》我伤心掉泪;谈孔子我肃然起敬;说陶行知我感慨万千;评中外教育史,我豪情万丈。我深深懂得:民族的希望在少年,少年智则国智,少年强则国强。而培养少年之责任,全在我们教师!教师是支撑

民族的擎天柱! 师范毕业,我被分配到一所山村小学,面对破破烂烂的校舍,一双双渴求知识的农家子弟的眼睛,我的心都碎了。孤灯作伴,淡饭粗茶,而心中的理想之火却在熊熊燃烧。我认真钻研大纲、教材、探索教法、学法;我走村串户搞家访,挤出微薄的工资,资助贫困学生。几番风雨,风度春秋,苦心人,天不负,我教的学生在毕业会考中荣获全区前茅,我调任区少年委员,在送别的那天,我的学生浸着眼泪拉着我的手久久不松开,朴实的村民聚集在校门口给我挥手致意。此时此刻我真切地感受到了幸福的滋味。区少年委员,在老百姓心中是个“官”,的确工作环境和对自己今后的发展比做一个山村教师强百倍,但我仅仅只做了一年,坚决要求下去仍做教师,当时,真有人不理解,觉得我是不是神经出了点问题,但我自己知道,我清醒得很,我是放不下我的学生呀!领导经过一段时间的考虑终于同意了我的要求,我又回到别了一年的课堂。我回到课堂犹如把鱼放回到了大海。 从教近18年,我教过小学语文、数学,也教过地理、历史、社会、音乐;当过班主任、少先队辅导员、教研组长、教导主任、校长,无论在学校什么岗位,我都觉得很适合我,无论自己有多么不快,心中有多大的委屈,只要一站上讲台,面对一张张纯真的笑脸,心里就充满了幸福与自豪。为了教


混凝土结构基本原理实验报告书 学号: 姓名: 任课老师: 实验老师:林峰 实验组别: A6

梁斜拉QC1实验报告 一、试验原始资料的整理 1、试验对象的考察与检查 件尺寸(矩形截面):b×h×l=119×202×1800mm; 构件净跨度:1500mm; 混凝土强度等级:C20; 纵向受拉钢筋的种类:HRB335; 箍筋的种类:HPB300; 纵向钢筋混凝土保护层厚度:15mm; 试件表面刷白,绘制50mm*50mm的网格。 2、材料的力学性能试验结果 混凝土抗压强度试验数据 试验内容:混凝土立方体试块抗压强度 试件编号 试件尺寸 (mm)试件破坏荷载 (kN) 试件承压面积 (mm2) 强度评定 (MPa) 1100×99×100184990018.586 2100×99×100194990019.596 3100×99×100188990018.990 平均19.057试验内容:混凝土棱柱体试块轴心抗压强度 试件编号 试件尺寸 (mm)试件破坏荷载 (kN) 试件承压面积 (mm2) 强度评定 (MPa) 199×100×298124990012.525 299×100×298132990013.333 399×100×313108990010.909 平均12.256 =18.1MPa= 11.6MPa 钢筋拉伸试验数据

钢筋Φ4Φ6Φ8Φ10Φ12Φ14Φ18Φ22 (M Pa)316.94 6 302.2449 222.4077 466.1718 398.4823 422.1161 408.3805 492.927 (M Pa)372.21 2 474.8413 170.7887 677.7483 557.2487 656.7253 614.0465 676.213 3、试验计划与方案及实施过程中的一切变动情况记录 3.1梁受弯性能概述 根据梁正截面受弯破坏过程及破坏形态,可将梁分为适筋梁、超筋梁和少筋梁三种类型。下面以纯弯段内只配置纵向受拉钢筋的截面为例,说明这三种破坏模式[7]。 a)适筋梁的受弯破坏过程 b)超筋梁的受弯破坏过程 c)少筋梁的受弯破坏过程 3.2试验目的和要求 a)参加并完成规定的实验项目内容,理解和掌握钢筋混凝土适筋梁受弯实验的实验方 法和实验结果,通过实践掌握试件的设计、实验结果整理的方法。 b)写出实验报告。在此过程中,加深对混凝土适筋梁受弯性能的理解。 3.3试件设计和制作 (1)试件设计的依据 根据剪跨比 和弯剪区箍筋配筋量的调整,可将试件设计为剪压、斜压和斜拉破坏。 进行试件设计时,应保证梁受弯极限荷载的预估值比剪极限荷载预估值大。 (2)试件的主要参数 件尺寸(矩形截面):b×h×l=120×200×1800mm; 构件净跨度:1500mm; 混凝土强度等级:C20; 纵向受拉钢筋的种类:HRB335; 箍筋的种类:HPB300; 纵向钢筋混凝土保护层厚度:15mm; 试件的配筋情况见表3.3.1和图3.3.1; 试件 编号试件特征配筋情况 加载位置 b(mm) 预估受剪 极限荷载 预估受弯 极限荷载


