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Test One(16题20分钟)

T1一l Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a tong and narrow“sea monster”.

(A) Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness,also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river,inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow“sea monster”.

(B) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow“sea monster”similar to the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, which, like Lake Champlain,is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.

(C) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow“sea monster’’similar to Loch Ness’s,which,like Lake Champlain.is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.

(D) Like Loch Ness’s reputed monster.inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain,also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river,claim sightings of a long and narrow“sea monster”.(E) Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness,inhabitants of the area around lake Champlain,also an inland lake connected to the ocean by fl river.claim sightings of a long and narrow“sea monster”.

T1—2Many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of north am Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.

(A) Many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.

(B) Chiseled from solid rock centuries ago,the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with many hundreds of monasteries.

(C)Hundreds of monasteries,many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, are dotting the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia.

(D) The mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries,many of which are chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.

(E) The mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries,many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.

T1—3 Most corporations pay at least twice as much to full.time employees.if the value of benefits,sick days,and paid vacation days are included in earnings, than to part-time employees, whose hourly wages ale often higher than those of their full.time colleagues.

(A)are included in earnings, than

(B)are included in earnings, as

(C)is included in earnings,than they pay

(D) is included in earnings,as is pay

(E)is included in earnings,as they pay

T1—4 Geologists believe that the Bering land bridge,over which human beings are thought to have first entered the America,disappeared about 14,000 years ago when massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred feet worldwide.

(A) are thought to have first entered

(B) were thought first to enter

(C) were thought at first to enter

(D) ale thought of as first entering

(E) were thought to first enter

Tl一5 Some historians of science have argued that science moves forward not so much because of the insights of great thinkers but because of more mundane developments,proved tools

and technologies.

(A) because of the insights of great thinkers but because of

(B) because of the insights of great thinkers as the results of

(C) because of the insights of great thinkers as because of

(D)through the insights of great thinkers but through

(E)through the insights of great thinkers but results from

Tl一6 Although some officials noted that using machines for farming in China costs more than traditional hand cultivation,mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled

the corn yield while the previous year’s costs were cut in half.

(A) mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled the com yield while the previous year’s Costs were cut in half.

(B) mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled the corn yield while cutting costs to half those of previous year.

(C) mechanization of farming in the village of Long Bow doubled the yield as costs were cut

to half of the previous year’s.

(D) farming mechanization in the village of Long Bow doubled the∞m yield as it cut in half

the previous year’s costs.

(E) farming mechanization in the village of Long Bow doubled the∞m yield while costs were cut to half that of the previous year.

T1—7 The domesticated camel, "which some scholars date around the twelfth century,B. C., was the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient world.

(A)The domesticated camel,which some scholars date

(B)The domesticated camel,which some scholars have thought to occur

(C)Domesticating the camel,dated by some scholars at

(D)The domestication of the camel,thought by some scholars to have occurred

(E)The camel’s domestication,dated by some scholars to have been

T1—8 Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes,pipe tobacco,cured by age-old methods,yields

an alkaline smoke too irrigating to be drawn into the lungs.

(A) Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes,pipe tobacco,cured by age-old methods,yields an alkaline smoke

(B) Unlike the acid smoke of cigarettes,pipe tobacco is cured by age-old methods,yielding an alkaline smoke

(C) Unlike cigarette tobacco,which yields an acid smoke,pipe tobacco,cured by age

old methods,yields an alkaline smoke

(D)Differing from cigarettes’add smoke,pipe tobacco’s alkaline smoke,cured by age-old methods,is

(E)The alkaline smoke of pipe tobacco differs from cigarettes’ acid smoke in that it is

cured by age-old methods and is

Tl一9 In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers,the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

(A) In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant workers,the question whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

(B)The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face.

(C) A question that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant workers face is whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor.

(D) In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant workers,the question of whether they are better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant.

(E) The question of whether the rural migrant worker is better off materially than the urban working poor is irrelevant in all assessment of the problems that they face.

Tl—10 To help preserve ancient Egyptian monuments threatened by high water tables, a Swedish engineering firm has proposed installing pumps,perhaps solar powered,to lower the underground water level and dig trenches around the bases of the stone walls.

(A)to lower the underground water level and dig trenches

(B)to lower the underground water level and to dig trenches

(C)to lower the underground water level and digging trenches

(D)that lower the underground water level and that trenches be dug

(E)that lower the underground water level and trench digging

T1一ll Unlike a funded pension system.in which contributions are invested to pay future beneficiaries,a pay-as-you-go approach is the foundation of Social Security.

(A) a pay-as-you.go approach is the foundation of Social Security

(B)the foundation of Social Security is fl pay-as.You-go approach

(C)the approach of Social Security is pay-as-You-go

(D) Social Security’s approach is pay-as-you-go

(E) Social Security is founded on a pay-as-you-go approach

T1—12 The question of whether to divest themselves of stock in companies that do business

in South Africa is particularly troublesome for the nation’s 116 private Black colleges because their economic base are often more fragile than most predominantly White colleges.


