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Supply Chain Management Sample Application


Document Status: Final Specification

Version: 1.01

Date: December 9, 2003

Editors:Martin Chapman, Oracle

Marc Goodner, SAP

Brad Lund, Intel

Barbara McKee, IBM

Rimas Rekasius, IBM


The material contained herein is not a license, either expressly or impliedly, to any intellectual property owned or controlled by any of the authors or developers of this material or WS-I. The material contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this material is provided AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and the authors and developers of this material and WS-I hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence. ALSO, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF TITLE, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION OR NON-INFRINGEMENT WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL.


Status of this Document

This is a final specification. Readers should refer to the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/933994521.html, web site for errata and updates.

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T able of Contents

1Introduction (4)

2Document References (5)

3Retailer System Architecture (5)

3.1Retailer System Glossary (5)

3.2Retailer System Overview (6)

3.3Deployment Diagram (6)

3.4Retailer System Web services (7)

3.4.1Retailer Service (7)

3.4.2Warehouse Service (9)

3.4.3Warehouse Callback Service (9)

3.4.4WSDL (11)

3.5Class Diagram (11)

3.6Sequence Diagrams (12)

3.6.1UC1: Purchase Goods (12)

3.6.2UC2: Source Goods (13)

3.6.3UC3: Replenish Stock (13)

4Manufacturing System Architecture (14)

4.1Manufacturing System Glossary (14)

4.2Manufacturing System Overview (14)

4.3Deployment Diagram (14)

4.4Manufacturing System Web services (15)

4.4.1Manufacturer Service (16)

4.4.2WSDL (16)

4.5Class Diagram (17)

4.6Sequence Diagrams (17)

4.6.1UC4: Supply Finished Goods & UC5: Manufacture Finished Goods (18)

5Demo System Architecture (18)

5.1Demo System Glossary (19)

5.2Sample Application Flow (19)

5.3Deployment Diagram (20)

5.4Demo System Web services (21)

5.4.1Configurator (22)

5.4.2Configurator WSDL (23)

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5.4.3Logging Facility (23)

5.4.4Logging Facility WSDL (25)

5.5Class Diagram (25)

5.6Sequence Diagrams (26)

5.6.1UC6: Configure & Run Demo (26)

5.6.2UC7: Log Events (27)

5.6.3UC8: View Events (28)

6Design Aspects of the Basic Sample Application (28)

6.1Basic Sample Application User Interface Fundamentals (28)

6.2Basic Sample Application Web Service Descriptions (29)

6.3Basic Callback Usage Scenario Design and Implementation (30)

6.4UDDI Advertisement of the Basic Sample Application (30)

6.4.1Advertisement of tModels (31)

6.4.2Advertisement of Web Service Implementations (32)

6.4.3Participation in the WS-I Interoperability Showcase (33)

6.4.4businessService Categorizations To Differentiate Roles (34)

6.5Event Logging in the Basic Sample Application (34)

6.6State Data Used by the Basic Sample Application (36)

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1 Introduction

This document details the technical design and implementation of the Basic Profile 1.0 Sample Application. The sample application described herein was modeled after the “simple” supply chain management (SCM) application outlined in the SCM Use Cases V1.0 document; it is not intended to exhibit all of the characteristics of a real world SCM design and implementation. Rather, it serves to document and demonstrate how WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 conformant web services might be designed, implemented and deployed.

One of the goals of the Sample Application is to explore as many of the features found in the Basic Profile as possible. To this end, the sample application employs a variety of schema naming conventions, SOAP message formats, SOAP message styles, and WSDL design practices that are all Basic Profile conformant. In many places coverage of Basic Profile features has been traded for best practice.

To fully understand the contents of this document it is highly recommended that the S CM Use Cases v 1.0 as well as the Usage Scenarios v 1.0 documents be consulted in conjunction with this document. A quick overview of the various stages of interactions for the Sample Application can be found in section 5.2, Figure 9.

In order to inject some realism into the sample application, a single top down design was not attempted. Rather each main system (Retailer, Manufacture, Demo) has been designed and architected separately and brought together via web services. This should reflect the real world of connecting autonomous organizations together without the luxury of a global architecture and design.

The document is divided into four main sections and has an intended audience which includes Architects, Designers and Implementers of WS-I compliant web services. Each section of this document starts with a glossary of terms used to help clarify specific areas of discussion.

Section 3, “Retailer System Architecture”: This section provides an in-depth look at the various web services and associated methods required for a consumer to order product and simultaneously receive a response indicating which items were shipped. Additionally, this section describes a web service that is invoked by the retailer’s warehouse which checks each line item in the order for product availability. Included in this section are several architectural diagrams that provide different views of the application mechanics, including interfaces, roles and responsibilities, business rules to help facilitate WSDL design, processes as well as the information collected and maintained. Also, the reader will discover which usage scenarios were implemented as well as the recommended message style.

Section 4, “Manufacturing System Architecture”: Here we look at the various web services and associated methods required to supply finished goods to the warehouses. Like Section 3, this section contains detailed architectural mechanics, usage scenario and message style selection as they relate to the manufacturing architecture.

Section 5, “Demo System”: This section examines how various use cases were implemented in the development of the demo application that will be showcased on the WS-I web site. Section 5.2 provides the reader with a step-by-step roadmap of the processes involved to interact with the demo. Like previous sections, this section contains detailed architectural mechanics, usage scenario and message style selection as they relate to specific pieces of the demo application.

Section 6. “Design Aspects of the Basic Sample Application”: This section describes the technical design aspects of the Basic Sample Application. The technical descriptions of the Web services and their

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associated schemas are included here, as are the fundamentals of the showcase User Interface, logging of events, fixed sample data, and the advertisement of sample Web services in UDDI. The reader will find several examples of XML code to assist them in the UDDI registration of their web services.

2 Document References

Document Description

Usage Scenarios This document describes Usage Scenarios, as defined by the

Scenarios and Design Sub-team of the Basic Sample

Applications Workgroup for the WS-I.

SCM Use Cases This document contains the use cases on which this

Architecture and Domain Model has been based.

3 Retailer System Architecture

This section pertains to the technical design and implementation of the Basic Profile Sample Application. In particular it defines the Retailer part of the system defined in the SCM use case document.

The domain model and architecture described in this section relates to the retailer system and its related use cases as defined in the SCM Use Cases v 1 document, and as such should be read in conjunction with that document.

The various types of diagrams (class, sequence, deployment, etc.) included in this section each provide a different view of the application, including its interfaces, roles and responsibilities, business rules, processes as well as the information collected and maintained.

