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lover 情人(不是“爱人”)

busboy 餐馆勤杂工(不是“公汽售票员”)

busybody 爱管闲事的人(不是“大忙人”)

dry goods (美)纺织品;(英)谷物(不是“干货”)

heart man 做心脏移植手术的人(不是“有心人”)

mad doctor 精神病科医生(不是“发疯的医生”)

eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是“十一点”)

blind date (由第三者安排的)男女初次会面(并非“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”)dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非“死了的总统”)

personal remark 人身攻击(不是“个人评论”)

sweet water 淡水(不是“糖水”)

confidence man 骗子(不是“信得过的人”)

criminal lawyer 刑事律师(不是“犯罪的律师”)

service station 加油站

rest room 厕所(不是“休息室”)

dressing room 化妆室(不是“试衣室”或“更衣室”)

sporting house 妓院(不是“体育室”)

horse sense 常识(不是“马的感觉”)

capital idea 好主意(不是“资本主义思想”)

familiar talk 庸俗的交谈(不是“熟悉的谈话”)

black tea 红茶(不是“黑茶”)

black art 妖术(不是“黑色艺术”)

black stranger 完全陌生的人(不是“陌生的黑人”)

white coal (作动力来源用的)水

white man 忠实可靠的人(不是“皮肤白的人”)

yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府报告书,以黄纸为封)(不是“黄色书籍”)

red tape 官僚习气(不是“红色带子”)

green hand 新手(不是“绿手”)

blue stocking 女学者、女才子(不是“蓝色长统袜”)

China policy 对华政策(不是“中国政策”)

Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是“中国龙”)

American beauty 红蔷薇(不是“美国美女”)

English disease 气管炎(不是“英国病”)

Indian summer 愉快宁静的晚年(不是“印度的夏日”)

Greek gift 害人的礼品(不是“希腊礼物”)

Spanish athlete 吹牛的人(不是“西班牙运动员”)

French chalk 滑石粉(不是“法国粉笔”)


pull one's leg 开玩笑(不是“拉后腿”)

in one's birthday suit 赤身裸体(不是“穿着生日礼服”)

eat one's words 收回前言(不是“吃话”)

an apple of love 西红柿(不是“爱情之果”)

handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆(不是“大字报”)

bring down the house 博得全场喝彩(不是“推倒房子”)

have a fit 勃然大怒(不是“试穿”)

make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然—恐惧(不是“令人发指——气愤”)

be taken in 受骗,上当(不是“被接纳”)

think a great deal of oneself 高看或看重自己(不是“为自己想得很多”)

pull up one's socks 鼓起勇气(不是“提上袜子”)

have the heart to do (用于否定句)忍心做……不是“有心做”或“有意做”)


Look out! 当心!(不是“向外看”)

What a shame! 多可惜!真遗憾!(不是“多可耻”)

You don't say! 是吗!(不是“你别说”)

You can say that again! 说得好!(不是“你可以再说一遍”)

I haven't slept better. 我睡得好极了。(不是“我从未睡过好觉”)

You can't be too careful in your work. 你工作越仔细越好。(不是“你工作不能太仔细”)

It has been 4 years since I smoked. 我戒烟4年了。(不是“我抽烟4年了”)

All his friends did not turn up. 他的朋友没全到。(不是“他的朋友全没到”)

People will be long forgetting her. 人们在很长时间内会记住她的(不是“人们会永远忘记她”)It can't be less interesting. 它无聊极了。(不是“它不可能没有趣”)


Part of script in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Roll: With the start of a video , we will see a beautiful Chinese picture roll, across time and space,it tells the profound Chinese story , friends around the world will enjoy the elegant oriental charm , understand long history of Chinese culture , feel China’s modern attraction. The TV Screen is presented with Chinese four treasures——ink,paper, brush and ink . And Xuancheng city is the hometown of Chinese four treasures. In the sound of Guqin, we can see a complete process producing paintings , paper making, colored by ink, framed into the shaft , tonight, the story begins from a piece of elegant graceful , ever-changing picture of China. The picture magically appeared in the middle of field, a huge piece of up to 70 meters slowly open in front of us. Melodious sound of the piano, watermill dip, are full of Chinese classical art and elegant charm. Picture shows the evolution of ceramics, bronzes and other cultural origins, iconic cultural symbols in development of China. The Chinese four treasures reflect the origin of Chinese culture flow. Chinese ink painting emphasizes the spirit and cha rm, dancer’s unique body language reflects in the unique charm of Chinese ink painting and charm. At the moment, the painting has been completed, it is being lifted off the ground, a staggered and undulating mountain has been presented in front of us.


