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1、清教徒采用的文学体裁:A、narratives 日记B、journals 游记

★2、清教徒的想法:①Puritans want to make up pure their religious beliefs and practices.净化信仰和行为方式②wish to restore simplicity to church services and the authority of the Bible to theology.重建教堂,提供简单服务,建立神圣地位③look upon themselves as a chosen people, and it follow logically that anyone who challenged their way of life is opposing God’s will and is not to be accepted.认为自己是上帝选民,对他们的生活有异议就是反对上帝。④Puritan opposition to

pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated.反对对快乐和艺术的追求到了十分荒唐的地步。⑤religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God.强调上帝严厉的一面,忽视上帝仁慈的一面。

3、典型的清教徒:John Cotton and Roger Williams

4、英国最早移民到美国的诗人:Anne Bradstreet

5、在殖民时期最好的清教徒诗人:the best of Puritan poets is Edward Taylor.

1、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明.弗兰克林

①代表作:“Poor Richard’s Almanac”穷人理查德的年鉴annual collection of proverbs 流行谚语集

It soon became the most popular book of its kind, larg ely because of Franklin’s shrewd humor, and first spread his reputation. 机智、幽默、风趣成为最畅销的书籍,弗兰克林的成名作。

②established America’s first circulating library, founded the college—University of Pennsylvania. 建立了美国第一个可租借的图书馆,还创办了一所大学—就是现在的宾夕法尼亚大学。

As an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor, sarcastic. 作为作家具有非凡的才能,表达简洁明了,幽默,讽刺天才。


2、Thomas Paine 托马斯.佩因“Great Commoner of Mankind” 最平凡的人

①famous pamphlet “Common Sense”著名的政治小册子《常识》,it boldly advocated a “Declaration

for Independence”, and brought the separatist agitation to a crisis. 拥护“独立宣言”,使分裂活动发展成最后危机。

②“American Crisis”《美国危机》,signed “Common Sense”.署名为“常识”.(P31,第一段看一下)

3、Thomas Jefferson 托马斯.杰弗逊

①drafted the Declaration of Independence. 起草了独立宣言。

4、Philip Freneau 菲利浦.弗瑞诺poet and political journalist 诗人和政治方面的新闻记者。

①perhaps the most outstanding writer of the post-Revolutionary period.可能是革命战争后期最杰出的作家。


1、美国文学特点:pluralistic多元化,manifestations表现形式: Varied多样, Individualistic个人主


3、romanticism的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics; moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that the natural world was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大部分是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。


①as a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical nor systematized. It exalted

feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom. 不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。

②they spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society.呼吁文化复


③they believed in the transcendence of “Oversoul,” an all-pervading power for goodness from

which all things come and of which all things are a part.相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。

⑤代表人物:Emerson爱默生,believed that man was a part of absolute good。人性本善

Thoreau 梭罗,beheld divinity in the “unspotted innocence” of nature. 自然才是神圣的“洁白无瑕”

5、Literary forms文学形式:Novels, short stories, and poems replaced sermons and manifestos as

America’s principal literary forms.长篇小说、短篇故事和诗歌取代说教类及宣言类作品成为美国主要的文学形式。

6、Imaginative literature想象类文学

7、the wilderness came to function almost as a dramatic character that illustrated moral law.戏剧化特色的野性讽喻了时代的道德准则。

8、The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature. 逃离社会,回到自然成为了美国文学永恒的创作习惯。

9、At mid-century a cultural reawakening brought a “flowering of New England.” Led by Hawthorne, Emerson, and Thoreau. New England →Transcendentalism, 从新英格兰文学到超验主义。


1、Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文the first great belletrist 第一个纯文学作家,划线部分为三个主要contribution

①the first great prose stylist of American romanticism. 美国第一位浪漫主义散文文体作家

②“Sketch Book”《见闻札记》, the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile


③Irving restored the waning Gothic romances which Poe soon infused with psychological


④“Legends of the Conquest of Spain”《西班牙征服记》

2、James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯.芬尼莫.库珀

①contribution: launched two kinds of immensely popular stories →the sea adventure tale and

the frontier saga 开创了两种流传极广的小说体裁,边疆传奇小说和海上传奇小说。

②“Leatherstocking Tales”《皮袜子故事集》,包括“The Deerslayer”《杀鹿者》、“The Last of

the Mohicans”《最后的莫希干人》、“The Pathfinder”《探路人》、“The Pioneers”《拓荒者》、“The Prairie”《大草原》, regard as “the nearest approach yet to an American epic.”


③the central figure in the novels, Natty Bumppo. 小说的中心人物,纳蒂.班波

3、William Cullen Bryant 威廉.卡伦.布莱恩特poet 诗人

①as Irving had shown that American prose had cone of age, so Bryant demonstrated to European

readers that American poetry was ready to demand serious attention.当欧文预示美国散文时代的到来时,布莱恩特向欧洲读者证实了美国的诗歌达到相当高的水平。

②He was the first American to gain the stature of a major poet.第一个获得美国主要诗人称号的作家。

③“To a Waterfowl”《致水鸟》the most perfect brief poem in the language. 用美国英语写作的最


4、Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.阿伦.坡

①show his true talents as an editor, poet, literary critic. 编辑、诗人、文学评论家。

②“The Fall of the House of Usher”《鄂谢府崩溃记》、“The Raven”《乌鸦》the title poem of

a collection, “Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque”《述异集》first collection of short

stories. 第一部短篇小说集。

③often use grotesque or fantastic events.擅长描写哥特式和幻想类的小说。

5、Ralph Waldo Emersion 拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生

①be responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England, 是把超验主义引入新英格兰的先驱。

②Emerson believed above all in individualism个人主义, independence of mind思想独立, and


③作品:“Nature”《论自然》、“Essays”《随笔录》、“The American Scholar”《美国学者》,

our intellectual Declaration of Independence.我们知识分子的独立宣言。

④his most important works are “Representative Men”《代表》and “English Traits”《英国人》、


6、Henry David Thoreau 亨利.戴维.梭罗

①Emerson’s truest disciple. Put into practice many of Emerson’s theories 爱默生最忠实的信徒,把


②“In Walden”《沃尔登》成名作。“Civil Disobedience”《平民反抗》essay 随笔。非暴力不合作

③教义:I would not have anyone adopt my mode of living, each should find out his own way, not

his neighbo r’s or his parents. 我不希望人们接受我的生活模式,每一个都应该发现自己的生活方式,不是邻居的,也不是他父母的。

★7、Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳萨尼尔.霍桑

①“The House of the Seven Gables”七尖角阁房,是霍桑著名神秘小说中的一个房屋名称。

②he reveals the depth of his concern with the dark side of Puritanism, the harshness and the


④“Mosses from an Old Manse”《古厦青苔》、“The Marble Faun”《玉石神像》

⑤特点⑴unique gift was for the creation of strongly symbolic stories which touch the deepest roots

of man’s moral nature. 独特才能主要表现在他能够通过一些极具象征意义的故事来触摸人类灵


⑵his ability to create vivid and symbolic images that embody great moral questions appears

strongly in his short stories. 短篇小说里,通过活生生、极具有象征意义的想象来体现人类社会


⑶to make a story exist in its own right but at the same time appear as a moral symbol.杰出之处



