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The Kinetic Activation-Relaxation Technique A Powerful Off-lattice On-the-fly Kinetic Monte

The Kinetic Activation-Relaxation Technique:A Powerful O?-lattice On-the-?y

Kinetic Monte Carlo Algorithm

Fedwa El-Mellouhi,?Normand Mousseau,?and Laurent J.Lewis ?

D′e partement de Physique and Regroupement Qu′e b′e cois sur les Mat′e riaux de Pointe (RQMP),

Universit′e de Montr′e al, C.P.6128,Succursale Centre-Ville,

Montr′e al,Qu′e bec,Canada H3C 3J7

(Dated:May 15,2008)Many materials science phenomena,such as growth and self-organisation,are dominated by ac-tivated di?usion processes and occur on timescales that are well beyond the reach of standard-molecular dynamics simulations.Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC)schemes make it possible to overcome this limitation and achieve experimental timescales.However,most KMC approaches proceed by discretizing the problem in space in order to identify,from the outset,a ?xed set of barriers that are used throughout the simulations,limiting the range of problems that can be addressed.Here,we propose a more ?exible approach —the kinetic activation-relaxation technique (k-ART)—which lifts these constraints.Our method is based on an o?-lattice,self-learning,on-the-?y identi?cation and evaluation of activation barriers using ART and a topological description of events.The validity and power of the method are demonstrated through the study of vacancy di?usion in crystalline silicon.

PACS numbers:02.70.-c,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8718940701.html,,81.10.Aj,61.72.jd

Many problems in condensed matter and materials sci-ence involve stochastic processes associated with the dif-fusion of atoms over barriers that are high with respect to temperature and therefore inherently slow under “nor-mal”conditions.Because the associated rates are small,these processes may be considered independent;neglect-ing the thermal motion of atoms,it is thus possible to deal with them using the kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC)algorithm,a stochastic approach proposed by Bortz et al.[1,2,3,4]and based on transition state theory,whereby the evolution of a system is determined by a set of pre-speci?ed di?usion mechanisms,i.e.,whose energy barriers are known beforehand.In KMC simulations,the timescale is determined by the fastest activated pro-cesses and,in practice,timescales of ms or longer can be reached —much longer than accessible in traditional molecular-dynamics (MD)simulations.

While KMC has been extensively and successfully used over the past 20years,it su?ers from a number of draw-backs.In particular,the systems investigated must be discretized and mapped onto a ?xed lattice in order to de?ne the various di?usion mechanisms that need to be considered at a given moment [3].Once all processes on the lattice have been identi?ed (and their barriers evalu-ated)a priori ,the simulations simply consist in operating a di?usion event picked at random,updating the list of possible moves in the new con?guration,and iterating this procedure long enough to cover the relevant physi-cal timescales.This approach works very well for simple problems (e.g.,surface di?usion,metal-on-metal growth)but fails when the systems undergo signi?cant lattice de-formations or when long-range elastic e?ects are impor-tant.There have been numerous e?orts to lift these limi-tations,most solutions falling into one of two categories:introduction of continuum approximations for the long-

