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????: Gre.mjj@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8617251010.html,

1. Police on the urban issues (the city did not love), but the city issues (lightly) is because it looks ... not right.

Urban crime from happening in the city for police, but inimical (hostile, unfriendly), not _______ it, but a problem of the city of INANE because_______.

favor ...underestimate

Police are on the URBAN problem is not because they do not love the city, but because of the issue see the city too light. . . Do not ____ the police and the city, but he is not working ... because ___ " favor ...underestimate

44. There is a question that he has an official country background (rural origin), but arranges (sorting, classification) the total does not meet the interests of the city (urban interest).

This is not because he _____ the city, but because he ______ urban issues (urban problem).

不是说他们对城市有歧视而是城市问题他们确实不熟悉 Not that they discriminate against the city but they really are not familiar with urban problems

discriminate against..apprehension

3 Ever a ________ reader, simultaneously she also is a writer, its work now also similarly receives exacting analysis by her contemporaries who were __________ the rigor of her criticisms. Demanding...influenced by

4. Originally, most intellectual criticism of mass culture was ____ in character, being based on the assumption that the wider the appeal, the more ____ the product.

(A) unpredictable ... undesirable

(B) ironic ... popular

(C) extreme ... outlandish

(D) frivolous ... superfluous

(E) negative ... shoddy

5 His writings were sentimental, but without _____ ~they were _____, but not mawkish maudlin…fondly…

6 Writers new [ worthless ] ....[spotlight]

7 While ...the report sometime....startling [ ],..their expression ....to be deter comprehension (lucidity) children in general, I understand the contents of the report that are not written with the express, sometimes surprisingly "LUCIDITY" has been interpreted as the surface is.


8 Child's language development plastic

9 Australian scientists studying the koala and kangaroo, named among the study XXXX heard.


10 Though science is often imagined as a ________ exploration of external reality, scientists are no different from anyone else: they are ________human beings enmeshed in a web of personal and social circumstances.

(A) fervent...velnerable

(B) neutral...rational

(C) painstaking...careless

(D) disinterested...passionate

(E) cautious...dynamic

11 某人很pacific 的言论很惊人,因为不同于以前【sharp contrast】Truculent 之

类的评论→ Someone very pacific speech is amazing, because unlike previous 【sharp contrast】the comments like Truculent

12 很多solar power (或者energy)已经被开发,但是仍然有人认为这是chimera 是

dreamers →A lot of solar power (or energy) has been developed, but still people think that this is the chimera is the dreamers

chimera… dreamers

gift… benefactors

Solar energy (solar energy) to take advantage of a lot of practical development, but two solar power still a handful of ____ ___ recognition of the remains.

gift… benefactors

Many practical use solar energy have been developed, but we still think it is ... of a handful ... Remember the two answers, one gift ... benefactors (donors) and the other chimera (fantasy) ... dreamers, I think that chimera ... dreamers, corresponds to practical use

gift… benefactors

chimera… dreamers

13 很多以前的刑法直到现在仍然还在被使用,关于它会被废除的言论不可靠,所以不

会太有机会被→Until now, many of the previous Penal Code is still in use, it will be repealed on speech are not reliable, so too have the opportunity not to be supplanted

(Unusual... Supplanted)


Previously existed since ancient times, the law still exists to some penalty, the enforcement of this

________ did not, at all incredible so that will be later this regularly _______."

(Ans: unreasonable / unusual....supplant (replace, the eradication of))

Similar questions:

2 Although the ancient system of penalties that are out of date but has not been improved, even if the penalty is the kind of ____ have ____ day might be

(I chose the infrequent.... abjured (swear rejected, Public give views / faith / nationality / power))

14 While ...the report sometime?....startling ____,.... Their expression ....to be deter comprehension →a bunch of people talk about how the work is startling_______, is their expression does not prevent our comprehension.


