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THE MATRIX (黑客帝国)原版剧本(描写+台词)精排版

THE MATRIX (黑客帝国)原版剧本(描写+台词)精排版
THE MATRIX (黑客帝国)原版剧本(描写+台词)精排版


Written by

Larry & Andy Wachowski

April 8, 1996



So close it has no boundaries.

A blinking cursor pulses in the electric darkness like a heart coursing with phosphorous light, burning beneath the derma of black-neon glass.

A PHONE begins to RING, we hear it as though we were m aking the call. The cursor continues to throb, relentlessly patient, until --

MAN (V.O.)


Data now slashes across the screen, information flashing faster than we read.


Call trans opt: received.

2-19-96 13:24:18 REC:Log>


I'm inside. Anything to report?

We listen to the phone conversation as though we were on a third line. The m an's nam e is CYPHER. The wom an, TRINITY.


Let's see. Target left work at 5:01 PM.


Trace program: running.

The entire screen fills with racing colum ns of num bers.

Shimmering like green-electric rivets, they rush at a 10-digit phone num ber in the top corner.


He caught the northbound Howard line. Got off at Sheridan.

Stopped at 7-11. Purchased six- pack of beer and a box of Captain Crunch. Returned hom e.

The area code is identified. The first three num bers suddenly fixed, leaving only seven flowing colum ns. We begin MOVING TOWARD the screen, CLOSING IN as each digit is m atched, one by one, snapping into place like the wheels of a slot m achine.


All right, you're relieved. Use the usual exit. CYPHER (V.O.)

Do you know when we're going to m ake contact?TRINITY

Soon. Only two thin digits left.


Just between you and m e, you don't believe it, do you? You don't believe this guy is the one? TRINITY (V.O.)

I think Morpheus believes he is.


I know. But what about you?


I think Morpheus knows things that I don't. CYPHER (V.O.)

Yeah, but if he's wrong --

The final number pops into place --


Did you hear that?


Hear what?


Trace complete. Call origin:#312-555-0690 TRINITY (V.O.)

Are you sure this line is clean?


Yeah, course I'm sure.


I better go.


Yeah. Right. See you on the other side.

She hangs up as we PASS THROUGH the num bers, entering the netherworld of the com puter screen. Where gradually the sound of a police radio grows around us.


Attention all units. Attention all units.

Suddenly, a flashlight cuts open the darkness and we find ourselves in --


The hotel was abandoned after a fire licked its way across the polyester carpeting, destroying several room s as it spooled soot up the walls and ceiling leaving patterns of permanent shadow.

We FOLLOW f our arm ed POLICE officers using flashlights as they creep down the blackened hall and ready themselves on either side of room 303. The biggest of them violently kicks in the door -- The other cops pour in behind him, guns thrust

before them.


Police! Freeze!

The room is alm ost devoid of furniture. There is a fold-up table and chair with a phone, a m odern, and a powerbook com puter. The only light in the room is the glow of the computer.

Sitting there, her hands still on the keyboard, is TRINITY; a wom an in black leather.


Get your hands behind your head!

Trinity rises.


Hands behind your head! Now! Do it!

She slowly puts her hands behind her head.



A black sedan with tinted windows glides in through the police cruisers.

AGENT SMITH and AGENT BROWN get out of the car.

They wear dark suits and sunglasses even at night. They are also always hardwired; small Secret Service earphones in one ear, its cord coiling back into their shirt collars.

AGENT SMITH Lieutenant?


Oh shit.


Lieutenant, you were given specific orders -- LIEUTENANT

I'm just doing m y job. You grim e that Juris-m y dick-tion and you can cram it up your ass.


The orders were for your protection.

The Lieutenant laughs.


I think we can handle one little girl.

Agent Smith nods to Agent Brown as they start toward the hotel.


I sent two units. They're bringing her down now. AGENT SMITH

No, Lieutenant, your m en are dead.


The Big Cop flicks out his cuffs, the other cops holding a bead. They've done this a hundred tim es, they know they've got her, until the Big Cop reaches with the cuff and Trinity m oves --

It alm ost doesn't register, so sm ooth and fast, inhum anly fast.

The eye blinks and Trinity's palm. snaps up and the nose explodes, blood erupting. The cop is dead before he begins to fall.

And Trinity is m oving again --

Seizing a wrist, m isdirecting a gun, as a startled COP FIRES --

A head explodes.

In blind panic, another airs his gun, the barrel, a fixed black hole --

And FIRES --

Trinity twists out of the way, the bullet m issing as she reverses into a roundhouse kick, knocking the gun away.

The cop begins to scream when a jump kick crushes his windpipe, killing the scream as he falls to the ground.

She looks at the four bodies.




Agent Brown enters the hotel, while Agent S m ith heads for the alley.


Trinity is on the phone, pacing. The other end is answered.

MAN (V.O.) Operator.


Morpheus! The link was traced! I don't know how. MORPHEUS (V.O.)

I know. Stay calm.


Are there any agents?




God dam n it!


You have to focus. There is a phone. Wells and Laxer. You can m ake it.

She takes a deep breath, centering herself. TRINITY

All right --



She drops the phone.


She bursts out of the room as Agent Brown enters the hall, leading another unit of police. Trinity races to the opposite end, exiting through a broken window onto the fire escape.



In the alley below, Trinity sees Agent Smith staring at her. She can only go up.


On the roof, Trinity is running as Agent Brown rises over the parapet, leading the cops in pursuit.

Trinity begins to jum p from one roof to the next, her m overents so clean, gliding in and out of each jum p,contrasted to the wild jum ps of the cops. Agent Brown, however, has the sam e unnatural grace.

The METAL SCREAM of an EL TRAIN is heard and Trinity turns to it, racing for the back of the building. The edge falls away into a wide back alley. The next building is over 40 feet away, but Trinity's face is perfectly calm, staring at som e point beyond the other roof.

The cops slow, realizing they are about to see som ething ugly as Trinity drives at the edge, launching herself into the air.

From above, the ground seem s to flow beneath her as she hangs in flight

Then hitting, som ersaulting up, still running hard. COP Motherfucker -- that's impossible!

They stare, slack-jawed, as Agent Brown duplicates the m ove exactly, landing, rolling over a shoulder, up onto one knee.

Just below the building are the rumbling tracks of riveted steel. The TRAIN SCREECHES beneath her, a rattling blur of gray m etal. Trinity jum ps, landing easily.

She looks back just as Agent Brown hurls through the air barely reaching the last car

Agent Brown stands, yanking out a gun.

Trinity is running hard as BULLETS WHISTLE past her head.

Ahead she sees her only chance, 50 feet beyond the point where the train has begun to turn, there is --A window; a yellow glow in the m idst of a dark brick building.

Trinity zeroes in on it, running as hard as she can, her speed compounded by the train. The SCREAM of the STEEL rises as she nears the edge where the train rocks into the turn.

Trinity hurtles into the empty night space, her body leveling into a dive. She falls, arms covering her head as --

The whole world seem s to spin on its axis --

And she crashes with an EXPLOSION of GLASS and WOOD, then falls onto a back stairwell, tumbling, bouncing down stairs bleeding, broken --But still alive.

Through the sm ashed window, she glimpses Agent Brown, still on the train, his tie and coat whipping in the wind; stone-faced, he touches his ear piece as the train slides him past the window.

Trinity tries to m ove. Everything hurts.


Get up, Trinity. You're fine.

Get up -- just get up!

She stands and limps down the rest of the stairs.


Trinity em erges from the shadows of an alley and, at the end of the block, in a pool of white street light, she sees it.

The telephone booth.

Obviously hurt, she starts down the concrete walk, focusing in completely, her pace quickening, as the PHONE begins to RING.

Across the street, a garbage truck suddenly u-turns, its TIRES SCREAMING as it accelerates.

Trinity sees the headlights on the truck arcing at the telephone booth as if taking aim.

Gritting through the pain, she races the truck -- Slamming into the booth, the headlights blindingly bright, bearing down on the box of Plexiglas just as --

She answers the phone.

There is a frozen instant of silence before the hulking mass of dark m etal lurches up onto the sidewalk --Barreling through the booth, bulldozing it into a brick wall, smashing it to Plexiglas pulp.

After a m om ent, a black loafer steps down from the cab of the garbage truck. Agent Sm ith inspects the wreckage.

There is no body. Trinity is gone.

His jaw sets as he grinds his m olars in frustration. AGENT JONES walks up behind him.


Did you get anything from the room?


Their next target. The nam e is Neo.

The handset of the pay phone lays on the ground, separated in the crash like a severed lim b.


We'll need a search running.


It's already begun.

We are SUCKED TOWARDS the m outhpiece of the phone, CLOSER and CLOSER, UNTIL the sm ooth gray plastic spreads out like a horizon and the small HOLES WIDEN until we fall through one --Swallowed by the darkness that becom es --A computer screen.

We are on-line, inside a chat room called "The Matrix."

It is an exclusive web-site where hackers hang out. SCREEN

JACKON: I heard Morpheus has been on this board. SUPERASTIC: Morpheus doesn't even exist and the Matrix is nothing but an advertising gimmick 4 a new gam e.

TIMAXE: All I want to know is Trinity really a girl? LODIII: 87% of all wom en on line are really m en. QUARK: The Matrix is a euphem ism for the governm ent.

UPERASTIC: No, The Matrix is the system controlling our lives.

TIMAXE: You m ean MTV.

SUPERASTIC: I m ean Sega.


We drift back from the electric conversation entering --


It is a studio apart rent that seems overgrown with technology.

Weed-like cables coil everywhere, duct-taped into thickets that wind up and around the legs of several desks.

Tabletops are filled with cannibalized equipment that lay open like an autopsied corpse.

We turn towards the center of this rat-nest of technology, following the slurping and crunching of cereal. We pass an open box of Capln Crunch as we find --

NEO, a younger m an who knows m ore about living inside a computer than living outside one.


Fuckin' idiots don't know shit.

He finishes his cereal and is about to disconnect when an anonym ous m essage slices onto the screen.


Do you want to know what the Matrix is, Neo?

Neo is frozen when he reads his nam e.


SUPERASTIC: Who said that?

JACKON: Who's Neo?

GIBSON: This is a private board.

If you want to know, follow the white rabbit.


What the hell...


TIMAXE: Som eone is hacking the hackers!

FOS4: It's Morpheus!!!!!

JACKON: Identify yourself.

Knock, knock, Neo.

A chill runs down his spine and when som eone KNOCKS on his door he alm ost jumps out of his chair.

He looks at the door, then back at the computer but the m essage is gone.

He shakes his head, not completely sure what happened.

Again, som eone knocks.

Cautiously, Neo approaches the door.


Hey, Tomm y-boy! You in there?

Recognizing the voice, he relaxes and opens it. ANTHONY, who lives down the hall, is standing outside with a group of friends.


What do you want, Anthony?


I need your help, man. Desperate. They got m e, man. The shackles of fascism.

He holds up the red notice that accom panies the Denver boot.


You got the m oney this tim e?

He holds up two hundred dollars and Neo opens the door.

Anthony's girlfriend, DUJOUR, stops in front of Neo. DUJ OUR

You can really get that thing off, right now?


I told you, honey, he m ay look like just another geek but this here is all we got left standing between Big Brother and the New World Order.



A police officer unlocks a yellow m etal boot from the wheel of an enorm ous Oldsm obile.


They watch from the window as the cops, silently, robotically, climb into their van.


