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The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.

译文:作为环境研究的先驱者,斯坦福大学的Paul Ehrlich认为,科学的真正的敌人是那些对全球变暖、臭氧层稀薄和工业发展带来的其他后果表示怀疑的人。

分析:这个句子主语和谓语成了类似插入语的成分,插在了句子中间,表明的是发表这个观点的是什么人(姓名与身份)。而该句的主要内容在于argue所跟的宾语从句。这个宾语从句中的宾语those有一个who引导的较长的定语从句,其中who是主语,question是谓语,the evidence是宾语,宾语后面跟的现在分词短语修饰的是evidence,这个现在分词supporting 后面跟了三个并列宾语。



Stanford University 美国斯坦福大学

environmental [in,vai?r?n'mentl](adj.)环境的;有关环境(保护)的(CET-6、考研词汇)(2008年-阅读3)(al-形容词后缀)

考点搭配:be environmentally sound 无害环境的(2005年-阅读2)



●questionable ['kwest??n?b?l](adj.)可疑的,不可靠的;成问题的(CET-6、考研词汇)(2012年-阅读1)(question-问题,疑问,able-可以的→可疑的,不可靠的;成问题的) support [s?'p?:t](vt.)支撑;支持,拥护;供养(高考词汇)(2003年-阅读1、2013年-阅读4)(sup-下,port-词根,拿来→从“下面”拿住、保持住——即“支撑”,引申为“支持,拥护;供养”。因为“供养”说白了就是“支撑”、养活家庭。近义词:sustain)

考点搭配:receive support from 获得…的支持(2003年-阅读1)


●supportive [s?'p?:tiv](adj.)支撑的;支持的(2003年-阅读3、2006年-阅读2、2007年-阅读2、2011年-阅读3、2014年-阅读4)


supportive adult 提供支持的成年人(2003年-完型)

be supportive of 支持…(2006年-阅读2)

lay [lei](vt.)放置,铺设;设置;躺下(中考词汇)(2007年-阅读3)(la=land-土地,地面;y=ify-动词后缀→放在地上——即“放置,铺设”,引申为“设置”和“躺下”。) 考点搭配:get laid off 解雇,下岗(2007年-阅读3)(注意,laid是lay的过去式和过去分词)

industry ['ind?stri](n.)①工业;产业,行业②勤奋(中考词汇)(2003年-阅读1、2006年-阅读2、2007年-阅读4、2013年-阅读1、2013年-阅读2)(in-向里,dust-灰尘,烟尘,ry-名词后缀→向空气中排放大量的烟尘——即“工业”,引申为“产业,行业”。而该词之所以还表示“勤奋”,源于工业社会,人人勤奋,惰者淘汰!)


auto industry 汽车工业(2007年-阅读3)

data-rich industries 数据丰富的行业(2007年-阅读4)

building industry 建筑行业(2009年-阅读3)




slow-growing animals 生长缓慢的动物(2006年-阅读3)

a growing number of越来越多的(2013年-阅读3)


●ɡrowth [ɡr?uθ](n.)生长,发育;增长,发展(高考词汇)(2008年-阅读3)(该词是ɡrow的名词形式,th-名词后缀)


