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BBC news with Jerry Smith.

杰瑞·史密斯[Jerry Smith]为您播报BBC新闻。

The only American soldier to be held captive by the Taliban in Afghanistan has been freed after being held for nearly 5 years.Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was released in exchange for five senior Taliban militants from Guantanamo Bay detention center. Our correspondent David Loyn is in the Afghan capital Kabul.

在阿富汗被塔利班劫持的一名美国士兵在被囚禁将近5年后已经被释放了,中士贝里达尔[Bowe Bergdahl]被释放是以从关塔那摩湾拘留中心的5名塔利班高级武装分子作为交换条件。我们的记者戴维·洛恩[David Loyn]阿富汗首都喀布尔报道。

There are five Taliban captives in Guantanamo Bay who are on their way now across the Atlantic into the hands of the government Qatar.And the Taliban has been trying to secure their release for some years.They opened an office in Qatar last year,believing that would lead to a political process.It now turns out that secret talks have been continuing over the last few months.Sources close to the Taliban have told me tonight that they've been increasingly worried about the safety of Bowe Bergdahl.They moved him from place to place,they fear that he might be killed by other insurgents.They held on to him,and he has now been released securely.

在关塔那摩湾的5名塔利班囚犯现正穿过大西洋进入卡塔尔政府掌握之中。几年来塔利班一直努力释放这些人。去年他们在卡塔尔开设了一个办公室,认为这将是引致一个政治的过程。现在结果表明过去几个月秘密的谈判一直在持续。与塔利班关系密切的消息来源今晚告诉我,他们越来越担心贝里达尔[Bowe Bergdahl]的安全。他们将他转移到一个又一个地方,他们担心他会被其他叛乱者杀害。他们一直控制着他,现在终于将他安全释放了。

The most senior official at Sudan's foreign ministry says the woman sentenced to death for renouncing Islam will be released in a few days time.Abdullahi Alazreg told the BBC that Sudan guarantees freedom of religion,and the government was committed to protecting the woman Meriam Ibrahim who'd married to a Christian.There's been international criticism of the death sentence against her.Abdullahi Alazreg said the Sudanese authorities were now working for her freedom.

苏丹外交部的最高官员称因为放弃伊斯兰信仰而被判处死刑的妇女将在几天内获释。梅里亚姆·易卜拉欣[Abdullahi Alazreg]告诉BBC苏丹保证宗教自由,而且政府致力于保护与基督徒结婚的梅里亚姆·易卜拉欣[Meriam Ibrahim]。国际上对判处她死刑的做法表示批评。梅里亚姆·易卜拉欣[Abdullahi Alazreg]说苏丹当局现在正努力确保她的自由。

Because there is a sentence from a court,this process is an attempt to the release.The decision of the court has to follow certain judicial and lawful procedures.It's not that .....


Turkish police have fired tear gas in Istanbul and Ankara to disperse thousands of protesters who were trying to mark the first anniversary of anti-government protests.Several protesters were detained.The Turkish prime minister had warned protesters that police would clamp down on anyone who defied the ban on demonstrations in Istanbul's Taksim square.James Renauld was there and saw the clashes.

在伊斯坦布尔和安卡拉,土耳其的警方使用催泪弹来驱散数千名试图纪念反政府抗议一周年的抗议者。几名抗议者被拘留,土耳其总理已经警告抗议者,警察将会镇压任何藐视禁止在伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆广场游行禁令的人。詹姆斯·雷诺[James Renauld]在现场并目睹了这场冲突。

Thousands of people gathered here on Istiklal,Istanbul's main avenue.One group headed towards a line of police,within seconds,the police charged forwards,and people started running away.The police fired tear gas,and protesters tried to disperse through side streets.As I speak now,the atmosphere is reasonably calm,I can hear a police helicopter going overhead.And many people all around me are holding handkerchieves to their faces to try to get over the tear gas.


The Italian navy says that in the past 24 hours it has picked up more than 3600 migrants coming from the north African coast.It represents one of the highest figures for a single day since the navy launched constant patrols several months ago.


World news from the BBC.


Colombian police have arrested 46 members of the Rastrojos criminal gang in what the president is calling the biggest blow against criminal organizations in the country in a decade.Police accuse the gang of extorting money from shop owners and selling illegal drugs in the coastal city of Barranquilla.They also say gang members have launched several grenade attacks against shop keepers who have refused to pay.


The chief minister of the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has recommended a federal police investigation into the gang rape and hanging of two teenage girls in a village in his state.Police have now arrested five men in connection with the crime.XX in Dehli has the details.


