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【2012安徽】33. Walmart, which is one of the largest American supermarket chains,

some of its store open 24 hours on Mondays through Saturdays.

A. keeps

B. keep

C. have kept

D. had kept

【2012陕西】12. The basketball coach, as well as his team, ______ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance. A. were B. was C. is D. are

【2012湖南】35. All the scientific evidence ____ that increasing use of chemicals in farming _____ damaging our health. A. show; are B. shows; are C. show; is D. shows; is

11安徽卷)27The factory used 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _____ saved for other

purposes. A. is B. are C. was D. were

11湖南卷)26One third of the country ______covered with trees and the majority of the citizens_______ black people. A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is

3.〖10全国〗Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the wome n who _______ evening dress.



C.has worn

D.have worn

4.〖10湖南〗Listening to loud music at rock concerts caused hearing loss in some teenagers.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

5.〖10四川〗Such poets as Shakespeare widely read, of whose works, however, some difficult to understand. A. are;are B. is;is C. are;is D. is:are

6.〖09山东〗The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities _______ rising steadily since1990.

A. is

B. are

C. has been

D. have been

7.〖09四川〗The teacher together with the students _______ discussing Reading Skills that ______ newly published in America. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was

8.〖09湖南〗Either you or one of your students ______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.

A. are

B. is

C. have

D. be

9.〖09陕西〗Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.

A. is going to

B. are going to

C. was going to

D. were going to

10.〖08陕西〗—Did you go to the show last night? A. were B. have been

—Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area invited. C. has been D. was

11.〖07江西〗A survey of the opinions of experts that three hours of outdoor exercise a week good fo r one’s health. A. show; are B. shows; is C .show; is D. shows; are

12.〖07湖南〗We live day by day, but in the great things, the time of days and weeks so small that a day is unimportant. A. is B. are C. has been D. have been

13.〖07陕西〗As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area .

A.need repairing

B.needs to repair

C.needs repairing

D.need to repair

14.〖07上海〗A survey of the opinions of experts that three hours of outdoor exercise a week good for one’s health. A. show; are B. shows; is C. show; is D. shows; are

15.〖07江西〗Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet. A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided C. isn’t being decided D. aren’t decided

16.〖06浙江〗The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long. A.is B.are C.was D.were

17.〖06安徽〗Most of what has been said about the Smiths also true of the Johnsons.

A. are

B. is

C. being

D. to be

18.〖06江苏〗A poet and artist coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. A.is B.are C.was D.were

19.〖06辽宁〗The father as well as his three children ____ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going

20.〖05辽宁〗Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, ____ in the clothing industry. A. is working B. works C. work D. worked

21.〖05上海〗Professor Smith, along with his assistants, on the project day and night to meet the deadline.

A. work

B. working C .is working D. are working

22.〖05山东〗With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth each year.

A. is washing away B .is being washed away C. are washing away D. are being washed away

23.〖05山东〗The country life he was used to ______ greatly since 1992.

A. change

B. has changed

C. changing

D. have changed

24.〖04上海春〗No one in the department but Tom and I ____ that the director is going to resign.

A. knows

B. know

C. have known

D. am to know

25.〖04广东〗All the employees except the manager ______to work online at home.

A. encourages

B. encourage

C. is encouraged

D. are encouraged

26.〖04北京〗The teacher, with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class, _______ visiting a museum when the earthquake struck. A. was B. were C. had been D. would be

27.〖04福建〗She has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book ___ 50 million.

A. have reached

B. has reached

C. are reaching

D. had reached

28.〖03上海春〗When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _________ yet.

A. are not decided

B. have not been decided

C. is not being decided

D. has not been decided

29.〖02北京春〗--- How are the team playing? A. got B. gets

--- They’re playing well, but one of them hurt. C. are D. were

30.〖02上海春〗He is the only one of the students who _______a winner of scholarship for three years.

A. is

B. are

C. have been

D. has been

31.〖01上海〗As a result of destroying the forest, a large ____ of desert ____ covered the land.

A. number, has

B. quantity, has

C. number, have

D. quantity, have

32.〖00上海春〗Every possible means _____ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

A. is used

B. are used

C. has been used

D. have been used

33.〖00全国春〗All the preparations for the task ______, and we are ready to start.

A. completed

B. complete

C. had been completed

D. have been completed

34.〖00 NMET〗_____ of the land in that district _____ covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifth, is

B. Two fifth, are

C. Two fifths, is

D. Two fifths, are

35.〖00上海春〗I told him what I was surprised _____ his attitude towards his study.

