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1. act短语:

1) act as 担任……职务,起……作用

e.g. I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen. 当我在厦门的时候,我将代理口译的职务。

2) act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处理某事)= on behalf of

e.g. Mr Green is acting for the old man in his case. 布格林先生代那个老人处理他的案件。

3) act out 表演(对话、故事等)

e.g. The children started to act out the whole incident. 孩子们开始表演整个事件。

2. break短语:

1) break away (from) …脱离,背叛;奋力挣脱

e.g. ①The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught.


②The boy has broken away from the family.那个男孩与家庭脱离了关系。

2) break down 出故障;累垮;失败;分解

e.g. ①The car broke down just on my way here.车在我来这儿的路上抛锚了。

②If you keep on working like that, you’ll break down sooner or later.


③Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判已经破裂。

④Sugar is broken down in the stomach. 糖在胃里被分解。

3) break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入

e.g. ①If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go of

f. 如果有人想要闯入,警报就会响。

②Please don't break in on our conversation. 请别打断我们的谈话。

4) break into …闯入……,破门而入;突然开始(笑、唱、欢呼等)

e.g. ①His house was broken into last week. 上星期有人闯入他的房屋。

②On hearing the joke, the whole class broke into laughter.


5) break (sth) off (使某物)折断;中断某事物,突然停止

e.g. ①She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. 她掰下一块巧克力给我。

②I broke off the conversation and answered the phone. 我中断了对话去接了个电话。

6) break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发

e.g. War broke out in 1939. 1939年爆发了战争。

7) break up 结束;破裂;学校放假;粉碎,破碎;分手,绝交

e.g. ①The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. 会议在十一点钟散会。

②Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂。

③When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什么时候放假过圣诞节?

④The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。

⑤She has just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚刚和她男朋友分手了。

8) break through 突围,冲跨;克服,战胜

e.g.①Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.


②She finally managed to break through her shyness. 她最终成功消除了她的害羞。

3. bring短语:

1) bring about 引起,导致,使发生

e.g. What brought about the change in his attitude? 是什么使他改变了态度?

2) bring along 把……带来,领来

e.g. You’re welcome to bring along a friend. 欢迎你把朋友带来。

3) bring back 送回,归还;使想起;恢复

e.g. ①Please bring back the book tomorrow. 请明天把书送回来。

②The photos brought back many pleasant memories. 照片给人带来很多美好的回忆。

③Many people are against bringing back the death penalty. 大多数人反对恢复死刑。

4) bring down 打垮,击败;使跌倒;降低,减少

e.g. ①The scandal may bring down the government. 那件丑闻可能使政府垮台。

②In American football, you have to try to bring down your opponent.

在美式橄榄球赛中, 你必须设法把对手弄倒在地。

③We aim to bring down prices on all our computers.


5) bring in 引进,吸收;赚钱;带进来

e.g. ①This new kind of technology was brought in in the early 1980s.


②How much does she bring in now? 她现在挣多少钱?

③The policeman brought in two boys whom he had caught stealing.


6) bring on 引起,导致;帮助进步,促使提高

e.g. ①This warm weather should bring on the crops. 暖和的天气会促使农作物生长。

②The sudden cold weather brought on his fever again. 因天气骤冷, 他发起烧来。

7) bring out 出版;揭露,阐明;使表现出

e.g. ①The band have just brought out their second album.


②What he said brought out the meaning of that poem. 他说的话揭示了那首诗歌的意义。

③A crisis brings out the best in her. 危机促使她表现得特别出色。

【注】:bring sb. out of oneself 使更加自信

e.g. She is a shy girl who needs friends to bring her out of hersel



8) bring to 使苏醒;使(船)停驶;使达到…

e.g. ①He drank a cup of strong tea to bring to himsel

f. 他喝了杯浓茶使自己清醒过来。

②As the wind dropped, the boat brought to. 风止住了, 船停了下来。

③The new treaty will bring the long war to an end. 新的谈判将使长久的战争结束。

9) bring up 抚养,培养,哺育;提出;传讯,使出庭受审;恶心,呕吐(食物)

e.g. ①He was brought up by his grandparents. 他是由他的祖父母抚养长大的。

②Bring it up at the meeting. 请将此事在会议上提出。

③He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. 他因酒后开车而受到传讯。

④The greedy child brought up all he had eaten.


4. call短语:

1) call at (sp) 拜访(某地)[比较:call on (sb) 拜访(某人)]

e.g. Let's call on John.= Let's call at John's house. 咱们去拜访约翰吧。

2) call back 回电话

e.g. She said she would call back. 她说她会再打电话来。

3) call for 提倡,要求,需要;去接某人,接走某人

e.g. ①I’ll call for my uncle at Beijing Railway Station. 我会去北京火车站接我叔叔。

②More work doesn't necessarily call for more men. 增加工作不一定要增加人员。

4) call in 请来,召集;打电话;下令收回

e.g. ①Let’s call in a doctor for the little girl. 让我们帮那个小女孩把医生叫来。

②Several people have called in sick today. 今天有几个人打电话请病假。

③Cars with serious faults have been called in. 有严重缺陷的车已经被召回。

5) call off 取消

e.g. The game was called off because of the bad weather. 比赛因天气恶劣被取消。

6) call on / upon 号召

e.g. We are calling on/upon everyone to help the disabled. 我们号召人人都去帮助残疾人。

7) call out 大声呼喊,叫喊

e.g. He called out to his father for help. 他向他的父亲大声呼救。

8) call up 给……打电话;使人想起,回忆起;征召入伍

e.g. ①Please call me up this evening. 请今晚给我打电话。

②The photo calls up the story of my childhood. 这张照片使我想起童年时代。

③his youngest son was called up in 1914. 他最小的儿子在一九一四年应召入伍。

5. come短语:

1) come about 发生,产生

e.g. Can you tell me how the accident came about? 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

2) come across 偶然相遇

e.g. I came across an old friend of mine in the street the other day.


3) come along 到达,出现;跟随;进展,进步;加油

e.g. ①When the right opportunity comes along, she will take it.


②I'm glad you came along. 我很高兴你跟着来了。

③Your French has come along a lot recently. 你的法语最近进步很大。

④Come along! It's easy! 再加把劲!这很容易!

4) come at …向……袭击

e.g. She came at me with a knife. 她拿着刀子向我扑来。

5) come back 回来;想起来;再度流行

e.g. ①You came back very late last night. 你昨晚回来得很晚。

②It's all coming back to me now. 现在我全都回想起来了。

③Miniskirts are starting to come back. 超短裙又开始流行了。

6) come down (雨、雪等)落下;着陆;下降,降低

e.g. ①The rain came down cats and dogs. 下着倾盆大雨。

②The airplane came down in that field. 飞机在田里着陆。

③The price of gas is coming down. 煤气的价格在下跌。

【注】come down to…到达,从一处来到另一处

e.g. The story has come down to us from our forefathers. 这个故事是我们祖祖辈辈传下来的。

7) come into being/existence 形成,产生

e.g. When did the Roman Empire come into being? 罗马帝国是什么时候形成的?

8) come into use 开始使用

e.g. That method has only recently come into use. 那种方法只是最近才开始使用的。

9) come off 脱落;能被去掉

e.g. ①The button came off, but he didn’t notice it. 纽扣掉了下来,但他没注意到。

②These stains won't come off, I'm afraid. 我看,这些污点去不掉。

10) come on 登场,上场;发展,改善,发育(同come along);快,加把劲;开始

e.g. ①Tom came on in place of John ten minutes before the end of the game.


②His French has come on a lot recently. 他的法语最近进步很大。

③Come on! Try it again! 加把劲!再试一次。

④What time does the news come on? 新闻报道什么时候开始?

11) come out 露出,出来,出现;出版;发(芽),(花)开

e.g. ①There is no doubt that the truth will come out one day.


②When is her new novel coming out? 她的新小说何时出版?

③The sunflowers came out early this year. 向日葵今年开得很早。

12) come round / around 恢复知觉,苏醒;(非正式)来访,串门

e.g. ①Your mother hasn't yet come round from the operation. 你母亲手术后还没苏醒过来。

②Do come around and see us some time. 务必抽空来看看我们。

13) come to 被想出;总共,总计;达到某种情况或状态;

e.g. ①The idea came to me in the bath. 我洗澡时想出了这个主意。

②The bill came to ¥480 in total. 账单总共是480块。

③Who'd have thought things would come to this? 谁想到过事情会发展到这种地步?


come to an end 结束,终止come to know 逐渐地知道

come to life (变得)活泼,苏醒过来come to light 显露,为人所知

come to oneself 苏醒过来,恢复知觉come to / into power 当权,上台

come / go to ruins= fall into ruins 变成废墟come to terms with 甘心忍受

14) come up 被提出;长出地面;升起;被提及;即将发生;由法庭审理;被抽中,中奖

e.g. ①The same problems came up at the meeting yesterday.


②the seeds are just beginning to come up. 那些种子刚开始破土发芽。

③We watched the sun come up. 我们观看了日出。

④The question is bound to come up at the meeting. 会上一定会讨论这个问题。

⑤Her birthday is coming up soon. 她的生日即将来临。

⑥Her divorce case comes up next month. 她的离婚案在下月审理。

⑦My number came up and I won $100. 我的号码被抽中,赢得了100美金。

6. cut短语:

1) cut away 切除,剪去

e.g. He cut away some dead branches, making it look more beautiful.