⑥“The Scarlet Letter”《红字》

(1)女主角honest, calmly face fault 诚实,坦然的面对罪过。

(2)女主角的自我成长和自我救赎的过程。Ego growth and redeem by her own of process

⑦“The Scarlet Letter”analysis分析:it not a praise of a Hester sinning, but a hymn on the moral

growth of the woman when sinned against. Young Hester borders on being licentious. Her drive is sexual. She does her best to keep her hold on the magic chain humanity. Her life eventually acquires a real significance when she reestablishes a meaningful relationship with her fellowmen Symbolic of her moral development is the gradual imperceptible change with the scarlet letter undergoes in meaning. At first it is a token of shame, “Adultery” but then the genuine sympathy an d help Hester offered to her fellow villagers’ changes it to “Able”. Later in the story, the letter A appears in the sky, signifying “Angel”. There is reason to agree with the critical observation that A may represent Adamic, or prehistoric, an archetypal vice suggestive of “original sin,” Dimmesdale, on the other hand, banishes himself form society.

Deeply preoccupied with himself, he lives a stranger among his admirers. The result is that, whereas Hester is able to reconstruct her life and win a moral victory, Dimmesdale undergoes the tragic experience of physical and spiritual disintegration. Between him and Hester they point to a moral as Hawthorne may intend them to do, that the best policy for man is to be true, honest, and ever ready to show one’s wor st to the outside world.

★8、Herman Melville 赫尔曼.麦尔维尔

①“Moby Dick”《白鲸》,a tremendous chronicle of whaling voyage in pursuit of a seemingly

supernatural white whale.主要讲述了一个为追捕一只想象中的神秘白鲸的漫长海上故事。②The book is steeped in symbolism. 本书达到了象征主义手法的创作高峰。③主人公:Ishmael,取自圣经。④在书中说:to write a mighty book you must have a mighty theme. 写一部宏大的著作,必须有一个宏大的主题。⑤故事人物:Captain Ahab.船长阿哈比;Queequeg,捕鲸人奎因奎格,was a friendly person;⑥the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and its awesome, sometimes merciless forces. The fitting symbol for his theme was the “gliding great demon of the seas of life.”阿哈比舰长和各种危险之间的激烈斗争,他同那些强大的、神秘的自然展开斗争,他们令人毛骨悚然,有时还冷酷无情。他把那只大白鲸贴切的比喻为“生命海洋中滑行的恶魔”。

⑦“Moby Dick”:one of the major themes in Melville is alienation, which he sensed existing in the

life of his time on different levels, between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. Captain Ahab seems to be the best illustration of it all. The voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience.” He had Ahab topmost in his mind. In a sense Ahab embodies all of the evil he once consigned to Moby Dick.

9、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 亨利.沃兹沃思.朗费罗poet 诗人

①it would be hard, also, to overestimate the importance of his anthology “The Poets and Poetry

of Europe”. His own poetry became a means of teaching readers of his day something of the possible range of poetic subject matter and techniques, ancient, medieval, and modern. 《欧洲诗人及诗》不能把这部作品估计过高。他自己的诗歌成为了他教学的材料,在书中他讲述了诗的主题和一些写作技巧。从古代的,中世纪的一直到现代的诗歌,他都一一作了阐述。

②殊荣:he became the only American to be honored with a bust in the Poet’s corner of Westminster




1、镀金时代:The Gilded Age, an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and buoyant hope. 无节制、走极端,倒退和进步、贫困和富有并存,既令人沮丧又让人有希望的时代。

2、Realism:(现实主义)appeared in the United States in the literature of local color, an amalgam

of romantic plots and realistic descriptions of things was immediately observable. the

dialects, customs, sights.现实主义有浓厚的美国本土特色,是浪漫主义故事情节和现实主义描写相结合的产物:美国风味的方言、风俗、各种观点

3、自然主义:naturalism, a new and harsher realism, 新型的更为冷峻的现实主义,产生悲观的流派,

产生于the end of the century 十九世纪末,因为Perception of society’s disorders 对社会无序的感知。

Presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment and heredity. 设法尽力客观真实地展现出受环境与出身局限的下层人民和各种经济阶层人物的真正生活。

The naturalists emphasized that the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment, the religious “truths”

were illusory, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death. 强调世界的非道德性,人们没有意志的自由,宗教上的真理是虚幻的,现实生活是痛苦的。Deterministic 决定论,宿命的,

代表作家:Jack London 杰克.伦敦, Theodore Dreiser 西奥多.德莱塞.


1、Walt Whitman 沃尔特.惠特曼

①★free verse (自由诗体) without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. 无固定节奏,无有规律


②“Leaves of Grass”草叶集1870 the first genuine epic poem. 美国历史上第一部真正的史诗

Poem’s 特点:most of the poems in “Leaves of Grass”are about man and nature.

③关注点:In his poetry, he combined the ideal of democratic common man and that of the

rugged individual

2、Emily Dickinson 爱米丽.狄金森

①作品:“I died for Beauty” 我为美而死(诗歌)Beauty / Truth / Goodness are ultimate(终

极) the same

“Because I could not stop for Death”我不能等候死神Theme:死亡是实现永恒Immortality的途径

②特点:her poetry in unique and unconventional in its own way. Her poems have no titles, hence

are always quoted by their first lines.

3、Harriet Beecher Stowe 哈丽雅特.比彻.斯托小说家only one female prose writer(散文作家) in 19th


代表作:“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”汤姆叔叔的小屋关注农奴制度Pay attention to serf's system

4、Mark Twain 马克.吐温

①美国现实主义文学的代表作“Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”哈克贝里.费恩历险记(马克最有


②特点:local colorist 地方特色:a unique variation of American literary realism, it refers to the

particular concern about the local character of a region.

③代表作:“The Gilded Age”70-90年代,镀金时代,贫富分化,财富积累。

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”用词简单、幽默、使用当地语言编写

“Life on the Mississippi”

5、O. Henry 欧.亨利short story 短篇小说

①特点:tell about the lives of poor people in New York关注下层人; usually short简单; plots are

exceedingly clever and interesting,humor abounds情节极度聪明有趣并富于幽默; the

end is always surprising结尾意外; contain a great deal of slang and colloquial


②代表作:“The Four Million”《四百万》小说集、“The Gift of the Magi”《麦琪的礼物》单


★6、Henry James 亨利.詹姆斯novelist小说家;Literature theoretician 文学理论家,从小受欧洲教育

①心理现实主义的开创者:the founder of psychological realism. The literary career of him is

generally divided into three periods, in the first periods, James took great interest in

international theme; exemplify the mature and formidable style of a third literary period, which critics have come to praise as “The Major Phase”.

