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当前位置:文档库 › 专四语法词汇模拟题第2套(含详解)


1. My pain ____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”
A. must be?? B. must have been?? C. had been?? D. had to be

2. It is only when you nearly lose someone ____ fully conscious of how much you value him.
A. do you become??? B.then you become
C. that you become?? D.have you become

3. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ____ the atmosphere.
A. as it is?? B. so is?? C. the same as?? D. and so is

4. While driving along the treacherous road, ____.
A. my right rear tyre blew out
B. my right rear tyre had a blowout
C.I had a blownout on my right rear tyre
D. I had my right rear tyre blowout

5. Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro American poetry is his insistence that it ____ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
A. is to be analysed?? B. has been analysed
C. be analysed?????? D. should have been analysed

6.____ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.
A. Since??? B.When??? C.While??? D. Unless

7.This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of? making more of an impact on the art community ____ any of them could individually and to promote Western art by women.
A. rather than??? B.rather??? C. than??? D. other than

8. But the Swiss discovered long years ago that constant warfare brought them ____ suffering and poverty.
A. anything but???????? B. nothing but
C. none other than?????? D. no more than

9. After ____ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to step into the doctor’s office.
A.it?????? B.that?? C.what????? D. which

10. The board deemed it’s urgent that these files ____right away.
A. had to be printed??? B. should have been printed
C. must be printed?????? D. should be printed

11. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ____of it at all.
A. explanation????? B. meaning???? C. sense?????? D. interpretation

12. You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ____of? your spectacles need changing.
A. lenses??? B.glasses???? C.sights??? D.crystals

13. The school committee hoped that their choice of play would be ______ with the students and their parents.
A. recognized??? B. popular????? C. favorable? D. fascinated

14. By cutting down trees we ____ the natural home of birds and animals.
A. harm??????? B. hurt????? C. injure??? D. damage

15. Mr. Robinson knew that the most trivial chore could prove to be a ____ if approached with enthusiasm.
A. prize?????? B. reward????? C.refund???? D. bonus

16. The trade unions in this industry are ____ any reduction in wages.
A. objecting against???? B. opposed to
C. reacted to????? D.resisting against

17. She was teaching me ____ you would teach a younger child to speak the language.
A. the way??? B.in the way??? C. a way?????? D.to the way

18. The Brownings have not ____ yet and I doubt whether they will come.
A turned in?????? B. turned out????? C.turned up?????? D. turned to
19.We went on a(n) ____ to the mountain yesterday.
A.excursion?????? B.trip???? C. tour???? D. travel

20.When Sarah and I ____ on an article for the school newspaper, we found it difficult to work together.
A. compiled??????? B. gathered
C. collaborated??????? D. collected

21.Beth could ____ her coat because it had largered buttons.
A. recognize???? B.prove???? C.define???? D. claim

22.Postal ____ are determined by the class and weight of the parcel mailed.
A. taxes???? B.payment???? C. fees??? D. premium

23.My father is so deaf that he has to use a hearing____.
A. help???? B. aid????? C.support????? D.tool

24.On New Year’s Eve, there will be a firework ____at People’s Square.
A. display?????? B.performance??? C. show???? D. exhibition

25.The ____ of beer and alcohol in New Zealand is very high.
A. consumption?? B. use??? C.drink???? D. absorption

1. B)【句意】我刚一走进房间时一定表现得很痛苦,因为我遇到的第一个人同情地问我:“你没事吧?”

2. C)【句意】只有当你快要失去什么人时,你才充分意识到他对你是多么重要。
【难点】该句是一个典型的强调句式,即It is...that...。

3. B)【句意】正像土壤是地球的一部分,大气层也是。
【难点】Just as...,so...为一固定结构,意为“正如…,…也…”。

4. C)【句意】当我在险峻的山路上驾车急驰时,车的右后胎爆了。
【难点】此句为一个带有时间状语从句的主从复合句。在英语中,由while, when等引导的时间状语从句,如果其主语与主句中的主语相同,从句中的主语可以省略,而只剩下分词短语。驾车的应该是人,所以只能从C)和D)选,而D)的意义不符,所以选C)。

5. C)【句意】杰恩?瓦格那对亚非诗歌最永恒的贡献是他坚持认为,这类诗歌除用凡俗的参考框架,还应用宗教的参考框架进行研究。

6. C)【句意】尽管我们在改变天气方面无能为力,但我们至少知道天气未来的变化。

7. C)【句意】该


8. B)【句意】但是多年以前瑞士人就发现连年不断的战争给他们带来的只有苦难和贫穷。
【难点】nothing but意为“仅仅,只不过”;anything but意为“除…以外的任何事”;none other than意为“不是别人,正是…”;no more than意为“不过,仅仅”。

9. C)【句意】在经过一段似乎是漫无边际的等候之后,终于轮到她走进医生的办公室。
【难点】在由after引导的介词短语中,what seemed(to be)起定语作用,修饰an endless wait。又如:I saw what seemed to be a fox.我看见一个似乎是狐狸的东西。

10. D)【句意】董事会认为这些卷宗应立刻打印。

11. C)【句意】他的答案很不清楚,我根本弄不懂。
【难点】sense意为“意义;含义”,短语make sense of意为“弄懂…的意思”;explanation意为“解释,说明,阐述”,侧重说明事件的真相、原因;meaning意为“意义,意思;含义”,但不能在make sense of 短语中代替sense;interpretation意为“解释,说明,阐明”,比较正式。

12. A)【句意】你应该每年检查一次自己的眼睛,因为你的眼镜镜片也许需要更换。

13. B)【句意】校董会希望他们选择的那出剧会受到孩子和家长的欢迎。

14. D)【句意】我们砍伐树木的行为损坏了鸟兽的自然家园。

15. B)【句意】罗宾逊先生知道,如果带着热情去做,最琐碎的家务也能证明是一种报偿。

16. B)【句意】该行业工会反对降低工资。
【难点】be opposed to意为“反对,对抗”;object against不常用;react to意为“作出反应,反应”;resist不与against连用。

17. A)【句意】她教我那门语言的方式简直就象在教

【难点】the way后接从句,意为“以…方式”。in the way意为“妨碍(某人)”。a way 和to the way不是固定搭配。

18. C)【句意】勃朗宁一家人还没露面,我怀疑他们会不会来。
【难点】turn up意为“出现,露面”;turn in意为“归还,递交…”;turn out意为“原来是,证明是”;turn to 意为“求助于;求教于”。

19. A)【句意】昨天我们到那座山里进行了一次远足观光。

20. C)【句意】当我和萨拉为校报合作一篇文章时,我们发现很难在一起工作。

21. A)【句意】贝丝能认出自己的大衣,因为她的大衣上有红色的大钮扣。

22. C)【句意】邮资是根据所邮包裹的等级和重量来定的。

23. B)【句意】我父亲耳聋得厉害,不得不使用助听器。

24. A)【句意】新年除夕,人民广场将举行焰火表演。

25. A)【句意】在新西兰,啤酒和白酒的消费量很大。

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