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A context-sensitive generalization of ICA

A context-sensitive generalization of ICA
A context-sensitive generalization of ICA

A Context-Sensitive Generalization of ICA

Barak A.Pearlmutter Lucas C.Parra

Dept.of Cog.Sci.,UCSD,La Jolla,California,USA,barak.pearlmutter@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f17596907.html,

Siemens Corporate Research,Princeton,New Jersey,USA,lucas@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f17596907.html,

—Source separation arises in a surprising number of signal processing applications,from speech recognition to EEG analysis.In the square linear blind source separation problem without time delays, one must?nd an unmixing matrix which can detangle the result of mixing unknown independent sources through an unknown mixing matrix.The recently introduced ICA blind source separation algorithm (Baram and Roth1994;Bell and Sejnowski1995)is a powerful and surprisingly simple technique for solving this problem.ICA is all the more remarkable for performing so well despite making absolutely no use of the temporal structure of its input!This paper presents a new algorithm,contextual ICA,which derives from a maximum likelihood density estimation formulation of the problem.cICA can incorporate arbitrarily com-plex adaptive history-sensitive source models,and thereby make use of the temporal structure of its input. This allows it to separate in a number of situations where standard ICA cannot,including sources with low kurtosis,colored gaussian sources,and sources which have gaussian histograms.Since ICA is a special case of cICA,the MLE derivation provides as a corollary a rigorous derivation of classic ICA.

1The ICA algorithm

In the blind source separation problem,one is given the output of a number of microphones,each of which records a mixture of a number of sources.The task is to recover the sources.In the blind linear square case,there are the same number of microphones as sources,and the mixing is linear.In the absence of time delays or echos,the mixing is characterized by an matrix,so if is a vector of the sources at time then is a vector of the signals received by the microphones at time.Naturally we will assume that is full rank.

In the absence of noise,which is the case we consider,the solution to this problem is to?nd a full rank matrix which has the property that has exactly one nonzero element in each row and each column.We denote the result of the unmixing process as,and note that.If we have found an appropriate then the product will be equal to the product of a diagonal matrix with a permutation matrix, and the elements of will be the same as the elements of,but shuf?ed and scaled.

With no prior information about or the source signals,the problem might sound impossible.However, for non-gaussian distributions,it is not.An algorithm called independent components analysis was introduced by Comon(1994).This version of the algorithm approximates some distributions by their?rst few moments,which is both approximate and computationally burdensome.Single coordinate higher order cumulants are used in a some-what simpler algorithm by Obradovic and Deco(1995).A surprisingly simple,but inexpensive and exact,variant of the Comon(1994)algorithm was recently introduced(Baram and Roth1994;Bell and Sejnowski1995).In a now standard abuse of notation,this new algorithm will be refered to as ICA.This simpler ICA algorithm takes each component of the vector and passes it though a saturating monotonic nonlinearity,giving a vector. Gradient descent is used to modify the components of the matrix and the bias terms of the nonlinearities in order to increase the entropy of the distribution of induced by the input distribution.ICA was motivated by consid-erations of biological optimality,which?ow from experiments showing that,when presented with natural stimuli, many neurons appear to make good use of their available axonal channel capacity(Bialek et al.1991).

The ICA algorithm,in various con?gurations,has been applied to a surprising number of problems,from separation of digitally mixed speech signals(Bell and Sejnowski1995),to separating the componenets of electroencephalo-graphic data(Makeig et al.1996),to blind deconvolution(Bell and Sejnowski1995),to?nding the higher-order structure of a natural sound(Bell and Sejnowski1996b),and even to?nancial forecasting(Baram and Roth1995) and image processing(Bell and Sejnowski1996a).There have been attempts to generalize the algorithm,the most notable being extensions to tolerate time delays and echos introduced by Torkkola(1996a,1996b).

The usual intuition for why ICA tends to separate sources runs roughly as follows:if the output entropy is maxi-mized,then the components of the output vector must be statistically independent.If so,then the signals must also be statistically independent prior to the nonlinearity.That being the case,the sources must be separated. However,there are problematic cases which ICA cannot separate.For instance,a mixture of two uniform distri-butions,or more generally two low-kurtosis distributions,is not properly separated.(Although separation in this case might be achieved by using a special nonlinearity chosen for the problem.)Since a two-dimensional gaussian distribution is rotationally symmetric,a mixture of white gaussian sources is inherently impossible to separate.Any


of generative model

Figure1:The ICA algorithm?ts this parameterized generative model to data.

algorithm that makes no use of the temporal structure of its inputs can by de?nition make use of only the cumula-tive histograms of its inputs.If these histograms are gaussian,then such an algorithm will be in principle unable to separate.Since ICA makes no use of the temporal structure of its inputs,it is in principle unable to separate sources whose histograms are gaussian.This includes,for example,colored gaussian sources,speech or music which hap-pen to have gaussian histograms,etc.It is sometimes speculated that any mixture of sources with high-kurtosis histograms is separable by ICA—but there is as yet no proof of this.

We shall now proceed to derive an ICA-like algorithm that can make use of temporal context.We do this by refor-mulating the blind source separation problem in a maximum likelihood framework.

2Source separation and maximum likelihood density estimation

Consider the abstract problem of density estimation from samples.One desires to estimate some true distribu-tion over a space from which samples have been drawn.The maximum likelihood approach (Mendel and Burrus1990)is to use a density estimator of some parametric form,say.Given a setting of the parameter vector,this will constitute the estimated probability density.In order to set appropriately,we ?nd a value for it that minimizes a measure of the difference between and.An appropriate difference measure is the asymmetric divergence

independent input Figure 2:The contextual ICA (cICA)algorithm uses conditional densities which are not memoryless.

formulas for the two different sorts of parameters involved,


where expr

denotes the column vector whose elements are expr



This is precisely the ICA algorithm,where our

is the derivative of the Bell and Sejnowski (1995)satu-rating monotonic nonlinearity ,and our parameter vector holds the th component of their vector of bias terms,In our formulation no squashing nonlinearity is ever calculated,except perhaps as a common subexpression in the computation of the derivatives of the densities.However,the output of the squashing nonlinearity is never actually used for anything in classic ICA.

3Generalizing ICA

Under this MLE formulation of source separation,there is no restriction on the form of the distributions .The density function can have complex structure,and can be conditioned on other information—such as its recent history (as shown in ?gure 2),or even information from other modalities.All that is required is that the components of be conditionally independent.In general,can be of the form

other information

We call this algorithm contextual ICA or cICA.To give a vivid example,if the sources were different people speak-ing,then the “other information”might be lip position measured using a visual modality,and would be pri-marily conditioned on the recent history of that source itself,,but there might also be some small in?uence from other speakers.Although can in principle be made arbitrarily complex,there is no practical reason to make it more complex than is necessary to permit proper separation of the sources.