(B)than those of

(C)than is so of

(D) compared to

(E) compared to those of

T1—13 Although the“psychopath”is popularly applied to an especially brutal criminal,in psychology it is someone who is apparently incapable of feeling compassion or the pangs of conscience.

(A) it is someone who is

(B) it is a person

(C)they are people who are

(D) it refel"8 to someone who is

(E) it is in reference to people

T1—14 Citing evidence that the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere has increased more than seven percent in the last 30 years,many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests and continued Use of fossil fuels will cause an irreversible shift in Earth’s climate pattern.

(A) many scientists have expressed a fear of destroying forests and continued Use of

(B) many scientists have expressed fl fear that destruction of forests and continued Use of

(C) many scientists have expressed fl fear that destruction of forests and continually using

(D) a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destroying forests and continually using

(E) a fear that many scientists have expressed is that destruction of forests and continual using of

T1—15 The computer software being designed for a project studying Native American access to higher education will not only meet the needs of that study,but also has the versatility and power of facilitating similar research endeavors.

(A) but also has the versatility and power of facilitating

(B) but also have the versatility and power to facilitate

(C) but it also has the versatility and power to facilitate

(D) and also have the versatility and power of facilitating

(E) and it also has such versatility and power that it can facilitate

11—16 Most teen-agers who work for pay hold jobs that require few skills,little responsibility, and also no hope for career advancement.

(A) little responsibility,and also

(B) little responsibility,and with

(C) little responsibility,and offer

(D) carry little responsibility,and

(E) carry little responsibility,and offer

m keys to Test One:1.B 2.E 3.E 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.E 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.E

Test one题解:

11—1答案:B A中:N1是the one,N2是inhabitants;D中:N1为monster,N2为inhabitants,N1与N2均不具可比性;E中,similar放在句首绝对错;同时,A、D、E中还

有一个共同错误,即also an“and lake中的also的使用是有疑问的;在also之前根本就没有

提到过inland lake的概念,用also就存在逻辑上的前后矛盾;而在B、C中,选项把like的

对比移到了which从句中;在B中,which指Loch Ness,即N2,N1为Lake Champlain,

两者是具可比性的;而C中which Loch Ness’s,补全即:Loch Ness’s sea monster,也

就是对比中的对象N2,N1仍为Lake Champlain,在这里,N1与N2又不具可比性。

语法点提示:an inland lake connected to the ocean by fl fiver

11—2答案:E chiseled指“雕、凿”,因此,chiseled过去分词短语应该修饰monasteries,


是regions,逻辑修饰关系错位,排除;D中which从句中用file chiseled与时间状语centuries ago不一致;C中用现在进行时,不妥;E用被动语态表述了regions与monasteries之间关系,them清楚指代monasteries.

11—3答案:E由未划线的as much决定了之后还应有一个as与之呼应,否则此结构不

完整,排除用than的选项A、C;由if从句中的主语是the value决定了其谓语动词应用单数形式(用is)。排除B;由句首的Most corporations Pay at least twice as much to full-time employees,及划线之后的t0 part—time employees,可以确认在as之后应补出相同的部分they pay;D中的is paid是不对的。

T1—4答案:A enter的动作显然发生在think之前,应用动词不定式的完成时,而仅有A满足此要求。

T1—5答案:C本句是考核“not so much…as…”结构的用法。仅C符合并列条件及词语搭配条件,B中前面的because of短语与the result不能形成平行结构。

T1—6答案:B由A中while之前double yield和while之后的cut in half,两者存在明显对比含义,显然应采用while的前后对照用法,C、D用as引导的从句旬意含混不清,不能形成前后对照,因为as引导时间从句时指“随着…”(引导方式状语从句时指“正如…”),A、E均用while从句。不如B中、while+现在分词简洁、明快。且A句意不准确,E中that 指代有误,应该用those.

T1—7答案:D A、B的主语与之后的系表搭配不符合逻辑;C中:用动名词短语作主语,强调“驯养”的动作;而本句中是强调状态,应该用名词domestication。本句的意思是:对骆驼进行驯养这一实践活动是香料贸易发展的关键。E中:dated之后跟to have been与date的习惯用法不符,且been表状态不妥,应用occurred强调动作;D中,thought t0 have occurred既符合表达习惯,又反映了两个动作的先后顺序。

Tl一8答案:C A、B中:N1为smoke,N2为pipe tobacco,两者之间不具可比性。

D、E中尽管表达方式不同,最终都导致本应修饰pipe tobacco的cured过去分词短语改为修饰与之不相关的另一物体:the alkaline smoke,改变了句意。而C结构清晰,N1与N2有可比性,N1与N2又有各自的修饰语。

