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文辑:2009 IBM Rational 软件高峰论坛资料 8-5_ShiDaZhi


2003年英语专八人文知识真题 31. is not a nationally observed holiday of America. [A] Christmas [B] Easter Sunday [C] Thanksgiving Day [D] Independence Day 32. The university of Dublin was not founded until . [A] the 19th century [B] the 18th century [C] the 17th century [D] the 16th century 33. The introduced old-age pensions in New Zealand in 1898. [A] Labor Party [B] Democratic Party [C] Liberal Party [D] Conservative Party 34. Irish culture experienced a golden age from to . [A] the eighth century, the eleventh century [B] the seventh century, the ninth century [C] the sixth century, the eighth century [D] the ?fth century, the seventh century 35. Which of the following writings is not the work by Charles Dickens? [A] A Tale of Two Cities [B] Hard Times [C] Oliver Twist [D] Sons and Lovers 36. is a dramatist who holds the central position in American drama the modernistic period. [A] Sinclair Lewis [B] Eugene O'Neill [C] Arthur Miller [D] Tennessee Williams 37. is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age. [A] Ernest Hemingway [B] F. Scott Fitzgerald [C] William Faulkner [D] Ezra Pound 38. is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain categories. [A] Concord [B] Immediate constituent [C] Syntagmatic relations [D] Government 39. studies the sound systems in a certain language. [A] Phonetics [B] Phonology [C] Semantics [D] Pragmatics 40. A linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers is called . [A] situational dialect [B] slang [C] linguistic taboo [D] bilingualism 2004年英语专八人文知识真题 31. The following are products imported by Australia from China EXCEPT . [A] food [B] textiles [C] steel products [D] electronics 32. Scots regard as the most important festival in a year. [A] Near Year's Day [B] Christmas Day [C] New Year's Eve [D] Easter 33. The republican movement has been gathering momentum in Australia since became Prime Minister in 1992. [A] John Howard [B] Bob Hawke [C] Malcolm Fraser [D] Paul Keating 34. was known for his famous speech "I have a dream". [A] John F. Kennedy [B] Martin Luther King, Jr [C] Abraham Lincoln [D] Thomas Jefferson 35. Of all the 18th century novelists, ______ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a "comic epic in prose", and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. [A] Daniel Defoe [B] Samuel Johnson [C] Oliver Goldsmith [D] Henry Feilding 36. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his .


2019年公务员《资料分析》试题及答案(卷一) 1、房地产开发项目的税后利润是指房地产开发企业缴纳( )之后的利润。 A. 营业税 B. 房产税 C. 土地增值税 D. 企业所得税 标准答案:D 解析:考察房地产开发项目税后利润的含义。房地产开发企业缴纳所得税之后的利润为税后利润。 2、在房地产市场营销中常说的“金九银十”现象,描述的是购房者的( )特征。 A. 消费能力 B. 消费动机 C. 消费行为 D. 消费结构 标准答案:C 解析:考察房地产消费行为调研的内容。房地产消费行为调研就是对消费者购买房地产的模式和习惯的调研。调研内容包括消费者购买房地产的时间分布,消费者在购买房地产的时间分布上有一定的习惯和规律,例如,房地产营销中常说的金九银十。 3、目前在火电领域诞生的新技术很多,联合循环技术就是其中

之一。简单来说,联合循环技术就是“一气两用”;将燃气轮机排出的高温废气,通过余热锅炉回收转换为蒸汽,进入蒸汽轮机后驱动其运转,两台轮机都将动能输送至发电机进行发电;废气再次进入锅炉,进一步将其中蕴含的热能转化为动能,降低最终排出气体的温度。这样不仅环保,还能节省燃料。启动速度快也是一大优点,其工作原理是在开机之初关闭运转较慢的蒸汽轮机,只启动燃气轮机,产生足够的热能后,再切换到联合循环模式。这一特点对于电力应急事件频发的大都市十分实用。 关于联合循环技术,下列说法与上述文字不相符的是: A.明显提高了发电效率 B.高温废气得以循环利用 C.停电时可在短时间内迅速启动 D.蒸汽轮机早于燃气轮机启动 4、在早已对漂亮假花、假树司空见惯的现代人眼里,干枯苍白的植物标本或许难有多少魅力可言。但在标本馆中,每一份看似不起眼的植物标本都代表着它在地球上的_____。它们虽然远离了最光雨露,告别了生长的土地,却在科学殿堂中_____了自己的生命。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是: A.经历重现 B.同类延续 C.存在超越 D.物种证明 5、2亿个气味受体细胞,而人类只有2000万个,但我们的嗅觉系统也是相当复杂而专业的,气味分子随气流进入鼻子,通过鼻腔顶


