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张姝婧,德吉卓嘎,覃 欢,刘 邯,洛桑旦增,程宏飞

(中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院,北京 100083)

【摘 要】采用近红外分析仪对层状硅酸盐矿物进行分析测试,获取了六种层状硅酸盐矿物的近红外光谱图,根据结构矿物学和近红外光谱的原理,对具有代表性的属2∶1型结构单元的滑石、叶蜡石、白云母、伊利石以及属1∶1型结构单元的高岭石和蛇纹石进行了结构与近红外光谱特征的对比分析,1∶1型结构的层状硅酸盐由于在两单元层之间有一个较长的氢键,氢键使O-H的伸缩振动谱带变宽,谱带向长波的方向移动,有时还会出现双峰现象。另外,二八面体结构和三八面体结构的层状硅酸盐矿物相比,二八面体结构的层状硅酸盐中O-H的伸缩频率导致吸收强度更大。对于同为二八面体结构的层状硅酸盐矿物,氢氧根伸缩的频率主要受到与氢氧根配位的八面体阳离子影响。


【中图分类号】TQ170.11 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-9386(2018)02-0001-07

The Structure of Layered Silicate Mineral and

Their Vibrational Spectra Characteristics

ZHANG Shu-jing, DEJI Zhuo-ga, QIN Huan, LIU Han, LUOSANG Dan-zeng, CHENG Hong-fei

(China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: Using near-infrared analyzer to test layered silicate minerals, accessing to six kinds of near-infrared spectra of layered silicate minerals, according to the principle of the structural mineralogy and the principle of near-infrared spectrum, analyzing representative layered silicate minerals with 2:1 type structure unit such as talc, pyrophyllite, muscovite, illite and representative layered silicate minerals with 1:1 type structure unit such as kaolinite and serpentine, 1:1 type structure of layered silicate as between two cell layers has a longer hydrogen bond, the longer hydrogen bond widen the stretching vibration spectrum band of O-H and also move it to the direction of the long wave band, sometimes could appear bimodal phenomenon. In addition, comparing layered silicate minerals having dioctahedral structure with layered silicate minerals having trioctahedral structure, the absorption intensity which is caused by the stretching vibration frequency of O-H is stronger in layered silicate minerals having dioctahedral structure. As for layered silicate minerals with dioctahedral structure, the stretching vibration frequency of O-H is mainly affected by the cations combining with hydroxyl in octahedra.

Key words: layered silicate; structure; near-infrared spectra

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