T1—9答案:D A中:in assessing短语在主句,就涉及找逻辑主语的问题,而从句意分析,其逻辑主语应是第三者,是第三者进行的评价,而不是由rural workers或者是urban working Door来做评价,但这第三者并未在句中出现。由于A中存在着这个矛盾,因而排除;B、E中句末的that从句中的they有指代不清的缺陷,不知指两类人中的哪一类;而选项C把句子结构做了大的调整,把原来属于句子主要成分的is irrelevant放到了从句中,使其充当从属成分。而把原句中从属成分的whether从旬变成为句子的主要内容,句子重心发生大的偏移,而改变了句意:同时,B、C、E中的problems that they face的表达不够简洁,不如用problems faced by them。D中用一个介词"in+名词短语”结构就避免了寻找逻辑主语的困境,同时they就近指代前面的the rural immigrant workers,指代准确。

T1—l0答案:C A中:由于and存在,表明dig与lower两个动作是并列关系。不过dig 之前省了to,这在语法上是合理的,但逻辑上却理解不通。因为to lower是表示installing pumps的目的,“装水泵来降低水位”,但把dig也放人此表目的动词不定式中:“装水泵是为了挖沟”,这与常理不符。再深入理解,才知dig这一动作是与install平行的,即“建议安装水泵和挖沟”。A、B中用dig原形不对;而在D、E中,D中前一个that从句只能是限定pumps,却起不到表目的的作用,后一个that从句对pumps进行修饰是不合情理的;E同理:that从句含义不对,且trench digging找不到与之平行的对象。

Tl一1l答案:E A、B、C、D中N1与N2不具可比性;C、D中的主语的核心词是approach。

T1一12答案:B本题中because之前的题干完全可以不去看,更不用理解,因为划线部分的比较内容仅涉及because从句中的内容。由比较级:more fragile断定D、E错(无than);


Tl—13答案:D A、B、C均错在逻辑搭配不当。it指the term,代人划线部分,可得出“术语是人”的荒谬观点,C中they找不到指代对象,在此之前无复数名词。D中用refer

to准确表明“该术语是指一个人”;E中:is in reference to不简洁;同时,由前面的a criminal,


T1一14答案:B由未划线部分的谓语动词will cause决定了feat·之后应用that同位

语从句修饰,而不是0f短语,排除A。同时,句首citing现在分词短语决定其逻辑主语是scientists,而非a fear,排除D、E,且D中用动名词短语强调动作是不妥的。C、E中:destruction


T1一15答案:B D、E不符合not only…but also结构的用词搭配,本题惟一需注意的

是未划线部分的not only meet:是在will之后,因此表明动词meet和has共用一个助动词will,而will之后要跟原形,has是第三人称单数,非原形,需要改为原形have,仅B对。





Test Two (16题20分钟)

T2—1 According to some economists,Japan is in danger of plunging into a depression that, with double-digit unemployment, could severely strain a society that regards lifetime employment

as a virtual right of citizenship.

(A)that,with double-digit unemployment,could severely strata

(B)that,because of double-digit unemployment,could be a severe strata for

(C)with double.digit unemployment,and it could severely strain

(D) with double-digit unemployment and could be a severe strata for

(E) with double-digit unemployment and could severely strata

T2一2The supply of oil being finite has become an economical and political consideration

of the first magnitude for all modern industrial nations.

(A)The supply of oil being finite has become an economical

(B)The finite supply of oil has become an economical

(C)That the supply of oil is finite has become an economical

(D)The supply of oil being finite has become an economical

(E)That the supply of oil is finite has become an economical

T2一3The United States government employs a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any government.

(A) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any

(B) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than does any other

(C) much larger proportions of women in trade negotiations than has any

(D)proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any

(E)proportions 0f women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any other

T2一4 The American Medical Association has argued that the rapidly rising costs associated with malpractice litigation are driving doctors from the profession and that reform of the tort system is imperative for bringing malpractice insurance premiums under control·

(A) that reform 0f the tort system is imperative for bringing malpractice insurance premiums

(B)that reform of the tort system is imperative if malpractice insurance premiums are to be brought

(C) that reform of the tort system is imperative to bring malpractice insurance premiums

(D) reform of the tort system is necessary in bringing malpractice insurance premiums

(E)the tort system needs to be reformed, so that malpractice insurance premiums are brought

1r2—5 Scorched by fire,stained by water,and inscribed in cramped handwriting, the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the beginnings of New York City were long ignored by historians, depending instead on English sources for information.

(A)the seventeenth—century Dutch documents on the beginnings of New York City were long ignored by historians,depending

(B)the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the beginnings of New York City were long ignored by historians,who depended

(C)historians long ignored the seventeenth-century Dutch documents on the beginnings

of New York City,depending

(D)historians long ignored the seventeenth.century Dutch documents on the beginnings

of New York city and depended

(E)historians long ignored the seventeenth.century Dutch documents on the beginnings

of New York city;they depended

T2一6Canadian scientists have calculated that one human being should be struck every nine years by a meteorite,while each year sixteen buildings can be expected to sustain damage from such objects.

