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1 引言


2 英语演讲教学与英语导游培养的关系



国璋1989)。可见此课并不是一种新鲜事物。英语演讲( public speaking),美国威斯康星大学教授Stephen E. Lucas 在其著作“The Art of Public Speaking” 中对此作了深刻的阐述:Public speaking, as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public- of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people. 由此我们可以看到,英语演讲既要使你自己的观点思想让众人了解清楚,还需要你所表达的观点思想不是如过眼云烟一晃而过而是要去跟你的听众进行交流从而影响到你的听众,这才是演讲的目的。

而作为英语导游English Tour guide,既要与来自海外不同文化背景的有客用英语交流,又要有思想、有目的、有动机的进行面对面、情对情、正式或非正式、目的性明确、并且当场见效的一种跨语言、跨文化、跨情感的国际交流和人际交流。所以英语导游不仅翻译和讲解景点,关键是让游客对旅游吸引物有全面的认识,而且他本人也能给游客留下好感,促进游客的参与。英语演讲教学是语言操练与语境教学的统一,它不仅以语言为手段,以交际为目的,



3 英语导游培养中开展英语演讲教学的意义

3.1 英语演讲教学可以促进学生英语思维的形成


英语教学理论考试试题 (时间:90分钟;满分100) 一、选择题(15小题,共15分) 1、高中阶段的英语课程要有利于学生个性和潜能的发展。要满足个性的发展需要,高中英语课程就必须具有___________。 A、可读性 B、可选择性 C、可规划性 D、可发展性 2、新的评价机制采用形成性评价和终结性评价相结合的方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力以及学生在学习过程中表现出的____________。 A、合作精神 B、自信心 C、学习兴趣 D、情感、态度和价值观 3、根据新课程标准,语言知识目标的要求,达到9级标准的学生应学会使用_____左右的单词。 A、3300 B、2400 C、4500 D、5500 4、高中英语课程目标以义务教育一至五级的目标为基础,共有四个级别,其中______ 级是高中阶段必须达到的级别要求 A、6级 B、7级 C、8级 D、9级 5、高中英语课程采取__________的课程设置模式 A、必修课 B、选修课 C、必修课与选修课相结合 D、自修课 6. 英语学习策略包括认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略等,其中__________是指学生计划、实施、评价和调整学习过程或结果的策略。 A、认知策略 B、调控策略 C、交际策略 D、资源策略 7.英语阅读教学的目的是:培养阅读策略;培养语感;特别强调培养学生在阅读过程中___________的能力。 A、分析问题 B、处理问题 C、获取和处理信息 D、快速阅读 8、英语教学中,必须开发和利用其他资源作为教材资源的补充、延伸和拓展,以体现课程的时代性,增强教与学的_________和灵活性。 A、稳定性 B、连续性 C、策略性 D、开放性 9. 《高中英语标准》明确指出,五个方面的课程目标都围绕一个核心目标,即__________。 A、综合语言交际能力 B、综合语言技能 C、综合语言运用能力 D、用语言做事的能力 10. 下面不是教材编写原则的是_________。 A、时代性原则 B、发展性和拓展性原则 C、科学性原则 D、创造性原则 11.高中英语每个模块学习时间约为__________学时,修完一个模块达到规定要求即可获得________学分。 A、36 ;2 B、28;2 C、32;4 D、36;4 12.学业水平考试以《课程标准》中的________目标作为考试的基本要求。 A、8级 B、9级 C、7级 D、6级 13.高一年级教学的基本要求是“抓好初高中衔接;坚持__________,实施分层次教学”。 A、以生为本 B、教材为本 C、低重心运行 D、高标准要求 14. 每个年级都要制订________教学规划,要在开学时制定详细的学期教学计划,具体到每一周甚至每一天,并做到计划上墙。 A、每日 B、三年 C、学期 D、学年 15. ___________________和综合实践活动是课堂教学的延伸、深化,与课堂教学互为补充。 A、英语课外活动 B、英语角 C、课外阅读 D、英语竞赛 二、填空题(共20小题,每空1分;满分40分) 1.高中英语课程的总目标是使学生在义务教育阶段英语学习的基础上,进一步明确__________________ 的目的,发展自主学习和__________________学习的能力,形成有效的___________________策略;培养学生的综合语言运用能力。