2) cut down 砍倒,砍下,削减

e.g.①A lot of trees there were cut down. 那里的很多树都被砍了。

②You must cut down on your expenses. 你必须要减少你的开支。

3) cut in 插嘴;超车抢道

e.g. ①She kept cutting in on our conversation. 我们谈话时她老是插嘴。

②The truck overtook me and then cut in.


4) cut off 切断(线路);中断(供应);切掉,割掉;与…隔绝

e.g. ①Our water supply has been cut of

f. 我们断水了。

②We were cut off in the middle of the conversation. 我们电话打到一半就断线了。

③He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. 他在一次工伤中被切断了手指。

④The army was cut off from its base. 那支部队与基地失去了联络。

5) cut out剪下来;删除;住口,打住;停止做(使用或食用)

e.g. ①I cut this article out of the newspaper. 我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。

②You can cut out the unimportant details. 你可以删掉不重要的细节。

③I'm sick of you two arguing--- just cut it out! 我真烦你们俩吵来吵去的,住口吧!

④Please cut out sweets in order to lose weight. 为了减轻体重,请戒食甜食。

6) cut up 切碎,剪碎,剁碎;使伤心,使悲伤;(严重地)割伤,打伤

e.g. ①Could you cut the meat up, please? 能不能请你把肉切碎?

②He was badly cut up by the death of his son. 他因儿子死了极度悲伤。

③He was badly cut up in the fight. 他在斗殴中被打得遍体鳞伤。

7. favor 短语:

1) favor (v.) 支持(赞同);偏爱;有利

e.g.①Which side do you favor? 你支持哪一边?

②Fortune favors the brave. 命运眷顾勇者。

③The warm climate favors many types of tropical plants. 温暖的天气对许多热带植物有利。favor (n.) 短语

1)in favor of 支持,赞同

e.g. I’m in favor of this opinion. 我支持这个观点。

2) in one’s favor 受(某人)喜爱;(对某人)有利

e.g.①He stands high in his boss’s favor. 他非常受他老板的喜爱。

②The wind was in our favor. 风向对我们有利。/我们幸得顺风。

8. fall 短语:

1) fall behind 落后

e.g. She fell behind her classmates. 她落后于她的同学。

2) fall down 跌倒;倒塌;(计划等)失败

e.g.①Unluckily I fell down and was badly injured. 不幸我跌倒并受重伤了。

②Many buildings fell down in the earthquake. 许多建筑在地震中倒塌了。

③To his disappointment, his plan fell down.令他失望的是他的计划失败了。

3) fall for 受(某人)欺骗、上当;对---倾心

e.g.①I’m surprised you fell for that trick. 我很惊讶你竟中了那个诡计。

②He fell for her at the first sight. 他对她一见钟情。

4) fall into 养成(习惯等);开始(谈话等);落入(圈套);分成

e.g.①He falls into the habit of smoking. 他养成了抽烟的习惯。

②I fell into conversation with a writer at the party. 我与一个作家开始说了起来。

③We played a trick on them and they fell right into it. 我们设计了个圈套,他们正好中计。

④The lecture series falls naturally into 3 parts. 该系列讲座可自然分为3部分。

5) fall off (从---)掉落;降低、减少

e.g.①The button fell off (the shirt). 纽扣(从衬衫上)掉落了。

②Enrollment has fallen off this year. 今年入学人数减少了。

6)fall on (向---)猛扑过去;(祭日、生日等)正当、适逢;(责任等)落在

e.g.①The hungry children fell on the food and ate it greedily. 饥饿的孩子扑向食物,贪婪地吃了起来。

②My birthday falls on a Saturday this year. 我的生日今年正逢星期六。

③Why do these expenses fall on me? 为什么要我负担这些费用?

7) fall out (头发)脱落;失和、闹翻

e.g.①My hair is falling out these days when I wash it. 这些天我洗头时一直在脱发。

②He has fallen out with his parents . 他已与他父母亲闹翻了。

8) fall to 开始(工作等);(责任等)落在

e.g.①After supper, we fell to discussing politics. 晚饭后,我们开始讨论政治。

②Why do these expenses fall to me? 为什么要我负担这些费用?

9. get短语:

1) get across 传达(传播);为人理解

e.g.①Your meaning didn’t really get across. 你的意思并未真正受到别人理解。

②You’d better get your idea across to others. 你最好要向他人传达你的想法。

2) get along 设法度过,过日子;相处;(工作等)进展

e.g.①We can’t get along without money. 没有钱我们无法过日子。

②He gets along well with his boss. 他和他老板相处得很好。

③How are you getting along with your work? 你的工作进展如何?

3) get around/about 四处走动;(谣言等)传开

e.g.①He got around alone.他一个人走来走去。

②The rumor got around quickly. 谣言很快传开了。

4) get away with 侥幸逃脱

e.g.If you cheat in the exam, you’ll never get away with it. 如果你在考试中作弊,你将必予追究。

5) get down to (doing) 开始认真做---

e.g. He got down to doing his homework upon arriving home.他一到家就开始认真做作业。

6) get it 明白,理解;(猜测)猜中

e.g.①Get it? 明白吗?

②You got it. (猜谜等)答对了。

7) get off 下车;逃脱惩罚

e.g.①The bus stopped and the passengers got of

f. 车停了然后乘客下车了。

②She managed to get off with the help of her lawyer. 在她律师的帮助下她成功地逃脱惩罚。

8) get out of 从---出去;摆脱(习惯);放弃(想法)

e.g.①Get out of here. 滚出去(滚开)!

②He got out of the habit of smoking. 他戒烟了。

③Get out of the thought that he’ll help you. 不要想他会帮你。

9) get over 克服;(从病中)恢复;让---明白

e.g.①We should be brave enough to get over all the difficulties.我们要足够勇敢去克服所有困难。

②The patient got over the illness soon. 病人很快从疾病中恢复了健康。

③He didn’t get his meaning over to the audience. 他没让听众明白他的意思。

10) get through 通过;完成;接通、联络

e.g.①The bill got through at last. 这议案最后通过了。

②It took me an hour to get through my homework. 花了一小时做完我的作业。

③I called you all day yesterday, but I couldn’t get through to you.


10. go短语:

1) go against 违背,不利于

e.g.What we did shouldn’t go against nature. 我们所做的不应该违背大自然。

2)go around= get around 四处走动;(谣言、疾病等)流传

e.g.①He went around alone. 他一个人独自走来走去。

②This disease went around so quickly that many people were infected with it.


3) go down 落下、下降

e.g.①The sun is going down. 太阳正西下。

②Prices don’t seem to be going down. 物价似乎不会下跌。

4) go in for 参加(考试、竞赛);爱好

e.g.①It will be not long before we take the College Entrance Exams. 不久我们就要参加高考。

②She goes in for drawing. 她爱好画画。

5) go off 爆发、发出很大声音;(食物变质);(电灯)熄灭;进行(展)

e.g.①I was late because my alarm clock failed to go of

f. 我迟到是因为我闹钟没响。

②The milk has gone off. 牛奶已经变坏了。

③The lights went off at 11:00 pm. 晚上11点熄灯。

④The meeting went off very well/badly. 会议进展得很顺利/ 糟糕。

6) go out (灯)熄灭;(流行等)过时,衰退;(委婉用法)去世

e.g.①The lights went out at 11:00 pm. 晚上11点熄灯。

②You’d better change a tie because it went out. 你最好换根领带因为它过时了。

③The scientist’s going out is a great loss to our country. 这位科学家的过世对我们国家是一个巨大的损


7) go over 越过;(详细地)检查;复习

e.g.①The thief went over the fence and escaped.这个小偷越过栅栏逃走了。

②You should go over a house before buying it. 买房前要仔细检查一番。

③We should go over our lessons before exams. 在考试前我们应复习功课。

8) go through (法案)通过;经历(痛苦的事)

e.g.①The bill went through at last. 这议案最后通过了。

②The poor girl has gone through a lot of hardships since her parents died.


9) go with 和---一起去;与---相配

e.g.①May I go with you? 我能和你一起去吗?

②Do these red shoes go with the dress? 这双红色的鞋与裙子相配吗?

10) go without 没有---而将就

e.g. There’s not any salt left, so we have to go without.没盐了所以我们只好将就不用。

11. give短语:

1) give away 赠送;颁发;泄露(秘密)

e.g.①He gave all his lands away to the city. 他把他所有的土地都捐给了那个城市。

②The mayor gave away the prizes at the opening ceremony. 市长在那个开幕式上颁发了奖项。

③She gave away state secrets to the enemy. 她把国家机密泄露给了敌人。

2) give in 屈服;提交

e.g.①The enemies were forced to give in. 敌人被迫投降。

②Please give your exam papers in when you’ve finished. 考卷答完后请上交。

3) give off 放出(光、烟、气味等)

e.g. These wild flowers gave off a nice smell. 这些野花发出一股香味。

4) give out 分配(发);用完、耗尽;筋疲力尽;放出(声音、光线、气味等);公布(消息)

e.g.①The teacher gave out the exam papers. 老师分发了试卷。

②My money has given out. 我的钱已经用完了。

③The runner gave out after the long race. 长跑后那选手筋疲力尽了。

④The radiator gave out a lot of heat. 散热器释放出大量的热。

⑤It was given out that the taxes would be raised again. 税金又要提高的消息被公布了。

5) give up 戒除(习惯等);放弃;停止(工作等);分手;自首

e.g.①I wish I could give up smoking. 但愿我能戒掉抽烟。

②We shouldn’t give up hope. 我们不应放弃希望。

③He gave up his position as a manager. 他辞掉了经理的职位。

④He was tired of her endless chatter, so he gave her up.


