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《无谓》歌词 陈明

《无谓》歌词 陈明
《无谓》歌词 陈明

























我和我的朋友吵架了小学作文 导读:我和我的朋友吵架了小学作文【一】 我和陈明是好朋友,一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船那出来玩,陈明一不小心把我的小木船给摔坏了,于是我便和他吵了起来。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,心中的怒火顿时燃烧了起来,便一把夺过他的小木船,使劲的扔到了地上,然后狠狠地踩了一脚,说了一句:“叫你敢破坏我的东西!”陈明的眼泪顿时夺眶而出。 放学后,我走回家的途中一直在想这件事情,于是越想越愧疚。于是我跑回家跟妈妈说了这件事,妈妈听完后,语重心长的对我说:“首先,他把你的小木船给摔坏了,也许他不是有意的,而且他摔坏了你的小木船,你也没必要把他的小木船给摔坏啊,你明天到学校,跟人家同学道一个歉,人家说不定还会原谅你呢。 第二天,我到了学校,看见了陈明在我的座位上,他好像是在等着我。我慢慢地走过去,心里不知道该怎么说才好。这时,之间陈明低下头轻轻的说了一句:“昨天的事真是对不起,我不应该先把你的小木船摔坏,请你原谅我。陈明的宽宏大量感动了我:“没关系的,是我不对,我不该踩你的木船,对不起。”“希望我们永远能是好朋友。” 从此,两人又恢复了以前的又友好,在学习上互相帮助,成了一对好要好的朋友。 我和我的朋友吵架小学了作文【二】

那一天,是期末考试的日子,也是我没有朋友的一天。 当我来到教室,看见的还是和以前一样,许多同学在教师正发奋图强的补作业。放下书包,张玉颖随声说:“聂诗意,把你的作业借我一下。”便把我的本子拿走了。听到后我左思右想:如果再这样下去,我的'好朋友不就变成天天不写作业,第二天来学校补的坏小孩了,不行,我要帮她!我连忙说;“不行,拿过来。”当时我一手拿着作业本,她一手摁着作业本。“哗”,把作业本撕了下来。我一看是她的作业本,她说:“你赔,怎么办?哼,真讨厌!”听完她说的我便嘀咕:“谁叫你没有经过我的同意,就拿我的东西的,哼!” 因此,我们俩就绝交了。绝交后,她竟因她讨厌我就把陈璐瑶也劝过去了。上厕所时,她们俩竟在我背后,想踢死我。我气急败坏,决定永远不理她们。她们还偶尔骂我。 和朋友吵架,只要她们讨厌我一下,我就像刀割我一下。 我决定以后也不轻易吵架了。 我和我的朋友吵架了小学作文【三】 我和任丽莎是一对好朋友,有时我们互相帮助,有时一起分享各自的好东西,但是有时也会争吵。 有一次,在学校大家一起跳长绳,可是因为太拥挤了不小心碰到了任丽莎,她就生气了,我心想这么小气,以后两个人就互相不理对方了,而且还会找一些小事互相报复。后来幸亏有同学告诉了老师,老师把我们叫进办公室问清楚情况,最后我们两人都不好意思的互相


unit 8 Part 1 Reading comprehension Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. Manners evolved differently in different cultures. In earlier times there was a tendency for manners to become increasingly formal, and this was often viewed as progress. In the 18th and 19th centuries having good manners was seen as an important part of one's education and social class, and it was necessary to be taken as a lady or a gentleman to get ahead in the world. In the 20th and 21st centuries, manners have gradually become more relaxed and informal. The hosting of dinners and other social gatherings are no longer the exclusive privilege of the wealthy elite (精英), and private clubs are being gradually replaced by more open meeting places. So the manners of the salon (沙龙) are gradually combining with the manners of the pub. Clothing is a good indication of the changes in manners, as can be seen in the following examples.

部编版道德与法治三年级下册第一单元 我和我的同伴练习卷

部编版道德与法治三年级下册第一单元我和我的同伴练习卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、选择题 1 . 下列做法不能给家人精神安慰的是()。 A.自立自强B.练就本领C.努力学习D.与父母争吵 2 . 半期考试卷子上有一道题做错了,老师没有扣分,你该怎么做?() A.敢紧修改答案,暗自高兴。B.有人发现了,再告诉老师。 C.告诉老师,请老师扣分。 3 . 东东说,我的个子长得太慢了,我要是长得更高就好了;丽丽说,妈妈一天到晚老是说我,刚刚看一会儿电视,妈妈就批评我老师看电视;芸芸说,我也没有说什么得罪同学的话呀,他们为什么不理我了呢? 如果你是他们的好朋友,你应对他们说() A.人人都有烦恼,烦恼是我们生活的一部分,很正常 B.烦恼是你自找的,我就没有烦恼 C.希望没有烦恼是能实现的事情 D.幸福快乐与你们无缘呢 4 . 下面同学可以获得“积极劳动奖”的是()。 A.小花非常热爱学习 B.小敏帮助小军提水浇花

