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Section 1: Vocabulary and Grammar (25 Points)

This section consists of three parts. Read the directions for each part before answering the questions. The time for this section is 25 minutes.

Part 1 Vocabulary Selection

In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer.

1.In Hong Kong, doctors reported that, for unclear reasons, 12 recovered SARS patients had ______ weeks after they had been discharged -- spurring fears that people might be infectious even after they'd left isolation.

A. recovered

B. relapsed

C. reexamined

D. re-diagnosed

2.Current demographic trends, such as the fall in the birth rate, should favor ______ economic growth in the long run.

A. slow

B. quickened

C. speeded

D. accelerated

3. All students have free ______ to the library.

A. passageway

B. entrance

C. permission

D. access

4. Columbus had accomplished one of the most amazing and courageous ______ in history.

A. performance

B. feats

C. events

D. acts

5. According to the weather forecast, which is usually ______ , it will snow this afternoon.

A. exact

B. precise

C. perfect

D. accurate

6. The janitor's long service with the company was ______ a present.

A. confirmed by

B. recorded with

C. appreciated by

D. acknowledged with

7.What they never take into account is the frazzled woman who is leading a ______ life -- trying to be a good mother while having to pretend at work that she doesn't have kids at all.

A. double

B. hard

C. two-way

D. miserable

8. Until the final votes are cast, though, assurances ______ for nothing.

A. count

B. meant

C. give

D. account

9. Some philosophers insist that one way to ______ knowledge is through an empirical approach.

A. disseminate

B. classify

C. test

D. acquire

10. If you think her experience is ______, we will employ her.

A. sustainable

B. adequate

C. strong

D. positive

11. The trouble is that not many students really know how to make use of their ______ time to its best

A. benefit

B. advantage

C. value

D. profit

12. Readers ______ happy endings may find the unvarnished view of modem motherhood a bit unsettling.

A. fond

B. preferred

C. adapted to

D. accustomed to

13. The explorer told the boys about his ______ in the African forests.

A. stories

B. voyage

C. adventures

D. trips

14. We were working ______ time to get everything ready for the exhibition.

A. against

B. in

C. on

D. ahead

15. He drove fast and arrived an hour ______ schedule.

A. in advance

B. before

C. by

D. ahead of

16. If you hear the fire ______, leave the building quickly.

A. warning

B. alarm

C. signal

D. bell

17. The troops have been on the ______ for a possible enemy attack.

A. alarm

B. alert

C. warning

D. notice

18. Although his people did not ______ his efforts, he kept trying.

A. agree with

B. apply to

C. approve of

D. consent with

19. Picasso's ______ ability was apparent in his early youth when he started drawing sketches.

A. writing

B. artistic

C. reasoning

D. literary

20. We hope that the measures to control prices, ______ taken by the government, will succeed.

A. when

B. since

C. after

D. as

Part 2 Vocabulary Replacement

This part consists of 15 sentences in which one word or phrase is underlined. Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice that can replace the underlined word without causing any grammatical error or changing the principal meaning of the sentence. There is only one right answer.

21. She bustled about with an assumption of authority.

A. air

B. supposition

C. appearance

D. face

22. Table tennis is easy to learn, and, by the same token, boys don't need a lot of space to practice it.

A. by the same rule

B. symbolically

C. moreover

D. by logic

23. The old man sat before the fire in a trance, thinking of his past life.

A. in a special position

B. in a cozy state

C. in a sleepy state

D. in a meditative state

24. Only the elite of society attended the reception for the new governor.

A. those thought of as the best people

B. the intellectuals

C. the white-collar people

D. the officials

25. She embellished the simple dress with colorful embroidery.

A. made

B. decorated

C. sewed

D. improved

26. He felt cheap about rushing to get in line before the old lady carrying heavy parcels.

A. felt inferior and ashamed

B. felt not worthwhile of doing something

C. felt bad about doing something

D. felt unhappy about doing something

27. Only individual benefactors and ad hoc grants have made possible the ecological surveys already undertaken.

A. additional

B. governmental

C. special

D. organizational

28. The dichotomy postulated by many between morality and interests, between idealism and realism, is one of the standard cliches of the ongoing debate over international affairs.

A. division into two parts

B. combination of two parts

C. disparity

D. contradiction

29. Miguel's perplexity is understandable -- he's an all-purpose maintenance man at a midtown-Manhattan residential building.

A. all out

B. versatile

C. prolific

D. capable

30. Take the stalemate between the administration and the oil companies for example.

A. case

B. deadlock

C. conflict

D. contradiction

31. The sense of mistrust is compounded by smaller annoyances that leave the families feeling as though no one in authority cares about them.

A. offset

B. intensified

C. diminished

D. annulled

32. The very ubiquity of electronic communications can have a surprising downside, notes Richard Kohn, a

military historian at the University of North Carolina: a wife becomes accustomed to frequent e-mail from her husband, until he can't get to a computer. And then her anxiety increases.

A. failure

B. underside

C. drawback

D. consequence

33. The President took a drabbing from much of the press which had breathlessly reported that a deal was in the bag.

A. was sure to be made

B. was being considered

C. was their secret weapon

D. was their last resort

34. This reflects the priority being attached to economic over political activity, partly caused by a growing reluctance to enter a calling blighted by relentless publicity that all too often ends in destroying careers and reputations.

A. divine summons

B. political career

C. profession

D. business transaction

35. If you can't dig into the field you have chosen for your pursuit, it is hardly possible for you to achieve anything significant in the field.

A. acquire

B. require

C. accompany

D. accomplish

Part 3 Correcting Grammatical Errors

This part consists of 15 sentences in which there is an underlined part that indicates a grammatical error Below each sentence, there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. You are to select the ONE choice and replace the underlined element(s) so that the error is erased and corrected. There is only one right answer

36. Just last week, for example, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the disturbing disclosure that SARS may be pretty deadlier than previously believed.

A. very

B. far

C. especially

D. none

37. What distinguished her in the other girls was her peculiar hairstyle.

A. to

B. from

C. than

D. with

38. During many sectors are foundering, the $21 billion videogame-software industry is booming, adding game developers at a rate of 2,500 a year in the United States alone.

A. When

B. Whereas

C. Would

D. While

39. No such weapons were used and none been found.

A. none have been

B. none has

C. no other has been

D. no others been

40. No thing fuels cynicism for watching two titanic institutions squabble over their reputations.

A. No ... as

B. Something ... like

C. Nothing ... like

D. No ... than

41. I see four kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure, peer pressure, but self-induced pressure.

A. and

B. or

C. nil

D. with

42. The sales manager of the company suggested more money is to spent in a more effective advertising campaign and better packaging design.

