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【篇一:body language 肢体语言】

do you know anything about body language? how can body language help people communicate?

a: good evening. can you tell me something about body language?

b: yeah. body language is an important part of nonverbal communication. there is no doubt that body language can convey more information than what we say. for example, in the american president elections, the candidates love to make positive gestures to make their speeches more convincing.

a: now that body language is a good kind of expression, we should make full use of it.

b: that’s right. body language is connected with culture. do

you think so?

a: i deeply agree with you. the same body language from different cultures may have different meanings. for the

purpose of reducing communication barriers, we should know the cultural differences.

b: en, then how can body language help people communicate? a: i think different body language have different functions. let me take eye language for example. as saying goes’ the eyes

are the window of soul’. we can read one’s mind through one’s eyes. and it’s also an important way to judge the intimacy of communicators.

b: yeah, i have a friend who is an american. and he tells me that, according to american tradition, communicators must

gaze at each other when they are talking.

a: good. i also heard that in north america, the children have learned to look at the other communicator directly. if they don’t, the y are regarded lack of confidence. they believe that’ never trust a person who can’t look you in the eyes’.

b: you are familiar with body language very much.

a: i just read a book related to this topic.

b: ok, see you later.

a: bye.

【篇二:高中英语肢体语言(body language)作文素材】

肢体语言(body language) nguage is used by people for sending messages to one another. it is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. when you are talking with others,you are not just using words, but also using expressions and gestures. for example, waving one‘s hand is to say good-bye. a smile and handshake show welcome, and clapping hands means congratulations. nodding the head means agreement, but shaking the head means disagreement. the gestures are accepted both by chinese and foreigners as having the same meanings.

different countries have different body language. for example, men in russia, france and arab countries kiss each other when they meet, but men in china or australia shake hands instead

of kissing. people in puerto rio like touching each other, but people from english speaking countries do not touth each other. if you touch an english person, you should say

sorry.‘ people in arab countries like standing close to one another when they are talking, but english people must keep a distance away when they are talking. in some asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. in arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right land;the left hand is not used at all. in parts of asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. when you use a foreign language, it is very important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. following the customs will help you communicate with people and make your stay there much more pleasant and comfortable.

【篇三:body language】


教学内容:body language


Ⅰ. 单词及短语

vary, focus, give sb. a hand, get through, occur, avoid

Ⅱ. 语法



Ⅰ. 单词及短语精讲

1. vary v. 存在不同之处,变化; 名词为:variety变化,多样化; 形容词为: various e. g. opinions on this matter vary.在这个问题上意见很不一致。

the price varies according to the season. 价格随季节而变化。she didn’t like the work because it lacked variety; she was doing the same thing all the time. 她不喜欢这份工作,因为它缺乏多样性;她总在做同样的事情。

everyone arrived late at the party, for a variety of (或for various) reasons.


ct n. v. 同 (某人) 联系,接触

e. g. have you contacted the child’s parents?你同孩子的父母联系了吗?

for further information,contact your local agent. 要了解进一步情况,请跟本地代理商联系。

they avoid eye contact all evening. 他们整晚都避免看对方。


与??取得联系 make contact with; get in touch with

同??有联系be in contact (或touch) with

同??失去联系lose contact (或touch) with

3. bendv. (使) 弯曲,弯腰,俯身;形容词为:bent 弯曲的。

e. g. he bent the iron bar as if it had been made of rubber.


this wire bends easily. 这根金属线易弯。

the nurse bent down and kissed the child.


the doctor bent over the sick child.


they refuse to bend to the hijacker’s demands.

他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的需求。 (bend to? 向??屈服)

4. opposite n. adj. prep. 相反的人 (事物) (~of) ; 相反的,对面的(~to)

在??的对面动词为:oppose 反对 (~doing) 的名词为:opposition 反对

e. g. black is the opposite of white. 与白色相反的是黑色。

he lives opposite me (或to me) . 他住在我对面。

i live in the house opposite the station.


the president opposes giving military aid to this country.


there was a lof of opposition to the new road.


5. focus n. v. 焦点,中心; (使) 集中 (注意力) 于?? (~on)

e. g. he always wants to be the focus of attention.


all eyes were focused on him.


focus your attention on your work.


today we’re going to focus on the question of homeless people.



focus (或fix) one’s attention on ? 把注意力集中在??上

pay attention to ? 注意??

catch/draw/call/attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力

Ⅱ. 句子精讲

6. you are late for a flight and you want to go ahead of the queue.


go ahead 走在前面,先走;开始

e. g. you go ahea d; we’ll catch up with you later.


“do you mind if i smoke? ”“go ahead. ” “我抽烟行吗?” “请吧”。 go 所构成的短语还有:

(1) go after 追求;追 (捕)

e. g. the dogs went after the wounded deer. 狗追受伤的鹿。

(2) go against 违反;违背

e. g. she went against her mother’s wishes. 她违背了妈妈的意愿。

(3) go down 下降;降低反义词为:go up 上升;上涨

e. g. the value of the dollar has gone down. 美元贬值了。

(4) go in for参加;喜欢

e. g. i don’t go in for sports. 我不喜欢体育运动。

(5) go through 经历

e. g. the country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经


(6) go without 没有?? (供享用)

e. g. she went without sleep for 5 days. 她五天没睡觉。

(7) go off 爆炸; (食物) 变坏; (电器) 熄灭,中断

e. g. don’t touch that bomb; it might go of



this milk has gone off. 牛奶酸了。

(8) go out (火) 熄灭

e. g. the fire went out at last. 最后火灭了。

7. could you give me a hand with this?

give (lend) a hand 帮助某人

hand 作为名词构成的短语还有:

(1) at hand 就要来了;不远了 e. g. the examinations are at hand. 就要考试了。 (2) by hand 手工 (做的) ;送来的 (不是寄来的)

e. g. my shoes were made by hand. 我的鞋是手工制造的。

(3) hand in hand 手牵手;密切相联地

e. g. war and suffering go hand in hand. =war goes hand in hand with suffering.