C.小明帮盲人爷爷过马路 5 . 下列想法正确的是()。 A.这个老师不是教我的,碰见以后我不用理他 B.我不喜欢云云,所以告诉丽丽不和她玩 C.看到老师,我要主动上前打招呼 6 . 下面几个小朋友的说法,正确的是()。 A.云云说:“扫地太累了,我不想扫地,我要去擦黑板。” B.丽丽说:“我看到老师都是主动问好。” C.明明说:“座位周围的垃圾应该是值日生打扫的,和我没关系。 7 . 在商店买东西回家后发现售货员多找了几元钱应该()。 A.去花掉B.交给妈妈C.去还给售货员 二、填空题 8 . 我们每个人都是独特的,找一找,独特的自己有何特点。 9 . 有时我们会不由自主地说谎话,原因是:__________、__________或__________。


新视野大学英语快速阅读第三册全 Unit1 Passage1 1—5 DCDCD 6—8 AAB Passage2 1 smart enough 2 enters the house 3 only one act 4 properly trained 5 race horses 6 500 to 600 7 because used to each other 8 family or food Passage3 1—5 ADDAD 6—7 AC 8 talking 9 direct commands 10 cultural,not personal Passage4 1—5 Y Y N NG N 6—7 N Y 8 the individual 9 responsible behavior 10 written budget Unit2 Passage1 1—5 Y Y N Y N 6—8 N NG Y Passage2 1 the use of drugs 2 dull and hopeless 3 more and more drugs 4 LSD 5 really able to do 6 long jail sentences 7 dangerous situations 8 full of tension Passage3 1—5 ACBDC 6—7 DA 8 skills courses 9 certificates 10 world communication Passage4 1—5 NG Y N Y Y 6—7 Y N 8 it is easier 9 confront different challenges 10 allowing everything Unit3 Passage1 1—5 BCBAC 6—8 CAC Passage2 1 900 miles 2 weeks of time 3 the kind of boats 4 getting into the mud 5 different levels of water 6 man-made lakes 7 the force of the water 8 the photographys taken from spaceships Passage3 1—5 DBCAB 6—7 AD 8 the chain store 9 the firm’s expenses Passage4

六年级作文:我和李明是好朋友续写 3篇_续写改写

六年级作文:我和李明是好朋友续写 3篇小木船的故事 雷涵悦 我和陈明是好朋友。一天我们把在手工小组做的小木船摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船,陈明急忙奔到窗前往下看,只见那三根船桅直坠下去,摔成了几段。 陈明大叫一声,转过身恶狠狠的盯着我,举起手中的小木船,原来挺的直直的桅杆上的帆已经耷拉下来了。陈明怒目圆睁,吼道:“你赔!”我也不甘示弱,把我的小木船举到他鼻子底下,怒气冲冲的叫:“你也赔啊!你赔啊,你赔啊!” 我知道陈明家境不好,他的爸爸妈妈离婚了,外公外婆,爷爷奶奶也都去世了,他跟他的姑姑一起生活。他的姑姑从不给他一分钱花,哪儿来钱赔我小木船? 陈明大吼:“桅杆都没了!还怎么修?”我被冲昏了头脑,大声说道:“你这个没爹没娘的野孩子!再委屈也没人安慰你!”陈明突然眼眶一红,把自己的木船掷在地上,一把夺过我的小木船,扬长而去。 从此我又失去了一个好朋友。每天课间,我都不由自主的往陈明座位上瞥。 我很后悔和陈明吵了一架,于是我把小木船修好,又写了一封信,准备明天早上放到陈明的桌子上。 第二天,我忐忑不安的等着陈明到来,可上了一节课,又上了一节课,陈明还没有来。这时,老师眉头紧锁,走了进来。原来,陈明

早上来学校时被车撞了,正在医院抢救…… 我心急火燎的赶到医院,陈明早已停止了呼吸,他的妈妈在旁边哭成一个泪人儿。她说明明咽气前最后一句话是让我把这封信交给你…… 两艘古朴典雅的小木船,见证了两个少年之间美好的友谊。 李老师一句话评语: 情节设置有置之死地而后生的勇气,赞一个。 友谊地久天长 周香君 李易萍 我和陈明是好朋友。一天我们把在手工小组做的小木船摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船准备扔到地上摔碎,我抬眼看了看小木船,小木船做工确实精致,就连客舱的窗户都雕刻的那么精细,我心里真的有点不忍;我又瞥见陈明那哀求的眼神,唉……“算了,咳咳,我史上最好的朋友,你能和我一起做一艘小木船并送给你最好的朋友我吗?”我用庄重并带着几分开玩笑的语气说。与此同时我把他的小木船还给了他。陈明如释重负地说:“那当然了,放心吧!还有,那个对不起,我不该弄坏你的小木船。” 第二天,我和陈明开始努力了,把本来一个月才能完成的小木船,我们用半个月就做完了,果真团结力量真大呀! 但是不久后陈明就请假住院了,我从老师口中得知陈明是因为最