Look at 'em. Autom atons. Don't think about what they're- doing or why. Com puter tells 'em what to do and they do it. FRIEND #l

The banality of evil.

He slaps the m oney in Neo's hand.


Thanks, neighbor.


Why don't you com e to the party with us?


I don't know. I have to work tom orrow.


Com e on. It'll be fun.

He looks up at her and suddenly notices on her black leather m otorcycle jacket dozens of pins: bands, sym bols, slogans, m ilitary m edals and --A small white rabbit.



Yeah, yeah. Sure, I'll go.


An older Chicago apartment; a series of halls connects a chain of sm all high-ceilinged room s lined with heavy casem ents.

Sm oke hangs like a veil, blurring the few lights there are.

Dressed predom inantly in black, people are everywhere, gathered in cliques around pieces of furniture like jungle cats around a tree.

Neo stands against a wall, alone, sipping from a bottle of beer, feeling com pletely out of place, he is about to leave when he notices a wom an staring at him.

The wom an is Trinity. She walks straight up to him. In the nearest room, shadow-like figures grind against each other to the pneumatic beat of INDUSTRIAL MUSIC.


Hello, Neo.


How did you know that --


I know a lot about you. I've been wanting to m eet you for som e time.


Who are you?


My nam e is Trinity.


Trinity? The Trinity? The Trinity that cracked the I.R.S.

Kansas City D-Base?


That was a long tim e ago.






I just thought... you were a guy.


Most guys do.

Neo is a little embarrassed.


Do you want to go som ewhere and talk?


No. It's safe here and I don't have m uch tim e.

The MUSIC is so loud they m ust stand very close, talking directly into each other's ear.


That was you on the board tonight. That was your note, wasn't it?


I had to gamble that you would see and they wouldn't.


Who wouldn't?


I can't explain everything to you. I'm sure that it's all going to seem very strange, but I brought you here to

warn you, Neo. You are in a lot of danger.


What? Why?


They're watching you. Som ething happened and they found out about you. Normally, if our target is exposed we let it go. But this tim e, we can't do that. NEO

I don't understand --


You cam e here because you wanted to know the answer to a hacker's question.


The Matrix. What is the Matrix?


Twelve years ago I m et a man, a great m an, who said that no one could be told the answer to that question. That they had to see it, to believe it.

Her body is against his; her lips very close to his ear. TRINITY

He told m e that no one should look for the answer unless they have to because once you see it, everything changes. Your life and the world you live in will never be the sam e. It's as if you wake up one m orning and the sky is falling.

There is a hypnotic quality to her voice and Neo feels the words like a drug, seeping into him.


The truth is out there, Neo. It's looking for you and it will find you, if you want it to.

She takes hold of him with her eyes.


That's all I can tell you right now. Good-bye, Neo. And good luck.


Wait. Who was it? Who was the m an?

She leans close, her lips alm ost touching his ear as she whispers.


You know who.

She turns and he watches her m elt into the shifting wall of bodies.

A SOUND RISES steadily, growing out of the m usic, pressing in on Neo until it is all he can hear as we -- CUT TO:


The sound is an ALARM CLOCK, slowly dragging Neo to consciousness. He strains to read the clock face:

9:15 A.M.


Shit shit shit.



The downtown office of CorTechs, a software developm ent com pany.


The m ain offices are along each wall, the windows overlooking downtown Chicago.

RHINEHEART, the ultimate com pany man, lectures NEO without looking at him, typing at his computer continuously.

Neo stares at two window cleaners on a scaffolding outside, dragging their rubber squeegees down across the surface of the glass.


You have a problem, Mr. Anderson.

You think that you're special.

You believe that som ehow the rules do not apply to you.

He stops, glancing over his glasses at Neo, who turns in time.


Obviously, you are m istaken.

His long, bony fingers resum e clicking the keyboard. RHINEHEART

This com pany is one of the top software companies in the world because every single em ployee understands that they are a part of a whole. Thus, if an em ployee has a problem, the com pany has a problem.

He turns again.


The tim e has com e to m ake a choice, Mr. Anderson. Either you choose to be at your desk on tim e from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job. Do I m ake m yself clear?


Yes, Mr. Rhine heart. Perfectly clear.


The entire floor looks like a hum an honeycom b, with a labyrinth of cubicles structured around a core of elevators.

Neo slum ps down into his chair. A TALL EMPLOYEE stands up in the adjacent cubicle, leaning over the



What did he say?


If I was late again, I'm going to be fired.

He smirks.


Well, it was nice working with you.

Neo glares at him, as he sinks down.


Thom as Anderson?

Neo turns and finds a FEDERAL EXPRESS MAN at his cubicle door.


Yeah. That's m e.

Neo signs the electronic pad and the FedEx guy hands him the Softbank.


Have a nice day.

He opens the bag. Inside is a CELLULAR PH ONE. It seem s the instant it is in his hand, it RINGS. Unnerved, he flips it open.




Hello, Neo. This is Morpheus.

Neo's knees give and he falls into his chair. MORPHEUS (V.O.)

I had hoped for this conversation to take place under less adverse conditions, but you can never count on hope, can you, Neo?


... no.


I've been watching you, Neo, and I want to m eet you.

I don't know if you're ready to see what I want to show you, but unfortunately, we have run out of tim e. They're com ing for you, Neo. And I'm not sure what they're going to do.


Who's com ing for m e?


Stand up and see for yourself.


Right now?


Yes. Now.

Neo starts to stand.

MORPHEUS (V.O.) Do it slowly. Slowly. The elevator.

His head slowly peeks up over the partition.

At the elevator, he sees Agent Brown and Agent Jones leading a group of cops. A female employee turns and points out Neo's cubicle.

Neo ducks.


Holy fuckin' shit!



One cop stays at the elevator, the others follow the agents.


What the fuck do they want with m e?!


I'm not sure. But, if you don't want to find out, you better get out of there.




I can guide you out, but you have to do exactly what I say.

The agents are m oving quickly towards the cubicle. MORPHEUS (V.O.)

The cubicle across from you is em pty.


But what if...?


Go! Now!

Neo lunges across the hall, diving into the other cubicle just as the agents turn into his row.

Neo crams himself into a dark corner, clutching the phone tightly to him.


Stay here for a m om ent.

The agents enter Neo's empty cubicle. A cop is sent to search the bathroom.

Morpheus' voice is a whisper in Neo's ear. MORPHEUS (V.O.)

A little longer...

Brown is talking to the tall em ployee.


When I tell you, go to the end of the row to the first office on the left, stay. as low as you can.

Sweat trickles down his forehead.



Neo rolls out of the cubicle, his eyes popping as he freezes right behind a cop who has just turned


Staying crouched, he sneaks away, down the row, SHOOTING

across the opening to the first office on the left. The room is empty.


Good. Now there is a window. Open it.


How do you know all this?

Morpheus laughs quietly.


The answer is com ing, Neo.

He opens the window. The window howls into the room.


Outside, there's a scaffold. You can use it to get to the roof.

Leaning out the window, he sees that the scaffold is several offices away.


No! It's too far away.


There's a sm all ledge. It's a short clim b. You can make it.

Neo looks down; the building's glass wall vertigos into a concrete chasm.


No way, no way, this is crazy.


Don't be controlled by your fear, Neo. There are only two ways out of this building. One is that scaffold. The other is in their custody. You take a chance either way. I leave it to you.

CLICK. He hangs up. Neo looks at the door, then back at the scaffold.


This is insane! Why is this happening to m e? What did I do?

I'm nobody. I didn't do anything. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He climbs up onto the window ledge. Hanging onto the frame, he steps onto the sm all ledge.

The scaffold seems even farther away.


I'm going to die.

The WIND suddenly BLASTS up the face of the building, knocking Neo off balance. Recoiling, he clings harder to the fram e, and the phone falls out of his hand.

He watches as it is swallowed by the distance beneath him.


This is insane. I can't do this!

Forget it!

He climbs back into the office just as a cop opens the door.


I didn't do anything!



The agents lead a handcuffed Neo out of the revolving doors, forcing his head down as they push him into the dark sedan.

Trinity watches in the rear view m irror of her m otorcycle.




A wide angle view of a white room, where Neo is sitting at a table alone.

We MOVE INTO the m onitor, ENTERING the room as if the m onitor were a window.

At the sam e m om ent, the door opens and the agents enter.

Sm ith sits down across from Neo. A thick manila envelope slaps down on the table between them. Neo glances at the nam e on the file: "Anderson, Thom as A."


As you can see, we've had our eye on you for som e tim e now, Mr. Anderson.

He opens the file. Paper rattle marks the silence as he flips several pages. Neo cannot tell if he is looking at the file or at him.


It seem s that you have been living two lives. In one life, you are Thom as A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security num ber, you pay your taxes and you help your land lady carry out her garbage.

The pages continue to turn.


The other life is lived in com puters where you go by the hacker alias Neo, and are guilty of virtually every com puter crime we have a law for, including the unauthorized use of the D.M.V. system for the

rem oval of autom obile boots.

Neo feels him self sinking into a pit of shit.


One of these, lives has a future.

One of them does not.

He closes the file.


I'm going to be as forthcom ing as I can be, Mr. Anderson. You are here because we need your help. He rem oves his sunglasses; his eyes are an unnatural ice- blue.


We know that you have been contacted by a certain individual.

A man who calls him self Morpheus. Whatever you think you know about this m an is irrelevant to the fact that he is wanted for acts of terrorism in more countries than any other m an in the world. He is considered by m any authorities to be the m ost dangerous m an alive.

He leans closer.


My colleagues believe that I am wasting m y time with you, but I believe you want to do the right thing. It is obvious that you are an intelligent m an, Mr. Anderson, and that you are interested in the future. That is why I believe you are ready to put your past mistakes behind you and get on with your life.

Neo tries to m atch his stare.


We are willing to wipe the slate clean, to give you a fresh start and all we are asking in return is your cooperation in bringing a known terrorist to justice. Neo nods to him self.


Yeah. Wow. That sounds like a real good deal. But I think I have a better one. How about I give you the finger --

He does.


And you can cram that file up your Secret Service sphincter.

Agent Smith puts his glasses back on.


You disappoint m e, Mr. Anderson.


You ain't seen nothing yet.


The irony of your situation is that you have no choice. NEO

You can't scare m e with this Gestapo crap. I know m y rights.

I want m y phone call.

Agent Smith smiles.


And tell m e, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call iy you are unable to speak?

The question unnerves Neo and strangely, he begins to feel the m uscles in his jaw tighten.

The standing agents snicker, watching Neo's confusion grow into panic.

Neo feels his lips grow soft and sticky as they slowly seal shut, m elding into each other until all trace of his m outh is gone.

Wild with fear, he lunges for the door but the agents restrain him holding him in the chair.


You are going to help us, Mr. Anderson, whether you want to or not.

Sm ith nods and the other two rip open his shirt. From a case taken out of his suit coat, Sm ith rem oves a long, fiber-optic wire tap.

Neo struggles helplessly as Sm ith dangles the wire over his exposed abdom en. Horrified, he watches as the electronic device anim ates, becom e an organic creature that resembles a hybrid of an insect and a fluke worm.

Thin, whisker-like tendrils reach out and probe into Neo's navel. He bucks wildly as Sm ith drops the creature which looks for a m om ent like an uncut um bilical cord --

Before it begins to burrow its, tail thrashing as it worm s its way inside.


Scream ing, Neo bolts upright in bed.

He realizes that he is hom e. Was it a dream? His m outh is norm al. His stomach looks fine. He starts to take a deep, everything-is-okay breath, when -- The PH ONE RINGS.