②特点:(1)deeply into the individual psychology of his characters, writing in a rich and intricate

style that supported his intense scrutiny of complex human experience.深刻探讨人物人


(2)1st person and 3rd person narration,第一和第三人称的叙述

(3)omniscient 全视角是不真实的;

③创作原则:The art of Fiction小说的艺术;art vs. life, brings the meaning of life;

④贡献contribution:in his critical commentaries, he made major contributions to the art of

fiction itself, helping to transform the novel from its alliance with journalism and

romantic story-telling into an art from of penetrating analysis of individuals confronting

society, chronicles of the psychological perceptions that James himself defined as the

highest from of experience. 詹姆斯把小说从新闻形式和浪漫故事转变成为了对个人在社会大环



⑤代表作:“The American”、“Daisy Miller”、“The Portrait of a Lady”(早期最好的作品)

⑥The name of the heroine “The Portrait of a Lady” is Isabel Acher. The novel is

representative of the best of James’ mature work. The plot conc erns the courtship,

marriage, and development of the character of Isabel Archer, a young American girl who has been left penniless by the death of her father. The intricate novel of psychological and moral interrelationships is in one sense another treatment of the Jamesian theme of the American in conflict with European culture and in another sense the most personal of his novels, an intimate picture of a woman’s soul presented with masterly psychological


7、Jack London 杰克.伦敦

①代表作:“The People of the Abyss”、“The Call of the Wild”、“The Sea Wolf”、

“Martin Eden”(autobiographical novel自传体小说)

②while embracing the socialism of Marx, London also believed in the triumph of the strongest

individuals. This contradiction is most vividly projected in the patently autobiographical novel.

8、Theodore Dreiser 西奥多.德莱塞

①代表作:“Sister Carrie”《嘉莉妹妹》the first novel, which traces the material rise of Carrie

Meeber and the tragic decline of G. W. Hurstwood.

“The Financier”、“The Titan”、“The Stoic”Trilogy of Desire 欲望三部曲

②“An American Tragedy”《美国悲剧》,The identification of potency with money is at the heart

of Dreiser’s greatest and most successful novel,德莱塞最恢宏、最成功的小说,表达了金钱万能的主题。



1、Imagism 意象派:is a poetic movement of England and the United States, flourished from

1909-1917. Its credo, expressed in Some Imagist Poets, included the use of the language of common speech, project matter, the evocation of images in hard, clear poetry, and


2、Lost Generation:迷惘的一代,Writers of the first postwar era self-consciously acknowledged that

they were a “Lost Generation,” devoid of faith and alienated from a civilization. It describes the Americans who remained in Paris as a colony of “expatriates” or exiles. It describes the writers like Hemingway who lived in semipoverty. It describes the Americans who returned to their native land with an intense awareness of living in an unfamiliar changing world.

3、Modernism现代主义:is loosely a synonym of anything contemporary. Strictly, especially in

literary criticism, which began in the late 19th century and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. They pay more attention to the psychic time than the chronological one.

4、现代主义的标志:T. S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”, the most significant American poem of the

twentieth century, helped to establish a modern tradition of literature rich with learning and allusive thought.

5、典型的迷惘一代:F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Great Gatsby” 《了不起的盖茨比》novel

Ernest Hemingway “The Sun Also Rises”《太阳照样升起》“A Farwell to Arms”《告别了,武器》

William Faulkner “The Sound and the Fury” 《喧嚣与骚动》

6、The Jazz Age(享乐时代):when New Orleans musicians moved “up the river” to Chicago, and the

theatre of New York’s Harlem pulsed with the music that had becom e a symbol of the times.

Fitzgerald portrays the Jazz Age as a generation of “the beautiful and damned”, drowning in their pleasures.


1、Ezra Pound 埃兹拉.庞德诗人

①Imagism 意象派的代表人物。Pound and Eliot became the early leaders in restoring to poetry

the use of literary reference as an imaginative instrument. 庞德和爱略特都是运用意象主义作为文学表现手法的早期诗人。

②major work of poetry is the long poem called “The Cantos”

2、Robert Frost 罗伯特.弗洛斯特自然主义诗人poet

①诗歌特点和内容:(1)rejected the revolutionary poetic principles of his contemporaries,

choosing instead “the old-fashioned way to be new.” He employed the plain speech of rural New Englanders and preferred the short, traditional forms of lyric and narrative.

(2)He saw nature as a storehouse of analogy and symbol.

(3)His concern with nature reflected deep moral uncertainties, and his poetry, for all its

apparent simplicity, often probes mysteries of darkness and irrationality in the bleak and chaotic landscapes of an indifferent universe where men stand alone, unaided and


②he become a national bard美国民族诗人的翘首, win four Pulitzer Prizes获得了四次普利兹奖.

③“The Road Not Taken”、“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”向往大自然,想


★4、Thomas Stearns Eliot 托马斯.斯特恩斯.爱略特现代主义代言人

①多重身份:poet诗人, critic评论家, playwright剧作家


“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”poems,holds its place in the development of Eliot’s poetry as a whole.

“Tradition and the Individual Talent”essay,随笔《传统和个人天才》, the earliest statement of his aesthetics第一次阐释了自己的审美观点. provided a useful instrument for modern


“The Waste Land”《荒原》one of the major works of modern literature. Use a new form —the orchestration of related themes in successive movement. 新的文学形式即相关的主题


“Four Quartets”《四个四重奏》poem

“Murder in the Cathedral”,poetic tragedy, 诗歌悲诗, a drama(戏剧) of impressive spiritual power.极富感染力的戏剧

5、F. Scott Fitzgerald F.司各特.菲茨杰拉德novelist 小说家

作品:“This Side of Paradise”《人间天堂》,the first novel. “The Great Gatsby”《了不起的盖茨比》novel “Tender Is the Night”《夜色温柔》novel

6、Ernest Hemingway 厄恩斯特.海明威novelist 小说家

①写作特点:(1)he developed a spare, tight, reportorial prose based on simply sentence

structure and using a restricted vocabulary, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone.推动了报告文学的发展,认为报告文学句子结构要简单,用语要节制,想象要简练,要采用不受感情影响的、戏剧化的语调。

(2) His primary concern was an individual’s “moment of truth,” and his fascination with the threat

of physical, emotional, of psychic death is reflected in his lifelong preoccupation with stories of war.主题强调换个体“真理的瞬时性”,痴迷于描写肉体情感方面面临的威胁和心灵死亡等主题。

(3) man’s greatest achievement is to show grace under pressure作品主题, or purity of line

through the maximum of exposure最大限度地挖掘自己使自己成为一个纯粹的人.