2010年考研英语阅读理解部分翻译真题译文+题目翻译 但为君故 但为君故 整理组

Text 1 在过去的25年英语报纸所发生的变化中,影响最深远的可能就是它们对艺术方面的报道在范围上毫无疑问的缩小了,而且这些报道的严肃程度也绝对降低了。 对于年龄低于40岁的普通读者来讲,让他们想象一下当年可以在许多大城市报纸上读到精品的文艺评论简直几乎是天方夜谭。然而,在20世纪出版的最重要的文艺评论集中,人们读到的大部分评论文章都是从报纸上收集而来。现在,如果读到这些集子,人们肯定会惊诧,当年这般渊博深奥的内容竟然被认为适合发表在大众日报中。 从20世纪早期到二战以前,当时的英国报纸上的评论主题广泛,包罗万象,我们现在离此类报纸评论越来越远。当时的报纸极其便宜,人们把高雅时尚的文艺批评当作是所刊登报纸的一个亮点。在那些遥远的年代,各大报刊的评论家们都会不遗余力地详尽报道他们所报道的事情,这在当时被视为是理所当然的事情。他们的写作是件严肃的事情,人们相信:甚至那些博学低调不喜欢炫耀的评论家,比如George Bernard Shaw和Ernest Newman也知道自己在做什么(即他们的文章会高调出现在报纸上)。这些批评家们相信报刊评论是一项职业,并且对于他们的文章能够在报纸上发表感到很自豪。“鉴于几乎没有作家能拥有足够的智慧或文学天赋以保证他们在新闻报纸写作中站稳脚跟”,Newman曾写道,“我倾向于把‘新闻写作’定义为不受读者欢迎的作家用来嘲讽受读者欢迎的作家的一个‘轻蔑之词’” 不幸的是,这些批评家们现在实际上已被人们遗忘。从1917年开始一直到1975年去世不久前还在为曼彻斯特《卫报》写文章的Neville Cardus,如今仅仅作为一个撰写关于板球比赛文章的作家被人们所知。但是,在他的一生当中,他也是英国首屈一指的古典音乐评论家之一。他也是一位深受读者青睐的文体家,所以1947年他的《自传》一书就成为热销读物。1967年他被授予爵士称号,也是第一位获此殊荣的音乐评论家。然而,他的书现在只有一本可以在市面上买到。他大量的音乐批评,除了专门研究音乐评论的人以外,已鲜为人知。 Cardus的评论有没有机会重新流行?前景似乎渺茫。在他去世之前,新闻业的品味早已改变很长时间了,而且他所擅长的措词华丽的维多利亚爱德华时期的散文风格对后现代的读者没有什么用处。何况,由业余爱好者作音乐批评的传统早已经成为昨日黄花了。 21. 第一段和第二段指出 A 文艺评论已经从大城市的报纸上消失了 B 英文报纸过去常刊登更多文艺评论方面的文章


Text1 Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. “Not ch In but habit rules the unreflecting herd,” William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. the ever-changing 21st century, even the word “habit” carries a negative connotation. So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. 习惯是件有趣的事情。我们无意识间养成了一些习惯,我们的大脑是自动运 转的,轻松进入熟知套路所带来的不自觉舒适状态。“这并非选择,而是习惯控 制了那些没有思想的人”,这是威廉?华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)19世纪时 说的话。在现在这个日新月异的21世纪,甚至习惯这个词本身也带有负面涵义。 因此,在创造和革新的背景下来谈论习惯,似乎显得有点矛盾。 But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel synaptic paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks. But don’t bother trying to kil off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads. 但大脑研究人员发现,当我们有意识地培养新的习惯的时候,我们创建了平 行路径,甚至是全新的脑细胞,可以让我们的思路跳转到新的创新轨道上来。但 是,不必费心试图摈弃各种旧习惯;一旦这些程序惯例融进大脑,它们就会留在 那里。相反,我们刻意培养的新习惯会创建平行路径能避开原来那些老路。 “The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder,” says D Markova, author of “The Open Mind” and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners. “But we are taught instead to ‘decide,’ just as decide is to kill off president calls himself ‘the Decider.’” She adds, however, that “to all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities.” 大学英语


2020年考研英语一阅读解析 2020年考研英语一阅读解析 1)理解主旨要义; 2)理解文中的具体信息; 3)理解文中的概念性含义; 4)实行相关的判断、推理和引申; 5)根据上下文推测生词的词义; 6)理解文章的总体结构以及上下文之间的关系; 7)理解作者的意图、观点或态度; 8)区分论点和论据。 万变不离其宗,在此再次提醒考生如何有重点地实行下一步复习:真题再现,反复精练,摸清思路,再次提升 真题是最应该重视的,近十年的考研英语阅读真题对于备考来说 是非常有价值的,出题形式稳定,掌握出题规律,也是最真的模拟。 各位考生在私下备考时,应侧重从宏观上掌握此题命题走向,微观了 解此题细分题型及应对技巧。其中,考研英语的阅读在整张试卷中所 占的比重,除40分值的传统阅读理解题型,还有10分的新题型,即 七选五、补全段落之类题目,使得考生又对其不得不更加重视。同时,翻译和完形填空题型的解答与阅读水平的高低也有着直接的联系,读 懂是首要,才能更好地实行下一步,翻译或完成句子。所以,提升阅 读水平,在考研英语中绝对不容忽视。 同时,在专项练习中,根据自己实际情况,强项稳住,弱项增强 练习,对于真题中涉及到的每一篇文章,每一道题目,每一个选项, 都要从精读的角度,真正理解和掌握文章的词、句,将答案中的关键