A. is spending on

B. will be spent in

C. will be spent on

D. be spent on

43. According to some scientists, the computer will do much harm to people's health as smoking and drugs do.

A. does much harm ... smoking

B. will do as much harm ... cigarettes

C. will be doing as much harm ... smoking

D. does as much harm ... cigarettes

44. The general manager demanded the job will be completed before the National Day.

A. would be completed

B. must be completed

C. had to be completed

D. be completed

45. In his speech at the conference, the Chairman solemnly stated that the responsibility to our lives and the kind of world in that we live is ours and ours alone.

A. for ... in which

B. of ... for which

C. of ... in which

D. for ... on which

46. I knew nothing of the motives behind his recent move, and I don't know either the person to put him up to the action.

A. nor did I know ... who

B. not did I know ... that

C. nor do I know ... that

D. either did I know ... who

47. The achievements of the greatest minds in science could never have been reached if it had not been for the patient and accurate work of hundreds of other people.

A. has it not been

B. if it had been

C. if hasn't been

D. had it not been

48. The government has hardly taken measures to crack down on these crimes when new ones occurred.

A. Hardly had the government taken

B. The government had hardly taken

C. Hardly the government had taken

D. The government is hardly taking

49. I can still vividly remember to pick our steps in the mountain down the deep valley on my 21 st birthday.

A. picking.., in the mountains

B. picking ... on the mountain

C. having picked ... from the mountains

D. picking ... from the mountains

50. The traffic police stopped three trucks heavily loading with merchandise that looked as grain bags.

A. that were loading ... like

B. loaded with ... like

C. to load with ... for

D. loaded with ... for

Section 2: Reading Comprehension (25 Points)

In this section you will find after each of the passages a number of questions or unfinished statements about the passage, each with four (A, B, C and D) suggested answers or ways of finishing. You must choose the one which you think fits best.

As viewed from space, the Earth's distinguishing characteristics are its blue waters and white clouds. Enveloped by an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, the planet is the only one in our solar system known to harbor life. Circling the Sun at an average distance of 149 million km (93 million miles), the Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system. Its rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field which, coupled with the atmosphere, shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars. Most meteors burn up in the Earth's atmosphere before they can strike the surface. The planet's active geological processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it was formed. The Earth has a single natural satellite -- the Moon.

51. Approximately how much of the Earth's atmosphere is nitrogen?

A. One-fourth.

B. One-half.

C. Three-fourths.

D. All of it.

52. Which of the following helps to create the Earth's magnetic fields?

A. Its blue waters.

B. Its nitrogen atmosphere.

C. Its molten metal core.

D. The Moon.

53. What two factors help protect the Earth from radiation?

A. Magnetic field and atmosphere.

B. Rapid spin and molten iron-nickel core.

C. The Sun and the Moon.

D. Blue waters and white clouds.

54. Why does the Earth show almost no signs of having been hit by numerous meteors in the past?

A. Humans have built over most of the craters.

B. Most meteors fell into the ocean and not on land.

C. The Earth's magnetic field repelled most meteors.

D. The Earth's natural geologic activity has eliminated most traces.

55. The main idea of this passage is that ______.

A. there are life-supporting characteristics on the Earth

B. the Earth is predominantly water

C. the Earth has no common characteristics with other planets

D. the Earth is the only planet with a moon

56. This selection leads one to believe that the Earth ______.

A. never gets hit by meteors

B. always gets hit by meteors

C. was hit by meteors some time in the past

D. may be bombarded by meteors in the near future

Since life began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone. Some, such as the dinosaurs, became extinct due to naturally changing ecologic conditions. More recent threats to life forms are humans and their activities. Man has drained marshes, burned prairies, dammed and diverted rivers. Some of the more recent casualties of man's expansion have been the dodo, great auk, passenger pigeon, Irish elk, and Steller's sea cow. Sadly, we can no longer attribute the increasing decline in our wild animals and plant species to "natural" processes. Many species are dying out because of exploitation, habitat alteration or destruction, pollution, or the introduction of new species of plants and animals to an area. As mandated by Congress, protecting endangered species, and restoring them to the point where their existence is no longer jeopardized, is the primary objective of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program.

57. Which of the following is a form of man's habitat alteration?

A. Glacial encroachment.

B. Hurricanes.

C. Dammed rivers.

D. Snowstorms.

58. Which of the following has become extinct due to man's destruction ?

A. African elephant.

B. Irish elk.

C. Giant panda.

D. White Bengal.

59. Which of the following would be a likely theme for the next paragraph?

A. Naturally changing ecological conditions.

B. Animals that have become extinct.

C. Achievements of the government Endangered Species Program.

D. Programs that have destroyed natural habitats.

60. The tone of this passage is ______.

A. nationalistic

B. pro-wildlife

C. anti-wildlife

D. feminist

61. According to this passage, ______.

A. man is the cause of some animal extinction

B. animals often bring about their own extinction

C. Congress can absolutely end extinction of animals

D. a law is more important than human responsibility

62. Which of the following is NOT a cause of increasing decline of wild animal population?

A. Exploitation.

B. Pollution.

C. Habitat alteration.

D. Congressional law.

The "Karat" marking on jewelry tells you what proportion of gold is mixed with other metals. If 14 parts of gold are mixed with 10 parts of base metal, the combination is called 14 Karat (14K) gold. The higher the Karat rating, the higher the proportion of gold in the object. The lowest Karat gold that can be marketed in the United States is 10-Karat gold. Jewelry does not have to be marked with its Karat quality, but most of it is. If there is a Karat quality mark, next to it must be the U.S. registered trademark of the person or company that will stand behind the mark, as required by the National Gold and Silver Stamping Act.