A. is

B. was

C. at is

D. at was

Keys: 2012 ABD

2011-2000 1.DABCA 6.CBBAD 11.BAABA 16.DBACC 21.DDBAD 26.ABDAD 31.BCDCD


物质结构与性质(2014年-2019年全国卷) 1.[2019年全国卷Ⅰ] 在普通铝中加入少量Cu和Mg后,形成一种称为拉维斯相的MgCu2微小晶粒,其分散在Al中可使得 铝材的硬度增加、延展性减小,形成所谓“坚铝”,是制造飞机的主要村料。回答下列问题: (1)下列状态的镁中,电离最外层一个电子所需能量最大的是 (填标号)。 A. B. C. D. (2)乙二胺(H2NCH2CH2NH2)是一种有机化合物,分子中氮、碳的杂化类型分别是、。乙二 胺能与Mg2+、Cu2+等金属离子形成稳定环状离子,其原因是,其中与乙二胺形成的化合物 稳定性相对较高的是 (填“Mg2+”或“Cu2+”)。 (3)一些氧化物的熔点如下表所示: 解释表中氧化物之间熔点差异的原因。 (4)图(a)是MgCu2的拉维斯结构,Mg以金刚石方式堆积,八面体空隙和半数的四面体空隙中,填入以四 面体方式排列的Cu。图(b)是沿立方格子对角面取得的截图。可见,Cu原子之间最短距离x= pm,Mg原子之间最短距离y= pm。设阿伏加德罗常数的值为N A,则MgCu2的密度是 g·cm?3(列出计算表达式)。 2.[2019年全国卷Ⅱ]

近年来我国科学家发现了一系列意义重大的铁系超导材料,其中一类为Fe—Sm—As—F—O组成的化合物。回答下列问题: (1)AsH3的沸点比NH3的________(填“高”或“低”),其判断理由是______。 (2)Sm的价层电子排布式为4f66s2,Sm3+价层电子排布式为________。 (3)比较离子半径F- O2-(填“大于”、“等于”或“小于”) (4)一种四方结构的超导化合物的晶胞如图1所示。晶胞中Sm和As原子的投影位置如图2所示。 图中F-和O2-共同占据晶胞的上下底面位置,若两者的比例依次用x和1-x代表,则该化合物的化 学式表示为____________;通过测定密度ρ和晶胞参数,可以计算该物质的x值,完成它们关系表达式:ρ=_________g·cm-3。 以晶胞参数为单位长度建立的坐标系可以表示晶胞中各原子的位置,称作原子分数坐标,例如图1中原子1的坐标为(,,),则位于底面中心的原子2和原子3的坐标分别为___________、__________. 3.[2019全国卷Ⅲ] 磷酸亚铁锂(LiFePO4)可用作锂离子电池正极材料,具有热稳定性好、循环性能优良、安全性高等 特点,文献报道可采用FeCl3、NH4H2PO4、LiCl和苯胺等作为原料制备。回答下列问题: (1)在周期表中,与Li的化学性质最相似的邻族元素是,该元素基态原子核外M层电子的自旋状态(填“相同”或“相反”)。 (2) FeCl3中的化学键具有明显的共价性,蒸汽状态下以双聚分子存在的FeCl3的结构式为,其中Fe的配位数为。


圆梦教育中心二项式定理历年高考试题 一、填空题( 本大题共24 题, 共计120 分) 1、(1+2x)5的展开式中x2的系数是。(用数字作答) 2、的展开式中的第5项为常数项,那么正整数的值是. 3、已知,则(的值等于。 4、(1+2x2)(1+)8的展开式中常数项为。(用数字作答) 5、展开式中含的整数次幂的项的系数之和为。(用数字作答) 6、(1+2x2)(x-)8的展开式中常数项为。(用数字作答) 7、的二项展开式中常数项是。(用数字作答). 8、(x2+)6的展开式中常数项是。(用数字作答) < 9、若的二项展开式中的系数为,则。(用数字作答) 10、若(2x3+)n的展开式中含有常数项,则最小的正整数n等于。 11、(x+)9展开式中x3的系数是。(用数字作答) 12、若展开式的各项系数之和为32,则n= 。其展开式中的常数项为。(用数字作答)

13、的展开式中的系数为。(用数字作答) 14、若(x-2)5=a5x5+a4x4+a3x3+a2x2+a1x+a0,则a1+a2+a3+a4+a5= 。 15、(1+2x)3(1-x)4展开式中x2的系数为. 16、的展开式中常数项为; 各项系数之和为.(用数字作答) 17、(x)5的二项展开式中x2的系数是____________.(用数字作答) 18、(1+x3)(x+)6展开式中的常数项为_____________. < 19、若x>0,则(2+)(2-)-4(x-)=______________. 20、已知(1+kx2)6(k是正整数)的展开式中,x8的系数小于120,则k=______________. 21、记(2x+)n的展开式中第m项的系数为b m,若b3=2b4,则n=. 22、(x+)5的二项展开式中x3的系数为_____________.(用数字作答) 23、已知(1+x+x2)(x+)n的展开式中没有常数项,n∈N*且2≤n≤8,则n=_____________. 24、展开式中x的系数为.


