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2019高考英语写作专题:书写规范 高考英语书面表达全国卷的评分原则: 1.本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。 4.评分时应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。 5.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面。评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。 许多考生只重视书面表达内容的训练和提高,忽略了卷面书写的规范训练,影响考试分数。要做到卷面工整、美观,考生需要注意: 1.分段 大多数文章可分为三段。段落层次清晰,段首对齐或缩进约4个字符距离。 2.字母饱满圆润,清晰可辨 对于a,o;u,r,v;e,t,c;h,l等在手写体中易于混淆的字母,一定要写清楚,易于辨认。要避免笔顺错误或随意连笔造成的字母混淆。笔顺易错的字母是E,F,H,N,O,R,W,d,i,j, 需重点模仿英语规范手写体字帖上这些字母的笔顺。 3.字母上中下比例恰当 考生脱离了四线三格后,要尽量压线书写,避免所有字母悬于线

上,呈波浪式前进。严禁b,d,h,k,l,t上部过长或f,g,j,p,q,y下部过长等比例失衡现象。 4.间距均匀 字母与字母之间,单词与单词之间都要间距均匀。单词之间约为一两个字母的宽度,千万不能太拥挤或太松散。如:I come from China.不能写成:IcomefromChina.也不能写成I come from China. 5.倾斜度一致 写字母时要注意倾斜度,所有的字母一律向右倾斜5度左右,要保持倾斜度一致。 6.准确运用标点 英语中的标点符号与汉语标点符号基本相同,只有句号、省略号等不一样。英语的句号不是“。”,而是实心的“.”;省略号不是“……”,而是“...”。连字符号不要写得太长,以免跟破折号混淆。其长度相当于一个小写字母。英语中没有顿号“、”,在表示句中较短的并列词语之间的停顿时,英语只能用逗号;连接一系列并列项目的“and”或“or”之前往往可以用逗号。英语中没有书名号《》,一般用引号。如:Yesterday she saw an English film “Gone with the Wind”.。 7.注意移行规则 在书写英语时,如在一行之末无法将一个词写完,这个词的某几个字母必须写到下一行去,这种书写现象被称为单词的移行。移行时要在没写完的部分后面用上一个连字符号“-”表示该词未完,剩下的部分写在下一行里,但不是随意的,而是要按照一定的规则进行。移


How to write a composition ? (高三英语写作课教案) 张家港市后塍高级中学(南校区)魏燕萍 教学目的:教会学生用英语准确表达表格中涉及的要点。 教学重点:引导学生根据表格中的中文要点,由词成句,由句成文。最后适当使用连接词,组句成篇,实现用词准确,行文流畅。 教学辅助手段:电脑(或实物投影仪) 教学方法:讨论法 教学步骤: 一、介绍书面表达六步法(Introduction) 1.仔细审题,确立主题,明确要求. 2.围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲. 3.分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语 4.恰当使用句型,连词成句 5.恰当使用连接词,组句成篇 6.规范誊写 二、呈现学生得分情况(Presentation) 反映出学生得分差距,引起学生共鸣:希望在作文上获得提高。 三、讨论 (Discussion) 1.写作人称为第三人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态一般现在时. 2.明确要点,确定核心词、词组、句型。 (要点“你的看法”:鼓励学生畅所欲言,激起课堂高潮。) 四、呈现(Presentation) 1. 高考英语写作关键:A.学会使用较高级词汇。B.学会使用较丰富的句式。C.学会使用恰当的连接词。2.呈现学生作文中出现的典型句子。要求学生用高级词汇、高级句型进行改写,加以完善。 3. 展示挖空后的范文,要求学生填入适当的关联词,并指出范文中的精彩之处。 五、反馈 (Feedback) 1.学生修改作文,互查互改错误。 2. 教师总结。首先,针对文中学生未找出或改对的错误, 帮助学生一起改正。其次,对文中的错误之处进行分类(如:名词复数、动词时态、介词等),引起学生的重视。 六、提高书面表达建议:(Suggestions) 1.准确记忆单词 2.掌握足够的语言知识点,如构词法,语法知识等3.经常进行写作练习 4.适当背诵作文参考答案 5.大量阅读 七、作业 (Assignment) 发给学生另一篇体裁相似的书面表达材料,要求学生根据本课所学思路独力完成。 Teaching plan Topic: writing a composition Teaching Aims: According to the form, teach students how to write a composition using the effective sentences. Train the students’ writing ability. Teaching Important Points: 1.Improve the students’ writing ability. 2. Teach the students how to get the key words and how to use effective sentences to complete a coherent composition. Teaching Methods: Discussion, Presentation Teaching Aids: 1.the multimedia 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Introduction of the basic elements Six steps to write a composition ①Analyzing the task ②Finding out the main points ③Thinking of key points/phrases ④Forming sentences ⑤Combining the sentences into a passage ⑥Copying normally Step 2:Showing results:


一、重点诠释 1.书面通知一般包括标题、正文、日期和通知发布单位。正文上方正中间写标题Notice(也可把每个字母都大写);日期的写法与中文不一样,一般写在左下方(落款之下),也可写在标题下一行的右上角;通知发布单位也有两个位置,一般写在正文之下的右下角,也可写在标题的上方或前面。 2.书面通知的行文准确无误,语言应简明扼要。另外行文要比较正式,通常无称呼语和结束语。 一则典型的书面通知格式如下: Notice ___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ The Students' Union June 8 ,2007 二、写作典例 请你用英语写一则80—100词的书面通知,时间是2007年12月18 日。内容是: 1.今天下午三点在会议室召开全体英语老师和各班班长会议 2.校长要出席这次会议,并就下周五举行的英语演讲比赛讲一些要求 3.为办好这次英语演讲比赛,大家可以献计献策

4.选出七位老师作评委 5.请带钢笔和笔记本准时参加。 三、案例分析 无论是口头通知还是书面通知,至少应包括一些基本要点,如:时间、地点、活动内容等。另外通知的时态和句式也有特殊性,常用时态为一般将来时,常用一些祈使句和简单句。 四、高分范文 NOTICE There will be a meeting for all the English teachers and monitors of our school in the meeting room at three o'clock this afternoon . Our headmaster will be preasant at the meeting and he will explain some requests to us about the English Speaking Contest which will be held next Friday .Everyone at the meeting can express his or her opinion on the English Speaking Contest .At the meeting ,we will choose seven teachers as gudges . Please bring your pens and notebooks with you and attend the meeting on time . The Principal's Office 五、针对练习 校学生会将举办一次英语演讲比赛,请按下列要求写一


图表写作高分绝招专项练习 李仕才 写作训练1: 近期某网站就校车安全问题进行了一次社会调查,结果见下图。请根据图示用英语写一篇短文,介绍调查结果并谈谈你的看法, 供有关部门参考。词数不少于60。Recently, a survey on school buses has been conducted on a website… 注意:1. 文章的开头已经给出。 2. 提示词: 报废车abandoned vehicles 写作训练2: 假如你是某中学学生李华。最近,你班同学就“父母有没有必要陪读?”(be accompanied by parents studying at school)话题进行了调查。结果如下列图表所示。请你根据图表所列情况给报社写一封信,客观地介绍讨论的情况。并简要说明自己的看法。 注意: 1 对所给要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥; 2 字数不少于100。 观点1. 让学生养成依赖的习惯,不利于将来自控能力的培养,不利于培养良好的学习习惯。 观点2. 影响了父母的工作和休息