Of course we must still calculate as per equation 4.In doing so,the history

of source is treated as constant with respect to changes in .This is correct,because the unmixing depends only on the matrix and not the parameters of the individual source distributions.On the other hand,changing changes the estimated recent history of source ,which in turn has an in?uence on .However we use equation 3without adding these extra terms.The approximation of dropping these cross terms is ubiquitous in time series analysis,and in this case the successful results of our simulations leads us to believe that it is benign.








Filtered and Mixed Uniform Distributions

Figure 3:cICA using a history of one to 5,000samples of a mixture of two one-dimensional uniform distributions each ?ltered by convolution with a decaying exponential of time constant of 99.5.Shown is a scatterplot of the data input to the algorithm,along with the true source axes (left),the estimated residual probability density (center),and a scatterplot of the residuals of the data transformed into the estimated source space coordinates (right).The product of the true mixing matrix and the estimated unmixing matrix deviates from a scaling and permutation matrix by about 3%.


In our simulations we chose to make

a weighted sum of logistic density functions with variable means and scales,and make these means linear functions of the recent history of source .This allowed us to revert to classic ICA by setting the amount of temporal context to zero and the number of logistic densities in the sum to one.This density estimator,and the corresponding derivatives,are described in detail in appendix A.

Here we experiment with two distributions that conventional ICA is unable to separate.The ?rst is an extremely simple two-dimensional distribution with no temporal context:both and are chosen iid from a uniform dis-tribution.Conventional ICA incorrectly rotates the distribution 45degrees,for reasons explained very well by Bell and Sejnowski (1995)in their discussion of this problematic case.The cICA algorithm successfully separates the sources.To make the problem more challenging,we then ?ltered each source through low-pass ?lter.The resulting time series has very gaussian histograms,but as shown in ?gure 3,cICA again correctly separates the sources.

The second experiment is somewhat more involved.Ten acoustic sources,which include the six used by Bell and Sejnowski (1995),were obtained,courtesty of Dr.Tony Bell.As shown in ?gure 4,the cumulative density of each source was measured and used to construct a monotonically increasing normalizer which,when applied to each sample from a source,gave the time series a gaussian histogram.These preprocessed time series were mixed using a random matrix.As shown in ?gures 5and 6,ICA was unable to separate the resulting babble,but cICA separates properly,even when using only a very small amount of temporal context.


In deriving cICA we have seen that ICA can regarded as a gradient method for performing maximum likelihood density estimation using a linear historyless factorial model and rigid source densities.The resulting error measure is naturally the same as in the Bell and Sejnowski (1995)derivation,but taking an MLE viewpoint allows a number of generalizations,which allow cICA to to separate a wider variety of sources.

A weakness this method shares with other blind source separation techniques is that it not robust to modulation of the dimensionality.In other words,it is not designed for a non-square mixing matrix.If and is -dimensional but is -dimensional,then in the case that the algorithm presented here can make no good use of the extra information but to imagine that a few extra Gaussian sources were mixed into the signal.This may perhaps be solved by using a matrix of a special form.In the case that no linear unmixing can separate the sources,and it seems that a strong prior will be necessary to distinguish a single complex one-dimensional source from the one-dimensional sum of two simple independent one-dimensional sources,and a nonlinear unmixing process will be necessary to separate them.

formation applied to the data (center),histogram of transformed data (right).

Influence of Filter Size

filter size

sources (left),and unmixing error of cICA (us-ing linear predictive sources with a single logistic)as a function of the length of the history used in the predictive ?lter (right).The zero history case corresponds to classic ICA,which fail to separate due to the gaussian histograms.(The parallelogram-shaped boundary and the stripes in the scatterplot on the left are artifacts of the signal quanti-zation and the digital mixing.)

each row normalized to make the largest element equal to one,and the rows permuted to place large elements along the diagonal.If the unmixing is perfect,the result will be a ridge along the diagonal with all off-diagonal elements equal to zero.The ten sources mixed are acoustic sources (courtesy of Tony Bell)which have had a monotonic non-linearity applied to them to make their histograms exhibit gaussian statistics (see ?gure 4.)These are mixed using a random mixing matrix,and cICA with linear predictive sources and a single logistic density is used to estimate the unmixing matrix.The length of the history used is varied from zero,which corresponds to conventional ICA (left),to one (center),to two (right).

Finally,we would like to compare ICA with PCA.The principal components algorithm (Hotelling 1933)?ts a linear mixture of one-dimensional Gaussian sources of minimal variance to samples from a high-dimensional distribution.ICA performs a similar action,but instead uses a linear mixture of potentially non-Gaussian distributions.As such,ICA might be viewed as a linear but non-Gaussian generalization of PCA—except that without PCA’s minimum variance constraint,if Gaussian distributions are used for the distributions of ICA,the unmixing matrix has a great deal of freedom.It need not be orthogonal,and the coordinate system it embodies need have no special status.A challenge that remains with us is to ?nd a sensible nonlinear analogue of PCA.One algorithm was proposed

for this purpose by Parra,Deco,and Miesbach(1995),who replaced the orthogonal linear mixture of PCA by a symplectic mixing function while retaining PCA’s minimal variance Gaussian source model.Unfortunately the symplectic map has a great deal of undesired freedom,so again the coordinate system it produces need have no special status.

6Future work

Our current work concentrates on combining source separation with deconvolution,to enable the system to both tolerate and cancel the effects of echos and time delays between the sources and the microphones.An inherent ambiguity is introduced,which amounts to a freedom of one?lter per source.We hope to resolve this ambiguity in a more symmetric fashion than in Torkkola(1996a),where identity?lters are placed along the diagonal of the matrix of deconvolution?lters.We are also exploring the incorporation of microphone nonlinearities,and microphone noise of known distribution,into the model.


Thanks are due to Dr.Tony Bell for provocative discussions and for generously sharing his data.Portions of this work were performed while BAP was visiting the Sloan Center for Theoretical Neurobiology at the Salk Institute. References

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A Linear predictive source distributions

In the simulations of section4the distribution used is a mixture of logistic densities,

(5) where is a scale parameter for logistic density of source and is an element of,and the mixing coef?cients are elements of and are constrained by.The component means are taken to be linear functions of the recent values of that source,

(6) where the linear prediction coef?cients and bias are elements of.

To perform stochastic gradient descent it is necessary to calculate the derivative.We ac-complish this using the following equations.For conciseness,when we below refer to,,and their simple derivatives,,we leave off the arguments,which are the same as the corresponding argu-ments above.The logistic density function and its cumulative distribution function are as in footnote1.