(A) {1,2} (B) {0,1,2} (C){x|0 ≤x<3} (D) {x|0 ≤x ≤3} (C) { x -1≤ x ≤1} (D) { x -1≤ x < 1} 3. ( 2010辽宁文)(1)已知集合 U 1,3,5,7,9 , A 1,5,7 ,则C U A 7. ( 2010山东文)(1)已知全集 U R ,集合 M x x 2 4 0 ,则 C U M = A. x 2 x 2 B. x 2 x 2 C . x x 2或 x 2 D. x x 2或 x 2 2 8. ( 2010北京理)(1) 集合 P {x Z 0 x 3},M {x Z x 2 9},则 PI M = 第一章 集合与常用逻辑用 语 一、选择题 1. ( 2010浙江理)(1)设 P={x ︱x <4},Q={x ︱ x 2 <4},则 A ) p Q B )Q P ( C ) p CR Q (D ) Q CR P 2. (2010 陕西文) 1. 集合 A ={x -1≤ x ≤2}, B ={ x x<1},则 A ∩B =( (A){ x x< 1} B ){x -1≤ x≤2} A ) 1,3 B ) 3,7,9 C ) 3,5,9 D ) 3,9 4. ( 2010辽宁理) 1.已知 A ,B 均为集合 U={1,3,5,7,9} 的子集,且 A ∩B={3}, eu (A ){1,3} (B){3,7,9} (C){3,5,9} (D){3,9} 5. ( 2010 江 西 理 ) 2. 若 集 合 A= x| x 1, x R , A. x| 1 x 1 B. x|x 0 C. x|0 x 1 D. 6. ( 2010浙江文)(1)设 P {x|x 1}, Q {x|x 2 4},则 P Q (A) {x| 1 x 2} (B) {x| 3 x 1} (C) { x|1 x 4} (D) {x| 2 x 1}


高考英语新主谓一致知识点经典测试题及答案(1) 一、选择题 1.As long as there are still flames inside the museum, no one but member of the fire department ______ to go inside. A.is allowed B.has been allowed C.are allowed D.have been allowed 2.It is reported that many a new house ________ at present in the disaster area. A.are being built B.were being built C.was being built D.is being built 3.A saying goes_____ all work and no play___________ Jack a dull boy. A.that; makes B.which; makes C.that; make D.which; make 4.Wine is the world's favorite drink enjoyed on almost every occasion where great times_________ with friends. A.are being shared B.is shared C.shares D.share 5._____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450. A.A number B.A lot C.A few D.The number 6.When and where we shall bulid a larger home for the aged ________ to be discussed by the local government. A.remains B.remain C.is remained D.are remaining 7.On arriving home from the ancient city with a high level of civilization, the archaeologist unpacked his suitcase and was greatly amazed to see the silver-plated cup and saucer _____ still in _____ good shape. A.was; a B.were; a C.was; /D.were; / 8.The fact that so many people still smoke in public places____ that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking. A.suggest B.suggests C.suggested D.suggesting 9.Peter rather than I going to go camping this winter vocation. A.am B.is C.are D.will be 10.Typically, with high-status and well-paid jobs ________ far more pressure than assumed. A.are coming B.is coming C.come D.comes 11.Actually, the garden, as well as the trees around it, a man living across the street. A.is belonged to B.are belonged to C.belongs to D.belong to 12.Linda, together with her brothers, _______spending the holiday in Chile when the strong earthquake broke out. A.was B.were C.is D.are 13.A famous dancer and singer ________ invited to the party and it was a great success. A.was B.were C.is D.are 14.Not only the students but also the teacher ______ against the plan in yesterday's meeting. A.is B.was C.are D.were 15.Nowadays the growth of food delivery apps in China ______ the country with takeout containers and plastic