初中英语演讲稿: My Dream【精选】

初中英语演讲稿: My Dream when i was in school, my teacher asked me what i want to be in the future, i had no idea at the time, because i didn’t think about the question before, now i have my dream, i have figured out what i want to be in the future, i want to be a teacher. this is my future ideal career, being a teacher not only fulfills myself, i also can implant my knowledge to my students. when i look at my teachers, i adore them so much, they learn so much knowledge, they can help us learn better, whenever we have questions, they can answer us immediately. i want to be one of them when i grow up, so i must study hard now. 当我上学的时候,我的老师问我你将来想成为什么样的人,那时候我还不知道怎么回答,因为我从来没有想个这个问题,现在我有自己的理想,弄清楚自己将来想成为什么,我想要成为一名老师。这是我将来理想的职业,成为一名教师不仅能充实我自己,我也可以把我的知识灌输给我的学生。当我看着我的老师时,我很崇拜他们,他们学习了很多的知识,帮助我们更好地学习,无论我们什么时候提出疑问,他们可以立刻回答。当我长大后我想要成为他们中的一员,因此我必须要努力学习。 最佳励志演讲稿:dream 全国英语演讲比赛冠军演讲稿:Our Future: A Battle between dreams and Reality 英语演讲稿:have a good dream 高中英语演讲稿3分钟:i have a dream 英语演讲稿:Everyone has a dream 大学生英语演讲稿获奖范文:Breathing with dreams 英语演讲稿: something about dreams and reality 初中英语演讲稿 My dream 英语演讲稿:i have a dream today 英语演讲稿:WHiTE dREAM


初中英语演讲稿3分钟3篇 初中英语演讲稿3分钟篇1 good morning,dear teacher and my friends. its a very intresting topic today. i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. wed go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid. every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years. my father always stands in the center of my life,from past till now and possibly in the future. my family was rather poor when i was in my childhood. we didnt have our own house and had to live in a shabby,small room rented from my fathers factory. the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. i didnt have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. this is terrible both for my parents and me. but father made this all different!he works very hard on his own business, now we have our own 2 housese,surly,i have my own room.and he take our family so much happiness, richer and richer. when i was little, i did everything with my dad.


初中英语演讲稿3分钟精选4篇 【一】初中英语演讲稿3分钟 good morning everyone it's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality. as the famous russian litterateur lev tolstoy (列夫、托尔斯泰)said, “ideal is the beacon(烟火、灯塔). without ideal, there is no secure (无虑的, 安全的, 安心的, 可靠的, 保险的)direction; without a direction, there is no life.” so there’s no doubt that everyone needs his or her own ideal. have you ever thought that what is practical and sensible(.明智的, 有感觉的, 明理的) will connect with our most treasured dreams? maybe, to somebody, reality has little relation to ideal. to others nothing can be done without the sense of reality. so make our dreams a part of our reality. and make our reality a part of our dreams. there is no reason why our dreams must oppose our reality. improve our dreams and our reality by bringing them together. as a university student, establishing a dream is one of the most important things we have to do .but


初中生的英语演讲稿 )查看。 初中生的英语演讲稿【一】thanksgiving is learning to be the fulcrum, the heart of thanksgiving is a good feeling, the world is all things to all people expressed their gratitude, remember, thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation, is a person of integrity at least moral character. thanksgiving is the key to return. return is the feeding, training, instruction, guidance, help, support and ambulance themselves. grateful, and through its own 10 times, 100 times the pay, and repay them with practical

action. then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving? first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone’s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents. for the survival of nature is the basis of all things, human life is inseparable from its 1:15 activities, we have the basic necessities of human nature, and so on are obtained from the therefore, we should be thankful


