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第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分30分)




1.Who is Mr White?

A.A salesman. B.A professor. C.A repairman.

2.Where does the woman work?

A.At a restaurant. B.At a hotel. C.At a department store. 3.What time does the man think they will leave?

A.At 7:15. B.At 7:25. C.At 7:35.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He didn’t like the work so much because it kept him working long hours.

B.He didn’t like the work because it wasn’t interesting.

C.He liked the work very much.

5.What was the mark the woman got in her exam?

A.90. B.95. C.98.



6.What do you think about the bread?

A.It’s soft. B.It’s not fresh. C.It’s delicious.

7.What does the man think the woman should do?

A.She should throw it away.

B.She should eat it.

C.She should take it back to the supermarket.


8.Why can’t the girl go to the movie?

A.She has to review her lessons.

B.She has seen the movie before.

C.She doesn’t want to go with the boy.

9.What does the boy think about the girl?

A.She never studies hard.

B.She studies very well.

C.She won’t pass the exam.


10.Whom does the man want to talk with?

A.Mr. White. B.Jim. C.Dr Smith.

11.Where is Dr Smith?

A.He is in his office. B.Nobody knows. C.He is at home.

12.Which number is CORRECT?

A.77231059 B.77231058. C.77221069.


13.What does the doctor do first?

A.Gives the patient some medicine.

B.Takes the patient’s temperature.

C.Lets the patient go home.

14.How long has it been bothering the patient?

A.For a long time. B.About two days. C.More than one week. 15.What is the trouble with the patient?

A.He has a fever, feels thirsty, and can’t sleep well.

B.He has a fever and a bad cough, and can’t sleep well.

C.He has a fever and a toothache and can’t sleep well.

16.What should the patient do?

A.Stay in bed and drink plenty of water.

B.Take the medicine and stop to eat when she feels good.

C.Take the medicine and go to the doctor’s in three days.


17.What is the speaker in charge of?

A.A small supermarket.

B.A large supermarket.

C.A small branch of a large supermarket.

18.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A.The prevention of shoplifting.

B.The causes of shoplifting.

C.The purpose of shoplifting.

19.Who form the great part of shoplifters?

A.People in their early thirties.

B.People in their twenties.


20.Which measure is NOT taken to prevent shoplifting?

A.Putting chains or alarms on goods.

B.Hiring store detectives.

C.Using closed circuit television.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)



21.Scientists who study noise say that average noise level in New York is

72.5 decibels.

A.不填;the B.不填;an C.the; an D.a; the

22.After the injured to the hospital, doctors and nurses immediately got down to their lives.

A.was rushed ; save B.were rushed; saving

C.rushed; saving D.rushed; save

23.If you keep practicing your son in football, he to make a famous player.

A.wants B.hopes C.promises D.wishes

24.When he arrived in America, he was surprised to learn that the mayor of the city was Chinese by .

A.nature B.resource C.origin D.source

25.—Do you mind if I look at your notes?

—Of course not. .

A.It doesn’t matter B.Never mind

C.Take it easy D.Be my guest

26.It’s reported that some mainland visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland didn’t the rules and behaved improperly.

A.get across B.keep to C.take up D.make up

27.The introduction of modern facilities to the company led to a great many workers .

A.to be laid off B.being laid off C.laid off D.laying off

28.You may cancel the disk check but it is strongly recommended that you .

A.continue B.will continue C.do continue D.must continue 29.Why did you go to work on foot on such a rainy day you have a car of your own?

A.when B.while C.as D.although

30.it rain tomorrow, we would have to the picnic.

A.Would; put forward B.Should; call off

C.Were; put off D.Should; put up

31.Most employers in Britain seem to ignore the Equal Pay Act, and the average working woman is likely to earn only about half man earns for the same job.

A.which B.that C.what D./

32.The animals that are having winter sleep look dead. You can’t wake them up by touching.

A.as well as B.as good as C.as far as D.as soon as

33.He had to take the medicine three times a day, so as to be the pain in the leg.

