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选修7 Unit 4 Sharing

选修7 Unit 4 Sharing
选修7 Unit 4 Sharing

Unit 4 Sharing Ⅰ.重要单词聚焦


2.vi.& vt. 调整;(使)适合

3.vi. 参与;参加

4.conj. 否则;不然

adv. 用别的方法;其他方面





5.n. 特权;特别优待

6.n. 安排;排列

7.vt.& n. 烤(面包等);敬酒;烤面包(片);干杯8.vt. 捐赠

9.adj. 自愿的,无偿的

10.vt.& n. 买;购买

11.vi. (用针线)缝

vt. 缝制;缝合

12.adj. 政治的;政党的









13.vt. 分配,分发

14.n. 分配;分发;分布状态

15.n. 安全;保护,保障16.vi.& vt. 工作;运转;操作17.n. 门诊部;小诊所distribute






1.hear 接收……的信

2.the day 不久前的一天

3.dry (指河流、井等)干涸

4.to 适应

5.to be 诚实的说

6.Get 通过

7.set 建立;开张

8.(be) to do 极想;渴望做某事9.dry (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透from









10.in 在困难中;在危急中11.come 遇见

12.stick 伸出





1.Once the fire was going,he laid stones on it.



________ ________ ________ ________ ________,you will know he is a good person.

【答案】Once you talk to him

2.He then covered the vegetables with banana leaves and left them to steam.



He went out to play,________ ________ ________ ________.

【答案】leaving his homework unfinished

3.You asked whether I am getting to know any local people.

[信息提取]whether conj.引导名词性从句或状语从句,意为“是否,会不会,不管,不论”。[例句仿写]你必须做这件事,不管你喜欢还是不喜欢。

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,you’ll have to do it.

【答案】Whether you like it or not

4.We walked for two and a half hours to get there—first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.

[信息提取]from where引导定语从句修饰a ridge。


We could have________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

【答案】 a good view of the lake from where we lived

participate vt.参与;参加

I participate in your suffering and joy.


They actively participate in local politics.


She didn’t participate in the discussion.


1.Every four years,many athletes from different countries________the Olympic Games. A.take part in B.participate in

C.join D.both A and B

【答案】 D

2.Students in our school are encouraged to________more activities after class in order to broaden their knowledge.

A.attend B.join

C.take part D.participate in

【解析】participate in=take part in表示“参加集体活动”的意思。

【答案】 D

3.All of them thought it necessary that he________the meeting.

A.attend B.join

C.participate in D.take part in

【解析】attend a meeting参加(出席)会议。

【答案】 A

adjust vt.& vi.调整;使适合

(1)adjust sth.to sth.调整……以适应……

My camera can be adjusted to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.


She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.她把座椅调到适合她孩子的高度。

adjust/adapt oneself to使自己适应于……

She soon adjusted/adapted herself to his way of life.


She found it hard to adjust to working at night.


4.You can’t see through a telescope unless it is correctly________to yo ur sight.

A.adapted B.admitted

C.adopted D.adjusted


【答案】 D

5.(2009年杭州模拟)—Did he say something in the lecture that________you?

—Not really.Actually I felt sleepy over his speech.

A.adjusted to B.attached to

C.referred to D.appealed to

【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据下文可知演讲并没有吸引我。故选appeal to对……有吸引力;adjust to适应;attach to依附于……;refer to提及。

【答案】 D

donate vt.捐赠;赠送

Last year he donated 100,000 dollars to cancer research.


She donated a large sum of money to the charity.


(1)donation n.捐赠,捐献;捐款,捐赠物

give/make/present a donation to...捐赠

send a donation to...把捐款寄至……

(2)donator n.捐赠者,赠送者

She made a donation of a thousand dollars.

她捐出了1 000美元。

The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations.


6.If most bread-winners________a day’s pay to the Hope Project,then it will be hopeful.


