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EU Energy Labelling Space and Combined Heater

Air-to-water heat pumps and brine-to-water heat pumps

So far, no common European regulation has been adopted for the area covered by Lot 1 "Space heaters and combination heaters", which includes air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps. However, specific proposals have been drafted and updated documents were released on 2 February, on which the following is based. The regulation is expected to be adopted in 2012. Furthermore, the requirements will most likely become applicable two years after the adoption. Expected implementation is shown in the following figure.



Figure 1: Expected timetable for implementation of energy efficiency requirements and energy labels for air-to-water and

brine-to-water heat pumps


Air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps will be compared across heating technologies and will therefore be assessed according to the same energy labelling scale as, for example, oil-fired boilers and gas-fired boilers. However, a special energy labelling scale has been made for heat pumps for low-temperature systems, such as under floor heating.


This is due to the fact that the output temperature plays a significant role for the energy efficiency of the heat pumps. The requirements have been determined for under floor heating with a design flow temperature of 35?C, corresponding to "low temperature" in the EN14825 standard. The comprehensive energy label is designed for radiator systems with design temperatures of 55 ?C.

这是由于出水温度对于热泵的能效来说,扮演着显著的角色。地暖热泵的要求定于在设计流量下温度为35?C,符合EN14825标准对于“低温”的描述。而通常的能源标签适用于设计温度为55 ?C 的暖气片系统。

Conversely, different ecodesign requirements are set for gas and oil boilers, electrical boilers and heat pumps for different output temperatures.


The following analysis focuses solely on space heating and not heating of sanitary hot water. The proposal for the EU regulations provides for labelling of combined sanitary hot water and space heating. 以下分析仅针对于空间采暖和非热泵热水器的制热。欧洲规章的提议对于联合的卫生热水和空间采暖贴标方法。

In order to compare energy input across different technologies, an energy efficiency factor for space heating is applied known as "Seasonal space heating energy efficiency" as a benchmark (referred to as

ηs in the figures). The factor describes the heat output compared to the energy input. For electricity, a conversion factor of 2.5 is used as input, known as the primary energy factor (PEF), where the calculated SCOP value is divided by the PEF value on the assumption that it takes 2.5 energy units of primary fuel to produce 1 energy unit of electricity.



55 ?C35 ?C


Similarly, a number of energy classes based on SCOP values will be introduced. Energy efficiency classes for radiator heating are shown to the left and underfloor heating (low temperature) to the right.












A+++A++D C B A A+E F G

Figure 2: Scales for energy labelling of air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps for 55 ? C (left) and 35 ?C (right)

图2:空气源和盐水源热泵热水器的能源标签等级标签(55 ? C 左边,35? C 右边)

In addition, there are two correction factors that influence the calculation of ηs in relation to SCOP. Due to temperature regulation, 3% is deducted for heat pumps. Due to energy consumption for geothermal heating, a further 5% is deducted for brine-to-water heat pumps alone. Therefore, the calculation of ηs is as follows:

另外,有两个修正因子对SCOP 相关的ηs 的计算有影响。根据温度规章,对于热泵3%将被扣除。而根据地热的能源消耗,而单对于盐水源热泵额外的5%将被扣除。因此,ηs 的计算如下:

Air-to-water heat pumps(空气源热泵):

Brine-to-water heat pumps(盐水源热泵):

Correction factors have not been included in SCOP in figure 9. To find the exact corresponding SCOP, the shown SCOP should be added 0,075 for air- to – water heat pumps and the SCOP value for brine-to –water heat pumps should be added 0,075 + 0,125.

在图9所示的SCOP 已经包括了修正因子。为了获得精确对应的SCOP ,显示的SCOP 应当增加0.075对于空气源热泵,对于盐水源热泵增加0.075+0.125。

The magnitude of these requirements and energy efficiency classes is assessed by calculating SCOP values for selected heat pumps that comply with the requirements of the Danish building regulation 2010. The requirements of Building regulation 2010 are based on a nominal energy efficiency which is calculated on the basis of four or five full load test points.

这些要求和能效等级的重点是计算SCOP 值,所选择的热泵符合2010年丹麦建筑规章的要求。2010年丹麦建筑规章的要求是基于名义能效,该能效是基于4或5个满负荷测试点。

In the following, calculations and results are reviewed for air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps, respectively, as well as for, radiators and underfloor heating. Since the nominal energy efficiency is based on other test points than SCOP, the values for the calculations have been interpolated and extrapolated.


The following has been assumed: a crankcase heater consumption of 15W, a thermostat off consumption of 2W and an off consumption of 1W for all sizes of heat pumps. This means that these consumptions are more significant for smaller heat pumps than large heat pumps. For instance, this means a reduction in SCOP of approx. 1.3% for a heat pump with a nominal capacity of 6kW, compared with a reduction in SCOP of approx. 0.5% for a heat pump with a capacity of 13kW. Furthermore, calculations are based on full load data in accordance with the calculation method. SCOP values will be slightly higher if part load tests are conducted for frequency controlled heat pumps.


For further information about the SCOP calculation method, please see "Calculation of SCOP for heat pumps according to EN 14825".


Expected design of energy labels


In the proposal for energy labelling of space heaters and combinations send in inter-service consultation by the EU commission it is proposed to introduced t he energy label for the product in two phases, with the A+++ class being introduced after four years the regulation enter into force. The first energy labels to be introduced two years after the entry into force will range from A++ to G, while the other energy label ranges from A+++ to D.


Moreover, there will be two different energy labels for radiator heating and under floor heating, respectively. These two labels are shown in figure 3 and 4 below.


The energy label shows the energy efficiency class for radiator heating and under floor heating, respectively.


Additionally, heating capacity, including electrical backup at design temperature in the different climate zones, is indicated in the box below. This figure reflects the heating demand used in the calculations at design outdoor temperatures. These values may be a dimensioning parameter, since consumers can

look for heat pumps that match their needs at a

given temperature.






In previous proposal for the design of the energy

labelling, energy efficiency should also be indicated;

similarly to the label for air to air heat pumps,

however, these are not indicated by the label in its

current design.




The information on the energy efficiency of the heat

pump gives the consumer a chance to compare

different heat pumps in the same energy class. This is

especially important when the energy classes are as

big as 25-40% which is the case for heat pumps.





The energy label also shows the noise level of the indoor part and outdoor part, respectively.


Figure 3: First energy label for air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps for radiator heating and underfloor heating 图3:散热片和地暖空气源和盐水源热泵的能源标签

If the heat pump can only produce low-temperature heating (underfloor heating), the energy label below should be used.


Figure 4: First energy label for air-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps

for only low temperature heating (under floor heating)


The energy labels shown below will be introduced two years



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