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Primary Document - Sir Edwin Chadwick

Primary Document - Sir Edwin Chadwick
Primary Document - Sir Edwin Chadwick


Edwin Chadwick (1800–1880), a disciple of the radical philosopher Jeremy Bentham, spent his life in pursuit of social and sanitary reform. Bentham, Chadwick, and other radicals known as utilitarians shared many views with nineteenth-century liberals; both believed in human rationality and the concept of human progress, and both believed that poverty was chiefly the consequence of individual moral failings. They parted ways sharply, however, over the role of government. Liberals argued that it was an impediment to progress; utilitarians believed that government policy and intervention could speed the rate of progress.

From Edwin Chadwick, Report…from the Poor Law Commissioners on an Inquiry into the Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population of Great Britain(London: W. Clowes and Sons, 1842), pp. 369–372.

After as careful an examination of the evidence collected as I have been enabled to make, I beg leave to recapitulate the chief conclusions which that evidence appears to me to establish. First, as to the extent and operation of the evils which are the subject of this inquiry: —

That the various forms of epidemic, endemic, and other disease1caused, or aggravated, or propagated chiefly amongst the laboring classes by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings prevail amongst the population in every part of the kingdom, whether dwelling in separate houses, in rural villages, in small towns, in the larger towns — as they have been found to prevail in the lowest districts of the metropolis.

That such disease, wherever its attacks are frequent, is always found in connection with the physical circumstances above specified, and that where those circumstances are removed by drainage, proper cleansing, better ventilation, and other means of diminishing atmospheric impurity, the frequency and intensity of such disease is abated; and where the removal of the noxious agencies appears to be complete, such disease almost entirely disappears.

The high prosperity in respect to employment and wages, and various and abundant food, have afforded to the laboring classes no exemptions from attacks of epidemic disease, which have been as frequent and as fatal in periods of commercial and manufacturing prosperity as in any others.

That the formation of all habits of cleanliness is obstructed by defective supplies of water.

That the annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation are greater than the loss from death or wounds in any wars in which the country has been engaged in modern times.

That of the 43,000 cases of widowhood, and 112,000 cases of destitute orphanage relieved from the poor’s rates in England and Wales alone, it appears that the greatest proportion of deat hs of the heads of families occurred from the above specified and other removable causes; that their ages were under 45 years; that is to say, 13 years below the natural probabilities of life as shown by the experience of the whole population of Sweden….

That, measuring the loss of working ability amongst large classes by the instances of gain, even from incomplete arrangements for the removal of noxious influences from places of work or from abodes, that this loss cannot be less than eight or ten years.

That the ravages of epidemics and other diseases do not diminish but tend to increase the pressure of population.

That in the districts where the mortality is greatest the births are not only sufficient to replace the numbers removed by death, but to add to the population.

That the younger population, bred up under noxious physical agencies, is inferior in physical organization and general health to a population preserved from the presence of such agencies.

That the population so exposed is less susceptible of moral influences, and the effects of education are more transient than with a healthy population.

That these adverse circumstances tend to produce an adult population short-lived, improvident, reckless, and intemperate, and with habitual avidity for sensual gratifications.

That these habits lead to the abandonment of all the conveniences and decencies of life, and especially lead to the overcrowding of their homes, which is destructive to the morality as well as the health of large classes of both sexes.

That defective town cleansing fosters habits of the most abject degradation and tends to the demoralization of large numbers of human beings, who subsist by means of what they find amidst the noxious filth accumulated in neglected streets and bye-places.

That the expenses of local public works are in general unequally and unfairly assessed, oppressively and uneconomically collected, by separate collections, wastefully expended in separate and inefficient operations by unskilled and practically irresponsible officers.

That the existing law for the protection of the public health and the constitutional machinery for reclaiming its execution, such as the Courts Leet,2 have fallen into desuetude, and are in the state indicated by the prevalence of the evils they were intended to prevent.

Secondly. As to the means by which the present sanitary condition of the laboring classes may be improved: —

The primary and most important measures, and at the same time the most practicable, and within the recognized province of public administration, are drainage, the removal of all refuse of habitations, streets, and roads, and the improvement of the supplies of water.

That the chief obstacles to the immediate removal of decomposing refuse of towns and habitations have been the expense and annoyance of the hand labor and cartage requisite for the purpose.

That this expense may be reduced to one-twentieth or to one-thirtieth, or rendered inconsiderable, by the use of water and self-acting means of removal by improved and cheaper sewers and drains….