The case has now been handed over to the country's top investigating agency,the central bureau of investigation.The girls aged 14 and 15 were found hanging from a tree early in the week.Their families alleged the police abused them,and turned them away when they approached them to look for their girls.All the suspects have now been arrested,three men and two policemen accused of dereliction of duty.But many people say the real issue is the attitude of those in power,and the way Indians treat crimes against women.


The new president of Malawi Peter Mutharika has said his priorities will be the economy and youth employment,and that he would not seek revenge over criminal charges he's facing.Speaking after his swearing in,he said he wanted private capital to play an important role in the economy.

马拉维新总统彼得·穆塔里卡[Peter Mutharika]称他的首要任务将是经济和青年人就业问题,并且他称自己不会对针对自己的刑事指控寻求报复。他在宣誓就职后发表讲话,称他希望私有资本能在经济中发挥重要的作用。

New allegations of corruption are being made against the governing body of world football FIFA in connection with the controversial decision to award the 2022 world cup to Qatar.The London-based Sunday Times says it's obtained a large number of documents which the newspaper says confirms Mohamed Bin Hammam,a Qatari former member of FIFA's executive committee made payments totaling several million dollars to football officials.

世界足球官方组织FIFA遭到了新的腐败指控,该指控称该机构涉嫌将2022世界杯授权给卡塔尔的决定,该决定已经引发争议。总部在伦敦的泰晤士报称其获得大量文件,这些报纸表明FIFA执行委员会前成员、卡塔尔人哈曼[Mohamed Bin Hammam]给几名足球官员提供了几百万美元的贿赂。



BBC News with Jerry Smit.

杰里·斯密特[Jerry Smit]为您播报BBC新闻。

The Afghan government has reacted angrily to a US deal in which five senior Taliban militants from Guantanamo Bay were handed over to Qatar in exchange for the release of an American soldier held captive by the Taliban. Sergeant Bergdahl is now recovering in a hospital in Germany. At a news conference in the United States, his parents said they had not spoken to their son yet and that his recovery would be a long process. His mother Jani Bergdahl said she looked forward to seeing his son soon.

阿富汗政府对美国的一项协议表示非常愤怒,在该协议中,关塔那摩湾的5名高级塔利班武装分子将被移交给卡塔尔,以塔利班释放囚禁的一名美国士兵作为交换条件。中士(Bergdahl)现在正在德国一家医院康复治疗。在美国的新闻发布会上,他的父母说还未和儿子见过面,他的康复将是个长期的过程。他的母亲(Jani Bergdahl)称希望能很快见到儿子。

Five years is a seemingly endless long time, but you've made it. I imagine you're more patient and compassionate that ever, you are free. Freedom is yours. I will see you soon, my beloved son. I love you, boy.


Police in northeast Nigeria say a bomb attack has killed at least 14 people and injured several more. Reports say the target of the explosion in the town of Mubi was a bar where people were watching football on TV. The town close to the border with Cameroon is in Adamawa state, one of three where a state of emergency has been declared due to ongoing attacks by the Islamist extremist group Boko Haram.


Qatar has denied new allegations of wrongdoing in connection with its successful bid to host the 2022 football World Cup. The Sunday Times alleged that a Qatari former member of FIFA executive committee Mohamed Bin Hammam paid several million dollars to football officials to back his country's bid. Mark Mardell reports from Qatar.


FIFA前执行委员会成员、卡塔尔人哈曼[Mohamed Bin Hammam]向足球官方提供了数百万美元的贿赂款才获得了其国家的举办权。(Mark Mardell)卡塔尔报道。

If proven, these new allegations could change the fortunes not just of a sports tournament but of a country, Qatar. It's been built up to accommodate double the number of passengers through its brand-new 15-billion-dollar international airport, and also planning 20 new hotels of four or five-star quality. The Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy strongly denies all the wrongdoings alleged by the Sunday Times. In fact, they say that Mohamed Bin Hammam played no official or unofficial role in securing the bid for Qatar in 2022.

如果情况属实,那这些新指控可能不仅改变这个运动比赛,也可能改变卡塔尔这个国家的命运。卡塔尔已经建造了耗资150亿美元的新国际机场,还准备建造20家四星级或五星级酒店,希望能将接纳的游客数量翻倍。交付和遗产最高委员会否认了泰晤士报的全部指控,事实上,委员会称哈曼[Mohamed Bin Hammam]在卡塔尔获得2022年举办权的过程中并没有担任任何官方或非官方的角色。

The former Prime Minister of Luxemburg Jean-Claude Junker says he's confident of becoming the next president of the European Commission, despite opposition from Britain. Mr. Junker has the backing of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Steve Evins reports from Berlin.