(A) one human being should be struck every nine years by a meteorite

(B) a human being should be struck by a meteorite once in every nine years

(C) a meteorite will strike one human being once in every nine years

(D) every nine years a human being will be struck by a meteorite

(E) every nine years a human being should be struck by a meteorite

T2—-7Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were the rise of the Wahhabits in Arabia, the Sansui in Cyrenaica,the Fulani in Nigeria, the Mahdi

in the Sudan, and the victory of the Usuli“mujtahids’’in Shiite Iran and Iraq.

(A) Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were the rise of the Wahhabits in Arabia,the Sansui in Cyrenaica.the Fulani in Nigeria,the Mahdi

in the Sudan,and

(B) Manifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious reformism were shown in the rise of the Wahhabits in Arabia,the Sansui in Cyrenaica,the Fulani in Nigeria,the Mahdi in the Sudan,and also

(C) In the first period of religious reformism,manifestations of Islamic political militancy were the rise of the Wahhabits in Arabia,of the Sansui in Cyrenaica, the Fulani in Nigeria,the Mahdi in the Sudan,and

(D) In the first period of religious reformism manifestations of Islamic political militancy were shown in the rise of the Wahhabits in Arabia.the Sansui in Cyrenaica,the Fulani in Nigeria,the Mahdi in the Sudan,and

(E) In the first period of religious reformism,Islamic political militancy was manifested in the rise of the Wahhabits in Arabia,the Sansui in Cyrenaica,the Fulani in Nigeria,and the Mahdi

in the Sudan.and in

T2—8 The first decision for most tenants living in a building undergoing being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign a no-buy pledge with the other tenants.

(A) being converted to cooperative ownership is if to sign

(B) being converted to cooperative ownership is whether they should be signing

(C) being converted to cooperative ownership is whether or not they sign

(D) conversion to cooperative ownership is if to sign

(E) conversion to cooperative ownership is whether to sign

T2—9 Unlike computer skills or other technical skills。there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skill are weak.

(A) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills,there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skill are weak.

(B) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills,which they admit they lack,many people are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.

(C) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills,analytical skills bring out disinclination in many people to recognize that they are weak to a degree.

(D) Many people,willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills,are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.

(E) Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.T2一10 In 1978 only half the women granted child support by a court received the amount awarded;at least as much as a million and more others had not any support agreements whatsoever.

(A) at least as much as a million and more others had not any

(B) at least as much as more than a million others had no

(C) more than a million others had not any

(D) more than a million others had no

(E)there was at least a million or.more others without any

T2—11 Byron possessed powers of observation that would have made him a great anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of the time.

(A) makes his letters as a group the rival of

(B) makes his letters as a group one to rival

(C) makes his letters a group rivaling

(D) make his letters as a group the rival of

(E) make his letters a group which is the rival of

12—12 In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.

(A) so as to marry

(B) and so could be married to

(C) t0 be married to

(D)80 that he could marry

(E) in order that he would marry

T2一13 As a result of medical advances,many people that might at one time have died as children of such infections as diphtheria,pneumonia,or rheumatic fever now live well into old age.

(A)that might at one time have died as children

(B) who might once have died in childhood

(C)that as children might once have died

(D) who in childhood might have at one time died

(E) who,when they were children,might at one time have died

T2一14 Frances Wright’s book on America contrasted the republicanism of the United States with what she saw as the aristocratic and corrupt institutions of England.

(A) with what she saw as

(B) with that which she saw to be

(C)to that she saw being

(D) and that which she saw as

(E) and what she saw to be

T2—15 Cajuns speak a dialect brought to southern Louisiana by the four thousand Acadians who migrated there in 1755;their language is basically seventeenth century French to which has been added English,Spanish,and Italian words.

(A)to which has been added English,Spanish and Italian words

(B) added to which is English,Spanish,and Italian words

(C)to which English,Spanish,and Italian words have been added

(D) with English,Spanish,and Italian words having been added to it

(E) and,in addition,English,Spanish,and Italian words are added

T2一16 Warning that computers in the United States are not secure.the National Academy of Sciences has urged the nation to revamp computer security procedures,institute new emergency response teams,creating a special nongovernment organization to take charge of computer security planning.

(A) creating a special nongovernment organization to take

(B) creating a special nongovernment organization that takes

(C) creating a special nongovernment organization/or taking

(D) and create a special nongovernment organization for taking

(E) and create a special nongovernment organization to take

The keys to Test Two:1.A 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.E 8.E 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.E

Test Two题解:

T2—1答案:A D、E:在that限定性从句中,谓语could be和could severely strain找不到其平行成分(却有and),且D中could be a severe strain的表达不够简洁;B中:“两位数的失业率”原本是修饰depression,此处被改为that限定性从句的原因状语,句意被改变了;C中把原本用一个句子表达的内容改成了两个独立的句子,it指代有误,从语法上讲指代Japan,从逻辑上讲指代depression,两者不一致,同时由于句子结构的变动,原本属于从属的that从旬部分变成了主要部分,同前一句并列处于同等位置,句子重心发生变化;A中:that代depression,with短语是插入成分对depression做修饰。