本人情况: 16年从天津大学跨专业考入上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院管理科学与工程系 ?各科分数: 数学一142、英语一75、政治77、运筹学(840)135,总分429,初试第一,总分第三。 以下内容纯为个人总结,如不适合,勿喷,有需自寻。贴没有多余陈述,无本人心路历程,满满干货。以下各科要求如果全部达到,政治、英语、数学,江山可保无虞!别字病句望请见谅! ?数学(一)篇 谏言一:得数学者得天下! 谏言二:数学无关本科基础,任何人都可以在半年或一年达到140的水平! 谏言三:真题是最重要的演练!

第一章:考研数学简介 考研数学不同于高考,有有一下几个特点: 1、题目不是很善变,一方面题目题型固定,像是总万千题库中抽考,灵活题不多,基本没有令人拍案叫绝的题; 2、出题者稳字当头,一年容易一年难,没有不对的时候,受民意支配很大; 3、很多考点还从未出现,甚至不可能出现,复习的时候不要费太多精力。如若突然试水,也无需担心,大家都在一条船上,大多数人都会翻船。 第二章、复习安排 1、综述 复习周期(二轮复习计算)2016年7.11日-12.25日,共计24(22+2)周。鉴于最后两周心态紧张,突击政治,特殊处理(强烈推荐按周复习,计划表附在后面) 我是从大三下暑假中段开始备战,下面介绍复习经验。

三轮复习法,下面一一道来。 第一轮:通览全书,时间自己安排,在大四开始时候搞完。我是用天津大学的,重点高校教材随便挑一本就可以。 尤其要注意定义、文字内容、理解篇章结构、教材逻辑。举例:“无偏估计是用来干什么的?”这些看起来很虚,你这么想也是自然。但是可以避免你成为只会做题的机器,不希望你成为一个遇见特征值问题只会上去硬刚行列式,而连什么叫特征值都不知道。(不喜勿喷) 第二轮复习:复习全书,模块复习(8周) 1、关于辅导教教材和配套视频 李永乐、文都教育,现在的主流用书都挺良心的,不必在这上面花心思。要本着需要什么买什么的思想。看透一本书比看过十本书强百倍! 视频方面,张宇的高数、李永乐的线代,概率论简单,所以随意。视频的效果看了才知道,我是收获蛮多的。举例:张宇视频中提到“洛必达是不是万能的?不是。洛必达只是一种方法,它如果算不出来一个极限,那叫洛必达失效,绝非极限不存在。”


《我和小明是好朋友》续写 我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明一不小心把我的摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船。 “你凭什么把我的木船摔坏?”陈明支支吾吾地说:“我是不小心弄的,不是故意的。”我大喊道:“别找借口,你看看这都坏啦!怎么办呀?”说完,我把他推倒在地。因为怒气冲天,一下子用力过猛,我看到陈明的腿撞伤了,一丝丝血迹展现在我的眼前。 “我都说不是故意的了,你还想怎么样呀!别无理取闹了好不好?”我本来就有些不知所措,听了这话,就如火上浇油一般。狠狠地把陈明的小木船扔到地上,又用脚使劲踩了踩。“我们绝交!!”哼,绝交就绝交!望着可怜的小木船,我不知不觉地留下了眼泪,甚至觉得很是委屈。我不禁想到:陈明这时会怎样呢?他会不会记恨我呢?我不敢相信,我心中竟有了对他的一丝丝歉意。 地上散落着小木船的零件,一个完整的木船就这样像我和陈明的友谊一样有了裂缝。第二天,手工老师让我们把自己的作品展示出来。别的同学都忙着讨论作品,而我和陈明什么也没有,两手空空,呆呆的坐着。老师立刻看出了这其中的一定有问题,朝我们走来过来,“小东,陈明,你们的作品呢?”我无话可说,低下了头。陈明先开了口:“昨天我不小心把小东的木船给弄坏了,所以他就把我的木船也给踩坏了。”老师严肃地说:“就因为这点小事?你们都长大了,应该懂事

了。同学之间应该团结友爱,互相谦让。既然是好朋友,就不能为这么点小事就闹别扭,你们和好吧!”听完老师的话,我不好意思地说了声:“陈明,对不起!”陈明点了点头,样子傻傻的,我们害羞地笑了。 课下,我和陈明又补做了一个小木船。我们齐心合力,共同上色,还在这个木船上刻下了三个字“友谊号”。几个月后,陈明要搬走了,放学的路上我追上了他,并把“友谊号”交给了他,希望我们的友谊能够天长地久!是啊!退一步,海阔天空。和我们多年的友谊的相比,这点事又算什么呢? 希望这个“友谊号”能载着我们之间的情谊,扬帆起航,开始另一番旅程.