卢森堡的前首相(Jean-Claude Junker)表示尽管英国表示反对,他自信自己将成为欧洲委员会的下一届主席。(Junker)先生一直是德国总理安吉拉·默克尔[Angela Merkel]的支持者。(Steve Evins)柏林报道。

After the European elections, Mr.Junker emerged as a chosen candidate of the center right parties which have the most seats in the newly elected European parliament. The difficulty is that some EU leaders, with Mr. Cameron at the forefront, are opposing him. The German magazine Der Spiegel said that Mr. Cameron told Chancellor Merkel that if Mr. Junker got the job, Britain would be much more likely to leave the EU. Mr. Junker's now said that attempts to block him are blackmail. Steve Evins.

在欧洲选举后,(Junker)先生作为在新当选欧洲议会中获得最多席位的中间右派政党的候选人胜出。他的困难是以(Cameron)先生为首的一些欧洲领导人反对他,德国明镜杂志称(Cameron)先生告诉总理(Merkel),如果(Junker)获得该职位,那英国将更可能离开欧盟。(Junker)先生现称企图阻扰他就是在敲诈。(Steve Evins)报道。

World News from the BBC.


A video tape of a speech by the senior commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards appears to back claims that the presidential elections five years ago were rigged to prevent the return to power of reformists. On the tape, the commander Mohammad Ali Jafari is seen telling a gathering of Iranian officials that the return of the reformers was a red line for the Guards. The

tape was posted on the Internet by a well-known dissident in Tehran Mohammed Nourizad who says it's evidence of the rigging of the elections in favor of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

一段有关伊朗革命卫队最高指挥官演讲的视频似乎支持这样的说法,即5年前的总统选举是人为操作的,其目的是防止权力回到改革者的手中。在视频中,指挥官(Mohammad Ali Jafari)告诉一群伊朗官员,改革者的回归是警卫队的红线。这段视频是由伊朗著名的异见人士(Mohammed Nourizad)发布在网上的,他说这些证据就表明选举是被操纵使之对总统(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)有利。

Sudan's Foreign Ministry has denied that a woman sentenced to death for renouncing Islam is about to be released. In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said comments attributed to a senior Sudanese official Abdullahi al-Azureg implying that the release was imminent were taken out of context, and the case was a matter of the courts. Meriam Ibrahim's lawyer Mohaned Mustafa said they had heard nothing from the courts.

苏丹的外交部已经否认因放弃伊斯兰教而被判处死刑的妇女将被释放。在一份声明中,外交部称这一说法是苏丹高级官员(Abdullahi al-Azureg)造成的,所谓的释放是断章取义,该案件取决于法庭的判决。梅里亚姆·易卜拉欣[Meriam Ibrahim]的律师说他们没有从法庭上听到什么消息。

We went today to the Omdurman prison and even went to the Court of Appeal to find out about this news, and that we have found nothing yet, still the Court of Appeal did not issue any court order.


A former left-wing rebel leader Salvador Sanchez Ceren has been sworn in as president of Al Salvador. Mr Sanchez of the governing FMLN party became the first former guerrilla commander to be elected to lead the central American country. In his inauguration speech, he promised to govern for everybody, to fight corruption, and to promote social justice.

一名前左翼叛军领袖(Salvador Sanchez Ceren)已经在萨尔瓦多宣誓就任总统。(Sanchez)先生属于执政党马蒂民族解放阵线,被选为这个中非国家领导人的前游击队指挥官。在他的就职演讲中,他承诺为全体人民服务、打击腐败,并推动社会的正义。

Police in Turkey have once again fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of demonstrators in Ankara a day after violent clashes on the first anniversary of anti-government protest. Around five hundreds people had gathered to remember a 26-year-old protester who was one of eight people killed in last year's clashes.




BBC News with Neil Nunes.

尼尔·努涅斯[Neil Nunes]为您播报BBC新闻。

King Juan Carlos who helped secure Spain's transition from dictatorship to democracy is abdicating after nearly 40 years on the throne. In a televised address, he said that when he turned to 76 in January, he decided the moment was right to pass on the role to his son Crown Prince Felipe. He said the deep financial crisis had stirred up and an impulse for renewal in Spain and that a new generation was demanding the main role in preparing that future. Tom Burridge reports from the capital Madrid.