数学与计算机学院 课程设计说明书 课 程 名 称: JAVA 数据库网络综合课程设计 课 程 代 码: 题 目: 选修课程管理系统 年级/专业/班: 2012 级计科 3 班 学 生 姓 名: 徐茂淋 学 号: 312012********* 开 始 时 间: 2014 完 成 时 间: 2014 年 12 年 12 月 2 月 28 日 日 课程设计成绩: 学习态度 及平时成 绩(20) 技术水平 与实际能 力(20) 完成 情况 (20) 创新(5) 说明书(计算书、图 纸、 分析报告)撰写 质量 (35) 总 分 (100)

指导教师签名:年月 日 数学与计算机学院 课程设计任务书 ( 2014/ 2015学年第1学期) 专年业: 级: 计算机科学与技术 2012 课程名称: 课程代码: JAVA 数据库网络综合课程设计

一、设计题目 选修管理系统 二、主要内容 调查学校教务处,设计用于管理全校学生选修课活动的系统。主要功能有: 1.全校选修计划课程管理; 2.全校选修开课课程管理; 3.全校学生选课管理; 4.全校选修课成绩管理; 5.打印报表; 6.系统维护,如数据安全管理(含备份与恢复)、操作员管理、权限设置等; 要求: 1.设计学生选课录入界面及学生选课查询界面; 2.设计课程输入界面和学生选课表及课程选修情况查询界面; 3.根据学生库和课程库,输出学生课程表(选课冲突时按学号分配课程); 三、具体要求 1.对系统作需求分析和数据库逻辑结构设计。 2.设计出ER模型,并完整标明每个实体型的相关属性,推荐使用Erwin实现。 3.利用前台开发工具,完成对每个实体型中实体数据的查询和编辑操作,并 提供相应的界面。

高二英语选修7unit4 sharing reading教案

A Letter Home 知识目标 1. Make the students know about basic information of PNG. 2. Establish the consciousness of helping others 能力目标 1.Let the students talk about the information from the photos. 2. Develop the students’ reading ability. 情感目标 1. Arouse stud ents’ great interest in being a volunteer. 2. Develop student’ sense of cooperation learning. 教学重点: 1.Talk about Jo’s experience with the target language and useful expressions. 2.Get students to know the customs and lives of the poeple in Tombe’s village. 3.Get students to learn different reading skills. 教学难点: 1. Develop students’ reading ability. 2.Enable students to learn to talk about being a volunte. 教学过程: stepⅠ Greetings & Lead-in 1.Greet the students as usual. 2.A sketch played by students. StepⅡ Warming up 1. Ask students some questions and then make a definition of volunteer Have you ever helped your parents, or other relatives, or your friends? Have you ever helped people in your community or people outside your community? 2. Show some pictures and let the students speak out what the volunteers are doing. StepⅢ Pre-reading 1. Introduce Papua New Guinea (PNG) 2. Look at the photos from Jo and answer the following questions: 1) What was Jo’s job in PNG? 2) What kind of students ware in her class? Boys, girls, or both?


北京城市学院公共选修课学生选课管理办法 (2017年9月修订) 第一章总则 第一条本办法适用于北京城市学院普通全日制本科生的公共选修课选课管理。 第二条学校公共选修课程包括两类,第一类为面授课程:大学英语预备级、春季选修课、秋季选修课、夏季选修课、学校认定的其它选修课程;第二类为在线课程。 第三条每位本科生从一年级秋季学期到三年级春季学期结束前 (含夏季学期),需要选够4门公共选修课程,参加课程学习并通过考核,其中两门为面授课程,两门为在线课程,未达到公共选修课选修门数要求的学生不予毕业。 第二章学生选课的组织 第四条教务管理部门负责选课的管理与协调,按照每学期中应选学生规模安排选课任务,组织学生选课。 第五条各学科、专业可确定适合要求的选修课群,指导学生在选修课群中选修,或者通过专业导论课或专题讲座给学生提供选课指导。 第六条为加强学生选课的质量与效率,教务管理部门要认真做好选课指导工作,并指导学生了解课程信息、选课要求和程序等。 第三章学生选课的要求 第七条学生选课应参照培养方案的要求,结合自己的兴趣、基础和能力,参考教师指导,进行选课。理工农医类专业学生应在四门公共选修课中至少选修一门人文社科类的选修课,人文社科类等专业学生应在四门公共选修课中至少选修一门自然科学类的选修课。 第八条学生应根据课程安排表,合理安排选课,并优先保证必修课(含重修的必修课)的修读。必修和选修课程的上课时间不允许冲突。 第九条每位本科生须在学校指定的学期、指定的课程类型内选课,为保证必修课程的学习时间和选修课程的学习质量,每位学生每学期至多选修一门面授类公共选修课程。