圆学子梦想铸金字品牌 1.( 2013 ·重庆高考文科·T 1)已知全集U1,2,3,4 ,集合 A1,2 ,B2,3 ,则 C U A B() A .1,3,4 B.3,4 C.3 D.4 2、( 2013 ·四川高考文科·T 1)设集合A{1,2,3} ,集合 B {2,2} ,则A I B() A. B. {2} C. {2,2} D. {2,1,2,3} 3.(2013 ·福建高考文科·T3) 若集合A=1,2,3 ,B= 1,3,4 ,,则A∩B的子集个数为() A.2 B.3 C.4 D.16 4.( 2013 ·湖北高考文科·T 1)已知全集U{1,2,3,4,5} ,集合A{1,2} , B{2,3,4},则 B C u A ()A. {2} B . {3,4}C. {1,4,5} D . {2,3,4,5} 5.( 2013 ·新课标Ⅰ高考文科·T 1)已知集合A{1,2,3,4} , B{ x | x n2 , n A} ,则A∩B= A. {1,4} B. { 2,3} C.{ 9,16} D. {1,2} 6.( 2013 ·大纲版全国卷高考文科·T 1)设集合U1,2,3,4,5, 集合 A1,2 ,e u A() 则C U A A.1,2 B.3,4,5 C.1,2,3,4,5 D. 7.( 2013 ·湖南高考文科)已知集合 U{2,3,6,8},A{2,3}, B{2,6,8},则(C U A)B________ 8.设集合A1,2,3 , B4,5, M x | x a b, a A, b B, 则 M 中元素的个数为() A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6 9. (2013 江·苏高考数学科·T4) 集合 {-1,0,1} 共有个子集 . 10.( 2013 ·四川高考理科·T 1)设集合A{ x | x20} ,集合 B { x | x240} ,则AI B() A. {2} B. {2} C. { 2,2} D. 11.(2013 浙·江高考文科·T1) 设集合 S={x|x>-2},T={x|- 4≤ x≤ 1},则 S∩ T= () A.[- 4,+ ∞) B.(- 2,+ ∞ ) C.[ -4,1] D.(-2,1] 12.( 2013 ·安徽高考文科·T2)已知A= { x|x+1>0 }, B= { -2, -1, 0, 1},则( C 错误!未找到引用源。R A )∩ B=( ) A. { -2, -1} B.{-2} C.{-2 , 0, 1} D.{0 , 1} 13.( 2013 ·北京高考文科·T1)已知集合A={ - 1, 0, 1} ,B={ x|- 1≤x< 1} ,则 A∩ B= () A.{0} B.{ - 1, 0} C.{0 , 1} D.{ - 1,0,1} 14.( 2013 ·广东高考理科)设集合M={x|x 2+2x=0,x∈R},N={x|x2-2x=0,x∈ R},则M∪ N=() A.{0} B.{0,2} C.{-2,0} D.{-2,0,2}


主谓一致练习题(含答案)经典 一、主谓一致 1.The number of the volunteers in our city 2 ,000. And sixty percent of them teachers and students. A.is; is B.is; are C.are; is D.are; are 【答案】B 【解析】 句意:在我们城市志愿者的数量为2000.他们中的百分之六十是教师和学生。根据句意,结合语法知识the number of,……的数目,做主语时谓语动词使用单数形式,而percent做主语时,谓语动词的单复数需要依据of后面的单词。故答案为B. 2.Be quiet, please. There a basketball game between our class and Class 8. A.has B.is going to be C.will have D.is going to have 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:请安静,在我们班和8班之间将会有一场篮球比赛。根据句意可知,这里使用的是there be句型,表示“有……”,故A、C和D都不对;there is going to be是there be句型的将来时态。 考点:考查there be句型。 3._______ a big party in our school in two weeks. A.It is B.It will be C.There was D.There is going to be 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 句意:在我们学校两周之后将有一个大的聚会。根据句意可知,译为“有”,用there be句型,排除A和B;且根据in two weeks可知,用一般将来时,故选D。 4.—I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered. —Sorry, I with my parents ________ at that time. A.was shopping B.were shopping C.are shopping D.went shopping 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:—我昨天下午五点给你打电话了,但是没人接。—对不起,那时我正陪着妈妈买东西呢。通过以上分析可知,应该用过去进行时;本句I是主语,with my parents是介词短语做定语,不是主语,所以后面用was。故选A。 考点:考查时态和主谓一致的用法。


20XX年高考:29.(15分) 已知周期表中,元素Q、R、W、Y与元素X相邻。Y的最高化合价氧化物的水化物是强酸。回答下列问题: (1)W与Q可以形成一种高温结构陶瓷材料。W的氯化物分子呈正四面体结构,W的氧化物的晶体类型 是; (2)Q的具有相同化合价且可以相互转变的氧化物是; (3)R和Y形成的二元化合物中,R呈现最高化合价的化合物的化学式 是; (4)这5个元素的氢化物分子中,①立体结构类型相同的氢化物的沸点从高到低排

列次序是(填化学式),其原因是 ; ②电子总数相同的氢化物的化学式和立体结构分别是 ; (5)W和Q所形成的结构陶瓷材料的一种合成方法如下:W的氯化物与Q的氢化物加热反应,生成化合物W(QH2)4和HCL气体;W(QH2)4在高温下分解生成Q的氢化物和该陶瓷材料。上述相关反应的化学方程式(各物质用化学式表示)是 29(1)原子晶体。(2)NO2和N2O4(3)