In general this model is implementation independent except where technical constraints are given as part of the requirements.

3.1 Retailer System Glossary

Term Description

Catalog A listing of catalog entries

Catalog Entry The details about a product (name, description, category, price, etc)

Consumer A party that wishes to purchase product from a Retailer

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Inventory Item

The details of a product as it relates to a warehouse (product code, warehouse location, number in stock, minimum stock level, maximum stock level) Line Item

An entry in an order relating to a single product (product code, required quantity)

Manufacturer A party that supplies finished goods to a Retailer’s warehouses. Order (or Purchase


A request from a Consumer asking to purchase products. An order consists of one or more line items Product

A tangible entity that can be sold – finished goods Shipping Notice


A notice sent to a consumer in response to a purchase order stating that the line items have been shipped. Retailer

A party that offers products for sale Warehouse An entity that stores products and maintains an Inventory level for each stocked product

3.2 Retailer System Overview

The Retailer will present a Web service for some third party system to access its services. In the Sample

Application this will be the Demo System. The Retailer web service provides a fa?ade onto the Retailer

System, providing operations to access the catalog of products and to place orders. Within the Retailer

System there are three instances of the warehouse web services, one for each of warehouse A, B and C

defined in the Use Case document. These warehouses will in turn call out to the three Manufacturing

systems, whose architecture is defined in Section 4. To facilitate this interaction the warehouse has to

provide a callback interface – these and the retailer web service are the only external entry points into the

Retailer system. For the purpose of the Sample Application the Retailer System relies on the Logging

service provided by the Demo System.

3.3 Deployment Diagram

Figure 1 shows a conceptual view of an implementation of a Retailer System.

Figure 1: Retailer System Deployment Diagram

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3.4 Retailer System Web services

The operations, message types and other relevant information for each Web service are outlined in the

sections below. These sections specify key details to be defined in the associated WSDL files. The exact

structure of these files is to be resolved as part of the implementation of this sample application.

The Retailer System will contain the following web services:

? Retailer Service

? Warehouse Service


Warehouse Callback Service.

In addition, the Retailer System depends on two other services external to itself and defined elsewhere:

Logging Service - defined in the Demo System section.

Manufacturer Service – defined in the Manufacturing System section.


The web services will be based on the WS-I Basic Profile V1.0.

Usage Scenarios

The web services in the retailer system will rely on the following usage scenarios (refer to Usage

Scenarios document):

? Synchronous Request/Response

? Basic Callback

? One-way

3.4.1 Retailer Service

Operations/Message Types

The following operations/message types should be supported, and shall follow the synchronous

request/reply scenario: Operation Msg. Type

Message Parameters Type

submitOrder Input submitOrderRequest PartsOrder PartsOrderType

Customer Details


Configuration Header


Output submitOrderResponse Response PartsOrderResponseType Fault BadOrder Client

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Fault InvalidProductCode Client

Fault ConfigurationFault Client

Operation Msg. Type

Message Parameters Type

getCatalog Input getCatalogRequest

Output getCatalogResponse return CatalogType submitOrder


Refer to UC (Use Case)1 and UC2. The consumer submits an order and receives a response

indicating which goods will be shipped. To determine which goods can be shipped Warehouse A,

B, and C are asked in turn (see warehouse service).

The input of the submitOrder operation is a PartsOrder of type PartsOrderType . This is a

sequence of items consisting of “productNumber”, “quantity”, and “price”. The output of the

submitOrder operation is a Response of type PartsOrderResponseType . This is a sequence of

items consisting of “productNumber”, “quantity”, “price”, and “comment”. Each “productNumber”

in the request will have a corresponding item in the response. In the response, the “quantity” will

either be the same as the “quantity” in the request, or zero if no Warehouse is able to fulfill the

order. Also, the “price” in the response is actually the sub-total for that particular item, which is

calculated as the “quantity” in the response times the product price as obtained from the product

catalog (i.e. not the “price” in the request).

A BadOrder fault is returned if the order is malformed and cannot be interpreted, or contains no

line items.

An order is rejected, with an InvalidProductCode fault, if it contains a line item with an invalid

(i.e. unknown) product code.

A ConfigurationFault fault is returned if there is a problem in the configuration header.


The scenario used will be Synchronous Request/Response using SOAP over HTTP.

Message Style

The rpc/literal message style will be used. getCatalog


Refer to UC1. A call to this operation results in the Retailer sending over the list of products that it

sells, this list would need to be rendered in order to present to a user. There are no input

parameters as there is no choice of catalogs or parts of a catalog.


The scenario used will be Synchronous Request/Response using SOAP over HTTP.

Message Style

The the rpc/literal message style will be used.

3.4.2 Warehouse


Operations/Message Types

The following operations/message types should be supported, and all shall follow the synchronous

request/reply scenario:

Operation Msg.

Type Message Parameters Type

ShipGoods Input ShipGoodsRequest ItemList ItemList










ConfigurationFault Client

Fault ShipGoods


Refer to UC 1 and UC2. A call to this service results in the warehouse checking each line item in

the order. If for each line item the required quantity is in stock, the warehouse will ship that line

item (and hence reduce the stock level). It will record which ones it has shipped and which ones it

does not have enough stock for and hence cannot ship; the response will contain this list.

A ConfigurationFault fault is returned if there is a problem in the configuration header.

The reduction of the stock level below the minimum level will trigger the warehouse to call on the

Supply service of the relevant manufacturer (defined in the Manufacturing System Domain Model

and Architecture section).


The scenario used will be Synchronous Request/Response using SOAP over HTTP.

Message Style

The rpc/literal message style will be used.

3.4.3 Warehouse Callback Service

Operations/Message Types

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The following operations/message types should be supported: Operation Msg. Type

Message Parameters Type

SubmitSN Input SNSubmit shippingNotice doc

ConfigurationH eader


CallbackHeader CallbackHeader Output ackSN Response boolean Fault ConfigurationFault Client

Fault CallbackFault Server

Operation Msg. Type

Message Parameters Type

ErrorPO Input ProcessPOFault ProcessPOFault SubmitPOFault

Output AckPO Repsonse boolean Fault ConfigurationFault Client

Fault CallbackFault Server SubmitSN


Refer to UC3 and UC4. A call to this service indicates that the manufacturer has finished

processing an order.

If the manufacturer’s processing has been successful, the manufacturer will submit the shipping

notice using the SubmitSN operation. If the shipping notice can be correlated to an order placed

with a manufacturer, a positive acknowledgement is sent in the reply; otherwise a

callbackfault is returned.