虚拟现实技术总结 第一章 1.虚拟现实概念、内涵及理解 概念:虚拟现实是人工构造的,由计算机生成的,存在于计算机内部的环境,用户可以通过自然的方式进入此环境,并与环境进行交互,从而产生置身于相应真实环境的虚幻感、身临其境的感觉。 2.虚拟现实三特征:沉浸感、交互式、构想性 3.为何使用VR技术,有何优势,举例说明其应用 1)立体成像显示器增强视觉立体感 2)沉浸式体验减少外界干扰而增强代入感 3)头部追踪技术让使用者有更强的参与感 4)更丰富的体感操作将增强代入感 5)虚拟现实技术可以让内容从体验上突破矩形屏幕的边界限制 4.VR技术目前存在问题 1)3D眩晕、近视、视觉疲劳等操作不适感较重 2)2不良内容对使用者的伤害被放大 3)沉浸式体验放大“网络游戏成瘾”等问题 4)全封闭式体验难以实现用户间现实的交流分享体验。 第二章 1.用户界面设计准则 1)性能(Performance):效率,准确性和生产力 2)易用性(Usability):易于使用和学习 3)有效性(Usefulness):专注于任务 2.用户界面核心功能 1)导航(Navigation):旅行,寻路... 2)选择(Selection):选择一个或多个对象 3)操控(Manipulation):改变系统状态 3.多点触控技术 1)定义:把任务分解为两方面的工作,一是同时采集多点信号,二是对每路信号的意义进行手势识别,实现 屏幕识别人的手指同时做的点击、拖拉等触控动作。 2)多点触控实现技术? a)LLP技术(Laser Light Plane):主要运用红外激光设备把红外线投影到屏幕上。当屏幕被阻挡时,红 外线便会反射,而屏幕下的摄影机则会捕捉反射去向。再经系统分析,便可作出反应。 b)FTIR技术:在屏幕的夹层中加入LED光线,当用户按下屏幕时,便会使夹层的光线造成不同的反射效 果,感应器接收光线变化而捕捉用户的施力点,从而作出反应。 c)ToughtLight技术:运用投影的方法,把红外线投影到屏幕上。当屏幕被阻挡时,红外线便会反射, 而屏幕下的摄影机则会捕捉反射去向。再经系统分析,便可作出反应。 d)Optical Touch技术:在屏幕顶部的两端,分别设有一个镜头,来接收用户的手势改变和触点的位置。 经计算后转为座标,再作出反应。 4.实现多点触控的主要技术 -LLP (Laser Light Plane) -FTIR (Frustrated Total Internal Reflection) -ToughtLight技术 -Optical Touch技术 三维模型获取与处理 1.主动式“三角化”感知场景深度原理 2.基于视觉测距的三维扫描重建基本流程


1.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time is perceived as a linear structure just like a ribbon stretching from the past into the future. 2.polychronic time (P Time) :schedules several activities at the same time. In these culture people emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them. 3.intercultural communication :is a face-to-face communication between people from different cultural backgrounds 4.host culture is the mainstream culture of anyone particular country. 5.minority culture is the cultural groups that are smaller in numerical terms in relation to the host culture. 6.subculture is a smaller, possibly nonconformist, subgroup within the host culture. 7.multiculturalism is the official recognition of a country’s cultural and ethnic diversity. 8.cross-cultural communication is a face-to-face communication between reprentatives of business,government and professional groups from different cultures. 9.high-context culture :a culture in which meaning is not necessarily contained in words. Information is provided through gestures, the use of space, and even silence. 10.low-context culture :a culture in which the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code. 11.perception: in its simplest sense,perception is ,as Marshall singer tells us,”the process by which an individual selects, evaluates,and organizes stimuli from the external world”In other words, perception is an internal process whereby we convert the physical energies of the world into meaningful internal experiences. Non-verbal communication It refers to communication through a whole variety of different types f signal come into play, including the way we more, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we wear, the direction of our gaze, to the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand from each other. . Individualism Individualism refers to the doctrine that the interests of the individual are or ought to be paramount, and that all values, right, and duties originate in individuals. It emphasizes individual initiative, independence,individual expression, and even privacy. 13. Paralanguage The set of nonphonemic properties of speech, such as speaking tempo, vocal pitch, and intonational contours, that can be used to communicate attitudes or other shades of meaning. 12.人际交际interpersonal communication: a small number of individuals who are interacting exclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretaions from them.指少数人之间的交往他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息,又能立即从对方那里获得解释。 13.内文化交际intracultural communication is defined as communication between and among members of the same culture .指同一文化内某成员之间的交际,总的来说,同一种族,政治倾向宗教,或者具有同样兴趣的人们之间的交际。