习题1 选择题 (1) 一运动质点在某瞬时位于矢径),(y x r 的端点处,其速度大小为 (A)dt dr (B)dt r d (C)dt r d | | (D) 22)()(dt dy dt dx + [答案:D] (2) 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度s m v /2=,瞬时加速度2 /2s m a -=,则一秒钟后质点的速度 (A)等于零 (B)等于-2m/s (C)等于2m/s (D)不能确定。 [答案:D] (3) 一质点沿半径为R 的圆周作匀速率运动,每t 秒转一圈,在2t 时间间隔中,其平均速度大小和平均速率大小分别为 (A) t R t R ππ2, 2 (B) t R π2,0 (C) 0,0 (D) 0,2t R π [答案:B] 填空题 (1) 一质点,以1 -?s m π的匀速率作半径为5m 的圆周运动,则该质点在5s 内,位移的大小是 ;经过的路程是 。 [答案: 10m ; 5πm] (2) 一质点沿x 方向运动,其加速度随时间的变化关系为a=3+2t (SI),如果初始时刻质点的速度v 0为5m·s -1,则当t 为3s 时,质点的速度v= 。 [答案: 23m·s -1 ] (3) 轮船在水上以相对于水的速度1V 航行,水流速度为2V ,一人相对于甲板以速度3V 行走。如人相对于岸静止,则1V 、2V 和3V 的关系是 。 [答案: 0321=++V V V ]

一个物体能否被看作质点,你认为主要由以下三个因素中哪个因素决定: (1) 物体的大小和形状; (2) 物体的内部结构; (3) 所研究问题的性质。 解:只有当物体的尺寸远小于其运动范围时才可忽略其大小的影响,因此主要由所研究问题的性质决定。 下面几个质点运动学方程,哪个是匀变速直线运动? (1)x=4t-3;(2)x=-4t 3+3t 2+6;(3)x=-2t 2+8t+4;(4)x=2/t 2-4/t 。 给出这个匀变速直线运动在t=3s 时的速度和加速度,并说明该时刻运动是加速的还是减速的。(x 单位为m ,t 单位为s ) 解:匀变速直线运动即加速度为不等于零的常数时的运动。加速度又是位移对时间的两阶导数。于是可得(3)为匀变速直线运动。 其速度和加速度表达式分别为 2 2484 dx v t dt d x a dt = =+== t=3s 时的速度和加速度分别为v =20m/s ,a =4m/s 2。因加速度为正所以是加速的。 在以下几种运动中,质点的切向加速度、法向加速度以及加速度哪些为零哪些不为零? (1) 匀速直线运动;(2) 匀速曲线运动;(3) 变速直线运动;(4) 变速曲线运动。 解:(1) 质点作匀速直线运动时,其切向加速度、法向加速度及加速度均为零; (2) 质点作匀速曲线运动时,其切向加速度为零,法向加速度和加速度均不为零; (3) 质点作变速直线运动时,其法向加速度为零,切向加速度和加速度均不为零; (4) 质点作变速曲线运动时,其切向加速度、法向加速度及加速度均不为零。 |r ?|与r ? 有无不同?t d d r 和d d r t 有无不同? t d d v 和t d d v 有无不同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解:(1)r ?是位移的模,?r 是位矢的模的增量,即r ?12r r -=,12r r r -=?; (2) t d d r 是速度的模,即t d d r ==v t s d d . t r d d 只是速度在径向上的分量. ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则 t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中 t r d d 就是速度在径向上的分量,


对翻译中异化法与归化法的正确认识 班级:外语学院、075班 学号:074050143 姓名:张学美 摘要:运用异化与归化翻译方法,不仅是为了让读者了解作品的内容,也能让读者通过阅读译作,了解另一种全新的文化,因为进行文化交流才是翻译的根本任务。从文化的角度考虑,采用异化法与归化法,不仅能使译文更加完美,更能使不懂外语的人们通过阅读译文,了解另一种文化,促进各民族人们之间的交流与理解。翻译不仅是语言符号的转换,更是跨文化的交流。有时,从语言的角度所作出的译文可能远不及从文化的角度所作出的译文完美。本文从翻译策略的角度,分别从不同时期来说明人们对异化法与归化法的认识和运用。 关键词:文学翻译;翻译策略;异化;归化;辩证统一 一直以来,无论是在我国还是在西方,直译(literal translation)与意译(liberal translation)是两种在实践中运用最多,也是被讨论研究最多的方法。1995年,美籍意大利学者劳伦斯-韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)提出了归化(domestication)与异化(foreignization)之说,将有关直译与意译的争辩转向了对于归化与异化的思考。归化与异化之争是直译与意译之争的延伸,是两对不能等同的概念。直译和意译主要集中于语言层面,而异化和归化则突破语言的范畴,将视野扩展到语言、文化、思维、美学等更多更广阔的领域。 一、归化翻译法 Lawrwnce Venuti对归化的定义是,遵守译入语语言文化和当前的主流价值观,对原文采用保守的同化手段,使其迎合本土的典律,出版潮流和政治潮流。采用归化方法就是尽可能不去打扰读者,而让作者向读者靠拢(the translator leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him)。归化翻译法的目的在于向读者传递原作的基本精神和语义内容,不在于语言形式或个别细节的一一再现。它的优点在于其流利通顺的语言易为读者所接受,译文不会对读者造成理解上的障碍,其缺点则是译作往往仅停留在内容、情节或主要精神意旨方面,而无法进入沉淀在语言内核的文化本质深处。 有时归化翻译法的采用也是出于一种不得已,翻译活动不是在真空中进行的,它受源语文化和译语文化两种不同文化语境的制约,还要考虑到两种文化之间的


变电所母线桥的动稳定校验 随着用电负荷的快速增长,许多变电所都对主变进行了增容,并对相关设备进行了调换和校验,但往往会忽视主变母线桥的动稳定校验,事实上此项工作非常重要。当主变增容后,由于阻抗发生了变化,短路电流将会增大许多,一旦发生短路,产生的电动力有可能会对母线桥产生破坏。特别是户内母线桥由于安装时受地理位置的限制,绝缘子间的跨距较长,受到破坏的可能性更大,所以应加强此项工作。 下面以我局35kV/10kv胡店变电所#2主变增容为例来谈谈如何进行主变母线桥的动稳定校验和校验中应注意的问题。 1短路电流计算 图1为胡店变电所的系统主接线图。(略) 已知#1主变容量为10000kVA,短路电压为7.42%,#2主变容量为12500kVA,短路电压为7.48%(增容前短路电压为7.73%)。 取系统基准容量为100MVA,则#1主变短路电压标么值 X1=7.42/100×100×1000/10000=0.742, #2主变短路电压标么值 X2=7.48/100×100×1000/12500=0.5984 胡店变电所最大运行方式系统到35kV母线上的电抗标么值为0.2778。 ∴#1主变与#2主变的并联电抗为: X12=X1×X2/(X1+X2)=0.33125; 最大运行方式下系统到10kV母线上的组合电抗为: X=0.2778+0.33125=0.60875