T2一2答案:E A、B中,主语核心词为supply,代人可译为:“有限的石油供应已成为一个经济和政治上的考虑”,这样的主语和系表在逻辑搭配上是有问题的,导致理解不通。

A、D中being finite在oil后会被误认为此短语是修饰oil,而非修饰其真正的限定对象supply。


T2一3答案:B A、D、E中均未补出动词,而C中补出的has表示完成时,与之前的


T2一4答案:C从句意理解,and前后是两个并列的宾语从句作argue的宾语。D、E 中未补出that是不妥的;B,D中的if从句或者是in+动名词短语结构,把原来表目的的状语变成了条件及方式状语,从而改变旬意;A、C之间的比较在于哪一个更接近于习惯表达。C为最佳答案。后面的动词不定式表目的是修饰the reform,因主语较长被后置了。

语法点提示:bring sth.under control


T一6答案:D首先,A、B、E中的should的使用不对,should作情态动词,含有“应该”之意,在本句中,该语气是不合逻辑的,而应当用will表示“将会”。C,D之间几乎是一致的,只不过时间状语一个在前,一个在后,从语意看无太大差异。但根据while的前后对比关系及前后尽可能形式一致原则,选D而去C,因为未划线的while从句中时间状语each year在句首。

T2—7答案:E此题较难。我们首先从比较选项人手。仔细读选项,发现B、D中的manifestations were shown in存在语义重复:manifestation本身具有“展示,显示”的含意,而shown in也有此意,排除B,D。C:the rise of the W in A,of the S in C中都有of,而与之平行的后两个the F in N,the M in S中却未补出of,这违背了省略的原则。再比较A、E,E 有三个优点:(1)某物被展示或显示在某方面,E中的sth.Was manifested in the rise比A中的manifestation of sth.were in the rise的表达简洁;(2)在末尾and之后补出in使得平行结构的句意没有争议,表明the rise与the victory是平行的部分;(3)A中in短语不知是修饰manifestation还是militancy,而E中把in短语独立出来作时间状语,更符合句意。

T2一8答案:E根据“名词性从句用whether不用if引导”的原则,排除A、D。B,C 中:动名词结构being convened没有用E中的conversion表达好,因为此处强调状态,而非动作;同时,B中whether从句中的should be doing的时态使用是无根据的,而C中用whether 从句不如E中用whether+动词不定式的短语结构简洁。

T2一9答案:D A、B中N1和.N2不具可比性;C的结构调整了,N1与N2虽具可比性,但原来宾语被放到主语位置,把原意“人们不愿意承认缺乏分析能力”改为了“分析能力导致人们不愿意承认他们是弱的”,歪曲了原意,同时weak t0 a degree不知体现在哪一个方面。D、E比较,E中有两个缺陷:(1)}lave a disinclination to do的表达与D中的be disinclined to do sth.相比,既不简洁,也不符合习惯用法;(2)recognize的宾语the weakness of their analytical skills改变了句意,D中用从句准确表达了原意。

T2一l0答案:D A中有两个毛病:(1)at least as much as已包含了more others的含义,两者的共用属重复现象;(2)had在此是实义动词“有”,而非助动词,用had not any不如用had no简洁。B中:at least as much as mole than用法错误。E中用there be句型弱化了前后对比的逻辑关系,且表达不够简洁。C中错误与A相同。D中的more than a million并未改变句意。

T2一11答案:D首先需要明确的是本句的两个that从句是修饰限定powers of observation这一整体的(核心词为powers),而非observation,这可从逻辑上确认(把其代人第一个that从句,observation显然不符合情理),由此根据主谓一致原则排除A、B、C;E中用which定语从句修饰a group是不够简洁的,或者你可以用我们在公理中提到的一个原则“which不引导限定性从句”排除E直接选D。D中:as a group(“作为一个整体”)修饰letters,且符合make的用法,make A1 A2:“使某物(A1)成为另一物(A2)”。

T2一12答案:D 尽管主句与目的状语的动作是由同一动作执行者完成,但本句中主

句不是系表结构,故应直接选"so…that”句型,E中:in order that比D中用词多,不够简洁。


首篇中讲到的对称性解题思路,在A中,前面有一个as children,后面未划线部分却是一个

old age。两者从形式及意义上都不能形成较好的对称性,故立刻排除A、C(as children)和

E(children)。B、D之间比较:D中有一缺陷,at one time此固定短语有两个含义:“曾经”


T2一14答案:A本句的句意是对两者进行比较(这可由republicanism与aristocratic看出)。因而应该用介词with,排除C、D、E;在公理中我们说过that which=what,B错,同


T2—15答案:c A中定语从句中缺主语;B中added放在t0 which之前,明显是错的;







的to revamp,institute并列的省略to的动词不定式形式,排除A、B、C。D、E比较:表一


Test Three(16题20分钟)

T3一1 The prop0Sed health care bill would increase government regulation 0f health insurance,establish standards that would guarantee wider access to people with past health problems and to workers changing jobs who otherwise could be uncovered for months.