A.far from B.away from C.apart form D.free from

34.The old lady had a son and two daughters, treated her well, which made her very sad.

A.no one of whom B.neither of them

C.none of whom D.none of them

35.Evidence bas been piled up specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as five months old.

A.what B.which C.if D.that



I was always complaining about wind or rain, 36 it was nothing unusual for the arrival

of wind or rain, it caused inconvenience for me to go out, and sometimes it even created an awful atmosphere, so I 37 it strongly.

On a rainy day a meteorologist(气象学家)I met was very 38 at my great anger caused by rain that made a little inconvenience for me.

He asked,“Have you ever seen typhoon? Do you know what would happen to the world if there were no typhoon?”I shook my head. I had no 39 of how overwhelming(势不可挡)it was when it 40 everything away in its way.

“Well, let me tell you,”the meteorologist said.“Without it the 41 of fresh water will be more serious, for it is a great 42 of water supply on earth, Without it, there would be a greater imbalance in the distribution of 43 . The equatorial area that receives the most sunshine on earth 44 entirely on typhoon to disperse(驱散)heat. Without typhoon the tropics would be even 45 while the frigid zones much colder. As a result the temperate zones(温带)would 46 from the world…”

Ignorance made me 47 . I disliked wind only because it ruffled(吹乱)my hair. I hated rain merely because I had to carry an umbrella. But I had no idea at all that typhoon—something much more violent, something a thousand times more 48 than wind or rain—was a 49 to the existence of mankind.

50 no road on earth goes all the way on level ground, there’s no person in the world who can do whatever he pleases. 51 as it is for people to guard against typhoon, it is advisable for a man to stop 52 for a moment before he complains, “53 typhoon disappeared all together? What would the world become then?” The 54 will keep him calm and lead him closer to truth —he will be better 55 of the world he lives in .

36.A.But B.Therefore C.although D.Unless 37.A.refused B.blamed C.punished D.fought 38.A.excited B.puzzled C.encouraged D.delighted 39.A.experience B.sign C.sense D.recognition 40.A.washed B.frightened C.swung D.swept 41.A.shortage B.supply C.amount D.waste 42.A.resource B.power C.strength D.source 43.A.warmth B.energy C.water D.wealth 44.A.holds B.keeps C.moves D.depends 45.A.warmer B.hotter C.cooler D.better 46.A.disappear B.move C.escape D.remove

47.A.far sighted B.out of sight C.in sight D.shortsighted 48.A.appealing B.frightening C.disturbing D.exciting 49.A.trouble B.danger C.must D.lead

50.A.Since B.As C.When D.While 51.A.Impossible B.Wrong C.Hard D.Easy 52.A.thinking B.to think C.to rest D.resting 53.A.How come B.What about C.What if D.Even if 54.A.theory B.answers C.phenomenon D.complaint 55.A.careful B.kind C.aware D.tired




Urban legends are stories that are told and believed in many places. Too many places, in fact. It simply isn’t credible that the same unlikely events take place in so many different towns. For some reason, though, that particular set of events appeals to the imagination and the tale spreads.

A very common North American urban legend concerns a mad man in the woods. A dangerous mad man bas escaped from a hospital for the mentally ill. At some point in his life he has lost a hand and it has been replaced by a book. A boy and a girl are out dating, stting in a car. They hear on the radio that the area is dangerous, so they drive off. When they arrive home they find a bloodstained hook hanging on the door handle of the car door next to the girl.

Missing kidney (肾)stories are fairly common. Of course, the details are variable. It might be a woman waking up in a strange hotel in Bangkok, or a man finding himself in a cold bath in Toronto , or a young man with faint memories of wild disco party, but they all find a fresh wound, and discover that one of their kidneys has been removed and , probably, sold.

The back seat killer has plenty of drama. A woman gets into her car late at night. Another car follows her, speeding, flashing lights and really frightening her. She gets home and keeps on pressing the horn. Her husband runs out. The chasing car stops. The husband demands to know why the driver has been frightening his wife. He says he saw a strange man get into the back of the car as the wife got in , and then hide. They go and look, and there is a dangerous mad man…56.What is the writer’s attitude towards :urban legends”?