As2S5。(4)①NH3> AsH3 > PH3,因为前者中含有氢键,后两者构型相同,分子间作用力不同;②电子数相同的有SiH4、PH3和H2S 结构分别为正四面体,三角锥和V形。(5)SiCl4 + 4NH3 = Si(NH2)4 + 4HCl,3Si(NH2)4 = 8NH3 + Si3N4 20XX年高考:37.【化学—选修物质结构与性质】(15分) 主族元素W、X、Y、Z的原子序数依次增大,W的原子最外层电子数是次外层电子数的3倍.X、Y和Z分属不同的周期,它们的原子序数之和是W原子序数的5倍.在由元素W、X、Y、Z组成的所有可能的二组分化合物中,由元素W与Y形成的化合物M的熔点最高.请回答下列问题: (1)W元素原子的L层电子排布式为


高考真题长难句荟萃22 长难句1:While running regularly can’t make you live forever, the review says it is more effective at lengthening life than walking, cycling or swimming. 译文:尽管经常跑步不能让你长生不老,但是这份报告指出,经常跑步在延长寿命方面比步行、骑车和游泳更有效。 点拨: while 虽然,尽管 lengthen (使)延长,(使)加长 长难句2:Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014 which showed a mere five to 10 minutes a day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all causes. 译文:这份报告的两个作者在2014 年还发表过一项研究,这项研究表明每天跑步5到10 分钟,会降低因各种原因导致的心脏病和过早死亡的风险。 分析: 过去分词短语published in 2014 作后置定语修饰a study;which 引导一个定语从句,并在定语从句中作主语,修饰先行词a study。 点拨: reduce the risk of sth 减少某事物的风险 长难句3:Working out in the morning provides additional benefits beyond being physically fit. 译文:晨练不仅对身体健康有益,还能给我们带来其他好处。 分析: 现在分词短语Working out in the morning作主语。 点拨: additional 额外的,附加的 beyond 除了……之外


高考试题分类解析汇编:集合 一、选择题 1 ?(新课标)已知集合A {123,4,5} ,B {(x,y)x A,y A,x y A};,则B中所含元素的个数 为() A. 3 B. 6 C. D. 1 .(浙江)设集合A={x|1


最新主谓一致经典例题 一、主谓一致 1.Everyone in my class except Tom and Mary to Beijing. A.have been B.have gone C.has been 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:除了汤姆和玛丽之外,我们班上每个人都去过北京。考查现在完成时。由句意可知句子时态为现在完成时,构成为:have /has+动词过去分词;have been to表示去过某地,已经回来;have gone to表示去了某地,可能在路上,也可能已经到达;根据Everyone in my class except Tom and Mary to Beijing.可知,这里表示除了汤姆和玛丽之外,我们班上每个人都去过北京,说明去过北京都已经回来了,所以用have been to。本句的主语是everyone,所以助动词用has,故答案选C。 2.Look! There ______ some milk, two eggs and a few cakes on the table. A.is B.are C.has D.have 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:看!桌子上有一些牛奶,两个鸡蛋和一些蛋糕。本题考查There be句型的主谓一致。there be的主谓一致遵循的是就近原则,离be最近的some milk(不可数),所以用单数is,故选A。 3.The teenagers like the musician ____ different kinds of music. A.who play B.which plays C.who plays D.that play 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 试题分析:句意:青少年喜欢演奏不同种类音乐的音乐家。The musician是先行词,后面跟的是它的定语从句。先行词musician指人,用who、that引出定语从句,B错;关系词在定语从句中作主语,定语从句的谓语与先行词保持一致。musician是单数,谓语用单数:plays。故选C。


2009年高考:29.(15分) 已知周期表中,元素Q、R、W、Y与元素X相邻。Y的最高化合价氧化物的水化物是强酸。回答下列问题: (1)W与Q可以形成一种高温结构陶瓷材料。W的氯化物分子呈正四面体结构,W的氧化物的晶体类型是; (2)Q的具有相同化合价且可以相互转变的氧化物是; (3)R和Y形成的二元化合物中,R呈现最高化合价的化合物的化学式是;(4)这5个元素的氢化物分子中,①立体结构类型相同的氢化物的沸点从高到低排列次序是(填化学式),其原因是 ; ②电子总数相同的氢化物的化学式和立体结构分别是 ; (5)W和Q所形成的结构陶瓷材料的一种合成方法如下:W的氯化物与Q的氢化物加热反应,生成化合物W(QH2)4和HCL气体;W(QH2)4在高温下分解生成Q的氢化物和该陶瓷材料。上述相关反应的化学方程式(各物质用化学式表示)是 29(1)原子晶体。(2)NO2和N2O4(3)As2S5。(4)①NH3> AsH3 > PH3,因为前者中含有氢键,后两者构型相同,分子间作用力不同;②电子数相同的有SiH4、PH3和H2S结构分别为正四面体,三角锥和V形。(5)SiCl4 + 4NH3 = Si(NH2)4 + 4HCl,3Si(NH2)4 = 8NH3 + Si3N4 2010年高考:37.【化学—选修物质结构与性质】(15分) 主族元素W、X、Y、Z的原子序数依次增大,W的原子最外层电子数是次外层电子数的3倍.X、Y和Z分属不同的周期,它们的原子序数之和是W原子序数的5倍.在由元素W、X、Y、Z组成的所有可能的二组分化合物中,由元素W与Y形成的化合物M的熔点最高.请