点与文章中、题干中的关键词结合起来,仔细分析,找出其中的联系,学会定位原文,这就是熟悉作者的出题思路和掌握自己的做题思路。 错不怕,重分析,做总结,心态调整好 做题的过程中,难免有些同学偶尔发现自己的错题过多,不要焦 躁与灰心,错题分析的过程中就是总结提升的过程。只要发现问题实 行总结,相信到最后好的结果一定等着我们。考题的难度就是历年真 题的难度,但是只要反复练习,整理思路,持续提升,在自己的水平 范围内拿到更高的分数,就是成功。


TeGt1(20GG) OfallthechangesthathavetaAenplaceinEnglish-languagenewspapers duringthepastquarter-century,perhapsthemostfar-reachinghasbeenthei neGorabledeclineinthescopeandseriousnessoftheirartscoverage. Itisdifficulttothepointofimpossibilityfortheaveragereaderunderthea geoffortytoimagineatimewhenhigh-qualityartscriticismcouldbefoundin mostbig-citynewspapers.Yetaconsiderablenumberofthemostsignificantc ollectionsofcriticismpublishedinthe20thcenturyconsistedinlargepartofne wspaperreviews.ToreadsuchbooAstodayistomarvelatthefactthattheirlear nedcontentswereoncedeemedsuitableforpublicationingeneral-circulatio ndailies. Weareevenfartherremovedfromtheunfocusednewspaperreviewspub lishedinEnglandbetweentheturnofthe20thcenturyandtheeveofWorldWa rII,atatimewhennewsprintwasdirt-cheapandstylishartscriticismwasconsid eredanornamenttothepublicationsinwhichitappeared.Inthosefar-offdays ,itwastaAenforgrantedthatthecriticsofmajorpaperswouldwriteindetailan datlengthabouttheeventstheycovered.Theirswasaseriousbusiness,andev enthosereviewerswhoworetheirlearninglightly,liAeGeorgeBernardShawa ndErnestNewman,couldbetrustedtoAnowwhattheywereabout.Theseme nbelievedinjournalismasacalling,andwereproudtobepublishedinthedaily press.“Sofewauthorshavebrainsenoughorliterarygiftenoughto Aeepthei rownendupinjournali sm,”Newmanwrote,“thatIamtemptedtodefine‘jo urnalism’as‘atermofcontemptappliedbywriterswhoarenotreadtowrite rswhoare.’”


精心整理2011年考研英语(一)阅读真题全文翻译及答案(七绝俗手版) 2011-01-16 21-25CBDBA Text1 ThedecisionoftheNewYorkPhilharmonictohireAlanGilbertasitsnextmusicdirectorhasbeenthet alkoftheclassical-musicworldeversincethesuddenannouncementofhisappointmentin2009.Fort

hemostpart,theresponsehasbeenfavorable,tosaytheleast.“Hooray!Atlast!”wroteAnthonyTo mmasini,asober-sidedclassical-musiccritic。 2009年纽约交响乐团突然宣布聘用艾伦·吉尔伯特为下一位乐曲指挥,从那时起一直到现在,这次任命都成为古典音乐界的话题。退一步说,从总体上看,反应还是不错的。如冷静的古典音乐评论家安东尼·托姆西尼就这样写:从长时间来看,这次委命是英明的。 ,orbootupmycomputeranddownloadstillmorerecordedmusicfromiTunes。 就我的观点而言,我不知道吉尔伯特是不是一位伟大的指挥家,甚至连他是不是算好的指挥家也不敢确定。可以确信的是,虽然他演出了很多令人印象深刻的有趣的乐曲。然而,我不需要访问AveryFisherHall(可能是纽约交响乐团所在地,即吉尔伯特表演之所),或者其他地方才能听到有趣的管弦乐。(作者意思是,不需要听吉尔伯特,到处可以听到有趣的管弦乐。)我所做的,只需要到我的CD棚里去,随便打开我的电脑,从ITUNES上就可下载比那(当指吉尔伯特表演的)多得多的类似的音乐。