Do you often write things? Do you write everyday? What do you usually write? Do you like writing to people? How often do you send e-mails? What are your main reasons for using e-mails? Do you like to send e-mails? Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer? Nowadays, how do most people write things? Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? When do children begin to write in your country? How did you learn to write? Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)? How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting? What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people? Yes, I write documentaries as part of my job on a daily basis for my clients. There are many things I have to write, for example, I usually write end user training for my clients to teach them how to use the system, or I write a development guide for my technical staffs to teach them how to code. 是的,作为工作的一部分,我每天都为我的客户写纪录片。我需要写很多东西,例如,我通常为我的客户编写终端用户培训来教他们如何使用系统,或者为我的技术人员编写开发指南来教他们如何编写代码。 Yes, I’m really into communicating with my clients by email. I send emails to them on a daily basis from my office, discussing business, guiding them how to use the system and solving their problems. I like sending emails because I can trace the communication in email software. It is much more useful than the telephone. 是的,我非常喜欢通过电子邮件与客户沟通。我每天从办公室给他们发电子邮件,讨论业务,指导他们如何使用这个系统,解决他们的问题。我喜欢发电子邮件,因为我可以用电子邮件软件跟踪沟通。它比电话有用得多。


我不是一位多情的诗人,不能用漂亮的诗句去讴歌我的事业,我不是一位睿智的哲人,不能用深遂的哲理去体现我的人生价值。然而,我就是我——一个普通的小学教师。今天我要在这词汇的花园里采撷,构造我心中最美的诗篇。在理性的王国里徜佯,推演我心中最奥妙的哲理。我要用深深的思索和凝重的感情来唱出我心中最美的歌!今天我演讲的题目是:无悔的选择 是呀,春蚕选择了吐丝,蜡烛选择了燃烧,白杨选择了大地,雄鹰选择了天空。它们选择了生命的自由与奔放,它们才活得如此洒脱而有价值。而我,则选择了太阳底下最光辉的事业——人民教师。读过《教育美文100篇》后,我更想自豪地说:“这是我无悔的选择。”衣带渐宽,不悔!为伊消瘦,不悔!在无数老师合奏的这道宏大的奉献曲中,虽然我只是一个小小的音符,但是我坚信:只要我们播下种子,即使只有一颗,也是有收获的;只要我们栽培的花朵,即使只有一朵,也是最明艳的。我一生别无它求,只求在自己的工作岗位上,用无私的奉献写下两个金光闪闪的大字:无悔! 因为“无悔”所以我渴望我的小学语文课堂能够书声琅琅、议论纷纷、情意融融。因为“无悔”所以我在教育的旅途中,认识了魏书生、于永正、窦桂梅、李吉林等教育大师;因为“无悔”所以我和我的学生们在唐诗宋词中徜徉,一起领略“大谋孤烟直,长河落日圆”的雄壮;一起欣赏“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的豪迈气势;一起“老夫聊发少年狂。左牵黄。右擎苍。锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。为报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。一起吟诵那壮怀激烈的《满江红》怒发冲冠,凭阑处、

潇潇雨歇。抬望眼、仰天长啸,壮怀激烈。三十功名尘与土,八千里路云和月。莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。靖康耻,犹未雪;臣子恨,何时灭。驾长车,踏破贺兰山缺。壮志饥餐胡虏肉,笑谈渴饮匈奴血。待从头、收拾旧山河,朝天阙。——我渴望可以将唐诗宋词融入学生的血脉,这是我们民族的灵魂。 记得全国著名特级教师于漪老师曾深情的对同事们说过:“如果人的生命有一百次,并且每一次都可以自己选择职业,那么我将一百次选择人民教师——这个太阳底下最光辉的职业。”此时此刻,我也想对在座的各位同事、我的学生们说:“如果有来生,我还是选择人民教师!” 我渴望,当我到了行将就木的那一天,我可以骄傲、自豪的大声喊道:虽然我没有在天空中飞过,但我已留下痕迹。 “吃也清淡,穿也素雅,心怀淡泊,起始于辛劳,收结于平淡。”——我无悔。


