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Unit One: Fighting with the Forces of Nature

Text A: The Icy Defender

1. pride comes before a fall-----骄兵必败

2. nothing could stand in their way-----战无不胜,攻无不克

3. Grand Army ----- 大军

4. fierce resistance ----- 奋勇抵抗

5. devastating enemy -----劲敌

6. the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter-----俄罗斯阴冷凄苦的寒冬

7. Nazi Germany----- 纳粹德国

8. launch an attack against sb ----- 进攻

9. military might -----军事实力

10. be unequaled -----堪称无敌

11. mow down resistance in most of Europe -----扫除了欧洲绝大部分地区的抵抗

12. a painful lesson-----痛苦的教训

13. assemble an army of …-----屯兵

14. well trained, efficient, and well equipped-----受过良好训练,作战力强,装备精良

15. a quick, decisive victory-----速决速胜

16. stand and fight-----奋起抵抗

17. become bogged down -----停顿下来

18. slow-moving supply lines-----缓慢的粮草运输

19. a decisive victory-----决定性的胜利

20. be faced with a crucial decision-----面临着一个重要抉择

21. the approaching winter----- 即将来临的冬天

22. take the gamble-----孤注一掷

23. fierce battle-----激战

24. retreat to safety-----撤往安全地带

25. have a clear path to someplace----- 顺利进入某地,长驱直入某地

26. an empty victory----- 毫无意义的胜利

27. a raging fire ----- 一场熊熊大火

28. offer a truce to-----向…提出停战

29. bide one’s time-----等待时机

30. could not feed, clothe, and quarter his army -----没有办法向军队供应粮草、提供御寒衣物


31. turn into a nightmare-----成为一场噩梦

32. launch hit-and-run attacks on sb ----- 打游击战

33. fall dead -----倒地而死

34. become stuck in the snow ----- 陷入雪中

35. take ill and freeze to death-----染病冻死

36. drag on-----拖着脚步行进

37. gather its strength-----聚集兵力

38. avoid certain defeat -----避免注定的失败

39. the swollen river ----- 涨水的河道

40. by a stroke of luck ----- 侥幸的是

41. at the cost of ----- 以……为代价

42. the tattered survivors-----溃不成军的幸存者

43. limp toward someplace -----一瘸一拐地向……行进

44. the weakened French army ----- 元气大伤的法国军队

45. form a powerful alliance----- 组成强大的联盟

46. attack these stragglers-----攻击这些散兵游勇

47. go into exile----- 过流放生活

48. seize control of most of Europe ----- 控制欧洲的大部分地区

49. without a declaration of war-----不宣而战

50. the largest military land campaign in history ----- 历史上规模最大的一场陆地战役

51. the blitzkrieg, or “lightning war,” tactics -----闪电式战略

52. have three broad thrusts ----- 包括三大目标

53. caught off guard ----- 被打了个措手不及

54. “scorch the earth” -----“焦土”政策

55. push the front eastward ----- 一路东进,把战线向东推进

56. suffer more than a million casualties----- 伤亡人数达到一百多万

57. close in on someplace-----包围某地

58. refuse to surrender-----决不投降

59. the situation becomes desperate-----处境变得危急

60. food runs out-----食品匮乏

61. die from hunger and disease----- 死于饥饿与疾病

62. starve to death -----饿死

63. make no plans for winter supplies-----没有准备冬天的补给

64. slow down the movement of …----- 拖延……的行动

65. an early, severe winter settle over someplace----- 寒冷的冬季过早地降临某地

66. bring the German offensive to a halt-----阻挡了德国人的进攻

67. launch a counterattack----- 发起一场反攻

68. turn the tide against sb -----使某人时乖运蹇

69. break the three-year siege of someplace-----解除对某地时达三年的围困

70. a surprise attack-----突然袭击

71. the heroic survivors -----英勇无畏的幸存者

72. turn into a military disaster ----- 成为一场军事灾难

73. bring unspeakable suffering -----带来无法形容的痛苦

74. The elements of nature must be reckoned with in any military campaign-----采取任何军事


75. underestimate the severity of the Russian winter ----- 低估了俄罗斯冬季的严酷

76. take its toll on sb ---- 让某人付出惨重代价

77. an icy defender ----- 冰雪卫士

Text B: The Normandy Landings

1. be on the side of sb ----- 站在……一方

2. the largest and most ambitious military expedition in history ----- 有史以来规模最大、最