In this version of the sample application, all responses will cause the Manufacturer to consider

the order request complete i.e. no further processing of the order will take place.


The scenario used will be the reply/callback portion of the Basic Callback Scenario using SOAP

over HTTP.

Message Style

The doc/literal message style will be used. ErrorPO


Refer to Use cases 3 and 4. A call to this service indicates that the manufacturer has finished

processing an order but there had been an error in doing so.

If the Manufacturer’s processing of the order has not been successful, the Manufacturer will

provide a reason using the ErrorPO operation.

For any PO, a Manufacturer may only invoke one of submitSN or ErrorPO.


The scenario used will be the reply/callback portion of the Basic Callback Scenario using SOAP over HTTP.

Message Style

The doc/literal message style will be used.

3.4.4 WSDL

The Retailer Service is defined by two schemas and one WSDL document. The schemas are imported into the types section of the WSDL.






Because the Retailer uses and passes showcase configuration information to Warehouses in a Configuration header, the Retailer also imports a Configuration WSDL and schema. The Configuration Header Fault is described in the WSDL, and the data types used in the Configuration header and header fault are described in the schema.





The Warehouse Callback Service is defined as part of the Manufacturing system and consists of one schema and one WSDL document.





3.5 Class Diagram

The class diagram below describes the different types of objects and data elements involved in the retailer system and the relationships that exist among them. It serves to define the vocabulary of the system and helps to define the schemas. This is a conceptual diagram and is not meant to impose any structure on implementations.

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Figure 2: Class Diagram for the Retailer System

3.6 Sequence Diagrams

The sequence diagrams below describe how the groups of objects interact with each other.

3.6.1 UC1: Purchase Goods

Use Case 1 maps to the interactions between the invoker (a retailer provided web page) and the Retailer Service.

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram for Use Case 1 and the relevant Web services

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3.6.2 UC2: Source Goods

Use Case 2 maps to the interactions between the Retailer Service and Warehouse Services A, B, and C.

Figure 4: Sequence Diagram for Use Case 2 and the relevant Web services

3.6.3 UC3: Replenish Stock

Use case 3 maps to the interactions between a warehouse and a manufacturer (Figure 5Error! Reference source not found.

). Use case 4 describes the manufacturer side of this interaction.

Figure 5: Sequence Diagram for Use Case 3 and the relevant Web services

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4 Manufacturing System Architecture

This section pertains to the technical design and implementation of the Manufacturer System of the Basic Profile Sample Application as specified in the SCM Use Cases v 1 document.

The domain model described in this section relates to the following use cases outlined in the SCM Use Cases v 1 document, and as such should be read in conjunction with that document:

?UC4: Supply Finished Goods

?UC5: Manufacture Finished Goods

The various types of diagrams (class, sequence, deployment, etc.) included in this section each provide a different view of the application, including its interfaces, roles and responsibilities, business rules, processes as well as the information collected and maintained.

In general this model is implementation independent except where technical constraints are given as part of the requirements.

4.1 Manufacturing System Glossary

Term Description

Inventory Item The details of a product as it relates to availability (product code, number in stock)

Line Item An entry in an order relating to a single product (product code, required quantity) Manufacturer A party the supplies finished goods to a purchaser.

Product A tangible entity that can be sold, finished goods

Purchaser Party requesting finished goods.

Purchase Order A request from a purchaser to buy products consisting of one or more line items

4.2 Manufacturing System Overview

The Manufacturing system supplies finished goods to warehouses. Requests for finished goods may be fulfilled by the Manufacturer by supplying from internal stock or, if the required quantity is not available, by scheduling a production run. Since there could be a considerable time delay between receiving the order and informing the warehouse of shipment of goods, an asynchronous processing model is used. This allows a warehouse to proceed on other business, and allows the Manufacturer to callback to the Warehouse once the order has been fulfilled.

4.3 Deployment Diagram

Below is a conceptual view of an implementation.

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Figure 6: Deployment Diagram for the Manufacturing System

4.4 Manufacturing System Web services

The operations, message types and other relevant information for each Web service are outlined in the sections below. These sections specify key details to be defined in the associated WSDL files. The exact structure of these files is to be resolved as part of the implementation of the sample application.

The Manufacturer System portion of the sample application will contain the following web services:

? Manufacturer Service


The web services will be based on the WS-I Basic Profile V1.0.

Usage Scenarios

The web services in the sample application will rely on the following usage scenarios (refer to Usage Scenarios document):

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? Synchronous Request/Reply

? Basic Callback

4.4.1 Manufacturer Service

Operations/Message Types

The following operations/message types should be supported: Operation Msg. Type

Message Parameters Type

submitPO Input POSubmit PurchaseOrder doc

ConfigurationHe ader Configuration

StartHeader StartHeader Output ackPO Response boolean Fault POFault Client Fault ConfigurationFault Client submitPO


The purpose of this operation is to place a purchase order with the manufacturer for finished

goods. PurchaseOrder is a set of line items describing ordered finished goods (see class

diagram ). StartHeader is detailed in the Basic Callback Scenario. This message header contains

a callback location and message identifier to be retained by the system for sending the shipping

notification in the final request/response. Response is a tacit acknowledgement that the purchase

order was received and validated. If the purchase order is invalid for any reason (such as invalid

schema, invalid quantity, and invalid product number), a POFault is sent to the client.


The scenario used will be the initial request/response portion of the Basic Callback Scenario

using SOAP over HTTP.

Message Style

The doc/literal message style will be used.

4.4.2 WSDL

The Manufacturer is defined by a schema and [part of] a WSDL document. The schema is imported into

the types section of the WSDL. As mentioned above, the Manufacturer WSDL document contains two

port types and bindings which together describe a single Web service type. The ManufacturerPortType

and associated messages and bindings apply to the Manufacturer; the other applies to the Warehouse.





Because the Manufacturer uses and passes showcase configuration information to Warehouses in a Configuration header, the Manufacturer also imports a Configuration WSDL and schema. The Configuration Header Fault is described in the WSDL, and the data types used in the Configuration header and header fault are described in the schema.





4.5 Class Diagram

The class diagram below describes the different types of objects and data elements involved in the manufacturing system and the relationships that exist among them. Is serves to define the vocabulary of the system and helps to define the schemas. This is a conceptual diagram and is not meant to impose any structure on implementations.