my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后,我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we had a basic concept to our country at that time. we know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. 我的中国梦是什么样的?先卖个关子。 记得刚刚上学那会儿,我们天真无邪。在课本里,我们学到了很多很多知识,也明白了很多很多道理,我们对祖国也有了一个最基本的概念。我们知道我们的祖国到处充满阳光,正在慢慢发展,而我们,就是祖国未来的花朵,未来的希望。我们梦想将来能够成为祖国的希望。 这,是我们最初的中国梦。最真诚的我们,最真诚的梦。 但是,不知道什么时候开始,我们长大了,生活似乎一下子变得和以前不太一样了,与此同时,虽然我们很不想承认但是却又不得不承认的是,我们的思想,我们的为人处世观,我们对我们祖国的看法,也潜移默化中慢慢开始了转变。我们的社会变得到处充满欺骗、冷漠、勾心斗角、压力、腐败、险恶,我们变得暴躁,不冷静,愤世嫉俗。我们的国家,似乎也开始变得千疮百孔。而好多我们亲爱的祖国委以重任培养的青年学生们变得轻浮、急躁,更别提什么梦想,什么中国梦了? are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick? 我很惊讶,当大街上有老人摔倒,我们不敢再去扶起;我很难过,当有人做了好事被报道,更多的人说他做作;我很伤心,当我看到我们众多的青年人变得冷漠、市侩、欺诈以及缺乏理想。 到底是我们病了,还是我们亲爱的祖国病了? i dont want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the diaoyu island event .i just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.we must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life. china dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals. 我的中国梦,不想大谈政治,也不想对钓鱼岛事件发表慷慨激昂的演讲。我只想呼吁,呼吁我们年轻人,呼吁我们祖国的希望能够将我们的青春一面,将我们的善良一面,将我们的自信一面好好展现出来。我们要学会整理自己的思想,端正自己看问题的观念,摆正自己的人生方向。我们的中国梦实际上正掌握在我们自己手上,掌握在我们年青一代,尤其是知识分子手上。


初中英语演讲稿 1. ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i ' mvery glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth ” . i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: 1、 do you know what is youth? 2、 how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ;it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshne; it is the freshneof the deep springs of life . youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals.


My happy family Today, I will tell you a talk about my family. I hope you enjoy it.I have a happy family, I love my family very much. There are five people in my famil y.They are my grandfather, grandmoth er, father, mother and I. I love my mother best. She gives me lots of l ove.I remember when I was very youn g, I was ill in bed.Mother looked very worried and looked after me carefully. She told story to me and sang songs f or me. She also did all kinds of things t o make me happily looked at my moth er’s face and said to her,“Mum, do you feel tired? When my mother heard that, she smile d and answered,“No, my child .I don’t feel tired , but I feel happy. “Happy? Why? I asked.”“No why, only because you are my dear daughter .” Mother answered. But mum, I can’t un derstand.”I said. Mother told me that I would know wh en I grew older. Today I know my mot her loves me deeper than other things. My father is my dear friend. In s pring we often plant trees together; In summer father likes to take me to swi m in the river;In autumn we often go t o see the sun late in the afternoon; Wh en winter comes we usually play with snow. I love my grandparents too. They are very kind. I often cried when I was very young, they always held my han ds , took me outside and played. And last one is me. I am a lovely girl. I like reading and writing best. M y hobby is flying kites in spring. That was very fun. This is my family. What do you th ink of my family? I hope every family is a happy one . I love English A Good morning,dear teachers and


中学生英语演讲技巧 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! 对于中学生来说,英语是一门必修课,是我们通向世界的桥梁,因此学好英语是十分重要的。但是,英语不仅仅是一门学科,他首先是语言。语言是博大精深的,就如同我们的汉语,它的内涵是极其丰富的,所以,我们不应该为了学英语而学英语,而是应该学以致用。 在英语的使用中,演讲是一个特殊而又有趣的部分。我认为,演讲可以大大激发学习英语的兴趣。想想看,自己能在众人面前用英语阐述自己的观点是何等的幸事,那会为我们带来多少乐趣!我们应该敢于演讲经常演讲更要善于演讲! 敢于演讲取决于自己的精神,自己要有一种渴望表现自己的冲动,要有一种希望阐述自己观点的愿望和一颗热情澎湃的激动的心! 经常演讲,则要抓住机会演讲,寻找机会演讲,创造机会演讲!大部分中学生面子薄,总是抓不住机