∴10kV母线上的三相短路电流为:Id=100000/0.60875*√3*10.5,冲击电流:I sh=2.55I =23032.875A。 d 2动稳定校验 (1)10kV母线桥的动稳定校验: 进行母线桥动稳定校验应注意以下两点: ①电动力的计算,经过对外边相所受的力,中间相所受的力以及三相和二相电动力进行比较,三相短路时中间相所受的力最大,所以计算时必须以此为依据。 ②母线及其支架都具有弹性和质量,组成一弹性系统,所以应计算应力系数,计及共振的影响。根据以上两点,校验过程如下: 已知母线桥为8×80mm2的铝排,相间中心线间距离为210mm,先计算应力系数: ∵频率系数N f=3.56,弹性模量E=7×10.7 Pa,单位长度铝排质量M=1.568kg/m,绝缘子间跨距2m,则一阶固有频率: f’=(N f/L2)*√(EI/M)=110Hz 查表可得动态应力系数β=1.3。 ∴单位长度铝排所受的电动力为: f ph=1.73×10-7I sh2/a×β=568.1N/m ∵三相铝排水平布置,∴截面系数W=bh2/6=85333mm3,根据铝排的最大应力可确定绝缘子间允许的最大跨距为: L MAX=√10*σal*W/ f ph=3.24m ∵胡店变主变母线桥绝缘子间最大跨距为2m,小于绝缘子间的最大允许跨距。

大学物理学(第三版上) 课后习题1答案详解

习题1 1.1选择题 (1) 一运动质点在某瞬时位于矢径),(y x r 的端点处,其速度大小为 (A)dt dr (B)dt r d (C)dt r d | | (D) 22)()(dt dy dt dx + [答案:D] (2) 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度s m v /2=,瞬时加速度2 /2s m a -=,则一秒钟后质点的速度 (A)等于零 (B)等于-2m/s (C)等于2m/s (D)不能确定。 [答案:D] (3) 一质点沿半径为R 的圆周作匀速率运动,每t 秒转一圈,在2t 时间间隔中,其平均速度大小和平均速率大小分别为 (A) t R t R ππ2, 2 (B) t R π2,0 (C) 0,0 (D) 0,2t R π [答案:B] 1.2填空题 (1) 一质点,以1 -?s m π的匀速率作半径为5m 的圆周运动,则该质点在5s 内,位移的大小是 ;经过的路程是 。 [答案: 10m ; 5πm] (2) 一质点沿x 方向运动,其加速度随时间的变化关系为a=3+2t (SI),如果初始时刻质点的速度v 0为5m·s -1,则当t 为3s 时,质点的速度v= 。 [答案: 23m·s -1 ] (3) 轮船在水上以相对于水的速度1V 航行,水流速度为2V ,一人相对于甲板以速度3V 行走。如人相对于岸静止,则1V 、2V 和3V 的关系是 。 [答案: 0321=++V V V ]

1.3 一个物体能否被看作质点,你认为主要由以下三个因素中哪个因素决定: (1) 物体的大小和形状; (2) 物体的内部结构; (3) 所研究问题的性质。 解:只有当物体的尺寸远小于其运动范围时才可忽略其大小的影响,因此主要由所研究问题的性质决定。 1.4 下面几个质点运动学方程,哪个是匀变速直线运动? (1)x=4t-3;(2)x=-4t 3+3t 2+6;(3)x=-2t 2+8t+4;(4)x=2/t 2-4/t 。 给出这个匀变速直线运动在t=3s 时的速度和加速度,并说明该时刻运动是加速的还是减速的。(x 单位为m ,t 单位为s ) 解:匀变速直线运动即加速度为不等于零的常数时的运动。加速度又是位移对时间的两阶导数。于是可得(3)为匀变速直线运动。 其速度和加速度表达式分别为 2 2484 dx v t dt d x a dt = =+== t=3s 时的速度和加速度分别为v =20m/s ,a =4m/s 2。因加速度为正所以是加速的。 1.5 在以下几种运动中,质点的切向加速度、法向加速度以及加速度哪些为零哪些不为零? (1) 匀速直线运动;(2) 匀速曲线运动;(3) 变速直线运动;(4) 变速曲线运动。 解:(1) 质点作匀速直线运动时,其切向加速度、法向加速度及加速度均为零; (2) 质点作匀速曲线运动时,其切向加速度为零,法向加速度和加速度均不为零; (3) 质点作变速直线运动时,其法向加速度为零,切向加速度和加速度均不为零; (4) 质点作变速曲线运动时,其切向加速度、法向加速度及加速度均不为零。 1.6 |r ?|与r ? 有无不同?t d d r 和d d r t 有无不同? t d d v 和t d d v 有无不同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解:(1)r ?是位移的模,?r 是位矢的模的增量,即r ?12r r -=,12r r r -=?; (2) t d d r 是速度的模,即t d d r ==v t s d d . t r d d 只是速度在径向上的分量. ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则 t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中 t r d d 就是速度在径向上的分量,


母线电动力及动热稳定性计算 1 目的和范围 本文档为电气产品的母线电动力、动稳定、热稳定计算指导文件,作为产品结构设计安全指导文件的方案设计阶段指导文件,用于母线电动力、动稳定性、热稳定性计算的选型指导。 2 参加文件 表1 3 术语和缩略语 表2 4 母线电动力、动稳定、热稳定计算 4.1 载流导体的电动力计算 4.1.1 同一平面内圆细导体上的电动力计算

? 当同一平面内导体1l 和2l 分别流过1I 和2I 电流时(见图1),导体1l 上的电动力计 算 h F K I I 4210 π μ= 式中 F ——导体1l 上的电动力(N ) 0μ——真空磁导率,m H 60104.0-?=πμ; 1I 、2I ——流过导体1l 和2l 的电流(A ); h K ——回路系数,见表1。 图1 圆细导体上的电动力 表1 回路系数h K 表 两导体相互位置及示意图 h K 平 行 21l l = ∞=1l 时,a l K h 2= ∞≠1l 时,?? ? ???-+=l a l a a l K h 2)(12 21l l ≠ 22 2) ()(1l a m l a l a K h ++-+= 22)()1(l a m +-- l a m =

? 当导体1l 和2l 分别流过1I 和2I 电流时,沿1l 导体任意单位长度上各点的电动力计 算 f 124K f I I d μ= π 式中 f ——1l 导体任意单位长度上的电动力(m N ); f K ——与同一平面内两导体的长度和相互位置有关的系数,见表2。 表2 f K 系数表