第十条具体选课说明: (一)大一的秋季学期:自2017级起学校统一开设大学英语预备级,该门课程的性质为公共选修课,属于限选,即每一名大一学生必须参加该门课程的学习;(二)大一的春季学期,大二的秋季、春季学期,每位学生需从面授类公共选修课程中再选择1门进行学习; (三)若已选修的课程未取得合格成绩,可在其它学期中重选,并在大二的夏季学期之前(含夏季学期)完成2门面授课程的学习,取得合格的成绩; (四)公共选修课中两门在线课程,可在大二的春季学期、大三的春季、秋季三个学期选读,完成学习并取得合格的成绩。 第四章学生选课的程序 第十一条面授类公共选修课按学校指定的时间登录“北京城市学院教务管理系统教务公告栏”浏览新学期公共选修课相关内容,并进行网上选课。 第十二条学生秋、春学期选课时间原则上为第十六周周日、夏季学期根据教务处具体通知。选课分两个阶段进行,第一阶段为任意选课阶段,结束后,由教务管理部门按照有关规定确定可开设的课程、取消开设的课程、进行二次选课的课程,并将相关信息挂在教务管理系统教务公告栏内。第二阶段为补选阶段,为第一阶段所选课程被取消开设的学生提供网上补选机会。 第十三条选课结束后、正式开课前,教务管理部门将根据选课名单形成正式的课程教学班学生名册。课程教学班学生名册一经形成,未经教务处批准不允许变动。 第十四条教务处通知具体开课时间。 第五章学生学习要求 第十五条公共选修课一旦选定不能退课、换课。 第十六条学生本人只有在网上选课成功后,方可参加该课程的学习和考核,考核合格后登载成绩。 第十七条对于选课成功的课程,学生应珍惜学校提供的教学资源,遵守学习纪律,按时和独立地完成各教学环节,并参加课程的考核。对于面授类公共选修课,须按照课表参加面授,参与课堂教学,应遵守学生手册中的相关规定,成绩管理按《北京城市学院成绩评定及成绩管理办法》执行;对于在线课程,选课成功后