That appropriate scientific arrangements for public drainage would afford important facilities for private land-drainage, which is important for the health as well as sustenance of the laboring classes.

That the expense of public drainage, of supplies of water laid on in houses, and of means of improved cleansing would be a pecuniary [monetary] gain, by diminishing the existing charges attendant on sickness and premature mortality.

That for the protection of the laboring classes and of the ratepayers against inefficiency and waste in all new structural arrangements for the protection of the public health, and to ensure public confidence that the expenditure will be beneficial, securities should be taken that all new local public works are devised and conducted by responsible officers qualified by the possession of the science and skill of civil engineers….

That for the prevention of the disease occasioned by defective ventilation and other causes of impurity in places of work and other places where large numbers are assembled, and for the general promotion of the means necessary to prevent disease, that it would be good economy to appoint a district medical officer independent of private practice, and with the securities of special qualifications and responsibilities to initiate sanitary measures and reclaim the execution of the law.

That by the combinations of all these arrangements, it is probable that the full ensurable period of life indicated by the Swedish tables; that is, an increase of 13 years at least, may be extended to the whole of the laboring classes.

That the attainment of these and the other collateral advantages of reducing existing charges and expenditure are within the power of the legislature, and are dependent mainly on the securities taken for the application of practical science, skill, and economy in the direction of local public works.

And that the removal of noxious physical circumstances, and the promotion of civic, household, and personal cleanliness, are necessary to the improvement of the moral condition of the population; for that sound morality and refinement in manners and health are not long found coexistent with filthy habits amongst any class of the community.


20XX业务授权委托书范本 在委托人的委托书上的合法权益内,被委托人行使的全部职责和责任都将由委托人承担,被委托人不承担任何法律责任,下面是小雅WTT为大家收集的业务授权委托书范本,供大家参考,欢迎大家借鉴。 业务授权委托书范本(一) xxx市公安局公安交通管理局车辆管理所: 兹委托代理人代理 (机动车所有人)拥有的机动车申请 (代理业务范围)业务。 机动车所有人确认:委托代理人在公安机关申请上述业务时签署的文件及提供的资料,均代表机动车所有人的意愿。 机动车所有人愿承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签发之日起日内有效。 机动车所有人委托代理人代理以下车辆(车号或车辆识别代号): 机动车所有人(盖章): 委托日期:年月日 本人保证已取得机动车所有人授权,此委托书真实、有效。 代理人签名: 受托日期:年月日 业务授权委托书范本(二)

(出口)报托第号 公司: 我单位现委托贵公司代理货物( 出口 )报关 合同号:CGC001 货名:茶叶件数:20箱 毛重:净重:100KG 价值:10000美元 我单位保证遵守《中华人民共和国海关法》及国家有关法规保证所提供的单位与所 报的货物相符,如申报货物有任何问题,责任由我单位承担。本委托书有效期至本 委托书项下货物报关、缴税及退税完毕止。 委托单位:(盖章) 代理单位:(盖章) 中国地质工程集团公司 海关注册登记编码:1108919014 海关注册登记编码: 法定代表人姓名:法定代表人姓名: 联系电话:联系电话: 经办人:经办人: XX年7月21日 业务授权委托书范本(三) xx管理处: 在认真阅读和领会《石安高速公路交通安全设施完善工程施工招标公告》的基础上,本授权书宣告: (产品生产厂家名称) (法定代表人)(姓名)合法的代表我单位确认:


机动车业务委托书模板 委托书是经双方代理人签署后生效的文件。机动车委托需要签订协议。下面是小编给你介绍的机动车业务委托书,希望对你有帮助。 泗阳县车辆管理所: 兹委托______办理(发动机号码或车牌识别代号)_____________的机动车的________业务,受托人的上述事项内所签署的有关文件及提供的手续,均是委托人真实的意思表达,本委托人均予以承认相应的法律责任。 委托人受托人 (签名或盖公章): (签名或盖公章): 经办人签名: 签署日期:___年___月__日 注:1,受托人已经核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 2、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 3、委托人,受托人的身份证或者组织机构代码证等复印件作为委托书的附件附后。 4、申请补领机动车登记证书不得代办。 5、委托书的填写应准确完整,不得涂改,否则无效。 6、委(受)托人为个人的签名,为单位的盖公章。