range strain deformations,and on-the-?y evaluation of the energy barriers.The ?rst category retains the lattice formulation but adds long-range contributions —which can be computed through various extrapolation schemes —to the barriers [5,6].With the second class of solu-tions,there is no need to set-up a catalog of all possi-ble activation mechanisms.In a recently proposed self-learning KMC approach,Trushin et al.introduced an on-the-?y search for barriers but displacements were re-stricted to be on-lattice[7].In other cases,a limited num-ber of activated events using the the ART-like dimer [8,9]or eigenvector-following methods [10]are generated at each step in order to construct a small catalog which serves to determine the next move.Thus,these meth-ods [5,6,7]are still limited by the lattice description of the problem and the approximate character of the elastic energies.On-the-?y/o?-lattice approaches [8,9,10],on the other hand,while more ?exible,are currently inef-?cient as they do not take advantage of the knowledge of previously-encountered events,and are therefore only useful for small systems with very few barriers.In this Letter,we introduce a powerful on-the-?y/o?-lattice KMC method which achieves speed-ups as large as 4000over standard MD for complex systems,while retaining a complete description of the relevant physics,including long-range elastic interactions.Our approach is based on the activation-relaxation technique (ART nou-veau)[11,12]for generating events and calculating barri-ers;the gain in e?ciency is achieved through a topolog-ical classi?cation of atomic environments,which allows con?gurations and events to be recognized and stored ef-?ciently,and used again as the simulation proceeds,i.e.,the method is self-learning.We demonstrate the validity and e?ciency of this kinetic ART (k-ART)approach by applying it to the problem of vacancy di?usion in crys-

a r X i v :0805.2158v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m t r l -s c i ] 15 M a y 2008


[ 912419 ]






FIG.1:(Color online)Local topology analysis in k-ART:a truncated graph (b)is extracted from the complete lattice around the highlighted central atom (a),and analysed using nauty (c)which returns a unique key associated with the given topology (d).

talline silicon and comparing to full MD simulations.Before describing k-ART,it is useful to discuss the topological characterization.For each con?guration,a connectivity graph formed by the network of local neigh-bors is ?rst constructed.These may correspond to cova-lently bonded atoms in semiconductors,or faces in the Vorono¨?tesselation of compact materials.It is impor-tant that the con?guration be uniquely de?ned through this network,i.e.,the connectivity graph must lead to a unique structure once relaxed with a given interatomic potential.In order to classify the activated processes,a truncated

graph is constructed around each atom,as il-lustrated Fig.1,the size of which depends on the physics of the system under study.In the case of Si,for example,we de?ne the local environnement around an atom by a sphere of radius 5.0?A ,which includes about 40atoms;two neighbours are bonded if their distance is less than 2.8?A .An event is de?ned as a change in the topology of the local graph.This classi?cation is performed using the freely available topological software nauty ,developed by McKay[13],which provides the topology index and all information necessary for uniquely identifying each envi-ronment,including the permutation key needed to recon-struct a speci?c geometry from the generic topology and a set of reference positions.

Events which have been learned are stored for subse-quent use;in practice,the atomic positions of the initial state as well as the associated topologies for the initial,transition and ?nal truncated graphs are saved in mem-ory.If needed,the transition and ?nal state con?gura-tions may be reconstructed from the reference geometry through a series of symmetry operations extracted from the topological analysis.This results in a considerable reduction in the amount of data that needs to be gen-erated and manipulated.For a single vacancy in c-Si,

FIG.2:(a)Total squared displacement as function of KMC steps (or time,in the inset).(b)Distance between the two vacancies as a function of KMC steps.

for example,only 20di?erent topologies are necessary to describe all possible local environments,irrespective of the system size.Moreover,as the system evolves and previously-encountered topologies are recognized,it is only necessary to update the table of active events,the cost of which is negligible as we will see below.

We now turn to a detailed description of the k-ART algorithm.Starting from an initial relaxed con?gura-tion,the various local topologies are characterized with nauty and,for each topology,possible events are con-structed with ART nouveau [11,12],which has been shown to e?ciently identify the relevant di?usion mech-anism in a wide range of systems,either crystalline or amorphous,with both empirical and ab initio meth-ods [14,15,16,17].Within this approach,the con?gura-tion is slowly pushed along a randomly selected direction until an unstable direction appears in the Hessian;this is followed while minimising the energy in the perpendicu-lar hyperplane until the system converges onto a saddle point and the system is then pushed over the barrier and relaxed into a new minimum.Since activated processes involve only a ?nite number of atoms,each event is initi-ated by displacing a given atom and its neighbours within a small,local region in a random direction.The exact size of the displacement regions depends on the system under study;in semiconductors,they typically involve ?rst and second nearest-neighbours.The initial conver-gence criterion for the saddle point search is set to 1.0eV/?A in order to accelerate convergence (but see below).To simplify labelling,each event is assigned to the