It alm ost stops his heart. It CONTINUES RINGING, building pressure in the room, forcing him up out of bed, sucking him in with an alm ost gravitational force.

He answers it, saying nothing.


This line is tapped, so I m ust be brief.


The agents --


They got to you first, but they've underestim ated how im portant you are. If they knew what I know, you would probably be dead.

Neo feels sick.


I don't know what you are thinking right now but I want you to understand that I will not give up on you until you give up on m e.

Neo's throat cracks, dry as the Sahara. MORPHEUS (V.O.)

Do you still want to m eet?


... Yes.


Take the Howard line south.

CLICK. He closes his eyes, unsure of what he has done.



An EL TRAIN RAGES against its m etal rails.


It is three a.m., and the train carries the usual urban night crawlers. Neo sits alone, eyes shifting, watching everything nervously.

There is a METAL BANG and TRAIN CLATTER fills the car as the door is opened.

Neo turns and sees a large man enter. He is wearing sunglasses and a black leather jacket. His nam e is APOC and he walks straight at Neo.


Com e with m e.

Neo stands just as the door at the opposite end opens and two police officers rush in, drawing their guns.

Apoc grabs Neo, m uscling him to the nearest exit. There

is no upcom ing station.

Apoc yanks the em ergency brake and the train buckles against its own speed. The cops are thrown back. NEO slam s against the m etal rail.

The doors open onto nothing and just when Neo regains his balance, Apoc shoves him backwards -- He flies out from the train, arms win drilling as he falls from, the raised tracks --

Hurtling towards a busy city street when, out of nowhere, a truck races under him and --

He crashes into a large dumpster-bed filled with em pty boxes.


Still shaking his head, Neo realizes he is not alone. A man named Cabie is aiming a big gun at him. Trinity is next to him, talking into a cellular phone. TRINITY

We got him. Call the chop-shop.

She hangs up.


Listen to m e, Neo. You have to, trust us.

She tears off a long strip of black duct-tape and reaches for his face.


What are you doing?


This has to be done for your protection and ours. She seals his eyes shut with the tape.


You can't understand right now, but if you're not one of us, you're one of them.


A featureless black van glides up to a staircase that curls down from the city's surface. trinity guides the blind Neo down the steps. The back of the van slaps open, revealing a young, skinny m an who looks to be still in his teens, wearing an outfit that is a cross between a surgeon and a telephone repair m an.

His nam e is GIZMO and he smiles lewdly at Trinity, exposing his teeth that are wired with weird-looking braces.


Va va va voom. Still the hottest software around. TRINITY

Hello, Gizm o.

Neo hears the voices around him.


This is really the guy? The guy that Morpheus thinks --




But he's so old.


Are you going to help us or aren't you?


Hacksaw. Load up the copper-top and let's get the hell outta here.

Hacksaw is a huge m an in a leather welder's apron. He shoulders Neo and hauls him into the van.

A m oment later the green lights of Lower Wackier curve over the tinted windshield as the van rushes through the underworld.


The chop-shop is filled with electronic gadgets, wired to m eters and m onitors. There are shelves lined with m edical supplies and rows of hanging tools, knives, cleavers, and stainless steel clamps. Neo is strapped down to an ambulance cart, listening nervously as Gizm o gets to work.


Okay, first we take a little look under the hood.

He pulls up the goggles hanging at his neck and they blink to life with tiny halogen lights and lenses irising to varying levels of m agnification.


You're going to feel a little prick.

He inserts acupuncture-like needles into Neo's lower abdom en. The needles are wired to video m onitors. Hacksaw pilots the fiber-optic lens.


What are you doing?


We think you're bugged. We can't take you to Morpheus until you're clean.


There it is.

On a m onitor, we see the bug nestled in am ong Neo’s large intestines.


Hit him with 10 ccs of local.

Hacksaw loads a hypoderm ic needle and pumps an anesthetic around Neo’s navel.

Using a device that looks like a m iniature speculum, Gizm o inserts a knuckled dental pick. Typing into a calculator keypad wired to the pick, he autom ates the tip.

On the m onitor, we watch it telescope out and the en separate into a tiny hooked, m etal claw.


Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

The claw snags hold of the bug.


Gotcha! But the bug reacts violently. Neo screams as it wraps itself around the soft tissue web of intestine. GIZMO



What's happening?


I don't know. They've never done that before.

Neo writhes in pain.


Hold him down.


Jesus! God!


Do som ething!


I got it! Maybe we can stun it.


Are you crazy? That will kill him.

We watch Neo, who can't see what they are talking about.


It'll work. Com e on, do it or Hacksaw will.


Do what?

The instant he hears the word, he knows.




Oh, shit --

The cry is frozen in his m outh as the paddles hit his chest. Gizm o wrestles with the bug.


Hit him again!

Again, the electricity convulses through him as GIZMO

yanks the speculum out.


Got it!

Trinity touches Neo, who is just beginning to breathe. She eases the tape off his eyes.


Neo, are you okay?

He nods.


It's over. We got it.

Hanging from the claw pick is the inanimate m etal wire-tap.


Nasty little bugger, ain't it?


The van stops in a deserted alley behind a forgotten hotel. The doors open and Trinity helps Neo get out. TRINITY

Thanks for your help, Gizm o.


I just hope the m an knows what he's doing.

She nods then climbs out of the van. Gizm o ogles the tight leather pants.


Goddam n, what I wouldn't give for

a copy of that software.

Trinity turns around.


Gizm o, you don't have the hardware to handle this software.

He howls with adolescent laughter as the van pulls away.

Trinity turns to Neo.


Let's go. He's waiting.


It is a place of putrefying elegance, a rotting host of urban m aggoty.

Trinity leads Neo from the stairwell down the hall of the thirteenth floor. They stop outside room 1313. TRINITY

This is it.

Neo can hear his own heart pounding.


Let m e give one piece of advice. Be honest. He knows m ore than you can possibly im agine.


INT. ROOM 1313

Across the room, a dark figure stares out the tall windows veiled with decaying lace. He turns and his sm ile lights up the room.


At last.

He wears a long black coat and his eyes are invisible behind circular mirrored glasses.

He strides to Neo and they shake hands. MORPHEUS

Welcom e, Neo. As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus. NEO

It's an honor.


Please. Com e. Sit.

He nods to Trinity.


Thank you, Trinity.

She bows her head sharply and exits through a door to an adjacent room.

They sit across from one another in cracked, burgundy- leather chairs.


I imagine, right now, you m ust be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?


You could say that.


I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a m an who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.

A smile, razor-thin, curls the corner of his lips. MORPHEUS

Ironically, this is not far from the truth. But I'm getting ahead of m yself. Can you tell m e, Neo, why are you here?


You're Morpheus, you're a legend. Most hackers would die to m eet you.


Yes. Thank you. But I think we both know there's m ore to it than that. Do you believe in fate, Neo? NEO



Why not?


Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of m y life.


I know exactly what you m ean.

Again, that smile that could cut glass. MORPHEUS

Let m e tell you why you are here. You are here because you have the gift.


What gift?


I've watched you, Neo. You do not use a computer like a tool. You use it like it was part of yourself. What

you can do inside

a com puter is not normal. I know. I've seen it. What you do is m agic.

Neo shrugs.


It's not m agic.


But it is, Neo. It is. How else would you describe what has been happening to you?

He leans forward.


We are trained in this world to accept only what is rational and logical. Have you ever wondered why? Neo shakes his head.


As children, we do not separate the possible from the impossible which is why the younger a m ind is the easier it is to free while a m ind like yours can be very difficult.


Free from what?


From the Matrix.

Neo locks at his eyes but only sees a reflection of him self.


Do you want to know what it is, Neo?

Neo swallows and nods his head.


It's that feeling you have had all your life. That feeling that som ething was wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you m ad, driving you to m e. But what is it?

The LEATHER CREAKS as he leans back. MORPHEUS

The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, here even in this room.

You can see it out your window, or on your television. You feel it when you go to work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.


What truth?


That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage...

... kept inside a prison that you cannot sm ell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. Outside, the WIND BATTERS a loose PANE of glass. MORPHEUS

Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.




Hold out your hands.

In Neo's right hand, Morpheus drops a red pill. MORPHEUS

This is your last chance. After this, there is no going back. In his left, a blue pill.


You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.

The pills in his open hands are reflected in the glasses.


You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Neo feels the sm ooth skin of the capsules, with the m oisture growing in his palms.


Rem ember that all I am offering is the truth. Nothing m ore.

Neo opens his m outh and swallows the red pill. The Cheshire sm ile returns.


Follow m e.

He leads Neo into the other room, which is cramped with high-tech equipment, glowing ash-bliie and electric green from the racks of m onitors.

Trinity, Apoc and Cypher look up as they enter. CYPHER



I knew he would.

Cypher saddles up to Morpheus, talking in a hushed tone away from, Neo.


Morpheus, I know what you believe but I think this is a mistake.

We're rushing him. He's old. I'm afraid he m ight pop.


Haven't I always told you, Cypher, not to let fear control your life.

Apoc, are we on-line?

Neo recognizes the large m an from the El train. APOC

Alm ost.

He and Trinity are working quickly, hardwiring a com plex system of m onitors, m odules and drives. NEO

Apoc? You wrote the Four Horsem en Virus.


That's right.


Neo, tim e is always against us. Will you take a seat there?

In the center of the room sits a chair. Near the chair is an old oval dressing m irror that is cracked. MORPHEUS

I imagine you know som ething about virtual reality. Neo sits and Trinity begins gently fixing white electrode disks to his head, arm s, and the back of his neck.


A little.


Tell m e about it.


Essentially, it's a hardware system that uses an apparatus; headgear, gloves and whatever to m ake you feel that you are in a com puter program. MORPHEUS

If the virtual reality apparatus, as you called it, was wired to all of your senses and controlled them com pletely, would you be able to tell the difference between the virtual world and the real world?


You m ight not, no.


No, you wouldn't.

Neo whispers to Trinity.


You did all this?

She nods, placing a set of headphones over his ears.

They are wired to an old hotel phone.


The pill you took is part of a trace program. It's going to m ake things feel a bit strange.

Distantly, through the ear phones, he hears Apoc POUNDING

on a KEYBOARD. Sweat beads his face. His eyes blink and twitch when he notices the m irror. Wide-eyed he stares as it begins to heal itself, a webwork of cracks that slowly run together as though the m irror were becom ing liquid.



Cypher works with Apoc checking reams of phosphorescent data. Trinity m onitors Neo's electric vital signs.

Neo reaches out to touch the mirror and his fingers disappear beneath the rippling surface.

Quickly, he tries to pull his fingers out but the m irror stretches in long rubbery strands like mirrored-taffy stuck to his fingertips.


What is this? Mescaline?


Just relax, Neo.

The strands thin like rubber cem ent as he pulls away, until the fragile wisps of mirror thread break.

With the TINKLING of GLASS, shimmering snowflakes of electric-blinking m ercury fall, hit the ground, and fade.

He looks at his hand; fingers distended into mirrored icicles that begin to m elt rapidly, drippin g, running like wax down his fingers, spreading across his palms where he sees his face reflected.




It's going into replication.




Still nothing.

Morpheus takes out a cellular phone and dials a num ber.


Tank, we're going to need the signal soon. Stay calm, Neo.

The m irror gel seem s to com e to life, racing, crawling up his arms like hundreds of insects.


It's cold.