曾经帮助西班牙从独裁制度过渡到民主制的(King Juan Carlos)在执政近40年后决定退位。在一个电视讲话中,他说在一月份他76岁时,他决定是时候将皇位传给儿子(Felipe)王储了。他说严重的财政危机已经使西班牙混乱,并推动新改革,西班牙需要由新的一代来担当为未来做准备的重要角色。(Tom Burridge)首都马德里报道。

It was, according to royal officials, a personal decision, but King Juan Carlos's surprise announcement that he will abdicate in favor of this son comes after a difficult few years for the king. His youngest daughter has been implicated in a major corruption investigation, and he was heavily criticized for hunting elephants in Botswana while Spain was suffering the effect of the financial crisis.

根据王室官员所说,这是一个个人的决定,但是(King Juan Carlos)令人吃惊的宣布--在经历了几年的困难后,他决定让位给儿子。他最年轻的女儿已经卷入一场重大的腐败调查,而他也因在博茨瓦纳猎杀大象而饱受批评,而当时西班牙正遭受着金融危机的影响。

Meanwhile, thousands of anti-monarchist demonstrators have gathered in Madrid to call for a referendum on whether Spain should become a Republic. There are similar peaceful rallies in other Spanish cities. The BBC's correspondent in Madrid says republicanism is a potent mainstream force in Spain and the monarchy has seen a decline in popularity.


Hundreds of heavily armed insurgents in eastern Ukraine have resumed a sustained assault on a border guards command post near the city of Luhansk. Five insurgents were reportedly killed, and at least 7 Ukrainian guards were injured. Meanwhile, Russia has requested an emergency meeting of United Nations Security Council to call for an immediate end to the fighting in eastern

Ukraine, something Ukraine's ambassador to the UN Yuriy Sergeyev told the BBC he finds distasteful.

在乌克兰东部的卢甘斯克市,数百名装备精良的叛军已经向一个边防警卫指挥所发动连续的攻击。据报道5名叛军被杀,至少7名乌克兰警卫丧生。同时,俄罗斯已经请求联合国安理会举行一场紧急会议,呼吁立即结束乌克兰东部的战斗,乌克兰驻联合国大使(Yuriy Sergeyev)告诉BBC,他发现这一举动令人反感。

The very fact that there is resolution on Ukraine is tabled by the Russian federation, for me, it's very cynical and immoral. Because the country that has recently occupied and annexed a part of the territory of Ukraine, a country sponsored the terrorism and unrest in the eastern regions of Ukraine now offers a settlement plan.


Police in the Nigerian capital Abuja have banned the protests by supporters of more than 200 school girls abducted by Boko Haram militants in April. The police say the protests are being banned because they posed a serious threat to residents, here is Tomi Oladipo.

在4月份,被博科圣地武装分子绑架的200名女生的支持者举行的抗议遭到了尼日利亚首都阿布贾警方的禁止。警方称禁止抗议活动是因为抗议对当地居民构成了严重威胁。托米·奥拉迪波[Tomi Oladipo]报道。

The "Bring back our girls" campaign both in and outside the country have come as huge embarrassment to the Nigerian government. Protesters in Abuja have met daily in public with an aim of increasing pressure on the government to work toward the safe reture of the kidnapped girls. The police now say these protests pose a serious security threat to people in Abuja, but the "Bring back our girls" campaigners see these latest events as part of a government ploy to silence them and are now seeking a court order to allow protests to continue.


World News from the BBC.


The United States says it has led an international operation to disrupt an internet fraud that has stolen millions of dollars. The US justice department says it's targeted a botnet or network of

infected computers hold Gameover Zeus which focuses on taking financial information. It says up to a million computers worldwide are thought to be infected.


The Obama administration has set out its most ambitious plan yet for cutting pollution in the United States. Under the proposals, carbon dioxide emissions from US power stations will be cut by 30% by 2030. Individual state will be left to decide how they meet the targets. The head of the environmental protection agency Gina McCarthy said flexibility was key to the plan.

奥巴马政府已经制定了减轻美国污染的最野心勃勃的计划。根据该提议,截止2030年,美国发电站的二氧化碳排放量将减少30%。各个独立州将各自决定如何实现该目标。环保机构负责人(Gina McCarthy)称灵活性对该计划来说很关键的。

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. States can pick from a portfolio of options to meet regional state and community needs, it's up to states to mix and match to get their goals. And if states don't want to go alone, they can hang out with other states, we can do multi-state market based programs under our proposal.