模块7各单元词汇和短语复习 Unit 1 Living Well Part One 根据首字母或汉语提示写出完整的单词: 1. An unexpected accident made Sang Lan a girl with a physical d____________, but she never gave up. 2. We often observe the tiny cells with m______________ in our biology classes. 3. The production of iron and steel is the most important i______________ of the city. 4. Taiwan is part of China and not an i_______________ state. 5. I have passed all the exams and I am waiting to get the graduation c_______________. 6. A place is a______________ if it is possible to reach it. 7. I was not alone on the journey. Instead, I had so many c________________. 8. You can refer to old people in general as the _______________. 9. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is ______________ to people. 10. When the disabled meet with difficulty, we should do what we can to give them a___________. 11. One of his ________________ (志向) is to become a world-wide famous pop singer. 12. He was _____________(笨拙的) with a tool. 13. The patient’s _______________(呼吸) grew stronger and stronger. 14. Who took his place and controlled the company during his ________________ (不在) ? 15. I’m going to give some suggestions to this famous ________________(建筑师). 16. A man’s _______________(尊严)doesn’t depends on his wealth but on his character. Part Two 一、词形变换(用所给词的适当形式填空) 1. The ______________ is good at ______________ TV plays from the stories he reads about or hears. (adapt) 2. The country used to be _____________ on Britain in many ways, but now it has become absolutely_______________. (depend) 3. We have ___________ a lot from the co-operation and I’m sure it will continue to be ________ to both of us. (benefit) 4. Her _____________ lecture ____________ all of us. We won’t forget her ____________. (encourage) 5. ______________ people should be treated equally in spite of their ______________. (disability) 6. You were _____________ yesterday, Tom. Can you tell me the reason for you _____________? (absent) 7. The ______________ serving the passengers on the train is of good_______________. (conduct) 8. ________________ countries pay much attention to the development of ________________. (industry) 二、翻译句子 1. 应该给残疾人尽可能多的鼓励和援助。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 换句话说,这些措施对我们的工业发展是有益的。 ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 总之,在学校寄宿(board)能帮助学生学会独立。 ______________________________________________________________________________


Unit 4 Sharing 答题栏 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A Helen Keller was one of America's best-known women. She was admired for her courage and achievements although she couldn't see or hear. She was also known throughout the world for her self-sacrificing work to improve the condition of the blind, the deaf and the speechless. When she died on June 1, 1968, the newspaper Washington Post wrote:“Her life is truly one of the most remarkable phenomena of our time and her death just short of the age of 88 leaves the whole world poorer.” Helen Keller was born on June 27th, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. For the first 19 months of her life, she was a pretty and happy baby, normal in every way. Then a sudden illness destroyed her sight and her hearing. Because she could not hear sounds to imitate (模仿), she could not speak. Helen used to say that her real birthday was not June 27th, 1880, but March 3rd, 1887 — the day when Anne Sullivan entered her life. It was Anne Sullivan who taught Helen to spell certain words by a special system, Braille, and even to talk. Anne Sullivan could not teach Helen Keller to speak until some other important things had been learned. The little girl had to learn to control her actions and feelings. She had to learn that she could not always do what she wanted to do. She had always been able to get what she wanted by using force. The teacher had to change such habits without breaking the child's spirit. Miss Sullivan's battle began. Sometimes, there was real fighting between the wild child and the strong young teacher. At last, however, the battle was won by Miss Sullivan, who succeeded in showing Helen that she loved her and wanted to help her. The child and her teacher became friends. They continued to be friends until the teacher's death, fifty years later. The day on which Helen finally accepted Miss Sullivan as her friend and teacher was a great day in Helen's life. After that, the teacher could begin to teach the child language.

客户关系管理试题 (公共选修课)2013年秋季学期课程期末考试 南京大学网络教育学院学生平台

客户关系管理试题 (公共选修课)2013年秋季学期课程期末考试南京大学网络教育学院学生平台

南京大学网络教育学院 “客户关系管理”课程期末试卷 提示:文档直接在学生平台提交 菲利普·科特勒说过:“在客户数据仓库市场营销方式不断发展壮大的同时,先后出现过好几个不同的词语来描述它,包括个性化的市场营销、客户亲近式的市场营销、技术支撑式的市场营销、对话式的市场营销、互动式的市场营销、承诺式的市场营销和一对一的市场营销。” 如今的客户关系管理的现状如何,你对CRM未来的发展有什么想法? 答:如今的客户关系管理的现状: 1.客户数据收集环节薄弱,缺乏对客户洞察能力的培养 在与客户交易之前或交易过程中不会取得客户的详细资料。可能说一周有几万个客户,但无法说清有多少不同的客户,客户有什么类型,客户的偏好、特征是什么等等问题。这对一家公司来讲是非常遗憾的,虽然拥有众多的客户,却对其客户缺乏了解。 因此,公司要设法主动地获取和记录客户的资料,诸如:什么产品最受欢迎、哪些顾客偏好购买哪种产品、原因是什么、有多少回头客、什么类型的客户为企业带来现金流、什么类型的客户为企业带来利润、哪些用户较具成长能力、哪些用户有离开的倾向、离开的原因有哪些等等。 通过数据挖掘、数据分析来认识客户的行为和偏好,了解客户消费模式及习惯的变化,培养企业的客户洞察能力。 2.客户与公司的接触渠道不灵活 很多公司还采用电话或直接接触沟通方式,客户大多由于时间因素或嫌麻烦而不太愿意主动采用,难以获取客户的反馈信息,在销售方式上还主要是通过面对面进行,实现网上销售的几乎没有,这种方式缩小了公司客户范围,把那些工作太忙没时间出门采购或不喜欢逛街的潜在客户排除在外,这是一个重大的损失。 3.缺乏个性化的营销方案