观点1. 使学生腾出更多的时间专心学习,使学生身体更健康。 观点2. 帮助学生确立学习目标,独立解决困难,养成良好的学习习惯。

图表写作高分绝招专项练习 参考答案 写作训练1: 参考范文: Recently, a survey on school buses has been conducted on a website. As can be seen from the pie chart, only 36.13% of the interviewees trust school buses, while 40.34% of them show their distrust. 23.53% of them are not clear about it. As is shown on the bar chart, 35.29% of people, who show their disbelief, are afraid of abandoned vehicles being used and 24.37% worry that school buses are often overloaded, which can cause serious traffic accidents. About 21.35% of them worry that the school buses are not equipped with safety equipment like safety belts. Another 18.49% blame drivers for breaking the speed limit. I think effective measures should be taken to ensure the safety of students. More money should be invested to improve the quality of school buses. Meanwhile, all the school buses should be examined regularly. 写作训练2: 参考范文: Recently our class have had a survey on whether students should be accompanied by parents studying at school. Opinions are divided on the topic. 70% of students hold the view that there is no need for parents to do so. 30% of students think they may fall into the habit of dependence, which will have a negative effect on the development of their self-control ability. And the rest worry that it will affect their parents’work and rest. However, 30% of them are in favor of it. 13% of students believe that with parents accompanying them, they can spare more time to concentrate on their study and they will become more healthy. Furthermore, In the others’opinion, parents can help set their study goal and overcome difficulties on their own so that students can develop a good habit of studying. In my opinion, I prefer to do everything by myself in stead of accompanied by parents, because we will make a living independently in the future.


浅谈高考英语书面表达 浅谈高考英语书面表达 浅谈高考英语书面表达 白伶俐 (陕西省甘泉县高级中学) 摘要:高考英语书面表达一直是众多考生惧怕的一个难题,同时也是英语教学中的一个薄弱环节,许多考生的高考写作水平低,得不了高分,严重影响了英语整体成绩。分析关于高考书面写作表达中存在的问题及解决的对策有着深远意义。 关键词:书面表达;问题;对策 从高考英语试题题型来看,书面表达占的比例相当大,所以书面表达做得好与不好对考生的成绩影响特别大。根据历年高考评卷分析,相当多的考生在书面表达环节上失分严重。为了帮助考生解决这一难题,笔者从书面表达存在的问题及解决的办法两方面简要谈谈自己的看法。 一、存在的问题 1、用汉语的思维遣词造句 大多数考生在书面表达中,最常见的毛病就是“中文式英语”,平日里习惯了中文表达,在写英语文章时,也只是将句子直译出来,不能用英语思维,用英语表达意思,写作能力从根本上无法提高。如:If one side had trouble, eight sides came to help、(一方有难,八方支援。)这种句子中国人读起来较容易,

也能够理解,但不符合英语表达习惯,也不规范。 2、语言使用有误,语法错误多 在高考的紧张环境下,许多考生不能灵活地运用所学知识准确地表达意思,总是会出现各种各样的错误,尤其是语法方面的错误。如,时态、语态、人称、单复数、大小写、前后逻辑关系等,使阅卷老师认为考生在基础英语方面存在的严重问题,从而失分情况在所难免。如,The professor gives us a speech the next week、这类句子在考卷中比比皆是。 3、谋篇布局与衔接能力弱 书面表达是对考生各方面能力的一个综合考查,但多数考生在阅读题目之后就直接动笔去写,根本不知在下笔之前对文章进行合理构思和巧妙布局的重要性,从而使文章句式单一贫乏,句意不够连贯,文章不符合逻辑,没有一定的语篇衔接手段等等瑕疵。 4、思想上不重视英语写作 许多学生在平时的写作训练中,不能给予写作足够的.重视,只是草率地完成作业,根本不重视构思、条理等环节,往往还会出现文体与要求不符,忽略细节等问题,在书写规范上更是错误百出,字迹潦草。 二、解决的对策 1、培养学生用英语思维的能力 在平时的课文教学中,教师应对学生进行各种形式的写作技能训练,培养学生用英语思维的能力。在课堂上,鼓励学生用英语记学习笔记,多听英文范文,运