2008年北京奥运会标志 “舞动的北京”。 这就是第二十九届奥林匹克运动会会徽。 “舞动的北京”是一座奥林匹克的里程碑。 它是用中华民族精神镌刻、古老文明意蕴书写、华夏子孙品格铸就出的一首奥林匹克史诗中的经典华章。 它简洁而深刻,展示着一个城市的演进与发展。 它凝重而浪漫,体现着一个民族的思想与情怀。 在通往“北京2008”的路程上,人们将通过它相约北京、相聚中国、相识这里的人们。 “舞动的北京”是一方中国之印。

这方“中国印”镌刻着一个有着十三亿人口和五十六个民族的国家对于奥林匹克运动的誓言;见证着一个拥有古老文明和现代风范的民族对于奥林匹克精神的崇尚;呈现着一个面向未来的都市对奥林匹克理想的宿求。 它是诚信的象征,它是自信的展示,它是第二十九届奥林匹克运动会主办城市北京向全世界、全人类做出的庄严而又神圣的承诺。“精诚所至,金石为开”,这枚以先贤明言创意、以金石印章为形象的会徽,是中国人民对于奥林匹克的敬重与真诚。当我们郑重地印下这方“中国印”,就意味着2008年的中国北京将为全世界展现一幅“和平、友谊、进步”的壮美图画,将为全人类奏响“更高、更快、更强”的激情乐章。 “舞动的北京”是这个城市的面容。 它是一种形象,展现着中华汉字所呈现出的东方思想和民族气韵;它是一种表情,传递着华夏文明所独具的人文特质和优雅品格。 借中国书法之灵感,将北京的“京”字演化为舞动的人体,在挥毫间体现“新奥运”的理念。手书“北京2008”借汉字形态之神韵,将中国人对奥林匹克的千万种表达浓缩于简洁的笔划中。当人们品味镌刻于汉字中博大精深的内涵与韵味时,一个“新北京”诞生了。 “舞动的北京”是中国人崇尚的色彩。 在这个标志中,红色被演绎得格外强烈,激情被张扬得格外奔放。


中文地址翻译英文详细讲解以及例句 No.3, Building 2, Jilong Lignum Market, Dalingshan Town, DongGuan City, Guangdong Prov, China 或者 No.3, Building 2,Jilong Mucai Shichang, Dalingshan Town, DongGuan City, Guangdong Prov, China 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如**区**路**号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如**号**路**区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的。 例如:中国广东深圳市华中路1023号5栋401房,您就要从房开始写起,Room 401, Buliding 5, No.1023,HuaZhong Road, ShenZhen, GuangDong Prov., China(逗号后面有空格)。注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同意的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为您的支票是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦您写成Technology Building,他们可能更迷糊呢。 现在每个城市的中国邮政信件分拣中心都有专人负责将外国来信地址翻译成中文地址,并写在信封上交下面邮递员送过来. 重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是靠邮政编码区域投递的。 常见中英文对照: ***室/ 房Room *** ***村*** Village ***号No. *** ***号宿舍*** Dormitory ***楼/ 层*** F ***住宅区/ 小区*** Residential Quater 甲/ 乙/ 丙/ 丁 A / B / C / D ***巷/ 弄Lane *** ***单元Unit *** ***号楼/ 栋*** Building ***公司***Com./*** Crop/***CO.LTD ***厂*** Factory ***酒楼/酒店*** Hotel ***路*** Road ***花园*** Garden ***街*** Street ***信箱Mailbox *** ***区*** District ***县*** County ***镇*** Town ***市*** City ***省*** Prov. ***院***Yard ***大学***College **表示序数词,比如1st、2nd、3rd、4th……如果不会,就用No.***代替,或者直接填数字吧! 另外有一些***里之类难翻译的东西,就直接写拼音*** Li。而***东(南、西、