15 Film is not always a _____ popular taste: From the start, it monopolized the market… : it created as much demands as it ______ . (电影反映流行趣味OR 控制流行趣味→ The film reflects popular taste OR control popular taste)

indicator of … reflected

16. 大家人文**时期的作家很vapid,就像之前所认为的一些___

→We Humanities ** during the writer is vapid, as previously thought, some of the ___

此处我选的是Jejune 空洞→ Here I chose Jejune empty

17. 她的作品很____尽管那个时代的作家都尽力___realism ____

→Although her works are ____the writers of that era do ___realism

Her work is_________ Although the writers of that era do___ realism

I Selected: abstract, rejected

the other answer: accessible, avoided

JJ2:还一个是那个作家,她的作品XXX,虽然那个时代的作品都XXX 现实主义。

→ Also one is that writer, her work XXX, although the works of that era are XXX realism.

早晨有个JJ 说是抽象和reject,我没选这个,我选的accessible and avoided。


→Early JJ Chen said there are abstract and reject, I did not choose this, I chose the accessible and avoided. Tend to see the effect that elections accessible & avoided

***???abstract, rejected ????????, ???accessible&avoided?????????.***

18. This writer of fiction believed that the novelist should not _______ the narrative, and that such

_______ on the part of the author would preserve the illusion of reality.

obtrude into…inconspicuousness

选项答案已变→ The answer options have changed

OBTRUDE 同义词有→ Synonymous with INTRUDE;

CONSPICUOUSNESS 同义词有→ Synonymous with


19. ______ by the changes in its mandate that were passed by the legislature, the committee vote to disband rather than to continue operating under such ________ conditions.

(A) heartened (incentive) / grim (harsh, gloomy)

(B) hobbled (difficult) / straitened (narrower and compact)

(C) emboldened / auspicious

(D) untainted / restrictive

(E) marginalized (excluded ignored) / encouraging "

20 Although most of the faculty wer e ____ in their praise for Irrin’s tenure as university president, Dayal created a completely different impression in her hagiographic account of Irrin’s leadership.

(A) unabashed

(B) enthusiastic

(C) insincere

(D) obsequious

(E) circumspect

21. Enlightenment philosophers, was the attitude of elitism that: the original principles of the ________ in an attitude, but high levels and raise the culture tries to ______________.( highest commanding culture and xxx above them)


22. Since J's friends to think that he is ____, they were surprised when he shows ____ at farewell party. phlegmatic - effusive.

Personal peace (phlegmatic), Farewell party, when it (Effusive)

23 A disadvantage of reading history books condensed materials is such textual _______ and mislead to abrupt transitions and _______ references.

the first blank are: analyses, alternatives

24 政治评论家promote self depreciation, 这样的话enhance 他们评论的分量

→ Political commentators PROMOTE SELF DEPRECIATION, so ENHANCE the weight of their comments


25 她甩掉了deffident, 从一个novice 变成了一个actress

She got rid of DIFFIDENT, from a NOVICE into an ACTRESS

26 没有证据表明阿司匹林能缓解所有的过敏症状,倒是有报道阿司匹林引起哮喘。(大

概是这个意思)→There is no evidence that aspirin can relieve allergy symptoms of all, it tou ches on aspirin induced asthma has been reported. (Presumably this means)

27 Writers focus on ____, that is, the inner experience of the portrayed characters, so author should ___introspection in it.

One option is the subjective ... understand,

There were individual ... disavow (denial, denial)

28 government 说工人的increasing----让他们不-----the overblown of the current 政权。

→ GOVERNMENT said the workers INCREASING ---- they do not ----- THE OVERBLOWN OF THE CURRENT regime.

prosperity…bring about

29. It is hardly ______ that Raeffel (好像人名换了,但句子没换

→ If names changed, but the sentence did not change) who has been________when he grew up... building 'humble(?)' house.

understandable, ostentatious

37 It is hardly ______ that Raeffel who has been ________ when he grew up... building 'humble(?)' house.

unexpected, flamboyant/

understandable, ostentatious

30 It has been unsurprising for her to write ______ book for literate audience >>>> with _____. . ?, anecdote

31 巨大的变化在某两个事物上发生,同样的变化也发生在另外两个事上

→Dramatic changes occurred in a two things, the same changes have also occurred in the other two things

A. magnanimous(坦荡。考的时候不认识→ Magnanimous. Do not know when the test)

Ans. outblown.(我选这个应该对应前面的巨大或者是强烈的意思

→ I chose this should correspond to the front of the huge, or is the meaning of the strong)