Figure 7: Manufacturer Class Diagram

4.6 Sequence Diagrams

The sequence diagrams below describe how the groups of objects interact with each other. The diagram below shows the behavior of both Use Case 4 and Use Case 5. See also the Retailer System, Section 3.6.3.

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UC4: Supply Finished Goods & UC5: Manufacture Finished Goods

5 Demo System Architecture

This section pertains to the technical design and implementation of the Demo System of the Basic Profile Sample Application as specified in the SCM Use Cases v 1 document.

The domain model described in this section relates to the following use cases outlined in the SCM Use Cases v 1 document, and as such should be read in conjunction with that document:

?UC6: Configure & Run Demo

?UC7: Log Events

?UC8: View Events

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5.1 Demo System Glossary

Term Description

Demo user Person accessing WS-I web site for the purpose of trying out the sample application. Configuration Settings that allow demo user to direct which implementations to use in order to purchase goods, manufacture goods, order parts, etc.

Consumer Person accessing the Retailer web site for the purpose of purchasing consumer electronics.

5.2 Sample Application Flow

Access to the sample application begins at the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/933994521.html, web site, which will be referred to as the “WS-I welcome” page. The welcome page will have a link to another web page hosted by the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/933994521.html, web site. This web page shall be called the “sample app” page. The sample app page will contain a description of the sample application, probably a link for obtaining the source code, and instructions for demonstrating how the sample application works. It will also contain one or more buttons or links for getting to the next web page called the “configuration” page.

The configuration page is where UC6: Configure & Run Demo begins. This page will present the demo user with a number of configuration options. These options select implementations for each of the web services in the sample application1. Having made his/her selections, the demo user clicks on a “start a new demo” button, which brings the demo user to a web page where he/she can order products. We will call this the “shopping cart” page. This is where UC1: Purchase Goods begins. Before the demo user reaches the shopping cart page, a unique ID is generated to identify the events that are logged as a result of running the demo. This ID is necessary as it is entirely possible that more than one person may be running the demo at the same time. Such concurrent usage would result in log entries that might not make sense when viewed together, but when filtered based on ID they will illustrate the chain of events typical of a Supply Chain Management application.

On the shopping cart page, the demo user selects quantities of products to order, then clicks on a “submit order” button. This causes the demo system to invoke the Retailer web service. Once the Retailer has processed the order, the demo system displays the status of the order (i.e. how many and which products will be shipped). This is referred to as the “order status” web page. From the order status web page, the demo user may optionally select to view the events that occurred in the supply chain as a result of placing an order. This is done on the “track order” web page.

From either the order status page or the track order page, the demo user may return to the configuration page to start a new demo. The previous configuration will be presented as a default, but the demo user is

1 The implementer(s) of the configuration web page are free to decide if the Configurator web service is to be fixed (i.e. hard-coded), or itself configurable. Note that if the Configurator web service is to be configurable, that selection must be made by the demo user prior to selecting registered implementations of the other web services in the sample application.

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free to change the configuration in order to test interoperability. Note that it is not possible for the demo user to return to the shopping cart page from either the order status page or the track order page. In other words, the only way for the demo user to go back and order more products is to return to the configuration page first. Figure 9 below presents a graphical representation of the flow of the sample application.

Figure 9: Sample Application Flow

5.3 Deployment Diagram

Figure 10 shows a conceptual view of an implementation.

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s o m e和a n y的区别 和用法

精品文档 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除 some 和any 的区别和用法 要表示"一些"的意思,可用some, any 。 some 是肯定词(ASSERTIVE WORD 〕,常用于肯定句;any 是非肯定词(NONASSERTIVE WORD 〕,常用于否定句或疑问句。例如: There are some letters for me. There aren''t any letters for me. Are there any letters for me? I seldom get any sleep these days. any 也常用于条件分句以及带有否定含义的句子中: If you have any trouble, please let me know. 如果你有任何麻烦,请让我知道。 I forgot to ask for any change. 我忘了要一些零钱。 当说话人期待肯定回答时,some 也可用于疑问句, 比如当说话人期待来信时,他可以问道: Are there some letters for me? 当购物时向售货员提问或者主人向客人表示款待时,也可在疑问句中用some: Could I have some of these apples? Would you like some chocolate cake? 当some 与单数可数名词搭配时, some 相当于a certain ("某一"〕的含义;而any 与单数可数名词搭配,则相当于 every ("任何一个"〕的含义。例如: Some boy has broken a window. 有个男孩打破了窗户。 Any child could answer that question. 任何一个孩子都可以回答这个问题。 替代词one, ones, that, those 在比较结构中的用法辨析 在比较结构中,为了避免重复,常用替代词替代名词词组或它的中心词。可以这样用的替代词常用的且较难掌握的有one , ones ,that 和those 。 I .替代词one 和ones 的用法: 1.one 只能替代单数名词,one 的复数形式ones 只能替代复数名词。例如: My child doesn't like this book .Show her a more interesting one . 2.替代词one 或ones 必须带有一个限定或修饰词,它们和所替代的名词中心词所指不一定是同一对象,这是替代词one 或 ones 在用法上的一个重要特征。例如: I don't like this book .I'd like a more interesting one . 3.当替代词one 或ones 带有后置修饰语时,它们前面总有定冠词。例如: Our new cassette is more expensive than the one we had before . 4.当替代词one 或ones 在形容词比较级、最高级以及某些限定词如this ,that , which 和序数词等之后,可以省略。例如: some 和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此 some 和any 的用法主要 是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 some 意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如: some books 一些书,some boys 一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water 一些水,some tea 一些茶叶,some 常用在肯定句中。any 意为 “任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。如: --I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。 --I can’t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? --I have some English books, they are my best friends. 我有英语书,它们是我最好的朋友。 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some 而不 用any 。如: Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 当any 表示“任何”的 意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 选题角度: 辨析 some 和any 的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答 时,多用some 而不用any 。 一般用于疑问句或否定句中,用于never, hardly, without 等词之后,用于if / whether 之后。 而some 则用于肯定句中,用于建议或请求的 疑问句中,用于预料会作肯定回答的疑问句中,用于表示反问的否定的疑句中。 如:1. I’d been expecting ________ letters the whole morning, but there weren’t ________ for me. (全国卷) A. some; any B. many; a few C. some; one D. a few; none 【分析】答案选A 。前一分句是肯定句,用some ,后 一分句是否定名句,用any 。另外,后一分句的weren’t 显示这是否定句,主语应为复数,排除C 和D ;many 一般不用于肯定句,a few 一般用 于肯定句,排除B 。 2. Let us hope we can settle the matter without ________ more trouble. (全国卷) A. any B. a little C. some D. little 【分析】答案选A 。without 表否定,用any 。 3. Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers. Now she would like to read ________ stories by writers from ________ countries. (全国卷) A. some; any B. some;some C. some; other D. other; other 【分析】答案选C 。肯定句中用some 表示“一些”,other 作定 语,意为“别的”。 4. There’s ________ cooking oil left in the hou se. Would you go to the corner store and get ________ ? (北 京卷) A. little; some B. little; any C. a little; some D. a little; any 【分析】答案选A 。后句是表示请求的问句中,用some ,排 除B 和D ;由后文的意思可知,语气是否定的,排除C 。 5. ―I fee a bit hungry. ―Why don’t you have ________ bread? (全国卷) A. any B. some C. little D. a 【分析】答案选B 。表示建议的疑问句中 用some 。