UNIT2 The First Period Reading Teaching goals教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a.重点词汇和短语 fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful , affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone b.重点句型 1.She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. 2.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 3.By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. 2.Ability goals 能力目标 : Help students to learn about robots and science fiction. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标: Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand. Teaching important points教学重点 Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during


高考英语一轮复习Unit1Livingwell练习(含解析)新人教版选 修7 Unit 1 Living well Ⅰ.阅读理解(2018河北石家庄二中一模) It’s 3 o’clock and you’ve been hard at work.As you sit at your desk,a strong desire for chocolate overcomes you.You try to busy yourself to make it go away.But it doesn’t work.Here is another situation.Perhaps you are not feeling well.The only thing you want to eat is a big bowl of chicken soup,like your mom used to make when you were sick as a child.Food cravings (渴望) are a strong desire for a specific type of food.And they are normal. Scientists at the website How Stuff Works compare hunger and cravings this way:Hunger is a fairly simple connection between the stomach and the brain.They even call it simply “stomach hunger”.When our stomachs burn up all of the food we have eaten,a hormone sends a message to one part of the brain for more food,which regulates our most basic body functions such as thirst,hunger and sleep.The brain then produces a chemical to start the appetite and you eat.Hunger is a function of survival. A craving is more complex.It activates(激活) brain areas related to emotion,memory and reward.These are the same areas of the brain activated during drug-craving studies.Some scientists call food cravings “mind hunger”.People often crave foods that are high in fat and sugar,which produce chemicals in the brain.These chemicals give us feelings of pleasure. In a 2007 study,researchers at Cambridge University found that “dieting or restricted eating generally increases the possibility of food craving”.Thus,the more you deny yourself a food that you want,the more you may crave it.However,fasting is a bit different.They found that eating no food at all for a short period of time lessened food cravings. Therefore,the next time you crave something very specific,know that your brain may be more to blame than your stomach. 1.What is the function of the first paragraph?


选修课管理办法 为深化教学改革、加强素质教育,进一步加强选修课的规范管理,严格质量标准,根据学校人才培养方案和学籍管理等相关规定,特制定本办法。 一、开设选修课的原则 (一)开设选修课的教师,必须责任心强,业务水平高,教学效果好。 (二)选修课最低开班人数要求原则上为30人,部分需要限制上课人数的特殊课程,须在开课申请中注明,报教务处审核。 (三)选修课周课时2-4节,各门选修课学期总课时不超过36节。 (四)学生选修某门课程如需缴纳教材费、工具费、材料费、设备使用费、考证费、会费或其他费用,按学校有关收费政策办理。 (五)选修课教学纳入《教学工作规范》和《教学差错与事故的认定及处理办法》的管理范畴。 (六)各类实践性教学场所要向选修课学生开放。 二、教师开课申请 (一)每学期第11周,教务处发出组织申报下学期公共选修课的通知后,教师向课程所属二级学院提出开课申请,由二级学院负责对申请人的任课资格、业务能力和申请材料进行审查,审查通过后,每学期第12周交教务处审核备案。 (二)开课申请应包括开课教师、课程简介、开课对象、开课时间、场地要求,班级容量,拟开班级数等信息(见附件1)。 (三)原则上每位教师每个学期只能申请1门选修课。 (四)教务处根据培养目标、人才培养方案和开课原则,并根据选修课开设要求,协调做好教材、场地、设备等准备工作,每学期第14周,在学校教务系统中,向学生公布下学期拟开设公共选修课程。 三、学生选课原则及程序 (一)学生原则上在第2-5学期参加选课,每学期选修不得超过1门。 (二)学生多次选修同1门课程,成绩不予重复认定。