2015年高考英语备考策略 今年英语变化虽大,但万变不离其宗。不变的是词、句、文,词就是词的活用,句就是句子的结构,文就是文章的逻辑。两个变化是:第一,词汇量有所减少,由3500变成了3050。第二,文体由开放变成了应用。首先,词汇变化直接的效用是高考的时候降低了阅读和理解的能力,一般阅读可以在文本中直接找到依据,降低了隐含题、概括题的比例。而且完形会更便于理解。但是在词汇学习方面,如果学生基础比较好,建议大家不光要知道拼写和意思,还要多理解一些词的词性、活用。 作文变化方面,现在改成应用文以后加了一个文体,例如常见的三大文体:第一是信函,应聘信、求职信,还有日常交流信;第二是演讲稿,举办一个活动;第三是通知、电条。这些文体孩子们日常生活中都会经常接触,因此也比较容易把握。但是要切记,这种文体不要用特别大的词和特别复杂的结构。 ●英语答卷如何分配时间? 120分钟,听力时间是20分钟,然后单选应该是8分钟左右,完形应该在12分钟左右,这就去掉40分钟。五篇阅读应该在30到35分钟,也就意味着写作在45到50分钟,大概这个分配比较合理,建议按照顺序做。 ●词汇篇 1.在3千多个词汇当中,核心词汇究竟有多少?这些核心词汇究竟应该怎样来掌握,有什么方式和方法? 近五年东城、西城、海淀的模拟题,还有通过研究北京高考,发现其中有800多个比较关键的词汇。其中最重要的词汇,是以英语字母C、A、T、S开头。P、C、A、T、S,这五个字母开头的单词是阅读的CD篇,包括完全涵盖比较高频出现的词汇,简单称其为怕猫因为cat是猫。 2.对于这些核心词汇,如何在记忆的过程当中更好地理解,从而达到非常熟练的应用?


作为一个高三学生,你学业繁重,而你的父母工作都很忙,一家人少有时间进行沟通,你觉得这样的家庭是不快乐的,所以决定写一封信给你的父母,内容包括: 1、现状; 2、你对现状的感受; 3、你的建议 Dear Mum and Dad, It seems that it has been a long time since we sat down to communicate with each other last time. There is no doubt that I am under the pressure of studying while you are busy with your own jobs. As a result, there is little possibility of us chatting to exchange ideas. What makes me upset is not only plenty of homework but also our poor relationship. I think it’s time that some measures were taken to solve the problem. Now, it’s obvious that homework always makes me tired out, so it is of great importance to keep myself in high spirits to get along well with you. In addition, whether our relationship can be improved depends to some extent on your efforts. Mum and Dad, in spite of your busy jobs and my tough study load, we should spare some time to communicate with each other more. And what’s more important, let’s make use of our chatting time to solve the problems we meet in life and study. I am firmly convinced that with our efforts, our family is sure to become a better place for us to enjoy each other. Yours Sincerely, … 1.The more communication we have, the smaller the generation gap will be. 2.It is a long time since we talked with each other last time. 3.It is no doubt not good for our relationship and some measures should be taken to change the circumstance. 4.So lonely and sad did I feel when I found such serious problems between us. 5.There is no denying that I am under the pressure of study while you devote most of your time to your work. 6.It is with your help that I can get over a lot of problems. 7.It is high time that we set aside some time to communicate with each other. 8.I have some good ideas to share with you. 9.Taking all these factors into account, I think our family should spend some time talking with each other. 10.Going on a picnic or seeing a film at weekends might be a good idea. 11.Under no circumstances should we ignore each other.


高考英语写作专题训练——话题类 第一部分五年高考题荟萃 Passage 1 (09·浙江) 5月1日。高二(3)班的学生志愿者Li Yue和Zhang Hua去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100~120个词的新闻报道。 1.时间、地点、人物、活动; 2.老人们的反应; 3.简短评论。 4.注意:报道的标题和记者姓名已给出(不计词数)。 Student V olunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly 【参考范文】 Student V olumteers Broutht Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day, Li Yue and Zhang Hua, students from Class Three, Grade Two, went o Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival, Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed, and respectfully, they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then, they started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people. When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever. Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives. By Chen Jie, School Nwespaper Passage 2