3. to orchestrate every movement of troops, artillery, ships and aircraft ----- 部署军队、大炮、


4. to open up a second front in Europe ----- 在欧洲开辟第二战场

5. open the way for the final assault on …----- 为最终攻击……打开通路

6. the placement of military decoys to fool sb into thinking …. -----设下疑兵使某人相信……

7. code name -----代号

8. a rising tide ----- 涨潮

9. hinder their landing ----- 阻碍登陆

10. need a full moon for visibility ----- 需要满月提高能见度

11. the proper tide-moonlight formula closest to the target date -----月光、潮汐都适合这一方


12. allow a safety margin ----- 留下一个安全系数

13. an unusually stormy transition from spring toward summer ----- 春夏之交大风异乎寻常的

14. hold little hope that …-----希望微乎其微

15. a suitable break in the weather ----- (适合进攻的)风平浪静的间隙

16. supreme commander of the invasion forces ----- 进攻部队最高统帅

17. to postpone the invasion ----- 推迟进攻

18. meet with his staff to review their options ----- 与参谋人员讨论供选择的日子

19. be faced with the firm reality----- 面临着一个严峻的现实

20. meteorological report ----- 气象预报

21. give a thin ray of hope ----- 有一丁点儿希望

22. a lull in the storm ----- 稍稍停息

23. go on late into the night ----- 持续到深夜

24. landing craft ----- 登陆舰

25. naval vessel ----- 军舰

26. to be taken completely by surprise----- 被打的措手不及

27. cancel its usual patrol of someplace…----- 取消例行巡航

28. a practice drill ----- 演习

29. meteorological services ----- 气象部门

30. be absent from their commands ----- 离开了指挥部,不在指挥部

31. coastal defences ----- 海防

32. a war-game exercise ----- 一次军事演习

33. parachute to earth ----- 伞降

34. find and mark the drop zones -----寻找、标示着落区域

35. main airborne assault -----大规模的空降行动

36. stiff winds ----- 风力强劲-----

37. the evasive flying of the transport planes ----- 运输机采取规避飞行

38. encounter an anti-aircraft fire ----- 遭遇高射炮轰击

39. scatter over a wide area ----- (降落)分散

40. miss their drop zones ----- 偏离了降落区域

41. lace the open fields with anti-personnel and glider stakes -----在开阔地布置了杀伤地雷和


42. flood the low areas-----在低洼地灌以海水

43. airborne divisions -----空降师

44. lade down by their heavy equipment ----- 被重型装备拖累

45. secure the flanks of the amphibious assault ----- 从侧翼掩护两栖进攻

46. capture bridges, crossroads and coastal batteries ----- 强占桥梁津要、夺取沿海的炮台

47. Withstand any German counterattacks -----顶住德军的反击

48. make its way across the channel to its appointment with the destiny ----- 横渡英吉利海


49. a vast array of vessels of every conceivable type ----- 由各种船只组成的数量庞大的海军


50. landing craft carried on board ----- 船上的登陆艇

51. land at assault beaches code-named …----- 在代号为…… 的海滩登陆

52. be used as sites for heavy guns ----- 被用来存放重型枪炮

53. Cavalry squadrons ----- 骑兵中队

54. take the islands prior to the main invasion ----- 在总攻发起之前夺下这些岛屿

55. land mines ----- 地雷

56. leave the island unoccupied ----- 没有派兵驻守

57. be miserably seasick ----- 严重晕船

58. be in poor shape for the challenge ahead ----- 身体虚弱,不宜投入即将来临的战斗

59. naval and air bombardments ----- 舰炮和空中轰击

60. destroy the beach guns and obstacles ----- 摧毁海滩上的火力网与障碍物

61. pin down the enemy ----- 用火力把敌人困住

62. provide shelter for the ground troops on the open beaches by making craters ----- 在开阔