代词七年高考题荟萃 2011高考题 1.(2011全国卷II,11)I got this bicycle for ______ My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 答案:D 解析:考查复合不定代词的用法。句意为”我没花钱就得了这辆自行车;我的朋友买了一辆新车,就把这辆给了我。”根据后面“gave it to me”可判断没花钱,nothing表否定,for 表示交换。 2. (2011北京卷,34)The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase ______. A. them B. those C. it D. that 答案:C 解析:考查代词it的用法。句意为“由于当地政府的努力,大城市里的就业率持续升高。”it 代指前面交代过的“the employment rate”,是单数,而them和those是复数。 3. (2011天津卷,1)We feel ______ our duty to make our country a better place. A. it B. this C. that D. one

答案:A 解析:考查代词it的用法。句意为“我们觉得将我们的国家变得更好是我们的职责。”it在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to make our country a better place”。 4. (2011上海春招,26)They produced two reports, ______ of which contained any useful suggestions. A. either B. all C. none D. neither 答案:D 解析:考查不定代词的用法。句意为“他们提供了两份报告,没有一份报告含有任何有用的建议。”neither两个都不;either两者之一,但后半句里的“any useful suggestions”与否定连用;all与none指三个或三个以上,与前面的“two reports”不相一致。 5. (2011山东卷,24) The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult to tell one from the other. A. it B. them C. her D. that 答案:A 解析:考查it的用法。句意为“这两个女孩长得很相似,不熟悉的人很难将她俩区分开来。”it 在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to tell one from the other”。 6. (2011福建卷,21)We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose ____


集合专题---五年全国卷高考题 【2017全国3,理1】已知集合{}22(,)1A x y x y =+=,{}(,)B x y y x ==,则A ∩B 中元 素的个数为( ) A .3 B .2 C .1 D .0 【2017全国1,理1】已知集合A ={x |x <1},B ={x |31x <},则( ) A .{|0}A B x x =U D .A B =?I 【2017全国2,理】设集合{}1,2,4A =,{} 240x x x m B =-+=。若{}1A B =I ,则B =( ) A.{}1,3- B.{}1,0 C.{}1,3 D.{}1,5 【2016全国1,理】设集合2{|430}A x x x =-+<,{|230}B x x =->,则A B =I ( ) (A )3(3,)2--(B )3(3,)2-(C )3(1,)2(D )3(,3)2 【2016全国2,理】已知集合{1,}A =2,3,{|(1)(2)0,}B x x x x =+-<∈Z ,则A B = U ( ) (A ){1}(B ){12},(C ){0123},,,(D ){10123}-,,,, 【2016全国3,理】设集合{}{}|(2)(3)0,|0S x x x T x x =--≥=> ,则S ∩ T= ( ) (A) [2,3] (B)(-∞2]U [3,+∞) (C) [3,+∞) (D)(0,2]U [3,+∞) 【2015全国2,文】已知集合{}|12A x x =-<<,{}|03B x x =<<,则A B =U ( ) A .()1,3- B .()1,0- C .()0,2 D .()2,3 【2015全国2,理】已知集合A={-2,-1,0,1,2},B={x|(x -1)(x+2)<0},则A∩B=( ) (A ){-1,0} (B ){0,1} (C ){-1,0,1} (D ){,0,,1,2} 【2014全国2,理1】设集合M={0,1,2},N={}2|320x x x -+≤,则M N ?=( ) A.{1} B.{2} C.{0,1} D.{1,2} 【2014全国1,理1】已知集合A={x |2230x x --≥},B={}22x x -≤<,则A B ?=