1) With the rapid improvement in.../growing awareness of..., more and more.../sth.... 1 随着…的飞速发展/越来越多的关注,越来越… (e.g. With the considerable improvement in building industry, more and more structures are being erected to set the people's minds at ease.) 例:随着建筑业的大力推进,人们对建立越来越多的房屋建筑感到宽心。 2) Recently, sth./the problem of...has been brought to popular attention/ has become the focus of public concern. 2 近来,某事/某问题引起了人们的普遍关注/成了公众关注的焦点。 (e.g. Recently, the problem of unemployment has been brought to such popular attention that governments at all levels place it on the agenda as the first matter.) 例:近来失业问题引起了人们的普遍关注,各级政府已把它列为首要议程。 3) One of the universal issues we are faced with/that cause increasing concern is that... 3 我们面临的一个普遍问题是… /一个越来越引人关注的普遍问题 是… (e.g. One of the universal issues that draw (cause) growing concern is whether it is wise of man to have invented the automobile.) 例:一个越来越引人关注的普遍问题是,发明汽车是否为人 4) In the past few years, there has been a boom/sharp growth/decline in.. . 4 在过去的几年里,…经历了突飞猛进/迅猛增长/下降。 (e.g. In the past ten years, there has been a sharp decline in the number of species.) 例:在过去的几年里,物种数量骤然下降。 5) Nowadays, more/most important/dangerous for our society is... 5 如今对我们社会更(最)为重要的(危险的)事情是… (e.g. Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is the tendency to take advantage of each other in political circles.) 例:对我们社会最为危险的事情是政界倾向于互相利用。 6) According to the information given in the table/graph, we can find that... 6 根据图表资料,我们可以发现… 7) As can be seen from the table/graph/figure, there is a marked increase /decline/favorable (an unfavorable) change in... 7 根据图表(数字)显示,…明显增长(下降)/发生了有利(不利)变化。 8) As we can see from the table/graph/figure above, drastic/considerable/ great changes have taken place in...over the period of time from...(年份)to...( 年份) 8 据上面图表(数字)所示,从某年到某年某方面发生了剧烈的(相当大的;巨大的)变化。


S o m e和a n y的用法及练 习 Prepared on 24 November 2020

Some 和any的用法及练习 不定代词:不是指确定的对象,而是仅具有非确定特指含义,不明确指代某事或某人的代词。通常用作替代词。 有all /both/every/both/either/neither/one/none/litt le/few/many/much/other/another/some/any/ no以及由some/any/no/every组合的复合不定代词。 some意为“一些”、“几个”,通常用于肯定句中。 现将其主要用法归纳如下: 一、 some作形容词用时,可以修饰复数可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。例如: There are some students in the classroom. 教室里有几个学生。 There is some milk in the glass. 杯子里有一些牛奶。 二、 some作代词用时,可在句中作主语或宾语。例如: Some of the boys are playing games now. 有几个男孩现在正在做游戏。 I have no paper. Please give me some. 我没有纸了,请给我一些吧。 三、 some有时也可以用在疑问句或条件句中,表示请求、建议,并期望得到对方的肯定回答。它也可以用于反问句中。例如:

Can you give me some money 你能给我一些钱吗 Would you like some more rice 再来点米饭好吗 Why don’t you buy some flowers for her 你为什么不给她买些花呢If you want (some), I’ll give you some. 如果你想要(一些),我就给你一些。 四、some 与单数可数名词搭配,表示未知的人或物,相当于a(an) 或 a certain。 There must be some job I could do. 肯定有我能做的事情。 Some book on this topic was published last year. 去年出版了有关这主题方面的书。 注意:some + 可数名词复数中的“some”作“一些”解。 五、some用在基数词和few之前,是副词,表示“在概”或“在约”的意思,等于about。 例:There were some 40 or 50 people there.那里大约有40或50人。 any也有“一些”的意思,但它常用在否定句、否定答语或疑问句中。其具体用法如下: 一、 any作形容词用时,可以修饰可数名词的单数或复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。例如: Do you have any questions to ask 你有什么问题要问吗There isn’t any water in this bottle. 这个瓶子里没有水。二、 any作代词用时,也可用于肯定句中,表示“任何”的意思,起强调作用。例如:


s o m e与a n y的用法 区别

some与any的用法区别 一、一般说来,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。例如: She wants some chalk. She doesn’t want any chalk. Here are some beautiful flowers for you. Here aren’t any beautiful flowers. 二、any可与not以外其他有否定含义的词连用,表达否定概念。例如: He never had any regular schooling. In no case should any such idea be allowed to spread unchecked. The young accountant seldom (rarely, hardly, scarcely) makes any error in his books. I can answer your questions without any hesitation. 三、any可以用于表达疑问概念的条件句中。例如: If you are looking for any stamps, you can find them in my drawer. If there are any good apples in the shop, bring me two pounds of them. If you have any trouble, please let me know. 四、在下列场合,some也可用于疑问句。 1、说话人认为对方的答复将是肯定的。例如: Are you expecting some visitors this afternoon?(说话人认为下午有人要求,所以用some)


some和any用法和区别,小升初英语语法汇总 some 表示一些 any表示任何一个 somesome用在肯定句中,也可以用在表示婉转意思的疑问句中,表询问或建议;any 用于否定句和一般疑问句。 请注意看下列例句后扩号中说明的用法。 There is some water in the glass. (肯定句) There are some flowers in the garden. (肯定句) There aren’t any lamps in the study.(否定句) Are there any maps on the wall?(一般疑问句) Would you like some orange juice? (希望得到肯定回答,表建议) Would you like some lessons in Wangjing Dynamic English World with me this week ? (表询问,希望得到肯定回答) 这周你想和我一起上望京能动英语的几堂课吗? Do you want to take any photos at the party? (一般疑问句) 练一练:选用some或any填空。 1) There isn’t ______milk in the fridge. 2) I can see______cars, but I can’t see______buses. 3) He has ______ friends in England. 4) Were there ______fruit trees on the farm? 5) Here are ______presents for you. 6) Does Tom want to take ______ photos? 7) Is there______rice in the kitchen? 8) There are______new buildings in our school.