63. poor visibility caused by low cloud cover ----- 低空密密的云层使能见度极差

64. bombers delay the release of bombs ----- 轰炸机延迟投弹

65. avoid hitting the assaulting troops ----- 避免误伤进攻部队

66. hardened German gun emplacement ----- 德国加强了的大炮阵地

67. miss their assigned landing areas ----- 未能驶抵指定的登陆点

68. amphibious tanks founder in the rough sea ----- 水陆两用坦克在汹涌的大海中沉没

69. support the incoming troops ----- 支援后续部队

70. a strange stroke of good fortune occurred -----出现了意想不到的好运

71. virtually unopposed ----- 几乎没有遭到任何抵抗

72. sb’s gamble with sth is to pay off -----某人与……的搏斗中赢得了胜利

73. establish a toehold on someplace -----在某地建立了立足点

74. reinforcements begin to pour in ----- 增援部队开始源源涌入

75. lie in ruins ----- 崩溃

Unit Two: Smart Cars

Text A: Smart Cars

1. smart cars ----- 智能汽车

2. the computer revolution-----计算机革命

3. drive on their own ----- 自动驾驶

4. turn … into a reality ----- 变为现实

5. the automobile industry ----- 汽车工业

6. rank as among the most lucrative and powerful industries ----- 最赚钱、最有影响力的产


7. the world’s biggest m anufacturing industry ----- 世界上最大的制造业

8. technical director of General Motors Corporation’s ITS program ----- 通用汽车公司ITS项


9. via electronic sensors ----- 通过电子传感器

10. pick up alcohol vapor in the air ----- 感测空气中的酒精雾气

11. refuse to start up the engine----- 拒绝启动引擎

12. precise location ----- 确切地点

13. monitor one’s driving and the driving conditions nearby ----- 监控行车过程以及周围行车


14. small radars hidden in the bumpers ----- 藏在保险杠里的微型雷达

15. change lanes ----- 改变车道

16. blind spot ----- 盲点

17. sound an immediate warning ----- 立即发出警报

18. MIT Media Lab -----麻省理工学院媒介实验室

19. long-distance truck drivers ----- 长途卡车司机

20. the monotonous, almost hypnotic process of staring at the center divider ----- 注视着中夹


21. a grossly underestimated, life-threatening hazard ----- 被严重低估的、威胁生命的重大隐

22. a tiny camera hidden in the dashboard ----- 藏在仪表板里的一架微型相机

23. alert the driver ----- 向司机发出警报

24. get stuck in traffic ----- 交通堵塞

25. have a positive impact----- 带来积极的影响

26. orbiting satellites ----- 绕轨道运行的卫星

27. locate your car precisely ----- 精确地确定你汽车的方位

28. warn of traffic jams ----- 告知交通堵塞情况

29. the Global Positioning System ----- 全球卫星定位系统

30. be tuned to radio signals -----与无线电信号调谐

31. at any given time----- 在任何一个特定时间

32. atomic clocks----- 原子钟

33. vibrate at a precise frequency ----- 以精确的频率震动

34. the laws of the quantum theory ----- 量子理论法则

35. a radio signal that can be detected by a receiver in a car’s computer ----- 能被汽车上计算


36. the speed of light ----- 光速

37. be converted into -----换算出

38. navigational capability ----- 导航能力

39. correlate the rotations in the steering wheel to its position on a map ----- 将方向盘的转动


40. virtually limitless ----- 几乎是无限的

41. GPS sensors in walking sticks ----- 在手杖里装配全球卫星定位系统传感器

42. land by remote control ----- 通过遥控着陆

43. the list of potential uses ----- 其潜在的应用范围

44. telematics ----- 远程信息学

45. smart highways ----- 智能高速公路

46. mount computer chips, sensors, and radio transmitters on highways ----- 在高速公路上


47. automated driver ----- 自动司机

48. magnetic spikes ----- 磁钉

49. on heavily trafficked roads----- 在车辆极多的路段上

50. be bunched into groups ----- 被编成组

51. travel in unison -----一齐行驶

52. computerized highway ----- 计算机化的公路

53. an environmental boon ----- 对环保有利

54. serve as an alternative to highway expansion ----- 用作公路扩建的替代办法

Text B: Intelligent Vehicles

1. outline the benefits to be gained from vehicles that could drive themselves ----- 阐述能自