专八人文知识(练习题) 篇一:★英语专八人文知识题与答案 英语专业八级人文知识 试题(1) 美国概况练习题: 1. The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____. 2. The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____. 3. The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____. 4. Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____. has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party. 6. The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____. years. institutions. 9. The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________. 10. _____ (which state ) is not governed by the common law. 练习题答案及题解:


2019年国家公务员考试《申论》资料分析真题(B卷) [使用B卷的地区包括:宁夏、青海和海南。] 一、注意事项 1.申论考试是对考生阅读水平、综合分析水平、提出和解决问题水平 以及文字表达水平的测试。 2.作答参考时限:阅读资料40分钟,作答110分钟。 3.仔细阅读给定资料,按照后面提出的“作答要求”作答。 4.请在答题卡上作答,在草稿纸上或其他地方作答一律无效。 二、给定资料 1.根据联合国的人口数据预测,2011年以后的30年里,中国人口老 龄化将表现加速发展态势,60岁及以上人口比重将年均增长16.55%,到2040年60岁及以上人口比重将达28%左右。在这30年里,中国开 始全面步入老龄化社会。到2050年,60岁及以上人口比重将超过 30%,社会将进入深度老龄化阶段。 改革开放30多年来,我国长期实行严厉的人口出生控制政策,人口 出生率迅速下降,使我国快速步入老龄化社会。2000年我国65岁及以 上老年人比重为6.8%,与世界平均水平相同,但是,到2010年我国 65岁及以上老年人比重是8.3%,而世界平均水平为7.5%。 美国、英国、日本等发达国家都是人口老龄化水准高的国家。这些发 达国家进入老龄社会时,人均国民生产总值一般都在5000美元以上。2009年,美国人均国民生产总值为46859美元,日本为38559美元, 英国为43785美元。而我国是一个发展中国家,经济发展水平和国民 富裕水准与发达国家比较尚有明显差别,我国在人均国民生产总值刚 超过1000美元的时候,就开始步入老龄化社会,2009年,我国人均国 民生产总值为3315美元。而且和发达国家不同的是,发达国家老龄化


技术科普虚拟现实技术网课答案 问:下列学说和概念中,属于亚里士多德提出的有()。 答:运动的概念天然运动说五元素说 问:干酪样坏死的本质是() 答:彻底的凝固性坏死 问:哪一时期的贵族可以被称为等级贵族?() 答:B 问:等级贵族形成的原因包括()。 答:ABC 问:使用羌语占本县羌族比例最高的县是______。 答:茂县 问:“六气”包括: 答:风寒暑湿燥 问:使用羌语占本县羌族比例最高的县是______。 答:茂县 问:2009年1月13日,在美国国会参议院外交委员会举行的听证会上,希拉里·克林顿用一个“巧实力”的理念,吸引了许多媒体的目光。巧实力的核心是情景智慧,顺势而为。从这个意义上来看,所谓巧实力其实就是软实力中的()。 答:政治实力