浅谈高中生英语作文存在的问题并探讨其解决方案 夏忠丽史馨红 (汉阴中学陕西汉阴725100) 摘要:在学习英语的过程中,我们往往通过听、说、读、写这四个方面来培养学生对英语知识的掌握能力,而写作为五项基本技能之一却是重中之重,它是在听、说、读的基础上进行培养和提高的,能够客观地反映学生多方面的语言应用能力。本文以汉阴中学高三学生的英语作文为案例,从学生作文中普遍存在的问题入手,通过对比,分析,归纳,总结的研究方法,找出问题存在的原因来探讨其解决方案,以此帮助学生提高其英语的写作能力,以尽快达到国家新课程标准的要求。 关键词:高中生英语作文写作能力 一、引言 《英语新课程标准》对高三学生英语学习提出了八级要求,其中对写作的具体目标和要求是:“能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要;能根据文字或图表提供的信息写短文或报告;能写出语意连贯且结构完整的短文,能叙述事情或表达观点和态度;能做到文体规范、语句通顺。写作的目的在于考察学生的语用能力。尽量运用较高级较复杂的词汇和语法结构,适当运用连接词、副词等,清楚、连贯地传递信息、表达意思,并有效地运用所学的语言知识。” 但是,高中生在写作文中却普遍存在以下不足:忽略审题或审题错误,概括性不强、偏离题;句中人称、时态、语态出现错误,词语运用不当或过多地重复某一单词;句型结构不合理,只运用了缺乏新意单调乏味的主谓宾句子结构;千篇一律的句子及开头方式,过渡衔接不到位使得内容不连贯,结构不清晰,全文层次不够明确等。因此,笔者认为有意识地让学生了解英语写作的重要性,帮助学生总结表达的技巧和注意的事项,使他们掌握获取高分的一些基本技能是很有必要的。 二、案例分析 本文以陕西省2014年汉阴中学《高考英语综合检测卷》的书面表达为案例。如下:假定你是李华。最近,某英语报刊正在进行“怎样才算是一名好学生”的讨论。请你用英语给该报编辑写封信,从以下几方面谈谈你对此话题的看法。短文词数不少于100。


高三英语备课组高考备考现状分析及对策措施 (基于市教研室调研反馈和杭州高考复习会议精神)英语听力考试已经结束,全年级满分131个,平均分27.45。(目前得知慈溪中学全年级平均分28.11分,相比之下,也算较为理想(?)) 目前,学生学习备考方面存在的问题: 1、相当一部分学生英语基础语法或词汇知识匮乏,在基础题(单项选择和短文改错)得分较低。 2、(相对高分)学生也存在写作能力低下,无意识或有意识但不知道如何在写作中正确、得体使用语言。 3、学生由于缺少思维方面的训练,不知如何应对目前高考英语写作的新走向,新要求。(据悉,2012年高考全省作文实际平均分在满分30的前提下为9.76分) 4、由于英语学习长期性,连贯性的特点,未必能在短时间内解决问题或达到立竿见影的效果,学生(尤其英语学困生)体会不到英语学习或复习所带来的成就感,容易懈怠,消极应付。 5、目前我们仍在进行新课时(选修8)的教学,目的是借助新篇章的学习,复习旧知识,并根据学生的不同层次,进行适当的词汇等方面的拓宽,因此在时间安排上显得较为紧迫。 根据调研反馈及高考复习会议精神,下一步备课组的具体措施: 1、研究《课程标准》、《学科指导意见》、《2012年考试说明》(2013年未出),研究高考 考试卷,掌握复习备考的最新动向。如:完形、阅读可能会倾向于美国的社会人文等;写作将侧重于学生的creative thinking (创造性思维)等。 2、明确高考复习的方向及具体的时段安排,在复习过程中根据学情适时调整。(~12月 底选修8;~2013年3月十校联考前完成一轮复习;最后2个月综合复习) 3、课堂教学精讲精练,引导学生做好学案,侧重学生输出,注重落实。如复习课之前 先做好摸底工作,了解学生对某块语法知识的欠缺或薄弱所在或易混淆的知识点,课上对症下药,力争讲透,学透。 4、夯实基础知识,根据学情对学生进行分层次教学,如及时通过检测或询问了解学生 在语言词汇知识上的薄弱点,进行复习;对于学生的写作多进行策略指导,思维训练,尽量多面批,指导学生做好写作中的“规定动作”和“发挥动作”。 5、完形和阅读(共70分)始终是高考备考复习的重中之重,在复习中注重扩大学生的