关于奥运会的英语作文带翻译 This simple ten words,give infinite power of Chinese people,especially for I but the speech is also a kind of strong spirit to encourage,this is the slogan of the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings. The Chinese people's Olympic game to 2008 Pekings is total to take a kind of expectation.Remember at the beginning process of bid for the Olympic game,the Chinese committee of Olympics also obtains 2008 Olympic games to hold the power with difficulty.This time the Olympic game of 2008 Pekings,for China is a develop of a fair show,is also a fair show that emerges the Chinese magic power toward international community. The meeting badge" China prints Peking that dance of · move" of the Olympic game Chinese special features.The characteristics of Peking and Olympics exercise the chemical element handiness combine.Red,in China always is to represent the good luck pleased to celebrate the color.Meeting the badge adoption red,represented the Chinese people to the international community of fine wish the wish." Chinese Peking,welcome the friend of the world-wide locations" adopted the Chinese Chinese brush-pen word Chinese characters simplified Chinese style,design special.Explain out without reserve the calligraphy magic power that China spreads fame the overseas. China is an everyone's court for harmonize,we are living under the environment that dulcify thus,everybody is a happy


中英文地址的写法~如果不会写的或者忘记的可以看看 英文地址一般的写法与我们描述的相反,由小写到大,以下为示范: 宝山区示范新村37号403室 Room 403,No.37,ShiFan Residential Quarter,BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路125弄34号201室 Room 201,No.34,Lane 125,XiKang Road(South),HongKou District 河南省南阳市中州路42号 Room 42, Zhongzhou Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店 Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city, Hubei Prov. 河南南阳市八一路272号特钢公司 Special Steel Corp,No.272, Bayi Road,Nanyang City, Henan Prov. 中山市东区亨达花园7栋702 Room 702, 7th Building, Hengda Garden, East District, Zhongshan 福建省厦门市莲花五村龙昌里34号601室 Room 601, No.34 Long Chang Li, Xiamen, Fujian 厦门公交总公司承诺办 Cheng Nuo Ban, Gong Jiao Zong Gong Si, Xiamen, Fujian 山东省青岛市开平路53号国棉四厂二宿舍1号楼2单元204户甲

NO. 204,Entrance A, Building NO. 1, The 2nd Dormitory of the NO. 4 State-owned Textile Factory, 53 Kaiping Road, Qingdao, Shandong 一、寄达城市名的批译: 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“B eijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音 标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译: 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。 1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号; 2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号; 3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路7 0号。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 三、机关、企业等单位的批译: 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。 例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO. 译为:上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。 例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China 译为:中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。 例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch 译为:北京电子有限公司西安分公司。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 四、姓名方面: 外国人习惯是名(Firstname)在前,姓(Lastname)在后。若碰到让您一起填的,最好要注意一 下顺序,不过你要是填反了,也没关系。中国银行收支票时是都承认的。


第一篇: Olympic volunteers working group: Hello! My name is Li Hua, the Beijing No. 4 Middle School students, I heard that the recruitment of volunteers in the Beijing Olympic Games, I am very pleased to become the one of you. I am very good communicative competence and actively participate in the activities of schools, and achieved many accomplishments. I love sports, and actively participate in physical exercise is the main class basketball team. I like English, in all subjects, the best English performance, spoken English ability is quite good, and generally speaking to exchange. I treat people dedication, love to help others. I grew up from childhood in Beijing, Beijing is very familiar with, I think this is my advantage. I very much hope that the Beijing Olympics will become a volunteer, I will do my best to provide the best services for the event. Thank you! Li Hua 01 01 2007 奥运会志愿者工作小组: 你好!我叫李华,是北京第四中学的学生,我听说北京奥运会在招募志愿者,我非常高兴,想成为你们中的一员。 我交际能力很好,积极参加学校的各项活动,取得了很多成绩。我热爱体育,积极参加体育锻炼,是班级篮球队的主力。我很喜欢英语,在各门学科里,英语成绩最好,英语口语能力也很不错,能进行一般的口语交流。 我待人热忱,非常喜欢帮助别人。我从小在北京长大,对北京很熟悉,我想这也是我的优势。我非常希望能成为北京奥运会志愿者的一员,我将尽我最大努力为赛事提供最佳服务。谢谢! 李华 01 01 2007 第二篇: 我和北京奥运 Olympic ad Me 我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。这是北京奥运会开幕的日子,是世界体育大家庭聚会北京的日子,更是每一个中国人倍感骄傲的日子。 I am looking forward to the days coming of Aug.8TH 2008, the day Beijing Olympic games will be opened, the day Sports family gather in beijing, and the day All the Chinese feel proud. 作为一个小主人,我真想成为一名光荣的奥运志愿者,可是到了那时,我还太小,不能成为一个真正的志愿者,但是,我依然可以为北京奥运会做出自己的贡献。 As a littke host , I really want to be honorable volunteer for it, however, I am still too young to be a real volunteer , but I can still contribute for it (according as I am able)