4.1.2 两平行矩形截面导体上的电动力计算 两矩形导体(母线)在b <<a ,且b >>h 的情况下,其单位长度上的电动力F 的 计算见表3。 当矩形导体的b 与a 和h 的尺寸相比不可忽略时,可按下式计算 712 210x L F I I K a -=? 式中 F -两导体相互作用的电动力,N ; L -母线支承点间的距离,m ; a -导体间距,m ; 1I 、2I -流过两个矩形母线的电流,A ; x K -导体截面形状系数; 表3 两矩形导体单位长度上的电动力 4.1.3 三相母线短路时的电动力计算


筠连县分水岭煤业有限责任公司 井 下 高 压 电 缆 热 稳 定 性 校 验 计 算 书 巡司二煤矿 编制:机电科 筠连县分水岭煤业有限责任公司

井下高压电缆热稳定校验计算书 一、概述: 根据《煤矿安全规程》第453条及456条之规定,对我矿入井高压电缆进行热稳定校验。 二、确定供电方式 我矿高压供电采用分列运行供电方式,地面变电所、井下变电所均采用单母线分段分列供电方式运行,各种主要负荷分接于不同母线段。 三、井下高压电缆明细: 矿上有两趟主进线,引至巡司变电站不同母线段,一趟931线,另一趟925线。井下中央变电所由地面配电房10KV输入。 入井一回路:MYJV22-8.7/10KV 3*50mm2--800m(10KV) 入井二回路:MYJV22-8.7/10KV 3*50mm2--800m(10KV) 四、校验计算 1、井下入井回路高压电缆热稳定性校验 已知条件:该条高压电缆型号为,MYJV22-8.7/10KV 3*50mm2 ,800m,电缆长度为800m=0.8km。 (1)计算电网阻抗 查附表一,短路电流的周期分量稳定性为 电抗:X=0.072*0.8=0.0576Ω; 电阻:R=0.407*0.8=0.3256 Ω; (2)三相短路电流的计算

A Z I 5.174693305 .0310000 3v 3=?== ∞ (3)电缆热稳定校验 由于断路器的燃弧时间及固有动作时间之和约为t=0.05S; 查附表二得热稳定计算系数取K=142; 故电缆最小热值稳定截面为 23mm 51.2705.0142/5.17469t )/(min ===∞)(K I S Smin<50mm 2 故选用 MYJV 22 -8.7/10KV 3*50 电缆热稳定校验合格,符合要求。 附表一:三相电缆在工作温度时的阻抗值(Ω/Km ) 电缆截面S (mm 2 ) 4 6 10 16 2 5 35 50 70 95 120 150 185 240 交联聚乙烯 R 4.988 3.325 2.035 1.272 0.814 0.581 0.407 0.291 0.214 0.169 0.136 0.11 0.085 X 0.093 0.093 0.087 0.082 0.075 0.072 0.072 0.069 0.069 0.069 0.07 0.07 0.07 附表二 不同绝缘导体的热稳定计算系数 绝缘材料 芯线起始温度(° C ) 芯线最高允许温度(°C ) 系数K 聚氯乙烯 70 160 115(114) 普通橡胶 75 200 131 乙丙橡胶 90 250 143(142) 油浸纸绝缘 80 160 107 交联聚乙烯 90 250 142


习题1 1.1选择题 (1) 一运动质点在某瞬时位于矢径),(y x r 的端点处,其速度大小为 (A)dt dr (B)dt r d (C)dt r d | | (D) 22)()(dt dy dt dx + [答案:D] (2) 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度s m v /2=,瞬时加速度2 /2s m a -=,则 一秒钟后质点的速度 (A)等于零 (B)等于-2m/s (C)等于2m/s (D)不能确定。 [答案:D] (3) 一质点沿半径为R 的圆周作匀速率运动,每t 秒转一圈,在2t 时间间隔中,其平均速度大小和平均速率大小分别为 (A) t R t R ππ2, 2 (B) t R π2,0 (C) 0,0 (D) 0,2t R π [答案:B] 1.2填空题 (1) 一质点,以1 -?s m π的匀速率作半径为5m 的圆周运动,则该质点在5s 内,位移的大小是 ;经过的路程是 。 [答案: 10m ; 5πm] (2) 一质点沿x 方向运动,其加速度随时间的变化关系为a=3+2t (SI),如果初始时刻质点的 速度v 0为5m ·s -1 ,则当t 为3s 时,质点的速度v= 。 [答案: 23m ·s -1 ] (3) 轮船在水上以相对于水的速度1V 航行,水流速度为2V ,一人相对于甲板以速度3V 行走。如人相对于岸静止,则1V 、2V 和3V 的关系是 。 [答案: 0321=++V V V ]

1.3 一个物体能否被看作质点,你认为主要由以下三个因素中哪个因素决定: (1) 物体的大小和形状; (2) 物体的内部结构; (3) 所研究问题的性质。 解:只有当物体的尺寸远小于其运动范围时才可忽略其大小的影响,因此主要由所研究问题的性质决定。 1.4 下面几个质点运动学方程,哪个是匀变速直线运动? (1)x=4t-3;(2)x=-4t 3+3t 2+6;(3)x=-2t 2+8t+4;(4)x=2/t 2 -4/t 。 给出这个匀变速直线运动在t=3s 时的速度和加速度,并说明该时刻运动是加速的还是减速的。(x 单位为m ,t 单位为s ) 解:匀变速直线运动即加速度为不等于零的常数时的运动。加速度又是位移对时间的两阶导数。于是可得(3)为匀变速直线运动。 其速度和加速度表达式分别为 2 2484 dx v t dt d x a dt = =+== t=3s 时的速度和加速度分别为v =20m/s ,a =4m/s 2 。因加速度为正所以是加速的。 1.5 在以下几种运动中,质点的切向加速度、法向加速度以及加速度哪些为零哪些不为零? (1) 匀速直线运动;(2) 匀速曲线运动;(3) 变速直线运动;(4) 变速曲线运动。 解:(1) 质点作匀速直线运动时,其切向加速度、法向加速度及加速度均为零; (2) 质点作匀速曲线运动时,其切向加速度为零,法向加速度和加速度均不为零; (3) 质点作变速直线运动时,其法向加速度为零,切向加速度和加速度均不为零; (4) 质点作变速曲线运动时,其切向加速度、法向加速度及加速度均不为零。 1.6 |r ?|与r ? 有无不同?t d d r 和d d r t 有无不同? t d d v 和t d d v 有无不同?其不同在哪里?试举例说明. 解:(1)r ?是位移的模,?r 是位矢的模的增量,即r ?12r r -=,12r r r -=?; (2) t d d r 是速度的模,即t d d r ==v t s d d . t r d d 只是速度在径向上的分量. ∵有r r ?r =(式中r ?叫做单位矢),则 t ?r ?t r t d d d d d d r r r += 式中 t r d d 就是速度在径向上的分量,