⑤The criminal gave himself up to the police. 罪犯向警察自首了。

12. have 短语:

1) have sth. done=get sth. done 使---被做

e.g. I’ll have my bike repaired tomorrow. 明天我要修自行车。

2) have sb./sth. doing 使某人/物持续做---

e.g.①He had us laughing all through lunch. 他(的话)让我们在整个午餐中一直笑。

②The farmers had the tractors working day and night at the harvest time.


3) have sb. do sth. =let/make sb. do=get sb. to do 使(让)某人做---

e.g. He had me copy homework for him. 他让我为他抄作业。

4) have sb. /sth. to do 有---要做

e.g.①The nurse had 3 patients to look after. 这护士有3个病人要照顾。

②I have much homework to do. 我有很多家庭作业要做。

13. hold 短语:

1) hold back 缩回、退缩;阻止、抵挡;隐瞒、抑制

e.g.①Hold your head back. (不要伸出)/缩回你的头。

②We must take measures to hold back wind and sand. 我们必须采取措施抵挡风沙。

③They held back the truth. 他们隐瞒了真相。

④She managed to hold back her anger. 她总算抑制住了自己的愤怒情绪。

2) hold down 压(控)制;保住(工作、职位等);限制(噪音等)

e.g.①The government managed to hold the riot down. 政府成功地压制了暴乱。

②He couldn’t hold down a job after his breakdown. 他病倒后工作就保不住了。

③Hold down that noise. 把噪音弄轻点。

3) hold up 举(拿)起;使---延误;支持;(天气等)持续

e.g.①I hold up my hand to show that I had a question. 我举手表示我有问题。

②We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.我们在前往机场的路上因为堵车而延误了

③We have to manage to hold up under daily stress. 我们不得不想办法应付每天的生活压力。

④The fine weather will hold up. 好天气将持续。

4) hold on (打电话)别挂断;抓住;坚持下去

e.g.①Hold on, please!请别挂断!

②You should hold on to your oil shares. 你应该继续保留着你的石油股份。

③They managed to hold on until help arrived. 他们设法坚持住直到救援到来。

5) hold out 伸出;坚持

e.g.①The lady held out her hand to him. 那女士向他伸出手(让对方握手)。

②Our food supplies won’t hold out long. 我们的食物存量维持不了多久。

6) hold off 使---不接近、保持距离;延期(误)

e.g.①His cold manner holds people of

f. 他冷淡的态度使人无法接近。

②They will hold off their decision until Monday. 他们将延至星期一再作决定。

14. keep 短语:

1) keep away 避(离)开;使---不靠近

e.g.①Nobody can entirely keep away from this competitive world.没人能完全远离这个竞争社会。

②Police warn bystanders to keep away from the burning building. 警察警告围观者不要靠…

2) keep up 保持高水准;(天气)持续不变;继续;跟上(时代)

e.g.①The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. 原材料费用昂贵使得产品的价格居高不下

②I hope the weather keeps up. 我希望天气会保持不变。

③Keep it up! You are doing very well. 接着干!你干得非常好。

④We should keep up with the high pace of modern life. 我们应该跟上现代生活的快节奏。

3) keep back 后退;隐瞒;抑制(情感);(从---中)扣钱

e.g.①Keep back. It’s dangerous. (此处)危险,请后退。

②I kept the bad news back from her. 我向她隐瞒了那个坏消息。

③She tried to keep back her tears. 她试图抑制住眼泪。

④A certain percentage of your salary is kept back by your employer as an insurance payment.


4) keep off 不接近、远离;不提及;不吃(碰)

e.g.①Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草坪。

②We kept off the topic of salary increase at the meeting.


③The doctor advised him to keep off alcohol and fatty food.


5) keep to 不离开(位置、场所);留在(某地);不偏离;遵守(约定、规则)

e.g.①In England, traffic must keep to the left. 在英国车辆必须靠左行驶。

②She is old and weak and has to keep to the home. 她年老体弱而足不出户。

③The chairman made us keep to the point. 主席使我们不偏离(讨论的)的重点。

④Things will only work out if we all keep to the plan. 只有大家执行计划事情才能成功。

15. lay 短语:

1)lay aside 帮---放在一边(或搁置一旁);留存备用(lay by)

e.g.①He laid aside his book and stood up. 他把书放在一边并站了起来。

②They had laid money aside for their old age. 他们存钱防老。

2) lay down 放下、放弃;制定

e.g. ①Lay down your arms, or we’ll fire! 放下武器,否则我们就开枪了!

②You can't lay down hard and fast rules. 你不能把规则定的太严太死。

3) lay off sb/sth停止(使用);解雇

e.g.①I think you’d better lay off fatty foods for a while. 我认为你最好暂时别吃油腻的事物。

②The company laid off 100 workers last week.公司上周解雇了100个工人。

4) lay out 铺开,展开;布置,策划,安排;花钱

e.g.①He laid the map out on the table. 他在桌上摊开一张地图。

②The gardens were laid out with lawns and flower beds. (布置)

③I had to lay out a fortune on a new car. (花钱)

16. leave 短语:

1) leave aside 不予考虑;搁置一边

eg. Leaving the expense aside, do we actually need a second car?


2)leave behind 遗留;把---抛在后面,超过;永久离开(某人,某地)

e.g.①I’ve left behind my hat on the chair. 我把帽子忘在椅子上了。

②Britain is being left behind in the race for new markets. 英国在开拓新市场方面正被甩在后面。

③She knew that she had left childhood behind. 她知道童年已经一去不复返了。

3)leave off 停止(做某事);不把---列入;不包括,不包含

e.g.①Start reading from where you left off last time. (中断)

②You’ve left off a zero. 你漏掉了一个零。

③We left him off the list. 我们未把他列入名单。

4)leave out 遗漏、删---;不考虑、忽视

e.g.①She left out the date on the cheque. 她在支配上遗漏了日期。

②Don’t leave me out.请不要忽视我。

5)be left over (from sth) 剩下,残留

eg.There was lots of food left over. 饭菜剩下了不少。

6)leave---alone 丢下---不管,不理会

e.g. Leave me alone. 不要管我的事。

17. let 短语:

1)let sb down 不能帮助,使失望

e.g.①I’m afraid she let us down badly. 很遗憾,她让我们大失所望。

②He trudged home feeling lonely and let down. 他步履艰难的往家走,感到孤独而沮丧

2)let sth down 放下,降下;(把衣服,裙子,外套等)放长

e.g.①We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用绳子把吊桶放下去。

②This skirt needs letting down. 这条裙子需要放长一点。

3)let sth off 放(枪等),使爆炸

e.g. The boys were letting off fireworks. 那些男孩在放花炮。

4)let sb out 使某人解脱

e.g. They think the attacker was very tall —so that lets you out.


5)let sth out 发出(尖叫声等);(把衬衣、外套等)放大,放长,加宽

e.g. ①let out a coat 放大一件外衣②let out a scream 发出尖叫

6)let up 减弱,减轻;放松,松劲

e.g. ①The pain finally let up. 疼痛终于减轻了。

②We mustn’t let up now. 我们现在可不能放松啊。

18. live 短语:

1)live by sth 按照(某信念或原则)生活

e.g. That’s a philosophy I could live by. 那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。

2)live by doing 靠做某事赚钱为生 a community that lives by fishing 靠捕鱼为生的群体3)live on 继续活着,继续存在

e.g. She died ten years ago but her memory lives on 她十年前就去世,但她却留在人们记忆中。

4)live on sth 以食---为生;靠(---钱)生活

e.g. ①Small birds live mainly on insects. 小鸟主要靠食昆虫为生。

②You can’t live on forty pounds a week. 你靠每周四十英镑没法过活。

5)live out sth 实践(以前想做的事);以某种方式渡过余生

e.g. ①to live out your dream 实现梦想

②He lived out his days alone. 他独自度过余生。

6)live through sth 经历(灾难或其他困境)而幸存

e.g. He has lived through two world wars. 他经历了两次世界大战。

7)live up to sth 达到,符合,不辜负(他人的期望)

e.g. He failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 他辜负了父母的期望。

8)live with sth 忍受,容忍

e.g. I just had to learn to live with the pain. 我不得不学会忍受痛苦。


1)look after 照料,照顾

e.g. Who’s going to look after the children while you’re away? 你不在时谁来照料小孩?

2) look around 环视,四下察看;游览,参观

e.g. ①People came out of their houses and looked around. 人们走出家门四处察看。

②Let’s look around the town this afternoon. 咱们今天下午游览市区吧。

3) look around/round for 到处寻找,搜寻

e.g. We’re looking around for a house in this area. 我们正在这个地区四处找房子。

4) look at sth 察看,检查;思考,考虑,研究

e.g. Your ankle’s swollen —I think the doctor ought to look at it.