The United States has said it intends to work with the new Palestinian unity government that was sworn in earlier today. The State Department said it would judge the government by its actions. Israel has expressed disappointment at the US decision. Israeli cabinet has ruled out negotiations with the government.


Scientists in the United States say they've discovered a new kind of potentially life-bearing rocky planet in a distant star system known as Kepler 10C. It has 17 times the mass of the earth and a diameter more than twice that of our planet. Astronomers say they were surprised that this heavy, much denser planet had managed to remain solid without losing atmosphere and ballooning into a gaseous giant like Jupiter.

美国的科学家称在名为Kepler 10C的遥远星系中发现新的可能维持生命的岩石星球。它的重量是地球的17倍,直径是地球的两倍多。天文学家称令人吃惊的是,这颗沉重、密度高的星球能保持固态,又不会失掉大气,也没有像木星那样膨胀为巨大的气态行星。



BBC News with Julie Candler.

朱莉·坎德勒[Julie Candler]为您播报BBC新闻。

Final results in Egypt's presidential election have confirmed a landslide victory for the former army chief Abdul Fatah al-Sisi.The election commission said Mr.Sisi won 96.9% of the vote, less than half of those eligible to vote took part.In his first speech as president he said it was time to look ways to develop the country.

埃及的总统选举的最终结果已经确定前军事领袖(Abdul Fatah al-Sisi)将军获得了压倒性的胜利。选举委员会称塞西[Sisi]先生获得了96.9%的支持率,少于一半的选民参加了投票。在他第一次的总统演讲中,他说是时候想办法发展埃及了。

I extend my special thanks to presidential candidate Mr.Hamdeen Sabahi who provided a series of opportunity to achieve electoral competition.I said to him and to all Egyptians that I looking forward to continue efforts and determination in the coming stages of nation building.

我要向总统候选人(Hamdeen Sabahi)表示特别的感谢,他提供了实现总统竞选的一系列机会。我向他和所有埃及人民表示,我希望在未来的国家建设阶段中能继续努力和坚定决心。

Voting is drawing to a close in Syria's presidential election which is being held in amid of civil war.There were no polls outside areas controlled by President Bashar al-Assad's forces and the opposition denounced the election as farce but state media said voting had to be extended to several hours for what it called a turnout beyond all expectations. Mr.Assad is expected to win easily.

在内战战火中举行的叙利亚总统选举现已接近尾声。总统巴沙尔·阿萨德[Bashar al-Assad]所控制的地区之外没有投票,而反对派谴责这一选举是一场闹剧,但是国家媒体称投票率出人意料,所以要将投票时间延长几小时。阿萨德[Assad]先生有望轻松获得胜利。

The BBC has learned that dozens of people have been killed in Nigeria in a series of attacks on villages in remote parts of Borno state.Our Nigeria correspondent Will Ross reports.

BBC已经了解到,尼日利亚波诺州偏远地区的村庄发生一系列袭击案,有数十人被杀。BBC 驻尼日利亚记者威尔·罗斯[Will Ross]报道。

People from Attagara village closed to the Cameroonian border say the men dressed in military uniform turned up in cars and called people to a church compound.They thought these were Nigerian soldiers who come to protect them it was only when the men opened fire on the crowd then they realized these were Boko Haram fighters.The member of parliament of the area Peter

confirmed the attack to the BBC he said the people have been killed and many houses burned in five other villages in the area meanwhile there have been reports in Nigeria that several generals in the army have been found guilty before a court martial of assisting Boko Haram.A defense ministry spokesman denied that any generals were on trial.


In the meantime the police say they are now allowing peaceful protests hours after banning demonstrations in support of more than 200 school girls abducted by Boko Haram 50 days ago.


Saudi Arabia has sharply increased the reported number of deaths from Mers, the Middle East respiratory syndrome.Health officials now say that has killed 282 people nearly a hundred more than previously acknowledged.Early on Tuesday the deputy health minister was sacked.T reports.


These new cases have been identified as part of a review looking back into how this flu-like virus is spread since it first emerged in the kingdom two years ago,cases have risen from 575 to 688, around third of those infected have died.These emerged after a retrospective study ordered by the new health minister.It's all part of a drive by the kingdom to be more transparent.The government has been accused of not doing enough to contain Mers.Cases have been identified in 17 other countries.


World News from the BBC.