63. If a ring is stamped 24K, it has ______.

A. 204 parts of gold

B. 24 parts of gold

C. two and four-tenths parts of gold

D. 10 parts of gold

64. Gold which is 10 Karats in proportion ______ in the U.S.

A. represents the highest grade of gold

B. cannot be sold

C. never carries a Karat quality mark

D. represents the lowest-grade gold marketable

65. If gold is marked with a Karat quality mark, it must also bear ______.

A. a national gold and silver stamp

B. the registered trademark of the entity standing behind the mark

C. a "made in the USA" mark

D. a percentage mark

66. If the jewelry is marked 14 parts of gold mixed with 10 parts of base metal, it will always bear ______ mark.

A. a 14K

B. a 10K

C. an 18K

D. a platinum

67. This paragraph serves the consumer as ______.

A. important buying information

B. a challenge to buy more gold

C. a debate over gold prices

D. advice about buying silver

68. The Stamping Act is ______.

A. a regulation for tax

B. rule of law

C. a law that makes such stamping mandate .

D. an implement

Mr. Faugel was convinced that student nervousness had affected their scores; to reduce the anxiety of these students who had already been tested, he gave 22 of them a beta blocker before readministration of the test. Their scores improved significantly. The other 8 students (who did not receive the beta blockers) improved only slightly. Second-time test-takers nationwide had average improvements which were similar to those in Faugel's non-beta blocker group. Beta blockers are prescription drugs which have been around for 25 years. These medications, which interfere with the effects of adrenalin, have been used for heart conditions and for minor stress such as stage fright. Now they are used for test anxiety. These drags seem to help test-takers who have low scores because of test fright, but not those who do not know the material. Since there can be side effects from these beta blockers, physicians are not ready to prescribe them routinely for all test-takers.

69. Where is the only place a person can obtain beta blockers?

A. Supermarket.

B. Convenience store.

C. Stationary store.

D. Doctor's office.

70. Why are beta blockers not prescribed regularly?

A. Students are expected to do poorly.

B. There are side effects.

C. The drugs are only 25 years old.

D. They cause test anxiety.

71. According to the passage, ______.

A. all people can take beta blockers

B. beta blockers are widely prescribed

C. beta blockers work only on test anxiety

D. beta blockers work only to improve test scores if the test-taker truly knows the material

72. "Re-administration" in this passage refers to giving ______.

A. the test again to people without administering beta blockers

B. the test again to both groups after beta blockers have been administered to one group

C. the test to both groups of test-takers and then giving them beta blockers

D. the beta blockers without retesting

73. What possible use for beta blockers was NOT discussed in this passage?

A. Test anxiety.

B. Z Pain relief.

C. Minor stress.

D. Heart conditions.

74. Beta blockers work on some physical and emotional symptoms because they ______.

A. fool a person into a healthier stance

B. interfere with the effects of adrenalin

C. produce side effects worse than the symptoms

D. primarily change human thought processes

75. Faugel's research showed that beta blockers given to his sample ______.

A. increased scores less than the national average

B. increased scores the same as the national average

C. decreased scores

D. increased scores much more than the national average

Section 3: Cloze Test (20 Points)

In the following passage, there are 20 blanks representing words that are missing from the context. You are to provide each of the blanks with the missing word. The time for this section is 20 minutes.

When I tell people that I'm a professor of communication, they often are confused (1) what the term "communication" means. Many people think mass communication is the (2) type of communication, but mass communication is only one form of communication. The study of mass communication focuses on messages that are (3) over (4) such as television, newspapers, and radio. Other areas of (5) focus on the messages individuals send to one another. Some of the major contexts in which communication is studied (6) the interpersonal context, the organizational context, and the intercultural context. A scholar studying (7) communication, for example, might examine how married couples (8) with misunderstandings and the effects these misunderstandings have on (9) satisfaction. Organizational communication scholars, on the other hand, might study (10) the communication styles used by managers and their subordinates influence productivity and efficiency in a company or factory.

My area of specialization is intercultural communication. Intercultural communication is an (11) field of study which incorporates research from disciplines (12) as social psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, sociolinguistics, and of course, communication. One of the (13) important areas of research addressed by intercultural scholars is how misunderstandings can be (14) when people communicate with Others from different (15) . To understand the process of intercultural communication, we must study how individuals' cultural backgrounds (16) their communication behaviors.

The area of intercultural communication is a relatively new (17) of study even in the United States. While most Chinese students studying communication in the United States (18) on mass communication, there are some who are interested in intercultural communication and plan to return to China to teach and (19) research in this area. The work of these Chinese scholars on intercultural communication is important because it will help improve (20) between Chinese and Americans in the future.

Section 4: Writing (30 Points)

In the first paragraph, you should start with your general statement, followed with your arguments in the second paragraph. You should conclude your writing in the third paragraph with suggestions or ideas of your own. Marks will be given to (1) clear overall views of subjects, (2) original ideas and clear idea organization, (3) passage cohesion and smooth language flow, (4) accurate use of words and grammar. The time for this part is 30 minutes. Instruction:

Write an essay in around 300 English words on the following subject:

What Is a Good Translator?

What are, in your opinion, the 3 basic qualifications a good translator should have? Give your reasons. Your essay should consist of a lead-in paragraph, a concluding one and the body.


Section 1

Part 1


2. D

3. D


5. D

6. D

7. A

8. A

9. D 10. B

11.B 12. D 13. C 14. A 15.D 16. B 17, B 18. C 19. B 20. D

Part 2

21.A 22. C 23. D 24, A 25. B 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. B

31. B 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. D

Part 3

36. B 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C 41.A 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. A

46. A 47. D 48. A 49. D 50. B

Section 2

51.C 52. C 53. A 54. D 55. C 56. C 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. B

61. A 62. D 63. B 64. D 65. B 66. A 67. A 68. C 69. D

70. B

71. D 72. B 73. B 74. B 75. D

Section 3

1. about

2. only

3. transmitted

4. mass media

5. communication

6. include

7. interpersonal

8. deal/cope

9. marital 10. how 11. interdisciplinary 12. such

13. most 14. minimized 15. cultures 16. influence/affect

17. field 18. focus/concentrate 19. conduct/do 20. understanding

Section 4


Section 1

Part 1

1.B [分析] 形近识别。

四个选项均有前缀re-,但词义各不相同。A. recovered痊愈、复原:B.relapsed (旧病)复发;C. reexamined 复试;D.re-diagnosed重新诊断。本句意为:12名痊愈的非典患者在解除隔离后几周____引发恐慌。所以B为答案。

2.D [分析] 近义辨析。

四词均表速度的加快或减慢,但从整句意思来看应是加快速度,所以A不对,B. quicken加快,加速,不仅指动作在更短时间内完成,还表示动作完成得更富有生气:主要指加快步伐,因此它的宾语一般是pace 或steps,C.speed急行,疾驶,促进,作“加快”讲时常用“speedup”;D.accelerate加速,促进,强调一件事情的运动、增长及速度加快或是某事发生的比预料的要早。所以D为答案。

3.D [分析] 固定搭配。

have access to得以接近(或进入),享有机会。而A. passageway过道,出入口;B.entrance入口,进入;如:Police have not yet explained how the men gained entrance to the gallery.警察还没有解释这些人是如何进入画廊的。C.permission许可,允许,后常接动词不定式。