The implications of the new law will need to be looked at.


5) look back (on sth) 回忆,回顾

e.g. to look back on your childhood 回顾自己的童年

6)look into sth 调查,审查

e.g. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.


7)look on sb/sth as sb/sth 把。。。看作,把。。。视为

e.g. She’s looked on as the leading authority on the subject. 她被视为这门学科的主要权威。

8)look out 小心,当心,留神

e.g. Look out! There’s a car coming.

9)look out for sb/sth 当心,提防;关照

e.g.①Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. 你一定要当心作业中的拼写错误。

②We should look out for each other. 我们应该相互关照。

10)look over 查看,检查

e.g. We looked over the house again before we decised to rent it.


11)look through sth 快速查看,浏览

e.g. She looked through her notes before the exam.

12)look up 好转,改善;抬头往上看;拜访,看望;查阅,查检

e.g. ①At last things were beginning to look up. 好转

②She looked up from her book as I entered the room. 向上看

③Do look me up the next time you’re in London. 拜访

④I looked it up in the dictionary. 查阅

20. make短语:

1)make down 改小

e.g. Can you make the dress down for her young sister? 你能把衣服改小给她妹妹穿吗?

2) make for 走向,前往;冲向,向…猛扑;有利于,致使

e.g. ①When the bell for supper rang, all the students made for the dining room.

晚饭铃响了, 学生们都涌向餐厅.

②We didn’t want to open the garden gate in case their dog made for us.


③Cleanliness makes for good health. 讲究卫生有助于增进健康.

3) make from 由…制成Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是由葡萄做的.

4) make into 把…做成;把…转变成,使成为

e.g. ①She made the material into a dress. 她把衣料制成一件衣服.

②They made the story into a play. 他们把这个故事改编成了戏剧.

5) make it及时到达;〈非正〉成功;约定时间

e.g. ①The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we’ll never make it.

再过20分钟飞机就起飞了, 我们无论如何都赶不上了.

②He never really made it as an actor. 他从来就不是一个成功的演员.

③I wonder if we would make it some other time.

我想知道我们可否把它安排在其他时间. 7)make it up和好

e.g. The two girls quarreled, but they soon made it up.这两个女孩子吵了一架,但很快就和好了.

8) make of 用…做成;理解,明白,对…有种看法

e.g. ①What’s your shirt made of? 你的衬衣是用什么做的?

②Could you make anything of what he was saying? 你明白他在说什么吗?

8)make up 编造;讲和;弥补,偿还;补足,凑足;化妆,打扮;组成,构成

e.g. ①Tom made up a story to amuse his little brother. 汤姆编故事逗他的小弟弟.

②Marry and Joan quarreled, but made up after a while. 玛丽和琼吵架,但一会就和好了.

③Vitamin pills make up what you lack in your diet. 维生素丸可补充你食物中所缺的营养.

④We collected $478, but a very generous benefactor made it up to $500.


⑤It didn’t take her long to make up. 她很快就化妆好了.

⑥How many countries make up the Common Market? (欧洲)共同市场是由多少国家组成的? 9)make up for 补偿,弥补

e.g. Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability.努力工作经常可以弥补能力的不足.

21. mark短语:

1)hit /miss the mark (未)做成某事物,(未)达到目标

e.g. He hit the mark when he became president of the class.他达到了他的目标被选为了班长.

2) make one’s mark 出名,成功

e.g. If he wants to make his mark on histroy, he must move faster than his predecessors.


3) up to the mark 达到要求的标准

e.g. The book doesn’t come up to the mark. 这本书没达到标准.

4) mark down记下;(商品)减价;给低分

e.g.①If you saw a traffic accident, make sure to mark down the licence of the car.


②He marked the book down to 49 cents. 他把书的标价降为49分.

③She was marked down because her answer was too short.


5)mark with 以…为标记,以…表明

e.g. Mark approval with a nod. 点头表示同意.

22. prepare 短语:

1)prepare sth. 准备某物

Mother is preparing dinner in the kitchen.


2)prepare for sth. 为某事作准备

The students are busy preparing for the coming examination.


3)prepare sb. for …使某人作好…准备

The college prepares students for a career in business.


4)make preparations for 为…做准备

The students are making preparations for the coming examination.


5)in preparation for 在为…准备中

The students are in preparation for the coming examination.


23. promise 短语:

1)promise to be…有望成为…

She promises to be an excellent dancer if she is well trained in an art school.


2)promise to do sth. 许诺(答应)做某事

My father promised to buy me a nice bicycle on my twelfth birthday.

24. pay attention to 注意

Much attention should be paid to protecting the environment.


25. pay off 1) 还清债务2) 得到回报,成功

1)He has paid off all his debts. 他还清了所有的债务。

2)They took a hell of a risk, but it paid off. 他们冒了很大的险,但最终成功了。

26. pressure sb. into doing sth. 对某人施加压力使其做…

I’ve been pressured into helping with decorating.(装修)


27.persuade sb. to do sth. = persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事

The doctor tried to persuade my father to give up smoking, but he failed.


28.permit 短语:

permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做…

My father permitted me to use his computer when he was out.


permit doing sth. 允许做…

My father didn’t permit me using his computer when he was out.


29.pick 短语:

1) pick out 选出,拣出,辨别出= recognize

I was able to pick out my brother in the crowd by his red hat.

2)pick up 1)(习惯等)获得,养成2)接着说(讲)3)接收4)恢复健康5)整理,收拾


①Bad habits are easily picked up. 坏习惯很容易养成。

②A: Would you like to pick up the story ?

B: Sorry, I told the first part of it this morning. Now, it’s Jane’s turn.



③The BBC programs are easy to pick up. 英国广播公司的节目很容易接收。

④He is beginning to pick up after an operation.手术后他逐渐开始恢复健康。

⑤He is busy picking up his son’s room. 他忙着整理他儿子的房间。

⑥I picked up some French when visiting Paris last month.


30. play 短语:

1)play a part in 在…方面起作用

Nowadays women are playing an important role in four modern realizations.


2)play the role of 扮演…角色

In this film, Lixuejian played the role of an excellent county secretary Jiaoyulu


31.point out 指出

He pointed out some spelling mistakes in my composition after I finished it.


32.provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb.

This shop has provided us with food, meat and vegetables for five years.


33.pull 短语:

1) pull down 拆毁,摧毁

The old buildings here have been pulled down for the new ones.


2) pull over (车辆或司机)驶向路边,向路边停靠(让车)

The car in front of me pulled over to let mine pass.


3) pull out (of sth.) (火车)驶离车站,脱离,退出

The train had pulled out when we at last arrived at the station.


34. put 短语:

1)put an end to 结束,使…结束(终了)

Careless driving put an end to his life.


2)put away 收拾,整理,把…放好

They put away their precious things in safe places that they couldn’t take away with them before the war broke out.


3)put forward 提出建议,推荐

They put forward some good advice on how to protect the surroundings nearby.


4)put off doing …推迟做…

We decided to put off the sports meet because of the terrible weather.


5) put…in prison 投进监狱

He was put in prison because he was accused of stealing money from the bank.


6)put out 出版,生产,扑灭,关掉

The big fire had been put out by the local villagers before the firemen arrived.


7)put up 挂起,举起,张贴,建造

a)The airport put up a notice, telling the passengers the delay of the flight.


b)If you have any questions, put up your hands please.


3)The campers have put up tent for night. 露营者已搭好帐篷过夜。8)put up with 忍受,容忍

Most foreign visitors like traveling to the Great Britain except that they sometimes

can’t put up with the changeable weather there.


9)quarrel with sb. about sth. 与…为…争吵

They often quarrel with each other about their son’s tuition(学费).


35. quit 短语:

quit doing sth (放弃)停止做某事

It’s ten years since my father quit smoking.



He will replace a broken window with a new one.


37.regardless of = despite 不管,不顾,尽管

Regardless of all our efforts to save the school, the County decided to close it.


38.ruin one’s health(fame) 毁坏某人的健康(名誉)

Long-term training has ruined many athletes’ health.


39.research on(into) sth. 研究,调查,探讨

Research into causes of the common cold has so far made little progress.


40. run 短语:

1)run across 无意间碰到

I ran across an old friend of mine in the street yesterday. It’s ten years since we last met.


2)run out of / run out 用光,用完,耗尽

We are running out of our food. = Our food is running out.


41.refer to 谈到,提到,参考,指的是

Yesterday in my class, when I mentioned a lazy boy, I wasn’t referring to you.


42.subscribe to 同意,赞成,订阅(报纸,杂志等)

Which magazines does the library subscribe to ? 图书馆订阅了哪些杂志?

43.recover…from 从…中恢复到正常状态

Liuxiang is still recovering from his operation. 刘翔正在从手术中恢复过来。

44.recognize 短语

1) recognize sb./sth. to be…认为某人(事)是…

He recognized himself to be an expert in this field, but in fact he knows little about it.


2) recognize…as…认为…是

The book is now recognized as a classic. 这本书被看成是经典作品。

45.risk doing sth. 冒险做某事

By criticizing the boss, he risked losing her position. 他冒着丢了工作的危险批评老板。

46.require sth. of sb. 向某人要求某物

What do you require of me ? 你想跟我要什么?