《世界的语言和宗教》教案 第二节世界的语言和宗教教学要求1. 运用地图说出汉语、英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语的主要分布地区。2. 说出世界三大宗教及其主要分布地区。3. 举例说出不同国家和地区不同的宗教信仰和文化传统。内容点析1.关于语言,主要讲述了世界上的主要语言及其分布两个问题。(1)课文第一自然段的文字叙述与图4.“不同的语言文字”相配合,说明了汉语、英语、法语、俄语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语是世界上的主要语言,也是联合国的工作语言。(2)课文通过活动1、活动2,使学生通过读图4.13“世界主要语言的分布”,知道世界主要语言的地域分布状况。2.关于世界三大宗教,课文主要讲述了世界上有哪三大宗教,以及三大宗教的分布。(1)课文第一自然段,首先讲述了宗教产生的原因,接着讲述了基督教、伊斯兰教和佛教是世界的三大宗教,最后讲述了宗教所产生的影响。(2)课文第二、三、四这三个自然段分别讲述了基督教、伊斯兰教和佛教的主要分布地区。图4.14“不同国家和地区存在着不同的宗教信仰”,作为文字叙述的补充,进一步说明宗教分布的地域差异。教师可适当补充玄奘西域取经的历史故事,以说明世界性的文化交流是宗教传播的一种途径。(3)课文的第五自然段概述了我国少数人信仰宗教的情况。(4)课文最后部分设计了两个活动,目的在于使学生通过活动了解宗教对文化的影响。教学建议【世界的语言】1.指导学生阅读课文的第一自然段,看图4.,并阅读“阅读材料”──“世界语言知多少?”组织学生自由发言,说出他们所知道的其他语言。2.按课文活动1、活动2,组织学生开展活动。(1)活动1的设计如下:①教师先启发学生说出,除我国以外世界上华人主要分布地区;②然后,教师继续启发学生说出,世界上华人所占比例较高的国家(新加坡、马来西亚); ③最后,请学生对照“世界政治地图”和图4.13,说出除我国以外使用汉语的国家。(2)活动2的设计如下:①可把学生分为几个小组,要求每个小组根据图4.13,各写出一种语言的分布地区;②然后组织各小组在全班交流;③最后教师进行归纳。【世界三大宗教】1.指导学生阅读课文,开展如下的活动。(1)说出世界上有哪三大宗教。(2)填写世界三大宗教产生地区与主要分布地区表:宗教产生地区主要分布地区基督教伊斯兰教佛教2.按课文活动1、活


雅思大作文(simplified version) Writing task 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task Write about the following topic: Give reasons for you answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write about 250 words. Sample answer Animals are very useful to humans in medical experiments. Many people argue that animals should not be used for testing medical technology and drug developments. On the other hand, others claim that without animal testing, some patients would suffer and even die from their diseases. I agree that we should not use animals for experiments. In other words, animal testing should be stopped. First, animal tests violate animals’rights. Nothing seems more brutal than taking away a life, no matter it belongs to a man or an animal. Second, not all the experiments are reliable. The treatment and drugs which are effective to animals sometimes are useless and even have negative effects on humans. Third, not all the experiments are necessary. With the development of technology, computer simulation can achieve similar results. However, those people who strongly believe that we should use animals in experiments have reasons for it. For one thing, animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. It would be cruel that some people die of a disease because there is not enough information on the effective treatment of the disease. For another, now there are no other better methods to replace animal tests. Therefore, animal tests are still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method for that purpose. More importantly, animals such as monkeys or rabbits which are often used in experiments are easily bred. We don’t need to worry about their extinction. Furthermore, most countries set standards for animal treatment during test the test, and laboratories have regulations to prevent cruelty. From the above comparison and contrast, I can confidently conclude that animals should not be used for testing medical technology and drug developments. Being creatures, animals can enjoy the same rights as humans. Information from animal tests do not perfectly apply to humans. I believe that other better methods will soon be discovered to replace the cruel animal tests.