(三)公共选修课实行两轮选课,学生登录学校教务系统进行选课,学校教务系统选课操作流程见附件2。 1、每学期第15-16周,各二级学院组织学生在教务系统中的拟开设课程进行第1轮选课; 2、每学期第17-18周,教务处根据第1轮报名情况,取消未达到最低开班人数要求的班级,并在学校网站上公布,各二级学院组织落选学生进行第2轮选课。 (四)两轮选课结束后,学生应及时登录学校教务系统查询本人选修课选课结果。 四、授课管理 (一)课程所属二级学院负责对本二级学院开设的公共选修课的质量进行管理,通过督导、听课、日常教学检查及听取学生反馈等各种形式,严把教学质量关。 (二)授课或指导教师应负责选订或编写选修课的教材、讲义或指导书,要制定授课计划,应认真备课,所有教学资料上传学校教学管理系统,并在系统中填写考勤情况,教学日志等。 (三)任课教师因特殊原因需要调、停课的,应按学校相关规定办理手续,并通知选修学生。 (四)牢固树立安全意识,杜绝人身和设备事故。 (五)教师应认真总结教学经验教训,提出改进办法。 (六)不能提供完整的选修课教学资料,或发生了教学事故或差错,教务处有权视情况扣减部分或全部工作量。 四、课程考核 (一)选修课的考核要求、形式及档案管理与考查课相同。考核结束后,任课教师应在规定时间内将考核成绩及时录入学校教务系统。 (二)选修课考核不合格者不予补考,应重新选修,但不计入留级的课程门数。 (三)学生在校期间未修满人才培养方案规定的选修课门数,不予毕业。 五、其他



Ⅰ.单词拼写根据音标及词义写出英文单词。1.catalogue['k?t?l?ɡ] n.目录2.angle['??ɡl] n. 角;角度 3.concept['k?nsept] n. 观念;概念4.platform['pl?tf??m] n. 台;平台;讲台5.anniversary[??nI'v??s?rI] n. 周年纪念(日) 6.astronaut['?str?n??t] n. 宇航员 7.clinic['klInIk] n. 门诊部;小诊所8.privilege['prIv?lId?] n. 特权;特别优待9.textbook['tekstb?k] n. 教科书;课本10.purchase['p??t??s] vt.&n. 买;购买11.toast['t??st] vt. 烤(面包等) n. 烤面包(片) 12.relevant['rel?v?nt] adj. 有关的;切题的13.remote[rI'm??t] adj. 遥远的;偏僻的

14.weekly['wi?klI] adj. & adv. 每周(的) 15.otherwise['?e?waIz] conj. 否则;不然adv. 用别的方法 16.donate[d??'neIt] vt. 捐赠 Ⅱ.单词拓展写出下列单词及其派生词。1.mud n.泥;淤泥;泥浆muddy adj. 泥泞的;模糊的;混乱的2.participate vi. 参与;参加 participation n. 参与;参加 participant n. 参加者;参与者3.distribute vt. 分配;分发 distribution n. 分配;分发;分布状态distributor n. 发行人;经销商;分销商4.secure vt. 保护 adj. 安全的 security n. 安全;保护;保障 5.voluntary adj. 自愿的;无偿的volunteer n. 志愿者