2. intelligent vehicles ----- 智能车辆

3. General Motors Futurama ----- 通用汽车推出的“未来城风光”

4. New York World’s Fair ----- 纽约世界博览会

5. take a fresh look at ----- 以新的目光审视

6. traffic crashes ----- 交通事故

7. human errors ----- 人为因素

8. reduce antisocial driving behavior ----- 有害公共利益的开车行为

9. road rage ----- 野蛮开车

10. enjoy a higher level of mobility without requiring advanced driving skills ----- 不需要习


11. the luxury of being chauffeured ----- 被开车接送的享受

12. fuel consumption ----- 油耗

13. smooth traffic flow ----- 车流通畅

14. aerodynamic drafting ----- 空气阻力

15. traffic-management decision ----- 交通管理决定

16. vehicle responses to instructions ----- 车辆对指令的应变能力

17. the capacity of a freeway lane ----- 高速公路的车容量

18. accommodate growing demands for travel without major new construction ----- 不必大


19. a realistic prospect ----- 一个可以实现的希望

20. an automated highway system ----- 自动化公路系统

21. on-ramp to the local automated highway ----- 自动公路入口匝道

22. off-ramp -----出口匝道

23. roadside electronics ----- 路旁的电子装置

24. at rush-hour traffic volumes ----- 在车流量最大的高峰时段

25. resume normal control ----- 再照平时那样驾驶

26. turn this image into reality ----- 把这一景象变成现实

27. exotic technologies -----匪夷所思的技术

28. the international motor vehicle industry ----- 国际车辆制造业

29. replacements for the diverse functions that drivers perform every day ----- 车辆驾驶者日


30. change course ----- 变道

31. a road-reference and sensing system ----- 路况参考及传感系统

32. orientation relative to the lane’s center ----- 所在车道中心的相应定位

33. permanent magnet ----- 永久磁

34. at … intervals along the lane centerline -----在车道中心线上以…… 的间隔

35. magnetometer ----- 磁强针

36. computer vision systems ----- 计算机图像系统

37. special roadway installations ----- 特别的道路设置

38. well-maintained lane markings ----- 维护好的路面标志

39. closing rates to proceeding vehicles ----- 与前行车辆接近时的速度

40. radar rangefinder ----- 激光测速仪

41. be implemented in commercially available systems ----- 投入商业运用

42. detect dirty vehicles ----- 测量野蛮车辆

43. operate in adverse weather conditions ----- 在天气恶劣时操作

44. production volumes ----- 产量

45. unit costs ----- 成本

46. find increasing favor ----- 越来越受欢迎

47. electromechanical devices ----- 电动机械装置

48. onboard control computer ----- 车上计算机控制台

49. small electric motor ----- 小型电动发电机]

50. apply the appropriate steering angle, throttle angle, and brake pressure ----- 恰当地控


51. steering wheel ----- 方向盘

52. reduced energy consumption ----- 降低的能耗

53. simplification of vehicle design -----简化车辆设计

54. enhanced ease of vehicle assembly -----提高车辆装配效率

55. improved ability to adjust performance to match driver preferences ----- 改善根据车辆


56. traditional direct mechanical control devices ----- 传统的机械直控装置

57. be better suited for traffic management ----- 更适用于交通管理

58. set the target speed for each segment and lane of roadway ----- 为不同路段和车道设定


59. a multilane automated facility ----- 多车道自动化设施

60. maintain balanced flow ----- 使车流量保持平衡

61. avoid interference with other vehicles ----- 避免与其他车辆碰撞

62. remaining challenges ----- 尚存的挑战

63. issues of liability, costs, and perceptions ----- 行车责任、成本和观念

64. shift liability for most crashes from … to …----- 把大多数事故的责任从……转移到…….