some和 any 的用法及练习题( 一) 一、用法: some意思为:一些。可用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,常常用于肯定句 . any 意思为:任何一些。它可以修饰可数名词和不可数名词,当修饰可数名词 时要用复数形式。常用于否定句和疑问句。 注意: 1、在表示请求和邀请时,some也可以用在疑问句中。 2、表示“任何”或“任何一个”时,也可以用在肯定句中。 3、和后没有名词时,用作代词,也可用作副词。 二、练习题: 1.There are ()newspapers on the table. 2.Is there ( )bread on the plate. 3.Are there () boats on the river? 4.---Do you have () brothers ?---Yes ,I have two brothers. 5.---Is there () tea in the cup? --- Yes,there is () tea in it ,but there isn’t milk. 6.I want to ask you() questions. 7.My little boy wants ()water to drink. 8.There are () tables in the room ,but there aren’t ( )chairs. 9.Would you like () milk? 10.Will you give me () paper? 复合不定代词的用法及练习 一.定义: 由 some,any,no,every 加上 -body,-one,-thing,-where构成的不定代词,叫做复合不定代词 . 二. 分类: 1.指人:含 -body 或 -one 的复合不定代词指人 . 2.含-thing 的复合不定代词指物。 3.含-where 的复合不定代词指地点。 三:复合不定代词: somebody =someone某人 something 某物,某事,某东西 somewhere在某处,到某处 anybody= anyone 任何人,无论谁 anything任何事物,无论何事,任何东西 anywhere 在任何地方 nobody=no one 无一人 nothing 无一物,没有任何东西 everybody =everyone每人,大家,人人 everything每一个事物,一切 everywhere 到处 , 处处 , 每一处


北语14秋《高级英语I》导学资料一 Unit1, Unit2& Unit3 一、本阶段学习内容概述 各位同学,大家好,本课程第一阶段学习的主要内容为Unit1:Party Politics, Unit2:The New Singles, Unit3:教材课文:Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die? 网络课件课文:Computer Violence中包括课前练习(Warm-up)、单词和词组(New words and phrases)、课文(Text)、课后练习(Exercises)及补充阅读(Supplementary readings)中的指定内容。 课前练习:大家应先了解课前练习的要求,根据已有的知识思考其中问题,或者利用网络与同学开展一些讨论,争取在阅读课文前了解文章主要论述的问题,有利于更好的了解作者的思想观点和思维过程,从而了解文章所反映的思想文化,这样既能提高阅读理解能力又能获取知识和信息。 单词和词组:名词、动词和形容词是词汇练习和记忆中的重要部分。Unit 1、2、3中所列出的新单词绝大部分都是这三类,因此,大家一定要掌握好新单词。要开发利用多种方法记单词,如联想法、音节法、构词法等。单词和词组基本上给出了英语直接释义,可以培养大家英语思维的习惯。如果在阅读释义后还有疑问,一定要查阅英语词典,寻找一些相关的解释来加深对单词的理解和记忆。许多词的释义中给出了若干同义词或近义词,能帮助大家迅速扩大词汇量,同时,课后练习的词汇(Vocabulary Study)部分又给出了一些相关的练习,大家可以在学习完单词和词组后,乘热打铁,立即做词汇练习的第一小题(选择填空)和第二小题(找出意义相近的替代词)这样可以及时巩固所学单词,大概了解这些词的用法,为正确阅读课文打下基础,也能使得练习题做起来不是那么难。 (特别说明:高级英语阶段的学习,提高词汇量和词汇运用能力是一个很大,并且很重要,同时又是比较难的问题,这是我们必须面对的问题,所以,请大家务必花时间多熟悉单词。所谓的磨刀不误砍材功,先熟悉单词和短语,才能流畅的阅读文章。更关键的是,单词和短语在考试中所占比例不少!) 课文:每单元有一篇课文(Unit1:Party Politics, Unit2:The New Singles, Unit3:教材课文:Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die? 网络课件课文:Computer Violence)。在掌握单词和词组之后,阅读课后注释,学习课文的背景资料、作者介绍和相关内容,如人物、事件、地点等的解释,这能帮助大家准确快速的理解文章的内容。在课件资源的帮助下,认真学习课文,包括课文中常用词语和句型的用法。文章比较长,大家一定要有耐心和毅力,坚持就是胜利。在学习完整篇文章后,及时完成课文理解(Comprehension Check)的练习。其中第一小题是根据课文内容选择最佳答案,第二小题是将部分文中的句子用英语注释。只要认真学习了课件资料,相信能很快准确地完成。同时也考察大家对课文理解的程度,督促大家很好的阅读课文。 课后练习:共有四个大题。 1.课文理解(Comprehension Check):有两个题型。在借助课件学习完课文之后,大家可以先自己做这一部分的练习,然后再看课件,对正答案的同时,再重温课文的大意。 2.词汇(Vocabulary Study):有两个题型。在学完课文和单词后,大家可以自己先做这一部分的词汇练习,不会做得可以看课件,并牢固掌握,对于补充的单词也要掌握。这样有利于快速扩充词汇量。 3.翻译(Translation):有的单元是汉译英,有的单元是英译汉。都是一段与课文内容相近的短文。先认真思考,仔细看文章,如果有一定的难度,可以参考课件的解说,然后再组织语言完成翻译练习。


some与any的用法区别 一、一般说来,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。例如: She wants some chalk. She doesn’t want any chalk. Here are some beautiful flowers for you. Here aren’t any beautiful flowers. 二、any可与not以外其他有否定含义的词连用,表达否定概念。例如: He never had any regular schooling. In no case should any such idea be allowed to spread unchecked. The young accountant seldom (rarely, hardly, scarcely) makes any error in his books. I can answer your questions without any hesitation. 三、any可以用于表达疑问概念的条件句中。例如: If you are looking for any stamps, you can find them in my drawer. If there are any good apples in the shop, bring me two pounds of them. If you have any trouble, please let me know. 四、在下列场合,some也可用于疑问句。 1、说话人认为对方的答复将是肯定的。例如: Are you expecting some visitors this afternoon?(说话人认为下午有人要求,所以用some)Are you expecting any visitors this afternoon?(说话人不知道下午是否有人来,所以用any) Didn’t you give him some tickets?(说话人认为票已经给他了。问题的回答是:Sure I did) Did you give him any tickets?(说话人不知道是否给票了。回答可能是yes或no。) 2、款待用语或问句的实质等于提出一个要求并希望得到肯定的回答时。例如:



The Delicate Art of the Forest 库珀的创造天分并不怎么样;但是他似乎热衷于此并沾沾自喜。确实,他做了一些令人感到愉快的事情。在小小的道具箱内,他为笔下的森林猎人和土人准备了七八种诡计或圈套,这些人以此诱骗对方。利用这些幼稚的技巧达到了预期的效果,没有什么更让他高兴得了。其中一个就是他最喜欢的,就是让一个穿着鹿皮靴的人踩着穿着鹿皮靴敌人的脚印,借以隐藏了自己行踪。这么做使库珀磨烂不知多少桶鹿皮靴。他常用的另一个道具是断树枝。他认为断树枝效果最好,因此不遗余力地使用。在他的小说中,如果哪章中没有人踩到断树枝惊着两百码外的印第安人和白人,那么这一节则非常平静/那就谢天谢地了。每次库珀笔下的人物陷入危险,每分钟绝对安静的价格是4美元/一分静一分金,这个人肯定会踩到断树枝。尽管附近有上百种东西可以踩,但这都不足以使库珀称心。他会让这个人找一根干树枝;如果找不到,就去借一根。事实上,《皮袜子故事系列丛书》应该叫做《断树枝故事集》。 很遗憾,我没有足够的篇幅,写上几十个例子,看看奈迪·班波和其他库伯专家们是怎样运用他的森林中的高招。大概我们可以试着斗胆举它两三个例子。库伯曾经航过海—当过海军军官。但是他却一本正经/煞有介事地告诉我们,一条被风刮向海岸遇险的船,被船长驶向一个有离岸暗流的地点而得救。因为暗流顶着风,把船冲了回来。看看这森林术,这行船术,或者叫别的什么术,很高明吧?库珀在炮兵部队里待过几年,他应该注意到炮弹落到地上时,要么爆炸,要么弹起来,跳起百英尺,再弹再跳,直到跳不动了滚几下。现在某个地方他让几个女性—他总是这么称呼女的—在一个迷雾重重的夜晚,迷失在平原附近一片树林边上—目的是让班波有机会向读者展示他在森林中的本事。这些迷路的人正在寻找一个城堡。他们听到一声炮响,接着一发炮弹就滚进树林,停在他们脚下。对女性,这毫无价值。但对可敬的班波就完全不同了。我想,如果班波要是不马上冲出来,跟着弹痕,穿过浓雾,跨过平原,找到要塞,我就再也不知道什么是“和平”了。是不是非常聪明?如果库伯不是对自然规律一无所知,他就是故意隐瞒事实。比方说,他的精明的印地安专家之一,名叫芝稼哥(我想,该读作芝加哥)的,跟踪一个人,在穿过树林的时候,脚印就找不到了。很明显,脚印是再也没法找到了。无论你还是我,都猜不出,怎么会


关于some和any的用法和区别 some和any都是常见词汇,他们有共同点也有很多不一样的地方,你们知道他们饿区别在哪里吗?接下来小编在这里给大家带来some和any的用法和区别,我们一起来看看吧! some和any的用法和区别 一、some和any作为形容词或代词,可以用来说明或代替复数名词或不可数名词,表示不定量,意为一些,其区别是:对其所说明或代替的名词持肯定态度时,用some;持非肯定(否定或疑问)态度时,用any。 在以下句子中使用some: 1.肯定句(包括肯定的陈述句和祈使句以及反意疑问句中肯定的陈述部分)。如: There are some new books on the teachers desk. We have a lot of sugar. Take some with you, please. He bought some bread, didnt he? 2.持肯定态度的一般疑问句。如: Are there some stamps in that drawer? Didnt she give you some money? 3.表示请求或建议的一般疑问句,通常都希望得到对方肯定的答复,所以也用some。如: May I ask you some questions?

Would you like some tea? 4.特殊疑问句及选择疑问句。因为特殊疑问句和选择疑问句并不对some所说明或代替的名词表示疑问。如: Where can I get some buttons? Do you have some pens or pencils? 在以下句子中使用ANY: 1.否定句(包括否定的陈述句和祈使句以及反意疑问句中否定的陈述部分)。如: I cant give you any help now. Do not make any noise. There werent any trees here, were there? 2.含有除not以外的其他否定词或否定结构的句子。如: Jim hardly makes any mistakes in his homework. He went to London without any money in his pocket. She was too poor to buy any new clothes. 3.一般疑问句(持肯定态度的除外)。如: Did she buy any tomatoes yesterday? I want some paper. Do you have any? 4.条件状语从句。如: If you are looking for any ink, you can find it on my desk. If there are any good apples there, get me two kilos, please.

some,any,one ones those that的区别和用法

some和any的区别和用法 要表示"一些"的意思,可用some, any。 some 是肯定词,常用于肯定句;any是非肯定词,常用于否定句或疑问句。例如: There are some letters for me. There aren''t any letters for me. Are there any letters for me? I seldom get any sleep these days. any也常用于条件分句以及带有否定含义的句子中: If you have any trouble, please let me know. 如果你有任何麻烦,请让我知道。 I forgot to ask for any change. 我忘了要一些零钱。 当说话人期待肯定回答时,some也可用于疑问句, 比如当说话人期待来信时,他可以问道:Are there some letters for me? 当购物时向售货员提问或者主人向客人表示款待时,也可在疑问句中用some: Could I have some of these apples? some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此 some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中。any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。如: --I have some tea here. 我这儿有些茶叶。 --I can’t see any tea. 我没看见茶叶。 --Do you have any friends at school? 你在学校有些朋友吗? --I have some English books, they are my best friends. 我有英语书,它们是我最好的朋友。 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。如:Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 选题角度: 辨析some和any的不同用法:some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。一般用于疑问句或否定句中,用于never, hardly, without等词之后,用于if / whether 之后。而some则用于肯定句中,用于建议或请求的疑问句中,用于预料会作肯定回答的疑问句中,用于表示反问的否定的疑句中。 如: 1. I’d been expecting ________ letters the whole morning, but there weren’t ________ for me. (全国卷)卷 A. some; any B. many; a few C. some; one D. a few; none