考研英语阅读真题及答案 英语阅读关于考研的在历年的真题中,有不少的精华等着大家去发掘。下面是给大家整理的考研英语阅读真题及答案,供大家参阅! 1991年考研英语阅读真题及答案解析Section II Reading Comprehension Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (30 points) Text 1 A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So, as a police officer, I have some urgent things to say to good people. Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime. Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life. It has happened in the area of values. A key ingredient is disappearing, and I think I know what it is: accountability. Accountability isn t hard to define. It means that every


2018考研英语阅读解题思路:细节题 理解文章的具体信息和概念含义是大纲对阅读的明确要求。细节题目的考查在每年的考研英语真题当中都会占到一半以上,考生必须给予足够重视,牢牢掌握细节题的解题方法和思路。我们以2009年的真题为例: The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists and politicians alike. Progress in both area is undoubtedly necessary for the social, political and intellectual development of these and all other societies; however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong. We are fortunate that it is, because building new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations. 31. The author holds that the importance of education in poor countries______. [A] is subject to groundless doubts [B] has fallen victim of bias [C] is conventional downgraded [D] has been overestimated 解析:首先依据题干关键词the importance of education in poor countries定位到第一句The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood,但是仔细研读后发现贫穷国家中正规教育与经济发展之间的关系为经济学家及政治家们普遍误解。,该句只是在说正式教育和经济发展之间的关系,并不是题干所要找的教育的重要性。继续定位到第三句however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong.那种认为教育应该是促进贫穷国家经济快速发展的重要因素之一的传统观点是错误的。句中涉及了和教育的重要性相关的信息,锁定为答案出处。作者说这种传统的观点时错误的,可以理解为作者认为贫困国家不应该把教育看的如此重要,即,现在的贫困国家太过于注重教育了,所以答案选[D] has been overestimated教育被高估了。[C] is conventional downgraded被降级轻视,和原文事实相反。A和B选项所说的怀疑和偏见态度在原文中找不到依据,可排除。

2010年考研英语阅读理解真题第3篇 The Accidental Influentials

2010年考研英语阅读理解真题 Text 3 The Accidental Influentials In his book The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell argues that social epidemics are driven in large part by the action of a tiny minority of special individuals, often called influentials, who are unusually informed, persuasive, or well-connected. 在《引爆流行》这本书中,作者Malcolm Gladwell 认为社会流行潮流在很大程度上是由一小部分特殊个体的行为引起的。这些人就是人们常说的影响者。他们异乎寻常的博闻多识,能言善辩,人脉广泛。 The idea is intuitively compelling, but it doesn't explain how ideas actually spread. 从直觉上讲Malcolm Gladwell的理论似乎很有说服力,但是它没有解释流行观念的实际传播过程。 The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible sounding but largely untested theory called the "two step flow of communication": Information flows from the media to the influentials and from them to everyone else. 人们之所以认为影响者很重要,是源于"两级传播"理论。即信息先从媒体流向影响者,然后再从影响者流向其他人。这一理论看似合理,但未经验证。Marketers have embraced the two-step flow because it suggests that if they can just find and influence the influentials, those selected people will do most of the work for them. 营销人员接受两级传播理论是因为该理论认为如果能够找到影响者,并对他们施加影响。这些精英们就会替他们完成大部分的营销传播工作。 The theory also seems to explain the sudden and unexpected popularity of certain looks, brands, or neighborhoods. 这一理论似乎还可以解释某些装扮、品牌或社区为何会突然受到出乎意料的追捧。


考研英语:阅读理解之八大考点 考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献资料、技术说明和产品介绍等。对所读材料,考生应能: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4篇(总长度约为1600词)文章的内容,从每题所给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,共20小题,每小题2分,共40分 一、

