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对于多年不接触英语的考友,大都对英语复习有些手忙脚乱,且摸不着头绪,报个考前辅导班,跟着老师系统的学一下还是很有必要的。我工作虽说不是很忙,但总有这事那事离不开,再加上家务和孩子,事也很多。经过原来同事推荐,我报了 ___的网络课堂的职称英语辅导班,这样我抽时间在公司也能上网听些课,而且一遍没听懂还能反复听,特别适合我这种基础不好的人。最重要的是在课堂上,李玉技老师能告诉我们一些应试时答题的'技巧,在考试时,即使有不懂的单词、句子,不用查词典,也能利用这些技巧选出正确答案。







2015年职称英语理工类C级考试真题及答案第一部分:词汇选项 1. The weather last summer was awful. A. bad B. fair C. dry D. hot 参考答案:A 2. The law carries a penalty of up to three years in prison. A. message B. guilt C. obligation D. punishment 参考答案:D 3. My piano playing has improved significantly since I had a new teacher. A. definitely B. generally C. certainly D. greatly 参考答案:D 4. There is a need for radical changes in education.

A. revolutionary B. long-term C. short-term D. systematic 参考答案:A 5. It frustrates me that I‘m not able to put any of my ideas into practice. A. discourages B. shows C. surprises D. frightens 参考答案:A 6. I realized to my horror that I had forgotten the present. A. limit B. fear C. power D. fool 参考答案:B 7. He tried to assemble his thoughts. A. gather B. clear C. share D. spare

2021年职称英语考试备考应试方法 学习英语五大忌讳

职称英语考试备考应试方法学习英语五大忌讳 职称英语考试备考应试方法:学习英语五大忌讳 第一,过分讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。语言的运用是一种技能,但这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的。太讲究方法和技巧会被其占用很多的时间和精力,而对的内容本身投入较少的时间和精力,因此反而会影响学习的效果。如有一个参加高等教育自学考试的青年,他订了十 多种讲自学和考试的刊物,认真学习和研究,讲起方法来一套一套的,可他每次参考的科目却大多考不及格。这是因为他只顾钻研方法和技巧,在学习内容上花的时间和精力太少,而且养成了投机取巧、不肯下功夫的习惯。方法和技巧只能适当利用,并且要从自己的学习实践中摸索出适合自己的方法和技巧才会真正管用。源自中华会计网校 第二,过分讲究速度和效率,不愿花时间经常重复(复习)已学过的内容,只求懂了则罢。语言的运用既是一种技能,技能则只有靠熟能生巧,要不断的重复才会熟练,只有熟练了才会形成一种应用自如、不假思索的技能。

第三,三天打鱼两天晒网,没有恒心,不能长期坚持学习。技能的熟练要有一个过程,在这个过程中会遇到各种困难,但不能向困难低头,要坚持不懈地反复学习,持之以恒。 第四,不重视听力训练。语言是有声的,我们对语言的感受首先是语言的声音作用于我们的大脑,如果不练习听力,只是默默地阅读和背单词,其结果不仅听不懂别人讲外语,而且阅读水平也难以提高。 第五,只学而不“用”,完全是以“学”的`态度来学外语。语言的实践性很强,如果只学而不用,就永远也学不好。我们学语言的目的就是为了应用,要学会在用中学习,这样才能提高兴趣,达到好的学习效果。 值得特别注意的是,“用”不只是有意识的用,很多时候是要无意识的“用”。比如在吃饭、洗碗、聊天、上网、洗脸、洗脚、洗衣服、做家务事的时候,可把录音和电视打开听英语;比如看电影、看新闻、听歌曲,看小说也要看英文的;比如电脑上可装英文的操作系统和应用软件;比如上网用英文聊天,等等。总之,要根据自己的条件营造一个外语环境,在这个环境中使自己听顺耳、看顺眼、读顺口、写顺手(“四顺”),就象练气功一样达到“顺”的境界。这样在不知不觉中过了一段时间后,你会发现已经懂了许多,而且会