最新主谓一致训练题经典 一、主谓一致 1.______ Tony ______ Frank likes the CD.They think the music is too noisy. A.Not only; but also B.Either; or C.Neither; nor D.Both; and 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:托尼不喜欢,福兰克也不喜欢这张唱片,他们认为音乐太吵闹了。A. Not only; but also……不但……而且。与后句矛盾,错;B. Either; or或者……或者……:与后句矛盾,错;C. Neither; nor……既不……也不;D. Both; and……和……都,与后句句意矛盾,错。故选C。 考点:考查连词辨析。 2.Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money _________ spent on entertainment. A.am B.is C.are D.be 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 句意:我每个月零花钱中的50%花费在了娱乐上。am用于主语为第一人称I的时候;is用于主语是单数时;are用于主语是复数时;be是am, is和are的原形。该句的主语为Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money,分数或者百分数+of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式应与名词形式一致,这里money是不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数,故应选B。 3.Let’s save pandas! There only about 2, 000 pandas living in the forests now . A.am B.is C.are 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 句意:让我们拯救大熊猫吧!现在在森林里只有大约2,000只熊猫了。 am,is和are都是be动词的形式,这句话使用的是there be句型,be动词的单复数形式应根据后面的主语形式一致,about 2,000 pandas是复数,故应选C。 4.— He, together with his parents ______going to visit Shanghai in July. How about you? — I'm afraid I have to stay at home _ _. A.are; on my own B.is, by myself C.is; by my own D.are; on myself 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 就远原则与by oneself的用法。介词with后的谓语动词应和它前面的主语he一致,故A,D


1 知识梳理:要描述一个电子的运动状态,应从四个方面来描述_____、______、______、______ 第n 能层有___个能级,每能层有__个轨道, (2007海南·25)A 、B 、C 、D 、E 代表5种元素。请填空: (1)A 元素基态原子的最外层有3个未成对电子,次外层有2个电子,其元素符号为 ; (2)B 元素的负一价离子和C 元素的正一价离子的电子层结构都与氩相同,B 的元素符号为 ,C 的元素符号为 ; (3)D 元素的正三价离子的3d 亚层为半充满,D 的元素符号为 ,其基态原子的电子排布式为 。 (4)E 元素基态原子的M 层全充满,N 层没有成对电子,只有一个未成对电子,E 的元素符号为 ,其基态原子的电子排布式为 。 (09年福建理综·30)[化学——物质结构与性质](13分) Q 、R 、X 、Y 、Z 五种元素的原子序数依次递增。已知: ①Z 的原子序数为29,其余的均为短周期主族元素; ②Y 原子价电子(外围电子)排布m s n m p n ③R 原子核外L 层电子数为奇数; ④Q 、X 原子p 轨道的电子数分别为2和4。 回答下列问题: (1)Z 2+ 的核外电子排布式是 。 (2)在[Z(NH 3)4]2+ 离子中,Z 2+ 的空间轨道受NH 3分子 提供的 形成配位键。 (3)Q 与Y 形成的最简单气态氢化物分别为甲、乙,下列判断正确的是 。 a.稳定性:甲>乙,沸点:甲>乙 b.稳定性:甲>乙,沸点:甲>乙 c.稳定性:甲<乙,沸点:甲<乙 d.稳定性:甲<乙,沸点:甲>乙 (4)Q 、R 、Y 三种元素的第一电离能数值由小到大的顺序为 (用元素符号作答) (5)Q 的一种氢化物相对分子质量为26,其中分子中的σ键与π键的键数之比为 。 (6)五种元素中,电负性最大与最小的两种非金属元素形成的晶体属于 。