②代表作:“The Sun Also Rises”Hemi ngway became the spokesman for “a lost generation”

“A Farewell to Arms”、“For Whom the Bell Tolls”、“The Old Man and the Sea”

7、John Steinbeck 约翰.斯坦贝克

①the foremost novelist of the American Depression.美国大萧条时期最杰出的小说家。

②代表作:“Of Mice and Men”《人鼠之间》portrayed the tragic friendship between two migrant

workers ; “The Grapes of Wrath”《愤怒的葡萄》regarded as masterpiece 视为杰作。

8、William Faulkner 威廉.福克纳

①作品的主题:the universal theme of “the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself”


②作品:“The Sound and the Fury”《喧嚣与骚动》成名作、“Absalom, Absalom!”、“Go Down,


③narrative method叙述方法:1、stream of consciousness 意识流

2、multiple point of view, narrator多角度,多个叙述者


形容风景优美的句子 1、夏是四季中最鼎盛的时期》他热情奔放,轰轰冽冽,显示着生命的力量与魅力。即使在即将逝去的那一瞬,夏也要掷出平生最浓烈,最朴素的颜色,每一滴绿色都掺透和生命的精华。 2、知了不住地在枝头发着令人烦躁地叫声,像是在替烈日呐喊助威。 3、空中的雪仍旧如三月的粉蝶儿,舞个不停。在纷纷坠落的雪片中还夹着细如玉屑的小雪末。像这样有雪花飘舞的诗情画意,而无雪后寒气逼人的苦楚,除了在这冬暮春初之时,别的时节是寻不着的。 4、风儿带着微微的暖意吹着,时时送来布谷鸟的叫声,它在告诉我们:春已归去。 5、水牛早就躲到了池塘里,整个身子埋在了池水中,只露出一个头在水面上透气。 6、原先白茫茫的草地,现在是绿油油的一片,小草换了一件衣裳。一阵微风吹过,小草随风摇曳,像是在做广播体操,原先那结了层厚厚的冰的小河,已经像以前一样,欢乐地流淌着,河上,几只可爱的小鸭正在欢乐地嬉戏着,还时不时的叫几声。 7、烈日当空,道路两旁,成熟的谷物在热得弯下腰,低着头。 8、炎热的盛夏,土地非常干渴,水刚一沾着泥土,就发出吱吱的声响,又细碎又清晰,一点儿也不流淌,马上就被吸干了,在须根的周围留下一小圈淡淡的影子。眼前那影子很快地淡下去,一会儿就只剩下一点儿差不多不能辨认的痕迹。 9、初夏时节,各色野花都开了,红的、紫的、粉的、黄的,像绣在一块绿色大地毯上的灿烂斑点;成群的蜜蜂在花从中忙碌着,吸着花蕊,辛勤地飞来飞去。 10、站在这里一看,真怪,山简直变了样,它们的形状与在平原或半山望上来大不相同,它们变得十分层叠、杂乱,雄伟而奇特。往上仰望,山就是天,天也是山,前后左右尽是山,好像你的鼻子都可随时触到山。 11、七月,透蓝的天空,悬着火球似的太阳,云彩好似被太阳烧化了,也消失得无影无踪。 12、雨,像银灰色黏湿的蛛丝,织成一片轻柔的网,网住了整个秋的世界。天也是暗沉沉的,像古老的住宅里缠满着蛛丝网的屋顶。那堆在天上的灰白色的云片,就像屋顶上剥落的白粉。在这古旧的屋顶的笼罩下,一切都是异常的沉闷。园子里绿翳翳的石榴、桑树、葡萄藤,都不过代表着过去盛夏的繁荣,现在已成了古罗马建筑的遗迹一样,在萧萧的雨声中瑟缩不宁,回忆着光荣的过去。草色已经转入忧郁的苍黄,地下找不出一点新鲜的花朵;宿舍墙外一带种的娇嫩的洋水仙,垂了头,含着满眼的泪珠,在那里叹息它们的薄命,才过了两天的晴美的好日子又遇到这样霉气薰薰的雨天。只有墙角的桂花,枝头已经缀着几个黄金一


学校特色文化建设的几点思考 淮安市新安小学蒋寿桐 杨叔子院士曾经说过:“一个国家,一个民族,如果没有先进的科技,一打就垮;如果没有先进的文化,则不打自垮”。文化是一个国家一个民族的精神和灵魂,抽出文化这根神经,一个国家、一个民族、一所学校都将成为“植物人”。 文化不只是一个国家、民族的灵魂,也是一所学校的灵魂。要认识一所学校,要认识他的文化,要研究一所学校,也要研究他的文化。学校文化就是学校特色,就是学校个性,就是学校品牌,就是让你记住哪个学校的东西。 下面我就从学校文化建设这个角度谈几点个人的理解,不妥敬请批评指正。 一、学校历史和传统是学校文化的生长点,要很好的传承和创新。 不研究校史的校长不是一位称职的校长。校长要了解校史、阅读校史、研究校史、走进校史、宣传校史。 淮安市新安小学是伟大的人民教育家陶行知先生创办的一所实验性学校,也是著名的少儿革命团体——“新安旅行团”的母校。 1929年6月6日,陶行知先生在淮安河下的莲花街创办了新安小学,并亲自担任校长;1930年春,陶行知委派他的学生汪达之来到新安小学接替他任校长;同时委派晓庄师范的学生孙铭勋同志创办了新安幼稚园。 新安小学从创办之日起,就坚持实践陶行知先生“生活教育”的思想,坚持“教学做合一”,强调手脑并用,注重实践,大力倡导教育与生产劳动的结合。当年新安小学老师没有薪水,经费非常困难,他们宁愿把自己唯一的大衣拿到当铺去当,坚持艰苦办学。陶行知先生曾经题写“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的对联,高度赞扬新安小学教师无私奉献的精神。 1935年,新安小学的14名学生,在校长汪达之的带领下,组成了闻名中外的“新安旅行团”,修学旅行全国,宣传抗日救亡。他们历时十七年,行程五万余里,足迹遍及全国二十二个省、市、区,为中国人民的解放事业做出了不朽的贡献,谱写了中国少儿革命史的壮丽篇章。


英美文化概况之英国篇 英国早期人文历史常识 (一) 英国东邻北海,西、北面对大西洋,南面是英吉利海峡(the English Channel),与法国隔海相望。 地理上,这里被称为“不列颠群岛”(British Isles),由大不列颠岛(Great Britain)和爱尔兰岛(Ireland)这两大岛屿,以及其它几百个小岛组成。 大不列颠岛上分布着英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士(England,Scotland and Wales)三个区域,而爱尔兰岛则分成北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国(Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland)两块。 政治上,大不列颠和北爱尔兰共同组成联合王国(the United Kingdom),而爱尔兰共和国则是独立于联合王国而存在的独立的国家。我们通常所说的英国,则是指联合王国。 联合王国的首都是伦敦(London);而爱尔兰共和国的首都是都柏林(Dublin)。 大不列颠岛在政治上被划分成英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士三个区域,其中英格兰面积最大、人口最多,总的来说也最为富裕。因此很多人通常会用“英格兰人”(English)指代“不列颠人”(British),这点当然会引起苏格兰人和威尔士人(Scots and Welsh)的不满。不列颠在大约一百年前曾统治着世界上四分之一的人口和土地,其殖民地遍布全球各大洲。二战之后,随着不列颠国力衰退,各殖民地纷纷独立,不列颠帝国(the British Empire)在1931年起被英联邦所取代。