2008北京奥运会作文材料汇总 北京奥运会标志: (一)北京2008奥运会五福娃介绍: 贝贝的头部纹饰使用了中国新石器时代的鱼纹图案。贝贝温柔纯洁,是水上运动的高手,和奥林匹克五环中的蓝环相互辉映。 晶晶来自广袤的森林,象征着人与自然的和谐共存,他的头部纹饰源自宋瓷上的莲花瓣造型。晶晶憨厚乐观,充满力量,代表奥林匹克五环中黑色的一环。 欢欢的头部纹饰源自敦煌壁画中火焰的纹样。他性格外向奔放,熟稔各项球类运动,代表奥林匹克运动五环中红色的一环。 迎迎是青藏高原特有的中国保护动物藏羚羊。迎迎的头部纹饰融入了青藏高原和新疆等西部地区的装饰风格。他身手敏捷,是田径好手,代表奥林匹克五环中黄色的一环。 福娃妮妮来自天空,是一只展翅飞翔的燕子,燕字还代表燕京(古代北京的称谓),其造型创意来自北京传统的沙燕风筝。妮妮把春天和喜悦带给人们。天真无邪、欢快矫捷的妮妮将在体操比赛中闪亮登场,她代表奥林匹克五环中绿色的一环。 (二)北京08奥运主题:“同一个世界同一个梦想” 北京工人体育馆,是一座北京也是中国的著名体育设施。在40多年的风雨里程中,它承办了无数次国内外大型赛事,举办了数以千场计的群众文化演出和各类集会。不过在2005年6月26日,对它来说,将是一生中最重要的一次经历,它将同数千名热爱奥林匹克的人在一起见证北京2008年奥运会主题口号的诞生。20时16分,在全场来宾的热切期盼中,中共中央政治局常委李长春宣布北京2008年奥运会主题口号:“同一个世界同一个梦想”(One World One Dream)。话音刚落,全场掌声雷动,覆盖在主题口号上的朵朵向日葵缓缓升空。“同一个世界同一个梦想”(One World One Dream)呈现在世人眼前。口号宣传歌曲的悠扬旋律回荡在体育馆大厅内。中国移动在第一时间向全国发出口号短信,现场大型电子屏幕上不时出现各地人们收到口号短信时的微笑画面。掌声、欢呼声和口号宣传歌曲声交织在一起,将口号发布仪式推向高潮。 发布仪式上,中央政治局委员、北京市委书记、北京奥组委主席刘淇慷慨激昂地说,“同一个世界同一个梦想”(One World One Dream)这一主题口号凝聚着成千上万人的智慧,口号表达了北京和中国人民与世界各国人民共有美好家园,同享文明成果,携手共创未来的崇高理想;表达了一个拥有五千年文明,正在大步走向现代化的伟大民族致力于和平发展,社会和谐,人民幸福的坚定信念;表达了13亿中国人民为建立一个和平而更美好的世界作出贡献的心声。 (三)北京2008奥运会“中国印·舞动的北京” 2008年北京奥运会标准,将中国具有5000多年历史的印章和书法等艺术形式与体育运动特征结合起来,巧妙地幻化成一个向前奔跑、迎接胜利的运动人形。这个会徽称为“中国印·舞动的北京”,将中国印、中国字和五环徽结合在一起,充满了深沉的活力。尺幅之地,凝聚着东西方气韵;笔划之间,升华着奥运会精神。表达 13亿中国人民对于奥林匹克运动的美好憧憬和欢迎八方宾客的热情与真诚。