阅读理解:第三篇Cooking Oil Fumes Tumor C级 The leading cause of lung cancer among women in the city was cooking oil fumes while men are more likely to develop the disease from smoking ,said medical experts after a five-year research study . Doctors announced the results yesterday with analysis on some new tendencies in lung cancer. They said patients are younger, especially women. According to the Shanghai Tumor research Institute, more local residents die of lung cancer in the city than anything else .Following breast cancer ,it has the second-highest incidence rate. “An unhealthy lifestyle is a very important reason for lung cancer ,” said Dr He Yumin from Shanghai Minshen Traditional Chinese Medicine Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment Center. He followed 2,276 lung cancer patients for five years. Among them, 1,483 were male. Smoking causes 70 percent of cases among men while only 18 percent of female patients developed cancer from smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke, according to the report. However, more than 60 percent of women with the disease had long term, close contact with strong oil fumes from cooking and complained about irritated eyes and throat. About 32 percent of women fried foods in boiling oil in unventilated kitchens and about 25 percent of women’s bedrooms were adjacent to the kitchens. However , local women were adjacent to then cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer .come claimed they may change food preparation methods. “Unless my family and I don/t eat at home every day , I must stay in the kitchen to cook,” said Xu Li, a 45-year-old local woman. “I know the fumes are bad for the skin, but it is the first time I heard that it can result in lung cancer. I have already started frying less.” Doctors said women’s lung cancer had few links to personal health and physical condition, but was closely related to family cancer history, unhealthy dietary habits and weak immune systems. Other experts agreed with He. “Smoking is by far the biggest cause of lung cancer for men,” said Dr Tan Binyong, honorary president of the Respiratory Disease Institute at Fudan University’s Medical College. “It’s true that second-hand smoke and cooking fumes are the main causes among women.” He’s research also warned people not to stand near of stalls selling fried foods due to the poor quality of oils used. The chance of catching lung cancer is three times higher if exposed to the fume for a long time, experts said. 练习: 1.What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers? D A Men are more likely to develop lung cancer than women. B Women are more likely to develop lung cancer than men. C Patients with lung cancer become older, especially males. D Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially females. 2. Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai? B A Heart disease. B Breast cancer. C Infectious diseases. D Lung cancer. 3. What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term, close contact with cooking oil fumes? A


职称英语六大题型解 题技巧

六大题型王牌解题技巧汇萃 词汇题解题技巧 一、解题思路的转化 在职称英语考试过程中,词汇选项题是较为简单的一种题型,同时该题为整个卷面的第一大题,因此词汇选项题做得好与坏直接影响到考生全部的临场心理状态。词汇选项题的较为快捷和实用的解决办法是: 1.把句子对单词的题转化成单词对单词的题,简而言之就是不需要读懂题干句子的意思。 2.查找字典,确定正确答案。在查字典的过程中还是要注意个别问题: ①题肢选项查找的顺序问题。美国权威机构通过对标准化考试的研究与分析,最终得出结论:在题肢是A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项的情况下,往往B)和C)正确的几率较大。因此查字典时我们最好从B)和C)答案查起。 ②选项在字典中义项的确定问题。由于职称英语考试是全国统一的规范化考试,词汇项的选择往往以常用词汇为主。因此,我们往往以字典中该选项的前三个义项为主。 ③在确定了正确答案之后,其他选项就不必再查了。 3.词汇选项题需要注意的原则: ①(不)及物性一致的原则。也就是说划线单词或词组如果是(不)及物动词或词组,那么所选的动词或词组也必须是(不)及物动词或词组。 ②单(复)数一致的原则。 也就是说划线单词如果是单(复)数可数名词,那么作为正确答案的选项也必须是单(复)数可数名词。 ③时态一致原则