英联邦(the Commonwealth of Nations)是由英国和已经独立的前英国殖民地或附 属国组成的联合体。英国作为英联邦元首并无政治实权;各国在一定协议上相互进行政治、主要是经济方面的磋商和合作;各成员国也有权利选择退出英联邦。 (二) 英国地势西北高、东南低。其西北地区主要地形是高原;而东部和东南部则主要是低地,他们是整个欧洲平原(the Great European Plain)的组成部分。 英格兰占据了大不列颠南面的最大部分土地,那里地势平缓,多为平原、丘陵和沼泽地。特别是英格兰东部沿海地区,土地肥沃,适于耕种。 苏格兰多为山地、湖泊和岛屿,它拥有三大自然区:北部高地,中部低地以及南部山陵。不列颠最高峰尼维斯峰(Ben Nevis)便座落于此,高1,343米。威尔士亦是多山地区,6%的土地被森林覆盖,大部分村庄以放牧为主。 北爱尔兰北部为多岩石、荒蛮的海岸,曲折蜿蜒。其东北部多为高地,东南部为山区,而中部则是低浅的盆地。 不列颠是个岛屿国家,四面环海,它隔着英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆遥遥相望。位处英法两国之间的英吉利海峡最窄之处被称作多佛海峡(Straits of Dover),仅有33公里宽度。1985年英国政府和法国政府决定在多佛海峡处修建海峡隧道。 总长153公里的隧道于1994年五月竣工通车,使得欧洲公路网得以连成一体,被誉为人类工程史上的一个伟业。 英国河流分布细密。塞文河(the Severn)是英国第一大河流,长338公里,它同西


英美文化差异 英国人和美国人虽然说着相同的语言,却有着许多完全不同的处事态度与生活习惯。在很多生活细节上,你一眼就能区分出高冷的英国人和不拘小节的美国人。 一、语言 语言与文化的关系相当密切。著名美国翻译理论家奈达在描述语言与文 化的关系时说:“语言永远是文化的一个组成部分,任何文章所表达的意思都 直接或间接地与所属文化相关联。归根结底,离开了相关文化,词汇就失去 了意义。文化的不同自然而然意味着语言的不同……”由此可见,文化差异包 括语言差异。 英国英语和美国英语并不是两种独立的语言。众所周知,美国是由英国 在北美的殖民地摆脱英国殖民统治而独立的国家,英语也是被移民美国的英 国人带去的。在过去的几百年时间里,英国英语和美国英语都发生了很大变化,他们的发展各不相同,但是两者之间的差异并不大。这些差异体现在发音、拼写、词汇等方面。 正如每个地方有自己的方言一样,英美两国由于地理位置相距甚远,发 音规律各不相同。这也正是为什么人们把英语发音归为英音和美音两类。在 拼写上,美国英语较之英国英语更简洁,更接近发音,如color(美)/colour(英),realize(美)/realise(英),theater(美)/theatre(英),prolog(美)/prologue(英)。英美语 言在词汇方面的差异体现在英国人和美国人在表达同样的意思时选词倾向不同,如flat(英) /apartment(美),lift(英)/elevator(美),rubber(英)/eraser(美),postbox(英)/mailbox(美),film(英)/movie(美)。 二、人口 英美两国同为移民国家,但人口组成各不相同。 英国是由历史上不同时期从欧洲入侵英国的不同人种组成,包括伊比利 亚人(Iberians)、凯尔特人(Celts)、古罗马人(Romans)、盎格鲁——撒克逊人(Anglo—Saxons)、北欧人(Danes)、诺曼人(Normans)。其中入侵英国的日尔曼


英美文化考试范围(加强版) 题型 一、选择题55分二、填空题15分三、简答题 20分(4问)四、问答题 10分(2选1)具体范围 一、选择题第1、3、5、10章课后选择题 补充:Unit 1 1. The ancestors of the Welsh are ___A__. A. the Celts B. the Romans C. the Angles D. the Normans 2. Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern English race?A A. the Viking Danes B. the Angles C. the Saxons D. the Jutes 3. The historical Arthur is believed by most historians as a _A__ warrior. A. Celtic B Anglo C Saxon D Norman 4. For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n) ___B___-speaking aristocracy. A. English B. French C. German D. Gaelic Unit 2 1. One of the following took place during the Elizabethan age:B A. the making of the Magna Carta B. the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy C. the rule of Alfred the Great D. the defeat of King Harold by France 2. In England, the monarch, D , declared that the Pope was no longer head of the Church of England. A. Bloody Mary C. King Henry V B. Queen Elizabeth I. D. King Henry VIII 3. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age. Which of the four is the exception? A A. Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament. B. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith. C. This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed. D. This was the age of adventure on the sea. 4. Victorianism was characterized by the following except D A. It was in an age of imperialism B. It saw the great progress in sciences with Charles Darwin as a prominent figure. C. It was the age when the great progress was made in the field of communications. D. It was an age when the Battle of Hastings was won by the Duke of Wellington. Unit5 21. Which of the following states is called “the Old Colony State”? B A. Pennsylvania B. Massachusetts C. Delaware D. Georgia 22. The term “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____C_____.


中国与英美文化差异 【篇一:中国与英美文化差异】 摘要:近些年来,随着国际社会的不断进步,各国之间的经济文化 交流越来越广泛,而文化一直跟随着一个国家的发展历程,见证着 国家的兴衰存亡。纵观世界,英美文化和中国文化都具有博大精深、源远流长的特点,在不断发展的国际社会条件下,被赋予了新的内 容和含义,随着大国之间的交流越来越深入,使得各国之间文化交 流和碰撞也日益频繁。本文就目前英美文化和中国文化的发展现状,简要分析在新的社会条件下,英美文化和中国文化发展的差异所在。中国论文网 /9/view-6808314.htm 关键词:英美文化中国文化差异现状分析 中图分类号:g642 文献标识码: a 文章编号:1672-1578(2015)02-0007-02 随着我国改革开放事业的不断深入,我国经济水平和国际地位有了 很大的提升,与国际社会之间的交流和合作也越来越频繁,这就使 得我国文化承受着来自各国文化的冲击,特别是英美等西方经济发 展大国,在进行经济、文化、贸易交流时,对我国传统文化产生了 很大的影响。因此,在新的社会发展形势下,及时分析各国之间的 文化差异,对于继承和发扬我国优良传统文化有着很大的推动作用。 1 研究英美文化与中国文化之间差异的必要性 当今世界,处于国际社会中的每个国家要想得到高速的发展,就需 要保持与其他各国之间的经济、贸易等交流,而各国自身的发展历 程有着很大的区别,这就使得各国之间的文化底蕴和文化内涵有着 很大的不同,这在一定程度上阻碍了国家之间的交流与合作。因此,研究英美文化与中国文化之间的差异,对于国家之间的发展有着重 要的意义,下面就研究英美文化和中国文化之间差异的必要性做具 体分析。 1.1文化是社会意识形态的集中体现 通常来讲,文化是指人类活动的模式以及给予这些模式重要性的符 号化结构,主要包括文字、语言、文学、绘画等内容,不同地域、 不同时代的文化特点也不尽相同。文化是对人类社会长期的历史实 践过程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的集中体现,不仅是对当时社 会人类生活特点的体现,也是对一个国家长期的发展历程中文化特 色的积淀,更是对每个时期社会意识形态的重要体现。