The Ukrainian army says it has started blocking the border with Russia in the separatist controlled Lukansk region.Reports from the area on the social media speak of heavy gunfire.Earlier fighting in north of Donetsk has subsided according to the Ukrainian presidential website.It says militants have been cleared from the towns of Slaviansk and Kramatorsk.


The Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has welcomed President Obama's plans to strengthen the US military presence in eastern Europe in response to events in Ukraine.Earlier President Obama announced a billion dollar program which if approved by Congress would increase troop numbers and military exercises in eastern Europe.Mr.Rasmussen said the Russian actions in Ukraine had dramatically changed the security situation in Europe.

北约的秘书长拉斯穆森[Anders Fogh Rasmussen]对奥巴马总统为应对乌克兰局势、加强美军在欧洲东部力量的计划表示欢迎。早些时候,奥巴马总统宣布了一个涉资10亿美元的项目,如果该项目得到国会批准,那将增加在欧洲东部的军人数量和军事演习。(Rasmussen)先生称俄罗斯在乌克兰的行动极大地改变了欧洲的安全局势。

This is a timely and an important contribution that reinforces the steps Nato has already taken.It is a clear sign of America's commitment to Europe and it's a clear sign of the strength of the trans-Atlantic bond.


Tensions are high in the Pakistani city of Karachi following the arrest in London of Altaf Hussain, one of the Pakistan's most powerful politicians.His MQM party has appealed for calm in Karachi, the party's power base.Thousands of MQM supporters are staging a sit-in on one of the city's main fairs.Mr.Hussain who was arrested on suspicion of money laundering.He is now in police costudy in a London hospital.

巴基斯坦最有势力的一名政客(Altaf Hussain)在伦敦被捕后,巴基斯坦城市卡拉奇的局势现高度紧张。他的政党统一民族运动党呼吁该党派基地城市卡拉奇保持冷静。数千名该党的支持者在该市的主要集市上进行静坐。(Hussain)先生因涉嫌洗钱而被逮捕,他现在被警察拘留在伦敦一家医院。

Mexico has published new guidelines that will double prison sentences for kidnapping. The minimum prison term has risen from 20 to 40 years and the maximum from 50 to 140 years for those who kill their victims. The number of kidnapping reported to the police has risen dramatically in recent years, but the government estimates the number of kidnapping reported to the police could be fewer than 2% of the total.





BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.

这是由Stewart Macintosh报道的BBC新闻。

The leaders of Britain and France have met President Putin face to face for the first time since the annexation of Crimea to convey their concern about Russia's actions in Ukraine.


The British Prime Minister David Cameron says he's delivered an unequivocal message to Mr. Putin that Russian aggression must stop.

英国首相David Cameron表示他已经向普京总统清楚明白地传达了一个信息,那就是俄罗斯毕露的野心是时候要收敛了。

Both leaders are in France for commemorations of the D-Day landings 70 years ago.


“These are the first face to face meetings between Vladimir Putin and western leaders since the crisis in Ukraine began.


Mr Cameron said he told the Russian President in a short meeting at the Paris Charles de Gaulle airport that unless Russia accepted the sovereignty of Ukraine and began direct negotiations with its new President, then further sanctions and isolation would result.


For Mr. Holland who is hosting 19 heads of state this week, it's a diplomatic tight rope keeping the American and Russian presidents apart.

Holland 先生这一周为来自19个国家的领导人进行会谈而担任主持,这相当于一条绷紧的外交绳索,绳子的两端就是美国和俄罗斯的总统。

First night, he met President Obama for dinner at a Paris restaurant, then hurried back to the Elysee Palace to have supper with President Putin.”


Veterans of the Second World War have travelled to beaches of Normandy where thousands of allied troops died on D-Day as they began the liberation of France from Nazi rule.


They've been paying their respect to fallen comrades at the cemeteries inland.


The heir to the British throne Prince Charles watched a parachute drop by soldiers from the allied nations.


Queen Elizabeth,President Obama and other world leaders will attend further ceremonies on Friday. An estimated 200,000 visitors are taking part in the commemorations.


The series attacks in northeastern Nigeria, apparently by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram has left many people dead.


Aid agencies say more than 3,000 people have been killed this year. Will Ross is in Abuja.

援助机构表示今年已经有三千多人死亡了。Will Ross在阿布贾报道。

“48 hours after Boko Haram attacked, dead bodies still litter the streets of several villages in Gwoza, close to Nigeria's border with Cameroon.


The member of Parliament for the area says he fears at least 200 people were killed, but it's impossible to know exactly how many, because there is no one there to count the bodies.