高考英语之写作专题 一、写作之“三八大盖” 1.现象/问题说明段 2.分析原因段 3.解决问题段 4.观点阐述段 5.观点结论段 6.展望未来段 7.漫画/图表描述段 8.引言解释段 二、八大功能段 (一)现象/问题描述功能段(三选一) 1、In recent years, ............................. is becoming more and more popular at an amazing rate. 2、Along with the development of society, more and more questions are brought to our attention, one of the most serious problems is that............................ 3、Recently, ...................................... has attracted much attention of society, which can be found in TV programs, newspaper and many aspects of our daily life. (二)分析原因功能段 1、总原因的阐述(三选一) (1)A number of factors lead to this situation. (2)The answer to this question includes many factors. (3)There are many factors, which can account for the phenomenon/problem. 2、分析原因的功能句(一般三个原因即可) (1)One of the most common factors is............................................................ (Firstly) (2)Another cause is......................................................................................(And then,) (3)But the fundamental element is ..................................................................(Finally) (三)解决问题功能段(总-分-总) (1)For another, people are supposed to get ready to the seriousness of the problems, and we should try our best to cope with these problems as well. 1、措施主题句(三选一) (1)Confronted with the problem, we should take a series of measures to cope with the situation. (2)In view of the problems of ..........., effective measures should be taken. (3)It is high time that we took/should take some measures to cope with these problems。 2、分措施 (1)For one thing, government ought to set up some regulations to...................................


含有doing的常用句型 .1. have + n = do 让某人去干….(一次性动作) have + n + doing 让……持续(反复进行) have + n + done 请人干……/ 使遭受到…../ 使某事完成 he had his students translating sentences all the time in class. I’ll have the report typed by the secretary. Yesterday on the bus he had his money stolen. Don’t be worried, I’ll see to the matter and have everything prepared well in advance. 2. won’t / can’t have + n + doing / done不能容忍某行为发生 It’s rude of you to speak to mother like that and I won’t have you speaking to Mother like that in future. I can’t have you smoking like that. 3. get + n + to do 让某人去干……(一次性行为) get + n + doing使……开始……/ 使……动起来 get + n + done请人干…../使某事做完 the teacher got the student o read the news to his classmates. The boy is always keeping silent. Can you get him talking? The workers are on strike. Can you get them working? 4. catch sb doing 撞见……正在干…… The thief caught stealing was sent to the police station. Several students were caught cheating in the college entrance examination and were punished severely. Send + n + doing使…..快速….. The arrival of police sent the robbers running away quickly. Work came that his father was badly ill. The sad news sent him going home at once. 5. Comparatively/ frankly/ exactly/ generally/ honestly/ properly/ roughly speaking Speaking of / talking of 谈到/ 说道……judging from 从….来判断 Considering 考虑到……鉴于.; 就…..而论 6. It 形式主语 It + 系动词(be./seem…) + no good/ no use/ useless + doing sth It is no good reading without full understanding. He is t oo stubborn to change his mind. It’s no use arguing with him. As a student, it’s no good staying up too late. There + 系动词( be / seem….) + no doing sth = it’s impossible to do….做…..是不可能的 There is no finishing the work in such a short time. = it’s i mpossible to finish the work in such a short time. There is little time left, so there is no arriving there on time. There’s no saying what he’ll be doing next. (6) (with) + n + doing / being done (表示正在进行) / having done (动作已经完



How to write a composition ? (高三英语写作课教案) 教学目的:教会学生用英语准确表达表格中涉及的要点。 教学重点:引导学生根据表格中的中文要点,由词成句,由句成文。最后适当使用连接词,组句成篇,实现用词准确,行文流畅。 教学辅助手段:电脑(或实物投影仪) 教学方法:讨论法 教学步骤: 一、介绍书面表达六步法(Introduction) 1.仔细审题,确立主题,明确要求. 2.围绕主题,提炼要点,编拟提纲. 3.分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语 4.恰当使用句型,连词成句 5.恰当使用连接词,组句成篇 6.规范誊写 二、呈现学生得分情况(Presentation) 反映出学生得分差距,引起学生共鸣:希望在作文上获得提高。 三、讨论 (Discussion) 1.写作人称为第三人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态一般现在时. 2.明确要点,确定核心词、词组、句型。 (要点“你的看法”:鼓励学生畅所欲言,激起课堂高潮。) 四、呈现(Presentation) 1. 高考英语写作关键:A.学会使用较高级词汇。B.学会使用较丰富的句式。 C.学会使用恰当的连接词。 2.呈现学生作文中出现的典型句子。要求学生用高级词汇、高级句型进行改写,加以完善。 3. 展示挖空后的范文,要求学生填入适当的关联词,并指出范文中的精彩之 处。 五、反馈 (Feedback)