北京奥运会菜单中英文对照 凉菜 八宝辣酱(Eight Delicacies in Hot Sauce)、夫妻肺片(Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce) 川北凉粉( Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce)、棒棒鸡(Bon Bon Chicken) 麻辣小龙虾(Hot and Spicy Crayfish)、扒猪脸(Snout) 桂花糯米藕(Steamed Lotus Root Stuffed with Sweet Sticky Rice) 醉蟹(Liquor-Soaked Crabs) 酒水 茅台(Moutai)、红星二锅头(Red Star Erguotou) 衡水老白干(Hengshui Laobaigan)、青岛啤酒(Tsing Tao Beer) 长城干红(Great Wall Red Wine)、绍兴女儿红(Nu'er Hong)、 茶 碧螺春(Biluochun Tea)、大红袍(Dahongpao Tea) 陈年普洱(Aged Pu'er Tea)、祁门红茶(Keemun Black Tea) 茉莉花茶(Jasmine Tea) 汤 西红柿蛋花汤(Tomato and Egg Soup)、紫菜蛋花汤(Seaweed and Egg Soup) 鱼头豆腐汤(Fish Head and Tofu Soup)、老鸭汤(Duck Soup) 酸菜粉丝汤(Pickled Cabbage and Vermicelli Soup) 萝卜丝鲫鱼汤(Crucian Carp Soup with Shredded Turnips) 黄豆排骨汤(Pork Ribs and Soy Bean Soup) 木瓜花生炖鸡脚(Chicken Paw Soup with Papaya and Peanut) 主菜 川菜:麻婆豆腐(MaPo Tofu)、回锅肉(Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili)、干烧鱼翅(Dry-Braised Shark’s Fin)、豆花肉蟹(Sautéed Hardshell Crab with Tofu Pudding)、坛子鸡(Chicken in Pot)、樟茶鸭(Smoked Duck, Sichuan Style)、魔芋鸭(Braised Duck with Shredded Konjak) 粤菜:佛跳墙(Fotiaoqiang)、叉烧(BBQ Pork)、烧鹅(Roast Goose)、白斩鸡(Chopped Boiled Chicken)、脆皮乳猪(Crispy BBQ Suckling Pig)、脆皮乳鸽(Crispy Pigeon) 鲁菜:葱烧海参(Braised Sea Cucumbers with Spring Onions)、九转大肠(Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce) 北京菜:北京烤鸭(Peking Duck)、京酱肉丝(Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce)、羊蝎子(Lamb Spine Hot Pot) 贵州菜:酸汤鱼(Fish in Sour Soup)、花江狗肉(Huajiang Dog Meat) 湘菜:剁椒鱼头(Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers)、莲蓬扣肉(Braised Pork with Lotus Seeds)、农家小炒肉(Shredded Pork with Vegetables)、干锅茶树菇(Griddle Cooked Tea Tree Mushrooms) 淮扬菜:红烧狮子头(Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce)、蜜汁火方(Braised Ham in Honey Sauce) 浙江菜:西湖醋鱼(West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy)、东坡肉(Braised Dongpo Pork) 东北菜:小鸡炖蘑菇(Stewed Chick with Mushroom)、酱骨架(Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce) 新疆菜:大盘鸡(Braised Chicken with Potato and Green Pepper)、孜然寸骨(Sautéed Spare Ribs with Cumin)


5栋 Building No.5 ----------- 请看相关资料 翻译原则:先小后大。 中国人喜欢先说小的后说大的,如 **区 **路 **号 而外国人喜欢先说大的后说小的,如 **号 **路 **区,因此您在翻译时就应该先写小的后写大的 . 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小, 如:X 国 X 省 X 市 X 区 X 路 X 号, 而英文地址则刚好相反, 是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X 号, X 路, X 区, X 市, X 省, X 国。掌握了这个原则,翻译起来就容易多了! X 室 Room X X 号 No. X X 单元 Unit X X 号楼 Building No. X X 街 X Street X 路 X Road X 区 X District X 县 X County X 镇 X Town

X 市 X City X 省 X Province 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 中文地址翻译范例: 宝山区示范新村 37号 403室 Room 403, No. 37, SiFang Residential Quarter, BaoShan District 虹口区西康南路 125弄 34号 201室 Room 201, No. 34, Lane 125, XiKang Road(South, HongKou District 473004河南省南阳市中州路 42号李有财 Li Youcai Room 42 Zhongzhou Road, Nanyang City Henan Prov. China 473004 434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店李有财 Li Youcai Hongyuan Hotel Jingzhou city Hubei Prov. China 434000 473000河南南阳市八一路 272号特钢公司李有财