32 A Gap between Past and present is not……., because of the document to prove is -------()过去与现在的差距不小(→The gap between past and present is not small)(not trifling)因为证明文件已经不全了(→Because the documents have been incomplete) (incomplete)


52 A Gap between 过去和现在is not……., because of the document to prove is

-------()过去与现在的差距不小(not trifling)因为证明文件已经不全了



33 某某人(→so and so) eschew……..,because of his construction is not opulent


38 It is impossible that he eschew the ostentations and choice without opulent.

好像和上题是一样的→Seems like the problem is the same as

34 这个孩子被认为很(→The child is considered to be)obduracy,但是老师发现他其实(→But he is just a teacher) ………


35 she is not___,which is 把一个东西通过两到三个

way 去讲解, even 完全不这选的是样,____众人怎样怎样

→she is not___, which is the one thing to go through two or three way to explain, even this election is totally about how people ,____


36 XXX 的话____, 因为她_____ 解释东西from two or three ways, or no way at all:


我选的第一个空不记得了,第二个空averse to

39 一个政府之类的通过promote 贬低自己enhance 在人们心中的地位

→The adoption of a government like PROMOTE belittle their ENHANCE status in people's minds


40 讲一堆人的作品是如何startling_______,就是他们的表述不会妨碍大家的comprehension

→A bunch of people talk about how the work STARTLING______,is their expression does not prevent our COMPREHENSHION


41 说那个时代,人们都会__ 好的作家,XXX__reputation disparage..destroy

Said that time, people __ good writer, XXX__reputation

42 The novelist ___ ,要让人能(→to people can) comprehension。选pellucid

43 一个人的书里号称包含了前五十重大医学发现,但实际上内容___

Called the book a person includes major medical discoveries before the fifty, but in fact the content of ___


45 循环系统的起源是在各个不同的时期,而且根据化石证据,这发生在在广阔的范围

之内。因此,myriad forms attest to that________ origin.

→The origin of the circulatory system in different periods, and according to fossil evidence, which took place in the broad range of Within. Therefore, myriad forms attest to that________ origin. heterogeneity in

46 He can understand 其他人的(......),But since he considered he has won their trust, it's hard to understand their(.....)


47 作家的作品的成功是如此________以至于________导致其上了所有报纸的头条以及第一版面

→ The success of writers such ________ that________ lead to all the headlines on and the first layout unimaginable...furor

49 一个学者。。。他的理论和统计学理论学理论,hobbled by 这种方法,他不能。。。。,

和其他能与统计学fit in 的理论

→ A scholar. . . His theory and statistical theory, HOBBLED BY In this way, he can not. . . . , And other statistical fit in with the theory of FIT IN the theory


50 她以前的作品都很torturous,然后这次她写了个很长的东西,但是却很___

→ Her previous works are TORTUROUS, and this time she wrote a long thing, But the very ___ tedious

51 某种change 是monumental 的,就像另一种change 是______的一样

→Some kind of CHANGE is MOMUMENTAL in, another CHANGE is just the same as ______ Portentous

53 有一题说一位画家出人意料做了一幅____的作品,很不符合她以往风格,因为她从

小接受的教育要她_____, 是要antithesis lavishness

→There is a question that an artist made a surprise work ____, Very consistent with her previous style, because she She received little education to _____, is to ANTITHESIS LAVISHNESS ascetic

54 一个是讲某人很有天赋,但是表演总是失误,那是因为平时练习——————。

→One is about someone very talented, but the performances are always mistakes, it is because usually practice ------。


55 She ___ abstracting detailed reality, thus she can successful expressed ___.

Answer:Disdain(侮辱)… minimalism(极简派艺术)

56 20 世纪的科学__是不对的,因为科学从生活的___演变进入了people's stratety


→20-Century science is wrong, because evolution of science from life into the ___ people's stratety centre.

static periphery

57. (From Neolithic pottery to twentieth-century posters, the extent and variety of the arts in China ___ those ho search for continuity; nonetheless, certain ___ values are reflected in China's artistic traditions.)

Sentence is a little different, but CAREFUL gichulmunje is identical to the old.

(A) changelessness, enduring

58. Writers are not writing because of her work is always _________ (the performance is very direct, very simple) ornate