④意义一致原则 这是一个基本原则,意思相近的词才能入选正确答案。 ⑤词性一致原则 4.词汇题的绝对准确要凭字典。 词汇题一般情况下仅凭字典一般也能做对,因此考生对自己不认识、不熟悉或没有绝对把握的题一定要通过字典来确认,从而确保词汇题100%的正确率。 阅读判断的必背解题技巧 一、题型要求 题目是若干个陈述句(statement),要求根据原文所给的信息,判断每个陈述句是对(Right) 、错(Wrong),还是未提及(Not Mentioned)。 这种题型的难度在于,在对和错之外还有第三种状态:未提及。很多同学难以区分“错”和“未提及”。实际上,这种题型本身有一定缺陷,即不严密,有些题目很难自圆其说,但大多数题目还是有规律可循的,同学们应认真阅读下面的方法和规律,争取做对大多数的题目。 二、解题步骤 对于考生而言,职称英语考试的时间非常紧张,阅读判断题型不适合先阅读文章后做题,而应当先阅读题目后看文意,这样便于节省时间。 第一步:寻找关键词回归定位,找出题目在原文中的出处。 1准确确定题目中的关键词,然后寻关键词在文章中所在的句子及段落。 在这里我们必须明确一下“关键词”的有关知识理论:Ⅰ、关键词的确定依据:①在文章中出现频率较低;②醒目好找,有利于及时确定答案。Ⅱ、关键词是指:①名词或名词性短语;②形容(副)词或形容(副)词性短语;③专有名词;④数字或年代。Ⅲ、关键词的例外原则①文章标题中的单词一般不宜作为关键词;②在文章中出现频率较高的词一般不宜作为关


2014职称英语《理工B》真题及答案(代码22) 第一部分:词汇选项 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。 1. The majority of people around here are decent. A. real B. honest C. normal D. wealthy 答案:D 2. The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. A. hidden B. traditional C. inflexible D. official 答案:C 3. The committee was asked to render a report on the housing situation. A. furnish B. copy C. publish D. summarize 答案:A 4. Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down. A. excitement B. disappointment C. anger D. calm 答案:B 5. Several windows had been smashed. A. cleaned

C. fixed D. broken 答案:D 6. The worst agonies of the war were now beginning. A. pains B. parts C. aspects D. results 答案:A 7. London quickly became a flourishing port. A. major B. large C. successful D. commercial 答案:C 8. She felt that she had done her good deed for the day. A. homework B. justice C. model D. act 答案:D 9. He led a very moral life. A. human B. intelligent C. natural D. honourable 答案:D 好学教育2015年职称英语考试过关课程课件汇总:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8f13457999.html,/RhFad1W 10. His stomach felt hollow with fear.



职称英语考试备考技巧 一、词汇: 需要考生在最后阶段练习查字典,建议一天练习查60对,而且一个词汇题要反、正查,同时也要进行职称考试中常考词汇的记忆,这样可以在考试时提高速度,节省时间。 词汇题一般情况下仅凭字典一般也能做对,因此考生对自己不认识、不熟悉或没有绝对把握的题一定要通过字典来确认,从而确保词汇题100%的正确率。特别提醒考生,考试时要带上一本带有同义词的词典。且词典不能含有职称、考试等字样,更不能带电子词典。 二、阅读判断: 答题时需掌握一条原则,就是在文章中有明确提出的才能确定为对。题目中若出现must、only、all、always等时,答案一般不会是对的。 除上面的原则外,一般根据下列原则和规律也可以确定正确答案。选择A、B或C的三种情况: 选A的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全一致或基本一致 选B的情况:如果某题干与原文信息完全相反 选C的情况:如果某题干部分或局部信息在原文中未提到 三、概括大意和完成句子: 概括大意要先看选项,寻找关键词,确定所考段落。完成句子则要根据所给的短句进行选择,比较好的方法是找同类动词。 同时读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇,正确答案常常是主题句的改写。读每段话时,并不是该段话全要仔细阅读。这样,既浪费时间,也不容易抓住重点。应该抓住该段话的主题句。 四、阅读理解: 首先要重点掌握教材上的阅读理解的重点文章的背诵,来抓住出自教材上的分数,这是顺利通过考试很关键的一步。