大学英语综合教程 老版本 英语阅读理解(期中、期末) 完整版

英语阅读理解(期中、期末) 2013年6月5日星期三 期中4篇 Passage One The growing importance of airpower in world war two ,combined with its sensitivity to weather,led to an ever greater military reliance on accurate forecasts.Knowing the weather was of vital concern to combat commander of that war. 21.We learn from the passage that the commanders on both sides of the war attached great importance to___. A.airpower B.weather forecast C.dominance over the sea D.operations in Normandy 22.We can infer from the passage that meteorologists today___. A.rely on satellites to track storm front B.can generate accurate forecasts 72 hours in advance C.have a much simpler job than in the past D.regard weather forecast as science rather than an art 23.Which of the following statement is true of the Weather War?___. A.It involved large numbers of ships and aircraft B.It contributed greatly to Allied victory C.It started long before the German invasion of Scandinavia D.It was fought by a small group of meteorologists 24.Before April 1940, arctic weather data___. A.were monopolized by Germany B.were shared by Denmark and Norway C.were not regarded as important by both ides in the war D.could be accessed by all countries 25.In the Weather War the British found___. A.the Germans were hard to conquer B.they were ill prepared C.Weather itself presented the greatest obstacle D.delaying the operations allowed their foe to core the first success Passage Two Like many other mall boys I was fascinated by cars not least because my oldest brother was a bit of a car guy and subscribed to cool magazines like Car and driver and motor trend .Every so often one of those magazines would run an article on the “Car of the Future.” They featured 26.The author was fascinated by cars because___. A.other mall boys liked to own a car of their own, too B.he read exotic thing about cars in his brother’s magazines C.his oldest brother loved to take him to places in his car D.he subscribed to cool car magazines 27.By saying my car doesn’t do anything that my brother’s Studebaker didn’t do, the author means that___. A.my car is far better than my brother’s was B.my car is not as good as my brother’s was


他是我的好朋友作文 他是我的好朋友作文1 我最要好的朋友是赵笑石,下面就由我来介绍一下吧。 赵笑石有一张黑黑的脸蛋,水灵灵的眼睛总是闪耀着可爱的光芒。高高的鼻梁下藏着一张笑嘻嘻的嘴巴。漂亮吧! 她是一个有耐心的女孩。记得有一次,我有一道英语练习题不会做,急得我团团转,像热锅上的蚂蚁。赵笑石看见了跑过来亲切的对我说:“侯芳婷,你怎么了,那道题不会?”我望着她指着那道题,着急的说:“我第二小题不会。”她看了一遍,就知道了答案,便一次一次的讲给我原理本意,直到我会为止。 她还是一个乐于助人的女孩。在二年级时的一节体育课上我跑步时崴到了脚,疼得我眼泪都挤出来了,赵笑石看见了说:“你没事吧?”“我······”还还没等我说完,赵笑石就已经把我送到了卫生室。从这件事中我很感激他。 这就是我最要好的朋友——赵笑石,与我俩的友谊天长地久。 他是我的好朋友作文2

伤心时,有她陪在我身边,快乐时,有她跟我一起疯闹,受人欺负时,她总是第一个站在我面前,替我撑腰,替我修理那个欺负我的人。她,就是我的好朋友————王莹。王莹留着一头齐耳的短发,长长的刘海下,一双好像会说话的闪亮的大眼睛镶在精致的的脸蛋上,她很爱笑,很疯,喜欢和我一起闹。她的性格难以琢磨,前一会儿还是晴空万里,后一会儿不知为啥说错话了就变得乌云密布。她也很严肃,只要我上课不认真听或者做错事,她总会提醒我一下。我和她的友谊可是历经了千万次“分分合合"才换来的。每次惹她生气时,她总是会不理我,我有时会偷偷在她课桌里藏一张写着“对不起”的纸条,还没几分钟,我和她就和好了。但是,我们也有闹僵的时候,那时我们互相不理谁,后来我也不知是怎么又和好了,但自从那次后,我和她的关系越来越铁,直到现在,我们依旧是最好的朋友。 我与王莹共同喜欢上同一个组合——tfboys,我喜欢和她聊聊tfboys最新发布的一些专辑,和她讨论tf少go里头的精彩剧情,和她争论哪一个人最帅。 每次放学我都要去公交车站等公交车,王莹总是会陪我一起去,她说过:“只要我能等多久,她就能陪我多。”我深深地被感动了。还记得寒假的时候我回老家时,隔三差五总要给她的个电话问候一下。即便是在新春时的一句短短的新年好,我们也要特地打电话祝贺。但每次好像都有聊不完的话题似的,一直举着手机滔滔不绝地聊天。如果实在没话题,我们也舍不得把电话挂了,但是,在那简单的问候语中,总是透露着一种最真挚,最纯洁,最发自内心的友谊。王莹,你是我最好的朋友,我们的友谊地久天长!