公共选修课管理办法 公共选修课的开设旨在拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生的文化素质。为规范公共选修课的管理,加强公共选修课的建设, 保证公共选修课的教学质量和良好的教学秩序,根据我院的实际情况,制定本管理办法。 一、开课条件和授课对象: 1、开课教师原则上应具有中级以上专业技术职称或硕士研究生以上学历; 2、系统地上过一门以上(含—门)课程并有二年以上教学经历; 3、对该课程有较深的研究,或在相关领域有一定的学术成果; 4、拟开设公共选修课程能容纳30 人以上; 5、有教学大纲和授课计划,有教材或参考书。 6、公共选修课现阶段只针对高职三年级学生开设。 二、申请开课程序 1、由本人填写“公共选修课开课申请表”,向公共课教学部提出开课申请; 2、公共课教学部同意后,由教务处根据培养目标、教学计划和开课条件,进行审批。 三、选课办法

1、每年6月上旬由公共课教学部公布下一个学期公共选修课的开课情况,包括课程简介、考核方式、上课时间、上课地点、限选人数等内容。 2、每年6月下旬由学生选报2门课程。 3、每年6月底由公共课教学部打印公共选修课学生考勤表和班级选修课情况表,并发至各有关班级及任课教师。 4、每门课程的选修人数不足30人的,原则上不开课,已选报的学生可以重选。 四、公共选修课教材原则上由各任课教师负责选购。 五、教学管理 公共选修课教学管理等一切事宜与必修课相同。 六、考勤及考核 1、修读学生应按规定的时间、地点准时上课。凡无故缺勤超过该课程学时1/3者,取消本课程考核资格。 2、任课教师须认真进行考勤,课程结束时,统计学生缺勤情况, 对缺勤超过该课程总学时1/3者,取消其考核资格。并在学期第十五周将取消考核资格的学生名单报送教务处。 3、学生未经选课也可旁听其他选修课(在教师能容纳的情况下),但不能参加考核,即使已通过考核其所得成绩无效 4、每个选修班由任课教师指定1—2名学生为临时负责人,协助 搞好教学管理工作,并密切师生间联系。 5、公共选修课的考核要求与必修课相同


人教版高二英语选修7 Unit 4 Sharing 全单元教案 Warming-up and Reading Teaching Goal: 1. Target language volunteer, hear from, be dying to, come across, relevant, stick out, doorway, adjust, platform, soft, softly, grill, dry out, dry up, privilege, arrangement 2. Ability goal Enable Ss to learn about PNG and Jo’s work in PNG as a volunteer teacher 3. Learning ability goal Help the Ss lean how to read between lines and find the positive and negative aspects of doing something Teaching methods: Discussion, skimming, scanning and task-based method Teaching Aid A recorder, a projector and PPT. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Have you ever helped others? What did you do to help your parents or other relatives? Or your friends? Or people outside your community? I am sure you’ve a lot to say. OK, now et into gurops and finish the survey form on P28. Step 2 Pre-reading