(A)establish standards that would guarantee wider access to people with past health problems and to workers changing jobs who

(B)establishing standards that would guarantee wider access to people with past health problems and to workers who are changing jobs and

(C)to establish standards that would guarantee wider access to people with past health problems and to workers who change jobs that

(D)for establishing standards that would guarantee wider access for people with past health problems and workers changing jobs who

(E)for the establishment of standards that would guarantee wider access for people with past health problems and workers who are changing jobs that

T3—2 Camille Claudet worked continuously through the 1880’and early 1890’with the sculptor Auguste Rodin;since there are very few signed works of hers,the inescapable conclusion seems to one of Claudet conceiving and executing part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period

(A) inescapable conclusion seems to one of Claudet conceiving and executing part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period

(B) conclusion of Claudet conceiving and executing part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period seems inescapable

(C) conclusion seems inescapable that part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period was conceived and executed by Claudet

(D) conclusion of part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period having been conceived and executed by Claudet seems inescapable

(E) seemingly inescapable conclusion is that Claudet would have conceived and executed part of Rodin’s enormous production of that period

T3—3 The odds are about 4 to 1 against surviving a takeover offer,and many business consultants therefore advise that a company’s first fine of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse to take calls form likely corporate raiders.

(A)that a company’s first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even refuse

(B)that a company’s first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even

(C) a company defending itself against offers like this kind that,as a first line of defense,they should even refuse

(D) companies which are defending themselves against such an offer that,as a first line of defense,they should even refuse

(E)that the first line of defense for a company who is eluding offers like these is the refusal even

T3—4 Under a provision of the Constitution that was never applied, Congress has been required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it by the legislatures of two-thirds of the states.

(A) was never applied,Congress has been required to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do it

(B) Was never applied,there has been a requirement that Congress call a convention for consideration of possible amendments to the document when asked to do it formally

(C) Was never applied,whereby congress is required to call a convention for considering possible amendment to the document when asked to do it formally

(D) has never been applied,whereby Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendments to the document when formally asked to do so

(E) has never been applied,Congress is required to call a convention to consider possible amendment to the document when formally asked to do so

T3—5As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.

(A) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision,it would be rated about 20/500,or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.

(B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500,or legally blind as an adult.

(C)As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb,its rudimentary sense of vision would be rated about 20/500,qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult.

(D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500;an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.

(E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb,its rudimentary sense of vision,which would be deemed legally blind for an adult,would be rated about20/500.T3一6 The peaks of mountain range,acting like rocks in a streambed,produce tipples in the air flowing over them;the resulting flow pattern,with crests and troughs that remain stat nary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly,are known as“standing waves”.

(A) crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly,are

(B) crests and troughs that remain stationary although they are formed by rapidly moving air,are

(C) crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly,is

(D) stationary crests and troughs although the air that forms them is moving rapidly,


(E) stationary crests and troughs although they are formed by rapidly moving air,is

T3一7 That educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said that it is their fault;Alvian Tloffler, one of the most prominent students of the future

did not even mention microcomputers in Future Shock,published in 1970.

(A)That educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said that it is their fault

(B)That educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said to be at fault

(C) It can hardly be said that it is the fault of educators who have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology

(D) It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology

(E)The fact that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of microcomputer technology can hardly be said

T3—8 E1 Nino,the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru,a phenomenon

in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated in the western Pacific to flow to the east.

(A) a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm.water that has accumulated

(B)a phenomenon where changes in the ocean and atmosphere are combining to allow the warm water that is accumulating

(C) a phenomenon in which ocean and atmosphere changes combine and which allows the warm water that is accumulated

(D) is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to allow the warm water that has accumulated

(E) is a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere changes are combining and allow the warm water accumulating

T3—9 All-terrain vehicles have allowed vacationers to reach many previously inaccessible areas,but they have also been blamed for causing hundreds of deaths, injury to thousands, and seriously damaging the nation’s recreational areas.

(A)deaths,injury to thousands,and seriously damaging

(B)deaths and injuring thousands,and serious damage to

(C)deaths,thousands who are injured,as well as seriously damaging

(D)deaths and thousands of injuries,as well as doing serious damage t0

(E)deaths,thousands are injured.and they do serious damage to

T3—10 St. John’s,Newfoundland,lies on the same latitude as Paris,France,but in spring

St.John’s residents are leas likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing themselves against arctic chills, shoveling snow, or seeking shelter from a ranging Northeast storm.

(A) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing them selves against arctic chills,shoveling snow,or seeking

(B) residents are less likely to sit at outdoor cafes,and more to brace themselves against arctic chills,shovel snow,or be seeking

(C) residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes,and more likely to be bracing themselves against arctic chills,shoveling snow,or to be seeking

(D) residents,instead of their sitting at outdoor cafes,they are more likely to brace themselves against arctic chills,shovel snow,or seek

(E)residents,instead of sitting at outdoor cafes,are more 1ikely to brace themselves against arctic chills,shovel snow,or to be seeking

T3—11 Until quite recently.American presidents lived in a world in which the public and private realms of their lives were largely separate,and—the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction, and Americans judged national leaders without receiving,or expecting,intimate information about them.