2019 年和朋友之间发生的一件事作文 500 字范文小木船 我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明不小心把我的摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常 生气,一把夺过他的小木船,使劲地摔在地上,用脚踩得粉碎,一把 抓起书包,头也不回就走了。我们的友谊从此破裂了。 晚上,我躺在床上想,为什么我不听他解释呢?为什么我二话不 说地就把他的小木船摔在地上,我越想越后悔。最后,我决定重做只 小木船还给他。 几天后,我又见到了他,我走在前面,陈明走在后面。我偷偷地望了他一眼,这时,我准备从书包里把小木船拿出来时,看见他的口袋胀 得鼓鼓的,不知攥着什么,我走到他跟前,把小木船递给他并说;对不 起时,他也从口袋里拿出他做的小木船,在那一瞬间,他也跟我说对不起。我再也忍不住了,激动的说:"那次是我不对,不应该没听你解释,就把你的船摔坏了。'’我们同时接过对方的船留做纪念 从这件事,我也明白,不能为了点小事就跟朋友反目成仇。而且, 还要宽带朋友。因为友谊是可贵的。




人教版小学语文六年级上册第五单元作文 续写《小木船》 习作要求 我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小木船拿出来玩,陈明一不小心把我的摔坏了。争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我非常生气,一把夺过他的小木船…… 以上这段话只讲了故事的开头,没有详细地讲述事情后来怎样了,结果又是怎样的。请你根据自己的想象,把事情的经过和结果写清楚、写具体。 审题:确立主题: 1.从课文所给的开头来看,这是一篇写事的记叙文,从题目要求我们干什么? ()也叫续写。所谓续写就是根据原文的内容接着往下写。 2.这篇习作的开头主要写了什么?文章主要写我和陈明因小木船发生了矛盾,所以事 情应该顺着小木船的事往下延伸。 板书:事情:小木船 放飞思绪 接下来请大家思考:想一想,如果按照小木船的事继续往下写,接下来会发生什么呢?结果会怎么样呢?小组讨论一分钟。说一说事情的经过和结果。 (一)布局谋篇 1.理清思路是写好故事的前提。我们先来梳理一下整个故事的来龙去脉。 自由发言。 2、经过大家都确定了,我们接下来集中讨论事情的结果: ①和好如初,感受到了友谊的珍贵,纯洁,或者学会宽容; ②友情不复存在,心生怨恨,一辈子绝交; ③对方道歉,转学了,可是我再也没机会说出对不起这句话。但由此我在心里更加珍视和陈明之间这段深厚的友谊。 3、想一想,刚才大家讨论的哪种结果更积极,更激发人向上?所以虽然事情的结果可能出人意料,但也要在情理之中,所以我们的续写应该让人感到积极向上,而不是消极低落。所以即使闹矛盾,最后有遗憾,但是都要抓住这篇文章的中心(主题):我和陈明是好朋友。 板书:中心:我和陈明是好朋友 同时在写作时,还要注意人称不变板书:人称:我,陈明


Unit One Friendship 1) 1. correspond 2. build 3. sensible 4. brilliant 5. grasp 6. appoint 7. hardware 8. gaze 2) 1.cast your eyes / an eye over 2.torn down 3. making a fortune 4. turned up 5. lost track of 6. pass on 7. checking up on 8. was under arrest 1) 1. The story took place in New York. 2. He was on night duty, patrolling the avenues and trying to prevent any possible crimes on his beat. 3. He came from the western part of the United States, which was still wild and under-developed at that time. 4. He was waiting by appointment for Jimmy Wells, the best friend of his youth. 5. Twenty years before, Jimmy and Bob had made an appointment that they would meet again in the same restaurant exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what their conditions might be or from what distance they might have to come. 6. He was arrested by a policeman in plain clothes, because he was wanted by the Chicago police. 7. He was Jimmy Wells, Bob's friend of youth. 8. Yes, they did meet that night, but in a very special way. Jimmy approached Bob as a patrolman, talking to Bob as if they did not know each other before. 2) 1. He loved New York so much that he preferred to live nowhere else. 2. It was a luxurious watch, handsome and with small diamonds set on its lids. Judging by the watch, one might think that he had made a fortune in the West. 3. Each of them was eager to know what exactly the other looked like. 4. You are not Jimmy at all, because it is not possible for a man to change the shape of his nose so thoroughly within a matter of twenty years. 5. The Chicago police informed us that you might have come to New York and they wanted us to stop and arrest you … It is wise of you not to resist. 6. He could not control his emotions when he found out the truth. His hand was trembling with fear and shock. C he c k in g Yo u r Vo c ab ula r y C he c k in g Yo u r Co mp r e h e ns io n