2008年北京奥运英语词汇短语 导读:本文是关于2008年北京奥运英语词汇短语,希望能帮助到您! the international olympic committee constituted itself on 23rd june 1894. 国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 the olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the olympic games. 奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。 the official languages of the ioc are french and english. 国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 the olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient olympic games. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 the olympic games consist of the games of the olympiad and the olympic winter games. both take place every four years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 the olympic games shall be proclaimed open by the head of state of the host country. 奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 the delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the


北京奥运会英语作文 The Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) has recently received the ISO14001 certificate, meaning that the environmental management system (EMS) set up by the BOCOG conforms to the ISO14001:1966 standards and requirements. The certificate issued by China's national environmental authentication center on October 13 covers areas including BOCOG's office work, the event route planning, venue planning, partners selecting, contracted hotels selecting, communication and environmental management. The BOCOG started establishing the EMS following BOCOG president Liu Qi's approval in April 2004. After experts' examination and appraisal of a trial practice of several months, the BOCOG passed the certification in September this year. The system will be implemented from now on to ensure BOCOG's scientific management of the Olympiad's preparation and hosting. As a theme of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Green


北京奥运会的公关力量 5月9日,北京奥组委正式宣布了《北京奥运会及其准备期间外国记者采访服务指南》,《指南》是继年初正式实行《北京奥运会及其准备期间外国记者在华采访划定》之后,中国政府和北京奥组委为便利国外媒体报道北京奥运会而实行的又一主要举动北京奥组委主席刘淇在《指南》序言中指出-“世界各国(地域)的消息媒体在传播奥林匹克的幻想和精力,反应奥运会盛况中一直施铺着主要作用,为世界人民共享奥运做出了凸起贡献”由此我们不难懂得,为什么北京奥组委在2008年奥运会准备期间,一直格外器重公共关系工作,尤其是媒体传播,奥组委更是不遗余力,为在全球推广北京奥运会、传播中国文化、塑造良好的国度与城市形象,开铺了一系列卓有成效的工作 奥组委消息传播发力 从1932年第10届奥运会开端,每届奥运会的举行地都会专门为媒体提供相干服务,使奥运会赛事及奥运精力、文化在全球范畴内得到了普遍传播,因此成绩了一个全球最具范围和最具影响力的嘉会北京奥组委成立之初,就十分器重媒体传播工作,设置了消息宣扬部和媒体运行部,消息宣扬部负责消息宣布、记者招待和社会宣扬工作,以及官方网站内容建设和奥林匹克教育工作-媒体运行部负责主消息中央、国际广播电视中央和场馆媒体中央的计划和运行工作,为注册媒体人员提供工作举措措施和各项服务 据了解,北京奥运会举行期间,奥组委将招待的国际注册媒体人数近2万人,非注册媒体人数预计超过2万人,遥遥超过了2004年雅典奥运会的媒体人数,也没有任何其他活动能够与北京奥运会招待的媒体数量比拟因此,本届奥运会的服务对北京奥组委来说,是一个不小的考验 今年以来,北京奥组委在媒体运行工作上取得了突破性入铺,首先是2007年1月1日正式实行的《北京奥运会及其准备期间外国记者在华采访划定》,《划定》解除了以去外国记者在中国采访的各种限制前提,例如外国记者来华采访不再必需由中国海内单位招待并陪伴,记者赴处所采访无需向处所外事部门申请以及简化采访器材入关手续等,为外国记者在中国境内采访大开便利之门 5月中旬,北京奥运会又宣布了《北京奥运会及其准备期间外国记者采访服务指南》,内容包含了入出境、住宿、交通、通讯、保险等10多个方面的政策和程序,是各国(地域)媒体机构的记者朋友采访报道北京奥运会的基本服务信息同时,《指南》还颁布了北京奥组委面向国际媒体的“一站式”服务机制,为外国记者在华工作、生涯提供了更多的便利而在此前的3月份,北京奥组委已通过各国度和地域奥委会向各个国度和地域注册媒体机构寄发了3,000多套针对2008年奥运会注册媒体机构的媒体指南套装