(A) and the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction,and

(B) where the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction,and where

(C) for the press cooperated to maintain the distinction and

(D)the press cooperated to maintain the distinction,for

(E) in which the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction,and in which

T3—12 That the new managing editor rose from the publication’s “soft” news sections to a leadership position is more of a landmark in the industry than her being a woman.

(A)her being a woman

(B) being a woman is

(C)her womanhood

(D)that she was a woman

(E)that she is a woman

T3一13 Two week notice being given to employers before leaving a job is the generally accepted protoco1.

(A)Two week notice being given to employers before leaving

(B) Giving notice to employers of two weeks before having to leave

(C)Two week’s notice to give to employers before leaving

(D) Giving notice to employers two weeks before leaving

(E)To give two weeks’ worth of notice before having to leave

B一14 In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat,with more of the amino acids essential to human diet.

(A)the protein in rice is higher quality than that in

(B) rice has protein of higher quality than that in

(C)the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in

(D) rice protein is higher in quality than it is in

(E) rice has a protein higher in quality than

r13—15 One legacy of Madison Avenue’s recent campaign to appeal to people fifty years old and over is the realization that as a person ages, their concerns change as well.

(A)the realization that as a person ages,their

(B)the realization that as people age,their

(C)to realize that when a person ages,his or her

(D)to realize that when people age,their

(E) realizing that as people age,their

T3一16 Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in 1911.Scott Joplin’s ragtime opera Treemonisha was not produced until 1972,sixty-one years after its completion.

(A) Except for a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(B) Except for a concert performance with the composer himself staging it

(C) Besides a concert performance being staged by the composer himself

(D) Excepting a concert performance that the composer himself staged

(E) With the exception of a concert performance with the staging done by the composer himself

The keys to Test Three:1.B 2.C 3.B 4.E 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.E 12.E 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.A

Test Three题解:

T3一1答案:B 按A的表达,establish是并列谓语动词中最后一个,但之前却差一个连词and,由此推断A错;由句意可断定establish与increase并非两个并列的动作,且establish之后的内容应是对主句进行修饰,表示一伴随结果,C、D、E中用动词不定式或for介词短语都是为了表目的,而非伴随结果(用分词形式),与句意不符;同时,A、D中wh0紧跟jobs,会产生误解,以为who从句修饰jobs;C、E中把本应与change并列的动作could be uncovered用that从句隔开,使其成了主从关系,从而导致句意的改变。

T3一2答案:c 我们在第一章提到过:conclusion + that表同位关系,而conclusion of sth.一般表示某物的结局或结果。通过对本句的句意分析,此处应采用conclusion + that从句的形式对conclusion做补充解释,因而A、B、D都错。原句划线部分的句意是:说话者认为Claudet在这个期间帮Rodin构思和创作了不少作品,态度是肯定的,这可由inescapable 证实。而选项E却用了虚拟语气,此语气的使用产生了与原句意刚好相反的效果,即Claudet 本应该构思和创作了Rodin的不少作品(暗示Claudet并未做这些事)。C的表达与原句意一致,that同位语从句后置避免句子的头重脚轻,保持句子平衡。seems inescapable符合地道的英语表达。

T13—3答案:B A中的like these中these指代错误。C中:(1)offers like this kind的表达过于复杂,不如用such offers;(2)不符合advise sb.to do sth.的习惯用法;(3)they之前无连词,形成ran-on句型。D中:错误同C(2)、(3),同时,such an offer与companies不对应。E:(1)错误同A;(2)未用虚拟语气动词;(3)is the refusal不如用动词refuse。B中:in eluding such offers修饰defense。此处advise意为“建议”,应跟带虚拟语气动词的that从句。

T3一4答案:E 由to do it应改为to do so的原则,排除A、B、C。D中whereby是多余的。E中在that从旬中用现在完成时表明“该条例至今未用过”,用is required代替了A 中的has been required(无时间根据),因为本句是对一个条例的解释,用一般现在时最佳。并且表动作的目的用动词不定式而不用for doing结构,同时,B、C中formally放在句尾,会导致原修饰asked的formally改为修饰d0,改变句意。

语法点提示:amendment to sth.对某物的修改

T3—5答案:D A中:第一个it指a rudimental sense of vision,而若把此指代物取代第二个it,就出现了主谓搭配不当。B:as an adult的逻辑主语找不到,无论是a baby或a

rudimental sense of vision均不可作其逻辑主语。C中:it指baby,qualifying it to be legally blind 改变了句意,而省略结构if an adult的逻辑主语与其语法主语不一致,因为其逻辑主语根本未出现。E中:which所指代的rudimentary sense of vision显然与谓语would be deemed搭配不妥,不如D中的an adult with such’vision would be deemed legally blind的语意清楚。D中用分号连接两个分句表明了一种对比关系。