“异化”与“归化”之间的关系并评述 1、什么是归化与异化 归化”与“异化”是翻译中常面临的两种选择。钱锺书相应地称这两种情形叫“汉化”与“欧化”。A.归化 所谓“归化”(domestication 或target-language-orientedness),是指在翻译过程中尽可能用本民族的方式去表现外来的作品;归化翻译法旨在尽量减少译文中的异国情调,为目的语读者提供一种自然流畅的译文。Venuti 认为,归化法源于这一著名翻译论说,“尽量不干扰读者,请作者向读者靠近” 归化翻译法通常包含以下几个步骤:(1)谨慎地选择适合于归化翻译的文本;(2)有意识地采取一种自然流畅的目的语文体;(3)把译文调整成目的语篇体裁;(4)插入解释性资料;(5)删去原文中的实观材料;(6)调协译文和原文中的观念与特征。 B.“异化”(foreignization或source-language-orientedness)则相反,认为既然是翻译,就得译出外国的味儿。异化是根据既定的语法规则按字面意思将和源语文化紧密相连的短语或句子译成目标语。例如,将“九牛二虎之力”译为“the strength of nine bulls and two tigers”。异化能够很好地保留和传递原文的文化内涵,使译文具有异国情调,有利于各国文化的交流。但对于不熟悉源语及其文化的读者来说,存在一定的理解困难。随着各国文化交流愈来愈紧密,原先对于目标语读者很陌生的词句也会变得越来越普遍,即异化的程度会逐步降低。 Rome was not built in a day. 归化:冰冻三尺,非一日之寒. 异化:罗马不是一天建成的. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 异化:Rome was not built in a day. 归化:the thick ice is not formed in a day. 2、归化异化与直译意译 归化和异化,一个要求“接近读者”,一个要求“接近作者”,具有较强的界定性;相比之下,直译和意译则比较偏重“形式”上的自由与不自由。有的文中把归化等同于意译,异化等同于直译,这样做其实不够科学。归化和异化其实是在忠实地传达原作“说了什么”的基础之上,对是否尽可能展示原作是“怎么说”,是否最大限度地再现原作在语言文化上的特有风味上采取的不同态度。两对术语相比,归化和异化更多地是有关文化的问题,即是否要保持原作洋味的问题。 3、不同层面上的归化与异化 1、句式 翻译中“归化”表现在把原文的句式(syntactical structure)按照中文的习惯句式译出。


井下高压开关、供电电缆动热稳定性校验 一、-350中央变电所开关断路器开断能力及电缆热稳定性校验 1 23 G 35kV 2 Uz%=7.5△P N.T =12kW △P N.T =3.11kW S N.T =8MVA 6kV S1点三相短路电流计算: 35kV 变压器阻抗: 2 22.1. u %7.5 6.30.37()1001008z N T N T U Z S ?===Ω? 35kV 变压器电阻:2 22.1.22. 6.30.0120.007()8 N T N T N T U R P S =?=?=Ω 35kV 变压器电抗:10.37()X = ==Ω 电缆电抗:02(x )0.415000.08780 0.66()1000 1000i L X ??+?== =Ω∑ 电缆电阻:02(x )0.11815000.118780 0.27()1000 1000 i L R ??+?== =Ω∑ 总阻抗: 21.370.66) 1.06( Z ==Ω S1点三相短路电流:(3)1 3.43()d I KA === S2点三相短路电流计算: S2点所用电缆为MY-3×70+1×25,长400米,变压器容量为500KV A ,查表的:(2)2d I =2.5KA

S2点三相短路电流:32 d d =2.88I I KA = 1、架空线路、入井电缆的热稳定性校验。已知供电负荷为3128.02KV A ,电压为6KV ,需用系数0.62,功率因数cos 0.78φ=,架空线路长度1.5km ,电缆长度780m (1)按经济电流密度选择电缆,计算容量为 3128.020.62 2486.37cos 0.78 kp S KVA φ?= ==。 电缆的长时工作电流Ig 为239.25 Ig === A 按长时允许电流校验电缆截面查煤矿供电表5-15得MYJV42-3×185-6/6截面长时允许电流为479A/6kV 、大于239.25A 符合要求。 (2)按电压损失校验,配电线路允许电压损失5%得 60000.1300Uy V ?=?=,线路的实际电压损失 109.1L U COS DS φφ?====,U ?小于300V 电压损失满足要求 (3)热稳定性条件校验,短路电流的周期分量稳定性为 电缆最小允许热稳定截面积: 3 2min d =S I mm 其中:i t ----断路器分断时间,一般取0.25s ; C----电缆热稳定系数,一般取100,环境温度35℃,电缆温升不超过120℃时,铜芯电缆聚乙烯电缆熔化温度为130℃,电


1.试求出圆柱坐标系的尺度系数,并由此导出圆柱坐标系中的导热微分方程。 2 .一无限大平板,初始温度为T 0;τ>0时,在x = 0表面处绝热;在x = L 表面以对流方式向温度为t f 的流体换热。试用分离变量法求出τ>0时平板的温度分布(常物性)。(需求出特征函数、超越方程的具体形式,范数(模)可用积分形式表示)。(15分) , 3.简述近似解析解——积分法中热层厚度δ的概念。 答:近似解析解:既有分析解的特征:得到的结果具有解析函数形式,又有近似解的特征:结果只能近似满足导热解问题。在有限的时间内,边界温度 的变化对于区域温度场的影响只是在某一有限的范围内,把这个有限的范围定义为热层厚度δ。 4.与单相固体导热相比,相变导热有什么特点 答:相变导热包含了相变和导热两种物理过程。相变导热的特点是 1.固、液两相之间存在着 移动的交界面。 2.两相交界面有潜热的释放(或吸收) | 对流部分(所需量和符号自己设定) 1 推导极坐标系下二维稳态导热微分方程。 2 已知绕流平板流动附面层微分方程为 y u y u V x u u 22??=??+??ν 取相似变量为: x u y νη∞ = x u f νψ∞= 写出问题的数学模型并求问题的相似解。 3 已知绕流平板流动换热的附面层能量积分方程为: ?=∞?? =-δ00)(y y t a dy t t u dx d 当Pr<<1时,写出问题的数学模型并求问题的近似积分解及平均Nu (取三次多项式)。 4 ] O x