问:高斯公式属于(),龙贝格公式属于(),梯形公式属于(). 答:插值型求积公式,外推型求积公式,插值型求积公式 问:土族头饰中体积最大的一种是_________。 答:簸箕头 问:下面哪一个人与黄梅戏关系不大? 答:阿甲 问:14世纪之后,贵族的标准逐渐转为看他们是否有()。 答:C 问:Which one is played by all ages in America and Cuba? 答:baseball 问:早期肝癌(小肝癌)的诊断标准是: 答:直径在1cm以下,不超过2个瘤结节 问:宋《营造法式》中明确提出的两种基本建筑结构是 答:殿阁式、厅堂式 问:高血压病肾小球细动脉管壁增厚狭窄() 答:血管壁玻璃样变 问:1. The keyhole diagram presents the introductory paragraph with ______________. 答:a funnel to show a movement to the more specific 问:阿拉伯的装饰艺术在世界艺术史上享有盛誉,它用作装饰的图案大体有三种类型:一是花草植物图案,第二种是()图形,第三种是()做的花边装饰。 答: 几何



1.monochronic time (M Time) :It schedules one event at a time. In these cultures time is perceived as a linear structure just like a r i b b o n s t r e t c h i n g f r o m t h e p a s t i n t o t h e f u t u r e. 2.polychronic time (P Time) :schedules several activities at the same time. In these culture people emphasize the involvement of people more than schedules. They do not see appointments as ironclad commitments and often break them. 3.intercultural communication :is a face-to-face communication between people from different cultural backgrounds 4.host culture is the mainstream culture of anyone particular country. 5.minority culture is the cultural groups that are smaller in numerical terms in relation to the host culture. 6.subculture is a smaller, possibly nonconformist, subgroup within the host culture. 7.multiculturalism is the official recognition of a country’s cultural and ethnic diversity. 8.cross-cultural communication is a face-to-face communication between reprentatives of business,government and professional groups from different cultures.


2003年英语专八人文知识真题 31.is not a n atio nally observed holiday of America. [A] Christmas [B] Easter Sunday [C] Tha nksgivi ng Day [D] Independence Day 32.The uni versity of Dubli n was not foun ded un til . [A] the 19th cen tury [B] the 18th cen tury [C] the 17th cen tury [D] the 16th cen tury 33.The in troduced old-age pensions in New Zeala nd in 1898. [A] Labor Party [B] Democratic Party [C] Liberal Party [D] Con servative Party 34.Irish culture exp erie need a golde n age from to . [A] the eighth cen tury, the eleve nth cen tury [B] the seve nth cen tury, the ninth cen tury [C] the sixth cen tury, the eighth cen tury [D] the ?fth cen tury, the seve nth cen tury 35.Which of the follow ing writ ings is not the work by Charles Dicke ns? [A] A Tale of Two Cities [B] Hard Times [C] Oliver Twist [D] Sons and Lovers 36.is a dramatist who holds the central position in American drama the moder ni stic p eriod. [A] Si nclair Lewis [B] Euge ne O'Neill [C] Arthur Miller [D] Tenn essee Williams 37.is often acclaimed literary sp okesma n of the Jazz Age. [A] Ernest Hemi ngway [B] F. Scott Fitzgerald [C] William Faulk ner [D] Ezra Pou nd 38.is a relati onship in which a word of a certa in class determ ines the form of others in terms of certa in categories. [A] Con cord [B] Immediate con stitue nt [C] Syn tagmatic relatio ns [D] Gover nment 39.studies the sound systems in a certa in Ian guage. [A] Pho netics [B] Phon ology [C] Sema ntics [D] P ragmatics 40.A lin guistic situati on in which two sta ndard Ian guages are used either by an in dividual or by a group of sp eakers is called . [A] situati onal dialect [B] sla ng [C] li nguistic taboo [D] bil in gualism 2004年英语专八人文知识真题 31.The followi ng are p roducts imp orted by Australia from Ch ina EXCE PT . [A] food [B] textiles [C] steel p roducts [D] electro nics 32.Scots regard as the most imp orta nt festival in a year. [A] Near Year's Day [B] Christmas Day [C] New Year's Eve [D] Easter 33.The republican movement has been gathering momentum in Australia since became P rime Mi nister in 1992. [A] Joh n Howard [B] Bob Hawke [C] Malcolm Fraser [D] Paul Keat ing 34.was known for his famous sp eech "I have a dream". [A] Joh n F. Kennedy [B] Marti n Luther Kin g, Jr [C] Abraham Li ncoln [D] Thomas Jeffers on 35.Of all the 18th century novelists, ___________ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a "comic epic in prose", and the first to give the moder n novel its structure and style. [A] Daniel Defoe [B] Samuel Joh nson [C] Oliver Goldsmith [D] He nry Feildi ng 36.Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th cen tury America n writers, is well known for his . [A] international theme [B] waste-land imagery [C] local color [D] symbolism