小学六年级上册语文第五单元作文续写 看着陈明着急的样子,我认真地思考了一番。其实陈明是不小心 的啊,况且,就算我摔坏了他的小木船,又能怎么样呢?这只小木船 也是他精心制作的啊。 陈明一看我没有动静,吓坏了,以为我要摔了他的小木船,汹涌 的泪水像决堤的河水一样夺眶而出。我一只手搭在他的肩膀上,同时 把小木船还给了他。他一下便不哭了,翻来覆去地查看有没有破损。 检查完后,他抬起头,说:“谢谢你没有摔了我的小木船。”我不好 意思地说:“对不起,我不该对你发那么大火的,是我不好,对不起!” 说完,我十分真诚地望着他:“我们俩还是好朋友吗?”他笑了:“永远都是!”“哈哈!”我们俩一起大笑起来……(莲都外国语学 校601班吴洲屹指导老师付艳珉) 学会宽容 我和陈明是好朋友。一天,我们把在手工小组做的小船拿到河边 来玩,玩着玩着只听“啪啪”一声,陈明一不小心把我的小船摔坏了。我很生气,同时也有几分心痛可惜。这不过我费了好大的劲才做成的呀!争执中,陈明又把它踩坏了,我十分懊恼,扑过去,一把过陈明 的小船正准备扔在地上踩个痛快。陈明一个身子把我扑倒在地。我一 失手,陈明地小船“扑通”一声,掉进了河里,一下子就顺着水,漂 得无影无踪。 陈明见状,急了,猛得给了我一个拳头,我也不甘示弱,上前给 了他一脚,陈明气得面红耳赤,两人头顶头揪在了一起,打成一团。 …… 老师看见了,急忙走了过来,费了好大的劲才把我和陈明分开来。此时陈明已是鼻青脸肿,我也被打的“鼻破血流”。

老师看见那个在地上的,破的不成样的小船好象明白了所发生的一切。 她平静地坐下来,拿起那艘破船,对我和陈明说:“船破了,能够再装,再修。但是如果心破了,就很难再愈合。不要让这艘小船给你们留下仇恨,破坏了彼此之间的友谊。我们应该学会宽容对方,把仇恨化作空气,不留下阴影。我们大家都要有一颗宽容的心。” 虽然我那时对老师的话一知半解,但是逐步地我发现,老师所说地宽容是那么地神奇。 从此我交到了很多的好朋友,宽容给我开辟了一条成功之路!