(4) have a hand in? 参与;插手

e. g. each of them had a hand in the matter.


(5) on the other hand (可是) 另一方面

e. g. he is clever,but on the other hand, he makes many mistakes.


hand 作为动词用法:

(1) hand down 传给 (后代)

e. g. these diamonds had been handed down in his family for generations.


(2) hand on 传给另一人 (表示依次传递)

e. g. the news was handed on from one person to another.


(3) hand in 上交反义词:hand out 分发

e. g. each student has to hand in a composition once a week.


santa claus hands out the presents to kids.


8. there are also differences in how often we touch each other, how close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act when we meet or past. 我们碰触对方的频率,我们与和我们谈

话的人之间的距离,我们见面与分手时的表现方式,这些都有不同。 close to 靠近;接近于,差不多 (to是介词)

e. g. the cost was close to $ 1 million. 成本接近100万美元。

he came close to losing his temper. 他差一点发脾气。

to 为介词的词组还有:

be/get used to 习惯于

be opposed to 反对

object to 反对

be devoted to 献身于

stick to 坚持

get down to开始着手做

lead to 导致

look forward to 期盼

pay attention to 注意

see to 处理,照料

be up to 忙于,从事

e. g. i’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


he sticks to writing his novel in spite of his illness. 尽管病了,


9. a smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. 微笑可以帮助我们度过困难,在陌


get through 度过 (时间等) ;通过 (考试) ; (给??) 接通电话;用完,吃完,做完 e. g. i got through everything except biology. 除了生物,我其他科都及格了。

i tried to teleph one you but i couldn’t get through.


have you got through (with) your work? 你做完工作了吗?


(1) get up起床;站起身

e. g. everyone got up when the judge came in.


(2) get together 聚会

e. g. when can we get together for a drink? 我们什么时候聚一聚喝一杯啊?

(3) get out of 逃避 (责任)

e. g. you can’t get out of paying your debt. 你不能逃避还债。

(4) get rid of 摆脱,除掉;处理掉

e. g. i’ve tried all sorts of medicines to get rid of this cold.


how can i get rid of all the flies in the kitchen?


(5) get along/on 进展;相处

e. g. how are you getting along with your english studies? 你英语学得怎样了?

(6) get down 取下来;吃下去;记下来

e. g. get down every word she says. 记下她说的每一个字。

(7) get down to 开始着手做??

e. g. it’s hard to get down to work af ter a nice holiday.


10. a smile can open doors and tear down walls, and it can be used to express almost any emotion. 微笑可以开启大门、拆毁墙壁,它还可以被用来表达各种情感。

be used to do 被用来做??

比较:be used to doing 习惯于做??

used to do 过去曾经/常常做??

e. g. i used to get up at nine in the morning, but now i’m used to getting up early.


类似这种又可以接to do 又可以接doing, 但两者意思却不相同的词语还有:

(1) remember/forget to do 记得/忘记做?? (没做) ;

remember/forget doing 记得/忘记

做过?? (做了)

(2) regret to do 遗憾/抱歉 (得做??) ; regret doing 后悔做过??

(3) go on/stop to do 继续/停下来做?? (另一件事) ; go on/stop doing 继续/停止做?? (同一件事)

(4) try to do 努力;试图 (表目的) ; try doing 尝试;试一试 (表方法)

(5) mean to do 打算做??; mean doing 意味着??

(6) can’t help (to) do 不能帮助做??; can’t help doing 禁不住??

e. g. he regretted to say that he couldn’t stay here any more.

他很抱歉说他得走了。 he regretted buying these books. 他后悔


e. g. he means to go to university, but going to college means working very very hard. 他打算上大学,但上大学意味着他需要非


11. put numbers next to all the things in the order they occurred.


occur 发生;存在; (某想法) 出现在脑海中, (-to sb. )

e. g. many accidents occur in the house. 许多事故是发生在家里的。

misprints occur on every page. 每页都有印刷错误。

it suddenly occurred to me that we could use a computer.



(1) happen 与occur表示偶然发生的事情

e. g. when did the explosion happen/occur?爆炸什么时候发生的?

(2) take place 指经过安排的事情的发生

e. g. when will the wedding take place?婚礼什么时候举行?

(3) break out 指不愉快的事情突然发生

e. g. a fire/war broke out. 发生了大火/战争爆发了。

Ⅲ. 语法精讲

12. 分词做定语

(1) 分词或分词短语在句中作定语,在意思上和一个定语从句差不多。

e. g. there are a lot of boys on the sports ground playing

(=who are playing) football. 运动场上有很多男孩在踢足球。

this village is made up of 490 families belonging (=which belong) to five nationalities. 这个村子有四百九十户人家,分属五个民族。

suddenly there appeared a young woman dressed (=who was dressed) in green.


they’re problems left (=which have been left) over by history.这些是历史遗留下来的问题。

(2) 分词作定语修饰名词,由被修饰的名词决定应用现在分词还是用过去分词。e. g. what’s the language spoken in that country (speak 的分词修饰language)


are there many english-speaking countries in the world? (speak的分词修饰countries) 世界上有许多说英语的国家吗?here’s a leaflet giving full details of the plan. (give的分词修饰leaflet)


the concert given by our orchestra was a great success. (give 的分词修饰concert)

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