2019 年资料分析解析 【题号】2019-国家-116. 【答案】B 【知识点】平均数计算 【扩展知识点】多平均数 【细分知识点】 【解题思路】 第一步,本题考查现期平均数计算。根据图 1 可知,2017 年 7~9 月全国进口药品数量分别为 1.1、1.2、1.1 万吨,根据图 2 可知,进口药品金额分别为 19.6、23.8、21.9 亿美元。 第二步,2017 年第三季度全国平均每吨进口药品单价为19.6 + 23.8 + 21.9 = 65.3 ≈ 19 万 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.1 3.4 美元。因此,选择 B 选项。 【题号】2019-国家-117. 【答案】C 【知识点】增长率计算 【扩展知识点】增长率 【细分知识点】 【解题思路】 第一步,本题考查增长率计算,根据图 2 可知,2017 年 5 月全国进口药品金额 27.8 亿美元,同比增长 54.4%;2017 年 4 月全国进口药品金额 18.8 亿美元,同比增长 12.2%。 第二步,2016 年 5 月全国进口药品金额为 27.8 ≈ 27.8 ≈ 18 亿美元,2016 年 4 月全 1 + 54.5% 1.55 国进口药品金额为 18.8 ≈ 18.8 ≈ 17 亿美元。 1 + 12.2% 1.1 2 第三步,2016 年 5 月全国进口药品金额环比增速为18 - 17 ≈ 1 ≈ 6% 。因此,选择 C 选 项。 【题号】2019-国家-118. 【答案】C 【知识点】简单比较 【扩展知识点】读数类 【细分知识点】 【解题思路】 17 17

第一步,本题考查简单比较,根据图 1 折线可知,2017 年 6~12 月全国进口药品数量同比增速分别为 5.6%、1.0%、13.3%、8.2%、7.0%、21.5%、?3.0%,下半年只需判定 7~12 月即可。 第二步,比较可知,全国进口药品数量同比增速低于上月水平的分别为:7 月、9 月、10 月、12 月,共 4 个。因此,选择 C 选项。 【题号】2019-国家-119. 【答案】D 【知识点】增长率比较 【扩展知识点】增长率读数 【细分知识点】 【解题思路】 本题考查增长率比较。根据图 2 可知,2017 年9~12 月全国进口药品金额分别为 21.9、18.4、24.0、27.8 亿美元,明显 2017 年10 月全国进口药品金额环比增长率为负,11 月、12 月环比增长率均为正。故 10 月环比增长率最小,观察选项只有 D 符合要求。因此,选择D 选项。 【题号】2019-国家-120. 【答案】B 【知识点】综合分析 【解题思路】 A 选项,基期量比较,根据图 1 可知,2016 年下半年全国进口商品数量低于 1 万吨的只有 10 月, 1.0 1 + 7% < 1万吨,错误。 B 选项,两期平均数比较,药品单价=药品金额 ,根据材料可知,2017 年 11 月全国药药品数量 品进口金额同比增长 11.9%,进口数量同比增长 21.5%,分子增长率<分母增长率,根据两期平均数比较的结论可知,平均数低于去年同期水平,正确。 C 选项,简单计算,根据图 2 可知,2017 年第二季度全国进口药品金额为 18.8 + 27.8 + 26.5 < 19 + 28 + 27 = 74 亿美元,错误。 D 选项,基期量计算,根据图 2 可知,2018 年1 月全国进口药品金额为 22.2 亿美元,同比增长16.3%,则2017 年1 月全国进口药品金额为 22.2 1 + 16.3% < 20 亿美元,错误。 因此,选择 B 选项。 【题号】2019-国家-121. 【答案】B



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前言 本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。 本标准起草单位:北京新奥时代科技有限责任公司。 本标准主要起草人:谭志彬、丁艳、黄文、龚俊辉、高峰、程聪、方炬发、薛瑞、叶云飞、姚亮、程明智、龚玉涵。 声明:本标准的知识产权归属于北京新奥时代科技有限责任公司,未经北京新奥时代科技有限责任公司同意,不得印刷、销售。

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英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france

虚拟现实实训室建设方案(DOC 26页)