4.B [分析] 词义辨析。

A. performance行为,成绩,表演,执行;B.feats技艺,功绩,壮举;C. events事件,结局,D. acts 行为,表现。accomplished feats完成/实现……的壮举。

5.D [分析] 近义辨析。

四词均表“准确”,A.exact强调在一定的数量和质量方面的极度准确,而且强调各细节与事实或范例完全符合,甚至于丝毫不差,语意比accurate还要强。如:I want an exact translation of this sentence.我要这句话的确切翻译。B.precise主要强调事物在细微细节上的高度准确。如:I can't give you a precise date.我无法给你精确的日期。C.perfect完美的,完好的,精确的:如:a perfect copy一字不差的副本。D.accurate主要指符合某一客观标准的准确程度,强调准确性,与事实无出入,如:The information on which his report is based is perfectly accurate.他那篇报告所依据的材料准确无误。此句主要是强调准确,与事实无出入,所以选D。

6.D [分析] 词义辨析。

A.confirm证实,批准,确认,B.record记录,标明,C. appreciate欣赏,重视;D.acknowledge 承认,答谢,报偿。此句意为:公司为了答谢这位看门人的长久贡献,赠与他一个礼物。

7.A [分析] 词义辨析。

A.double两倍的,双重的:B.hard困难的,艰苦的,C.two-way双向的,两方面的:D.miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的。此句还可从while连接的两个意义相反的短语看出这个妇女过的是一种双重生活。

8.A [分析] 近义辨析。



9.D [分析] 词义辨析。

A. disseminate散布;B.classify分类,分等:C.test测试,检验;D.acquire指经过不断努力而逐步获得或得到某种知识、技能、做事的方式等。

10.B[分析] 词义辨析。

A. sustainable可支撑的,可忍受的:B.adequate足够的,充分的,适当的,它既表示数量,又暗示质量:C.strong坚固的,强大的:D.positive积极的,实际的,绝对的。

11.B[分析] 近义辨析。


12.D[分析] 固定搭配。

A.fond应为be fond of喜欢、喜爱,B.preferred更喜欢,宁愿(选择);C.adapted to适合,适应;D.accustomed to习惯于。此句意为:习惯于看欢乐结局的读者可能会觉得现代母亲们的这种质朴观点令人有点不安。

13.C[分析] 近义辨析。

A.stories 故事:B.voyage 航海,航程,旅行记,专指横跨海洋的水上远程旅行,C. adventures奇遇,冒险,冒险的经历,其复数的含义是故事中人物的生活和活动情况,D.trips(短途)旅行,旅程,是旅行和访问的总称。

14.A[分析] 固定搭配。

A.(work) against (time)抢时间完成工作:B.in(time)及时:C.on(time)按时、准时:D,ahead表“提前”时一般用ahead of。

15.D[分析] 固定搭配。

A. in advance预先,事先,在前面;如;We paid the rent in advance.我们预付了房租。

B. before在……之前,C.by经,按照;D.ahead of在……之前,提前,ahead of schedule是固定搭配,表“提前”。16.B[分析] 近义辨析。

A. warning警告:B.alarm报警,警报,警报器;a fire alarm火警,火灾警报器,C.signal信号,预兆:D.bell铃,钟。

17.B[分析] 固定搭配。

A. alarm报警,警报,警报器,B.alert警惕,警报,on the alert for警惕……,警觉……,随时准备着,密切注意着;C. warning警告,D.notice注意,通知。

18.C[分析] 习语辨析。

A. agree with同意,适合,B.apply to将……应用于;C.approve of赞成,同意,称许,如:I quite approve of the idea of your plan.我非常赞成你计划中的想法。D.consent是不及物动词,同介词to搭配使用,也可接动词不定式,表同意,赞成,答应;如:The people will never consent to another war.人们决不会同意再发生一次战争。注意:agree往往暗示原先意见有分歧,经协商或讨论后达成一致;approve指对某人某事感到是正确的或令人满意的,consent多用来指上下级的关系,指同意或答应某人已经提出或可能要做的事情。

19.B[分析] 词义辨析。

A. writing作品,著述;

B. artistic艺术的,艺术(家)的:

C. reasoning推理;D.literary文学的,从事写作的,文艺的。此句意为:毕加索的艺术天分在他开始画素描的少年时代就已体现。

20.D[分析] 习惯用法。


Part 2

21.A[分析] 名词辨析。

with an assumption of authority假装权威的样子。A.air 外观,样子:with an air Of authority带着一副发号施令的样子,B.supposition假定,推想;C. appearance外观,外表,侧重指所能看到的人或物的外


22.C[分析] 词义辨析。

by the same token 由于同样的原因,同样地:by rule按照规则,墨守成规地,symbolically象征性地,moreover而且,此外;by logic按逻辑。

23.D[分析] 词义辨析。

in a trance 出神,着迷,发呆。A.in a special position处于特殊位置,B.in a cozy state处在一种舒适/安逸/惬意的状态中,C.in a sleepy state处在困倦的状态中;D.in a meditative state处在一种沉思/冥想的状态中。

24.A[分析] 词义辨析。

the elite出类拔萃的人(集团),精英。A.those thought of as the best people被认作是最杰出的人;B.the intellectuals知识分子,C. the white-collar people白领人士:D.the officials官员;公务员。

25.B[分析] 动词辨析。

embellished.修饰,装饰。A. made制做,制造;B.decorated装饰;C.sewed缝制,D. improved改进,改良。

26.A[分析] 形容词辨析。

felt cheap.感到惭愧,觉得身体不舒服;在此cheap是形容词,表示“可鄙的,低劣的”。A. felt inferior and ashamed感到自卑和羞愧:B.felt not worthwhile of doing something感到做某事不值得;C. felt bad about doing something对做某事感到抱歉、不安,D.felt unhappy about doing something对做某事感到不满。27.C[分析] 形容词辨析。

ad hoc 形容词或副词:特别的(地),临机应变的(地),为此时此地某一特定目的(的)。A.additional另外的,附加的:B. governmental政府的,政府管辖的:C.special特别的,专门的;D.organizational组织的。