65. today’s driver-vehicle-highway system ----- 当今的车辆驾驶者——车辆——公路系统

66. overall liability exposure ----- 总体责任风险

67. automobile insurance premiums ----- 汽车保险金

68. lease price ----- 租金

69. become available in small quantities ----- 小批供应

70. follow the same pattern ----- 遵循这一模式

71. heavy vehicles ----- 重型车辆

72. commercial trucks ----- 货运卡车

73. high-end passager car ----- 高级客车

74. become affordable to a wide range of vehicle owners and operators ----- 能为广大车辆


75. volume production ----- 批量生产

76. electronic chauffeuring ----- 电子驾驶

77. political and industrial decision makers ----- 政治决策者和企业决策者

78. pay it the attention it deserves ----- 予以应有的关注

79. self-fulfilling prophecy ----- 终将实现的预言

80. automated people movers ----- 自动控制的客车

81. terminal building ----- 航站楼

82. urban transit lines ----- 城市公交线路

83. completely automated, driverless vehicles ----- 全自动控制的无人驾驶车辆

84. commercial aircraft ----- 商用飞机

85. suitably equipped airport ----- 装备完善的机场

86. on a regular basis ----- 一向

87. a large leap to do sth ----- …… 大飞跃

88. realistic goal ----- 现实目标

89. gain substantial benefits from sth ----- 大大得益于……

Unit Three: Job Interview

Text A: Get the Job You Want

1. a manufacturing company ----- 制造公司

2. potential salespeople-----可能成为营业员的人

3. our link to customers-----我们与顾客联系的纽带

4. a recent college graduate----- 一个新近毕业的大学生

5. a mock interview-----模拟面试

5. newspaper clippings on …-----有关……的剪报

6. follow up the interview with another letter-----面试之后再写一封信

7. hand-delivered-----亲自送来

8. a prospective customer----- 可能成为客户的人

9. a world-class musician -----世界级音乐家

10. the Michael Jordans of the world -----世界上诸如迈克尔·乔丹这样的顶尖人物

11. every form of human endeavor-----人类的各项活动

12. a once-in-a-lifetime experience-----一生被聘去做一个工作

13. go after-----追求,追逐

14. close every sale-----每次都成交

15. wander in half-prepared----- 马马虎虎准备

16. prospects for success -----成功的可能性

17.play a doubles tennis match paired with sb -----和……搭档打双人网球

18. switch sides to play a… set-----交换场地打第……局

19. play the backhand court-----打反手击球

20. work on one’s weaknesses-----练练自己的弱点

21. develop one’s strengths-----发挥自己的优势

22. lung power----- 肺活量

23. miracle of miracles-----奇迹中的奇迹

24. take a crack at doing sth -----尝试一下干某事

25.at the gun-----发令枪一响

26. accomplish one’s goals-----实现自己的目标

27. a goal is a dream with a deadline-----目标就是有最后限期的梦想

28. make a difference-----显得与众不同

29. downright rude-----无礼透顶

30. bulletproof partition-----防弹隔离装置

31. a broad smile-----笑容满面

32. a mission statement-----一份保证书

33. Be my guest. -----别客气,请用;请便

34. a living proof -----一个生动的例证

35. in the neighborhood of-----在…附近;大约

36. rich beyond anyone’s dreams-----富甲一方

37. sparkle with excitement -----兴奋

Text B: A Mortal Flower

1. A Mortal Flower ----- 尘世的花

2. the Rockefeller Foundation ----- 洛克菲勒基金

3. have pull-----有后台

4. big shots -----头面人物

5. have medical treatment -----看病

6. learn about -----了解

7. a convent-school -----女隐修会学校

8. clenched teeth-----咬牙切齿

9. every scrap of food -----每一小口食物

10. being settled at last ----- 终于有了归宿

11. go for an interview-----去面试

12. the Peking Union Medical College-----北京协和医院