topology centered on the atom that moved the most dur-ing the event,irrespective of the initial trial assignment.The events are stored as displacement vectors from the reference state to the transition and the ?nal states;these are used to reconstruct all speci?c events associated with a given topology throughout the lattice.Once the list of topologies and associated barriers is set (or has been updated),all low-energy events (which we de?ne for Si as having barriers of 15k B T or less)are reconstructed from the topology and re-relaxed with a stricter con-vergence criterion of 0.1eV/?A in order to accurately take into account the local environment and the long-range interactions,leading to a precision of about 0.01eV on the barrier height.At this point,two types of events are in the catalog:(1)“generic”events,that in-clude all high-energy barriers,and (2)“speci?c”events,where all low-energy barriers,dominating the kinetics,are relaxed individually.We associate a transition rate r i =τ0exp (?E i /k B T )to each event,where τ0is ?xed at the outset and,for simpli?city,assumed to be the same (=1013s ?1)for all events.From this list,and follow-ing Bortz et al.[1],the elapsed time to the next event is computed as ?t =?ln μ/ i r i ,with μa random num-ber in the [0,1[interval.Finally,an event is selected with a weight proportional to its rate and is operated;the clock is pushed forward and the process starts again:The topology of all atoms belonging to the local envi-ronment around the new state is constructed;if a new topology is found,a series of ART nouveau searches are launched;otherwise,we proceed to the next step.After all events are updated,the low-lying barriers are,once again,relaxed before calculating the time increment and selecting the next move.

As the system evolves,it may get trapped in a set of local con?gurations separated by very low energy bar-riers that dominate the dynamics without yielding dif-fusion.An exact solution to dealing with such “?ick-ers”has been proposed by Athenes et al.[18],but we elect here to use a simpler limited-memory Tabu-like ap-proach [19]which proceeds by banning transitions rather than states [20].In brief,at any given moment,we keep in memory (the “memory kernel”)the n previous transi-tions.If a planned transition is already in memory,it is blocked and the initial or the ?nal con?guration of this move is adopted with the appropriate Boltzmann proba-bility;the transition is also blocked for the next n jumps and removed from the list of possible events.As was shown in Ref.[20],this approach is thermodynamically exact and is kinetically valid as long as the memory is short compared to the timeline of evolution of the sys-tem.

We now demonstrate the validity and e?ciency of our method by studying the di?usion of systems of two and six vacancies in a 1000-atom Stillinger-Weber c-Si sam-ple.For the 2-vacancy system,we start by removing two second-neighbour Si atoms,then perform a k-ART run

20 μs

t = 0

90 μs

65 μs

of KMC steps for the 6-vacancy system.

for 200CPU hours on a single 1.5GHz Itanium 2pro-cessor.During this time,the vacancies perform about 1000jumps,corresponding to a di?usion time of about 100μs.Figure 2(a)shows the total squared displace-ment of the atoms as a function of KMC steps (i.e.,events)and,in the inset,e?ective time.Two types of behaviour are clearly visible.During the ?rst 400steps (~4μs),di?usion takes place through correlated single vacancy hops,the two vacancies maintaining a separa-tion oscillating between 3.85and 4.5?A .At about step 400,the two vacancies become trapped as a single diva-cancy,characterized by small local rearrangements,and remain so for about 80μs before partially breaking apart and resuming its 2-vacancy correlated walk.The corre-lated motion is best seen in Fig.2(b),where we plot the distance between the two vacancies as a function of KMC steps :the two vacancies remain bound in a ?rst or second-neighbour state for the whole simulation,except for occasional excursions to larger distances.This strik-ing result illustrates perfectly the strength of k-ART in handling fully the impact of lattice deformation on dif-fusion,which here induces the two vacancies to return rapidly to a tightly-correlated con?guration.