28.A[分析] 名词辨析。

dichotomy二分法,一分为二。A. division into two parts分为两部分;B.combination of two parts两部分的结合或合并,C. disparity(职位、数量,质量等)不一致,不同,不等;D.contradiction反驳,矛盾。29.B[分析] 形容词辨析。

all-purpose.万用的,万能的。A.all out竭尽全力的,B.versatile万能的,多

才多艺的,多面手的;C. prolific多产的,丰富的,D.capable有能力的,能干的。

30.B[分析] 名词辨析。

stalemate 僵局。A.case案例,情形;B.deadlock僵局:C.conflict斗争,冲突;D.contradiction 反驳,矛盾。

31.B[分析] 动词辨析。

compounded 加重。A.offset弥补,抵消,B.intensified加强,加剧;C.diminished减少,贬低:D.annulled废除,取消。

32.C[分析] 名词辨析。

downside.消极面,负面影响。A.failure失败,故障:D.underside下面,内面,C.drawback缺点,弊病,障碍;D.consequence结果,影响,着重表示某件事情所造成的结果,常带有不良后果之意。33.A[分析] 固定搭配。

was in the bag 十拿九稳,一定成功。A. was sure to be made稳操胜券:B.was being considered正在考虑中,C.was their secret weapon是他们的秘密武器:D.was their last resort是他们的最后手段。

34.C[分析] 名词辨析。

calling 职业,行业。A.divine summons神的召唤:B.political career政治生涯,C.profession职业,专业;D.business transaction商贸交易。

35.D[分析] 动词辨析。

achieve 完成,达到。A.acquire获得,学到;B.require要求,命令,C.accompany陪伴,伴随:D.accomplish完成,达到,实现。

Part 3

36. B[分析] 副词应用。


37.B[分析] 固定搭配。

动词distinguish与from连用:distinguish from区别,辨别。

38.D[分析] 语义关系。


39.A[分析] 结构应用。

此句由and连接两个并列成分,所填选项应与前面were used一样,是一个完整的结构;因此选项B.none has和D.no others been均是错误表达,C.no other has been 与and前的半句时态不符,只有A.none have been的结构正确。

40.C[分析] 不定代词应用。


41.A[分析] 连词应用。


42.D[分析] 结构应用。

此句是虚拟语气用法。动词suggest后要跟虚拟的宾语从句,宾语从句的谓语要用:动词原形或should+动词原形。此句的宾语从句又为被动语态,所以要用D.be spent on。

43.B[分析] 结构应用。


44. D[分析] 结构应用。

此句是虚拟语气用法。动词demand后要跟虚拟的宾语从句,宾语从句的谓语要用:动词原形或should+动词原形。此句的宾语从句又为被动语态,所以要用D.be completed。

45.A[分析] 习惯搭配和结构应用。

“为某事负责”是take responsibility for,所以第一个空要填for:第二个空白处的介词短语与后面的we live构成定语从句修饰world,所填之处应为介词+关系代词构成的介词短语,因表地点world,所以应用in which;只有选项A正确。

46.A[分析] 结构应用。

本句是个并列否定句。either一般不用于否定句中,所以选项D不对:not表否定不需要倒装,所以选项B也不对:nor表否定需要倒装且前半句是一般过去时,所以应用nor did I know……;第二个空白处需要填一个可引导定语从句修饰person的关系代词,在此who合适;所以选项A正确。

47.D[分析] 结构应用。


48.A[分析] 结构应用。

此句是倒装句hardly…when的用法。从属连词no sooner…than,hardly…when,scarcely…when/before 通常需在主句中采用部分倒装的形式。这种句型一般用过去完成时,强调一个动作紧跟在一个动作后面发生……此句意为“原有的犯罪行为还没得到制裁,新的犯罪行为又出现了。”所以选项A正确。

49.D[分析] 结构应用及习惯搭配。

动词“remember+动名词”表示“记起过去做过的一件事”,“remember+不定式”表示“记住要去做某一件事”:本句意为“我仍能清楚地记得……”,所以应用动名词。第二个空白处因是表达“小心地沿深谷下山”,所以是pick our steps from the mountains down the deep valley,选项D正确。

50.B[分析] 结构应用及习惯搭配。

分词作宾语补足语时,要注意主动与被动的关系:如果宾语与宾语补足语之间是主动关系要用现在分词,如是被动关系要用过去分词。本句stop与load之间是被动关系,要用过去分词loaded;第二个空与前面的look表示“看起来像……”,所以用固定搭配look like,选项B正确。

Section 2

51.C[分析] 细节题型。

见文中第二句话:Enveloped by an ocean of air consisting of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen,the planet is the only one in our solar system known to harbor life.地球由内含78%氮气和21%氧气的大气层包裹,是太阳系中唯一一个已知能够含有生命的星球。其中78%的氮气符合选项“地球大气中氮气含量约占四分之三”。52.C[分析] 细节题型。

见文中第四句:Its rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field which,…地球迅速的自转以及其熔融的镍铁地核引发了广泛的磁场……由此可知地球的磁场是借助于其自身的自转及其熔融的地核引发的,因此答案为C。

53.A[分析] 细节题型。

见文中第四句:Its rapid spin and molten nickel-iron core give rise to an extensive magnetic field which,coupled with the atmosphere,shields us from nearly all of the harmful radiation coming from the Sun and other stars.地球快速的自转以及其熔融


54.D[分析] 推断题型。

见文中倒数第二句:The planet's active geological processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it was formed.地球活跃的地质作用使得地球从其形成之时起就没留下以往那些曾遭受撞击的痕迹。由此得知以往那些曾遭受撞击的痕迹是由于地球自然的地质作用而消除的,因此答案为D。

55.C[分析] 主旨题型。


56.C[分析] 推断题型。

从Most meteors burn up in the Earth's atmosphere before they can strike the surface.The planet's active geological processes have left no evidence of the ancient pelting it almost certainly received soon after it was formed.(大多数的流星在撞击地球表面之前就已在大气层中烧毁,而地球活跃的地质作用使得地球从其形成之时起就没留下以往那些曾遭受撞击的痕迹。)这两句中推知地球在过去还是遭受过流星撞击的,因此C 为答案。

57.C [分析] 细节题型。

见文中第三、四句:More recent threats to life forms are humans and their activities.Man has drained marshes,burned prairies,dammed and diverted rivers.各种生物近期遇到的威胁更多来自于人类:人类耗干了湿地、烧毁了大草原、筑坝并让河流改道。因此C.“人类生活环境变迁的一种形式是在河流上筑坝。”为答案,其余A.“冰川侵蚀”、B.“飓风”和D,“暴风雪”均是自然现象。

58.B[分析] 细节题型。

见文中第五句:Some of the more recent casualties of man's expansion have been the dodo;great auk,passenger pigeon,Irish elk.and Steller's sea cow.近期人类扩张所造成的一些受害者有:渡渡鸟、大海雀、