47.request sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

The visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 要求游客不触摸展品。

48.respect sb. as 把某人尊为…

I respect him as my teacher. 我把他尊为我的老师。

49.remind sb. of …使…想起…

The song reminded me of my childhood. 这首歌使我想起了我的童年时代。

50.resign from 从…辞去职务

He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.



She resigned her children to the care of a neighbour.


52.raise 短语:

1) raise awareness(consciousness) of 唤起…认识(觉悟)

We hope our efforts could raise people’s awareness of environment protection.


2) raise money = collect money 集资

So many people are willing to support the Hope Project, so it’s not difficult to raise money.


53.result 短语:

1)result in 导致,结果是,= lead to = cause =contribute to

The accident resulted in three deaths. 这起事故导致三人死亡。

2)result from = be the result of…由引起,源自

Job losses resulted from changes in production. 生产革新导致了许多人失业。

54.survive from 从中存活下来,幸存,流传下来

Many strange customs have survived from earlier times.


55.(be)scared to do sth. 不敢做某事

He was scared to stay outside after 7:00 in the evening because he was scared of being robbed.


56.(be) sensitive to 对…敏感

Most of the plants are sensitive to light.


57.submit oneself to 服从,顺从

I was unwilling to submit myself to his orders.



1) show off 炫耀

She’s showing off her knowledge of plants again.


2) show interest in 对…表示兴趣

Although he had many chances of becoming rich, Einstein showed no interest in money.


59.search 短语:

1)search sb. 搜身

The police searched the criminal to see if he had a gun with him.


2) search for sb./ sth. 搜寻某人(某物)

The police are searching for the thief in the new building.


60.support 短语:

1) support one’s family 养家糊口

He earned so little that it was difficult for him to support such a large family.


2 ) in support of 支持

Mr Wang spoke in support of the proposal put forward at the meeting.


61.supply sb. with sth. = supply sth to sb. 供给某人某物

The shop supplies us with all we need.



1) show up 出现,到场,露面

We waited till 11:00 ,John, however, never showed up.


2) show sb. around 带某人参观…

The headmaster showed us around the school.


63.stick to 坚持,遵守(诺言等)

At first ,almost nobody accepted his new theory, but he stuck to it.


64.set 短语:

1) set sb. free = free sb. 释放某人,让某人获得自由

It was Lincoln that set us slaves free after the American Civil War.


2) set off 激发,引起(情感等),引爆,

A letter from my mother set off my feeling of homesickness.



1) select…as…挑选…作为…

Zhaizigang was selected as one of the three astronauts of Shengzhou VII.


2) select from 从…中挑选(选择)

There are thirty dishes for us to select from.


66.suit 短语:

1) (sth) suit sb. 1) (衣服,鞋帽等的颜色,款式)合适;2)(时间,天气,环境,条件等)合适

a)For my age, the red coat doesn’t suit me.


b)Sunday will suit me if we are going to have a meal together.


2) be suited to …适合于…

This dish is suited to anyone who wants to lose weight fast.


68. take 短语:

take away 拿去;使离开;解除,消除take along 随身携带

take back 收回;退回take out 取出,拿出;拔掉take down 取下;记下

take up 开始从事,开始做;占去(时间等);继续;拿起;跟着一起(说,唱,笑)接受;将(衣服等)改短

take over 继承;接管,接任;接收take after sb. (外貌或行为)像;追赶,跟踪

take off 起飞;脱下;取消;大受欢迎,迅速流行;成名;匆匆离开;休息,休假

take care 小心;谨慎take care of / look after 照顾,照料

take on 雇佣;呈现;承担;接纳take for 当作;误以为

take in: take sb in 欺骗,蒙骗;留宿,收留take sth. in 吸收;改小(衣服等);包含

take to 喜欢;沉溺于;养成…的习惯;对…产生好感

take sth. for granted 对…想当然take sth. seriously 严肃/认真地对待某事

take advantage of 利用,使用take the trouble to do sth 努力做某事

take charge of 负责,接管take one’s time 慢慢来,从容不迫

for the taking 供自由拿取

1.I was given some pills to take away the pain.

2.She expects to take over the business from her father when he retires.

3.The new headmaster will take over on September 1st.

4.After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane took up her job as a doctor in the countryside.

5.He takes up his duties next week.

6.She took up his offer of a drink.

7.The table takes up too much room.

8.This skirt needs taking up / needs to be taken up.

9.All the boys on the bus took up the song when they heard it sung on the radio.

10.To keep healthy, Professor Johnson took up cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.

11. Don’t be taken in by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.

12.She took me in completely with her story.

13.The new magazine has really taken off.

14.His mother is ill, so he decides to take a day off.

15.Your daughter doesn’t take after you at all.

16.I’ve taken to waking up very early.

17.She took to her boss immediately.

18.She was taken on as a trainee.

19.Our home town is taking on a new look.

20.I can’t take on any extra work.

21.The bus stopped to take on more passengers.

22.Who will take charge of all the plans of the party?

23.Please take your time to choose your favorite.

24.The candy is there for the taking.

69. tear 短语:

tear sth in half 将…撕成两半tear sth. into pieces 把…撕碎

tear sth open = open sth 撕开,扯开tear down 拆除,拆毁

tear sth. from / off / out of sth 将…从…上撕下/分开

tear off 扯去;脱去;跑掉tear up 撕裂,毁掉;拔起;取消(合同等)in tears 含着泪,流着眼泪burst into tears; burst out crying 突然哭起来

dry / wipe away one’s tears 擦干眼泪

1.She tore the letter into pieces.

2.This kind of paper tears easily.

3.The captain ran to the boy and tore open his shirt.

4.I tore at the bag with great effort but I couldn’t tear it up.

5.At the sad news, she burst into tears.

70. turn短语:

turn against 背叛,与…反目

turn around / round /about (使)转身,向后转;(使企业,经济)好转,有起色

turn away 不理;辞退,撵走turn back 往回走,使倒转

turn sb away from 把…拒之门外,不准某人进入

turn down 调小/低;不接受,拒绝(提议,建议,邀请等)

turn on 开(灯等)turn sb on 使某人感到兴奋

turn on sb 攻击某人turn off 关(灯等)

turn sb off 使某人厌烦/ 厌倦turn in 上交,交回

turn out vt. 生产,制造;培养;link-v 证明是;结果是

turn back 折回,返回turn up vt. 开大;vi. 出现,露面

turn over 翻身,翻转,翻动;移交;发动(引擎)

turn … into…把…变成;把…翻译成turn red with anger 气得脸发红

take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事= take turns in doing sth= do sth by turns

in turn 依次;相应地;转而,反过来do sb a good turn 为某人做好事

give sb a turn 使某人大吃一惊the turn of the century 世纪之交

1.Despite our worries, everything turned out well.

2.Hundreds of people were turned away from the stadium.

3.Why did she turn down your invitation?

4.She really turns me off. She is always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her,

she always makes rude remarks.

5.The Johns have not turned up yet and I doubt whether they will come.

6.Kate is the only person we can turn to for help.

7.I’m not really reading , just turning over the pages.

8.The male and female birds take turns in sitting / to sit on the eggs.

9. People try to avoid transportation delays by using their own cars and this in turn creates further problems.

10.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which in turn will promote

its economic development.

71. try短语:

try out 试验,试用try sth out on…在…上试用某物

try on 试穿try to do sth 努力/企图做某事

try doing sth 尝试做某事try one’s best to do sth 尽全力/竭尽所能做某事

spare no efforts to do : make every effort to do sth

1.The drug has not been tried out on human beings yet.

2.He tried solving the problem, but failed.

3.Susan wanted to be independent of her parents. She tried living alone, but she didn’t like it and

moved back home.

4.He tries his best to help the poor and is respected by them.

72. use短语:

make use of 利用,使用make good use of 好好利用

make better use of 更好利用come into use 开始使用

make full use of 充分利用= make the best (use) of =make the most (use) of

in use 在使用中out of use 弃而不用

be of great use 很有用put … to use 加以使用

have no use for 对…无用

be used to do sth: be used for ( doing) sth 被用来做…

be/ get /become used to doing sth 习惯于…

used to do sth 过去常常

It is no use doing sth 做某事没用处

use up vt. 用完,耗尽,筋疲力尽

1.We should make the best of the fine weather.

2.Every possible use should be made of time to study our subjects.

3.Our valuable time must be made good use of.

4.Who can tell what new use man will make of computers in the future?

5.In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than it used to be.

6.Coal can be used to produce electricity.

7.Don’t worry ——you’ll soon get used to his sense of humor.

8.It is no use arguing with Bill because he will never change his mind.

9.He has used up all his money: He has run out of all his money.

His money has run out.

10. The soldiers were used up after the long battle: The soldiers were worn out after the long battle:

The soldiers gave out after the long battle.

73. work 短语:

work out vi. (事情)成功地发展,顺利进行;锻炼,作运动

vt. 解出,弄清楚;设计,制定;挖尽

work sb out 了解某人的秉性

work on 从事…,演算;继续

work at 从事,致力于

work away 不停的工作

work it 把事情办成

work as 充当,作为…而工作

1.I work out regularly to keep fit.

2.Things have worked out quite well for us.

3.I have never been able to work her out.

4.Can you work out the math problem?

5.I’ve worked out a new way of doing it.