of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? _b_ [B] The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects. 2. The technique of heat recovery is used to _d_. [D] collect and reuse heat 3. Which of the following persons would produce the least amount of heat? _b_ [B] A thin female who does not study hard. 4. In the last sentence, the "hottest prospect" refers to _a_?[A] the person who produces most heat 5. A good title for this passage would be? [B] A New Heat Recovery System in Pittsburgh The American expression "shoo-in" means someone or 6. One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the r_a__. [A] the other riders had agreed to fail in the race 7. The reason why American runner Edwin Moses was regarded as a "shoo-in" is _c. [C] that he won over 100 competitions before the 1984 Olympic games 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true? __b__ [B] The public did not know they were being cheated. 9. The main idea of this passage is that "shoo-in" __d__. [D] is used for anyone or anything that is certain of winning a game 10. This selection can best be titled __b__. [B] Shoo-in, a Sure Winner Will America produce enough competent workers to meet the 11. The question, meeting the nation's needs of workers, becomes _b_ n America. [B] the key point of recent discussion 12. By the year 2,000, the required workers would __c_. [C] have received higher education 13. 80 percent of the new workers will come from [B] other groups except the white 14. What is the focus of concern about the future workforce? _b [B] More than enough young white males will fill the nation's job demands. 15. We would be short of skilled workers if __d__ [D] we didn't take effective measures to improve our education. Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, 16. The word "institution" line 1 most probably means __a_. [A] a social practice 17. In the United States _d_. [D] remarriage is getting more popular now 18. The percentage of remarriage among divorced American is __b__. [B] eighty percent 19. One of the reasons for the change in American marriages is __a__. [A] difference in interests 20. In the twenty-first century, American's attitude towards remarried people will be _d_. [D] approving On December 12, 1901, the Italian electrical engineer 21. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true? __a_ [A] Marconi traveled from England to Newfoundland. 22. Kennelly and Heaviside __c__.[C] suggested the existence of a layer of ions in the atmosphere 23. Appleton's first great achievement was that he __b__.[B] provided evidence for 24. "Ionosphere" refers to __b_. [B] ion-rich region in the atmosphere 25. This passage is probably written to answer the question __d__[D] Who "ionosphere"? of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? _b_ [B] The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects. 2. The technique of heat recovery is used to _d_. [D] collect and reuse heat 3. Which of the following persons would produce the least amount of heat? _b_ [B] A thin female who does not study hard. 4. In the last sentence, the "hottest prospect" refers to _a_?[A] the person who produces most heat 5. A good title for this passage would be? [B] A New Heat Recovery System in Pittsburgh The American expression "shoo-in" means someone or 6. One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the r_a__. [A] the other riders had agreed to fail in the race 7. The reason why American runner Edwin Moses was regarded as a "shoo-in" is _c. [C] that he won over 100 competitions before the 1984 Olympic games 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true? __b__ [B] The public did not know they were being cheated. 9. The main idea of this passage is that "shoo-in" __d__. [D] is used for anyone or anything that is certain of winning a game 10. This selection can best be titled __b__. [B] Shoo-in, a Sure Winner Will America produce enough competent workers to meet the 11. The question, meeting the nation's needs of workers, becomes _b_ n America. [B] the key point of recent discussion 12. By the year 2,000, the required workers would __c_. [C] have received higher education 13. 80 percent of the new workers will come from [B] other groups except the white 14. What is the focus of concern about the future workforce? _b [B] More than enough young white males will fill the nation's job demands. 15. We would be short of skilled workers if __d__ [D] we didn't take effective measures to improve our education. Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, 16. The word "institution" line 1 most probably means __a_. [A] a social practice 17. In the United States _d_. [D] remarriage is getting more popular now 18. The percentage of remarriage among divorced American is __b__. [B] eighty percent 19. One of the reasons for the change in American marriages is __a__. [A] difference in interests 20. In the twenty-first century, American's attitude towards remarried people will be _d_. [D] approving On December 12, 1901, the Italian electrical engineer 21. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true? __a_ [A] Marconi traveled from England to Newfoundland. 22. Kennelly and Heaviside __c__.[C] suggested the existence of a layer of ions in the atmosphere 23. Appleton's first great achievement was that he __b__.[B] provided evidence for 24. "Ionosphere" refers to __b_. [B] ion-rich region in the atmosphere 25. This passage is probably written to answer the question __d__[D] Who "ionosphere"? of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? _b_ [B] The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects. 2. The technique of heat recovery is used to _d_. [D] collect and reuse heat 3. Which of the following persons would produce the least amount of heat? _b_ [B] A thin female who does not study hard. 4. In the last sentence, the "hottest prospect" refers to _a_?[A] the person who produces most heat 5. A good title for this passage would be? [B] A New Heat Recovery System in Pittsburgh The American expression "shoo-in" means someone or 6. One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the r_a__. [A] the other riders had agreed to fail in the race 7. The reason why American runner Edwin Moses was regarded as a "shoo-in" is _c. [C] that he won over 100 competitions before the 1984 Olympic games 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true? __b__ [B] The public did not know they were being cheated. 9. The main idea of this passage is that "shoo-in" __d__. [D] is used for anyone or anything that is certain of winning a game 10. This selection can best be titled __b__. [B] Shoo-in, a Sure Winner Will America produce enough competent workers to meet the 11. The question, meeting the nation's needs of workers, becomes _b_ n America. [B] the key point of recent discussion 12. By the year 2,000, the required workers would __c_. [C] have received higher education 13. 