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2016.6 South Architecture / 南方建筑 / Government Founded Research 纵向基金资助研究课题

苏州明清园林中歇山顶亭大木构架特征研究* Characteristics of Carpentry W ork's on Pavilion w ith X ieshan-style Roof in Gardens of Suzhou from Ming and Qing Dynasties


Cai Jun Jiang Shuai

摘要苏州明清园林中的歇山顶亭具有典雅、精细、秀美及充满诗情画意的气质,以及灵活、多样、与环境巧妙结合 的特性,独具一格,很值得研究。文章从吴文化与香山帮传统建筑营造技艺入手,对苏州明清园林中歇山顶亭的平面 形状、构架体系及构件细部进行了分析,阐明了歇山顶亭大木构架特点。本研究的开展有助于对苏州明清园林中歇山 顶亭的分类与特征进行补充,并为进一步挖掘香山帮木作营造技术的渊源与变迁奠定基础。


ABSTRACT The pavilion with Xieshan-style roof is famous for being elegant,exquisite,poetic and being integrated with the surrounding environment with flexibility and diversification,which is an original architecture style to study on.The paper started 什om the introduction on Wu Culture and the traditional building techniques of Xiangshan Gang at that time,and deconstructed the pavilions with Xieshan-style roof in Gardens of Suzhou from Ming and Qing Dynasties by shape plan,the 什ame system and details of the components.The characteristics of carpentry work on the pavilions with Xieshan-style roof were clarified.The study enriched the research on classification and characteristics of the pavilions with Xieshan-style roof and laid the foundation for further mining work on the origin and evolution of wood building techniques of Xiangshan Gang.

KEY WORDS garden of Suzhou 什om Ming and Qing dynasties;pavilion with Xieshan-style roof;shape plan; frame system;component detail

*国家自然科学基金:香山帮木作营造技术在江南地区的源流与变迁机制研究,项目编号:51578331;上海交通大学 文科科研创新计划项目:江南地区明清传统建筑经典《营造法原》的木作营造系统研究,项目编号:12TS17。

中图分类号TU-80 文献标识码A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2016.06.045 文章编号1000-0232(2016)06-0045-05


苏州是我国古典园林荟萃地之一。苏州园林溯源于 春秋、发展于晋唐、繁荣于吴越两宋、全盛于明清,是 我国江南地区私家园林的典型代表[1]。建筑是造园的重 要元素,且种类繁多,如厅、堂、轩、馆、亭、台、楼、阁、榭、舫、廊等。苏州园林中的建筑诚如《园冶》中所说的“按 基形成”、“格式随意”、“随方制象”、“各有所宜”[2],其中,亭由于体态小巧,更加不拘一格,自由灵活的特性表现 尤为突出,是园林中的点睛之笔。苏州明清园林中亭的