The m irror creeps up his neck as Neo begins to panic, tipping his head as though he were sinking into the mirror, trying to keep his m outh up.


It's all over m e --

Morpheus is right next to him, with the phone.


I got a fibrillation!


I knew it, I knew it...


Shit! Apoc?

Stream s of m ercury run from Neo's nose.


Targeting... alm ost there.

An ALARM, on Trinity's m onitor ERUPTS.


He's going into arrest!


He's gonna pop!


Lock! I got him!


Now, Tank now!

His eyes tear with m irror, rolling up and closing as a high-pitched ELECTRIC SCREAM ERUPTS in the headphones --

It is a piercing SHRIEK like a com puter calling to another com puter --

Neo's body arches in agony and we are pulled like we were pulled into the holes of the phone

Sucked into his SCREAM and swallowed by darkness.


INT. POWER PLANT - CLOSE ON MAN'S BODY Floating in a womb-red amnion. His body spasms, fighting against the thick gelatin.

Metal tubes, surreal versions of hospital tubes, obscure his face. Other lines like IVs are connected to lim bs and cover his genitals.

He is struggling desperately now. Air bubbles into the Jell-O but does not break the surface.

Pressing up, the surface distends, stretching like a red rubber cocoon.

Unable to breathe, he fights wildly to stand, clawing at the thinning elastic shroud --

Until it ruptures, a hole widening around his m outh as he sucks for air. Tearing him self free, he em erges from the cell.

It is Neo.

He is bald and naked, his body slick with gelatin. Dizzy, nauseous, he waits for his vision to focus. He is standing in an oval capsule of clear alloy filled with red gelatin, the surface of which has solidified like curdled milk.

The IVs in his arms are plugged into outlets that appear to be grafted to his flesh.

He feels the weight of another cable and reaches to the back of his head where he finds an enorm ous coaxial plugged and locked into the base of his skull. He tries to pull it out but it would be easier to pull off a finger.

To either side he sees other tube-shaped pods filled with red gelatin; beneath the wax-like surface, pale and m otionless, he sees other hum an beings. Fanning out in a circle, there are m ore. All connected to a center core, each capsule like a red, dimly glowing petal attached to a black m etal stem. Above him, level after, level, the stem rises seem ingly forever. He m oves to the foot of the capsule and looks out.

The im age assaults his mind.

Towers of glowing petals spiral up to incomprehensible heights, disappearing down into a dim murk like an underwater abyss.

His sight is blurred and warped, exaggerating the intensity of the vision. The sound of the PLANT is like the sound of the ocean heard from inside the belly of Leviathan.

Below Neo, a petal detaches from the stem, bearing away the body of an old man like an autom ated barge even as a new pod rises up and plugs itself into the em pty space.

Inside the new capsule, its surface m ore translucent and pinkish in color, Neo sees a small baby.

From above, a m achine drops directly in front of Neo.

He swallows his scream as it seems to stare at him. It is alm ost insect-like in its design; beautiful housings of alloyed m etal covering organic-like system s of hard and soft polym ers.

A black particle beam washes over Neo, he reacts in pain as the scanner seems to expose the nervous system wired to the coaxial cable at his cerebral cortex.

At the back of the neck, the cable lock spins and opens, disengaging.

The cable pulls itself free, a long clear plastic needle and cerebrum-chip slides from the anterior of Neols skull with an ooze of blood and spinal fluid. The other connective hoses snap free and snake away as --

The back of the unit opens and a trem endous

vacuum, like an airplane door opening, sucks the gelatin and then NEO into a black hole.


The pipe is a waste disposal system and Neo falls, sliding with the clot of gelatin.

Banking through pipe spirals and elbows, flushing up through grease traps clogged with cily clunps of cellulite.

Neo begins to drown when he is suddenly snatched from the flow of waste.

The m etallic cable then lifts, pulling him up into the belly of the futuristic flying m achine, hovering inside the sewer m ain line.


The m etal harness opens and drops the half-conscious NEO onto the floor.

Human hands and arm s help him up as he finds him self looking straight at Morpheus.

Trinity and Apoc. And others, dressed in bizarre, high-tech combat gear.

Morpheus sm iles.


Welcom e to the real world, Neo.

Neo passes out.


We have no sense of tim e. We hear VOICES whispering.

MAN (O.S.)

Do you think Morpheus is right?

Do you think he could be the One?


It doesn't m atter now. But if he's wrong...



Neo's eyes flutter open. We see Trinity's face above us, angelic in the fluorescent glow of a light stick.



... am I dead?


Far from it.



ANGLE ON NEO He opens his eyes again, som ething tingling through him.

He focuses and sees his body pierced with dozens of acupuncture-like needles wired to a strange device. DOZER

He needs a lot of work.


I know.

Dozer and Morpheus are operating on Neo.


What are you doing?


Your m uscles have atrophied. We're rebuilding them. Fluorescent light sticks burn unnaturally bright.


Why do m y eyes hurt?


You've never used them before.

Morpheus takes his sunglasses off and puts them on Neo.

Neo lays back.


Rest, Neo. The answers are com ing.



Neo wakes up from a deep sleep, feeling better. He is wearing a black tank top and shorts.

He begins to examine himself. There is a futuristic IV plugged into the jack in his forearm. He pulls it out, staring at the grafted outlet.

He feels his bald head. His fingers find and explore the large outlet in the base of his skull.

Just as he starts to com e unglued, Morpheus opens the door.


Morpheus, what's happened to m e?

What is this place?


More im portant than what is when?




You believe the year is 1997 when in fact it is m uch closer to 2197.

I can't say for certain what year it is because we honestly do not know.

The wind is knocked from Neo's chest.


That's not possible.


I promised you the truth, Neo, and the truth is that the world you were living in was a lie.




I'll show you.


Like a sleepwalker, Neo follows Morpheus through the ship.


This is m y ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. It's a hovercraft. Sm all like a subm arine. It's dark. It's cramped and cold. But it's hom e.

They climb a ladder up to the main deck.


Everyone is there.


This is the m ain deck. You know m ost of m y crew. Trinity sm iles and nods.


The ones you don't know. That's Mouse and Switch. The two big guys are Tank and Dozer.

The nam es and faces wash meaninglessly over Neo. MORPHEUS

And this, this is the Core. This is where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix.

It is a swamp of bizarre electronic equipm ent. Vines of coaxial hang and snake to and from huge m onolithic battery slabs, a black portable satellite dish and banks of little systems and computer m onitors.

At the center of the web, there are six exoskeleton chairs made of a poly-alloy frame and suspension harness.

Near the circle of chairs is the control console and operator's station where the network is m onitored. MORPHEUS

Help him, Trinity.

Neo allows him self to be helped into one of the chairs.


Do you rem ember when I asked you about an apparatus that could turn a virtual reality into reality? Neo nods.

MORPHEUS It's right here.

He touches Neo's head.


And it's accessed here.

Neo feels Morpheus guiding a coaxial line into the jack at the back of his neck. The cable has the same kind of cerebellum chip we saw inside the plant. MORPHEUS

This will feel a little weird.

There are several disturbing NOISES as he works the needle in.

We MOVE IN as Neo's shoulders bunch and his face tightens into a grim ace until a loud CLICK fires and his ears pop like when you equalize them underwater.

He relaxes, opening his eyes as we pull back to a feeling of weightlessness inside another place --


Neo is standing in an empty, blank-white space. MORPHEUS

This is the Construct.

Startled, Neo whips around and finds Morpheus now in the room with him.


It is our loading program. We can load anything from clothes, to weapons, to training sim ulations. Anything we need.

Morpheus walks past Neo and when Neo turns he sees the two leather chairs from the hotel set up in front of a large-screen television.


Sit down.

Neo stands at the back of the chair as Morpheus sits.


Right now, we're inside a com puter program? MORPHEUS

Wild, isn't it?

Neo's hands run over the cracked leather.


This isn't real?


What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about your senses, what you feel, taste, sm ell, or see, then all you're talking about are electrical signals interpreted by your brain.

He picks up a rem ote control and clicks ON the TELEVISION. We drift through the Windy City circa



This is the Chicago you know. Chicago as it was at the end of the twentieth century. This Chicago exists only as part of a neural-interactive sim ulation that we call the Matrix.

We GLIDE AT the television as he changes the channel.


You have been living inside Bullard’s vision, inside the m ap, not the territory. This is Chicago as it exists today.

The sky is an endless sea of black and green bile. The earth, scorched and split like burnt flesh, spreads out beneath us as we ENTER the television. MORPHEUS

'The desert of the real.'

In the distance, we see the ruins of a future Chicago protruding from the wasteland like the blackened ribs of a long-dead corpse.


We are, right now, m iles below the earth's surface. The only place hum ans can survive outside the Matrix is underground.

Still MOVING, we TURN and find Neo and Morpheus; the chairs now sitting in the middle of the black desert.

Dizzy, Neo holds onto the chair.


What happened?


It started early in the twenty- first century, with the birth of artificial intelligence, a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines.

In his sunglasses, we see storm clouds gather. MORPHEUS

At first all they wanted was to be treated as equals, entitled to the sam e hum an inalienable rights. Whatever they were given, it was not enough.

In the circular window of the glasses, EXPLOSIONS light up a bloody battle field.


We don't know who struck first. Us or them. But som etime at the end of the twenty-first century the battle was joined.

We MOVE INTO his glasses and the war surrounds us.

MORPHEUS The war raged for generations and turned the face of our planet from green and blue to black and red.

At last we see the Sentinels; killing m achines that are at once terrifying and beautiful. They have an organic architecture like a m icro biotic organism, that is perpetually in motion.

The Sentinel cracks the body arm or of a soldier, splitting open the soft, searing m eat inside. MORPHEUS

It scorched and burned the sky. Without the sun, the machines sought out a new energy source to survive. The Sentinel locks up, as heat lightning of black ink bursts against the sky, spreading into a permanent cloud of stain.


They discovered a new form of fusion. All that was required to initiate the reaction was a sm all electric charge. Throughout hum an history we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

We return to the power plant that Neo escaped from where we see hum an beings looking alm ost blissful in their gelatin cocoons.


The hum an body generates m ore bio- electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 B.T.U.'s of body heat.

Outside, spreading all around the power plant, beneath a breathing greenhouse, are the growing fields.


We are, as an energy source, easily renewable and com pletely recyclable, the dead liquefied and fed intravenously to the living.

Huge farm-like reapers are harvesting the crop. MORPHEUS

All they needed to control this new battery was som ething to occupy our m ind.

We see inside a clear tubular husk. Floating in viscous fluid, there is a human fetus; its soft skull already growing around the brain-jack. MORPHEUS

And so they built a prison out of our past, wired it to our brains and turned us into slaves.

We PULL BACK to find the im age is now on the television and we are again inside the white space of the Construct.


No! I don't believe it! It's not possible!


I didn't say that it would be easy, Neo. I just said that it would be the truth.

The room without walls begins to spin.


Stop! Let m e out! I want out!



His eyes snap open and he thrashes against the chair, trying to rip the cable from the back of his neck.


Get this thing out of m e!


Easy, Neo. Easy.

Dozer holds him while Trinity unlocks it. Once it's out, he tears away from them, falling as he trips free of the harness.


Don't touch m e! Get away from me!

On his hands and knees, he reels as the world spins. Sweat pours off him as a pressure builds inside his skull as if his brain had been put into a centrifuge. CYPHER

He's going to pop!

Vom iting violently, Neo pitches forward and blacks out.