A.Curious. B.Disgusted. C.Frightened. D.Doubtful. 57.What can be inferred from the hook hanging on the car door?

A.The mad man left it there as a warning.

B.The mad man narrowly escaped being injured in a car accident.

C.The mad man had just been about to attack the girl.

D.The boy had meant to frighten the girl with it.

58.What do we know about the three people mentioned in the third paragraph?

A.They are drugged and their kidney removed.

B.They sell their kidneys for profit.

C.They are suffering loss of memories.

D.They have been wounded before.

59.Why does the woman driver keep on pressing the horn?

A.To warn the other driver not to follow her.

B.To give herself enough courage to face the danger.

C.To made her husband aware of something urgent.

D.To inform her family of her safe return.

60.How should we describe the second driver in the 4th paragraph?

A.Crazy B.Dangerous. C.Brave. D.Helpful.


The immigrant to a new country typically is a very hardworking person. Who spends years working long hours to become established in his or her new home. The first-generation immigrant often remains homesick, a poor speaker of the new language and devoted to the food, music and culture of home. Most of the immigrant’s friends are people of the same ethnic background and he or she feels suspicious of the social customs of the host country. This feeling of alienation can be increased if the immigrant belongs to a religious group uncommo9n in the country he or she has come to.

Things are very different for second generation immigrants. They feel far more familiar with the food, habits and values of the only country they have ever known.

They are fluent speakers of the majority language, and may even have troubles with their parents’ tongue. They find the older generation’s obsession(眷恋))with the motherland ridiculous. This generation gap can easily torn into conflict if the child seeks to marry someone of a different ethnic group, or if their interest in the religion of home weakens. Members of the second generation may also experience inner conflict, having phases(阶段)of wishing to return to their roots and phases of denying them.

It is usually the third generation that fully assimilates(被同化),losing touch with the language and customs of their grandparents, though the exact extent of this varies. Some ethnic groups, especially where religion is an important element of their culture preserve these aspects longer than others.

61.Which of the following would be typical of the first-generation immigrants?

A.Building a new home quickly. B.Working overtime regularly.

C.Having little taste for food. D.Adopting a new lifestyle.

62.What does the underlined word “alienation” mean?

A.separation B.belief C.defeat D.unity

63.Which of the following statements is true?

A.The first-generation immigrants like listening to music at home.

B.The first-generation immigrants’ social life is limited in one way or another.

C.The second- generation immigrants’ interest in religion becomes weaker.

D.The second-generation immigrants have broken away from their parents.

64.The second-generation immigrants are most UNLIKELY to say to their parents: .

A.”I would like to visit the old country.”

B.”But everyone at school dresses like this.”

C.”You seem to have forgotten where we come from.”

D.”It doesn’t matter where his family comes from.”

65.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Immigrants’ Long Way to Settle Down

B.Conflicts between Immigrant Families

C.The Importance of Religion to Immigrants

D.The Story of an Immigrant Families



Hiring a self drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday. There are so many interesting places to visit. And if you enjoy seeing more than just the city center, there’s no better way to explore than by car.

A.Insurance against damage to the car.

B.Insurance against injury to the driver.

C.The cost of maintenance of the car.

D.The cost of repairs to the car.

67.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The cost of petrol has to be paid by the driver.

B.You check the list and find the car you want to hire before booking.

C.You cannot get a car without booking in advance.

D.Full payment takes place two weeks before you use the car.

68.If you hire a car for three days or more, .

A.you are guaranteed an expensive new car

B.you are guaranteed an enjoyable holiday

C.you are offered a specially fast car

D.you are offered a car at a special price

69.The hire charge for a three-day period depends on .

A.the type of the car you hire

B.the distance you will cover

C.the amount of oil you put in the car

D.the length of time you park the car

70.If you cancel you car hire booking, .