The MP says despite requests Nigerian soldiers are still not deployed there.


Gwoza has been turned into a Boko Haram stronghold, and there're reports that jihadist flags are flying in some of the villages.


Overnight, 45 people were killed on the outskirts of Maiduguri city. The att acks are relentless.”


President Obama has said he would prefer Britain to stay in the European Union, and Scotland to remain in the United Kingdom.


Replying to a question at a news conference after the G7 Summit in Brussels, Mr. Obama said that it was encouraging for Washington to know that one of its closest allies had a seat to the European table.

On Scotland he said that the US had a deep interest in Britain remaining a united and effected partner.

The Scottish nationalist leader Alex Salmond said that decision on independence was up to the people of Scotland.

Last year, the US Ambassador in London said America would remain neutral.


World News from the BBC.


White House officials are reported to have explained to US Senators in a closed door briefing why

Congress was not notified beforehand of the prisoners swap involving the US soldier sergeant Bowe Bergdahl and five Taliban commanders.

据报道称白宫官员已经私底下向美国参议员们简要解释了为什么国会事前没有被通知关于囚犯掉换的事情,当中涉及到美国士兵中士Bowe Bergdahl以及无名塔利班指挥官。

The reason reportedly given was that the Taliban had threatened to kill the soldier if the deal was made public in advance.


Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, who has been treated at a US military hospital in Germany, has still not spoken to his mother or father five days after his release.

中士Bowe Bergdahl已经在位于德国的美国军事医院里接受治疗,在他被释放出来的五天以后目前还没有跟他的父母说过话。

Police in Canada hunting a gun man suspected of killing three police officers and wounding two others say he has since been spotted three times near the crime scene.


The suspect has been named as a 24 year-old local resident Justin Bourque.

这名嫌疑人被指证是一名名叫Justin Bourque的二十四岁当地居民。

Rajini Vaildyanathan has more.

Rajini Vaildyanathan 进行详细报道。

“The small city of Moncton on Canada's east coast is now the centre of a large police manhunt.


The last confirmed sighting of the suspect Justin Bourque was on Thursday morning.

最后一次确认犯罪嫌疑人Justin Bourque出现的时间是周四早上。

He's thought to have slipped into the woods shortly after, making efforts to find him much harder. Officers say he is carrying high powered fire arms.


They've cordoned off a large area in the northwest of the city and have urged residents to stay indoors.”


A manhunt is underway in the eastern democratic Republic of Congo after some 300 prisoners broke out of a jail in the city of Bukavu.


A government spokesman told the BBC that 46 inmates had been recaptured, but two had been killed in the process, as well as two soldiers.


Residents said they heard gun shots, shortly before the prisoners managed to force their way through the main gate. An investigation is underway.


China has said it hopes to cap its green house gas emissions as soon as possible, has set no firm date thus far.


A senior official, Xie zhenhua, told journalists his country was trying to identify when emissions would peak, but it was a complex issue related to economic and social development.




BBC News with Stewart Macintosh.

斯图尔特·麦金塔[Stewart Macintosh]为您播报BBC新闻。

Prosecutors in Germany are opening an investigation against persons unknown in connection with the alleged bugging of Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone by the US National Security Agency. The revelation came to light last year, damaging ties between Washington and Berlin. The allegations were made public by the former American intelligence contractor Edward Snowden. A German Green MP Hans-Christian Stroebele said the investigation was unlikely to harm links between the two countries.

德国检察官正对涉入所谓美国国安局窃听德国总理安吉拉·默克尔[Angela Merkel]一案的身份不明者展开调查。去年曝光的这件事损害了华盛顿和柏林之间的关系。前美国情报承包商爱德华·斯诺登[Edward Snowden]公开曝光此事。德国绿党议员(Hans Christian Stroebele)称该调查不可能损害两国间的关系。

It's probable relations with the US will be strained by this, but not much beyond what they currently are. I don't believe it will come to a suffering of cooperation between the secret services or other German-US relationships. I assume that the true interests and relations, the good business, military and intelligence relations are so strong that neither side will want to damage them.


Leaders of the G7 group of rich nations are gathering in Brussels for their first meetings since Russia was thrown out, following its annexation of Crimea. The crisis in Ukraine is certain to dominate discussions of the opening dinner. From Brussels, Chris Morris.