13. disguise a face-----掩盖事实

14. pick pimples -----掐粉刺

15. too dressy-----太花哨

16. flat-heeled shoes-----平跟鞋

17. ready-made clothes-----成衣

18. face powder-----擦脸香粉;扑面粉

19. Administration building-----行政楼

20. painted beams and intricate painted ceiling-----精致的雕梁画栋

21. cork matting-----软木垫

22. be very pregnant-----怀孕已足月

23. quiver with fright-----害怕得哆嗦起来

24. a speed test in shorthand-----速记速度测试

25. a stricken face-----愁眉苦脸

26. give sb a try-----试试某人

27. put in a good word for sb-----帮某人说好话

Unit Four: Globalization

Text A: In Search of Davos Man

1. sweep aside ----- 扫除

sweep away -----扫清, 迅速消灭

sweep out -----扫掉; 清除

sweep over -----眺望, 环视

sweep up -----打扫干净, 收拾干净

2. national identities -----国家认同

3. in search of -----寻找

4. investment firm ----- 投资公司

5. capital/ fixed assets -----资本/固定资产

cash assets -----现金资产

liquid/ circulating/ current assets -----流动资产

net assets -----净资产

6. a fervent believer -----狂热信徒

7. identify… as ----- 认为

8. without any hesitation -----毫不迟疑

9. international business élite -----国际商业精英

political/social/economic elite -----政治/社会/经济精英

10. annual meeting of the World Economic Forum ----- 年度世界经济论坛

11. a handful of -----少数几位

12. endless earnest discussion -----没完没了的认真的讨论

13. flow of capital, labor and technology ----- 资本、劳动力和技术的流动

14. the most advantageous locations ----- 最佳地点

12. global superspecies ----- 全球超级物种

13. at odds -----矛盾;不一致

it makes no odds -----没有关系,无关紧要

take odds -----占优势

odds and ends -----小事; 不要紧的东西

14. increasingly divorce from -----与…渐行渐远

15. cultural fault line -----文化断层

16. at the forefront of ----- 处于…的前沿

17. beat a path to -----开辟一条通向…的道路

beat a path to/ beat down sb’s door -----门庭若市

beat a big drum for/about -----为…鼓吹;;为…大肆宣传

beat a bargain -----还价成交

18. a remarkable environment of innovation -----一个创新的卓越环境

19. be based on projections of demographic and economic growth -----


20. swing away from -----从…脱离

21. low-paid migrant workers -----低薪流动劳工

22. health care system ----- 医疗保健体系

23. cross-border business -----跨国界经营

24. let alone -----更别提

let sb /sth. be -----别打扰,不干预

let sth. drop/ fall -----无意中说出,不经意透露

let sb./sth. go -----放,释放

25. a narrow nationalism -----狭隘民族主义

Text B: Globalization, Alive and Well

1. global financial, trade and technological integragation -----


2. lift their people out of abject poverty -----将他们的人民从赤贫中解救出来

3. phase out currency controls and subsidies ----- 取消汇率管制和补贴

4. globalization fatigue-----全球化疲劳

5. social mobility ----- 改善社会地位的可能性

6. back-room support and research -----后台支持和研究

7. snake charmers -----耍蛇人

Unit Five: Never Judge by Appearances

Text A: A Friend in Need

1.appearances can be deceptive-----外表可能具有欺骗性

2.study my fellowmen-----研究我的人类同胞

3.shrug one’s shoulders -----耸耸肩

4.first impressions of a person -----对一个人的第一次印象

5.have small insight or great vanity-----不是无知,就是自大

6.hear the story from his own lips-----听他亲口讲述这个故事

7.both in appearance and manner -----无论是外表还是风度

8.Here if ever was a man all of a piece-----要说真有表里如一的人的话,那就是此公了。9.be neatly and quietly dressed -----衣着整洁素雅