A.another £12 will be paid to the company

B.you cannot get back the booking fee

C.you will get back the booking fee in two weeks

D.you request must be made before the date of hire


Communications technologies are far from equal when it comes to conveying the truth. The first study to compare honesty across a range of communications media has found that people are twice as likely to tell lies in phone conversations as they are in emails. The fact that emails are automatically recorded—and can come back to haunt(困扰)you—appears to be the key to the finding.

Jeff Hancock of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, asked 30 students to keep a communications diary for a week. In it they noted the number of conversations or email exchanges they had lasting more than 10 minutes, and confessed to how many lies they told. Hancock then worked out the number of lies per conversation for each medium. He found that lies made up 14 per cent of emails, 21 per cent of instant messages, 27 per cent of face-to-face interactions and an astonishing 37 per cent of per cent of phone calls.

His results, to be presented at the conference on human-computer interaction in Vienna, Austria, in April, have surprised psychologists. Some expeeted emailers to be the biggest liars, reasoning that because deception makes people uncomfortable, the detachment (非直接接触)of emailing would make it easier to lie. Others expected people to lie more in face-to-face exchanges because we are most practiced at that form of communication.

But Hancock says it is also important whether a conversation is being recorded and could be reread ,and whether it occurs in real time. People appear to be afraid to lie when they know the communication could later be used to hold them to account, he says. This is why fewer lies appear in email than on the phone.

People are also more likely to lie in real time —in an instant message or phone call, say —than if they have time to think of a response, says Hancock. He found many lies are spontancous (脱口而出)responses to an unexpected demand, such as :”Do you like my dress?”

Hancock hopes his research will help companies work out the best ways for their employees to communicate. For instance, the phone might be the best medium for sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth. But given his result, work assessment where honesty is the first, might be best done using email.

71.Hancock’s study focuses on .

A.the consequences of lying in various communications media

B.the success of communications technologies in expressing ideas

C.why people are less likely to lie in instant messages

D.people’s honesty levels scross a range of communications media

72.Which of the following diagrams best shows Hancock’s finding?

73.Hancock’s research finding surprised those who believed that .

A.people are less likely to lie in instant messages

B.people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactions

C.people are most likely to lie in email communication

D.People are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations

74.According to Hancock the telephone is a preferable medium for promoting sales because .

A.salesmen can talk directly to their customers

B.salesmen are easier to sing higher praise for their products

C.salesmen can impress customers as being trustworthy

D.salesmen may pass on instant messages effectively

75.It can be inferred from the passage that .

A.honesty should be encouraged in interpersonal communications

B.more employers will use emails to communicate with their employees

C.suitable media should be chosen for different communication purposes

D.email is now the dominant medium of communication within a company





Scientists have revealed the 10 commandments(法则)for a long and happy life .And the rules even allow for sunbathing ,drinking alcohol and eating chocolate.

The first rule ,as published in the New Scientist magazine, is to enjoy yourself.


Second on the list is remaining sociable ,with a happy marriage and good family life being essential for health.

Studies have shown that marriage can add as much as seven years to a man’s life and two years to a woman’s life.

A Drink

So called vices like wine ,partying and chocolate provide the fourth rule, with countless studies showing that a little of what you fancy does you good rather than harm.

Work Your Brain

The fifth rule says that you should exercise your brain to stay active.

Last month scientists at Cambridge University said puzzles could help prevent a range of conditions ,from depression to schizophrenia(精神分裂症).

Knitting ,doing crosswords or just walking also help.

See the Doctor

It’s simple really . If you’re sick ,get treatment fast .

Eat Healthily

As is well-known ,you are what you eat .

Scientists have recommended that the low-fat ,high-fiber Mediterranean diet is a model for healthy eating and a long life.

High in fruit and vegetables ,the diet also uses beans ,breads and cereals.

Small amounts of meat and moderate amounts of fish are also eaten.

Take Risks

Rule eight urges people to put more excitement into their lives.

Intellectual challenges ,traveling ,or learning a new language can all .

Embrace Technology

Rule nine advises those seeking a long life to embrace new technologies.