同时充分利用老师在课上讲的解题技巧,如大标题做题法、红花绿叶原则、顺序出题原则、关键词回归定位法通过做模拟试题来进行解题技巧的演练和应用。 在做题时要注意:搞清主旨题、细节题、推理题、逻辑关系题、观点态度题。注意标题、首尾段、首尾句、逻辑关系处、细节处等出题点;在阅读时见到日期、数量等要先做好标记,这样有重点有理有节的解题,才有可能取得满意的成绩。 五、补全短文: 要先看标题定文体,再看选项,观察选项时应注意抓主干,猜大意,弄清选项大意是表示定义、因果、例子还是措施;不要放过代词、专用名字、连接词、数字等特征词;然后回头再去看课文,明确1-5的位置。 解每道题时只需要阅读该题所在段落,不需要阅读其他段落。往往通过阅读该题目的前后句就能够确定答案,在考试时,应该注意利用以下前后句子存在的关系来做题: (1)利用转折关系 (2)利用归纳总结关系 (3)利用总分关系 (4)利用并列关系 六、完形填空: (1)掌握教材上的文章内容,尤其是2013年新增文章。把这些文章在考前一个月内,争取背到“滚瓜烂熟”,这样,就算考试时怎样变化都可以应付。 (2)语法知识的总结和固定搭配、词组的记忆。这样在做题时,阅读整篇文章,考生才能从头判断每个空所缺的词的语言形式,如词类、时态、语态,并判断该词应具有的符合文章上下文的词义,最后从给出的四个选项中,选出在语法与词义上均与原文相符合的一个。除掌握以上解题技巧外,考生最好配合在模拟真实的考试时间进行模拟试题的演练,这样不但可以直接掌握复习效果,还可以迅速找到自己的薄弱环节,通过单项训练,逐一提高成绩。最后,提醒考生,在抓紧时间复习的同时要放松心情,以轻松的心态迎接考试。预祝顺利通过考试! 全国职称英语考试必过秘籍(免背单词+免读全文版) 1、试题概况及答题顺序 1.1、必杀技:见下表中“答题顺序”:


职称英语考试理工类B级考试试题(1)2 第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分) 阅读下面这篇短文。短文后列出了7个句子。请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息。请在答题卡上把A涂黑:如果该句提供的是错误信息。请在答题卡上把B涂黑:如果该句的信息文章中没有提及。请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 The Smog(烟雾) For over a month. Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as the country Suffered its worst drought for 50 years . Smoke form the fires mixed with sunlight and hot dry air to form a cloud of smog This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging over neighbouring countries including Malaysia.Singapore and Thailand When the smoke combined with pollution from factories and cars.it soon became poisonous (有毒的)。Dangerous amounts of CO became trapped under the smog and pollution levels rose. People wheezed f喘息)and coughed as they left the house and their eyes watered immediately. The smog made it impossible to see across streets and whole cities disappeared as grey soot (烟灰)covered everything.In some areas,water was hosed(用胶管浇)from high—rise city buildings to tIY and break up the smog.


职称英语考试备考5大方法 第一,过度讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。语言的使用是 一种技能,但这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的。太讲究方法和技巧 会被其占用很多的时间和精力,而对学习的内容本身投入较少的时间 和精力,所以反而会影响学习的效果。如有一个参加高等教育自学考 试的青年,他订了十 多种讲自学和考试的刊物,认真学习和研究,讲起方法来一套一 套的,可他每次参考的科目却大多考不及格。这是因为他只顾钻研方 法和技巧,在学习内容上花的时间和精力太少,而且养成了投机取巧、不肯下功夫的习惯。方法和技巧只能适当利用,并且要从自己的学习 实践中摸索出适合自己的方法和技巧才会真正管用。 第二,过度讲究速度和效率,不愿花时间经常重复(复习)已学过 的内容,只求懂了则罢。语言的使用既是一种技能,技能则只有靠熟 能生巧,要持续的重复才会熟练,只有熟练了才会形成一种应用自如、不假思索的技能。 第三,三天打鱼两天晒网,没有恒心,不能长期坚持学习。技能 的熟练要有一个过程,在这个过程中会遇到各种困难,但不能向困难 低头,要坚持不懈地反复学习,持之以恒。 第四,不重视听力训练。语言是有声的,我们对语言的感受首先 是语言的声音作用于我们的大脑,如果不练习听力,仅仅默默地阅读 和背单词,其结果不但听不懂别人讲外语,而且阅读水平也难以提升。 第五,只学而不“用”,完全是以“学”的态度来学外语。语言 的实践性很强,如果只学而不用,就永远也学不好。我们学语言的目 的就是为了应用,要学会在用中学习,这样才能提升兴趣,达到好的 学习效果。 值得特别注意的是,“用”不但仅有意识的用,很多时候是要无 意识的“用”。比如在吃饭、洗碗、聊天、上网、洗脸、洗脚、洗衣