He blinks, regaining consciousness. The room is dark.

Neo is stretched out on his bed.


I can't go back, can I?

Morpheus sitting like a shadow on a chair in the far corner.


No. But if you could, would you really want to?

Neo isn't sure of that answer.


I feel that I owe you an apology. There is a rule that we do not free a mind once it reaches a certain age. It is dangerous.

They have trouble letting go.. Their mind turns against them.

I've seen it happen. I broke the rule because I had to. He stares into the darkness, confessing as much to him self as Neo. MORPHEUS

When the Matrix was first built there was a m an born inside that had the ability to change what he wanted, to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. It was this m an that freed the first of us and taught us the secret of the war; control the Matrix and you control the future. He pauses.


When he died, the Oracle at the temple of Zion prophesied his return and envisioned an end to the war and freedom for our people. That is why there are those of us that have spent our entire lives searching the Matrix, looking for him.

Neo can feel his eyes on him.


I did what I did, because I believe we have been brought here for a reason, Neo. You are here to serve a purpose, just as I am here to serve m ine.


I told you I don't believe in fate.

Morpheus sm iles, leaning towards him. MORPHEUS

But I do, Neo. I do.

He stands up.


Get som e rest. You're going to need it.


For what?


Your training.


There is no m orning; there is only darkness and then the fluorescent light sticks flicker on.


Neo is awake in his bed, staring up at the lights. The door opens and TA.NK steps inside.


Morning. Did you sleep?




You will tonight. I guarantee it. I'm Tank. I'll be your operator.

He offers his hand and Neo shakes it. He notices that Tank doesn't have any jacks.


You don't have...


Any holes? Nope. Me and m y brother Dozer, we are 100 percent pure, old fashioned, hom e-grown human. Born free. Right here in the real world. Genuine child of Zion.




Zion is the place, man. You'll see it one day. Last human city.

All we got left.

Tank sm iles.


Goddam n, I got to tell you I'm fairly excited to see what you are capable of. I m ean if Morpheus is right and all. We're not supposed to talk. about any of that, but if you are, well then this is an exciting tim e. We got a lot to do so let's get to it.


Neo is plugged in, hanging in one of the suspension chairs.


We're supposed to load all these operations programs first, but this is som e m ajor boring shit. Why don't we start som ething a little fun?

Tank smiles as he plops into his operator's chair. He begins flipping through a tall carousel loaded with micro discs.


How about sore com bat training?

Neo reads the label on the disk.


Jujitsu? I'm going to learn jujitsu?

Tank slides the disk into Neo's supplem ent drive. NEO

No way.

Sm iling, Tank punches the "load" code.

His body jum ps against the harness as his eyes clam p shut. The m onitors kick wildly as his heart pounds, adrenaline surges, and his brain sizzles. An instant later his eyes snap open.


Holy shit!


Hey, Mikey, he likes it! Ready for m ore?



as grey pixels slowly fill a sm all, half-empty box. It is a m eter displaying how m uch download tim e is left.

The title bar reads: "Com bat Series 10 of 12," file categories flashing beneath it: Savate, Jujitsu, Ken Po, Drunken Boxing...

Morpheus walks in.


How is he?

Tank looks at his watch, rubs his eyes.


Ten hours straight. He's a m achine.

Neo's body spasm s and relaxes as his eyes open, breath hissing from his lips. He looks like he just orgasm ed.

He locks at Morpheus.


This is incredible. I know Kung Fu.

Morpheus sits in the drive chair next to hin. He nods to Tank.


Show m e.


They are standing in a very sparse Japanese-style dojo.


This is a sparring program, similar to the programmed reality of the Matrix. Consider this your first lesson.

He assumes a fighting stance.


Attack me.

Neo assum es a sim ilar stance, cautiously circling until he gives a short cry and launches a furious attack.

It is like a Jackie Chan m ovie at high speed, fists and feet striking from every angle as Neo presses his attack--

But each and every blow is blocked by effortless speed.


While their m inds battle in the programmed reality, the two bodies appear quite serene, suspended in the drive chairs.

Tank m onitors their life systems noticing that Neo is

【特效片】三十部Hollywood特效片的里程碑 绝对值得收藏! 大饱眼福 留着慢慢看!

三十部Hollywood里程碑【特效片】 章节 收起 ? 1 30.《深渊》 ? 2 29.《本杰明.巴顿奇事》 ? 3 28.《全面回忆》 ? 4 27.《阿甘正传》 ? 5 26.《魔茧》 ? 6 25.《哈利.波特》系列 ?7 24.《飞越长生》 ?8 23.《加勒比海盗》系列 ?9 22.《异形》系列 ?10 21.《小猪宝贝》 ?11 20.《后天》 ?12 19.《角斗士》 ?13 18.《2001太空漫游》 ?14 17.《拯救大兵瑞恩》 ?15 16.《木乃伊》系列 ?16 15.《金刚》 ?17 14.《回到未来》系列 ?18 13.《超人》系列 ?19 12.《独立日》 ?20 11.《玩具总动员》 ?21 10.《变形金刚》系列 ?22 9.《美梦成真》 ?23 8.《星际迷航》系列 ?24 7.《侏罗纪公园》系列 ?25 6.《蜘蛛侠》系列 ?26 5.《黑客帝国》系列 ?27 4.《终结者》系列 ?28 3.《泰坦尼克号》 ?29 2.《星球大战》系列 ?30 1.《指环王》系列 30.《深渊》


甚至在叙事手法、节奏等方面还不太圆熟。《深渊》作为一部影片并没有达到预期的效果,但是海底异形这一形象却为卡梅隆带来了新的特效:T-1000。 29.《本杰明.巴顿奇事》




摘要 本设计尝试用Maya软件制作一个简短的三维动画。Maya是目前世界上最为优秀的三维动画的制作软件之一,是相当高尖而且复杂的三维电脑动画软件,它是Alias|Wavefront 公司在1998 年才推出的三维制作软件。它被广泛用于电影、电视、广告、电脑游戏和电视游戏等的数位特效创作,曾获奥斯卡科学技术贡献奖等殊荣。2005年10月4日,生产3D Studio Max的Autodesk(欧特克)软件公司宣布正式收购生产Maya 的Alias。所以Maya 现在是Autodesk 的软件产品。它的应用领域主要包括四个方面;一、平面图形可视化,它大增进平面设计产品的视觉效果,强大功能开阔平面设计师的应用视野,二、网站资源开发,三、电影特技(蜘蛛侠、黑客帝国、指环王),四、游戏设计内容:MAYA 软件在影视动画行业有广泛的运用。 【关键词】三维动画、Maya、电影特技、游戏

ABSTRACT This procedure tries to make a brief three-dimensional animation with Maya.Maya is the world's most outstanding three-dimensional animation production software is one of the very high point and complex three-dimensional computer animation software, which is the Alias | Wavefront Inc. launched in 1998, three-dimensional production software. It is widely used in film, television, advertising, computer games and television games, digital effects creation, it o nce won the Oscar award honorary titles of science and technology. October 4, 2005, the production of 3D Studio Max Autodesk (Autodesk) software company announced the formal acquisition of production Maya's Alias. So now is the Autodesk Maya software products. Its application areas include four aspects; one plane graph visualization, it is a large graphic design products to enhance the visual effect, the power of the application of open graphic designer perspective, two, website resources development, three movie stunt (Spider Man, Matrix, Lord of the Rings), 4, game design elements: MAYA animation software in the film industry have a broad application. 【Keyswords】three-dimensional animation, Maya, Film Effects,Games


不一样的眼光看<人工智能> 初中开始就很喜欢科幻小说和电影,各种新老科幻题材作品看了不少,《星球大战》的宏大场面和亦神亦幻的原力,《黑客帝国》的炫酷动作和巧妙构思,还有《终结者》前三部对于人类未来的思考,《阿凡达》美妙的潘多拉星球...《人工智能》没有一般科幻片里火爆的打斗场面,但涵盖了大量科幻迷们一直探讨的问题,并带给我们别样的感动。 第一次看《人工智能》好像是高二的一个小假期,记得是晚上看了一遍不过瘾第二天又看了一遍。一晃几年过去,公选课上再看一遍,如今更成熟全面的眼光看这部经典,不得不说导演太给力了,电影里包含了大量科幻题材作品一直在探讨的问题,如人类的未来、永恒、人性、人类与机器人的关系等等,电影里围绕David对他妈妈执着的爱开展,网上对电影里人性的评价太多了,人性这么复杂的东西区区两千字怎么讲的清,这里我就主要站在一个工科学生的角度谈谈电影里的机器人吧。 首先,开始时一个女的机器人,为的是给一群公司内部人员展示老一代机器人所能达到的水平,并顺场带出了几个非常经典的关于人与机器人的伦理问题,这个机器人与后面大多数机器人一样,出厂就被设定了对人类惟命是从,甚至当众脱衣也是毫不犹豫,这完全是一个工具,不带有任何人类的感情与思想。但是有一个细节,就是当“她”的脸部被打开又装回去之后,导演给了一个特写,就是“她”掏出了一个小镜子在自己化妆!这是一个多么人性化的举动!但这终究还是“她”自身程序设定的一部分,不得不佩服导演,这一前一后的鲜明对比,更加突出了机器人的工具性,为后来电影的基调做了铺垫,也更突出了主角David 那种人类情感和思想产生的可贵性。 第二个出场的机器人就是我们电影里的主角David,关于David和她妈妈的感情纠结我觉得不是我这工科学生所能讲得清的(但我想我能理解),我也是上网看了些影评才知道什么俄狄浦斯情结,还有人说David对妈妈的爱,根本就不是儿子对母亲的爱,而是一种男女之间占有式的爱,我只能说“A hundred readers have a hundred Hamlet”。且抛开David 所具有的人类感情不说,单单看David 这部机器人的设计我觉得就有问题。首先是他吃东西会损坏自己,作为一个能拥有人类思想和情感的最先进机器人,居然连一个进食系统都没有,不就一根食管加一个食品收集装置嘛,我都能想出来要怎么做这么一个进食系统,那些设计师们真不知道干嘛去了。还有就是关于他睡觉的问题,作为一个以安慰人为目的而设计生产的智能机器人为什么就不能多设定一个程序让他可以“睡觉”呢,尽管机器人不用睡觉,但让一个妈妈哄她的孩子入睡绝对是一个绝好的“安慰”,看来那些设计师真不咋滴。不过我也知道这是导演的故意安排,不能吃东西是为了突出David为了争宠不惜自残,不用睡觉就能听到妈妈讲关于蓝衣仙女的故事,开始看的时候觉得合情合理,回头再看,作为一个学工科并看了那么多科幻作品里先进机器人的我,表示,无法接受。


下面简单的科普一下早期的特效史。 1891年,现代动画片之祖---查尔斯-埃米尔雷诺(法国人)拍摄了最早的动画片《可怜的比埃罗》(Pauvrepierrot) 1898年导演E.斯密斯拍摄了第一部定格动画《小胖蛋的马戏团》(THE HUMPT DUMPTY CIRCUS) 1902年法国人乔治.梅里爱---公认的特效之父,拍摄了科幻电影开山之作《月球之旅》(The tripof the moon)把定格拍摄发扬广大。 1927年摄影师尤金.舒夫坦利用光学技巧拍摄了《大都会》(Metropolis),并把这种方法命名为舒夫坦处理法,这个进步非常大。 ---------------------------------------------------- 之后进入电脑时代 1、最老牌特效公司:蒂皮特工作室(Tippett Studio) Tippett Studio作为世界上历史最悠久的特效制作公司,创建与1984年,无论是早期的《侏罗纪公园》、《黑客帝国》系列,还是近期的《哈利波特》系列、《暮光之城》系列、《泰迪熊》、《忍者神龟:变种时代》等都显示出了特效技术对电影事业革命性的创造与改变。