虚拟现实实训室建设方案(DOC 26页)

虚拟现实系统建设项目建议书 2015年7月

一、项目提出背景 (一)、随着我国经济水平的持续稳步发展,人们的生活水平不提高,生活内容也在日新月异的快速变化,人们开始更多的参与到舆论当中。在当今社会人们对资讯需求越来越高,电视、网络、报纸、杂志已经成为人们生活必不可少的资讯来源,各种媒体已经成为社会舆论的主导。而政府各职能部门如何能够与媒体进行良好互动,如何及时掌控信息,如何正确反馈和传达信息,让媒体积极引导社会舆论,促使政府各职能部门对社会进行合理的高效的管控,这已经成为当今所有职能部门所面临的重要课题。建设和应用媒体沟通情景模拟教学系统,已成为提高领导干部应对媒体能力的重要手段。 (二)、当今社会各类危机事件频发,如自然灾害中的洪涝灾害、雪灾与冰灾、火灾和旱灾,城市大火、重大工程事故、群体事件、重大犯罪事件等。当危机发生时,如何能在第一时间协调各职能部门,迅速有效地进行处理,最大限度的减少危机带来的损失与影响,这将是新时期、新形势下领导干部面对的重要课题。 (三)、传统教学方式与手段落后,老师授课难有激情,已经无法满足当前干部培养的教学需求,呆板、无味的教条式教学模式,学生听课索然无味,使得当前的干部教学水平不进反退,教学效果差。这些因素迫使党的干部教育事业必须走出一条创新之路,形势迫在眉睫。 二、项目概述 情景模拟教学实训系统,是为了培养领导干部应对突发事件能力和和直面媒体的能力而建设的,极具实践性和可操作性,从模拟案例的构思、角色的分配、场景的设计到模拟演练,再现了现实工作的场景,对在实际中如何运用科学的决策和灵活的技巧快速有效地处置群体性突发事件起到很好的训练效果,达到理论教学与能力培训的有机统一,可激发学员的学习兴趣,充分调动学员的学习积极性,通过情景模拟演练,使学员的主体作用得到充分发挥,学员之间的互动交流比较深入。


精品文档 今日话题:辅音如何分类 1. 发音部位(places of articulation):双唇音(bilabial)、唇齿音(labiodental)、齿间音(dental)等; 2.发音方法(manners of articulation):、爆破音(stop)、摩擦音(fricatives)、破擦音(affricates)、鼻音(nasal)、边音(lateral)等; 3.声带状态:清辅音、浊辅音。 因此更正第七期第十道 10. English consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc, in terms of ____ A manner of articulation B openness of mouth C place of articulation D voicing 选择A而不是C 1. St. Lawrence and River Columbia are shared by both _b___ A America and Mexico B America and Canada C America and Cuba D America and Brazil 2. European settlement of Australia began in the late part of _c___ when a British penal colony was established on the east coast of the continent. A the 16th century B the 17th century C the 18th century D the 19th century 3. Which sport is supposed to be America's national sport and used to be call “American's favorable pastime”? a A baseball B basketball C rugby D cricket 4. The largest city in New Zealand is b____ A Auckland B Wellington C Christchurch D Dunedin 5. After Adam Bede,____wrote The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner in which moral problems arediscussed and psychological analysis of characters are emphasized. A George Eliot B Jane Austin C George Dickens D Charlotte Bronte 6.All of the following odes are written by John Keats EXCEPT____ A Ode to Autumn B Ode to a Nightingale C Ode to a Skylark D Ode on Melancholy 7. Of____'s four famous comedies, the best known is Lady Windermere's Fan. A Oscar Wilde B Richard Sheridan C Bernard Shaw D Somerset Maugham 8. If the air stream meets with no obstruction when a sound is pronounced, it is a(n) __c__ A voiced consonant B voiceless consonant C vowel D explosive 9. The internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is ____ A I.P.A B I.A.P.S C I.S.S D S.S.I.P 10. With the __d__, Latin words were added into the vocabulary of the language spoken in Britain. A invasion of the Romans B Christianization of Britain C Scandinavian invasion D Norman Conquest 答案 BCAAA CACAB 9. 国际音标(international phonetic alphabet)是目前世界上比较通行的音标,简称IPA,最初制定于1889年
