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Mythology in the Epigraph of The Waste Land

Mythology in the Epigraph of The Waste Land


【期刊名称】《《英语广场(下旬刊 )》》


【摘要】T.S.Eliot's The Waste Land is a poem that concerns with the spiritual decline of the modern civilization in which human life has lost its meaning,significance and purpose.Meanwhile it is especially famous for its obscurity.There is no logical and plotting connection with each other.However,Eliot puts these fragments together skillfully with stories of mythology and allusions.Furthermore he takes myth as a unifying tool connecting each individual section together revealing mythology as the framework of the poem.


【关键词】myth; epigraph; allusion; metaphor






1.Hysteria in Eliot's The Waste Land——Hysterical female images in Eliot' s The Waste Land [J], 王晓莺

2.Hysteria in Eliot's The Waste Land -- Hysterical female images in Eliot's

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