1.提问方式: 1)直接提问(Main idea型) ?The text intends to express the idea that. . . ?We can draw a conclusion from the text that. . . ?What is the passage mainly about? ?The passage is mainly. ?From the passage we learn that. . . ?The passage is mainly about. . . ?he key point of the passage is that. . . ?This passage mainly deals with. . . ?The main point the author makes in the passage is. ?What does this passage mainly discuss? ?The general/ main/ central idea of the passage is. ?The passage is primarily concerned with. . . 2)给文章定标题 The best title for the text may be. . . Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?' A best title for the passage could be. A best title for the passage might be. This passage can be entitled. . . 3)提问写作目的( Purpose型) ?The article is written to explain. ?The purpose of the passage is. ?This passage is intended to… 2.解题技巧: 1) ①.重点读文章的首段开头部分,如果文章中有这样的主旨句, 那么再看四个选择项,如其中一项所含的信息同主旨句中的信息相似,该项即为正确答案 ②.重点读各段的开头和结尾,四个选项中能涵盖文章各段内容的一项, 就是正确答案


Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies. We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered. Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about. These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press. “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism,” Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as ‘a term of contempt applied by writers who are not read to writers who are.’” Unfortunately, these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket. During his lifetime, though, he was also one of England’s foremost classical-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his Autobiography (1947) became a best-seller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists. Is there any chance that Cardus’s criticism will enj oy a revival? The prospect seems remote. Journalistic tastes had changed long before his death, and postmodern readers have little use for the richly upholstered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized. Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat. 21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that __________. [A] arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers. [B] English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews. [C] high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers. [D] young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies. 22. Newspaper reviews in England before World War II were characterized by __________. [A] free themes.[B] casual style. [C] elaborate layout. [D] radical viewpoints. 23. Which of the following would Shaw and Newman most probably agree on? [A] It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals. [B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists. [C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism. [D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing. 24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs? [A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today. [B] His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute. [C] His style caters largely to modern specialists. [D] His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition. 25. What would be the best title for the text? [A] Newspapers of the Good Old Days [B] The Lost Horizon in Newspapers [C] Mournful Decline of Journalism [D] Prominent Critics in Memory


2019考研英语阅读理解常见题型总结 来源:智阅网 考研英语阅读理解虽然难度不小,但是还是有规律可循。掌握好了规律,可以有效提高我们的复习效率和复习成绩。所以,就来说说阅读理解的常见题型有哪些。 1.主旨大意题。 这类题实质考察考生对中心思想的理解,难度不高,具体应对技巧如下: A.关注各段落首句,尤其是第一段首句,这与西方人思维相关,他们习惯开门见山表达出自己的观点,然后广泛引用材料去论述。因此,一般而言首段的首句构成文章的中心句,而各段的首句构成各段的中心。 B.关注首段末句。有些作者习惯先列出一些传统的观点或先对一些具体现象进行说明,然后提出与之不同的观点或在结尾对现象进行总结,在接下来的段落中继续论述。对于这类文章,如果作者没有提出不同的观点,则最后总结性语句为文章中心,一旦提出不同或完全对立的观点,又在后文中加以论述,则作者提出的新观点为文章中心;如果新老观点均是对同一个结果的论述,那么该论述的结论为文章中心。 C.当不能直接找出主题句时,通常文章中作者给予叙述较多或强调较多的某一事物或某一观点即文章的中心。在题目作答时,可采用中心词定位法,排除不含中心词的选项,对比有中心词的选项,选择最接近中心的选项。 D.如果对选项仍有异议,可把有异议的选项逐个带入文章中,看哪个能更好的囊括文章中心。这是一个检验的过程。 2.事实细节题。 此类题占阅读总分40分中的50%左右,因此十分重要。注意,这类问题与推理性问题截然相反,都可以从原文中找到答案,只不过