发达国家G7集团的领导人们在俄罗斯被踢出后齐聚布鲁塞尔举行第一次会议。乌克兰危机毫无疑问是晚宴讨论的重点。克里斯·莫利斯[Chris Morris]布鲁塞尔报道。

The meeting was originally planned as a G8 to be held in Russia, but the other seven countries abandoned that idea after the annexation of Crimea. The G7 now wants Russia to engage with the new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and to do more to rein in separatist fighters in the east of the country. For the moment, the emphasis is on diplomacy and politics, but the threat of moving to a higher level of sanctions against Russia remains on the table.

按原计划八国集团会议是在俄罗斯举行,但是另外7个国家在克里米亚被吞并后放弃了这个计划。现在的七国集团希望俄罗斯与乌克兰新总统佩特罗·波罗申科[Petro Poroshenko]交涉,在遏制乌克兰东部分裂武装分子上面加大力度。从那时起,强调的重点就集中在外交和政治上,但是七国集团仍可能向俄罗斯发出施加更高程度制裁的威胁。

Earlier, President Obama warned Russia against what he called its dark tactics in Ukraine. The Russian President Vladimir Putin has told French Television he is ready to meet the President elect of Ukraine when the two men are in France later this week for ceremonies marking the 70th anniversary of the D-Day. Mr. Putin said he would not avoid any of the leaders at the event.

早些时候,奥巴马总统就他所谓的对乌克兰的黑暗策略向俄罗斯发出警告。在接受法国电视台的采访中,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京[Vladimir Putin]表示他准备在本周晚些时候出席诺曼底登陆日70周年时和乌克兰新当选总统会面。普京[Putin]先生称他不会避开参加周年纪念的领导人们。

The authorities in Syria say Bashar al-Assad has been re-elected president with almost 89% of the vote. The election was held in the midst of the civil war, and only people in government-controlled areas were able to take part. Jeremy Bowen is watching the celebrations in Damascus.

叙利亚当局称巴沙尔·阿萨德[Bashar al-Assad]以近89%的支持率再次当选总统。这次选举是在内战期间举行的,只有政府控制地区下的人们才能参加。(Jeremy Bowen)正在大马士革观看庆祝场面。

The election was condemned and ridiculed by President al-Assad's enemies at home and abroad. But for the regime and all the supporters on the streets, this is a victory. All the international peace plans so far for this war have revolved around finding ways for President Assad to step down. His representatives have always said his future wasn't a matter for the negotiation; it was for the Syrian people to decide. Now as these celebrations continue in Damascus, the regime will say that the people have delivered their president a new seven-year mandate.


You are listening to the World News being brought to you by the BBC.


Pakistan police have arrested two brothers over the mob killing of their pregnant sister outside a courthouse in the city of Lahore last week. Farzana Parveen was bludgeoned to death by members of her own family for marrying a man without their consent. A police spokesman said a third man has also been arrested for taking part.

巴基斯坦的警方已经逮捕了两兄弟,他们上周在拉合尔法院外杀死了他们怀孕的妹妹。(Farzana Parveen)因为未经家人允许嫁给了一名男子,就被他们家人用棍棒打死。警方发言人称另有第三人也因参与案件而被捕。

A renegade general in Libya has vowed to strike back against Islamist militias after surviving in an assassination attempt which killed several of his guards. Speaking on Libyan Television, General Khalifa Haftar said he'd only been lightly wounded.

利比亚一名变节将军在一场暗杀中幸存,而他的几名警卫丧生了,他发誓要回击伊斯兰武装分子。在利比亚电视台上讲话时,哈利法·哈他[Khalifa Haftar]将军称他只受到轻伤。

There are numerous rumors about a successful assassination attempt. On the contrary, nothing has befallen us from this operation except that insignificant simple things which do not alter matters. We feel that our health is good, our morale is high and our response to them will be twice as much as what they have committed. We are determined to continue, God willing.


In a further sign of growing violence and instability a Swiss Red Cross official was shot dead at point-blank range in the city of Sirte.


For the time, for the first time an English terrorism trial maybe heard entirely in secret. Media organizations have appealed against an order by a judge last month that the trial of two people accused of serious terrorism offences should be held behind closed doors and their identities withheld. Three quarter of appeal judges said they would give their decision in a few days time.


The Irish government is considering how it should respond to the discovery of the remains of nearly 800 children at a former home for unmarried mothers run by the Roman Catholic Church. The children, aged between two days and nine years, had died of illness or malnutrition when their home was under the care of nuns. The Catholic Church in Ireland has been at the center of a host of scandals in recent years.




BBC News with Sue Montgomery.

苏·蒙哥马利[Sue Montgomery]为您播报BBC新闻。

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