关于风景优美的句子 1、晚上,动物们都睡着了。此时的水田里,却是蛙声一片,像是无数面鼓在敲个不停,光有鼓声也太单调了吧。来一首小曲,蛐蛐扑着它那钢琴般的翅膀,加入了乐团。还有那时断时续的蝗虫声。这真是一段优美的小夜曲啊。 2、冬天,户外那粘满霜雪的柳树上尽是树挂,像是一根根银条悬挂在树上,格外壮观。 3、树木被太阳晒得往下垂了,仿佛一群挨了批评的小孩,垂头丧气地耷拉着脑袋。池塘里的水,似乎进入了梦境,宁静安闲,像正在做一个清澈透明的梦,梦见自己拥抱着蓝天白云,梦见池塘里的鱼儿在蓝天白云上游来荡去,梦见池塘四周的花木也进入了梦乡,梦见池塘岸边的人们总是醒着,总是忙着,总是在寻求什么…… 4、太阳刚露脸的时候,我沿着小河往村里走,那么淡淡的清清的雾气,那么润润的湿湿的泥土气味,不住地扑在我的脸上,钻进我的鼻子。 5、在走向西峰的路上,华山仿佛换了衣服容颜,温文尔雅,宛如烟雨朦胧的江南。翠绿色的树木包裹着原本赤裸的华山肌肤,将他

的阳刚之气,掩盖在一片柔美之中,路边会传来阵阵鸟鸣,远处会呈现薄薄的晨雾,清晨的露水,点缀着树下的绿草,一席瑟瑟秋风,一阵蒙蒙雾雨,如果再配着一壶清酒和着一首古筝曲,一古色长亭或者乌蓬流水,乃人间之仙境。雾润古树新苔绿,风吹叶舞烟雨中。一山一石均入画,天高云淡锁群峰。 6、雁阵。一群排成人字形的大雁,徐徐地朝南飞去。太阳赤灿灿,雁阵渐渐地融进那耀眼的光芒里。一首生命的诗,在蓝空中吟唱。他呆了。他也呆了。 7、冬天是宁静的。雪白的世界除了白还是白,好像是画家的一幅画,一幅白色的画。在这雪白的世界中,可爱的小动物都躲在家里呼呼大睡;活泼的孩子们都躲在家里暖呼呼的被窝里,除了呼呼的北风在雪白之间歌唱穿行外,几乎没有人出现在这雪白的世界里。 8、冬天还没有到,可是天气已经冷得不行了。狂风吹得树木东摇西摆,最低温度已经降到零下了。晚上我睡在床上,听见外面的风呼呼地吹,好像老虎在怒吼。狂风吹得我家的窗户发出了“砰砰砰”的响声,害得那些老年人睡觉都成了问题。那响声响得还把熟睡的人都能够吵醒。我也久久不能够入睡,静静地听着那考老虎怒吼一样的风声……过了很久很久,我才迷迷糊糊地睡着了。


三井小学求原文化解读 核心理念(校训):求原 是我校挖掘“井文化”的内涵发展而来的核心价值观。 求,索也,寻找、追求的意思;原,同“源”,根本、根源的意思;原,高 远的理想,美好的境界。 教育的目的是“成就每个人”,根本任务是追求人的发展。 成就每个人,就要回归教育本真,回归儿童本真,探寻和遵循育人规律,培养“学真、向善、益美”的井小学生。教师在成就学生的同时,成就自己和 学校。 求原,是一种精神,一种追求,是思维方式,更是行为方式。 求原,即学如穿井,追本求源,向往高远。 教风:至情、至深 “情”“深”,体现了对教育的爱,对教育对象的爱——爱生,对职业的爱——敬业。启示着井小教师执着于教书育人,追求丰富的知识储备和高超的教 育艺术。 学风:至清、至远 清,从道德层面来说,体现了求真、向善、行美;从求学角度来说,体现 了学得清清楚楚明明白白。 远,体现不断探寻,持续发展。 启示着井小学生保持童真,学会探寻,志存高远。 师生成长目标(发展目标): 水滴石穿之毅——坚韧不拔、勇于挑战。 文江学海之识——见多识广,个性鲜明。 海纳百川之心——悦纳之胸,仁爱之心。 学校发展愿景:让校园成为回归本原,绽放生命的舞台。 学校一切为了儿童,让儿童象儿童,让每个儿童都精彩。 《少儿国学》课程基地建设的实践研究 常州市新北区龙虎塘实验小学2014.12 一、缘起 1、以课题研究成果建设课程体系。 2000年起,学校的省级重点课题《小学生古诗文诵读与人文素养培育的研究》从尝试研究到成型推广,再到2012年《少儿国学》课程基地建设,十五年的研究与探索中,在省内外具有较高的知名度,为学校发展、师生成长,搭建了很好的平台。 诗的润泽是美丽的,绘诗演诗、诗文讲座、主题征文,诗,让龙小的学生底蕴十足、自信非凡、体验成功。诗的熏染是珍贵的,以诗铭志、古诗擂台、吟咏诗会、背诵诗文,滔滔不绝;“一二分钟,赋诗一首。”诗,是龙小学生抒情的一枝好花,诗,让学生的品德在无形中得到浸润。诗的事业是美丽的,十多年来,龙小师生踊跃参与到《少儿国学》课程中来,通过“童眼荐古诗”、“童手写古诗”、“童心绘古诗”、“爸妈讲古诗”、“背诗擂台赛”、“儿童创作诗”、“畅游诗词园”、

英美文化 (英国部分答案)

(判断题) Chapter 1 1. People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. (F) 2. The Severn River is the longest river of Britain, which originates in Wales and flows through western England.(T) 3. Today more than half of the people in Wales still speak the ancient Welsh language. (F) 4. In terms of population and area, Northern Ireland is the second largest part of Britain.(F) 5. Although the climate in Britain is generally mild, the temperature in northern Scotland often falls below -10℃ in January . (F) 6. The majority of the people in Britain are descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.(T) 7. The Celtic people were the earliest known inhabitants of Britain.(T) 8. English evolved into what is now described as Modern English from the late 16th century.(F) Chapter 2 1. British history before 55BC is basically undocumented.(T) 2. The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the 5th century.(T) 3. The chief or king of the Anglo-Saxons tribes exercised power at their own will. (F) 4. The Vikings began to attack the English coast in the 8th century.(T) 5. HenryⅡ built up a large empire which included England and most of France.(T) 6. The Magna Carta was designed to protect the rights of both the privileged class and the townspeople.(F) 7. The Hundred Years’War (1337-1453) was a series of wars fought between the British and the Vikings for trade and territory.(F) 8. In an effort to make a compromise between different religious factions, Queen ElizabethⅠactually defended the fruit of the Reformation.(T) Chapter 3 1. Conventions are regarded less important than the statutory law in the working of the British government.(T) 2. The British monarchy has never been interrupted throughout the history.(F) 3. In reality, the British King or Queen is the source of all government powers.(F) 4. The British Parliament is the law-making body of the Commonwealth of Nations.(F) 5. The members of the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected.(F) 6. The British Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.(T) 7. Cabinet members are chosen by the Prime Minister from various political parties in Parliament.(F) 8. The legal systems in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are much similar in terms of law, organization and practice.(T) Chapter 4 1. British was the first industrialized nation in the world.(T) 2. The British economy experienced a relative decline during the post-war period.(T) 3. Limited resources and high unemployment rate were persistent problems that prevented rapid economic development in Britain after World WarⅡ.(F)