Be Happy

Rule ten is that you should smile and feel happier in life.

Research showed that older men with an optimistic attitude towards life were only half as likely to suffer from cardio-vascular disease(心血管疾病)as those whose world view was more negative. 1.What’s the best title of the passage ?(Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Everybody knows that good health depends on a good diet.

3.Please fill in the blank in Rule 8 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)

4.Which of the suggestions do you think is the best for you ?Why ?(Please answer within 30 words .)

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.


请根据下面图表,以“Fire Causes”为题,用英语写一篇议论文。









1—5:CBCAA 6—10:BCABC 11—15:CABBA 16—20:CCACA

21—25:ABCCD 26—30:BBAAB 31—35:CBDCD 36—40:CBBAD

41—45:ADADB 46—50:ADCCB 51—55:CBCBC 56—60:DCACD

61—65:BABCA 66—70:BCDAB 71—75:DCABC


1.How to live/ enjoy a long life ?/Ten commandments for a long and happy life.

2.As is well-known ,you are what you eat.

3.add years to your life/help make you live longer



Text 1

M: My radio doesn’t work. What do you think I should do?

W: Why not call Mr. White?

Text 2

M: I want to have this shirt washed and this suit dry-cleaned.

W: Very well, sir ,Your name and room number ,please.

Text 3

M: Are we supposed to leave at 7:35?

W: I’m not sure . All I remember is that the flight number is 733.

Text 4

W: How did you like your work as a reporter?

M: Well ,it was interesting. But I had to work long hours. I was never at home on weekends.

Text 5

W: I got 90 in my math exam.

M: I got 95, but Linda was the best in my class .She got 98.

Text 6

M: Take a look at this bread.

W: Oh ,it’s as hard as a rock.

M: Where did you buy it?

W: At the supermarket ,just yesterday.

M: You should take it back.

Text 7

M: Do you want to go to the movie tonight?

W: I can’t . I have to review my lessons.

M: Are you having a test tomorrow?

W: Yes. We’re having our mid-term exam.

M: I wish you good luck .

W: Thanks. But I’m a little nervous.

M: Nervous? You used to study very well.

W: But I haven’t studied for a long time.

Text 8

M: Hello ,is this Dr. Smith’s office?

W: Yes ,it is .May I help you?

M: Yes ,I’d like to speak to Dr. Smith , please.

W: Dr. Smith went home this afternoon .May I ask who is calling?

M: This is Jim White.

W: Oh yes ,Mr. White . Dr. Smith asked me to give you his home phone number.

M: Just a moment ,please .Yes , what’s the number?

W: His number is 77231059.

M: 77231059?

W: That’s right.

M: Thank you very much.

Text 9

M: What’s the matter with you?

W: I’m not feeling well, doctor. I have a fever.

M: I’ll take your temperature first .How long have you been like this?

W: It began yesterday.

M: Do you feel thirsty?

W: Yes.

M: Do you sleep well?

W: No ,last night I could hardly sleep.

M: Well, it’s probably the flu. Take this to the drugstore.

W: Yes ,doctor.

M: Take the medicine and come back in three days.

Text 10

Well ,I manage a small branch of a large supermarket ,and we lose a lot of money through shoplifting. I have to try to prevent it ,or else I’ll lose all my profits .A lot of shopliftings are done by teenagers in groups .They do it for fun .They’re not frightened so we have to make it difficult

for them. Obviously a supermarket can’t have chains or alarms on the goods .So we have store detectives ,who walk around the shop like ordinary shoppers ,otherwise they’ll be recognized .We have big signs up ,saying , “Shoplifters will be punished”, but that doesn’t help much . We’ve started putting cash desks at all the exits to prevent the shoplifters walking straight out with things. Of course ,that worries the ordinary shopper who hasn’t found what he wanted .We also use closed-circuit television, but that’s expensive .In fact ,all good methods of prevention are quite expensive ,and naturally ,they make our prices more expensive . But it has to be done ,otherwise shoplifting itself will make all the prices much higher ,and the public doesn’t want that!