为了迷惑考生,常常将原文进行改写,换一种说法。所以,照抄原文,一字不改的不一定就是答案,而与原文意思相同的,才是正确的。其基本应对技巧如下: A.基本原则是以中心为导向,忠实原文为基础,千万不可主观臆断,最好的方法是回到原文的出题点进行揣摩。 B.必须看清题目,尤其是当题目就某一个具体细节并且脱离文章中心的提问。一般来说,细节问题绝大部分是围绕文章中心进行出题,但不排除文中就一些具体的,因果互动现象的内容提问。 3.词汇短语题。 其分值不高,考察范围可分为两类。第一,纲内词汇词义的引申。考察考生对所熟悉的词汇在特定语境下正确含义的理解。一般来说,该词的本意不是解,但是其引申义上仍可以找到本意的影子。第二,纲外词汇词义的推断。 4.推断性问题。 此类题大概占20%左右的分值,总体难度不大,是考生的必得分点。中心导向依然是解题的宏观主线,其关键是忠实原文的推断。其应对策略和事实细节题类似,考生在该题型上的主要失误在于脱离文章主观臆断造成的。 5.语气态度题。 对作者态度的判断是构成阅读理解的两条宏观主线之一。因此,正确辨明作者对所叙述事物的态度,不仅关系到本类题型的解答,也潜在影响到其他问题的正确解答。这类题目主要从作者文中描述事物所用到的形容词,副词,动词等表达感情色彩的词汇入手。当选项不能确定时,再回到原文中找关键词。对这类题型,分清褒贬一般不难,是考生的必得分点。 我们还可以做做何老师的2019《考研英语阅读思路解析》,有助于我们更好地理解阅读理解这个题型,并且还能培养好应试心理。


Text 1(2010) Of all the changes that have taken place in English-language newspapers during the past quarter-century, perhaps the most far-reaching has been the inexorable decline in the scope and seriousness of their arts coverage. It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers. Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews. To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies. We are even farther removed from the unfocused newspaper reviews published in England between the turn of the 20th century and the eve of World War II, at a time when newsprint was dirt-cheap and stylish arts criticism was considered an ornament to the publications in which it appeared. In those far-off days, it was taken for granted that the critics of major papers would write in detail and at length about the events they covered. Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about. These men believed in journalism as a calling, and were proud to be published in the daily press. “So few authors have brains enough or literary gift enough to keep their own end up in journalism, Newman wrote, “that I am tempted to define ‘journalism’ as ‘a term of contempt applied by writers who are writers who are.’” Unfortunately, these critics are virtually forgotten. Neville Cardus, who wrote for the Manchester Guardian from 1917 until shortly before his death in 1975, is now known solely as a writer of essays on the game of cricket. During his foremost classical-music critics, a stylist so widely admired that his lifetime, though, he was also one of England’s Autobiography (1947) became a best-seller. He was knighted in 1967, the first music critic to be so honored. Yet only one of his books is now in print, and his vast body of writings on music is unknown save to specialists. oy a revival? The prospect seems remote. Journalistic tastes had Is there any chance that Cardus’s criticism will enj changed long before his death, and postmodern readers have little use for the richly upholstered Vicwardian prose in which he specialized. Moreover, the amateur tradition in music criticism has been in headlong retreat. 21. It is indicated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 that __________. [A] arts criticism has disappeared from big-city newspapers. [B] English-language newspapers used to carry more arts reviews. [C] high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers. [D] young readers doubt the suitability of criticism on dailies. 22. Newspaper reviews in England before World War II were characterized by __________. [A] free themes.[B] casual style. [C] elaborate layout. [D] radical viewpoints. 23. Which of the following would Shaw and Newman most probably agree on? [A] It is writers' duty to fulfill journalistic goals. [B] It is contemptible for writers to be journalists. [C] Writers are likely to be tempted into journalism. [D] Not all writers are capable of journalistic writing. 24. What can be learned about Cardus according to the last two paragraphs? [A] His music criticism may not appeal to readers today. [B] His reputation as a music critic has long been in dispute. [C] His style caters largely to modern specialists. [D] His writings fail to follow the amateur tradition. 25. What would be the best title for the text? [A] Newspapers of the Good Old Days [B] The Lost Horizon in Newspapers [C] Mournful Decline of Journalism [D] Prominent Critics in Memory

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