《侏罗纪公园》1993年 作为影史上最著名也是最卖座的电影之一,《侏罗纪公园》不仅开创了电影特效制作的里程碑,而且还成功创造了霸王龙这个令人不寒而栗的经典银幕怪兽形象。 影片筹备期间,透过跟不同视效公司进行会议,导演斯皮尔伯格发现,原来采用最传统的胶片实景拍摄,再配以惊人的计算机绘图技术,出来的效果才最慑人。影片中的恐龙们也成为了影史上第一次出现的由数字技术创造的能呼吸的,有真实皮肤,且有肌肉和动作质感的角色。 历经二十年,Tippett Studio始终在特效制作界享誉盛名,并且持续不断创造更多经典,除了强大的团队,善用利器,也是它始终向前,永不过时的原因。


“时间冻结”视觉特效在时间美学中的诠释 【摘要】时间冻结是一种应用于影视后期制作中的特殊视觉效果。本文从时间美学的理论体系角度对时间冻结技术的两个重要维度进行阐述。 【关键词】时间冻结、时间美学、视觉特效 中图分类号:J931 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-0125(2015)09-0124-01 一、“时间冻结”的实现机制 “时间冻结”出现于20世纪80年代,是应用于影视后期制作中的一种特殊视觉效果,但是,直到电影《黑客帝国》中的“子弹时间”人们才开始注意到这种奇异的效果。在操作中,它将高清摄像机或专业相机间隔一定距离排成圆形、直线或曲线,组成一个拍摄阵列。这个阵列以静止的被摄体为中心,在拍摄角度和光线上保持严格的相关性,各个拍摄机器通过控制线串连起来,通过软件编程控制总快门,在同一瞬间或相等时间间隔、不等时间间隔进行拍摄,然后在图像处理系统中把不同角度的系列画面集合在一起。 “时间冻结”的特质有两个:一是时间上的极端变化――运动的主体突然静止,这个特质非常适合截断日常生活中急速行进使人难以捕捉的事物,如飞溅的液体、疾驰的子弹等。

二是空间上的极端变化――摄影角度始终在变化,表现旋转中突然凝固的主体。 二、停滞中时间敞开 停滞是一种秩序,迫使正在进行的动作、正在持续的情感搁置起来,用静超越时间。人物运动中的断裂使故事中断,但是“虚无中可以生发出新意义、新生命力的可能性,于是在影像世界中被异化成物质的时间重新获得生命的内涵”。 [1] 影视作品是创作者将人的生存境况放在故事框架中进 行的想象性投射,其中包含着创作者“对自我的追寻,对历史的追寻,而所有这些影像都是这一历史的额外篇章的契机和嫁接体”,因此,新生命的舒展即是对创作者意愿的强调,对创作者主观意识笼罩的虚拟时间坐标的诗意触发。 电影《源代码》中的“时间冻结”是对这个问题的深化。片中主人公上尉为调查列车爆炸事件的凶手穿越回到列车上,并和列车上的女乘客相爱,最后,他完成任务时两人深情一吻时画面出现了“时间冻结”:镜头缓慢拉开这一刻挣脱现时一个异度时空被触发生效,一种对爱情和生命完整性的祝福感蔓延开来,创作者概念的传输和观众内心的投入达到最大值。 三、旋转中时间再生 时间冻结效果相当于时间定格和画面旋转的组合,主体


观看《黑客帝国》后的感悟和思考 看完《黑客帝国》,我既被片中震撼的打斗特效镜头所折服,又被其中蕴含的哲学思想所吸引。电影中的“存在主义”和“虚无主义”可以说是当代最具影响力的、哲学家正在努力探究的哲学内含,而对未来数字世界中人的自我意识的争论,也越来越成为人们关注和探讨的焦点。不得不赞叹这是一部令人叹为观止的电影。 “NEO”、“矩阵”、“母体”、“锡安城”、“人机大战”……在导演沃卓斯基兄弟用一堆玄之又玄的名词构造成的冷峻世界中,无论是重感官刺激还是重理性分析的人,都在《黑客帝国》中得到了极大的慰藉。毫无疑问,黑客的“母体”世界比星际空间和中土世界更吸引人,让观众深陷其中不能自拔! 在我看来,《黑客帝国》并不只是几句关于枪的台词和可以炫耀的动作场面。当有一天我们站在热闹的街头,忽然发现过往人群都是一身长衣墨镜的黑客服饰,嘴里吐着满是数码味道的黑客词语,我们是不是也会怀疑身边世界是否真的只是“被设计好的”?深刻、超前的思想,辩证的思维,是“黑客帝国文化”重要的组成部分,就像第一集中小女孩的那把汤勺,你看着它,总会像NEO一样悟出点什么。 下面是我对《黑客帝国》中哲学思想的一些感悟: 1、是真实还是虚幻,是唯物还是唯心 尼奥在母体中生活,后来在人类反抗组织带领下觉醒。在母体里人们感觉非常真实,就像现在的我们。如果说在母体里的世界中,信奉唯心主义才是正确的,而在锡安城,信奉唯物主义才是正确的,那我们现在的生活难道就真的是真实的吗?我们推崇的马克思唯物主义就是绝对是正确的吗?什么是真实,什么是虚幻?物体所给与我们的触觉如此真实,但这真的就是真实吗?这不过是神经对外界的反应,就像母体里,从空中坠下,现实中的人也会死。人的感觉未必是真实,在虚拟现实里,也能得到完全真实的感受。就像庄周梦蝶,究竟是蝶化庄周,还是庄周化蝶?谁又能说得清呢。 所以唯物唯心看来只是角度不同,境界不同。 2、意识与物质的关系 依照马克思主义的观点,物质是客观实在的,存在于人的意识之外,可以为人的意识所反映。物质决定意识,意识依赖于物质并反作用于物质。也就是说,时间是客观存在的,你看石头,可以看出地球年龄。所以马克思的说法是时间是对空间变化的刻画。 但如果真的存在《黑客帝国》中的虚拟世界,马克思主义的观点便成了谬论。问题在于,我们无法肯定自己就生活在现实的物质世界中而非虚拟世界,所以也便无法判断物质与意识究竟谁是世界的本源。 试想如果没有生物,这个世界有时间概念吗?如果没有生物,世界根本不存在。我思故我在。如果我没有感觉与思考,那么世界并不存在。从表面上看,世界是物质的。但那个世界只是观念中的世界。没有谁可以完全把握任何东西。空间也是也是由于感知,没有感知,空间这个概念就不存在。 所以物质与精神何者为第一性,何者为第二性的问题,应该是人类永恒探讨和探索的问题,不应仅仅局限于马克思主义观 3、人工智能对人类社会发展的影响 机器与人的关系在影片里被推到极端境地,母体里人类被迫活在幻觉里,被机器控制。但是后来议员说了几句话,锡安难道不是也被机器控制?到底是什么是控制?你用电脑还是


《黑客帝国1》有412个特效镜头,由Dfilm、Manix和Animal Logic三家特技制作公司分别制作。澳大利亚的Animal Logic工作室负责“子弹时间”特效镜头,《黑客帝国1》上映后,“子弹时间”特效成了它的一块招牌,言《黑客帝国1》必提“子弹时间”。该特效后来也是被模仿得最多的银幕特技之一,很多电影、电视和广告都对它进行了模仿,其中比较有名的有《霹雳娇娃》、《怪物史莱克》、《恐怖电影》等,“子弹时间”特效在《剑鱼行动》(2001)中得到了发扬光大,其开篇的爆炸场景简直酷翻了天。 到续集开拍时,“子弹时间”特效已经被模仿得太滥了,而且“子弹时间”本身只适合拍摄在一个有限空间里、少量对象物体的动作,当拍摄对象数量众多,而且涉及更复杂的镜头运动时,“子弹时间”就应付不来了。沃卓斯基兄弟和《黑客帝国》系列的特效总监约翰·盖特(John Gaeta)决心在续集中创造出绝对让人模仿不了的革命性电脑特效来。两部续集中共完成2500多个特效镜头,是第1集的6倍多,同时也完成了盖特本人和沃卓斯基的心愿:创造出了不能被模仿的视觉特效。 由于《黑客帝国》续集包含大量特效镜头,加之革命性创新特效带来庞大的工作量,除了自己的特效公司Manix外,约翰·盖特又联合了世界各地的五大特效公司,分别是:法国的BUF公司,主要负责矩阵的绿色下坠字码效果和其他垂直降落效果;Tippett工作室,主要负责全数码环境的制作和复杂机械物(如电子乌贼)的制作;SONY Picture工作室,主要负责创作影片中那些地表通向地心的隧道,还有设计隧道中的一些大场面,如250000只电子乌贼集结的场景;Giant Killer Robots工作室,主要负责再现地底环境;Animal Logic工作室,负责高速公路追车场景的设计,和一些“超正常”角色的创作,例如那位在高速行驶的机动车上跳来跳去的密探。 特效制作部门的有效性关系到整部影片的成败,为了避免工作分散给协调和整合工作带来的麻烦,盖特需要整合前期到后期特效制作的整个流程,为此,他和他的同事们又设计了“Zion Maniframe”这个世界电影史上功能最强大、完备的特效管理信息系统,这是第一次在电影拍摄中运用如此庞大的计算机信息管理系统。通过“数码日记”和“拍摄进程”系统,整个摄制组中从事数码加工、概念设计、故事蓝图描绘、电脑辅助设计、三维模型设计的工作人员,都可以得到想要的场景设计、高解析度模型和处于各拍摄进程当中的所有镜头资料,大大地提高了工作效率。 7.4.2 “子弹时间”特效 《黑客帝国1》给人留下最深刻印象的就是“凝固时间”的场面:女主角崔尼蒂 (Trinity)在旅馆跳起踢翻警察、救世主尼奥(Neo)在楼顶躲避警探子弹的射击、尼奥和警探在地铁里飞起双枪对峙(把吴宇森的招牌动作凝固在半空)。这几组镜头都是把一个瞬间的动作时间放大了呈现在观众面前,然后带动观众从各个角度欣赏这个瞬间,表达出一种非现实的时间观点,更能融入影片的故事背景,同时在视觉上具有非常独特的冲击力,给观众造成了极其难忘的印象。 当然《黑客帝国1》中最经典的镜头就是那个神奇的“子弹时间”(Bullet time)特效场面。从视觉效果上来说,“子弹时间”是一种变相的慢镜头,它以正常的摄影机速度来展示子弹飞行、格斗等高速动作,于是看上去这些动作像是慢下来,但我们不但不感觉拖沓, 第2/6页 反而将速度的快感无限扩大。当《黑客帝国1》中尼奥在旋转的运镜中缓慢地倾身躲避子弹,人们第一次真切地看见子弹的运行,看见子弹凝滞时的360度旋转的全景场面,惊异于这种用“慢速”来体现“快速”的效果冲击力。 这种以“慢”来体现快的方法,吴宇森原先是最为兴致勃勃的实践者,他的那些慢镜头射击场景,对《黑客帝国1》产生深远的影响,沃卓斯基将这种方法用到凝固子弹速度这种极端程度。沃卓斯基兄弟的灵感,也来自于1960年代后期《极速赛车手》的日本原版动画,动