7、委(受)托人对本页内容均已明确。 我单位现委托_____作为我单位合法委托代理人,授权其代表我单位进行_________工作。该代理人的一切行为,均代表本单位,与本单位的行为具有同等法律效力。本单位将承担该代理人行为的全部法律后果和法律责任。 代理人无权转换代理权。特此委托。 代理人姓名:__________性别:__________ 年龄:__________ 职务:__________ 身份证号码:__________ (代理人签字样本) 日期:____年__月__日 法定代表人(签字):__________ 委托人(本案被告人):****,男,****年*月**日生,家住**省**县***街***号。 公民身份证号码:********************。 电话:*********** 。 受委托人:***,男,****年**月**日生。 工作单位:*************,职务:***。 住址:***省***市***路**号**大厦11楼。 电话:13*********、


个人车辆授权委托书4篇 个人车辆授权委托书1 ******交通警察大队车辆管理所: 兹委托***作为委托人的全权代理人,代理委托人办理委托人拥有的机动车:。审车年检事宜,代理人在办理上述事项内所提供的有关资料和填写的表格,委托人均予以承认。 代理人对本委托书的真实性和有效性负责,并已核实委托人的有关情况。 本委托书的有效期为: **年**月**日至 ** 年**月**日止。本委托书不得转委托。 委托人(签字或盖章): 身份证号码或组织机构代码证编号: 代理人(签字): 身份证号码: (代理人为单位的,由经办人签字,填写经办人身份证号码。) 签署日期:**年 **月**日 个人车辆授权委托书2 我公司 _________________,现授权委托办理车辆年检手续。 代理人无转委托权,特此委托。 委托期限:自签字之日起三日内有效

代理人:性别:_____ 身份证号码:____________________________________ 单位盖章 委托日期: 个人车辆授权委托书3 深圳市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹委托 _________,办理(车辆号码或车辆识别代号)为__________________的机动车的___________________________ 业务,在上述业务事项内,受托人有权代理委托人向贵所提供相关文件资料,签署有关文件资料以完成相关手续,本委托人对受托人的上述行为均予以承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起 _________天有效。 委托人:_________受托人:_________ 个人身份证:_________个人身份证_________ (签名或盖章)_________(签名或盖章) _________ 经办人签名:_________ 签署日期:年月日 _________有限公司 注:1、受托人已核实委托人的情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 2、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。


本人工作繁忙,不能亲自办理的相关手续,特委托____________作为我的合法代理人,全权代表我办理相关事项,对委托人在办理上述事项过程中所签署的有关文件,我均予以认可,并承担相应的法律责任. 本人*** 事故车 **牌厢式货车牌照号****** 一直没过户折价委托*** 使用于2010年4月*日出事故,现本人委托被告人*** 出具相关证明。,特此声明如下: 授权受托人代理委托人根据《中关村证券股份有限公司债权登记公告》的规定办理向中关村证券清理组申报登记债权的其他事宜。 下面是整理的车辆授权委托书范本,希望对大家有所帮助。 ******交通警察大队车辆管理所: 兹委托***作为委托人的全权代理人,代理委托人办理委托人拥有的机动车:。审车年检事宜,代理人在办理上述事项内所提供的有关资料和填写的表格,委托人均予以承认。 代理人对本委托书的真实性和有效性负责,并已核实委托人的有关情况。 本委托书的有效期为:**年**月**日至 ** 年**月**日止。 委托代理人须写明代理权限,特别授权的,应写明授权的具体范围:代为起诉,陈述事实,参加辩论和调解,代为提出、承认、放弃、变更诉讼请求,提出反诉、进行和解、撤诉、上诉、签收法律文书。 本委托书不得转委托。 该账户简称为,预留印鉴中的单位名称与账户简称一致。贰、

该账户预留印鉴中个人名章为:签章式样如: 我本人授权我公司员工___携带身份证(证件号:___)前来贵行办理___事项,授权代表在办理业务过程中签署的一切文件和处理与之相关的业务,代理人的一切行为均为代表本单位,与本人的行为具有同样的法律效力,本单位承担代理人行为的全部法律后果。 委托人(签字或盖章): 身份证号码或组织机构代码证编号: 代理人(签字): 那么交通事故委托书怎么写?主要包括哪些内容?哪些条款是必备的内容?下面为你介绍交通事故授权委托书样本,欢迎大家借鉴! 身份证号码: (代理人为单位的,由经办人签字,填写经办人身份证号码。) 兹有我单位同志(性别:年龄:职务: )代表我方与贵单位联系、洽谈及建设工程业务。法人授权委托书委托范围:联系、洽谈、建设工程业务。 签署日期:**年 **月**日