6.We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didn’t quite work out as planned.


(M1)Unit 1 School life 1. on (the )average平均 2 ……used to do sth 过去常做某事 3. be happy with sth/ sb对某事满意;和某人一起开心 4. for free 免费 5. such as例如 6. encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 7. introduce A to B 把A 介绍给B ; 8. pass sth on(to)sb 把某物传递给某人 9. be available for 对…有用 10. far (away)from 远离;离开…很远 11. make sure that确保;确信 12. graduate from university从大学毕业 13. upon/ on doing一…就 14. surf the internet 上网 15. donate sth to sb捐赠某物给某人 … 16. forget to do sth忘记去做某事 17. inform sb of sth通知某人某事 18. prepare for 为…做准备 19. be responsible for对…负责;是…的原因 20. be made up of 由…组成 21. consist of组成;由…构成;包含有 22. come up with想出;提出 23. tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事 ( 24. sound like听起来像 25. word by word逐字逐句地 26. drop some subjects放弃某些科目 27. play on the school fields 在学校运动场上玩 28. e-mail sb 给某人发邮件 29.talk to sb about sth 关于某事和某人交谈 30. prepare to do sth 准备做某事 31. thank sb for因为…感谢某人 ~ 32. invite sb to do /swh……邀请某人做某事/ 去某地 33. make a speech about 做有关…的演讲 34. run a radio club经营广播俱乐部 35. approve (of)the idea 赞成这个主意 36. require sb to do sth要求某人做某事 (M1)Unit 2 Growing pains 1. turn up出现;调大 2. a waste of time浪费时间 , 3. try to do sth努力(尽力)去做某事 4. force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 5. spend time (in)doing sth花时间做某事 6. be supposed to do sth应该做某事;被期望干某事 7. in charge负责;主管 8. shout at 对…大喊大叫 9. give sb a chance to do sth 给某人机会做某事 10. deserve to do sth 值得做某事 | 11. instead of代替 12. be hard on sb 对…苛刻;对…要求严格 13. now that既然;由于 14. be rude to sb 对某人粗鲁 15. feel like doing sth 想要或喜欢做某事 16. be different from sth 与…之间的不同 17. in the form of以某种形式 18. pay attention to重视;注意 < 19. think of考虑;想起 20. search for寻找;搜索 21. a little bit有点;一点点 22. be proud of 以…而骄傲 23. stay up 熬夜 24. mix up…with把…和…混淆 25. ask for sth 要求得到某物 26. stop doing sth停止做某事 / 27. mean to do sth有意做某事;打算做某事 28. keep in mind记住;牢记 29. tidy up 收拾;整理 30. be angry with 对…发怒/ 生气 31. clean up清除;收拾干净 32. a bit of一点;有一点儿 33. at all根本;究竟 34. invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 《 35be busy with sth忙于某事 36. used to do sth过去常做某事 37. be used to do sth 被用来做某事 38. be used to doing sth习惯于做某事 39. refuse to do sth拒绝做某事 40. as though 好像;仿佛 41. insist on 坚持;强调;坚决要求 42. prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 ! 43. forbid sb from doing sth禁止某人做某事 44. argue about sth with sb 为某事同某人争辩


All(a.,pron.&n.) all by oneself 独立,单独 above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是after all 到底,毕竟 first of all 首先 in all 总共 most of all 最最 all at once 突然,同时,马上 all of a sudden 突然 all right 好吧,行,情况不错 all sorts of 各种各样的 all kinds of 各种各样的 all the best 万事如意 all the more 更加 all the same 尽管如此,仍旧(照样)all the year round 一年到头 AS(conj.,adv.& pron.)as…as…与。。。。。。一样 as a matter of fact 事实上 as a rule 通常 as a result 结果 as a whole 总的来说 as if(as though) 好象 as follows 如下 as for 就。。。。。。而言 as(so) long as 只要 as soon as 一。。。。。。就 as soon as possible 尽快 as usual 象往常一样 as well 也,还 as well as 同。。。。。。一样 might(may) as well 不妨 so as to 以便 At(prep.) at a time 一次,每次 at breakfast 早餐时,正在吃早饭 at first 最初 at home 在家 at last最后,终于 at least 至少 at (the) most至多,不超过 at one time 以前,曾经 at once 立刻,马上 at night 在夜里,在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 at present 目前,现在 at times有时候 at sea在大海上,在航行 at one’s own expense 自费 at the bottom 在底端 at the end (of) 最后,尽头at the latest 最迟 at the mercy of 在……的支配下 at the head of 在……的前头 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 at work 在工作 laugh at 嘲笑 throw at向……扔去 work hard at 努力工作(学习) By(prep.) by accident偶然地 by air(sea,bus…)乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) by chance 碰巧,偶然地 by day(night) 在白天(夜晚) day by day 一天天地 by and by 不久 by far得多,最最 learn (know)by heart 记熟,背诵 by mistake 错误地,由于疏忽所致 by oneself 独自地 one by one 一个一个地 by the way 顺便说(问) by turns 轮流 side by side 肩并肩,并排,一起 by the side of 在……附近 Break(v.) break away from 摆(逃)脱,脱离,改掉,破除 break down (机器、车辆等)坏了,(身体)垮了,中断,压倒,分解 break forth 迸发,突然 break in 强行进入,插嘴,打岔,使驯服,使习惯 break into破门而入,打断,占用 break off突然停止(中断),打断,折断break out爆发,突然发生 break through 突破,打破 break up 散会,驱散,停课,腐蚀,打破Bring(v.) bring about 引起,实现,使发生 bring down 使倒下,使下降,击落,推翻bring forth 引起,使产生 bring in 收(庄稼),提出,(使)得到(收入),引入,增加,把。。。。。。扯起来 bring on 使发生,引起 bring out 说明,阐明,出版 bring to an end 结束 bring up 提出,抚养,培养,呕吐 Call(v.) call at (a place) 访问(某地)


MIU1 School life 一、词性转换 1.achieve vt. achievement n. 2.prepare vt/vi. preparation n. prepared adj. 3.introduce vt. introduction n. 4.culture n. cultural adj. 5.approve vt/ vi. approval n. 6.require vt. requirement n. 二、词组 1. 对…满意be happy with 2. 大约在上午9点开始start around 9 a.m. 3. 出席集会attend assembly 4. 坐在一个女孩旁边sit next to a girl 5. 赢得…尊重的最好办法the best way to earn respect from / of earning respect from 6. 尊重…show respect for 7. 取得好成绩achieve high grades 8. 听起来像…sound like 9. 教我们英国历史teach us English Literature 10. 起初对我来说有点挑战性be a bit challenging for me at first 11. 花一个小时看英语spend an hour reading English 12. 免费for free 13. 举行班级晚会hold a class party 14. 放弃一些课程drop some subjects 15. 经历这种不同的生活方式experience this different way of life 16. 不只是音乐more than just music 17. 大声朗读read sth.out aloud 18. 平均on average 19. 为…做准备prepare for / make preparations for in preparation for 20. 错过做…. miss doing 21. 培养对…的兴趣develop an interest in… 冲印这些照片develop these pictures 22. 在…有天赋have a gift for 23. 展出on display 24. 做演讲make a speech 25. 注意(不)做…pay attention to (not) doing 集中注意力到focus/ concentrate one’s attention on 引起某人对。。。的注意attract/ catch/ draw/ call/ grab one’s attention to 26. 封底back cover 27. 遗憾要说regret to say 后悔做了…regret doing 28. 告知某人…inform sb. of/ about 抢劫某人某物rob sb of sth 使某人确信某事convince sb of sth 怀疑某人某事suspect sb of sth 指控某人某事accuse sb of sth 使某人摆脱某事rid sb of sth 29. 赞成approve of sth.

高考英语 动词和动词短语

2012高考英语动词和动词短语 高考导航 动词和动词短语是每年高考的必考内容之一。动词(短语)词义丰富,情景性极强,设题时往往都是给出四个不同的动词(短语)来测试考生在具体语境中对动词(短语)意义的理解和运用能力。2011年的高考将继续强化情景,注重基础性和实用性,命题者会继续加强在具体的语境中对动词的考查,同时也会将命题的重点放在高频动词构成的短语的用法上。对动词短语辨析的考查都设置了一定的情景,与日常生活密切相关,通过情景体现不同动词短语的本义及引申义,以便更好地体现稳中求变,变中求新,强化语境 重点全解 重点1 动词词义辨析 动词是各类考试的重点,动词词义辨析占的比重较大,高考注重在具体的语境中考查动词词义的辨析。考生要特别注意形似动词之间辨义,意义相近的动词之间辨义,以及常用的动词的特殊含义等。 调研1 The new movie to be one of the biggest money makers of all time. A.promises B.agrees C.pretends D.declines 解析 A。promise除了表示"允诺,答应"外,还有"有……的希望"的意思;agree意为"同意,赞同";pretend意为"假装";decline意为"衰老,衰退"promises 题意。句意:这部新电影有望成为有史以来最赚钱的影片之一。 调研2 Your house is always so neat — how do you it with three chil dren? A.manage B.serve C.adapt D.construct 解析A。表示"设法做成某事"用manage it。serve 表示"为……服务,接待";adapt 表示"使适应,使适合";construct表示"建造,构筑,构思"。句意:你家里总是那么整洁——家里有三个孩子,你是怎么做到的? 1.include, contain: include "包括",侧重指作为整体的一部分或要素;contain "",侧重包含的内容或成分,一般描述人或事物的 2.hurt, wound, injure, destroy: hurt 是表示"伤害"的一般用法,既可指对肉体的伤害, 也可指对情感的伤害;wound 常指外伤, 尤指在战争、战斗中造成的伤害;injure 一般指在意外事故中受伤;destroy 一般指彻底损坏, 常译成"毁坏,破坏" 3.become, get, grow, turn: become侧重强调结果,即由一种状态变为另一种状态;get的用法类似于become,也是侧重强调结果,但多用于口语中;grow侧重强调进程,含有"逐渐……"之意;turn侧重强调状态的变化,既说明状态"和以前完全不同",还含有"慢慢地变化"之意。 4.beat, hit, strike, win: beat表示连续性的敲打、有节奏的跳动,还可表示打败;在表示"打,击"意思时,beat 表示连续性的打击;另外beat (=defeat)是指"打败对手",宾语通常是人或集体。 hit表示对准目标打一下, 强调击中;strike表突然性或一次性的