六、本大题共1小题,共60分。海淀期中 21. 阅读下面的材料,按要求作文。 2013年10月,某省高考文科状元放弃72万元奖学金,从香港大学退学,回乡复读。她说,而当初报志愿时,大家建议她趁着年轻出去闯一闯,多考虑就业一类的现实问题,她选择了港大。但她一直认为当今时代缺失了很多东西,自己是一个古代人,所以决定明年报考北京大学中文系,圆纯粹的国学梦。 要求:根据以上材料,自选角度,自拟题目,写一篇不少于800字的文章,除诗歌外,文体不限。六、本大题共2小题,共60分。 24.阅读下面的材料,按要求完成微写作。10分。 某些神同学给校长发了这样的短信,需要校长回答问题。如果你是校长,你如何来回答这些神提问。任选其一,写不少于150字的回答。 要求:针对问题,理由充分,语言幽默。 1. 校长您好,我只想问一个问题,为什么会有日出和日落呢?我不想再听地球自转这种没人情味的答案了,希望校长能给我一个更人性化的答案,谢谢! ——一文科生 2.校长,你常说有梦想就要坚持,有追求就不能放弃。最近我喜欢的电视剧已经进入白热化阶段,高潮迭起,请您理解我的心情,也支持我的爱好,批准我休假一天,以圆此梦啊! ——一电视迷25.作文(50分) 阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 人们常说“小题大做”,比喻把小事当作大事来办,有不值得这样做或有意扩大事态的意思。这样说来,就应该“小题小做”了。 请自选角度,自定立意,自拟题目,写一篇不少于700字的文章。除诗歌外文体不限。 20.作文(50分) 阅读下面材料,根据要求作文。 【材料一】 近日,在江苏卫视《最强大脑》的首场国际PK赛——中国对阵意大利的精彩比赛中,中国少年李云龙和意大利少年安德烈给人留下了深刻的印象。 两个孩子的任务是记忆51对新人的随机站队顺序,并用摆放模型的方式展示出来。李云龙采用难度较大的逆序思维(从右向左)记忆,用了1分18秒就完成了模型的摆放,而安德烈按照从左向右的顺序记忆,用了2分41秒。按照比赛规则,安德烈先报自己的模型摆放结果,播报过程中镜头忽然切换到了李云龙,只见正在等待的李云龙突然手捂额头,痛哭失声,嘴里不断念叨着:“我记对了,可是我摆错了。”重复说了有十多遍。但最终没想到李云龙摆放的是正确的!!他跌至谷底的情绪一下弹回高潮,现场观众也随之沸腾。 【材料二】 观众发现,节目整个四组比赛中,除了杨冠新,其他选手比赛中都面无表情,意大利队员则非常放松享受这比赛。12岁的安德烈也是非常享受比赛,当李云龙失声痛哭时,安德烈也随着落泪。而当李云龙“逆袭”获胜时,安德烈非常友好地送上祝福,并表示:“我刚才很担心李云龙,他看起来很难过,我想去拥抱他。” 【材料三】 在挑战赛中有人问李云龙,如果挑战成功你最大愿望是什么?李云龙说希望爸爸给我放几天假玩,嘉宾问希望放几天时李云龙说2天,引发现场一片感叹。而在这次节目中,李永波主动问意大利的安德烈:你平时休息时间多少?安德烈说:周六周日可以玩,周一到周五下午大部分没有课,可以和伙伴们踢球。【材料四】


1.(2013·重庆高考文科·T1)已知全集{ }4,3,2,1=U ,集合{}{}3,2,2,1==B A ,则()=?B A C U ( ) A . { }4,3,1 B. {}4,3 C. {}3 D. {}4 2、(2013·四川高考文科·T1)设集合{1,2,3}A =,集合{2,2}B =-,则A B =I ( ) A.? B.{2} C.{2,2}- D.{2,1,2,3}- 3.(2013·福建高考文科·T3)若集合{}{}=1,2,3=1,3,4,,A B ,则P=A∩B ,则集合P 的子集个数为 ( ) A.2 B.3 C.4 D.16 4.(2013·湖北高考文科·T1)已知全集{1,2,3,4,5}U =,集合{1,2}A =,{2,3,4}B =,则A C B U ?( ) A .{2} B .{3,4} C .{1,4,5} D .{2,3,4,5} 6.(2013·大纲版全国卷高考文科·T1)设集合{}{}1,2,3,4,5,1,2,u U A A ===集合则e 则=A C U ( ) A.{}1,2 B.{}3,4,5 C.{}1,2,3,4,5 D.? 7.(2013·湖南高考文科)已知集合{2,3,6,8},{2,3},{2,6,8}U A B ===,则=?B A C U )(________ 9. (2013·江苏高考数学科·T4) 集合{-1,0,1}共有 个子集. 10.(2013·四川高考理科·T1)设集合{|20}A x x =+=,集合2{|40}B x x =-=,则A B =I ( ) A.{2}- B.{2} C.{2,2}- D.? 11.(2013·浙江高考文科·T1)设集合S={x|x>-2},T={x|-4≤x≤1},则S∩T= ( ) A.[-4,+∞) B.(-2,+∞) C.[-4,1] D.(-2,1] 12.(2013·安徽高考文科·T2)已知A={x|x+1>0},B={-2,-1,0,1},则(C 错误!未找到引用源。R A )∩B=( ) A.{-2,-1} B.{-2} C.{-2,0,1} D.{0,1} 13.(2013·北京高考文科·T1)已知集合A={-1,0,1},B={x |-1≤ x <1},则A∩B= ( ) A.{0} B.{-1,0} C.{0,1} D.{-1,0,1} 16.(2013·新课标全国Ⅱ高考文科·T1)已知集合{|31}M x x =-<<,{3,2,1,0,1}N =---,则M N =I A.{2,1,0,1}-- B.{3,2,1,0}--- C.{2,1,0}-- D.{3,2,1}--- 23. (2013·山东高考文科·T2)已知集合A,B 均为全集U={1,2,3,4}的子集,且 (){}4=B A C U Y ,B={1,2},则B C A U I = ( ) A.{3} B.{4} C.{3,4} D.? 32.(2012·山东高考文科)已知全集{}0,1,2,3,4U =,集合{}{}1,2,3,2,4A B ==,则(U C A)B ?为( )

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