关于办理机动车业务授权委托书 篇一:机动车注册代办委托书 柳州市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹委托身份证明号码,办理桂B,车辆识别代号为的机动车的业务,受托人在上述事项内所签署的有关文件资料及提供的手续,均是委托人真实意思的表达,本委托人均予以承认并承担相应的法律责任, 本委托书自签署之日起天内有效。 委托人受托人 (签名或盖公章):________ (签名或盖公章):_________ 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月日 注:1、受托人已核实委托人情况,保证本委托书的真实性,并承担相应的法律责任。 2、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 3、委托人、受托人的身份证或组织机构代码证等复印件作为本委托书的附件附后。 4、申请补领机动车登记证书不得代办。 5、委托书的填写应准确完整,不得涂改,否则无效。 6、委(受)托人为个人的签名,为单位的盖公章。 7、委(受)托人对本页内容均已明确。 篇二:办理机动车业务授权委托书 贵阳市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所:

兹授权被委托人代表(所有人)办理(委托范围)业务。机动车所有人确认:经办人在申请上述业务时签署的文件、提供的资料有效,代表机动车所有人的意愿。 委托办理车号牌或识别代号。本委托有效期年月日至年月日。本授权为经办业务授权,再次委托无效。 机动车所有人(盖章): 授权经办日期:年月日 篇三:办理机动车业务授权委托书 南昌市交管局车辆管理所: 兹委托作为委托人的全权代理人,代理委托人办理(号牌号码)车辆识别代号为的机动车的业务,代理人在上述事项内所签署的有关文件资料,委托人均予以承认。 本委托书的有效期为:年月日至年月日止。本委托书不得转委托。委托人(签字或盖章): 身份证或组织机构代码证号码: 被委托人(签字): 身份证号码: 代理人(签字或盖章): 身份证或组织机构代码证号码: 代理单位经办人签字: 签署日期:月日 注:


东莞机动车业务委托书范本 篇一:机动车委托书 【空白委托书可复印使用】 机动车业务委托书 东莞市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹授权委托办理号牌号码为:粤S ;号牌种类为:车辆识别代号为:的机动车业务,受托人在委托事项内 签署有关文件,保证提供的凭证真实有效,代表委托人的真实意愿,并愿意承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起90天内有效。 委托人受托人 (签名或盖公章):(签名或盖公章): 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月曰签署日期:年月曰 注:1、受托人已核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 2、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 3、委托人、受托人的身份证明或组织机构代码证等复印件作为本委托书的 附件附后。

4、申请补领机动车登记证书不得代办。 5、委托书的填写应准确完整,不得涂改,否则无效。 6、委(受)托人对本页内容均已明确。 7、签名或盖公章要求:委(受)托人属于个人的签名,属于单位的盖公章。 如受托人属于单位的还需经办人签名。 篇二:机动车业务委托书 【空白委托书可复印使用】 机动车业务委托书 东莞市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹授权委托办理号牌号码为:;号牌种类为:;车辆识别代号为:的机动车业务,受托人在委托事项内签署有关文件,保证提供的凭证真实有效,代表委托人的真实意愿,并愿意承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起天内有效。 委托人受托人 (签名或盖公章):(签名或盖公章): 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月曰签署日期:年月曰 注:1、委托人已核实受托人情况,并保证所有下划线项均已填写。 2、受托人已核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。


办理车辆委托书 办理车辆委托书 如果被委托人没有做出违背国家法律的任何权益,委托人无权终止委托协议。在现在的社会生活中,处理事务上我们需要用到委托书,为了让您在写委托书时更加简单方便,下面是为大家整理的办理车辆委托书,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 办理车辆委托书1xxxxxx交通警察大队车辆管理所: 兹委托xxx作为委托人的全权代理人,代理委托人办理委托人拥有的机动车:。审车年检事宜,代理人在办理上述事项内所提供的有关资料和填写的表格,委托人均予以承认。 代理人对本委托书的真实性和有效性负责,并已核实委托人的有关情况。 本委托书的有效期为: xx年xx月xx日至 xx 年xx月xx日止。本委托书不得转委托。 委托人: 身份证号码或组织机构代码证编号: 代理人: 身份证号码: 签署日期:xx年 xx月xx日