概括大意完成句子: Intelligence a Changed View 1. Paragraph 2 C. Effect of Environment on Intelligence 2. Paragraph 4 A. Main Results of Recent Researches 3. Paragraph 5 F. A Changed View of Intelligence 4. Paragraph 6 E. Impact on School Education 5.It was once believed D. that intelligence was something a baby was born with, and thus we can tell how successful he/she will be in the future according to his/her intelligence. 6.More recent researches has shown that intelligence is only partly inherited F. and partly has to do with a child?s living environment . 7.It can be inferred from the passage that a child will B. have a better chance to develop his intelligence if he has more opportunities to communicate with others by means of language. 8.Children were not just born to be more intelligent or less intelligent, but they can be taught to be more intelligent at school. 1. Intelligence was believed to be a fixed entity, some faculty of the mind that we all possess and which determines in some way the extent of our achievements. Its value therefore,was as a predictor of children's future learning. If they differed markedly in their ability to learn'complex tasks, then it was clearly necessary to educate them differently and the need for different types of school and even different ability groups within school was obvious.Intelligence tests could be used for streaming children according to ability at an early age; and at 11 these tests were superior to measures of attainment for selecting children for different types of secondary education. 2. Today, we are beginning to think differently. In the last few years, research has thrown doubt on the view that innate intelligence can ever be measured and on the very nature of intelligence itself. There is considerable evidence now which shows the great influence of environment both on achievement and intelligence. Children with poor home backgrounds not only do less well in their school work and intelligence tests but their performance tends to deteriorate gradually compared with that of their more fortunate classmates. 3. There are evidences that support the view that we have to distinguish between genetic intelligence and observed intelligence. Any deficiency in the appropriate genes will restrict development no matter how stimulating the environment. We cannot observe and measure innate intelligence, whereas we can observe and measure the effects of the interaction of whatever is inherited with whatever stimulation has been received from the environment. Researches have been investigating what happens in this interaction. 4.Two major findings have emerged from these researches. Firstly, the greater part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life. It is estimated that 50 percent of measurable intelligence at age 17 is already predictable by the age of four. Secondly, he most important factors in the environment are language and psychological aspects of the parent-child relationship. Much of the difference in measured intelligence between "privileged" and "disadvantaged" children may be due to the latter's lack of appropriate verbal stimulation and the poverty of their perceptual experiences 5. These research findings have led to a revision in our understanding of the nature of intelligence. Instead of it being some largely inherited fixed power of the mind, we now see itas a set of developed skills with which a person, copes with any environment. These skills have to be learned and, indeed, one of them is learning how to learn. 6.The modem ideas concerning the nature of intelligence are bound to have some effect on our school system. In one respect a change is already occurring. With the move toward comprehensive education and the development of unstreamed classes, fewer children will be given the label "low IQ7'' which must inevitably condemn a child in his own, if not society's eyes. The idea that we can teach children to be intelligent in the same way that we can teach them reading or arithmetic is accepted by more and more people. Is There a Way to Keep the Britain…s Economy Growing? 1.Paragraph 2 E Gift of talking 2.Paragraph 3 C Strength of the Creative Economy 3.Paragraph 4 D Weakness of the Creative Economy 4.Paragraph 5 B “Servant” Economy 5.Every country has its own way C to feed its people. 6.The British government doesn't seem_F to worry about the British economy_. 7.The creative industries find it difficult_E to make a profit. 8.Many graduates are employed B to do low-skill lobs. 1.In to day′s knowledge economy, nations survive on the things they do best.Japanese design electronics while Germens export engineering techniques.The French serve,the best food and Americans make computers. 2.Britain specializes in the gift of talking.The nation doesn′t manufacture much of anything.But it has lawyers,stylists and business consultants who earn their living from talk talk and more talk.The World Foundation think tank says the UK′s four iconic jobs today are not scientists,engineers,teachers and nurses.Instead,they′re hairdressers,celebrities,management consultants and managers.But can all this talking keep the British economy going? The British government thinks it can. 3.Although the country′s trade deficit was more than£60 billion in 2006,UK′s l argest in the postwar period,officials say the country has nothing to worry about.In fact,Britain does have a world-class pharmaceutical industry?and it still makes a small sum from selling arms abroad.It also trades services-accountancy,insurance,banking and advertising.The government believes Britain is on the cutting edge of the knowledge economy.After all,me country of Shakespeare and Wordsworth has a literary tradition of which to be proud.Rock…n?roll is an English language medium,and there are billions to be made by their cutting-edge bands.In other words,the creative economy has plenty of strength to carry the British economy. 4.However, creative industries account for only about 4 percent of UK′s exports of goods and services.The industries are finding it hard to make a profit,according to a report of the National Endowment for Science,Technology and the Arts The report shows only 38 percent of British companies were engaged in ”innovation activities”,3 percentage points below the EU average and well below Germany(61 percent)and Sweden(47 percent). 5.In fact,it might be better to call Britain a “servant”economy-there are at least 4 million people“in service”.The majority of the population are employed by the rich to cook,clean,and take care of their children.Many graduates are even doing menial jobs for which they do not need a degree.Most employment growth has been,and will continue to be,at the low-skill end of the service sector-in shops,bars,hotels,domestic service and in nursing and care homes.