Unit 1 LIVING WELL 1. In other words, there are not many people like me. in other words 换句话说,也就是说(=that is to say) 【归纳拓展】 Word came that...有消息传来说……(word 意为消息时为不可数名词) in a / one word 简言之;总之 in words 用语言 beyond words 无法用言语表达 in word 在口头上 word for word 逐字地 keep one's word 遵守诺言 break one's word 失信,不遵守诺言 eat one's words 承认说错了话 ????? have a word with...与……谈一谈have words with...与……吵架 Eg. Like some of my classmates ,I cannot live up to my teachers' expectations ,in other words ,I let them down. 像我一些同学一样,我没能达到老师的期望,换句话说,我让他们失望了。 It's not necessary to translate the sentences word for word. 没有必要逐词翻译句子。 Please believe me. I'll keep my word. 请相信我,我决不食言。 【练习】选用短语并用恰当的形式填空。 1) She has a good handwriting, and is good at writing articles. __________, she is a qualified secretary. 2) The beauty of sunset can not be described _________. 3) The person who _______________my father is one of my relatives. 4) The couple _________________ each other in the street ignoring the eyes of passers-by. 2. Unfortunately, the doctors don’t know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 1)不定式和疑问词whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, why 等连用, 在句中起名词性作用, 常跟在tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder ,explain, advise, teach, discuss, find out 等动词后作宾语, 有时也作主语、表语。 e.g. Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research? How to do it is a problem for me now. 【拓展】介词后一般不直接跟不定式, 但可以跟疑问词+不定式短语作宾语。 e.g. Mary gave some advice on how to learn English. I have no idea of how to do it. 【练习】 --Do you have the experience like that? --Well, I’ve done the work before, so I know what_____ in my new job here. A. expected B. expecting C. to expect D. to be expecting 2)adapt vt.&vi.(使)适应,(使)适合;改编;改造,改装 【归纳拓展】 (1)adapt (oneself) to...使自己适应或习惯于……(其中to 是介词)


商丘师范学院公共选修课管理细则 为拓宽学生的知识面,完善学生的知识结构,全面提高学生的综合素质,增强学生学习能力,提高公共选修课的质量,逐步形成学科交叉、功能互补的系列课程,特制定本办法。 一、管理单位 公共选修课由教务处统一负责组织管理。 二、课程设置及开课条件 1、公共选修课必须符合我校教育教学培养目标,内容要有一定的深度、广度,有助于全面提高学生的综合素质。学校鼓励教师开设新的公共选修课程,丰富公共选修课课程体系。 2、公共选修课一般每门课程2学分36学时。特殊情况,也可以1学分18学时。 3、开课教师应具有讲师以上职称,特殊专业可适当放宽。 4、原则上具有副教授及以上专业技术职务的教师,平均每1-2学年需承担1门公共选修课的授课任务。具有讲师专业技术职务的教师平均每2-3学年需承担1门公共选修课的授课任务。 5、各院系(部)每学年应提供若干门选修课程供其它本科专业学生选修。。 6、各院系(部)应为教师开设公共选修课提供必要的条件。 三、学生选课 1、学生从第三学期开始选修。本科学生原则上第六学期结束时完成修读任务,专科学生原则上第四学期结束时完成修读任务。公共选修课应在本专业所属大类之外选修不少于4个学分。 2、学生选课时要合理安排选修课程门数(每学期报选一门为宜,至多两门)。

3、公共选修课分为自然科学类和人文社科类,鼓励学生均衡选课,尤其注意选修学科交叉的课程,以完善知识结构。 4、各专业人才培养方案中设置“公共选修课”的课程,仅面向其它专业学生开设。 5、学生在同一上课时间只允许选听一门课程。 6、公共选修课选修人数不足30人,一般不开课;一门课程最多选修人数不超过200人。 四、开课及选课程序 1、每学期放假前6周开始公共选修课的申报工作。拟开课教师按照开课条件从网上下载《商丘师范学院公共选修课开课申请表》,经院系(部)负责人同意后,将《申请表》(包括电子版)报送教务处。 2、放假前5周,教务处根据教师申报情况和学校教学实际确定下学期开设的公共选修课程及任课教师,并从网上向教师所在教学单位下发授课通知,有关教学单位接到授课通知后,应及时通知任课教师认真备课。并网上公布下学期《商丘师范学院公共选修课课程简介》,供学生参考。 3、放假前4~3周学生根据教务处统一安排的选课时间,依据《商丘师院学生选课管理办法》进行选课。 4、放假前一周教务处网上公布学生选课结果。任课教师及相关院系可从网上下载相关报选学生信息和选课学生花名册。 五、教学管理 1、公共选修课的教学任务由教务处下达。 2、课程的开课时间按学校教务处排课安排执行。 3、公共选修课的任课教师应与课表安排保持一致,未经教务处批准,一般不允许

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