经典的Matrix开头,很多人称此为数字流,但是我们应该看到这些流动的符号很多是日文假名,还有希腊字母,还有剧组造出来的符号,导演俩在后两部的原版剧本里曾经提到Matrix并非二进制的电脑(虽然电影中有个人物叫做Binary).我们应该思考一个问题,二进制是否可以成为真正的智能?Neverwin曾在第一部的非官方解释中提到一种哲学的认知方式,在多项选择中,我们可以看其为选项1和非选项1,也就是把除了选项1的所有选项看作一个整体.当然这只是一种认知方式,而且是我们基本无法掌握的认知方式.如果Matrix是类人逻辑的AI所造,那我们也必然要抛弃简单二进制智能的说法.在我看来,人类和机器的智能区别就在于社会结构的不同. 题目的后半部分是Revolutions.不光是**,还是复数.有必要理解一下这个复数所代表的多重**. 1.自由人类对Matrix非选择性工作体制的**. 2.无目的程序对Matrix删除制度的**. 3.过期程序对Matrix强行安排固有命运的**. 4.人类内部对于Matrix性质认识的**. 每一种都会在后面的解释中详细的解释,这里就不多讲了,其实在这里也讲不出什么实质来. 金色,灵魂的颜色.哲学家音轨里两位教授都是这么认为的.金色的爆炸就意味着灵魂的诞生和飞速发展.从电影看来,金色是特指机器的灵魂,人类则缺少这么灿烂的光芒.Neo在瞎了眼之后可以感觉到被人类视为仇敌的机器,却看不到自己的另一半Trinity就是最好的证明. 吧友一杯冰牛奶曾经指出这是数学中的分形结构,也具体指出了是哪一种,我认为哪一种不重要,而是分形所表达的意思.分形结构对于没有接触过这个方面的人(我就对分形一无所知)来说,最大的特点就是自我中有自我,生生不息.你可以的从这个图形的任何一部分中找出这个图形本身.就像两面正对着的镜子,你可以从任何一面镜子(包括镜子的像)中找出其余任何一面镜子的像.于是我认为这里导演想要表达的意思就是机器在发展的过程中不断的产生自我,完善自我.虽然更为精致,更为智慧,但这是一再重复着的没有本质变化的进化. 这就是机器城啊!Neo在Logos号向下俯冲的时候看到的就是这个景象.从这以后,前伸的镜头开始倒退,我们看到的就不再是机器灵魂的灿烂金光,而是Matrix的代码.如果说第三部的开头代表的是AI的成长,这里无疑意味着The Second Renaissance ,机器建立了机器城,和人类打了一仗,然后就靠着Matrix安逸的生存. 这里就是人类历史上最大转折点”第二次文艺复兴”,之后,绝大部分人类的生活世界.我要指出的是这个世界没有机器的外在压迫,人类要对抗机器的唯一正当理由就是为了Zion25万居民的生存.还有就是对Matrix内部人类社会发展的限制,这限制就是:二十世纪初人类发明AI,AI发展到和人类对抗的地步,人类战败后在Matrix里度过了大约6个世纪(前两个失败版本还未计算进去),所以外在世界至少是26世纪了,即便是Morpheus所说的22世纪,Matrix 也已经对人类自然发展造成了一个巨大的障碍.不过这不应该是我们要把机器干尽杀绝的理由,罗素在<西方哲学史>中说亚里士多德延缓了科学的发展,但是他仍然把亚里士多德当作大哲学家,大科学家.同理,机器也不该因此被称作奴隶主.况且,科学是双刃剑,任由人类自由的飞速发展,还不知道我们是否能活到26世纪呢. 当然,这种”自由”的概念是黑客帝国官方网站上写论文的那些哲学家的思想,也是大多数人接受的”自由”概念.导演要表现的却是叔本华所说的绝对自由,也就是第三种自由,不光是”我能做我想做的.”而是”我要不受限制随意想到我想做的.”这句话非常难表达,我这么说其实已经陷入了叔本华所说的循环中.要完全理解这第三种自由,还是看看叔本华本人<


---Trinity:They are watching you, Neo. I know you were sitting at the computer night after night. You are looking for him...... Same to you, when I found him, he told me that I was not really looking for him. I was looking for an answer. It is the question that drive us. It is the question that brough you here. The answer is out there. It is also looking for you. It'll find you, if you want it to. ---------------------------------------------------- ---Boss: you believe that you are special that the rules do not apply to you. ---------------------------------------------------- ---Agent: It seems you have been living into two lives. One has a future, the other not. ---------------------------------------------------- Trinity: You have to trust us. Because you know that road. Because you know the end there, and i know that's not where you want to be. ---------------------------------------------------- ---Mopheus: Let me tell you why you are here. You are here because you know something, what you know you can't explain. But you feel it. You feel it in your entire life. Something is wrong with the world. You don't know what, but it is there. Like a spinter in your mind, drive you mad. It's that feeling that brough you here. ---------------------------------------------------- ---Mopheus: The matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. You can see it when you look out of window, or when you turn on the television. It is the world that has been pull over your eyes to blind you from the truth. ---Neo: What truth? ---Mopheus:That you are a slave. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or touch.


黑客帝国影评 本文是关于观后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 黑客帝国影评(一) 《黑客帝国》第一部讲述的是诞生,一个平凡的网络朋克在父爱和情爱的关心下释放了自己的心灵,成了将人类救出虚拟世界的救世主。第二部讲述生活,这个救世主开始怀疑自己存在的价值,探讨起预言和选择的关系,以及人能否掌握自己的命运。第三部讲述死亡和新的开端,在救世主代表的人类和先知代表的机器共同努力下,战胜了计算机病毒的破坏,还给人类和机器一个阴阳共生的和平。 同时,这个三部曲还是一部人类思想的大历史,从一个善恶对立的世界到一个善恶模糊的关系,直到善恶对立完全消失,走向你中有我,我中有你的统一,这正是人类发展的大趋势,先知的阴阳图案耳环正说明了这一点。 《最终战役》讲述的正是中国传统儒道佛三合一的文化,一种以大道为先,放弃欲求,追求“和”的理想。尼奥昏迷在地铁站,引出了印度女孩萨蒂,与此同时,崔尼蒂等人找到梅洛文加,逼他放出尼奥,再次用爱情救了他。先知告诉尼奥,现在只有他才能拯救虚拟和真实的世界,而史密斯是尼奥的反面,随后到来的一群史密斯侵入了先知。锡安正遭到着机器的进攻,被困的逻各斯舰有了消息,米觉尼号带着尼奥一行去帮助尼俄柏。这时,尼奥已经认识到自己应该做什么,于是要求顶着锡安议会的压力,深入机器城市,和机器谈判。尼

俄柏知道这是她必须帮助尼奥的时刻,将自己的逻各斯舰交给尼崔二人,让他们尝试改变以前锡安的轮回。但这时,被史密斯附体的拜恩杀了照顾他的医生,潜伏在逻各斯舰上。 接着就是双线叙述,一边是锡安保卫战,志士们各尽其能,其中包括谎报年龄的十六岁少年和英雄家庭的兹。另一边是尼奥和崔尼蒂按照尼奥的预感,深入机器的城市,途中拜恩出现,和他的战斗中,尼奥眼睛瞎了,断灭了最后的感官欺骗,但他却能用心感受到眼前的东西。和众多机器水母的战斗中,崔尼蒂越过黑云看到了太阳,却在逻各斯号到达机器核心的时候,死于机器水母的进攻。锡安的战斗到了最后的关头,人类所有的抵抗方式都用尽,已经准备舍身成仁了。尼奥和机器展开了谈判,要求机器和人类和解,而他将制服史密斯,还两个天地一个太平。在谈判达成的一刻,机器的进攻停止了,墨菲斯知道尼奥成功了,率先放下了武器。 雷雨中,尼奥展开了和史密斯的战斗,这是一个史密斯的世界,作为他对立面的尼奥显然不可能是他的对手,在战斗的最后关头,先知在史密斯体内显灵了,说,“任何事都得有始有终”,尼奥在这一刻悟到了其中玄机,将自己送给史密斯。当史密斯完成了对尼奥的入侵,湮灭就这样到来了,光芒中,两个世界都恢复了平静,机器和人类的共生终于获得了和平。 如果仅仅把《黑客帝国》系列当作特技和神话,难免偏颇,这个故事必须是这样的结局,没有巧合和戏剧,因为“勺子本不存在”,这个故事其实写的是人类的真实历史,而不是好莱坞似的不能实现的


霹雳娇娃2021电影观后感影评5篇 《霹雳娇娃》根据ABC电视台70年代的同名电视剧《霹雳娇娃》改编,讲述了新一代火辣美女天使"暮光女"克里斯汀.斯图尔特、娜奥米.斯科特、埃拉.巴林斯卡霸气组队强势打击危险势力的故事。这里给大家分享一些关于《霹雳娇娃》的观后感,供大家参考。 20xx《霹雳娇娃》观后感 10月底官宣定档同步北美、一周前宣布宋佳为"特派天使",即将在明天上映的新版《霹雳娇娃》就这样火速来袭。 影片由女导演伊丽莎白.班克斯执导,"小K"克里斯汀.斯图尔特、"茉莉公主"娜奥米.斯科特、新人埃拉.巴林斯卡三位年轻女星主演。 这台前幕后的女性班底,看来是要将何谓"霹雳娇娃"纯正地演绎一把。 原名为"Charlie’s Angels"的《霹雳娇娃》虽说不是大IP,但从七十年代的热门美剧再到新千年初风行一时的电影版,这个系列积累起的观众认知度还是挺高的。 尤其是德鲁.巴里摩尔、卡梅隆.迪亚兹和刘玉玲主演的电影版,成功塑造了三个又美又能打的飒爽女特工形象,也让女性动作+性感时尚+漫画式画风成为系列特色。 不过由于20xx年的《霹雳娇娃2》票房表现平平,这个IP被暂停,后来在20xx年时尝试重新以剧集的形式重启,但也中途搁置。 直到20xx年,成功执导了《完美音调2》(票房大收近3亿美元)的伊丽莎白.班克斯积极推进,最终如愿成为新版的导演,同时也是编剧与制片人。 有旧版的珠玉在前,特别是三位主演深入人心的形象,新版《霹雳娇娃》没有选择重拍,而是在原有的世界观下进行续写。 早在《霹雳娇娃2》里其实就已经埋下了关于"天使特工世界观"的伏笔。 三姐妹并不是唯一的组合,她们都属于一个秘密打击危险势力的组织,集合了来自世界各地的兼具美貌与力量的战斗天使。 新《霹雳娇娃》就在此世界观下延展,所以新加盟的三位主演不是巴里摩尔、迪亚兹和刘玉玲的替代者。 她们之间是平行关系,或者按时间来看是前辈后辈的关系(片中有旧版三位


PS实现黑客帝国背景特效数码特效 马上就要上学了,突然发现还有假期实践报告没有写哎看来要临阵磨枪拉~! 呵呵转载了个简单的教程练习滤镜的使用~~ 1.新建一个大小为500X300,RGB模式,白色背景的文件。 2.用文字输入工具随意输入一窜01代码,并按CTRL+T把它垂直旋转过来放,并多复制几个拉成不等大小,随意摆放几个(图1)。还有一种方法,是用滤镜,也可以达到很不错的效果。就是菜单-滤镜-纹理-颗粒,把强度和对比度都调至100,颗粒类型选择垂直就可以了 3.把那些01代码的文字层和背景层全都合并起来,并把前景色设置为R:100、G:255、B:0左右的绿色,背景色设置为黑色(图2)。