会来表现自己,更不用说积极的创造了。Don’t be shy,just try! 如果你已经敢于演讲并希望经常演讲,那么应该要善于演讲。何谓善于演讲?善于演讲,就是懂得演讲的方法。什么是演讲的方法?我认为要想掌握真正的演讲方法,最重要的应该是懂得演讲不是仅仅的演讲,演讲是一种艺术,他是语言所迸发出的美的火花!要想掌握演讲的方法,你应该热爱演讲,你必须记住,Attitude is everything! 演讲的具体技巧: 1.在有了好的心态后,演讲稿就成为了第二要点。首先你要明白,演讲稿不是普通的英文文章,它是一篇热情洋溢,激情四射的阐述你的观点的文章,它必须能够吸引听众的注意!一篇好的演讲稿应该能够很清楚的一开始就让听众知道你在说什么,做到这一点并不容易,因为有时太过于直接会让大家感到突如其来,应该有一定的缓冲。我看了很多外国名人的演讲后总结出以下几种形式: ①. 问候天气,然后转入正题。


初中英语演讲稿3分钟3篇 英语演讲稿是每个学生都需要拓展的技能。小雅WTT为大家整理了初中英语演讲稿3分钟3篇,欢迎大家阅读。 初中英语演讲稿3分钟篇1 good morning,dear teacher and my friends. it"s a very intresting topic today. i think my dad was a hero for me when i was a young child. we'd go fishing, walks, and other fun things for a kid. every child has a good and great father, and so do i. my dad played a very important role in my daily life`````exactly speaking, in my past 16 years. my father always stands in the center of my life,from past till now and possibly in the future. my family was rather poor when i was in my childhood. we didn't have our own house and had to live in a shabby, small room rented from my father's factory. the room was so small that there was little space for people to walk. i didn't have my own bed and had to sleep with my parents. this is terrible both for my parents and me.


student. my favorite colour is green. my favorite fruit are apples and watermelons. my favorite foods are pizzas hotdogs and hamburgers. My old friend is zhu jialiang. this is my new friend, zheng jie. look, this is mr. ji, my english teacher. and he is my cousin.Look, i have a family photo. this is my grandfather. he’s not very old. he is 64. he likes watching tv. this is my grandmother.she’s 60. she loves me very much. who’s this woman? she’s my mother. she is 36. she’s very beautiful. who’s that man? he’s my dad. he’s 36, too. he always go to school with me. who’s this boy? ha, ha, it’s me. he’s smart. My speech is over. thank you everyone, goodbye! No.2 My Favorite Book (初中一二年级水平) Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you.My favorite book is (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study.It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word "love".From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. This novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. I really like this book very much. How about you? What is your favorite book? My favorite book is . Have you read it before? Oh, I haven’t read this book before. What is it about? Well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. The story is happy ending. Can you tell us why you love this book so much?


英语演讲稿4分钟初中(精选多篇)麦档网 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9a8120626.html, good morning teachers and fellow students. today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. my favorite book is (italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the word "love". from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book? my favorite book is . have you read it before? oh, i haven’t read this book before. what is it about? well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. the story is happy ending. can you tell us why you love this book so much? sure. it is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. i am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princein the story. i have decided to learn from her from now on. oh i see, the story sounds very good. i cannot wait to read this book as well. 第二篇:初中3分钟励志英语演讲稿 as you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! and most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! you know all this is real


中学生英语演讲稿500字 Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Heng(张衡)and I've learned about Zheng He(郑和).Who says the Yellow River Civilization has vanished(消失)?I know that my ancestors have made miracles(奇迹)on this fertile land and we're still making miracles. Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into ace, and that our GNP ranks No. 7 in the world? We have experienced the plunders (掠夺) by other nations, and we have experienced the war. Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----China, unyielding and unconquerable! I am Chinese. I have inherited (继承) black hair and black eyes. I have inherited the virtues of my ancestors. I have also taken over reonsibility. I am sure, that wherever I go, whatever I do, I shall never forget that I am Chinese! Thank you.