10. have a quiet, dry humor -----挺幽默,但并不咋呼

11. a united and affectionate family -----和睦恩爱的一家人

12. tell with point a good and spicy story-----绘声绘色地讲个来劲儿的段子

13. hear the story from his own lips-----听他亲口讲述这个故事

14. aroused sb’s instincts of protection-----容易引起人们的恻隐之心

15. nod a greeting-----点头致意

16. a remittance man -----靠国内寄钱过日子的人

17. oddly enough -----凑巧

18. have an instinct about the cards-----对牌有一种本能

19. well-dressed and smart-looking-----衣冠楚楚,样子挺帅

20. curly hair -----蜷曲的头发

21. Women thought a lot of him-----女人都对他着迷

22. once a quarter -----每个季度

23. give a kindly chuckle -----和善地咯咯一笑

24. lose money at bridge with a good grace-----打桥牌输起钱来时一定是大大方方的

25. go broke-----落得一文不名

26. stick to bridge-----老打桥牌

27. not give him any more credit-----不肯再赊账给他

28. be down and out----- 山穷水尽

29. commit suicide-----自杀

30. be all to pieces-----完全垮了

31. get some glimmering of what he is driving at-----听出了一点他话里的意思

32. little tin gods -----自以为了不起的人

33. on account of -----由于

34. be taken aback----吓了一跳

35. be in very good condition-----身体状况非常好

36. ruin one’s constitution by drink and dissipation-----喝酒作乐把身体搞垮了

37. be a trifle shocked ----感到有些震惊

38. rub one’s chin with one’s hand-----用手摩挲着下巴

Text B: Nameless Faces

1. take a 180-degree turn-----180度大转弯

2. a look of sudden realization ----- 看上去好像突然想起了什么Unit Six: The Pace of Life

Unit Six: The Pace of Life

Text A: Old Father Time Becomes a Terror

1. once upon a time-----从前

2. waste time away on idleness and pleasure-----花时间休闲娱乐

3. at a bewildering rate-----以令人目不暇接的速度

4. eat further into our time----- 进一步吞噬我们的光阴

5. unimaginable levels of personal mobility -----个人出行会方便得让人难以想像

6. the days of the horse-drawn carriage-----马车时代

7. time-consuming journeys ----- 耗时的长途旅行

8. transatlantic shopping expedition-----越洋购物

9. toil over the laundry-----繁重的洗衣劳作

10. weekly bath -----每周一次的沐浴

11. daily shower----- 每日一次的淋浴

12. personal grooming-----个人穿着打扮

13. the laptop-on-the-beach syndrome -----带着便携式电脑去海滩综合征

14. fix software glitches on our personal computers -----在个人电脑上处理软件故障

15. the information explosion -----信息爆炸

16. all the world’s accumulated learning -----人类积累的所有知识

17. a tiny fraction of the information generated in a single day-----一天中产生的新信息中的小


18. In the whole world of scholarship----- 整个国际学术界

19. a handful of scientific journals -----屈指可数的几家科学刊物

20. honorary curator in entomology -----昆虫馆名誉馆长

21. comparative zoology ----- 比较动物学

22. subscribe to journals or magazines -----订阅了期刊杂志

23. a minute proportion of the expanding frontiers of scholarship-----不断拓展的学术前沿中一


24. rising prosperity -----日渐繁荣富足

25. driven on by advertising-----在广告的推动下

26. discontent with super abundance -----对极大富足不满

27. the confusion of endless choice-----无休止的选择所造成的困惑

28. It’s a convenient shorthand to say -----随意讲讲

29. London-based Henley Centre forecasting group -----总部设在伦敦的亨利中心预测小组

30. stress envy -----羡慕压力

31. hour-by-hour logs -----钟点日志

32. empty-nesters ----- 子女不在身边的人

33. working couples with pre-school children-----有学前子女的双职工夫妇

34. advances in household appliances -----家用器具的更新换代

35. household chores -----家务杂活

36. appalling inequalities in the distribution of free time between the sexes----- 男女空余时间


37. perception of the time famine -----缺乏时间的感觉

38. provoke a variety of reactions -----引起了各种反应

39. gain the largest possible amount of satisfaction from the smallest possible investment of

time -----投入最少的时间以获取最大的满足

40. sound bytes -----电视台播放简短片断

41. instant gratification-----即刻得到满足

42. quality time-----质量时间

43. streamline our lives -----提高生活效率

44. concierge services -----家政服务

45. domestic help-----做家务

46. on-line retailers ----- 网上零售商

47. the work-life debate -----一生应该工作多少年的争论

48. give up high pressure jobs -----放弃压力大的工作

49. end the long-hours culture among managers -----敦促雇主终止让管理人员长时间加班


50. adopt family-friendly working policies-----采取能适应家庭生活的工作方式

51. the stress we feel arises not from a shortage of time, but from the surfeit of things we try