英美文化差异 文化是一个复合体,其中包括知识、信仰、艺术、法律、道德、风俗以及人作为社会成员而获得的任何其他能力和习惯。交际的过程是人们运用语言知识和社会文化知识传递信息的过程,所以学习语言与了解语言所反映的文化背景知识是分不开的。了解英美文化知识,有助于交际畅通。相反,缺乏了解英美文化背景知识必然导致交际障碍,冲突和误解。我们从一下几个方面来了解一下英美两过的文化差异: 一、民族性格差异 英国比美国拥有更悠久的历史,因为英国曾经被法国侵占,所以英国文化以及思维方式在很大程度上都受到法国上流社会的影响,并在长期的发展中形成了英国人特有的“绅士”风度。他们说话客气、行为礼貌,做事情喜欢绕圈子,如果想给你提一些批评指正意见也许需要大费周章的绕很多圈子。 美国作为一个年轻的国家,在近代的发展中体现出该国强大的生命力。该国民族文化的形成与殖民主义、独立战争、工业革命紧密地联系在了一起。也因此美国民族风格的形成就具备了资产阶级的特质。美国人性格的一大特点就是时刻把民主与平等挂在嘴边,这是因为美洲大陆在为殖民地期间,人们要想更好的发展下去,就必须建立起平等的合作关系以保证生产的持续进行。这也就解释了美国人为何一直以世界警察自居,去干涉他国的人权问题,这不仅仅是因为美国政府为了自身经济利益考虑,也符合美国的民族性格。 二、语言差异 英式英语和美式英语之间的差别有时是惊人的,在发音、词汇的使用、语法、和表达方式上都不同。在国内时英语学得很不错的人,一旦到了美国,往往感到美式英语的困惑,不得不花大量的时间来适应美式英语。尽管英美两国都是说英语的国家,但是英式英语与美式英语之间还是存在这很大差异的。首先从发音来看,英式英语讲究字正腔圆,发音比较清楚,很少有连读现象。而美式英语中连读频率很高,卷舌音很多,美国人讲话秉承的就是能省则省,能连则连的原则。另外,两国在用词上也有很大差异,有时同一事物用的词语是不同的,有时要表达同一意思用的句子也是不同的。比如两个人见面打招呼,英国人会用‘How are you‘,而美国人就会简单的用’Hi’来代替。在表达方式上的差别也很惊人。当我看到一本英语口语教材中“好久不见了”的英语口语竟然是“Long time no see”时,我非常反感,认为这是地地道道的中国式英语。但是,当我问在美国定居的一个朋友时,他告诉我,有些美国人就是说“Long time no see” 三、生活习俗差异 英国人非常讲究衣着,讲究绅士风度,西装革履。美国人相对就随意很多,想穿什么就穿什么,不介意别人的评价。两国在饮食上也有很大差异,英国人在饮食上也处处散发着上流社会的高贵气质,从选材到烹饪都精细到了极致,尤其是餐桌礼仪,餐桌上不能发出任何声音,包括说话以及餐具敲击的声音,几乎所有西餐的规则英国人都会遵守。美国人在就餐问题上就随意多了,美国人饮食不讲究精细,只关心方便便捷,一日三餐都很随便,垃圾食品是美国人的最爱。 四、教育差异 英国人的保守与严谨,体现在教育上就是完善的教育体系。英国有一套严格的质量监控体制,各大院校的教学质量评估与科研评估结果向全世界公布,英国的高等教育会定期受到检查。英国大学的科研水平长期保持了一个很高的水平,也是与这个体制分不开的。英国教育的质量也体现在对学生的严格考核上,有的专业可以用“残酷”来形容,被淘汰拿不到学位的也大有人在,英国老师通常不会因为学生只差一点而放学生一马,他们的职业道德和敬业风度有力的保证了教育质量。


描写景色优美的成语 描写景色优美的成语 景色 斑驳陆离窗明几净分外妖娆风景不殊古色古香千岩竞秀千回百转青山绿水如花似锦山明水秀山阴道上,应接不暇诗情画意水木清华水色山光五光十色五颜六色五彩缤纷秀色可餐虚无漂缈烟波钓徒云蒸霞蔚银河倒泻月夕花朝山清水秀,层峦耸翠,重峦叠嶂,青山绿水,山水如画,山崩海啸,山长水远,山高水长,山光水色世外桃源山光明媚,水色秀丽别有洞天山清水秀,层峦耸翠,重峦叠嶂,青山绿水,山水如画,山崩海啸, 山清水秀烟波浩淼山不在高有仙则名,水不在深有龙则灵陡峭险峻气势雄浑鱼翔浅底鸟语花香郁郁苍苍溪水潺潺水光涟艳山色空朦夜静春山空,鸟鸣春涧中飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天烟锁长河青山叠翠云雾飘渺高山草旬 季景 草长莺飞春光明媚春暖花开春寒料峭春山如笑桂子飘香花红柳绿花香鸟语林寒涧肃流水桃花漏泄春光桃红柳绿万紫千红

雪虐风饕莺啼燕语莺歌燕舞 光景 灯火辉煌光怪陆离火树银花炮火连天奇光异彩万家灯火悬灯结彩张灯结彩 建筑 丹楹刻桷富丽堂皇面梁雕栋金碧辉煌茅茨土阶美轮美奂琼楼玉宇通都大邑 花木 暗香疏影苍翠欲滴姹紫嫣红长林丰草纷红骇绿干云蔽日茂林修竹明日黄花批红判白奇花异卉琪花瑶草姚黄魏紫一草一木郁郁葱葱 描绘草原的成语: 胡服骑射万马奔腾绿草如茵一望无垠一碧千里翠色欲流

一望无际沃野千里宽广无际无边无际草长莺飞碧野千里描绘春天的成语 世外桃源傍花随柳草长莺飞吹箫乞食春风风人 春风和气春光明媚春寒料峭春暖花开春色撩人 鹅毛大雪春和景明春花秋月春华秋实春晖寸草 秋月春花秋月春风皮里春秋暮云春树满园春色 丽藻春葩口角春风虎尾春冰寒木春华大地回春 春雨如油春蚓秋蛇春意阑珊齿牙春色春蛙秋蝉 春诵夏弦春生夏长春深似海春山如笑春笋怒发 春色满园春树暮云春色撩人春葩丽藻春暖花开 傍花随柳草长莺飞吹箫乞食春风风人春风和气


学校文化与办学特色 晋中市介休连福一中李强 学校教育不能只重视物质文化的建设而忽视精神文化的建设,不能只注重学生智力因素的培养而忽视非智力因素的开发。学校文化作为一种环境教育力量,对学生的健康成长有着巨大的影响,每所学校都必须树立起具有影响力的特色文化,以实现其发展目标。学校文化的构建,学校特色的显现,是学校改革发展的必然结果,也是学校变革的原因所在。创建特色学校就是创建一所学校的独特的历史、独特的文化。所以要致力于学校文化建设,积极探索素质教育新形势下文化育人的新举措、新路子,着力打造办学特色,坚持走内涵发展的办学思路,办学效益得到有效提升,让学校各项工作呈现出又好又快的发展态势。 一、学校文化建设的内涵 成都七中嘉祥外国语学校雷校长提出:文化是文明积淀传承创新的二元共赢。学校文化是由师生积淀创造,大家共同认可和遵循的价值观、精神、行为准则和制度。三流的学校靠权力管理,二流的学校靠制度管理,一流的学校靠文化管理。制度制订正确并得以坚持不懈地执行,使之成为团队中每个成员的自觉行动,就内化成了文化。 学校文化是学校物质财富和精神财富的总称。它包括物质文化、制度文化及由学习文化、文明习惯、寝室文化、橱窗文化、课余文化、人际关系等组成的精神文化。物质文化是学校文化的表层结构,制度文化是学校文化的中层结构,精神文化则是学校文化的深层结