英语教学理论作业 1.该教学法的三个原则包括:交际性原则、任务性原则和意义原则。 B.交际法2.主张该教学方法的学者认为口语是第一性的,外语学习和母语学习相似,语言学习过程可用联想心理学(associationist psychology)解释。 B.直接法 3.该教学法的语言学习观点与交际法一样。除此以外,该教学法还有其学习原则,即任务能提供语言习得所需要的语言输入、输出及互动;任务活动能激发学生兴趣及动力;学习困难也能通过协商来解决。 D.任务型语言教学模式 4.使用该教学方法的目的在于培养学习者使用外语进行交际、做事的能力。因此,外语应是教学中唯一的语言,母语在教学中没有特别的作用。但在一定的场合,教师要解释一些问题时,比如涉及到两种文化的差异,是否应使用母语,也值得我们去思考与尝试。 D.任务型语言教学模式 5.在该教学方法中,语言学习被视作智力活动,这种活动涉及规则学习、规则的记忆和以大量翻译的方式与母语意义相联系的操作。A.语法翻译法 6.与情景法一样,在教学法在语言学习理论方面,也是以行为主义的学习理论为依据的。 D.听说法 7.重视词汇和语法的学习,强调阅读和写作两个方面能力的培养,而听和说没有得到应有的重视。 A.语法翻译法 8.该教学法又称功能法或功能——意念法,产生于20世纪70年代初期的西欧共同体国家。英国学者为创立该教学法做出了杰出的贡献。 C.交际法 9.认为学习外语的目的是通过学习外语培养其阅读文学作品的能力。为达到此目的,学生必须掌握外语的词汇和语法规则。 A.语法翻译法 10.如果说,在该教学法的第二阶段中,练习是紧扣课文、围绕课文的语言点进行,并且控制性较大的话,那么,在该教学法的第三阶段中,教学活动应该是控制性不很大,使学生享有更大自主权的交际性练习。 B.认知法 11.该教学法认为,对学习者有意义的语言能促进语言学习。B.交际法 12.在“___”模式中,属于语言学习活动的有1)在聚焦语言阶段使用增强意识活动,让学生在教师指导下分析和发现语言特点2)之后,设计练习让学生练习语言点。C.强任务派13.该教学法的创始人Asher把刺激—反应看作语言教学方法的学习理论。因此,我们可以认为,该教学法体现了以语法为基础的语言观和行为主义的语言学习观。D.全身反应法14.该教学方法是在十九世纪末作为语法翻译法的批判而创立的外语教学的一种方法。它的特点包括:1)只使用目标语进行教学;2)意义通过语言、动作、物体等手段结合情景表达;3)先教说,然后教读、写;4)用归纳法讲授语法。 B.直接法 15.在该教学法的课堂中,由于语言学习被视为习惯的培养,教师会要求学生重复某些语言结构以加快习惯的养成。故此,句型操练和“逆向组句法”在该教学法中被视为一种有效的方法。 D.听说法 16.在学习理论方面,该教学法的理论依据是学者Diller提出的认知理论的四原则:1.活的语言是受规则支配的创造性活动;2.语法规则有其心理的现实性;3.人类有独特的学习语言机制;4.活的语言是思维工具。按照这些原则,语言教学应视为一个有意识学习的系统(a consciously learnt system),新语言应在实际中呈现和实践,学习语言应在有意义的实践中进行。 A.认知法 17.按照该教学法的三个原则,我们应让学生在真正的交际活动中进行有意义的活动,完成一定的学习任务以达到语言交际能力。 B.交际法 18.第53题


初中生英语演讲稿(精选多篇) 第一篇:初中生英语演讲稿一份初中生的英语演讲稿,来自于好范文推荐 good morning teachers and fellow students. today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. my favorite book is (italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten “monthly” stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the wo rd “love”. from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book? my favorite book is . have you read it before? oh, i haven’t read this book before. what is it about? well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. the story is happy ending. 第二篇:初中生的英语演讲稿schoolmates: when you look the lovable animated cartoon, plays is in a stew human’s computer games, rides the fast train, is answering transoceanic telephone