英语专业(高级翻译)简介 ·日期:2007-06-07 ·点击次数: 1446 培养目标:本专业培养具有扎实的英语语言基础,较强的语言交际能力和跨文化交际能力,掌握多方面的翻译知识和技巧,能熟练地运用英、汉语在外事、外交、经贸、文化、科技等部门从事口译、笔译的专门人才。 知识能力 要求:1.语音、语调准确,清楚自然。 2.词法、句法、章法(包括遣词造句与谋篇布局)规范、表达得体。 3.认知词汇10000~12000,且能正确而熟练地使用其中的5000~6000个单词及其最常用的搭配。 4.听、说、读、写、译技能熟练,具有较强的英语综合运用能力。毕业时达到英语专业八级水平。 听的能力:听懂真实交际场合中各种英语会话;听懂英 语国家广播电台以及电视台(如VOA, BBC, CNN)有关政治、经济、文化、教育、科技 等方面的新闻、现场报道、专题报道、综合 评述以及与此类题材相关的演讲和演讲后 的问答;听懂电视时事报道和电视短剧中的 对话。语速为每分钟150~180个单词,理解 准确率不低于60%。 说的能力:能就国内外重大问题与外宾进行流利而得体 的交流;能系统、深入、连贯地发表自己的 见解。 读的能力:能读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论和书评、 英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和 文学作品;能分析上述题材文章的思想观 点、语篇结构、语言特点和修辞手法。能在

5分钟内速读1600词左右的文章,掌握文章 的主旨和大意,理解事实和细节。 写的能力:能写各类体裁的文章,做到内容充实,语言 通顺,用词恰当,表达得体。写作速度为30 分钟300~400个单词。能撰写长度为 5000~6000个单词的毕业论文,要求思路清 晰、内容充实、语言通顺。 译的能力:1)笔译:能运用翻译的理论和技巧,将英美报 刊上的文章、文学、科技、文化、经贸方面 的原文译成汉语,或将我国报刊、杂志上的 文章、一般文学作品、科技、文化、经贸方 面的原文译成英语,速度为每小时250~300 个单词。译文要求忠实原意,语言流畅。 2)口译:掌握连续或同步口译所需的技巧及基 本要求,能担任外经外贸、外事、外交、国 际文化、科技交流活动的口译和国际会议的 同声传译任务。 5.具有宽广的英语专业知识和相关学科知识。英语专业知识包括文学、语言学和对象国社会与文化的知识。相关学科的知识涉及教育学、教育心理学、语言习得理论、英语教学法、英语测试理论与实践、课程设置等领域。6.具有获取知识的能力、运用知识的能力、分析问题的能力、独立提出见解的能力和创新的能力。 7.熟悉中、英两种文字计算机基本技术并能实际应用。 主干课程:基础英语、高级英语、散文选读、英语泛读、英语口语、基础英语写作、高级英语写作、英汉/汉英口译、英汉笔译、英语视听说、英语报刊选读、英美文学,同声传译、连续传译、经贸法律翻译等。 修业年4年


小升初必备语法:some和any的用法 some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定句和疑问句。 There are some students in the playground. 操场上有一些学生。Do you have any sweets? 你有一些糖果吗? I can’t see any birds in the tree. 我看不到任何鸟在树上。 其实,有时我们在肯定句中看见any,在疑问句中看见some。这又是怎么回事呢? some用于疑问句中 表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句,或者我们希望得到对方肯定的回答,句中常出现情态动词can, would, may和could。 May I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗? Would you like some coffee? 你想喝咖啡吗? What about some apple juice? 来点苹果汁如何? any用于肯定句中 起强调作用,后面常接可数名词的单数,表示“任何一个”。 Any student can read this word .任何学生都可以读这个单词。Any colour will do.什么颜色都行。 同学们,现在请你来解决“一些”问题吧!试用some和any填空。 1. Lily puts ________ flowers in the vase. 2. Are there ________ shops near the library? 3. Would you like ________ milk in your coffee? 4. You can take ________ present you like. 5. We can’t se e signs on the wall. Key: 1. some 2. any 3. some 4. any 5.any


(1)some和any 的用法: some一般用于肯定句中,意思是“几个”、“一些”、“某个”作定语时可修饰可数名词或不可数名词。如:I have some work to do today. (今天我有些事情要做)/ They will go there some day.(他们有朝一日会去那儿) some 用于疑问句时,表示建议、请求或希望得到肯定回答。如:Would you like some coffee with sugar?(你要加糖的咖啡吗?) any 一般用于疑问句或否定句中,意思是“任何一些”、“任何一个”,作定语时可修饰可数或不可数名词。如:They didn’t have any friends here. (他们在这里没有朋友)/ Have you got any questions to ask?(你有问题要问吗?) any 用于肯定句时,意思是“任何的”。Come here with any friend.(随便带什么朋友来吧。) (2)no和none的用法: no是形容词,只能作定语表示,意思是“没有”,修饰可数名词(单数或复数)或不可数名词。如:There is no time left. Please hurry up.(没有时间了,请快点) / They had no reading books to lend.(他们没有阅读用书可以出借) none只能独立使用,在句子中可作主语、宾语和表语,意思是“没有一个人(或事物)”,表示复数或单数。如:None of them is/are in the

classroom.(他们当中没有一个在教室里) / I have many books, but none is interesting.(我有很多的书,但没有一本是有趣的) (3)all和both的用法: all指三者或三者以上的人或物,用来代替或修饰可数名词;也可用来代替或修饰不可数名词。 both指两个人或物,用来代替或修饰可数名词。all和both在句子中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。如:I know all of the four British students in their school.(他们学校里四个英国学生我全认识) / --Would you like this one or that one? –Both.(你要这个还是那个?两个都要。) all和both既可以修饰名词(all/both+(the)+名词),也可以独立使用,采用“all/both + of the +名词(复数)”的形式,其中的of 可以省略。如:All (of) (the) boys are naughty.(是男孩都调皮) (4)every和each用法: every是形容词,只能作定语修饰单数名词,意思是“每一个”,表示整体概念; each是形容词、代词,可用作主语、宾语、定语等,意思是“每个”或者“各个”,表示单个概念;each可以放在名词前,可以后跟of 短语,与动词同时出现时要放在“be动词、助动词、情态动词”之后或者行为动词之前 every和each都用作单数理解,但是下文中既可以用单数的代词(如he/him/his)也可以用复数的代词(如they/them/their)替代。如:Every one of the students in his class studies very hard.(他班上每个学生学

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