构。 二、学校文化是办学特色形成的主要基础和重要载体 1、什么是办学特色所谓的办学特色,就是一所学校的整体办学 思路或在各项工作中所表现的积极的与众不同的方面。换句话说,它是一所学校积极进取的个性表现。特色是比较而言的,特色还要不断创新。办学的特色有两个基本属性:即优质性和环境适应性。概括地说,创造学校特色就是为了给社会提供优质服务,是对社会的主动适应。从学校内部看,创造特色就是要更新思想观念,重新组织和运用资源。 2、办学特色反作用于学校文化建设 学校自身的精神风貌的集中体现必定直接或间接的受到学校办学思想办学理念的影响。一所学校如果形成了鲜明的办学特色,必然会有自己与众不同的办学思想和办学理念,就会突显出与众不同的学校精神。这无疑于丰富了学校文化内容,深化了学校文化内涵。 综上所述,无论是从学校文化建设的内在要求还是办学特色所应具备的基本内涵来看,学校文化建设与办学特色之间是相互渗透相互作用相互影响的。两者之间的这种内在联系一方面不断促进学校文化建设始终与办学理念办学特色的方向保持一致;另一方面博大精深的学校文化也为办学特色的形成营造浓厚的文化氛围,更加有利于办学特色的彰显。因此,学校文化建设应将办学特色结合起来,充分发挥其在办学特色形成过程中的重要作用。 三、充分发挥学校文化建设在办学特色形成过程中的作用


英美国情选择题美国部分 Unit3 America Beginning 1.Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution? A.The American has the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants. B.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with American Indians. C.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with black, D.The American had the blood of the English and their descendants only, 子孙,后裔 2.Which of the following was not one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe? A.The growth of capitalism资本主义 B.The Renaissance 文艺复兴 C.The Religious Reformation 宗教改革 D.The spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. 3.The following were the main Reformation leaders except__ A.Martin Luther马丁路德 B.Martin Luther King C.John Calvin约翰·加尔文


英美文化作业:英美文化差 异(英文版) -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

the differences of British and American culture The British are, in some ways, less conservative than Americans - the drinking age is 18, not 21, homosexual civil unions are legal, and abortion hasn't been a serious political issue in years. Mixing religion and politics is extremely rare in the UK. On the other hand, there are stricter controls on some things - it's much harder to get a driving licence, and the age requirement is higher than in most states, there are speed cameras everwhere, CCTV cameras in many public places (although they may or may not be working), and carrying weapons or other objects for "self defence" is illegal (in particular, note that pepper spray is illegal). Getting into a debate about the right to bear arms will be very time consuming, and may also lead people to think that you're a gun-nut before they've got to know you properly. Smoking in enclosed public places is illegal that includes pubs, the underground, train stations... more or less any non-residential building actually... (similar to New York, so not so much of a cultural difference there). The British apparently have a wider vocabulary of swear words than Americans. While most Britons will use them fairly freely in a social setting, things are a lot more reserved in formal settings & talking to strangers. I've not yet encountered an American "pub" which bears more than a passing resemblance to a typical British pub. People might go to a pub just to drink and socialise, have a pub lunch, or as part of an attempt to get alchohol poisioning (otherwise know as a "pub crawl"), as well as to watch sporting fixtures (which seems to be the main purpose in America). Going to the pub does not usually imply getting drunk. Although the drinking age is 18, bartenders are supposed to ID anyone who looks under 21. Though I doubt your friend will do much driving, he should be aware of the following things: Most cars in the UK have manual transmission. Cars are smaller and more efficient, petrol is more expensive. Speed limits are higher, but enforced more rigourously. Driving in London is not worth it. Central London has a congestion


描写风景优美的句子 描写风景优美的句子 1.天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了。 2.七月,透蓝的天空,悬着火球似的太阳,云彩好似被太阳烧化了,也消失得无影无踪。 3.空中没有一片云,没有一点风,头顶上一轮烈日,所有的树木都没精打采地、懒洋洋地站在那里。 4.七月盛夏,瓦蓝瓦蓝的天空没有一丝云彩,火热的太阳炙烤着大地,河里的水烫手,地里的土冒烟。 5.烈日当空,道路两旁,成熟的谷物在热得弯下腰,低着头。蚱蜢多得像草叶,再小麦和黑麦地里,在小麦和黑麦地里,在岸边的芦苇丛中,发出微弱而嘈杂的鸣声。

6.太阳像个老大老大的火球,光线灼人,公路被烈日烤得发烫,脚踏下去一步一串白烟。 7.夏天到了,草原上的草长高了,随风摇摆,连绵不断,似海浪起伏。更美的是到处开满了各色小野花,远远望去,像碧绿的大地毯上绣着五彩的花朵。草原到处翠色欲流,轻轻流入云际。 8.那是一个久旱不雨的夏天,炎热的太阳烤得田里的老泥鳅都翻白了,村边的小溪,溪水一下低了几寸,那些露在水面的石头,陡地变大了。 9.小鸟不知躲匿到什么地方去了;草木都垂头丧气,像是奄奄等毙;只有那知了,不住地在枝头发出破碎的高叫;真是破锣碎鼓在替烈日呐喊助威 10.我喜欢,我喜欢满目苍翠的夏天,因为夏天可纵情泳池游泳。夏天给孩子们带来欢乐,他们是夏季里最快乐的天使。我喜欢,我喜欢狂风暴雨的夏天,因为夏雨是那么豪爽干脆。夏天的荷花给我们露出笑脸,夏天的荷叶向我们展示魅力。 11.初夏的阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来,地上印满铜钱大小的粼粼光斑。

12.春天随着落花走了,夏天披着一身的绿叶儿在暖风里蹦跳着走来了。 13.盛夏,天热得连蜻蜓都只敢贴着树荫处飞,好像怕阳光伤了自己的翅膀。 14.风儿带着微微的暖意吹着,时时送来布谷鸟的叫声,它在告诉我们:“春已归去。” 15.街上的柳树像病了似的,叶子挂着尘土在枝上打着卷,枝条一动也不动。马路上发着白光,小摊贩不敢吆喝,商店门口的有机玻璃招牌,也似乎给晒化了。 16.初夏的阳光从密密层层的枝叶间透射下来,地上印满铜钱般大小的光斑。 17.秦淮河的水是碧阴阴的;看起来厚而不腻,或者是六朝金粉所凝么?我们初上船的时候,天色还未断黑,那漾漾的柔波是这样恬静,委婉,使我们一面有海阔天空之想,一面又使憬着纸醉金迷之境了等到灯火明时,阴阴的变成沉沉了;暗淡的水光一象梦一般,那偶然闪烁的光芒,就是梦的眼睛了。 18.初夏的晚风,带着枣花和月季花的幽香,飘进这间简朴而舒适的客厅。