T3一6答案:C 由主谓一致原则决定A、B、D中are不对,因为主语是单数形式pattern,,E、C比较,E有两个缺陷:(1)把原来的限定crests和troughs的that remain stationary变成了stationary crests and troughs,改变了句意,因为that从句强调在某一状况下,它们是保持静止的;而用后者则表示“静止”这种状况是它们的一种固定的长久性的属性,而由the resulting flow pattern及standing waves,暗示前者的表达是准确的;(2)这一结构变化还导致了用although状语从句修饰名词的错误用法。而在C中remain stationary与moving rapidly之间的让步逻辑关系很明确。

T3—7答案:D A:it指the impact of microcomputer,their·指educators,把其代入that it is their fault,语意不通。C中:that从句的结构不清,假设其是强调句型,就不应由who 引导而应用that引导,因为强调的成分是物,而不是教育学家们,假设who从句是修饰educators,则it找不到指代对象。E改变了句意,划线部分的原意是说“教育学家们未能预测出微机技术的影响这件事几乎不能认为是教育学家的错”,该原意可以由未划线部分的句意所证实;而E的句意则暗示教育学家们在此事上的确做错了,只不过不能说出此事而已,刚好颠倒了句意。B、D比较,B:“未能预测出影响这件事本身几乎就不能认为是错的”,同样改变了句意。

语法点提示:it is said(estimated,thought,believed…)that从句结构;be at fault犯错误

T3—8答案:D 仔细分析A、B、C的语法结构,会发现它们均缺谓语部分:combine 是in which从句中的谓语动词;accumulate是that定语从句中的谓语动词,由此排除A、B、C。D、E比较,E有四个缺陷:(1)where作为定语从句的引导词是误用,应改为in which;

(2)第一个从句中的ale combining是无根据的,本句描述一客观现象用一般现在时最佳;(3)把combine to allow之间用and分隔,割裂了两者之间的动作和结果关系;(4)用现在分词accumulating改变了原用that从句限定的句意。

T3—9答案:D A、B、C、E中都存在平行结构中形式不一致的问题;只有D中形式最对称,从大的角度看,causing+名词与doing+名词的动宾形式对应,从小的角度看(并列中的第一项看)hundreds 0f deaths和thousand 0f injuries也是完美对称的。

T3一10答案:A 最快的解题法就是:B、C、D、E中均有比较级more likely(1ess likely)出现,但却没有比较状语连词than的出现,必错无疑。A正确。其比较是在两个动词不定式之间进行的。此处用的是动词不定式进行体,与时间状语in spring对应,强调动作在此期间正在进行。仔细分析B、C、D、E还有如下错误:B中be seeking与之前的动词不定式t0 brace,shovel不对应;C中to be seeking中的to be多余;D中:sitting之前的their是多余的;E中:to be seeking与之前的t0 brace形式不对应。

T3—11答案:E本题是三个并列的in which限定性从句对a world进行补充解释,其余各项均不符合平行原则且改变句意。B中的where是不准确的。


T3—13答案:D A、C、E三个选项中的two week notice,two week’s notice和two week’s worth of notice的表达让人捉摸不透其真实含义,导致理解障碍。B中before having to leaving 改变了句意,同时employees of two,weeks的含义让人捉摸不透。应选D。大意是:在辞


T3—14答案:B 由于句首是介词+动词形式,首先考虑having的逻辑主语与句子主语是否一致的问题。显然A、C、D中的主句主语‘protein作having的逻辑主语是逻辑不通的,因而可排除A、C、D。同时我们也可用than wheat does来判定答案应落在B、E间(因为由可比性原则,句中仅rice与wheat具有可比性。而仅B、E的主语是flee)。B、E比较,E 中有两个缺陷:(1)比较关系不清楚未补出than之后的that in;(2)用不定冠词a修饰不可数名词protein是不恰当的。

T3—15答案:B A中:a person和之后their在数上是不对应的;C、D、E代人原句,都会产生逻辑搭配不当的问题,因为"legacy is t0 realize that从句”或"legacy is realizing that 从句”都是让人费解的。同时,C、D中时间状语从句用when引导不恰当,因为此处要求表明两个长期的、逐渐演变的动作,用as更适合。句意是:“最近在Madison大街呼吁50或50岁以上的人们支持的运动所获得的一项成果就是人们形成了一种认识,即:人们随着年纪的增加,他们所关心的问题也随之改变”。

T3—16答案:A B、E中performance之后的with短语与performance的关系模糊不清,表达笨拙,句意含糊。C中有两个缺陷:(1)besides刚好弄反了句意,原意是指“不包括a concert performance在内”,而besides却改为“包括a concert performance在内”;(2)being staged给人产生的感觉是“正在演出”,而原句并无强调“正在演出”之意。A、D的比较主要在于except for和excepting的细微区别:excepting相当于except,是介词,其排除在范围之外的内容应与主句所涉及的内容是同一类物体;而except for刚好相反,其排除在范围之外的内容与主句所涉及的内容可以是不一致的。此处:a concert performance与ragtime opera显然不属于同一类,因而选用except for而不是excepting。