to cram into it-----我们的紧张感并非源于时间短缺,而是因为我们试图在一个个时段中塞入过多的内容

52. our sense of the necessary -----我们心中必须做的事

53. live in small communities with limited communications----- 居住在交通联系不方便的小社


54. curious by nature-----生性好奇

55. a world of limitless possibilities -----一个有着无限可能的世界

56. switch off the cell-phone -----关掉手机

57. set boundaries for ourselves -----给自己设定界限

58. be doomed to mounting despair-----注定会越来越感到绝望

Text B: Life in the Fast Lane

1. fast lane -----快车道

2. live at breakneck speed-----忙得团团转

3. be in a rush-----东奔西忙

4. a rushing and scurrying everywhere----- 人人忙乱,处处步履匆匆

5. one big stomped anthill -----一个被人踩扁的大蚁冢

6. Instantaneity rules.-----即时行为主宰着一切。

7. measure opinions on the wing----- 进行当场测定

8. express lanes-----快速通道

9. the door-close button in elevators -----电梯里的关门按钮

10. speed-dial buttons on telephones-----电话机的快拨健

11. cause an acceleration in the pace of films and television commercials-----使影片和电视广


12. Time is a gentle deity.----- 时间之神温雅从容。

13. the accelerator pedal -----加速器的踏板

14. multitasking is overdrive-----一心多用就是加速档

15. tooth flossing----- 用洁牙线清洁牙缝

16. regular browsing of online discussion groups-----日常浏览网上讨论

17. watch TV with captioning -----看带字幕的电视节目

18. the furtherance of multitasking-----促进一心多用

19. car phones-----汽车电话

20. bookstands on exercise machines----- 健身器材上的搁书架

21. waterproof shower radios -----防水的淋浴间收音机

22. the saturation of parallel pathways in the brain-----脑海中充斥着并行不悖的情况

23. choose mania over boredom----- 宁可大干一番而不愿厌倦蜷缩

24. live in the buzz-----生活在忙乱中

25. an Olympic endurance event -----奥运会耐力项目比赛

26. technology-driven world-----由技术所驱动的社会

27. a sense of tension about time -----时间的紧迫感

28. telecommunications executive-----电信公司经理

29. the mythical Day Doubler program -----子虚乌有的“一天变两天”程序

30. sophisticated time-mapping and comprehension techniques----- 先进的时间安排、压缩技

31. run the risk of temporal crash -----面临时间崩溃的危险

32. a suspended time zone-----一个暂时不起作用的时区

33. fast oven----- 快速烤炉

34. quick playback-----快速回放装置

35. quick freezing-----快速冷冻

36. fast credit-----快速贷款

37. talk on a cellular phone at the beach -----在海滩用手机童话

38. a concept that is ill formed-----一个很不明确的概念

Unit Seven: The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Text A: Snapshots of New York’s Mood after 9/11

1. in a good mood -----心情愉快

in a bad mood -----心情不好

in a foul mood -----心情很差

in a confident/optimistic mood -----充满自信/乐观

in a holiday/party mood -----沉浸在节日/舞会的氛围中

2. plot out -----遮蔽

3. plunge into -----使陷入

4. Kamikaze attack -----自杀性袭击

5. political chaos -----政治骚乱

financial chaos -----经济动荡

social chaos -----社会动荡

6. think back on/to -----回顾

7. in crystal detail -----详细(清晰)地

8. in the aftermath of -----在…刚结束之后,紧跟着

9. a handful of people -----几个人

10. sap one's strength and hope -----消耗力量

11. a particular explosive coup -----一场特别猛烈的政变

12. in convoy -----结队(而行)

13. racial solidarity -----种族团结一致

national solidarity -----全国团结一致

family solidarity ----- 家庭团结和谐

social solidarity ----- 社会团结和谐

14. point fingers at -----指责

15. round up -----围捕

16. bring down -----使倒下,击落;降低

17. fade the memory of -----磨灭…记忆

18. mourn the thousands who perished -----哀悼数千名死者

19. a thin silver of history -----历史薄薄的一页

20. in / within the space of -----在…期间内

21. fill / step into sb.’s shoes -----接替某人的职位

22. remain haunted by -----无法摆脱

23. pick at -----触摸,轻轻拉扯

pick and steal 扒窃

pick out 选择

pick up 拾起

pick up with 在偶然机会认识

24. revolve around -----围绕…旋转

22. cling to -----粘住,抱紧,坚持

Text B: Reflections on 9/11

1. weapons of mass destruction ----- 大规模杀伤性武器

2. US intelligence reports -----美国情报部门的报告

3. global credibility ----- 全球声誉

4. economic downturn -----经济衰退

5. political divide ----- 政治纷争

6. wrong-headed strategy -----错误战略