高中英语词组固定搭配 一?接不定式(而不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事agree to do sth. 同意做某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事 ask to do sth. 要求做某事 beg to do sth. 请求做某事 care to do sth. 想要做某事 choose to do sth. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事demand to do sth. 要求做某事determine to do sth. 决心做某事expect to do sth. 期待做某事 fear to do sth. 害怕做某事 help to do sth. 帮助做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 learn to do sth. 学习做某事manage to do sth. 设法做某事 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事promise to do sth. 答应做某事refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 want to do sth. 想要做某事 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 注:有些不及物动词后习惯上也接不定式,不接动名词: aim to do sth. 打算做某事 fail to do sth. 未能做某事 long to do sth. 渴望做某事 happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事hesitate to do sth. 犹豫做某事struggle to do sth. 努力做某事 二?接不定式作宾补的36个常用动词advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事bear sb. to do sth.忍受某人做某事beg sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事cause sb. to do sth. 导致某人做某事command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 drive sb. to do sth .驱使某人做某事elect sb. to do sth. 选举某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某

五年高考英语试题分类解析 动词与动词短语

五年高考 2013最新命题题库大全2009-2013高考英语试题分类解析 动词与动词短语 1.【2013陕西】25. My uncle hasn’t been able to smoking, but at least he has______. A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词短语。cut down削减,减少。句意为:我叔叔还未能戒烟,但至少他已经少抽了。cut out切断;删去;cut up切碎,砍伤;cut off切断。 2.【2013辽宁32】Briggs will _______ as general manager when Mitchell retires. A. get away B. take over C. set off D. run out 【答案】B 【解析】考查动词短语。句意:当Mitchell退职的时候Briggs会接任作总经理。take over 接手,接管。 【语言学习】get away逃离,脱身;set off动身,启程;run out用完,用尽。 1. She didn't get away until nine last night. 昨晚九点她才离开。 2. If you set off in the wrong direction, everything else will be wrong. 如果出发点错误,则其它的一切都不必谈了。 3. You'd better go home before your money runs out. 你最好别等钱花光再回家。 3.【2013福建28】Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________ in disasters. A. turn down B. turn out C. break down D. break out 【答案】C 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。break down出故障,分解。turn down调小,拒绝;turn out结果证明……;break out爆发。句意:当发生灾难无线网络无法用的时候,老式的电话就有作用了。 【语言学习】与turn, break相关的动词词组


江苏高考备考英语动词短语大全 (1)act短语 act as 担任…职务,起…作用 act for 代理(职务),代为(处理) act out 表演(对话、情节等) act up 捣乱,出问题 (2)believe短语 believe in 确信,信任,信仰,主张 believe one's ears 相信所听到的话 make believe 假装(pretend to do sth.) seeing is believing 眼见为实 (3)break短语 break away 摆脱,脱离 break away from …脱离……,奋力挣脱……、打破 break down 出故障,中止,分解、抛锚、破坏,粉碎;瓦解;衰弱,损坏;(健康等)垮掉,累垮;崩溃break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入,使顺服 break into …闯入……,破门而入,突然开始,把(sth.)分成 break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止,打断,断绝 break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发,准备使用;起锚 break open 破开,撬开 break short 中断,折断 break out in tears 突然大哭 break the rule(law)违反规定 break one’s promise 失言 break through 突围,冲跨,克服,挤过去 break up vt. 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开,开垦,vi.结束 (4)blow短语 blow about 吹散 blow away 吹走 blow off 吹掉,吹散,吹灭 blow out吹灭,走气 blow up,放大(照片),吹大(气球),爆炸,发脾气 give sb. a heavy blow 给某人以沉重打击 (5)bring短语 bring about 引起,导致,使发生,促使 bring along 把……带来,领来 bring back 拿(送)回来,使恢复,使回忆 bring sth / sb back to life 使……生动/活泼,使……苏醒 bring down 使……降低,减少,使……倒下,使……落下,浓缩,收缩,击落 bring down / up (the price) 降价/提价 bring forth开(花),结(果),发表,宣布,提出 bring forward 提出 bring in 引进(技术),赚钱,带来(收入),吸收 bring into action 使行动起来,使生效 bring into effect/practice 完成,实现,实施,实行 bring into operation 使运转,将...投入bring into (full) play 发挥,调动,利用 bring sb.into touch with...接触,触摸 bring on 发展,引起,导致,使前进,提出(论点) bring out 拿出,公布,出版,生产,揭露,阐明,使表现出 bring off 完成,救出,使成功,搬走 bring to 使……苏醒 bring … to use = put …to use 对……加以利用 bring through 治愈,使度过困难/危险时期 bring / carry sth to / into effect 实施…… bring to light 出现,公布,暴露 bring to mind 使想起,回忆起 bring up 抚养,培养,哺育,使停止 (6)build短语 build ... into 把...建设成,把...装入 build on / upon 建立在...上,依赖,指望 build up 增加,增进,建成,振兴 build up to 增加 (7)以burst为中心的词组 burst forth 爆发,喷出,忽然出现 burst in 闯进,突然出现 burst into 闯进,突然...起来,突然发出 burst into tears / laughter 嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 burst out 迸发,爆发,突然发出,大声叫喊 burst out crying / laughing嚎啕大哭/放声大笑 (8)call短语 call away 叫走,把(注意力)转移开 call at (sp) 访问(某地),拜访(某地),停泊在 call back 回电话 call for 提倡,号召,要求,需要,去接某人,接走某人,迎,取 call / shout for help 呼救 call in 请来,召集,来访,打电话,引入 call off 取消,下令停止 call on / upon 号召 call on (sb) 拜访(某人),访问(某人) call out 大声呼喊,叫喊,唤起 call sb…for short 简称某人…… call sb names 谩骂某人 call up 给……打电话,使人想起,号召,召集 call to mind 使想起,回忆起 pay a call at sp. 访问(某地) pay a call on sb. 拜访(某人) (9)catch短语 be caught in the rain 淋雨 catch /take fire 着火 catch on 挂住,明白,理解,受欢迎 catch one’s word 听懂话 catch out 发觉,抓住某人的错处 catch sight of 发现,瞥见 (10)carry短语


高考英语动词短语总结 1.break 2.bring 3.call https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8417548675.html,e 5.cut 6.drop 7.fall 8.get 9.give 10.go 11.hold 12. keep 13.knock https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8417548675.html,y 15.leave 16.live 17. look 18.make 19.pay 20. pick 21.put 22.send 23.set 24.show 25.stand 26.take 27.think 28.turn 1.break break away (突然)离开 break away from 脱离 break down 抛锚,(身体)垮掉,出故障,失败 break in 闯入,打断,插嘴 break into 破门而入,突然…… break off 中断,折断,停止 break out(火灾,战争等)爆发 break through突破 break up打碎,(关系)破裂,解散,分解,放假,垮掉2.bring bring about 引起,导致 bring along 拿来,带来 bring back 带回来,使回忆起,恢复 bring…back to life 使……生动、活泼,使苏醒 bring down 降低 bring forward 提出,提前 bring in 引进 bring on 引起,导致 bring out 拿出,出版,使显示 bring up 养育,提出(话题) 3.call call at 拜访(某地) call back 回电话 call for号召,需要,要求 call in 招来,召集 call off 取消 call on 拜访(某人),请求,要求 call out 大声叫喊 call up 打电话,使想起,召集 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8417548675.html,e

高考英语 短语汇总

高考完形阅读高频短语汇总 1. (be) present at a meeting 出席会议 2. a piece of luggage 一件行李 3. above all 毕竟 4. achieve one’s aim 达成某人的目标 5. act on 就…采取行动 6. add up to 总计;增加……难度 7. all of a sudden 突然 8. amount to 总计 9. anything but 绝不是 10. apart form 除了 11. applaud for sb. 为……鼓掌 12. apply to 适用;申请 13. argue with 和……争论 14. as a consequence 结果是 15. as a result 结果是 16. associate sh. with sh. 把…和…联系起来 17. at a disadvantage 处于劣势 18. at any cost/price 以任何代价 19. at one’s request 应……要求 20. at present 现在 21. at the reception 在接待处22. attend on 照顾 23. bargain with 和…讨价还价 24. be addicted to 对…上瘾 25. be anxious about 对…焦虑 26. be astonished at 对…吃惊 27. be aware of 意识到 28. be capable of 能够 29. be caught in the rain 被困在雨里 30. be dedicated to 献身于… 31. be devoted to 献身于… 32. be elected monitor 被选为班长 33. be exposed to 暴露在 34. be fond of 喜欢 35. be in trouble 处于麻烦中 36. be involved in 参加 37. be stuck in the rain 困在雨中 38. be tired of 厌倦 39. begin with 以…开始 40. break in 闯入 41. break off 挣脱 42. break out 爆发