教师,我无悔的选择演讲稿 教师,我无悔的选择演讲稿1 许多人都说,教师只有平凡、只有寂寞,没有灿烂,没有辉煌。然而我自豪,我沸腾,因为我是一名教师,我从事着太阳底下最光辉的职业。 爱是教育的基础。没有爱,就没有教育,这是千真万确的,爱正是教师无声的誓言,它用教师的行动和心血写成。 回想当年,初入师范大门,我曾一度感慨不已:难道盛开的花季只能在”三点一线”的生活中缓缓延续?难道毕生的辛劳只能在红烛的微光下为他人做嫁衣? 就在这段苦闷彷徨的日子里,是她--我的班主任刘老师,以她那阳光般的光环,使我深深体味到了教师职业的纯洁和高尚,使我日渐真切地看到了不远的将来,我也是一名由播种,耕耘到收获的光荣的人民教师! 其实刚刚入学,当美丽如花的刘老师站到我面前的时候,我不禁暗暗怀疑,这样的非凡人物怎能甘受一辈子的清贫与平风呢?可是她似并没有意识到这些。开学第一周,她就为笨拙的男生洗床单,那纤细的双手浸在秋天的冷水里又红又肿,然后她又在会操场的训练场上喊哑了喉咙,当贫困的同学生病了,作为一名普通工薪族的她,又倾囊所出,缴纳了几乎是一去无还的上千上万的医疗费用。

像刘老师这样一位博学美丽的人物都肯放下骄傲,俯首甘为孺子牛,而我们尚未羽毛的丰满就开始耽搁学业,开始惧怕今天,惧怕将来无私的教书育人是否得到名利的回报。殊不知,教师传道、授来、解惑的无么奉献能开启多少人蒙昧的心灵,能为他人带来多少温暖和光明啊!我们不是天才,却有着天才的乖僻缺点,拒绝成长,又差一点拒绝了成为人师的光荣使命! 我不管别人是怎样评价两袖清风无名无得的教师的,也不管将来会有多少披星戴月,风雨兼程的日日夜夜,我只知道,并深深地暗下决心--为了山坡上披鞭放牛的失学儿童,为了日出而作,日落而息的父老乡亲,为了祖国美好的明天,我一定要像刘老师一样,做一名合格的人民教师! 随着时代的发展,21世纪我国中小学教师面临着严峻的挑战。综合国力的竞争,说到底是人才的竞争。100万中小学教师的素质是制约基出教育改革与发展的关键,是提出高教育质量的关键,是发展综合国力的关键。而民族、贫困地区中小学教师素质是制约全国基础教育改革与发展的最大”瓶颈”。加快民族、贫困地区中小学教师的培训步伐,提出高民族、贫困地区教师的综合素质,建设好一支立志为民族、贫困地区基础教育事业献身的高素质的师资队伍,是民族、贫因地区推进素质教育和实施义务教育的关键所在。发展国民经济,培养各类人才,提高民族素质,基础在教育,而小学教育是基础的基础,作为教师所承担的任务是光荣而艰巨的。热爱小学教学工作的思想感情,有一个培养的过程。首先,要自觉地了解和熟悉小学语文教


文化故事大讲堂演讲稿: 无悔的选择 不去想是否得到回报 既然选择了远方 便只顾风雨兼程 不去想能否赢得赞誉 既然钟情于“金的品质” 就勇敢做出“叶的奉献” 不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨 既然目标是地平线 留给世界的只能是背影 不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞 只要热爱烟草事业 一切,都在意料之中 选择了一项事业就选择了一种人生;选择了烟草,就要像烟叶一样献出自己的全部。这是长垣县烟草分公司客户

经理董学忠的座右铭。 长路奉献给远方,江河奉献给海洋。董学忠选择了烟草行业,也将自己的整个青春献给了烟草。至今,他已经在烟草行业奋斗了二十个春秋,在这二十年里,他一直奋战在卷烟销售一线,始终坚持着“两个至上”的行业共同价值观,为客户提供着最优质的服务。 姜成康局长曾说过:服务是烟草商业企业的立身之本,效益之源。作为一名普通的客户经理,董学忠始终把“用真诚感动客户心灵,用智慧创造一流业绩”,作为自己的营销理念和服务理念。不管是平坦林荫大道还是泥泞的乡间小路,不管是人流涌动的县城集市还是鸡犬相闻的黄河洼地,都留下了他的足迹和身影。在拜访路上,他经历了客户的挑剔到最后的认同、理解;感受了客户对他的抗拒、反感到真诚的关心。炎炎夏日,客户递上的一杯水,寒冬腊月,客户暖暖的一句话让他深深的体会到“帮助客户、成就自己”的工作乐趣。从客户的阻挠到帮助,从阴雨天到艳阳天,有荆棘也有鲜花,有委屈也有感动,有欢乐也有忧愁,有动力也有压力,但作为客户经理的他,遇到困难不怕,遇到挫折不倒,始终以客户利益为出发点,以消费者的需求为己任,在工作中尽情的燃烧自我,用新烟人的光辉照亮客户盈利的康庄大道。 他不但有对烟草事业的热情,而且还有多样化的营销

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