5写出常热流圆管内热充分发展流动和换热问题的数学模型并求出速度和温度分布及Nu x.辐射 1.请推导出具有n个表面的净热流法壁面间辐射换热求解公式,并简要说明应用任一种数值方法的求解过程。 2.试推导介质辐射传递方程的微分形式和积分形式,要求表述出各个步骤和结果中各个相关量的含义。 3.根据光谱辐射强度表示下面各量:1)光谱定向辐射力;2)定向辐射力;3)光谱辐射力;4)辐射力;5)辐射热流量。要求写清各量的符号、单位。 4.说明下列术语(可用数学表达式)(每题4分) a)光学厚度 b)漫有色表面 c)? d)兰贝特余弦定律 e)光谱散射相函数 f)定向“灰”入射辐射






翻译的归化与异化 作者:熊启煦 作者单位:西南民族大学,四川,成都,610041 刊名: 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 英文刊名:JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY FOR NATIONALITIES(HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE) 年,卷(期):2005,26(8) 被引用次数:14次 参考文献(3条) 1.鲁迅且介亭杂文二集·题未定草 2.刘英凯归化--翻译的歧路 3.钱钟书林纾的翻译 引证文献(15条) 1.郭锋一小议英语翻译当中的信达雅[期刊论文]-青春岁月 2011(4) 2.许丽红论汉英语言中的文化差异与翻译策略[期刊论文]-考试周刊 2010(7) 3.王笑东浅谈汉英语言中的差异与翻译方法[期刊论文]-中国校外教育(理论) 2010(6) 4.王宁中西语言中的文化差异与翻译[期刊论文]-中国科技纵横 2010(12) 5.鲍勤.陈利平英语隐喻类型及翻译策略[期刊论文]-云南农业大学学报(社会科学版) 2010(2) 6.罗琴.宋海林浅谈汉英语言中的文化差异及翻译策略[期刊论文]-内江师范学院学报 2010(z2) 7.白蓝跨文化视野下文学作品的英译策略[期刊论文]-湖南社会科学 2009(5) 8.王梦颖探析汉英语言中的文化差异与翻译策略[期刊论文]-中国校外教育(理论) 2009(8) 9.常晖英汉成语跨文化翻译策略[期刊论文]-河北理工大学学报(社会科学版) 2009(1) 10.常晖对翻译文化建构的几点思考[期刊论文]-牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) 2009(4) 11.常晖认知——功能视角下隐喻的汉译策略[期刊论文]-外语与外语教学 2008(11) 12.赵勇刚汉英语言中的文化差异与翻译策略[期刊论文]-时代文学 2008(6) 13.常晖.胡渝镛从文化角度看文学作品的翻译[期刊论文]-重庆工学院学报(社会科学版) 2008(7) 14.曾凤英从文化认知的视角谈英语隐喻的翻译[期刊论文]-各界 2007(6) 15.罗琴.宋海林浅谈汉英语言中的文化差异及翻译策略[期刊论文]-内江师范学院学报 2010(z2) 本文链接:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f17596907.html,/Periodical_xnmzxyxb-zxshkxb200508090.aspx


*作品编号:DG13485201600078972981* 创作者:玫霸* 筠连县分水岭煤业有限责任公司 井 下 高 压 电 缆 热 稳 定 性 校 验 计 算 书 巡司二煤矿

编制:机电科 筠连县分水岭煤业有限责任公司 井下高压电缆热稳定校验计算书 一、概述: 根据《煤矿安全规程》第453条及456条之规定,对我矿入井高压电缆进行热稳定校验。 二、确定供电方式 我矿高压供电采用分列运行供电方式,地面变电所、井下变电所均采用单母线分段分列供电方式运行,各种主要负荷分接于不同母线段。 三、井下高压电缆明细: 矿上有两趟主进线,引至巡司变电站不同母线段,一趟931线,另一趟925线。井下中央变电所由地面配电房10KV输入。 入井一回路:MYJV22-8.7/10KV 3*50mm2--800m(10KV) 入井二回路:MYJV22-8.7/10KV 3*50mm2--800m(10KV) 四、校验计算 1、井下入井回路高压电缆热稳定性校验 已知条件:该条高压电缆型号为,MYJV22-8.7/10KV 3*50mm2 ,800m,电缆长度为800m=0.8km。 (1)计算电网阻抗 查附表一,短路电流的周期分量稳定性为

电抗:X=0.072*0.8=0.0576Ω; 电阻:R=0.407*0.8=0.3256 Ω; (2)三相短路电流的计算 (3)电缆热稳定校验 由于断路器的燃弧时间及固有动作时间之和约为t=0.05S; 查附表二得热稳定计算系数取K=142; 故电缆最小热值稳定截面为 Smin<50mm2故选用 MYJV22 -8.7/10KV 3*50 电缆热稳定校验合格,符合要求。 附表一:三相电缆在工作温度时的阻抗值(Ω/Km)


翻译作业10 Nov 15 一、请按归化法(Domestication)翻译下列习语。 Kill two birds with one stone a wolf in sheep’s clothing strike while the iron is hot. go through fire and water add fuel to the flames / pour oil on the flames spring up like mushrooms every dog has his day keep one’s head above water live a dog’s life as poor as a church mouse a lucky dog an ass in a lion’s skin a wolf in sheep’s clothing Love me, love my dog. a lion in the way lick one’s boots as timid as a hare at a stone’s throw as stupid as a goose wet like a drown rat as dumb as an oyster lead a dog’s life talk horse One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, and three boys nobody. Man proposes, God disposes. Cry up wine and sell vinegar (cry up, to praise; extol: to cry up one's profession) Once bitten, twice shy. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. New booms sweep clean. take French leave seek a hare in a hen’s nest have an old head on young shoulder Justice has long arms You can’t teach an old dog Rome was not built in a day. He that lives with cripples learns to limp. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. The more you get, the more you want. 二、请按异化法(foreignization)翻译下列习语。 Kill two birds with one stone a wolf in sheep’s clothing


2004年上海理工大学硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:传热学准考证号:得分: 一、问答题(每题5分) 1. 一无内热源平板沿厚度x方向发生一维稳态导热,其一侧表面上的温度梯度 =30 ℃/m,导热系数λ1=40W/(m.℃),如果其另一侧表面上的导热系数λ2=50W/(m.℃),问这一侧表面上的温度梯度是多少? 2. 解释毕渥准则数Bi的物理含义,并说明为什么用Bi判别非稳态导热问题能否采用集总参数法求解。 3. 图1.1示出了常物性、有均匀内热源、二维稳态导热问题局部边界区域的网格配置,试用元体平衡法建立节点0关于温度t的有限差分方程式(设 ,所需参数的符号自己设定)。 4. 当条件相同时,物体在空气中冷却快还是在水中冷却快?这一现象说明对流换热与什么因素相关? 5. 试用简图表示流体沿平板流动时速度边界层的发展并说明速度边界层内分成哪些区域? 6. 试解释普朗特数Pr的物理意义,并示意性的画出Pr>1时的速度边界层和热边界层厚度沿板长的变化(速度边界层和热边界层要画在同一图上以便比较)。 7. 说明温度附面层的概念及附面层能量微分方程在物理上忽略了哪部分换热。 8. 在应用管内旺盛紊流实验关联式时,当流体与换热壁面温差较大时需要对计算结果修正,为什么? 9. 试说明为什么一个细长圆柱水平放置时自然对流换热一般大于竖直放置时的自然对流换热? 10.在稳定膜态沸腾过程中,为什么换热系数随 增加而迅速上升?