4.选择菜单-滤镜-霓虹灯光效果,发光大小设置为10,发光亮度为15(图3)。 5.选择菜单-滤镜-风格化-照亮边缘,边缘宽度设置为1、亮度设置为20、平滑度设置为1左右(图4)。

6.选择菜单-图象-调整-亮度/对比度,将亮度调至-10,将对比度调至60左右。 7.好了,就这样,看最终效果(图5)。 分享到搜狐微博 ps中的《骇客帝国》经典片头静态效果图教 程:) 骇客帝国, 片头, 效果图, 教程, 经典, 骇客帝国, 片头, 效果图, 教程, 经典

大家好久不见了,这两天由于太忙,都没时间上论坛,教程也没来得及及时发,向大家说抱歉了:)这是刚写好的教程,很简单的!刚才出了点问题,没法贴图,我在后面贴好了。 1、新建一个文件,切换到通道面板中,点击下方的建立新通道按钮,新建一个通道Alpha1。执行菜单栏中的颗粒命令,参数如图1设置。 2、执行菜单栏中的照亮边缘命令设置如图2: 3、按Ctrl+A键,全选后按Ctrl+C复制键。返回图层面版,新建一个图层1,按Ctrl+V 键将图像粘贴到图层1中。执行菜单中的霓虹灯光命令,悬着你需要的颜色,如图3设置: 4、在图层面板中将图层1拖拽到下方建立新图层的按钮处,复制生成图层1副本,将图层的混合模式改为屏幕,以增加图层亮度,最后记得合并图层哦!如图4 如果想在上面加字或自己设计的图案的话,只要将新图层按“颗粒→照亮边缘→霓虹灯光”的步骤作就行了,但记得改变新图层的属性,加一些斜面和浮雕的效果,就能有立体效果喽!Ps:如果觉得两度不够,可以自行调整参数,到满意效果为止,上面的参数仅作参考:)


以后不用去影楼了!一定要记住这20种PS技术!会让你的照片美的不行! 一定要记住这20种PS技术!会让你的照片美的不行!

一种简单的数码照片后期润饰 1 打开图片,执行色像/饱和度(-40)降低饱和度。 2 新建一图层,将图层模式改为柔光,用画笔工具将需要润饰的部分画几下,这里可以利用色板方便的提取颜色 3 图片色彩过渡不够柔和,再执行一下滤镜下面的高斯模糊(+85) 简单处理照片爆光不足 1 打开图片,复制背景层,对背景层的模式改为滤色 2 对背景层的色阶进行调整 30秒搞定Plmm艺术照 1 打开图片,复制背景层两次 2 对复制背景层一进行高斯模糊(半径4~6),将复制背景层二的模式改为强光 3 新建一图层,添充图案(预先作好并定义的半灰半白的横条纹图案),设置混合模式为正片叠底

图象错位效果 1 打开图片,新建一图层,选择视图-标尺,选择移动工具,分别从上方和下方拖曳出两条蓝色标线(9格) 2 利用矩形选取工具,填充方格(1,9暗灰,5,7黑,3亮灰),以psd格式储存,然后关闭文件 3 执行滤镜-扭曲-置换,选择刚才储存的psd文件 备注(“置换滤镜”是利用置换图的颜色值使选区发生位移:白色(色调值=0)是最大负位移,即将要处理图象相应的象素向左和向上移动;黑色(色调值=255)是最大正位移,即把图象中相应的象素向右和向下移动;灰色(色调值=128)不产生位移) 照片底纹效果 1 打开图片,执行选择-全选,然后编辑-复制,建一新通道,编辑-粘贴将拷贝图象贴入新建通道中] 2 执行图象-调整-反像,回到RGB通道,编辑-清除,删除原图象 3 执行选择-载入选区,调用新通道,执行编辑-填充(所需颜色) 雾化效果 1 打开图片,新建图层一,设前景色/背景色(黑色/白色),执行滤镜-渲染-云彩,将图层添加图层蒙版 2 重复执行滤镜-渲染-云彩,图象-调整-亮度/对比度(80,0,图层一模式改为滤色) 人物插画效果 1 打开图片,复制背景层,执行图象-调整-通道混合器(灰色,+30,+60,+10,单色),执行滤镜-风格化-查找边缘,用色阶去掉杂点 2 将混合模式设为“叠加”,填充不透明度打到50% 3 背景层上加一个色阶调整图层,调整输出色阶(0,+155)形色主义 4 执行图象-调整-可选颜色,对色彩进行微调(红色,0,+100,+100,-75;黄色,0,-40,+100,-40) 利用颜色叠加给旧照片添加光色效果 1 打开图片,复制背景层,执行图象-调整-去色,调整亮度/对比度(-42,+18) 2 添加“颜色叠加”图层样式,混合模式改为“正片叠底”,点小色块,选择需要颜色(红色),再合并可见图层 3 添加滤镜-镜头光晕(亮度+100) 4 复制背景图层,再次添加“颜色叠加”图层样式,混合模式改为“正片叠底”(黄色) 给照片添加蓝天 1 打开图片并复制一"背景副本". 2 再新建一图层并填充蓝色背景. 3 将混合模式改为“正片叠底” 4 在背景副本的图层上在复制一“背景副本2” 5 将“背景副本2”放在最上一层,并为其添加蒙版


课程论文: 黑客帝国电影的价值影响与分析

摘要 电影,也称映画。是由活动照相术和幻灯放映术结合发展起来的一种现代艺术。是一门可以容纳文学戏剧、摄影、绘画、音乐、舞蹈、文字、雕塑、建筑等多种艺术的综合艺术,但它又具有独自的艺术特征。电影在艺术表现力上不但具有其它各种艺术的特征,又因可以运用蒙太奇这种艺术性极强的电影组接技巧,具有超越其它一切艺术的表现手段。而《黑客帝国》是部意义很深刻的电影,这也是基努·里维斯的代表作,能让Neo(尼奥)成为里维斯在人们心目中的代名词,这不仅是他自己的努力,更体现了从导演到编剧到演员再到观众的全方位成功。而黑客帝国对观众的价值影响仍然是深刻的,尤其是它的“何为真实”这一观点,至今为大众所讨论。本文就讨论黑客帝国电影所带来的意义和价值分析。 关键词电影,黑客帝国,基努·里维斯,影响,分析 一、剧情简介: 在矩阵中生活的一名年轻的网络黑客尼奥(基努·里维斯)发现,看似正常的现实世界实际上似乎被某种力量控制着,尼奥便在网络上调查此事。而在现实中生活的人类反抗组织的船长莫菲斯(劳伦斯·菲什伯恩),也一直在矩阵中寻找传说的救世主,就这样在人类反抗组织成员崔妮蒂(凯莉·安·摩丝)的指引下,两人见面了,尼奥也在莫菲斯的指引下,回到了真正的现实中,逃离了矩阵,这才了解到,原来他一直活在虚拟世界当中,真正的历史是,在20XX年,人类发明了AI(人工智能),然后机械人叛变,与人类爆发战争,人类节节败退,迫不得已的情况下,把整个天空布满了乌云,以切断机械人的能源(太阳能),谁知机械人又开发出了新的能源---生物能源,就是利用基因工程,人工制造人类,然后把他们接上矩阵,让他们在虚拟世界中生存,以获得多余的能量,尼奥就是其中一个。尼奥知道后,也加入了人类反抗组织,在莫菲斯训练下,渐渐成为了一名厉害的“黑客”,并渐渐展露出,与其他黑客的不同之处,让莫菲斯也更加肯定他就是救世主,就在这个时候,人类反抗组织出现了叛徒,莫菲斯被捕,尼奥救出了莫菲斯,但在逃跑过程中,被矩阵的“杀毒软件”特工杀死,结果反而让尼奥得到了新的力量,并复活了,真正的成为了救世主,并把在矩阵无所不能的特工杀死了(删除了) 从此,人类与机械的战争,进入了一个新的时代。 二、导演简介 基努·里维斯(Keanu Reeves,1964年9月2日)是加拿大籍好莱坞电影演员和音乐人(贝斯手)。曾经主演过《黑客帝国》系列和《生死时速》等多部动作片。


黑客帝国剧情解析 一开始,人类和机器大战,结果人类输了。但奇怪的是人类没有灭亡,而是变成了机器的能源。机器从人类身上获取能源显然是个假象,或者说,人类的确在做机器的电池,但这显然不是机器的目的,因为它们从人身上获取能源显然不如直接获取养活人类的那种能源来的划算。机器没有灭绝人类,可能有两个原因吧,一方面,一开始机器就有怜悯之心,它们不希望人类灭绝,但又不再想受人类威胁,最好的办法就是囚禁他们的身体,然后用一个虚拟世界来控制他们的精神,把人类作为生物电池只是副产品;另一方面,可能是机器希望研究人类以改善他们自己,同样出于消除人类威胁性的考虑,必须把人类以某种方式囚禁起来。我想对于Matrix的产生两个原因都有一点。总之,Matrix就这样诞生了。不管第一个Matrix是怎样的,总之它就是个真到让绝大多数人都以为是现实的虚拟世界,所有人的身体都在当电池,而他们的精神都活在Matrix中。Matrix的设计者就是那个设计师了,我认为他和第三集里的机械大帝是同一个东西,它就是机器世界的最高管理程序,机械大帝是它的载体,设计师是它在Matrix里人型化的投影。当然,也有可能设计师只是最高管理程序的子程序罢了,因为机器们可能有很多事情要管,不是只局限于Matrix。 继续说情节——一开始,这个设计师的脑袋似乎只有一根筋,它设计的Matrix里的所有东西都是可计算的,就是在数学上是完美的,人

类也必须在这个完美的数学模型中运行,但显然人类不是这样,人类的怪点子太多了,所以第一代Matrix崩溃了。他不死心,还以为这是因为人类不适应新环境,所以又以人类历史为背景重写了Matrix,但这一代Matrix又失败了。最高管理程序(或者是设计师)于是只好又编了一个研究人类心理的超级程序—它就是先知。在她的提示下,设计师的脑筋开始有点会转弯了。他让matirx里的人类开始有选择,这样Matrix就更接近现实世界了,但是这个Matrix还是有问题,主要是两个:一是人类中总有1%的人不那么老实,他们总觉得Matrix不是真的,如果把他们闷坏了,Matrix还是会崩溃;一是由于Matrix系统的不断改进,一些旧的程序会不时被删除,但总有那么一些程序不想被删,它们就在Matrix里躲起来(那个法国人就是这类程序中的佼佼者),成为非法程序,这种程序总删不掉的话,Matrix也有崩溃的危险。为了解决这两个问题,设计师想到了一个一举两得的办法:一方面,他让那1%不太老实的人觉醒,从Matrix 中脱离,让他们在现实世界的地底造一座叫zion的城市,成为Matrix 的黑客,进行抵抗运动,实际上这是完全在设计师的控制之下的,这只是一种迂回的控制,因为如果把这些人强行压制在Matrix里反而对Matrix不利;另一方面,设计师集合他能找到的所有非法程序的原始代码(应该是原始代码,因为如果设计师直接知道非法程序的代码,那它直接删就行了)编写一个叫做“救世主”的程序(代码),这个程序显然可以发展成非法程序的最终形式,这个程序被植入Matrix的某个人类的精神中(到底怎么选中这么一个人的,电影里

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