办理车辆委托书2 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的有关规定,按照平等互利的原则,为明确出租方与承租方的权利义务,双方经友好协商,就 ......车的租赁事宜达成一致意见,同意按下列条款签订本协议。 一、租赁数量:....辆。 二、车辆相关资料: 车辆型号:......... 车架号:...................车牌号:....... 制造厂家:......... 出厂日期:..... 发动机号:...... 三、租赁期限:自.....年...月...日开始,计划租赁至....年...月...日。租赁期自车辆进入承租方指定的接收地点,经验收合格后交付承租方之日起开始计算。 四、验收地点及方法 1、交车时间:....年...月...日 2、交车地点:......... 3、验收方法:有关部门检查相关手续以及车辆的实际状况,出租方必须保证所出租的车辆手续齐全、状况良好。 五、租赁费用及结算方式 1、租赁价格:每月租赁费用人民币....元,大写叁仟元整。 2、结算方式:承租方在出租方车辆交付使用一个月后,付给出租方上一个月的租赁费,以后每一个月结算并付款一次,结算时应出具租赁业正规发票。


机动车业务个人委托书 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于机动车业务个人委托书模板的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 兹授权委托办理号牌号码为:;号牌种类为:;车辆识别代号为:的机动车业务,受托人在委托事项内签署有关文件,保证提供的凭证真实有效,代表委托人的真实意愿,并愿意承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起天内有效。 委托人受托人(签名或盖公章):(签名或盖公章): 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月日签署日期:年月日 注: 1、委托人已核实受托人情况,并保证所有下划线项均已填写。 2、受托人已核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 3、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 4、委托人、受托人的身份证明或组织机构代码证等复印件作为本委托书的附件附后。 5、申请补领机动车登记证书不得代办。 6、委托书的`填写应准确完整,不得涂改,否则无效。 7、委(受)托人对本页内容均已明确。 8、签名或盖公章要求:委(受)托人属于个人的签名,属于单位的盖公章,如受托人属于单位的还需经办人签名。

机动车业务个人委托书模板二 贵州省贵阳市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹委托,办理(号牌号码或车辆识别代号)为的机动车的业务,受托人在上述事项内所签署的有关问题资料及提供的手续,均是委托人真实意思的表达,本委托人均予以承认并承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起天内有效。 委托人:受托人: (签名或盖章) (签名或盖章) 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月日签署日期:年月日 注:1、受托人已核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 2、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 3、委托人、受托人所提供的身份证或者组织机构代码证等复印件作为本委托书的附件附后。 4、受托人在办理受托的机动车登记业务时,所提供的相关文件资料及手续由受托人保证其真实有效。 5、申请补换机动车登记证书不得代办。 6、委托书的填写应准确,不得涂改,否则无效。 7、委(受)托人为个人的签名,为单位的盖公章。 8、委托人及受托人对本页内容均已明确,并承担相应的法律责任。 机动车业务个人委托书模板三 市(县)公安局交通警察支(大)队车辆管理所:


机动车业务个人委托书模板三条机动车业务个人委托书模板一 XXX市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹授权委托办理号牌号码为:;号牌种类为:;车辆识别代号为:的机动车业务,受托人在委托事项内签署有关文件,保证提供的凭证真实有效,代表委托人的真实意愿,并愿意承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起天内有效。 委托人受托人(签名或盖公章):(签名或盖公章): 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月日签署日期:年月日 注: 1、委托人已核实受托人情况,并保证所有下划线项均已填写。 2、受托人已核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 3、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 4、委托人、受托人的身份证明或组织机构代码证等复印件作为本委托书的附件附后。 5、申请补领机动车登记证书不得代办。 6、委托书的填写应准确完整,不得涂改,否则无效。 7、委(受)托人对本页内容均已明确。

8、签名或盖公章要求:委(受)托人属于个人的签名,属于单位的盖公章,如受托人属于单位的还需经办人签名。 机动车业务个人委托书模板二 贵州省贵阳市公安局交通警察支队车辆管理所: 兹委托,办理(号牌号码或车辆识别代号)为的机动车的业务,受托人在上述事项内所签署的有关问题资料及提供的手续,均是委托人真实意思的表达,本委托人均予以承认并承担相应的法律责任。 本委托书自签署之日起天内有效。 委托人:受托人: (签名或盖章) (签名或盖章) 经办人签名: 签署日期:年月日签署日期:年月日 注: 1、受托人已核实委托人情况,并保证本委托书的真实性。 2、本委托书由受托人提交,受托人保证仅在受托范围内办理业务。 3、委托人、受托人所提供的身份证或者组织机构代码证等复印件作为本委托书的附件附后。 4、受托人在办理受托的机动车登记业务时,所提供的相关文件资料及手续由受托人保证其真实有效。 5、申请补换机动车登记证书不得代办。 6、委托书的填写应准确,不得涂改,否则无效。