职称英语考试重点及内容 考试总的评价目标是:申报A级的人员在2小时内应完成3000词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报B级的人员在2小时内应完成2600词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容;申报C级的人员在2小时内应完成2200词左右的阅读任务,并能正确理解所读材料的内容。为达到上述目标,考试对应试者的英语汇量、语法知识和阅读理解能力分别提出如下要求: (一)词汇量考试所涉及的词汇和短语主要依据本大纲所附词汇表。对申报不同级别的应试者要求认知的词汇量不等: 1.申报A级的人员应认知6000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 2.申报B级的人员应认知5000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 1.英语句子的基本语序及其意义; 2.英语句子的结构和常用句型; 3.各种时、体的形式及其意义; 4.各种从句的构成及其意义;

5.句子中词语的`所指、省略、替代、重复,以及句子之间的意义关系等。 (三)阅读理解能力应试者应能综合运用英语语言知识和阅读技能来理解专业的或一般内容的英语书面材料。阅读能力主要包括以下几个方面: 1.掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2.了解阐述主旨的事实和细节; 3.利用上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义; 4.既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文之间的意义关系; 5.根据所读材料进行判断和推论; 6.领会 ___的观点、意图和态度。 A、B、C三个等级的考试各由6个部分组成,每个级别的考试题型一样、题量相同,但不同级别考试总的阅读量及难易程度不同。考试主要考查应试者理解书面英语的能力。第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)


2015职称英语理工类A真题及答案(完整版) 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1. I will not tolerate that sort of behavior in my class. A. control B. observe C. regulate D. accept 2. She showed a natural aptitude for the work. A. sense B. talent C. flavor D. taste 3. Most people find rejection hard to accept. A. excuse B. client C. refusal D. destiny 4. The organization was bold enough to face the press. A. pleased B. powerful C. brave D. sensible 5. They were locked in mortal combat. A. deadly B. open C. actual D. active 6. We were attracted by the lure of quick money. A. amount B. supply C. tempt D. sum 7. The procedures were perceived as complex and less transparent. A. clear B. necessary C. special D. correct 8. The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling. A. Service B. danger C. disorder D. threat 9. He believes that Europe must change or it will perish. A. survive B. last C. die D. move

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