59.C[分析] 推断题型。


60.B[分析] 态度题型。


61.A[分析] 推断题型。

文中提到More recent threats to life forms are humans and their activities…Some of the more recent casualties of man's expansion have been the dodo,great auk,passenger pigeon,Irish elk,and Steller's sea cow,各种生物近期遇到的威胁更多来自于人类。……近期人类扩张所造成的一些受害者有:渡渡鸟、大海雀、候鸽、受尔兰麋鹿及Steller's海象。因此根据本文,我们能推断出人类是造成某些动物灭绝的原因,所以A是答案。

62.D[分析] 是非题型。

文中提到Many species are dying out because of exploitation,habitat alteration or destruction, pollution,or the introduction of new species of plants and animals to an area.许多物种灭绝是由于人类的开发,栖息地的变更或毁灭,污染或新的动、植物物种的传人。因此选项A. exploitation、B. pollution和C.habitat alteration 均是导致野生动物总数持续下降的原因,只有选项D.Congressional law不是原因,故是本题答案。63.B[分析] 推断题型。

见文中第二句:If 14 parts of gold are mixed with 10 parts of base metal,the combination is called 14-Karat(14K)gold.如果将14份黄金与10份普通金属混合,它们的化合物即14K金。由此可推论24K金应为24份黄金与10份普通金属混合。所以选项B.“如果一只戒指上刻24K,它应含有24份黄金。”是答案。

64.D[分析] 细节题型。

见文中:The lowest Karat gold that can be marketed in the United States is 10-Karat gold.能够在美国市场上交易的黄金最低含金量不能低于10K。因此选项D;“10K,的黄金是美国能够上市的最低级别的黄金。”是答案。

65.B[分析] 细节题型。

见文中:If there is a Karat quality mark,next to it must be the U.S.registered trademark of the person or company that will stand behind the mark…如果黄金饰品上标有开/K纯度的质量标志,紧挨这个标志的后面一定要有某个在美国注册


66.A[分析] 细节题型。


67.A[分析] 推断题型。

本段的主要内容是介绍了K/开的含义,及黄金饰品上应有的标识,因此可推断出它为消费者提供了重要的购买信息。本题也可用排除法做,选项B.“本段为消费者提供了购买更多黄金的挑战。”C.“本段为消费者提供了有关黄金价格的思考。”D.“本段为消费者提供了购买银器的建议。”均不符文中之意。68.C[分析] 词义题型。

文中最后一句的Stamping Act指印花税法,即C项所说的“制订印花税授权的法令”,而不是A项所说的税收规则,B项所说的一项法规和D项所说的一种手段。

69.D[分析] 细节题型。

见文中:Beta blockers are prescription drugs which have been around for 25 years.β-受体阻滞药是一种已存在25年左右的处方类药。既是处方药,当然要从医生处获得了。

70.B[分析] 细节题型。

见文中最后一句:Since there can be side effects from these beta blockers,physicians are not ready to prescribe them routinely for all test-takers.由于β-受体阻滞药可能存在副作用,所以医生们并不愿意给所有的考试者当常规药来开。由此得知是由于此药的副作用,医生们并不经常开:所以B是答案。

71.D[分析] 推断题型。

根据对以上几题的解析,可排除选项A和B。又根据文中These drugs seem to help test-takers who have low scores because of test fright,but not those who do not know the material.(此类药似乎有助于那些由于怯场而导致分数低的考试者,却不能帮助那些不了解考试内容的人。)可推断出D是正确答案。

72.B[分析] 词义题型。

见文中:…to reduce the anxiety of these students who had already been tested,he gave 22 of them a beta blocker before readministration of the test.为减轻这些已参加过测试的学生的焦虑,他给其中22人服用了β-受体阻滞药,然后又给他们做了次测试。因此选项B.“一组人(22人)服用β-受体阻滞药后再给两组做了次测试”是正确答案。

73.B [分析] 是非题型,可用排除法。

由文中These medications,which interfere with the effects of adrenalin,have been used for heart conditions and for minor stress such as stage fright.Now they are used for test anxiety. 两句可知A、C、D选项均有提及,所以答案为B。

74.B[分析] 细节题型。

见文中:These medications,which interfere with the effects of adrenalin…这些用来舒缓心境和较小压力如怯场的药物会干扰肾上腺素……,可知B为答案。

75.D[分析] 细节题型。


Section 3

1.about[分析] 词语搭配。

be confused about感到困惑,弄糊涂。

2.only[分析] 语境搭配。

the____type of communication之间需接一个形容词;且此句意为:“许多人认为大众传播是信息传递的______模式,但它仅是信息传递的一种类型。”根据语境,空格处应填only。

3.transmitted[分析] 结构搭配。


4.mass media[分析] 结构搭配。


5.communication[分析] 语境搭配。

前文提到:大众传播只是信息传递的一种模式,大众传播的研究主要集中在____上。因此本句“对与它相对应的其他模式信息传递的研究则集中在____上”空格处应填communication(信息传递)。6.include[分析] 结构搭配。

根据结构分析,本句主语为Some of the major contexts,(6)处应为谓语动词,


7.interpersonal[分析] 语境搭配。



8.deal/cope[分析] 词语搭配。


9.marital[分析] 语境搭配。


10.how[分析] 语境搭配。

本句意为:研究组织间交流的学者可能研究的是管理者及其下属之间所使用的交流方式是如何影响公司或工厂的生产力和效率的。另从句子结构看,此处是个引导宾语从句的连词,因此应填how。11.interdisciplinary[分析] 语境搭配。