高中英语词组大全(必背) 一、相近介词短语 1. with the help of 在……帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在……领导/关心下 2. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格 3. at present = at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. once or twice 一两次 once in a while 偶尔 more than once 不止一次once more 重新,又 once upon a time 从前 5. for a moment 一会儿for the moment 暂时 at the moment 此刻the moment /minute /instance 一……就 6. at least 至少 7. at one time = once time 曾经at a time = each time 每次 at times = sometimes 有时at all times 经常,一直,始终 at the same time 同时at the time of 在……的时候 by the time 到……时候为止 8. at no time 决不in no time 立即,马上 9. in the way 挡路in a way 在某点上,在某种程度上 give way to 向……屈服lose one’s way 迷路 by the way 顺便说一下on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上 10. at the corner 在拐角处(外角) 11. judge by / from 根据……来判断 12. at the end (of) 在……结束时at the beginning of 在……开始时 at the age of 在……岁时at the top of 在……顶上 at/on the edge of 在……边上 13. in the middle of 在……中间 in the end = at last = finally 最后 14. after a time = after some time 过一段时间后 for a time = for some time 一时,有一段时间 二、组合记忆 (1)由两个词组成的复合介词 1. 以of结尾 ahead of在……前面;提前,领先 because of 因为,由于 instead of 相反,代替,而不是short of 缺少,短缺 lack of 缺少regardless of 不管,不顾 2. 以to结尾 according to根据as to 至于


动词和动词短语 1.接不定式(不接动名词)作宾语的24个常用动词 afford(买得起;有能力做),agree(同意),arrange(安排),ask(要求;让),beg(请求),fail(失败),choose(选择),decide(决定),demand(要求),determine(决定),expect(期待),fear(害怕),help(帮助),hope(希望),learn(学习),manage(设法),offer(提出),plan(计划),prepare(准备),pretend(假装),promise(许诺),refuse(拒绝),want(想要),wish(希望) It is a very important exam so I can’t afford to fail it. 这是非常重要的考试,我不可以失败。 My neighbour offered to help me when I was in trouble. 当我困难时,邻居主动提出帮我忙。 2.接动名词(不接不定式)作宾语的28个常用动词 admit(承认),advise(建议),allow(允许),appreciate(感激),avoid(避免),consider(考虑),delay(推迟),deny(否认),dislike(不喜欢),enjoy(喜欢),escape(逃避),fancy(想象),finish(完成),forbid(禁止),stand(忍受),imagine(想象),keep(继续),mention(提到),mind(介意),miss(错过),permit(允许),practise(练习),prohibit(禁止),report(报道),risk(冒险),stop(停止),suggest(建议),understand(理解) I really appreciate working with someone who does such a good job. 我非常乐意与工作如此出色的人共事。 (2007·江苏卷)—Can I smoke here? ——我可以在这里吸烟吗? —Sorry.We don’t allow smoking here. ——对不起,我们不允许在这里吸烟。 3.接不定式作宾补的33个常用动词 advise(建议),allow(允许),ask(要求),beg(请求),cause(导致),command(命令),drive(驱使),elect(选举),encourage(鼓励),expect(期望),forbid(禁止),force(强迫),get(使;要),help(帮助),intend(打算),invite(邀请),leave(委托),like(喜欢),mean(打算),need(需要),oblige(迫使),order(命令),permit(允许),persuade(说服),prefer(宁愿),request(要求),remind(提醒),teach(教),tell(告诉),train(训练),want(想要),warn(警告),wish(希望) Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself,but her parents did not allow her to do so. 1


高考英语动词短语汇总 1、动词+about speak/talk about 谈论 think about 思考 care about 关心,对……有兴趣bring about 引起,使发生set about 着手,开始come about 发生 hear about 听说 worry about 为……担心 2、动词+away throw away 扔掉 blow away 吹走 carry away 拿走,使入迷clear away 清除掉,消散die away 逐渐消失,减弱pass away 去世 wash away 冲走take away 拿走,使消失 put away 收拾起来,存起来give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送wear away 磨掉,消耗break away 摆脱 send away 让走开 turn away 把……打发走 3、动词+back keep back 隐瞒,忍住look back(on 回顾hold back 控制住give back 归还 call back 回电话take back 拿回,收回 4、动词+for run for 竞选 ask for 要求得到 wait for 等候 stand for 代表,表示long for 渴望 hope/wish for 希望得到care for 关心,喜欢beg for 乞求 search for 查找look for 寻找 call for 需要,要求hunt for 寻找 change for 用……换charge for 收费,要价apply for 申请take…for 误以为……是seek for 寻找 come for 来拿,来取 5、动词+down burn down 烧毁 break down 坏了,垮了,分解take down 记下,记录 turn down 调小,拒绝 cut down 削减,砍倒 slow down 慢下来 pass down 传下来put down 记下,写下,镇压calm down 平静下来


A across from 在对面 act a part 假装 add up to 达到(数字) all to once 忽然;突然 all but (=almost) 几乎,差点 apart from 除…外还 apply one’s mind to 专心于 ask after 问候 at a loss 不知所措;困惑不解 at the risk of 冒着…危险 at one time 曾经 at a time 一次,每次 at times 有时 Are u kidding? 开玩笑吧? above all 最重要 account for解释说明 around the clock整天不间断,一天24小时不停 as a matter of fact事实上 at sb`s service愿意为某人效劳 (at)the entrance to… (在)...入口处 as long ago as追溯到,早在 as a (general) rule一般地说来 answer the invitation 答复邀请 allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事 at the invitation of sb.应某人的邀请advise sb. to do sth.劝说某人去做某事ahead of time 提前 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指责,指控某人作某事 apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉 B back and forth 来来往往;(前后)来回地burst into 闯进 be absent from 不在;缺席 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 be aware of 意识到 be better off 境况好 be blind to …对…视而不见be burdened with…负重 be engaged in 忙于;致力于 be favourable to 有助于;有力于 be responsible for 对…负责;是…原因be satisfied with 对…满意 by accident 偶然地;意外地 by all means 通过各种方法;一定要 by and by 不久以后;很快的 by no means 无论如何,决不 be named after sb. 以某人的名字命名 be taken into account 被考虑到 be accustomed to习惯于 be attached to对…有感情 be bound for去…地方 be in the dark蒙在鼓里,不知道 be made of money很有钱 be sick of对…负责任 be tied up in忙于做… be up to sb. 由某人来决定 be supposed to do (同should) bulletin board广告栏,布告栏 by all means当然 brief and to the point 简单扼要的;简洁的be trapped in …被困在... be equipped with 装备 be cross with/at sb. 生某人的气 be at war with…与…处于战争状态 be in safe hands 在可靠的人那里 behind time 晚,迟到 burst out 突然冒出 ┏but for 若没有 ┣can’t but do 只能 ┗the first line but two 第三厅 ┏be tired of …厌倦,厌烦(精神上) ┗be tired from/with…因...疲劳(体力上) C come into being 产生;存在 compare …to…把…比作…compare…with…把…与…进行比较congratulate sb. on …就…祝贺某人count on/upon 指望;依靠 cross out 除去;勾销


高三常见词组汇总一 1. abandon the ship/sb 弃船/抛弃某人 2. have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事 3. cultivate/develop/foster one’s ability 培养能力 4. an able man 能干的人 5. be able to do 有能力做某事 6. return to normal 恢复正常 7. aboard the ship 在船上 8. above all 首先 9. go abroad/study abroad 出国/留学 10. people at home and abroad 海内外人事 11. in the absence of 在缺乏…..的条件下 12. be absent from 缺席 13. be absorbed in= be lost in 全神贯注于 14. academic performance 学习成绩 15. be accepted by/be admitted to/into 被录取 16. have/ gain/ obtain access to 获得机会进入 17. accomplish/achieve nothing 一事无成 18. account for 说明,解释;占比 19. take sth into account 考虑 20. on account of 由于 21. on no account/ in no case 绝不 22. accuse sb of 指控 23. be accustomed to 习惯于 24. achieve/ fulfill one’s ambition 实现志愿 25. achieve success/ one’s goal 获得成功/达到目的 26. acquire knowledge 获得知识 27. make achievement in 取得成就 28. run across/ come across 偶遇 29. across the street 街对面 30. act as 充当 31. take action 采取行动 32. Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩 33. Adapt (oneself) to= be adapted to 适应 34. adapt….for…改编…..为 35. add up to 合计达到 36. add to one’s worry 增添某人的担忧 37. add A to B 把A加到B上 38. be addicted to=be obsessed with 上瘾 39. adjust oneself to=be adjusted to 适应

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