②Finding out the main points ③Thinking of key points/phrases ④Forming sentences ⑤Combining the sentences into a passage ⑥Copying normally Step 2:Showing results: Five levels: level 1 21-24: 2 people (excellent) level 2 16-20: 15 people (Above average) level 3 11-15: 21 people (average level) level 4 6-10: (below average) level 5 1-5: ask: As you can see, only 5 students in our class got a mark above 18. Are you satisfied with this result?(Ss: No. )Do you want to make some improvements?(Ss: Yes.) Say: OK, now let’s analyze the composition together. Step 3 Discussing the composition Present the writing materials to the class, ask students to do some brainstorming: 目前,许多学校对学生采取封闭式管理,学生对此看法不一。请根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇短文,谈谈自己的看法。(字数:150左右) 有的同学认为有的同学认为 1.学校限制我们的自由; 2.学生和社会接触少; 3.学生的兴趣和爱好得不能得到充分的发展。因此…1.学校是学习知识的地方;2.学生应该安心在学校里学习;3.学生缺乏自觉性,离开了老师,可能会… 你的看法:…. ①Analyzing the task: 写作人称为第三人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态一般现在时. ②Finding out the main points


!?万事开头难 In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us which goes like this: "All things are difficult before they are easy." What the quote conveys is extremely true. There are many obstacles(障碍)and challenges in the process of our growth. Nobody can go through anything without trouble?We should make great efforts/ spare no effort to accomplish/fulfil/achieve our goals. Only if we face difficulties bravely and overcome them confidently will we feel it easy to deal with them in the end/eventually. 例 1 As for me, I was poor in my English reading comprehension? I always found English words and sentences difficult to understand. But for (要不是)my parents and teachers^s encouragement, I would have given it up. In order not to let them down. I read English vocabulary every day and wrote down unfamiliar words as well. Meanwhile I often turned to teachers for help. As time went by, I made great progress in my reading? 例 2 Take Thomas Edison for example? He was an outstanding scientist who invented the bulb?At that time, no one could imagine that the night could be as bright as the day. Having attempted hundreds of times to test the material of the bulb, he fin ally succeeded ? He was laughed at or looked down upon by others, but never did he give up. It was his determination and perseverance(毅力)that made him a legend(传奇人物)who made a great difference to the lives of people throughout the world. Therefore, everything will be easy if we are determined and never lose heart in face of trouble. 2.回顾人生中经历的一些事件有助于我们对过去进行思考。请用英语写一篇100-120词的短文,描述一件对你或你的家庭产生重大影响的事情,并略加评论。 Three years ago, an experience as a volunteer in a nursing home impressed me deeply and changed my attitude to life. I used to think that it was a waste of time to take care of others. It was a journey of volunteering to a nursing home to help the old with some fruits .Into it, some of us began to sweep the floor while others cleaned the window and even read stories to the old. Surprised and happy, they regarded us as their grandsons> Laughter could be heard in every comer of the nursing home? We couldrf t be happier. The unforgettable experience really changed my life. Not only does it bring us happiness but it makes people close to one 3?请以"The biggest challenge I have ever met”为题,写一篇120字左右的短文。内容包括:1?事情经过 2?你的感受或者从中获得的启发 In our daily life, we unavoidably (不可避免地)come across various challenges now and then (不时)? The biggest challenge in my life happened when I entered senior high school. I was shocked to find what the physics teacher taught was totally beyond me and I lost my confidence completely. Thinking I just lacked the gift for physics, I stopped making efforts and my grades were poor. Fortunately, my teacher didn't give up on me. Instead, she helped me analyze my problem and I realized I needed to rise to the challenges (面对挑战)bravely. I regained (重新获得)my confidence, adjusted my approaches (调整方法)and worked hard. Now Pm one of the top students in physics. From the above experience, Fve learned that it is not our inborn (天牛的)gifts but our efforts that help us achieve success? When confronted/faced wi(h challenges, we should fight bravely

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