For the 6-vacancy problem,now,we start with a con-?guration containing two 3-vacancy clusters placed far away from each other,as shown in the t =0snapshot in Fig.3.This con?guration is challenging because the dy-namics is dominated by a series of local rearrangements and reorientations associated with low-energy barriers that preserve the compactness of the cluster,i.e.,break-ing it appart is very di?cult.To test this,we ?rst ran a 30ns MD simulation at 500K;no dissociation or di?u-sion events were observed.Likewise,nothing happened in a 5000-step k-ART simulation without memory ker-nel,which covered 8μs.These two calculations required roughly the same computational e?ort;we thus already conclude that k-ART is at least 250times faster than

MD;this is fast,but we can do much better by invoking the memory kernel to eliminate the?icker problem which is inherent to such complex materials.

Thus,we carried out a third simulation of the6-vacancy problem using k-ART and the memory kernel. Figure3shows the squared displacement as function of KMC steps.We observe,in agreement with the previous two simulations,that the initial state is fairly stable:the system?ickers during the?rst20μs(160KMC steps), in agreement with the MD and the k-ART simulation without memory kernel.At20μs,one vacancy breaks away from the top right cluster and quickly moves to the other cluster,forming a4-vacancy chain and leaving a divacancy behind.As in the2-vacancy simulation,this divacancy di?uses through the box for about45μs(525 KMC steps)as a correlated pair.Finally,at event685

(65μs),the divacancy breaks appart and one vacancy rapidly joins the larger cluster.The lone monovacancy di?uses through the lattice during25μs and eventually joins the5-vacancy cluster,forming a stable hexavacancy chain with a total energy2eV lower than that of the initial con?guration.Not surprisingly,for the last150 KMC steps(20μs),the di?usion becomes negligible and we observe only unsuccessful attempts to dissociate the hexavacancy cluster.

In terms of e?ciency,k-ART with the memory kernel is about4000times faster than MD,with110μs simulated in220CPU hours.In k-ART most of the computational time is spent in identifying events associated with new topologies.This is clear in Figure4where we plot CPU time versus simulated time for k-ART,with the learning phases indicated by arrows.Sampling is considerable:at the end of this run,17237di?erent events were generated, associated with1964initial topologies,for an average of almost9events per topology;at each step during the simulation,the system presents about80to120di?erent topologies.Since each atom is associated with a topology, about9000di?erent barriers are considered at each KMC step.

While the cost of k-ART is signi?cantly higher than lattice KMC,it is ideally suited to problems that have been left aside until now because of the importance of o?-lattice positions,surface reconstruction and long-range elastic e?ects,as we have shown in the study of2and6 Si vacancy di?usion.Because the method is inherently local,a number of improvements can be envisaged that will yield considerable acceleration to the code.Paral-lelizing the management of events and barriers,for ex-ample,should speed up the calculations by a factor of 10or20.Moreover,because of the topological classi?ca-tion,the catalog of events may be stored and reused at a later time,thus accelerating new simulations.Kinetic ART is an exciting self-learning,o?-lattice kinetic Monte-Carlo algorithm that opens the door to the numerical study of problems such as semiconductor growth,self-organization,defect di?usion and interface mixing,that the hexavacancy aggregation problems.Red arrows indicate extensive self-learning phases in k-ART

have until now been out of the reach of simulations. This work has been supported by the Canada Research Chairs program and by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC) and the Fonds Qu′e b′e cois de la Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies(FQRNT).We are grateful to the R′e seau Qu′e b′e cois de Calcul de Haute Performance(RQCHP)for generous allocations of computer resources.

?Electronic address:f.el.mellouhi@umontreal.ca

?Electronic address:normand.mousseau@umontreal.ca ?Electronic address:laurent.lewis@umontreal.ca

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