12.such[分析] 词语搭配。


13.most[分析] 结构搭配。

根据结构判断此处应填副词,前面又有定冠词the和one of修饰,所以应为副词的最高级,根据句意,应填most。

14.minimized[分析] 语境搭配。


15.cultures[分析] 语境搭配。


16.influence/affect[分析] 语境搭配。


17.field[分析] 语境搭配。


18. focus/concentrate[分析] 词语搭配。


19. conduct/do[分析] 词语搭配。


20. understanding[分析] 语境搭配。


Section 4



翻译三级笔译实务模拟27 Section Ⅰ English Chinese Translation 1、As the importance of recycling becomes more apparent, questions about it linger. Is it worth the effort? How does it work? Is recycling waste just going into a landfill in China? Here are some answers. It is an awful lot of rubbish. Since 1960 the amount of municipal waste being collected in America has nearly tripled, reaching 245m tonnes in 2005. According to European Union statistics, the amount of municipal waste produced in western Europe increased by 23% between 1995 and 2003, to reach 577kg per person. (So much for the plan to reduce waste per person to 300kg by 2000.) As the volume of waste has increased, so have recycling efforts. In 1980 America recycled only 9.6% of its municipal rubbish ; today the rate stands at 32%. A similar trend can be seen in Europe, where some countries, such as Austria and the Netherlands, now recycle 60% or more of their municipal waste. Britain's recycling rate, at 27%, is low, but it is improving fast, having nearly doubled in the past three years. Even so, when a city introduces a kerbside recycling programme, the sight of all those recycling lorries trundling around can raise doubts about whether the collection and transportation of waste materials requires more energy than it saves. "We are constantly being asked: Is recycling worth doing on environmental grounds?" says Julian Parfitt, principal analyst at Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP), a non-profit British company that encourages recycling and develops markets for recycled materials. Studies that look at the entire life cycle of a particular material can shed light on this question in a particular case, but WRAP decided to take a broader look. It asked the Technical University of Denmark and the Danish Topic Centre on Waste to conduct a review of 55 life-cycle analyses, all of which were selected because of their rigorous methodology. The researchers then looked at more than 200 scenarios, comparing the impact of recycling with that of burying or burning particular types of waste material. They found that in 83% of all scenarios that included recycling, it was indeed better for the environment. Based on this study, WRAP calculated that Britain's recycling efforts reduce its carbon-dioxide emissions by 10m-15m tonnes per year. That is equivalent to a 10% reduction in Britain's annual carbon-dioxide emissions from transport, or roughly equivalent to taking 3.5m cars off the roads. Similarly, America's Environmental Protection Agency estimates that recycling reduced the country's


C A T T I三级笔译综合能力真题及答案解析

CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(一) 一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第1题 Since writing home to their parents for money, they had lived ________hope. A in B for C on D through 【正确答案】:A 【本题分数】:1.0分 【答案解析】 固定搭配。live in hope生活在希望中;live for为……而生活,盼望;live on继续生活,以……为主食,靠……生活;live through度过,经受过;根据句意应填A。 第2题 ________get older, the games they play become increasingly complex. A Children B Children, when they C As children D For children to


[模拟] 翻译三级笔译实务模拟25 Section ⅠEnglish Chinese Translation Translate the following two passages into Chinese . 第1题: Acid rain, is a form of air pollution, currently a subject of great controversy because of widespread environmental damage for which it has been blamed. It forms when oxides of sulfur and nitrogen combine with atmospheric moisture to yield sulfuric and nitric acids, which may then be carded long distances from their source before they are deposited by rain. The pollution many also take the form of snow or fog or be precipitated in dry forms. In fact, although the term "acid rain" has been in use for more than a century — it is derived from atmospheric studies that were made in the region of Manchester, England — the more accurate scientific term would be "acid deposition." The dry form of such precipitation is just as damaging as the liquid form, especially to trees and structures. Furthermore, some of the pollutants also associated with acid rain are not themselves acidic. The problem of acid rain may be said to have originated with the Industrial Revolution, and it has been growing ever since. The severity of its effects has long been recognized in local settings, as exemplified by the spells of acid smog in heavily industrialized areas. The wide destructiveness of acid rain, however, has come to be realized only in recent decades. One large area that has been studied extensively is northern Europe, where acid rain has eroded structures, injured crops and forests, and threatened or depleted life in freshwater lakes. In 1983, for example, published reports indicated that 34 percent of the forested areas of West Germany had been damaged by acid rain. The northeastern U.S. and eastern Canada have also been affected by this form of pollution, and other areas of the two countries are also showing increasing signs of damages, as are other regions of the world. Industrial emissions have been blamed as the major cause of acid rain. Because the chemical reactions involved in the production of acid rain in the atmosphere are complex and as yet little understood, industries have tended to challenge such assessments and to stress the need for further studies; and because of the cost of pollution reduction, governments have tended to support this attitude. Studies released by the U.S. government in the early 1980s, however, strongly implicated industries as the main source of acid rain._____________


英语翻译三级笔译综合能力模拟试题及答案解析(13) (1/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第1题 It discusses the major economic, institutional social and geographical ______ that need to be addressed in the appropriate introduction and use of this technology. A.fronts https://www.wendangku.net/doc/973118611.html,ments C.facts D.aspects 下一题 (2/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第2题 The three largest Japanese banks are ______ into the world's largest banking group. A.assimilated B.incorporated C.embodied https://www.wendangku.net/doc/973118611.html,bined 上一题下一题 (3/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第3题 In addition, government has acted as the provider of pump ______ funds for new applications, but this role is increasingly being called into question. A.priming B.breaking C.emerging D.omitting 上一题下一题 (4/20)SECTION 1 Vocabulary Selection In the section, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are 4 choices respectively marked by letters A,B,C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentences. There is only ONE right answer. 第4题 The role played by supranational entities, such as the WTO, ITU and telecoms MOU bodies ______ in and regulating this environment will be examined. A.following


CATTI三级笔译综合能力考试试题及答案解析(三) 一、Vocabulary Selection(本大题20小题.每题1.0分,共20.0分。In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentences. Below each sentence, there are four words or phrases respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. There is only one right answer. ) 第1题 Marketing is ______ just distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. A rather than B other than C bigger than D more than 第2题 The magician picked several persons ______ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance. A by accident B at random C on occasion 第3题 English language publications in China are growing in volume and ______. A circulation B rotation C circumstance D appreciation 第4题


全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试英语三级笔译实务模拟试题 Part 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET (60 points, 100 minutes). I leave the vault, and as the guard closes the door, a marine archaeologist asks if I want to see anything else. As an example he shows me an astrolabe, a navigation tool that preceded the sextant. Few have survived. "We have three of the oldest known," he says. He directs me to a paper on astrolabes written by a Cuban colleague, who quoted a 16th-century instruction: "He who wants to take the sun with an astrolabe at sea, must be seated near the main mast, the place where the boat oscillates the least and is quiet." I want to take the measure of Cubas past, so I tell the archaeologist I would like to go to the place where the plain things are. I am here not only to see treasures that glitter but also to see and touch objects that illumine moments of the past. Smiling, he takes me into storage rooms where he and other archaeologists preserve cargoes from four centuries of wrecks. Jumbled on these shelves is the stuff of Cubas long reign as counting house and command center for Spains New World colonies. I see knickknacks destined for one of the annual 18th-century trade fairs, where Cubans bought imports from Spain. I also see, pallid from centuries in the sea, dozens of little painted ceramic dogs, lions, cats, and deer later shipped from England. Stacked nearby are sets of dinner dishes, tankards, an hourglass, a bottle of very Old Spanish wine. On another day, in fading light, I walk the ramparts of El Morro, its lighthouse standing tall over Havanas harbor. The old fortress, by day a warren of tourist stops, changes by night, looming deeper into the shadows of Havanas past. As torches light the darkness, I watch Cuban soldiers, costumed as 18th-century Spanish sentries, march along the ramparts of the Castillo de San Carlos and fire a cannon that salutes