11.试说明大气中CO2含量增高为什么会出现大气温室效应? 二、计算题 1. (10分)一直径为5cm的钢球,其初始温度为500℃,突然被置于温度为 30℃的空气中。设钢球表面与周围环境的对流换热系数为10 W/m2℃,试计算钢球非稳态导热的时间常数及其被冷却到300℃所需的时间。已知钢球的比热为c=0.48kJ/kg℃, ρ=7753kg/m3, λ=33W/m℃。 2. (20分)长10m、外径133mm的水平管道通过一大房间,房间壁面及其内 的空气温度均为30℃。若管道表面温度为90℃、黑度为0.9,求管道的散 热量(自然对流换热的努塞尔特数用下式计算)。3. (22分)如图2所示为一半径R=1m的半球,球冠3绝热。底面1和2的 温度分别为500℃和100℃,黑度都为0.9,求底面1和2间的辐射散热量。 4. (23分)温度为95℃的热空气流经一内径100mm、厚度6mm的圆管,管 壁导热系数为22 W/m℃。管外环境温度为30℃,管外壁与环境的总换热系数为10 W/m2℃。若管内空气质量流量为407kg/h,求管出口空气温度降低到65℃时的管长(不需考虑修正)。 三、理论题 1.(8分)一厚度为2δ的无内热源薄平板,其导热系数和初始温度分别为 λ和t0,突然被插在温度为t f的流体中。平板表面与流体的换热系数为h,给出问题的完整数学描述。 2. (12分)绕流平板换热的附面层积分方程为: 平板温度为t W,来流速度和温度分别为u∞和t∞,若Pr<<1,可以忽略速

大学物理学 第三版 课后习题答案

1-4 在离水面高h 米的岸上,有人用绳子拉船靠岸,船在离岸S 处,如题1-4图所示.当人以 0v (m ·1-s )的速率收绳时,试求船运动的速度和加速度的大小. 图1-4 解: 设人到船之间绳的长度为l ,此时绳与水面成θ角,由图可知 222s h l += 将上式对时间t 求导,得 t s s t l l d d 2d d 2= 题1-4图 根据速度的定义,并注意到l ,s 是随t 减少的, ∴ t s v v t l v d d ,d d 0-==- =船绳 即 θ cos d d d d 00v v s l t l s l t s v ==-=- =船 或 s v s h s lv v 0 2/1220)(+==船 将船v 再对t 求导,即得船的加速度 1-6 已知一质点作直线运动,其加速度为 a =4+3t 2s m -?,开始运动时,x =5 m , v =0, 求该质点在t =10s 时的速度和位置. 解:∵ t t v a 34d d +==

分离变量,得 t t v d )34(d += 积分,得 122 34c t t v ++= 由题知,0=t ,00=v ,∴01=c 故 22 34t t v += 又因为 22 34d d t t t x v +== 分离变量, t t t x d )2 3 4(d 2+= 积分得 2322 12c t t x ++= 由题知 0=t ,50=x ,∴52=c 故 52 1232++=t t x 所以s 10=t 时 1-10 以初速度0v =201s m -?抛出一小球,抛出方向与水平面成幔60°的夹角, 求:(1)球轨道最高点的曲率半径1R ;(2)落地处的曲率半径2R . (提示:利用曲率半径与法向加速度之间的关系) 解:设小球所作抛物线轨道如题1-10图所示. 题1-10图 (1)在最高点, 又∵ 1 2 11 ρv a n =


案例--变电所母线桥的动稳定校验 朱时光修改 下面以35kV/10kv某变电所#2主变增容为例来谈谈如何进行主变母线桥的动稳定校验和校验中应注意的问题。 1短路电流计算 图1为某变电所的系统主接线图。(略) 已知#1主变容量为10000kVA,短路电压为7.42%,#2主变容量原为1000为kVA 增容为12500kVA,短路电压为7.48%。 取系统基准容量为100MVA,则#1主变短路电压标么值 X1=7.42/100×100×1000/10000=0.742, #2主变短路电压标么值 X2=7.48/100×100×1000/12500=0.5984 假定某变电所最大运行方式系统到35kV母线上的电抗标么值为0.2778。 ∴#1主变与#2主变的并联电抗为: X12=X1×X2/(X1+X2)=0.33125; 最大运行方式下系统到10kV母线上的组合电抗为: X=0.2778+0.33125=0.60875 ∴10kV母线上的三相短路电流为:Id=100000/0.60875*√3*10.5=9.04KA,冲击电流:I s h=2.55I d=23.05KA。 2动稳定校验

(1)10kV母线桥的动稳定校验: 进行母线桥动稳定校验应注意以下两点: ①电动力的计算,经过对外边相所受的力,中间相所受的力以及三相和二相电动力进行比较,三相短路时中间相所受的力最大,所以计算时必须以此为依据。 ②母线及其支架都具有弹性和质量,组成一弹性系统,所以应计算应力系数,计及共振的影响。 根据以上两点,校验过程如下: 已知母线桥为8×80mm2的铝排,相间中心线间距离A为210mm,先计算应力系数: 6Kg/Cm2, ∵频率系数N f=3.56,弹性模量E=0.71×10 -4kg.s2/cm2,绝缘子间跨距2m, 单位长度铝排质量M=0.176X10 截面惯性矩J=bh3/12=34.13c m4或取惯性半径(查表)与母线截面的积, ∵三相铝排水平布置,∴截面系数W=bh2/6=8.55Cm3, 则一阶固有频率: f0=(3.56/L2)*√(EJ/M)=104(Hz) 查表可得动态应力系数β=1.33。 ∴铝母排所受的最大机械应力为: σMAX=1.7248×10-3I s h2(L2/Aw)×β=270.35 kg/c m2<σ允许=500 根据铝排的最大应力可确定绝缘子间允许的最大跨距为:(简化公式可查表) L MAX=1838√a/ I s h=366(c m) ∵某变主变母线桥绝缘子间最大跨距为2m,小于绝缘子间的最大允许跨距。

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