中文地址翻译成英文地址的方法和技巧 中文地址的排列顺序是由大到小,如:X国X省X市X区X路X号,而英文地址则刚好相反,是由小到大。如上例写成英文就是:X号,X路,X区,X市,X省,X国。 1.各部分写法 ●X室:Room X ●X号:No. X ●X单元:Unit X ●X楼/层:X/F ●X号楼:Building No. X ●住宅区/小区:ResidentialQuater ●X街:XStreet ●X路:X Road East/Central/West东路 / 中路 / 西路 芙蓉西二路 / West 2nd Furong Road Central Dalian Rd. /大连中路 芙蓉中路的“中”可以用Central,也有用Middle的,一般用Mid比较简洁。 ●X区:X District ●X镇:X Town ●X县:X County ●X市:X City ●X省:X Province ●国家(State)中华人民共和国:The People’s Republic of China、P.R.China、 P.R.C.、China ●X信箱:Mailbox X 请注意:翻译人名、路名、街道名等,最好用拼音。 各地址单元间要加逗号隔开。

2.英文通信地址常用翻译 201室/房 Room 201 二单元 Unit 2 马塘村MatangVallage 一号楼/栋 Building 1

华为科技公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. xx公司 xx Corp. / xx Co., Ltd. 宿舍 Dormitory 厂 Factory 楼/层 Floor 酒楼/酒店 Hotel 住宅区/小区 Residential Quater 县 County 甲/乙/丙/丁 A/B/C/D 镇 Town 巷/弄 Lane 市 City 路 Road(也简写作Rd.,注意后面的点不能省略) 一环路 1st Ring Road 省 Province(也简写作Prov.) 花园 Garden 院 Yard 街 Street/Avenue 大学 College/University 信箱 Mailbox 区 District A座 Suite A 广场 Square 州 State 大厦/写字楼 Tower/Center/Plaza 胡同 Alley(北京地名中的条即是胡同的意思) 中国部分行政区划对照 自治区 Autonomous Region 直辖市 Municipality 特别行政区 Special Administration Region 简称SAR


sports provide an opportunity for young people to develop their bones; heart and lung function, and improve motor skills and coordination. Sports do not just affect your physical health, but have a positive effect on your mental health as well. Sports can increase self-confidence and self-awareness, Reduce depression and anxiety Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, Fuwa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendsh ip and peace--and blessings from China--to children all over the world. Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends, Fuwa also embody the natural characteristics of four of China's most popular animals--the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow--and the Olympic Flame. Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name--a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China. Beibei is the Fish, Jingjing is the Panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame, Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow. When you put their names together--Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni--they say "Welcome to Beijing," offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Oly mpic Games. Fuwa also embody both the landscape and the dreams and aspirations of people from every part of the vast country of China. In their origins and their headpieces, you can see the five elements of nature--the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky--all stylistic rendered in ways that represent the deep traditional influences of Chinese folk art and ornamentation. In the ancient culture of China, there is a grand tradition of spreading blessings through signs and symbols. Each of Fuwa symbolizes a different blessing--and will honor this tradition by carrying their blessings to the children of the world. Prosperity, happiness, passion, health and good luck will be spread to every continent as Fuwa carry their invitation to Beijing 2008 to every part of the globe. At the heart of their mission--and through all of their work--Fuwa will seek to unite the world in peace and friendship through the Olympic spirit. Dedicated to helping Beijing 2008 spread its theme of One World, One Dream to every continent, Fuwa reflect the deep desire of the Chinese people to reach out to the world in friendship through the Games--and to invite every man, woman and child to take part in the great celebration of human solidarity that China will host in the light of the flame in 2008. Like all antelopes, Yingying is fast and agile and can swiftly cover great stretches of land as he races across the earth. A symbol of the vastness of China's landscape, the antelope carries the blessing of health, the strength of body that comes from harmony with nature. Yingying's flying pose captures the essence of a species unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, one of the first animals put under protection in China. The selection of the Tibetan Antelope reflects Beijing commitment to a Green Olympics. His head ornament incorporates several decorative styles from the Qinghai-Tibet and Sinkiang cultures and the ethnic design traditions of Western China. Strong in track and field events, Yingying is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring. Every spring and summer, the children of Beijing have flown beautiful kites on the currents of wind that blow through the capital. Among the kite designs, the golden-winged swallow is traditionally one of the most popular. Nini's figure is drawn

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