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编88 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 2.civil law (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:民法) 解析: 3.mass transit (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公共交通;大容量公共运输(工具)) 解析: 4.wage theory (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:工资理论) 解析: 5.mock epic (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:讽刺史诗) 解析: 6.counterespionage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:反间谍活动) 解析: 7.high seas (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:公海;远海) 解析: 8.CYO (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:首席元老(Chief Yearly Officer)) 解析: 9.irrigation and drainage (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:灌溉与排水) 解析:


翻译三级笔译实务-1 (总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、{{B}}Section Ⅰ English Chinese Translation{{/B}}(总题数:1,分数:60.00) 1.A few weeks back, I asked a 14-year-old friend how she was coping with school. Referring to stress, she heaved a big sigh and said: "Aiyah, anything bad that can happen has already happened." Her friends nearby then started pouring out their woes about which subjects they found hard, and so on. Pessimism again, in these all-too-familiar remarks about Singapore's education system, widely regarded as too results-oriented, and I wonder why I even bothered to ask. The school system of reaching for A's underlies the country's culture, which emphasizes the chase for economic excellence where wealth and status are must-haves. Such a culture is hard to change. So when I read of how the new Remaking Singapore Committee had set one of its goals as challenging the traditional roads to success, encouraging Singaporeans to realize alternative careers in the arts, sports, research or as entrepreneurs, I had my doubts about its success in this area, if not coupled with help from parents themselves. The new Remaking Singapore Committee is a brainchild of the Singaporean Prime Minister, formed to make Singaporeans look beyond the five C's: cash, condos, clubs, credit cards and cars, to help prepare the nation for the future. It is good that the government wants to do something about the country's preoccupation with material success. But it will be a losing battle if the family unit itself is not involved because I believe the committee's success is rooted in a revamp of an entire culture built from 37 years of independence. This makeover has to start with the most basic societal unit—the family. Parents should not drown their children in mantras of I-want-hundred-marks. Tuition lessons are not the be-all and end-all of life. And a score of 70 for a Chinese paper is definitely not the end of life. If ever I become a parent, I will bring my children camping. I will show them that cooking food in a mess tin over a campfire is fun. I will teach them that there is nothing dirty about lying on a sleeping bag over grass. In fact, it is educational because Orion is up there in the night sky with all the other bright stars whose shapes and patterns tell something more than a myth. For instance, they give directions to the lost traveler, I will say. And who knows, my child may become an astronomer years down the road. All because of the nights I spent with him watching the twinkles in the sky. That's my point. Parents should teach their children that there's more to life than studies. Better still if the nation's leaders echo that idea as well. This way, when their children aspire to be the next Joscelin Yeo, they won't feel like they are fighting a losing battle against a society that holds doctors and lawyers in awe. However, the culture that babysits economic excellence is deeply ingrained and so are the mindsets of many parents. But parents can take the cue from the new Remaking Singapore Committee and be aware of giving their children the right kind of education. It is now wait-and-see if, say, 10 years down the road, more would choose alternative careers. Hopefully, by then no one would think sportsmen or musicians as making too big a sacrifice in chasing their dreams. (分数:60.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:() 解析:几个星期前,我问一个14岁的朋友她如何应对自己的学业。谈到压力,她深叹一口气说:“哎呀,这儿事要多糟,有多糟。” 随后,她周围的朋友便开始就他们认为那些难学的学科倾诉自己的苦恼。人们普遍认为,新加坡的教育制度过分注重成绩,而这些孩子耳熟能详的言晤再次表现了对新加坡教育制度的悲观情绪。我不知道自己为什么还要费心一问。追求功课得优的学校体制构成了新加坡文化的基础,这一文化重在追求经济上的杰出成就,而这一成就则体现在一定要获得财富和地位。这种文化是难以改变的。新成立的改造新加坡委员会已将其目标之一确定为向传统的成功之路发起挑战,鼓励新加坡人去从事其它职业,如艺术,体育、研究或成为企业家。当我获知此情时,我怀疑如果没有家长的配合,这方面的改造


英语翻译基础历年真题试卷汇编74 (总分:50.00,做题时间:90分钟) 一、词语翻译(总题数:27,分数:50.00) 1.英译汉 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/973118611.html,ernment watchdog (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:政府监督) 解析: 3.carbon footprint (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:碳足迹,碳排放) 解析: 4.Twitter (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:推特) 解析: 5.funemployment (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:失业乐活) 解析: 6.Diesel oil (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:柴油) 解析: 7.汉译英 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 8.借词 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:loanword) 解析: 9.全球暖化 (分数:2.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:global warming) 解析: 10.经济不景气 (分数:2.00)


11月英语翻译资格三级笔译真题(网友版) 三级笔译: 《三级笔译实务》 1. 英译汉:文章来源为美国国务院网站,原文标题为:Beaverton: Oregon’s Most Diverse City Stroll through the farmers’market and you will hear a plethora of languages and see a rainbow of faces. Drive down Canyon Road and stop for halal meat or Filipino pork belly at adjacent markets. Along the highway, browse the aisles of a giant Asian supermarket stocking fresh napa cabbage and mizuna or fresh kimchi. Head toward downtown and you’ll see loncheras —taco trucks —on street corners and hear Spanish bandamusic. On the city’s northern edge, you can sample Indian chaat. Welcome to Beaverton, a Portland suburb that is home to Oregon’s fastest growing immigrant population. Once a rural community, Beaverton, population 87,000, is now the sixth largest city in Oregon — with immigration rates higher than those of Portland, Oregon’s largest city. Best known as the world headquarters for athletic shoe company Nike, Beaverton has changed dramatically over the past 40 years. Settled by immigrants from northern Europe in the 19th century, today it is a place where 80 languages from Albanian to Urdu are spoken in the public schools and about 30 percent of students speak a language besides English, according to English as a Second Language program director Wei Wei Lou. Beaverton’s wave of new residents began arriving in the 1960s, with Koreans and Tejanos (Texans of Mexican origin), who were the first permanent Latinos. In 1960, Beaverton’s population of Latinos and Asians was less than 0.3 percent. By 2000,

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