80 percent of the new workers will come from [B] other groups except the white 14. What is the focus of concern about the future workforce? _b [B] More than enough young white males will fill the nation's job demands. 15. We would be short of skilled workers if __d__ [D] we didn't take effective measures to improve our education. Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, 16. The word "institution" line 1 most probably means __a_. [A] a social practice 17. In the United States _d_. [D] remarriage is getting more popular now 18. The percentage of remarriage among divorced American is __b__. [B] eighty percent 19. One of the reasons for the change in American marriages is __a__. [A] difference in interests 20. In the twenty-first century, American's attitude towards remarried people will be _d_. [D] approving On December 12, 1901, the Italian electrical engineer 21. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true? __a_ [A] Marconi traveled from England to Newfoundland. 22. Kennelly and Heaviside __c__.[C] suggested the existence of a layer of ions in the atmosphere 23. Appleton's first great achievement was that he __b__.[B] provided evidence for 24. "Ionosphere" refers to __b_. [B] ion-rich region in the atmosphere 25. This passage is probably written to answer the question __d__[D] Who "ionosphere"? of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? _b_ [B] The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects. 2. The technique of heat recovery is used to _d_. [D] collect and reuse heat 3. Which of the following persons would produce the least amount of heat? _b_ [B] A thin female who does not study hard. 4. In the last sentence, the "hottest prospect" refers to _a_?[A] the person who produces most heat 5. A good title for this passage would be? [B] A New Heat Recovery System in Pittsburgh The American expression "shoo-in" means someone or 6. One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the r_a__. [A] the other riders had agreed to fail in the race 7. The reason why American runner Edwin Moses was regarded as a "shoo-in" is _c. [C] that he won over 100 competitions before the 1984 Olympic games 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true? __b__ [B] The public did not know they were being cheated. 9. The main idea of this passage is that "shoo-in" __d__. [D] is used for anyone or anything that is certain of winning a game 10. This selection can best be titled __b__. [B] Shoo-in, a Sure Winner Will America produce enough competent workers to meet the 11. The question, meeting the nation's needs of workers, becomes _b_ n America. [B] the key point of recent discussion 12. By the year 2,000, the required workers would __c_. [C] have received higher education 13. 80 percent of the new workers will come from [B] other groups except the white 14. What is the focus of concern about the future workforce? _b [B] More than enough young white males will fill the nation's job demands. 15. We would be short of skilled workers if __d__ [D] we didn't take effective measures to improve our education. Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, 16. The word "institution" line 1 most probably means __a_. [A] a social practice 17. In the United States _d_. [D] remarriage is getting more popular now 18. The percentage of remarriage among divorced American is __b__. [B] eighty percent 19. One of the reasons for the change in American marriages is __a__. [A] difference in interests 20. In the twenty-first century, American's attitude towards remarried people will be _d_. [D] approving On December 12, 1901, the Italian electrical engineer 21. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true? __a_ [A] Marconi traveled from England to Newfoundland. 22. Kennelly and Heaviside __c__.[C] suggested the existence of a layer of ions in the atmosphere 23. Appleton's first great achievement was that he __b__.[B] provided evidence for 24. "Ionosphere" refers to __b_. [B] ion-rich region in the atmosphere 25. This passage is probably written to answer the question __d__[D] Who "ionosphere"? of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? _b_ [B] The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects. 2. The technique of heat recovery is used to _d_. [D] collect and reuse heat 3. Which of the following persons would produce the least amount of heat? _b_ [B] A thin female who does not study hard. 4. In the last sentence, the "hottest prospect" refers to _a_?[A] the person who produces most heat 5. A good title for this passage would be? [B] A New Heat Recovery System in Pittsburgh The American expression "shoo-in" means someone or 6. One of the dishonest riders was sure to win the r_a__. [A] the other riders had agreed to fail in the race 7. The reason why American runner Edwin Moses was regarded as a "shoo-in" is _c. [C] that he won over 100 competitions before the 1984 Olympic games 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true? __b__ [B] The public did not know they were being cheated. 9. The main idea of this passage is that "shoo-in" __d__. [D] is used for anyone or anything that is certain of winning a game 10. This selection can best be titled __b__. [B] Shoo-in, a Sure Winner Will America produce enough competent workers to meet the 11. The question, meeting the nation's needs of workers, becomes _b_ n America. [B] the key point of recent discussion 12. By the year 2,000, the required workers would __c_. [C] have received higher education 13. 80 percent of the new workers will come from [B] other groups except the white 14. What is the focus of concern about the future workforce? _b [B] More than enough young white males will fill the nation's job demands. 15. We would be short of skilled workers if __d__ [D] we didn't take effective measures to improve our education. Marriage is still a popular institution in the United States, 16. The word "institution" line 1 most probably means __a_. [A] a social practice 17. In the United States _d_. [D] remarriage is getting more popular now 18. The percentage of remarriage among divorced American is __b__. [B] eighty percent 19. One of the reasons for the change in American marriages is __a__. [A] difference in interests 20. In the twenty-first century, American's attitude towards remarried people will be _d_. [D] approving On December 12, 1901, the Italian electrical engineer 21. According to the first two paragraphs, which of the following is NOT true? __a_ [A] Marconi traveled from England to Newfoundland. 22. Kennelly and Heaviside __c__.[C] suggested the existence of a layer of ions in the atmosphere 23. Appleton's first great achievement was that he __b__.[B] provided evidence for 24. "Ionosphere" refers to __b_. [B] ion-rich region in the atmosphere 25. This passage is probably written to answer the question __d__[D] Who "ionosphere"?

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